Nymeria's War (ongoing fanfiction)



  • edited January 2017


    Gwendis walked to Trentan, who looked at her with eyes full of anger. Gwendis didn’t care – she would talk things straight with this young thief now.

    “Why are you so angry with me, Trentan?” Gwendis asked calmly as she sat down next to Trentan. The young man turned his gaze away from Gwendis, crossing his arms as a sign of defiance. “And why would you even care about that?” He asked with bitter tone. “You are royalty, I’m no more important than a gutter rat when compared to you.”

    “Well, considering the situation, to me it seems like we are more or less equals now.” Gwendis said with mildly amused tone, but Trentan just shot her a cold glare. “Does that change the fact that you grew up in luxury, while I had to steal my food from the age of seven?” He asked fiercely, and Gwendis shook her head calmly, but Trentan wasn’t done yet. “All my life I’ve been looked down upon by people like you, loathed and hated – even if it was people like you who made me a thief in the first place!”

    “What do you mean?” Gwendis asked with confusion, but the expression on Trentan’s face turned uncomfortable, and he turned his eyes away from the Princess again. “You can talk to me, I want to understand where you’re coming from.” She encouraged him, and he let out a sigh, still a bitter look on his eyes.

    “My father died, fighting for your father on some petty little war.” Trentan muttered. Gwendis sighed, turning her gaze down. She felt sorry, but she couldn’t take guilt over her father’s wars – especially ones that had been before she became part of the council. “It must have been one of the peasant rebellions.” Gwendis said quietly, but Trentan didn’t answer. “I am sorry about your father, Trentan, I really am. However, this happened before I could’ve done anything about it. When I first landed a seat in the council, I immediately started working on preventing these kinds of rebellions.” Gwendis tried to look Trentan to the eyes, but he kept his gaze away from her.

    “Why Aisha?” Gwendis finally asked, after a moment of silence, and she saw the young man gulping. “She is attractive, I get that, but…” Gwendis was cut off before she could finish her sentence.

    “She talked to me, encouraged me, while you blackmailed me and used me for your own games – just like your father had used my father, and so many other lowborn.” Trentan kept his voice down, but his words were oozing of anger. “Aisha truly understands me, she loves me, and I love her.” Gwendis sighed at these words. How naïve is this boy?

    “Aisha is using you, Trentan.” She said, trying to sound gentle, but this truly sparked the anger of the young thief. “What do you know of it? Huh?” He stood up as he spat these words. “To you we are just a thief and a witch, right? Too low for your oh-so-royal ass!” With these words Trentan marched away from Gwendis, leaving her to roll her eyes in frustration.

    Gwendis turned her eyes from the distancing back of Trentan to the old tower, seeing Aisha finally coming out of it. Looks like the witch has found her clothes again. The Priestess approached Gwendis with slow steps, avoiding eye contact with her.

    “I think we should keep moving, princess.” Aisha said, keeping her voice as calm as she could, but glancing nervously towards Trentan. Gwendis stood up, taking a couple steps closer to the Dark Priestess. “What games are you playing with him?” She asked coldly, and Aisha finally turned to look her in the eyes. Her purple eyes weren’t quite as confident as usually, but they weren’t weak either.

    “I don’t play games, your highness.” She replied emotionlessly, and Gwendis chuckled. “Tell me then, why have you kept this a secret?” The Princess asked strictly, pointing at Trentan, who had his back turned for them. Aisha let out a sigh, closing her eyes.

    “Let’s just keep going.” She said, walking past Gwendis without giving her a chance to continue the conversation. Aisha made her way to Trentan and started talking, but Gwendis couldn’t hear their conversation. She felt mildly annoyed as she watched those two, knowing this could not end well for Trentan, not if he kept up this relationship with Aisha. With a sigh Gwendis shook these thoughts off for now, and they continued their journey.


    As the sun was setting, they had found a good place for a camp on a calm and windless dell. Trentan was building a fire, and Gwendis had fetched water from the small creek close by. Aisha on the other hand was sitting on a flat rock with her eyes closed, muttering something unintelligible. Gwendis let out a sigh as she dropped the filled flasks next to the bags, staring at Aisha with narrowed eyes – but the Dark Priestess either didn’t notice or didn’t care. So, Gwendis turned her eyes to Trentan. For a split second their eyes met, but the young man immediately turned his eyes way.

