Well, this has certainly been a pretty neat week for game announcements
Also, who the hell does tattoos this far into an apocalypse
I mean, was there some hardcore tattoo artist that fought tooth and nail for 20+ years, clawing his way through life, day by day... all to keep his tattoo parlor open?
Because if so, that is a man that has my utmost respect
Like, just imagine a tattoo artist killing an infected by running it through a tattoo machine
Machete a the bottom is the same one from TLOU S1??
EDIT: Can I just say that this doesn't even look like a video game. That body on the floor looks like a god damn real life person.
Well, this has certainly been a pretty neat week for game announcements
Also, who the hell does tattoos this far into an apocalypse
I … moremean, was there some hardcore tattoo artist that fought tooth and nail for 20+ years, clawing his way through life, day by day... all to keep his tattoo parlor open?
Because if so, that is a man that has my utmost respect
Like, just imagine a tattoo artist killing an infected by running it through a tattoo machine
Well, this has certainly been a pretty neat week for game announcements
Also, who the hell does tattoos this far into an apocalypse
I … moremean, was there some hardcore tattoo artist that fought tooth and nail for 20+ years, clawing his way through life, day by day... all to keep his tattoo parlor open?
Because if so, that is a man that has my utmost respect
Like, just imagine a tattoo artist killing an infected by running it through a tattoo machine
Naughty Dog's one of the few AAA companies that still gives a shit about trying to raise the bar. Something a lot of other devs/companies seems to have lost along the way.
Ellie is the main character we will be playing as her.
They said it would take about a year and a half to complete the game, give or take.
The music is going to be composed by Gustavo Santoalalla, the same man who made the music for TLOU part 1. Thank God because he did a flawless job with the first one.
When Neil was asked if The Last of Us could exist without Joel or Ellie, his response was: "They're the heart of it. I don't see it without them. At its core it's about human relationship and this being the most important one in the story. It is what is is."
They also released another video that shows more screenshots and a demo of the music that will be in the new game. I'm getting the video loaded now. But I did happen to snag this from the live stream.
Ellie is the main character we will be playing as her.
They said it would take about a year and a half to complete the game, give or take… more.
The music is going to be composed by Gustavo Santoalalla, the same man who made the music for TLOU part 1. Thank God because he did a flawless job with the first one.
When Neil was asked if The Last of Us could exist without Joel or Ellie, his response was: "They're the heart of it. I don't see it without them. At its core it's about human relationship and this being the most important one in the story. It is what is is."
They also released another video that shows more screenshots and a demo of the music that will be in the new game. I'm getting the video loaded now. But I did happen to snag this from the live stream.
I was sweating and shaking throughout the trailer, holy fuck I've been looking forward to this! Along with TFTB, The Last of Us is my favorite game, and I'm so happy this is happening! The characters resonated so much with me, and I love the atmosphere of the first game, and I love the gameplay too, some people probably find it slow and sluggish, but I think that only adds to the realism of the game, getting a head shot on a clicker with the bow and arrow is really satisfying. This decade has already been the best ever (opinion) in gaming. And people said this console generation wasn't going to be good, pffft
Ellie is the main character we will be playing as her.
They said it would take about a year and a half to complete the game, give or take… more.
The music is going to be composed by Gustavo Santoalalla, the same man who made the music for TLOU part 1. Thank God because he did a flawless job with the first one.
When Neil was asked if The Last of Us could exist without Joel or Ellie, his response was: "They're the heart of it. I don't see it without them. At its core it's about human relationship and this being the most important one in the story. It is what is is."
They also released another video that shows more screenshots and a demo of the music that will be in the new game. I'm getting the video loaded now. But I did happen to snag this from the live stream.
