The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Okay, this is what I've found/guessed so far:

    Clementine: Violin and Bassoon
    Kenny: Guitar
    Michelle: Horror-echo-strings?
    Nick: Bassoon and other Orchestra sound(He actually has quite a few themes)
    Sarah: Acoustic/Class/Jazz Guitar(She actually has quite a few themes)
    Carver: Banjo/Class Guitar and Harp
    Reggie: Class Guitar
    Jane: Violins(no seriously)
    Arvo/The Russian Group: Drums, Cello,

    DabigRG posted: »

    What is each character's instrument(s)?

  • Well does it show Clem back away from her after letting the timer run out rather than shooting?

    She remains as a walker.

  • Yes

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Well does it show Clem back away from her after letting the timer run out rather than shooting?

  • Um...why is it that leaving Jane to her fate is a more graceful ending than the other flashbacks? :confused:


  • I'm guessing he wandered out sometime after Clementine left and was either put down by one of the Howe's residents or left with the herd. Hank left the door open after all.

  • More like Aweful.


  • A while back, there was a thread pointing out that Season2!Kenny's arc was probably intended to be Carlos's. With that notion in mind, how would the story have gone past the Ski Lodge if Kenny hadn't taken his place or even stayed dead?

  • That does make the most sense. The story would even be most cohesive. Obviously, the only flaws would be a. what would Kenny do in the scenario where he is present and b. Sarah dying, though at least it serves a purpose.

  • Why is it called a cowcatcher?

  • Alright so I want to make a short TWD video, all I want is to put TTG logo and a few pics on some video, problem is I don't know where to start; on what program n such?

  • What exactly was the Team Dynamic/setup of the Cabin Group?

  • cow·catch·er
    noun: cow-catcher
    a metal frame at the front of a locomotive for pushing aside cattle or other obstacles on the line.

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why is it called a cowcatcher?

  • Luke and Pete were the Leaders...Carlos was a man of intellect that needed a firm hand due to violent means to get things done. Poor Alvin was just a passive bystander..Rebecca was the lovable yet bitter heart. Nick was the fuckup...Sarah was the princess.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What exactly was the Team Dynamic/setup of the Cabin Group?

  • Okay, at risk of having this post deleted, what's up with that sunk discussion? I leave for a few hours and things get weird.:confused:

  • How many lines of dialogue are in each episode?

  • Who would win in a fight Kenny or Javier

  • Mmm...hard to say at the moment, but maybe Javeir. Kenny is getting old, has a missing eye, and more or less relies on little strategy; Javier is pretty much in his prime, is a former athlete, and likely has some fighting experience or strategy.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Who would win in a fight Kenny or Javier

  • Does anyone think Mike and Arvo will return or will they remain unknown?

  • edited January 2017

    Pretty sure they're done for, unfortunately :/ Kinda sucks, though. I sort of liked Mike despite what happened.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    Does anyone think Mike and Arvo will return or will they remain unknown?

  • Because of my choices, the only one I hold completely responsible is Arvo. I would kill him in a heartbeat but Mike was an alright guy. He was just scared and felt a lot of pity for Arvo. That might've changed after he shot Clementine though. You don't go around shooting little girls for no reason. Bonnie is determinant so I doubt she'd come back and if she does, she'll die immediately. I don't know, I think at this point we'd know if they're coming back. Unless they magically appear in the New Frontier community.

    Pretty sure they're done for, unfortunately Kinda sucks, though. I sort of liked Mike despite what happened.

  • Barely

    DabigRG posted: »

    How many lines of dialogue are in each episode?

  • I doubt it, but hopefully they won't unless it adds something substantial to the story.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    Does anyone think Mike and Arvo will return or will they remain unknown?

  • Lilly and Katjaa


    Alvin and Kenny

    "That guy, Big Al." Nothing more, Kenny seem's upset about his dead in 5 episode.

    Jane and Sarira

    "Hush, what do you mean exacly?" Nothing more

    Alvin and Sarita


    Bonnie and Sarita


    Luke and Sarita

    They arguent about leaving Kenny in Carver camp.