    Gwendis sat down, just listening to the sounds of the forest around her. At first, she only heard the cracking of the fire that Trentan had built, but as she concentrated, she could hear the birds. So many birds, all of them with their own songs to sing, listening to them made Gwendis forget the awful situation she was in. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, letting herself relax. She was on her balcony again, she was home, she was safe. The soft wind tickled her skin, nothing could hurt her here. She looked down from her balcony, and where should’ve been a peaceful and quiet view, there were flames, screams of horror, rivers of blood. War. Gwendis turned away, and now in front of her was nothing but darkness – and far away in the distance, the cold blue eyes. She walked towards the eyes, but then she noticed two candles, burning bright amidst all the darkness. Blow out the flames!, a screeching voice screamed, and Gwendis’ heart started to beat faster. The closer she got to the candles, the brighter and bigger their flames grew, until finally they weren’t mere candles anymore, but bonfires. Blow out the flames, or die!

    Gwendis opened her eyes slowly. She saw Trentan sitting on the other side of the campfire, not paying any attention to her. Then she turned her eyes to Aisha. The priestess was still sitting on the rock, but now her eyes were opened, and she stared Gwendis straight to the eyes.

    “I know what you saw.” Aisha said calmly and quietly. “I have seen it myself… Our enemy is strong, stronger than you could imagine.”

    “And why would they be my enemies, whoever they are?” Gwendis asked nervously. Aisha stood up, and walked closer to Gwendis. “You have seen the blue eyes, my Princess.” She said smoothly. “You serve him now, you owe your life to him.”

    “And what kind of life is that?” Gwendis snapped. “A life tormented by a demon! I never wanted this, you tricked me, you manipulated me…”

    “Calm down, now.” Aisha cut her off with powerful tone, and Gwendis turned her eyes down. “You are still struggling with your powers, I understand you, I have been through the same myself. And it is good that you are not ready to sacrifice your soul just to please the god… I know too many who have gone down that path, and never came back. You must find a way to serve him, while still staying sane and wholesome, as I have done. It is a hard path, but ultimately the best – for you, and for the Great Other.”

    Gwendis didn’t know what to think of all this, but she turned to look at Aisha again. “This enemy… Who, or what, is it?” She asked with quiet and timid voice, but Aisha just let out a sigh. “I don’t know much more than you do,” She spoke calmly, “but I have my suspicions. It doesn’t matter though – whoever it is, it wants to destroy us. You heard the words of our god, we must be ready to face this enemy, or we will die.”

    Gwendis gulped, holding back her tears. There was nothing she wanted more than just to go back to her old life, with all its petty problems and dramas – she would take that any day over this. She looked at her hands, seeing them tremble. How could she continue to live like this? She couldn’t trust Aisha, and Trentan would never find sympathy for her.

    Aisha sat down next to Gwendis, trying to look her in the eyes. “You are struggling… Doubting the path you have taken.” The priestess said quietly. Then she offered her hand. “Let me show you something, to make you understand how powerful you truly are.”

    Gwendis looked at Aisha’s hand – the same hand she had grabbed before, which had led her here. She knew that there was no trusting this witch, yet looking at her hand now, it was strangely tempting.

    [Grab her hand] [Don't grab her hand]

  • edited January 2017

    You must find a way to serve him, while still staying sane and wholesome, as I have done.

    Yeah, about that... There's like a tiny, little problem about Aisha's sentence there. Some, which includes me, would call it a brazen lie. I'm sure you can spot it. A little hint: She's nuts. Another little hint: She's fucking nuts. Yet another hint: She's anything but sane and wholesome, but completely deranged and evil. Hell, this part indeed gave me further material to hate her. First of all, she is continuing her manipulation of Gwendis and this time, she's getting direct support from her demon and it is scary as hell. I don't doubt the candles stand for Dalia and Desi, whom I hate marginally less now. Emphasis on marginally, they are still the second and third worst respectively. And no, that thing and its witch can threaten and lie as much as they want to, they won't win. If it means saving Gwendis' life, I'd be willing to cut Dalia and Desi down without thinking twice, but unfortunately, I am absolutely convinced that they are the only ones that can save her right now, since this dark and evil way Aisha is trying to drag her down can't have a good ending. I'd still very much prefer if Gwendis would just stay away from all three, but if I had to choose someone to save her life, I'd rather have it to be the servants of the god that is not trying to break her through mental torture. Actually, that might be the only sympathetic thing about Aisha, the fact that she likely went through the same mental torture years before, until breaking under the stress and giving in to the demon. She might be a hateful, cold-hearted liar, but even she does not deserve this. At the best, she might deserve it a little bit, but not as much as she undoubtely received it to become this avatar of evilness she is right now. But Gwendis is stronger and she must remain stronger! She will not worship that thing, she will not help it, no matter how much it threatens her.