Wowzers. I got chills during that preview. The Last of Us was one of my first serious gaming experiences, and I'll always love it because of the fact. After developing my analytical side, I didn't really ingest any video games. With me analyzing the characters, debating morality, and noting how the atmosphere and music impacts the experience, it was pretty memorable, to say the least. Truly, that doesn't do it justice. I loved the characters and their interactions, the soundtrack, the visual atmosphere, ect. The preview looked fantastic, but I don't want to hype myself up too much for something that's release looms so distant in the future. I'm glad that this sequel will feature Joel and Ellie, (never doubted it would) for I too believe they are the heart of the game. Oh, but that guitar playing and singing and final few lines! These goosebumps are permanently etched into my skin, aren't they?
Well, this has certainly been a pretty neat week for game announcements
Also, who the hell does tattoos this far into an apocalypse
I … moremean, was there some hardcore tattoo artist that fought tooth and nail for 20+ years, clawing his way through life, day by day... all to keep his tattoo parlor open?
Because if so, that is a man that has my utmost respect
Like, just imagine a tattoo artist killing an infected by running it through a tattoo machine
With this and the reveal of Uncharted: Te Lost Legacy, I can't hold in my excitement. I can't wait to see Joel and Ellie again! Also I've heard that Ellie is the main playable character in this one, which is awesome, as I loved playing as her in the first. It'll be interesting to see how much she has grown from then. I'm hoping we'll get to switch and play as Joel at some parts as well just like with the first game.
As much as I love Naughty Dog, who wants to bet that the one and a half years turn into two to two and a half years? It seems to sadly be a trend recently, even with studios like Naughty Dog.
Ellie is the main character we will be playing as her.
They said it would take about a year and a half to complete the game, give or take… more.
The music is going to be composed by Gustavo Santoalalla, the same man who made the music for TLOU part 1. Thank God because he did a flawless job with the first one.
When Neil was asked if The Last of Us could exist without Joel or Ellie, his response was: "They're the heart of it. I don't see it without them. At its core it's about human relationship and this being the most important one in the story. It is what is is."
They also released another video that shows more screenshots and a demo of the music that will be in the new game. I'm getting the video loaded now. But I did happen to snag this from the live stream.
Aaaaand I don't have a ps4. I heard somewhere that we will be able to play games for ps4 in PC, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know anything about this? Or when does Naughty Dog's thing with Sony over, so they can make PC and XBox versions?
It was well written of course, but it was also really generic and cliché.
I'm pretty sure the main driving force behind any story is whether or not it's well told and has well written characters not if it's original otherwise it would be difficult to enjoy any story.
Not to mention you get 7-13 minutes of gameplay followed by a long ass cutscene.
The cut scenes are not even 10 minutes long, they're pretty short and don't really drag at least for me.
Good gameplay, interesting story, tight controls and beautiful visuals. Uncharted 2 (and 4) have the story based game formula perfected. All we need is for The Last of Us to follow it.
Uncharted 4 suffered from some incredibly long, slow, and tedious climbing sections that didn't add much to the gameplay considering that, unlike Last of Us, there weren't any kind of useful items to scavenge or upgrade. A good chunk of the playtime in Uncharted 4 is just running down a very long and mostly empty linear path without much going on or even do at least the slow walking moments in Last of Us gave the player a chance to scavenge and find useful items to help them in different combat encounters.
I love Uncharted 4, but it's not exactly the best blueprint for Naughty Dog to pursue regarding gameplay downtime.
I think it was great
It was well written of course, but it was also really generic and cliche.
That's something I can agree wi… moreth. It was too mediocre and realistic to be considered a gameplay.
Not to mention you get 7-13 minutes of gameplay followed by a long ass cutscene.
I trust them to make it feel like Uncharted 2.
Same here. Good gameplay, interesting story, tight controls and beautiful visuals. Uncharted 2 (and 4) have the story based game formula perfected. All we need is for The Last of Us to follow it.
Aaaaand I don't have a ps4. I heard somewhere that we will be able to play games for ps4 in PC, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know anything … moreabout this? Or when does Naughty Dog's thing with Sony over, so they can make PC and XBox versions?
I'm sad guys.
very very sad.
The cut scenes are not even 10 minutes long, they're pretty short and don't really drag at least for me.
