The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Why does the walking dead wiki say that Boyd was previously a police officer? Is there any unused dialogue or files that confirm this?

  • Why do some people seem to think Troy of all people is a pedophile?

  • edited January 2017

    I know AutisticGamer mentioned the notion and, having skimmed through many old topics while preparing my first two topics before I joined this community, I recall at least one rewrite where Sarah of all people orders Kenny/Jane/whoever to feed Troy to walkers because he raped her.
    ...Da FUCK?!

    To be honest, this is the first time I've heard him being possibly a pedrophile

    enter image description here

  • They should...just never write pedophile shit in this game, like how Danny in S1 was a pedo but got written out (thankfully).

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know AutisticGamer mentioned the notion and, having skimmed through many old topics while preparing my first two topics before I joined th

  • Andy: Pick one to keep and kill the rest.
    Danny: Can I pick which one to keep alive?
    Andy: Not enough meat on her to trade.

    Spodes posted: »

    They should...just never write pedophile shit in this game, like how Danny in S1 was a pedo but got written out (thankfully).

  • Yeah but who were they even going sell her to? Last time I checked there's no pedo ring in the apocalypse, I dunno, it still suggest they're pedos but it was a lot worse before they edited a lot of things out.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Andy: Pick one to keep and kill the rest. Danny: Can I pick which one to keep alive? Andy: Not enough meat on her to trade.

  • Well, more on Danny's part. Basically, Andy figures he wants to keep the girl because he's "special" but their reason for keeping one is food related.

    Spodes posted: »

    Yeah but who were they even going sell her to? Last time I checked there's no pedo ring in the apocalypse, I dunno, it still suggest they're pedos but it was a lot worse before they edited a lot of things out.

  • I guess, I took "Not enough meat on her to trade" in the disgusting way since we were on that topic, but I guess, I somewhat regret pitchforking Andy (I just let Danny get eaten by walkers). I mean I know they both deserved to get the shit beat out of them, but I felt bad because Clementine saw what happened, they were both dying regardless but they're sick fucks, so I'm not sure what I should've done, but if I ever replay I'll just let them die on their own I think.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, more on Danny's part. Basically, Andy figures he wants to keep the girl because he's "special" but their reason for keeping one is food related.

  • Yeah, I rarely kill either myself. Anyway, I think the point was that they were supposed to be keeping one for meat but Danny just jumped at the chance to keep Clementine for himself in spite of this.

    Also, Andy is the older brother.

    Spodes posted: »

    I guess, I took "Not enough meat on her to trade" in the disgusting way since we were on that topic, but I guess, I somewhat regret pitchfor

  • edited January 2017

    "Hey Clem! I gotta CRUSH on you!"

    AronDracula posted: »

    Best death choice for Clementine. She becomes a Jill Sandwich. Would you agree?

  • I think he's at least around when Eleanor drives off with her.

    Davissons posted: »

    You know... Does Conrad ever actually see Kate? I mean prior to his suggestion of taking Clem hostage? I don't remember explicitly seeing them in the same shot at all.

  • What do we know about the cut content from ANF?

  • Okay

    Nah it was a different person

  • Oh, that's why! Still, what sicko does that to cows?

    cow·catch·er ˈkouˌkaCHər,-ˌkeCHər/Submit nounNORTH AMERICAN noun: cow-catcher a metal frame at the front of a locomotive for pushing aside cattle or other obstacles on the line.

  • Guess that makes at least 75% of the cast Mary Sues then, huh?

    Just being cool.

  • Oh okay. Now I see what you're getting at.

    She uses Darwinism to rationalize her sisters death, to try and escape personal accountability by telling herself that Jaime would never have survived anyways.

  • Oh, I guess they really don't have any morals for children anyways, so maybe. I'm glad they got killed though, it's disgusting what they were planning to do, season 3 on the other hand needs to have more sick; vile moments like this again (not necessarily a reboot of pedo/cannibal but something interesting; suspenseful), not Kate running in the open getting shot in the stomach subsequently after Mariana is dead easily (these people actually survived 5 years in the apocalypse, ok Telltale). More moments like Clem pouring the hydrogen peroxide on her wound then suturing it by herself, bandaging it. We need more memorable moments of this in my opinion, season 3 hasn't done anything but shock value though it seems (Mariana smiles then dead in a second).

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I rarely kill either myself. Anyway, I think the point was that they were supposed to be keeping one for meat but Danny just jumped at the chance to keep Clementine for himself in spite of this. Also, Andy is the older brother.

  • Before fenced in ranches cows would feed off grass all over...and would get in the way of trains.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, that's why! Still, what sicko does that to cows?

  • Not much, as far as I know. Ms. Melissa mentioned that the flashbacks were apparently longer and/or numerous, among them being Clementine's history with a Carver-like character and how she got seperated from AJ.