    As for the choice, I'd like to [Break her hand]!

    Wait, how is that not a choice here? [Beat her to death with her own hand] maybe? No? Ah, but it would be the good thing to do! Fine, I guess I have to choose this then:

    [Don't grab her hand] As much as I'd like to just kill her...

    Seriously though, just remember what happened the last time we grabbed her hand! I refuse to give in to her manipulations again. She lied before, she's lying now, as it's all she ever did. Hell, in this part alone I have counted about half a dozen lies from her. I literally have to think really heavily to find even just a single sentence of hers in which she is not lying. There is not a single one in this part in which she said something that even resembles the truth. However, she is damn good at making it look like she's telling the truth and even I have been momentarily tempted by her lies again. She promised safety for Gwendis and yet she dragged her right towards those who are supposed to kill her. Last time, I simply fell for her lies, there's no other way of saying it. But I absolutely refuse to make the same mistake again. Aisha won't gain even stronger influence on Gwendis, she won't tell her yet another lie, she won't drag her to her own doom any longer. To say it as eloquent as possible, that bitch can go and screw herself. Certainly not Trentan, because my god, that poor guy! He's already brainwashed and right now, I see it as hard to get through to him, even if there might still be hope for him. More importantly, he should warm up to Gwendis enough to just look the other way if she decides to run away, so that she might just get a chance to get away from that insane demon-worshipping witch and her equally insane demon. Hear my words, I will never ever, ever, ever ever pick a choice that even remotely benefits Aisha again. Never. Ever. I did so before, you know I regret it, but I absolutely learned my lesson. Now I just want for Gwendis to survive with as little damage as possible and I can't see that happening on the path Aisha wishes to lead her down to.

    Gwendis Gwendis walked to Trentan, who looked at her with eyes full of anger. Gwendis didn’t care – she would talk things straight with t

  • [Don't grab her hand]

    Gwendis Gwendis walked to Trentan, who looked at her with eyes full of anger. Gwendis didn’t care – she would talk things straight with t

  • [Grab her hand]

    Gwendis Gwendis walked to Trentan, who looked at her with eyes full of anger. Gwendis didn’t care – she would talk things straight with t

  • Yeah, about that... There's like a tiny, little problem about Aisha's sentence there. Some, which includes me, would call it a brazen lie. I'm sure you can spot it. A little hint: She's nuts. Another little hint: She's fucking nuts. Yet another hint: She's anything but sane and wholesome, but completely deranged and evil.

    Haha, I expected you to point this out ;) Yes, admittedly it is very questionable how "wholesome and sane" Aisha really is. That said, I suppose we can assume from what she said that Aisha has seen Great Other worshipers that even she would describe as "fucking nuts" :D

    Hell, this part indeed gave me further material to hate her.

    I didn't even know that was possible :D

    Actually, that might be the only sympathetic thing about Aisha, the fact that she likely went through the same mental torture years before, until breaking under the stress and giving in to the demon. She might be a hateful, cold-hearted liar, but even she does not deserve this. At the best, she might deserve it a little bit, but not as much as she undoubtely received it to become this avatar of evilness she is right now. But Gwendis is stronger and she must remain stronger! She will not worship that thing, she will not help it, no matter how much it threatens her.

    Yeah, it's an interesting thought that somewhere in the past Aisha was the apprentice, being seduced into worshiping the Great Other, isn't it? I can reveal that Aisha had a very "good" teacher though, because she considers her time learning the ways of the Great Other better than anything in her life before it - which might also hint that she didn't exactly have a happy childhood.