10 minutes is too long for a cutscene in a video game though. It still is a game after all, not a movie.
Uncharted 4 suffered from some incredibly long, slow, and tedious climbing sections that didn't add much to the gameplay considering that, unlike Last of Us, there weren't any kind of useful items to scavenge or upgrade.
But at least there IS gameplay. In TLOU you walked until you got to a shooting segment in really uninspired and bland environments. Uncharted at least had some scale to their environments, scale to their gameplay. Environments are huge and beautiful and breathtaking, and there is actual gameplay at most points, and while the gameplay sure as hell wasn't the best thing in the world, it's still involving and fun.
Last of Us gave the player a chance to scavenge and find useful items to help them in different combat encounters.
No disagreement here. The scavenging and crafting mechanics in The Last of Us are near perfection and it's damn fun to look around for supplies despite how linear the gameplay areas could be.
I love Uncharted 4, but it's not exactly the best blueprint for Naughty Dog to pursue regarding gameplay downtime.
It was well written of course, but it was also really generic and cliché.
I'm pretty sure the main driving force behind any story is… more whether or not it's well told and has well written characters not if it's original otherwise it would be difficult to enjoy any story.
Not to mention you get 7-13 minutes of gameplay followed by a long ass cutscene.
The cut scenes are not even 10 minutes long, they're pretty short and don't really drag at least for me.
Good gameplay, interesting story, tight controls and beautiful visuals. Uncharted 2 (and 4) have the story based game formula perfected. All we need is for The Last of Us to follow it.
Uncharted 4 suffered from some incredibly long, slow, and tedious climbing sections that didn't add much to the gameplay considering that, unlike Last of Us, there weren't any kind of useful items to scavenge or upgrade. A good chunk of the playtime in Uncharted 4 is just running … [view original content]
And somehow we narrowed our election choices down to Trump, Clinton and Sanders. And we allowed Activision to make another shitty CoD game. And Konami nearly destroyed Kojima's life. And suicide rates rocketed as usual. And a lot of my friends and other people's friends have died. And most of the elderly members of my family died. Man fuck 2016 and everything about it.
As much as I love Naughty Dog, who wants to bet that the one and a half years turn into two to two and a half years? It seems to sadly be a trend recently, even with studios like Naughty Dog.
I knew a sequel to Last of Us was inevitable and I also knew that Ellie was probably going to be the main playable character in the sequel, although I was surprised to see Joel in the trailer but he could end up being a hallucination though I guess we'll see.
I am looking forward to it and I hope they improve some of the more mediocre aspects of the first game mostly the repetitive ladder and pallet "puzzles" and enemy A.I. which judging by the way enemy A.I. was handled in Uncharted 4, it looks like the second issue won't be much of a problem.
I also hope it's one of those sequels that actually has another effective story to tell that feels natural and organic from where the first story left off instead of being a hollow watered down nostalgia fest that's just a compilation of "Hey, remember how awesome the first one was?!" cough Telltale TWD S2 cough
The only games that were successful in 2016 are Uncharted 4, Overwatch, Inside, Doom and Battlefield 1.
Dark Souls III, Stardew Valley, Sun & Moon, Firewatch, Superhot, Oxenfree, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Ratchet and Clank, Dishonored 2 and Resident Evil HD all came out this year too though.
I knew a sequel to Last of Us was inevitable and I also knew that Ellie was probably going to be the main playable character in the sequel, … morealthough I was surprised to see Joel in the trailer but he could end up being a hallucination though I guess we'll see.
I am looking forward to it and I hope they improve some of the more mediocre aspects of the first game mostly the repetitive ladder and pallet "puzzles" and enemy A.I. which judging by the way enemy A.I. was handled in Uncharted 4, it looks like the second issue won't be much of a problem.