    Nick and Carver


    Arvo and Luke


    Alvin and Luke


    Dead Nick and Luke

    "You guys sure do look like a match!"

  • You don't go around shooting little girls for no reason.

    Well, he did technically have several potential reasons for doing so:

    • Being at the deck, thereby starting his involvement in the story
    • Being in cahoots with Jane, which at least involves distracting him while she disarms him and helping her search him
    • Determinately following Jane's order to keep Natasha's medicine
    • Determinately shooting Rebecca's walker and starting the shootout
    • Shooting Natasha, which either continues her omen-esque behavior or betrays what feelings he had for her
    • Determinately endorsing Kenny's abuse
    • I think its possible to offend him while he's tied to the tower of power; don't quote me on that though, since I always apologized for his sister
    • Determinately being innocently insensitive about his house being "empty"(which I recently discovered and admittedly find humorously awkward)
    • Telling Mike to let Kenny beat him
    • Showing up when they're getting the truck ready, jeopardizing their escape
    • Paranoia
    • Either threatening to shoot Mike(which especially makes sense in the original build), showing support of Kenny, or calling for Kenny and Jane
    TJ3046 posted: »

    Because of my choices, the only one I hold completely responsible is Arvo. I would kill him in a heartbeat but Mike was an alright guy. He w

  • I didn't rob him, I didn't shoot Rebecca, I shot Natasha because she was a walker and he needs to accept that, didn't endorse Kenny's abuse even once because it was overkill, sympathized with him at the power station, and tried to reason with Mike during the final scene. So yeah...don't see a whole lot of reason here for Arvo to shoot Clementine. She was nothing but nice to him and felt genuinely sorry for Natasha's death.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You don't go around shooting little girls for no reason. Well, he did technically have several potential reasons for doing so:

  • He just did it cos of plot.

    Basically. After all, he does so not only when you're on the best possible terms with him but also when it makes little to no sense for him to.

  • I shot Natasha because she was a walker and he needs to accept that

    Yeah, as people have pointed out, you're not really given any clear indication that he either knew that or is just mad that she got killed at all.

    She was nothing but nice to him and felt genuinely sorry for Natasha's death.

    It's pretty much the only solidified reason most assume he was mad at her her for, given how he behaves otherwise. Honestly, its Hershel, Lily, Kenny, Molly, Vernon, The Stranger, Christa, Nate, Walt, Leland, Carver, and determinately Bonnie all over again: someone he cared about got killed with someone else being responsible/present, so he's gonna be cross with that person afterwards.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    I didn't rob him, I didn't shoot Rebecca, I shot Natasha because she was a walker and he needs to accept that, didn't endorse Kenny's abuse

  • Off the top of my head:

    Lilly and Katjaa

    Nothing that I recall beyond explaining Larry's condition, Katjaa determinately saying she would've left her, and Lilly indirectly referring to her as either a medic or Kenny's wife.

    Alvin and Kenny

    Alvin and Sarah both feel bad about Kenny losing his family, Kenny determinately gets Alvin killed if Clementine doesn't intervene, and then he brings up feeling bad about not saving him so he could be raising AJ while getting his eye wound cleaned, citing him as having a pair on him.

    Jane and Sarira

    During the escape plan and then Jane can offer to put down Sarita and later uses her against Kenny in the truck.

    Alvin and Sarita

    Nothing, since Sarita mostly hung around Kenny with the exception of moments with Clementine, Sarah, Carlos, and Rebecca.

    Bonnie and Sarita

    Nothing I'm pretty sure.

    Luke and Sarita

    Sarita tells him off when he suggests the three of them should be left behind in the others want to leave with Bonnie.

    Nick and Carver

    Nothing, which technically makes Nick and Pete the only ones without any personal connection to Carver from what we're told.

    Arvo and Luke

    He keeps his gun on him when he starts to rob them and then jumps in between him and Kenny alongside Mike.