    You must find a way to serve him, while still staying sane and wholesome, as I have done. Yeah, about that... There's like a tiny, l

  • [Don't grab her hand]

    Gwendis Gwendis walked to Trentan, who looked at her with eyes full of anger. Gwendis didn’t care – she would talk things straight with t

  • edited January 2017

    Haha, I expected you to point this out ;) Yes, admittedly it is very questionable how "wholesome and sane" Aisha really is. That said, I suppose we can assume from what she said that Aisha has seen Great Other worshipers that even she would describe as "fucking nuts" :D

    Yeah, I feared that much. After all, Aisha's at least relatively affable. Lying and manipulating whenever she opens her mouth, but all things considered, she is relatively affable. She's not murdering everyone in sight, she is able to play the act of a sane woman quite well at times (after all, she tricked even me and I'm like the most paranoid person ever) and she does at least try to appear like a better person than she truly is. Of course, I know the truth, but there's a difference between her insanity and the one I'd expect from other demon-worshippers. It's part of the reason why I don't want Gwendis to have anything to do with that, because who knows if she'd remain sane and the good person she arguably is right now. If becoming like Aisha is the best she can hope for if she follows that path, then it is not a good path in the slightest. I certainly won't put my hopes for Gwendis' survival into the hands of Aisha and her cult of nutjobs.

    I didn't even know that was possible :D

    Trust me, I am just as surprised as you are, but she keeps getting lower. At this point, I hate her when she opens her mouth, but I also hate her when she's silent. She hasn't quite reached the lowest depths, after all she's not physically abusive towards Gwendis (not yet I should say), but I'd consider the manipulation she puts her through at least mental abuse already. So, she can still get lower, but I'm definitely not rooting for her to reach these lowest depths.

    Yeah, it's an interesting thought that somewhere in the past Aisha was the apprentice, being seduced into worshiping the Great Other, isn't it? I can reveal that Aisha had a very "good" teacher though, because she considers her time learning the ways of the Great Other better than anything in her life before it - which might also hint that she didn't exactly have a happy childhood.

    Not a happy childhood? Good! It makes sense though, I doubt anyone with a happy childhood could have ended up like her, corrupting others into joining her evil cult. I wonder if she's trying the same with Trentan, the poor lad. But it does mean a lot when she seriously considers her life there as better than her childhood and it makes me wonder just how exactly she ended up as such pure evil. It's not that I feel sorry for her though, absolutely not! But perhaps somewhere there is a weakness that could help Gwendis in surviving this insanity.

    Yeah, about that... There's like a tiny, little problem about Aisha's sentence there. Some, which includes me, would call it a brazen lie. I

  • [Don't grab her hand]]

    We don't want her to fall further into Aisha and her gods' control.

    Gwendis Gwendis walked to Trentan, who looked at her with eyes full of anger. Gwendis didn’t care – she would talk things straight with t

  • [Don't grab her hand]

    As others have already said, there really is little need to put more trust in Aisha at this point since so far everytime we have done something for Aisha, it has been negative for Gwendis in one way or another. Aisha has pretty much been manipulating Gwendis the entire time ever since Gwendis grabbed Aisha's hand the very first time. If I remember correctly, Gwendis did not have these wild visions until she got involved with Aisha so I am pretty skeptical at this point if Gwendis really has these supposed powers that Aisha says she has and if it is not just yet another way that Aisha is manipulating her. At the same time though, I may be giving Aisha too much credit but I suppose she is called the "Dark Priestess" for a reason so it certainly not out of the realm of possibility that she has the power to put visions into the minds of people around her. However that brings up the question to why Aisha would want to bring Gwendis along on this mission if she did not have some kind of importance to her? Very interesting stuff no doubt but overall I am very happy with this part because hopefully this means that Gwendis will hoping start snapping out of this Great Other related stuff and hopefully getting the visions out of her mind. That will probably be a very long while from now but it is a start!

    Gwendis Gwendis walked to Trentan, who looked at her with eyes full of anger. Gwendis didn’t care – she would talk things straight with t

  • edited February 2017

    Voting is closed!

    So, Gwendis won't grab her hand. Well, I could see this coming, there is not much trust for Aisha at this point, which I can understand =) Next time we'll see how does the Dark Priestess react to Gwendis' refusal to trust her.

    However, first we are going to have three parts in a row in Godsgrace, starting with a Jamison part. Jamison was sent to Godsgrace by King Lucifer, to convince the Allyrions that they should side with the Drylands. Now we are going to see his meeting with Lord Morgan. I'm pretty sure the part will be ready tomorrow :)

  • edited February 2017


    Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion who sat opposed to him. Next to Morgan sat his serious knight Ser Niclas Wyne, and an old man in dark robes – the maester of the castle, clearly. On the left of Jamison sat Ser Laroy Ladybright, and on the right of him was Ser Aron of Southpoint.