I also hope it's one of those sequels that actually has another effective story to tell that feels natural and organic from where the first story left off instead of being a hollow watered down nostalgia fest that's just a compilation of "Hey, remember how awesome the first one was?!" cough Telltale TWD S2 cough
OOOOO MMAAAANNN..... I did not expect to see this today.... Feel like... explode... AAAHHHH

Well, this has certainly been a pretty neat week for game announcements
Also, who the hell does tattoos this far into an apocalypse
I mean, was there some hardcore tattoo artist that fought tooth and nail for 20+ years, clawing his way through life, day by day... all to keep his tattoo parlor open?
Because if so, that is a man that has my utmost respect
Like, just imagine a tattoo artist killing an infected by running it through a tattoo machine
Ok. Completely on board for this. Really mysterious as to what the new story will be, but Ellie seems to be going off the edge.
Its in engine. Dont worry, it will NOT look like that, when it releases.
2017 will definitely be better than 2016 for gamers
People have been doing tattoos for centuries they probably are doing it a similar way
It'll still probably look pretty good.
Naughty Dog's one of the few AAA companies that still gives a shit about trying to raise the bar. Something a lot of other devs/companies seems to have lost along the way.
2017 will be better than 2016, period
Look at all the shit that happened this year
what the fuck even is this year
Chills, and Feels. Nothing but chills and feels.
Yeah, just very goddamn boring. The only games that were successful in 2016 are Uncharted 4, Overwatch, Inside, Doom and Battlefield 1.
Ellie is the main character we will be playing as her.
They said it would take about a year and a half to complete the game, give or take.
The music is going to be composed by Gustavo Santoalalla, the same man who made the music for TLOU part 1. Thank God because he did a flawless job with the first one.
When Neil was asked if The Last of Us could exist without Joel or Ellie, his response was: "They're the heart of it. I don't see it without them. At its core it's about human relationship and this being the most important one in the story. It is what is is."
They also released another video that shows more screenshots and a demo of the music that will be in the new game. I'm getting the video loaded now. But I did happen to snag this from the live stream.
Hey, I don't know. The first one's graphics looked stunning during gameplay. I have no doubts for this game.
I was sweating and shaking throughout the trailer, holy fuck I've been looking forward to this! Along with TFTB, The Last of Us is my favorite game, and I'm so happy this is happening! The characters resonated so much with me, and I love the atmosphere of the first game, and I love the gameplay too, some people probably find it slow and sluggish, but I think that only adds to the realism of the game, getting a head shot on a clicker with the bow and arrow is really satisfying. This decade has already been the best ever (opinion) in gaming. And people said this console generation wasn't going to be good, pffft
So we won't be playing as Joel at all? Did they say that?
"Yeah, once we're done with this whole thing, I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar"

at 14:02
That didn't say that, they barely scratched the surface. I guess we'll play as Ellie most of the game.
I hope Joel taught Ellie how to swim just like he said during the playthrough. I'm so sick of these wooden pallet puzzles.
Wowzers. I got chills during that preview. The Last of Us was one of my first serious gaming experiences, and I'll always love it because of the fact. After developing my analytical side, I didn't really ingest any video games. With me analyzing the characters, debating morality, and noting how the atmosphere and music impacts the experience, it was pretty memorable, to say the least. Truly, that doesn't do it justice. I loved the characters and their interactions, the soundtrack, the visual atmosphere, ect. The preview looked fantastic, but I don't want to hype myself up too much for something that's release looms so distant in the future. I'm glad that this sequel will feature Joel and Ellie, (never doubted it would) for I too believe they are the heart of the game. Oh, but that guitar playing and singing and final few lines! These goosebumps are permanently etched into my skin, aren't they?
And let's not mention that a fuckload of celebrites died. And there were A LOT of attacks from ISIS.
You can actually do tattoos with just a sterilized needle and ink, no need for the modern guns (though they of course make it much easier)
With this and the reveal of Uncharted: Te Lost Legacy, I can't hold in my excitement. I can't wait to see Joel and Ellie again! Also I've heard that Ellie is the main playable character in this one, which is awesome, as I loved playing as her in the first. It'll be interesting to see how much she has grown from then. I'm hoping we'll get to switch and play as Joel at some parts as well just like with the first game.