    Clemenem posted: »

    What do we know about the cut content from ANF?

  • I suppose.

    Spodes posted: »

    Oh, I guess they really don't have any morals for children anyways, so maybe. I'm glad they got killed though, it's disgusting what they wer

  • I think that I know why you chose that avatar. You feel that Clem takes on responsibility because she blames herself over Omid and she grows as a character. She feels that she must quickly become an adult as lives can be dependent on her. Am I right ?

  • ....Who are you asking?

    I think that I know why you chose that avatar. You feel that Clem takes on responsibility because she blames herself over Omid and she grows

  • Why do some people believe Clementine stole spotlight in Season 2?

  • You lol.

    DabigRG posted: »

    ....Who are you asking?

  • edited January 2017

    I think that alongside Kenny she was well written in S2. She didn't steal spotlight, almost all of the other characters were poorly written is all. I mean Sarita as an example was Khatja 2.0, there one moment, gone the next.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why do some people believe Clementine stole spotlight in Season 2?

  • Why there was no option to give Mariana the candy bar?

  • Yes this what I feel, but Christa is mad, it is not the fault of Clem. In the restroom Christa was not here when it's happened, Christa came to the end when Omid was already dead. Even if Clem told her what happened before, Christa did not see what it has exactly happened.

    To compare with Kenny, he was beaten for protect Clem and I had chosen that Clem cuts Sarita's arm in hopes of saving her, but she died, and Kenny was angry with Clem. In less than one day he forgives her.
    With Christa, in the restroom Clem did not move and did nothing, and 16 months later Christa's still bad with Clem and accuses her again.
    Seriously who thinks Clem is really responsible for the death of Omid and agrees with Christa ? :\

    I saw many people who like Christa, I do not understand why, and the worst are those they want her to come back... :s

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, well I think the obvious answer is that she does somewhat hold Clementine responsible for the incident, as if she didn't leave her gun o

  • Hmm, that is weird. My guess is that it was either confirmed by unused files or a dialogue option, or maybe someone mistook Boyd for Bennett.

    Why does the walking dead wiki say that Boyd was previously a police officer? Is there any unused dialogue or files that confirm this?

  • Same reason there was no option to give Sarah Arvo's pistol--to fuck with your heart.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why there was no option to give Mariana the candy bar?

  • I thought there was a tobbled stool on the floor under her?

    If there wasn't, then Slam Dunk!

  • Yeah, pretty much.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Guess that makes at least 75% of the cast Mary Sues then, huh?

  • What is Clementines race? I've always had the idea that she is Caucasian, veitmanese, and a light skin. Most people say that she is all African American, because of her parents but she may have just been adopted. And also she sounds like she has a richer Caucasian tone to her voice. But in season 2 she looks full white?? And even part Mexican, but then in conclusion I thought in my own mind that she is white, and veitmanese( or some kind of asian gene). Which some people are confused about but that only makes sense to me with no black in her but maybe a little. And most people say that she has to be African American because of her hair but not all white people have slik hair. And plus this is just the main races I think that she has, so not counting the smaller nationalitys that she may have. Because Caucasians can be mixed with a race that isn't African American and have the texture that clementine has.

  • A light skinned black with possible Asian in there.

    What is Clementines race? I've always had the idea that she is Caucasian, veitmanese, and a light skin. Most people say that she is all Afri

  • I know I asked this before, but another aspect came to mind:

    Was Carver supposed to be an evil version of Carlos? And, alternatively, do you think they may have been related?

    enter image description hereenter image description here

  • Right under Clem's left arm you can see a chair flipped over on it's side.

  • Clem's a mixture of African-American and Asian, also given that she grew up with people who don't have that specific African-American dialect, I'd imagine she just talks without any like a white person or someone without an accent.

    What is Clementines race? I've always had the idea that she is Caucasian, veitmanese, and a light skin. Most people say that she is all Afri

  • Was Carver supposed to be an evil version of Carlos?

    I wouldn't believe so.

    And, alternatively, do you think they may have been related?

    I doubt it, they don't even look related in my opinion.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know I asked this before, but another aspect came to mind: Was Carver supposed to be an evil version of Carlos? And, alternatively, do you think they may have been related?

  • Pretty sure I read Carver was originally meant to be related to Luke? I dunno, it was a while ago.

    They were actually going to make Troy take Carver's position and make him the real sadistic guy.

  • Hmm, good point, obviously there was a very strong metal bar horizontally placed on the ceiling where she lassoed up there tightening it and hung herself. :^)

  • If she wanted to kill herself, she would have done anything in her power to.

    Who knows honestly, she could of also shot herself, but I'm guessing she didn't want Clementine to hear it or tried to protect her from seeing it (Didn't work, obviously).

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