    Morgan sneered as he looked at Jamison. Arrogant man, I see. The welcoming Lord Allyrion had given to Jamison hadn’t been the most impressive, so he could expect that this man had little respect for him.

    “Prince Jamison Dayne.” The Lord pronounced the words with loathing and scorn. “What are you doing here?” He asked, crossing his hands and leaning to the back of his seat. Jamison chuckled quietly, but took in a deep breath to calm himself.

    “King Lucifer has sent me, and his message to you is quite simple.” He said with calm but serious words. Morgan narrowed his eyes, now leaning forward. “And what is this message?” He asked quietly, small touch of anger and impatience in his words. Jamison smirked, and handed Lucifer’s letter to Morgan.

    “Kingdom of Torrentine and Kingdom of Brimstone have united in their cause against House Martell and the Rhoynar invaders.” Jamison explained nonchalantly. “This city of yours is quite close to the Martells… Lucifer wants to make sure you have no intentions in joining them.”

    Morgan bridled, tossing the letter away. “Daynes, Drylands, Martells… None of you mean anything to me.” He said dryly. “If I wanted I could crown myself, be the King of the Central Dorne. I will not be bowing to any of you.”

    “Good.” Jamison stated with a smirk. “Ser Laroy, remind me, what is it that the Martells pursue?”

    “Dominance over the whole Dorne, my Prince.” The knight answered calmly, and Lord Morgan let out a sigh. “They can try…” He started, but Jamison cut him off. “They will try. Lucifer is the one who will stop them, but he needs your aid.”

    “Why would I even care about this war? Tell me that, prince.” Morgan spoke with dismissive tone, and Jamison couldn’t help but let out an amused chuckle. “I thought your son was the half-wit, Lord Morgan.” He quipped. These words tensed up the atmosphere of the room – Jamison could see Morgan clenching his fists, and the look on Ser Niclas’ eyes was downright murderous.

    “What Prince Jamison is trying to say, is that you will be part of this war whether you want it or not.” Ser Laroy explained calmly. After another tense moment of silence, Morgan let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. Then the maester cleared his throat.

    “I think it should be remembered that House Dryland and House Allyrion have often been enemies throughout their history – you understand that we are not sure if we can trust King Lucifer.” The Maester spoke with calm tone, eyeing at Jamison and Laroy.

    “Daynes and Drylands have been enemies even more often, and now we are allied.” Ser Aron suddenly remarked with his humorless voice. The Maester nodded in agreement.

    “So, what does King Lucifer want from me?” Morgan asked sternly, opening his eyes again. “Troops to his army, is that it?” It was clear from his voice that he wasn’t eager to help the Drylands. “For now, it will be enough that you keep your gates shut from the Martells.” Jamison answered. “If they march here before Lucifer does, don’t let them in. You can withstand a siege, but the Martells can’t waste their time and resources trying to starve you out. Nor do they have the power to take the city by force – or at least not the castle.”

    “I suppose I can do that.” Morgan responded with little interest in his voice. “But if a siege happens, I won’t starve to death just to help Lucifer, so he better come to aid us quickly if he wants to keep us on his side.”

    “I’m sure he will.” Jamison assured half-heartedly. “But remember Morgan, if you betray us, there will be consequences. By siding with the Martells you’ll be making two great enemies – King Lucifer and King Vorian.” Lord Morgan narrowed his eyes for this, but settled to giving a small nod to Jamison.

    “Fine then.” He said dryly, standing up from his seat. “I believe this is about as much chicanery as I can stomach for a day. Maester Fabian, send a raven to King Lucifer, include as much ass-licking as you deem necessary.” Morgan started walking away from his seat, turning his eyes to Jamison again. “The servants will find suitable quarters for you and your company, Prince Jamison, this meeting is over.”

    Jamison nodded with a chuckle, watching as the Lord walked out of the room. Maester Fabian followed quickly after his lord, and as Jamison finally stood up, only his knights and Ser Niclas were left in the chamber. Ser Niclas eyed all three of them with narrowed eyes as he stood up. “You better watch that mouth of yours, Prince Jamison.” He said with serious tone, and Jamison furrowed his eyebrows. “You think so?” He asked in a joking manner. “Personally, I find it immensely tiring to always stress about whether you insult someone with your words or not.”