Uncharted 4's downgrades were minor. There, but almost unnoticable. I'm calling that the game will look like this on PS4 Pro.
As much as I love Naughty Dog, who wants to bet that the one and a half years turn into two to two and a half years? It seems to sadly be a trend recently, even with studios like Naughty Dog.
Aaaaand I don't have a ps4. I heard somewhere that we will be able to play games for ps4 in PC, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know anything about this? Or when does Naughty Dog's thing with Sony over, so they can make PC and XBox versions?
I'm sad guys.
very very sad.
I'm pretty sure the main driving force behind any story is whether or not it's well told and has well written characters not if it's original otherwise it would be difficult to enjoy any story.
The cut scenes are not even 10 minutes long, they're pretty short and don't really drag at least for me.
Uncharted 4 suffered from some incredibly long, slow, and tedious climbing sections that didn't add much to the gameplay considering that, unlike Last of Us, there weren't any kind of useful items to scavenge or upgrade. A good chunk of the playtime in Uncharted 4 is just running down a very long and mostly empty linear path without much going on or even do at least the slow walking moments in Last of Us gave the player a chance to scavenge and find useful items to help them in different combat encounters.
I love Uncharted 4, but it's not exactly the best blueprint for Naughty Dog to pursue regarding gameplay downtime.
First Clem comes back.. now Ellie.. I'm dead.
Nope. Never going to happen. Best invest in a PS4, it's worth it anyway.
10 minutes is too long for a cutscene in a video game though. It still is a game after all, not a movie.
But at least there IS gameplay. In TLOU you walked until you got to a shooting segment in really uninspired and bland environments. Uncharted at least had some scale to their environments, scale to their gameplay. Environments are huge and beautiful and breathtaking, and there is actual gameplay at most points, and while the gameplay sure as hell wasn't the best thing in the world, it's still involving and fun.
No disagreement here. The scavenging and crafting mechanics in The Last of Us are near perfection and it's damn fun to look around for supplies despite how linear the gameplay areas could be.
It's not the best, but definitely not the worst.
I dunno, 2016 did have some amazing titles that people have been waiting forever to see.
Yeah, and I'm hoping for less dumpster pushing as well, easily the worst game play mechanics in the game.
And somehow we narrowed our election choices down to Trump, Clinton and Sanders. And we allowed Activision to make another shitty CoD game. And Konami nearly destroyed Kojima's life. And suicide rates rocketed as usual. And a lot of my friends and other people's friends have died. And most of the elderly members of my family died. Man fuck 2016 and everything about it.
I'm still wondering why they even included that shit. It's not like they needed it to push the runtime or anything, and all it did was annoy people.
Let me go scream on a pillow
(psss... you mean PS4 games not being for PC, right? I mean, this Sony thing WILL end some day... right?)
Quality over quantity. As long as the game is worth the wait then I don't mind. So far Naughty Dog has not let me down ever
Both. Sorry, man. Time to join the Sony scrubs.
I knew a sequel to Last of Us was inevitable and I also knew that Ellie was probably going to be the main playable character in the sequel, although I was surprised to see Joel in the trailer but he could end up being a hallucination though I guess we'll see.
I am looking forward to it and I hope they improve some of the more mediocre aspects of the first game mostly the repetitive ladder and pallet "puzzles" and enemy A.I. which judging by the way enemy A.I. was handled in Uncharted 4, it looks like the second issue won't be much of a problem.
I also hope it's one of those sequels that actually has another effective story to tell that feels natural and organic from where the first story left off instead of being a hollow watered down nostalgia fest that's just a compilation of "Hey, remember how awesome the first one was?!" cough Telltale TWD S2 cough
Dark Souls III, Stardew Valley, Sun & Moon, Firewatch, Superhot, Oxenfree, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Ratchet and Clank, Dishonored 2 and Resident Evil HD all came out this year too though.
No Uncharted sequel was like that, so I'm hopeful TLOU 2 won't be either.