    Alvin and Luke

    They leave to go look for Clementine, Nick, and Pete together and then briefly discuss what the best plan is when they get to the bridge.

    Dead Nick and Luke

    Jane told him about what happened to Nick outside and then he told Rebecca. No comments about Nick at all in Walter killed him, for some reason.

  • Raven, chillax, people talk a lot about fucking, but that doesn't mean they actually want to fuck you.


    Well, F@(# me then! (Please don't...unless you're a girl--Nah, I'm kidding! ) This is creeping the hell out of me. But serious

  • Dude do you realize how old is this?

    Adamiks posted: »

    Raven, chillax, people talk a lot about fucking, but that doesn't mean they actually want to fuck you. Probably.

  • edited January 2017

    Why did the cabin group, mainly Rebecca, speculate that Clem was sent my Carver to spy on them when they first meet? Judging by the few amounts of people at Howe's, surely they would have seen Clem at some point if she was a spy from Howe's?

    Given that it's implied that there were other family''s living at Howe's when it first started and given Carver's twisted view of family, its entirely possible that they believe he could've planted Clementine out in the wild to find them. Even with that, Rebecca still makes it clear during the house meeting that it isn't just who she's with--its who she might tell. So either way, it was entirely possible that Clementine may tell Carver where they are if they ever met.

    Considering Wellington took 9 days to walk to, how is it possible Clem reaches the exact same place at the exact same time during the second flashback (to meet Ava)? It literally is physically impossible as Clem can end up in totally different locations in the first flashback (and for some people the flashbacks are an entirely different day to begin with).


    Before Kenny starts abusing Arvo, what was Mike's reason for staying in the group?

    Mike's motivation for being in the group is hinted at if you go with him and Bonnie instead of following Jane to the observation deck(which to be fair, many people seem to not do this either because they really want to go with Jane or they just didn't know any better: guess which camp I was in? :P): He reveals to Clementine and Bonnie while scoping out the museum that he tends to act cranky whenever trouble seems imminent because "it's been hard so far and I really wants stickin with you guys to work out." Taking the original intentions for his character arc into account, Mike apparently either had a history of losing groups, didn't get along very well in his previous group due to their methods, and/or feels bad about said group being destroyed before he was captured by Carver.

    Another trait of his that people don't seem to focus much on (anymore?) is the fact that he seems to have a weakness for children: this is the reason for some of his actions where Clementine, Sarah, and soon to be mom Rebecca are concerned and likely part of why he took such an interest in helping Arvo. For example, notice how when he's first introduced, he yells at the group for being so loud while he's trying to rest up from a day working and bluntly tells Clementine to leave him alone if she tries to talk to him; contrast this with how he takes issue with Kenny suggesting that Clementine smuggle the walkie-talkie to Luke and even tells her that she shouldn't "do something stupid to get some respect" if she insists she can handle it. While these respective incidents also further ties into the fact that he likely recognized her and was eager to be accepted by the group, it shows that he gets really concerned when he feels kids are put into dangerous situations.

  • Where did the notion of certain characters being Mary Sue's come from?

  • Yeah. Around 5 months old. So what?

    Dude do you realize how old is this?

  • Bonnie the Cougar?

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I'm not lying, for the longest time I thought Bonnie was in her 50's. I even made a thread about it a while back ago.

  • What exactly was Alvin's role/place in the group?

  • Just being cool.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Where did the notion of certain characters being Mary Sue's come from?

  • I don't think he had anything else except protecting his wife and kid.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What exactly was Alvin's role/place in the group?

  • Do you think Lilly will appear in ANF?

  • Objectively speaking, probably not. But I kinda hope she does reappear at some point: I always felt her character got an excessively raw deal and with the release of Road to Woodbury, I think it's only fair that she be utilized again since she's kinda floating about separate from any of the other series with this one black mark on her while Kenny got more than plenty of service in her absence.

    clem_entine posted: »

    Do you think Lilly will appear in ANF?

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