    “And what if someone you insult decides to pay back your insults with his sword?” Ser Niclas asked sternly, and a wide grin was formed on Jamison’s face. “Many have tried, Ser Niclas.” He answered calmly, and turned his back to walk away.

    “Someday your smile will die down, Dayne, mark my words.” He heard Niclas bellowing, but he just waved his hand dismissively. “Consider them marked.” Jamison replied lazily, as he opened the door and exited the room.


    “You really expect that I came all the way here just to have a brief chat with Morgan Allyrion?” Jamison asked with a smirk, while getting on more comfortable clothes in his quarters. Ser Laroy sighed in frustration. “This is not a safe place for us, my Prince.” He insisted. “We are very close to the enemy’s territory – for all we know the city is full of Martell agents. We should just stay in the castle, and leave early in the morning.”

    “You worry too much, Laroy.” Jamison said dismissively, tightening his belt. “Besides, I haven’t had a woman in ages… Seven hells, I think the last time was in Starfall. No wonder I’ve felt a bit cranky recently. A man needs to blow his load now and then, I’m sure you understand that at least.”

    “What do you think your father would say to this, Jamison?” Laroy’s tone was preachy, a bit too preachy in Jamison’s taste. “I don’t care what my father would say, Ser Laroy.” He answered coldly, now sheathing his sword. “And I don’t care what you say. I know how to take care of myself.”

    “You stubborn damn…” Ser Laroy muttered, but finally just let out a long sigh and spread out his arms in sign of giving up. “Fine, but at least let me guard you then.”

    “You want to guard me in a brothel?” Jamison asked with amused tone, raising his eyebrow. “Yes, if you must go to the damn brothel, then let me guard you on your way there.” Laroy answered with frustrated tone, and Jamison chuckled softly. He didn’t really think there was any danger, and he would rather go by himself, but Laroy did seem quite persistent on this.

    [Go to the brothel alone] [Take Ser Laroy with you]

  • Well, it would appear there is already conflict in Godsgrace :D

    [Take Ser Laroy with you]

    I don't see the harm in it, and it's not like we're asking Ser Laroy to throw away his honor in a brothel, it's just an escort from what I can tell. So why the hell not? Grant him what he wishes with his persistence, maybe Ser Laroy might beat some respect into him on the way ;) If only.

    Jamison Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion wh

  • Well it seems I went from not worrying about Jamison' wellbeing to getting very worried all in one part :D The meeting with Lord Morgan went pretty good and for the most part it seems he has succeeded with what he came to Godsgrace to do but at the same time well Jamison is going to be Jamison! In one remark, I worry he has made himself public enemy number one in Godsgrace which is most definitely not a good thing for him. Safe to say at this point, if it were an option I would have Jamison's whole convoy go with him to the brothel since they probably all need to let off some steam after their long travels :D or better yet, I would vote for them to leave Godsgrace right now and not stop until they get back to the Kingdom of Torrentine but it seems Jamison will have none of that :D So safe to say I am going to vote to [Take Ser Laroy with you]

    Jamison is no doubt pretty fearless in a lot of ways and he can more then take care of himself but going to the brothel alone would just be reckless for him. I am definitely not taking Ser Niclas' words lightly and I could definitely sense the threat behind it. On top of that, there really is a whole lot going on in Godsgrace currently which also really worries me. While Lord Morgan has seemed to agree to side with the Drylands, there still is Esperance that we have to worry about here. She has made it clear she wants to side with the Martells and she seems to have a decent amount of power within Godsgrace so there is a possibility that Esperance has had some kind of contact with the Martells telling them about the situation there and potentially Martell agents would be waiting to capture Jamison or worse. Another massive worry is Forovos Norvoshi It has also already been shown that Forovos Norvoshi is very very dangerous as well and news of a Dayne-Dryland alliance would no doubt get to his ears so quite frankly I don't want him anywhere near Jamison since we know alot of what he is truly capable of.

    I am probably worrying way too much here but the fact is that Jamison is on the other side of Dorne with internal conflict all around him, so what seems to be the safest option is what I will be going with for the time being. I will admit that I am intrigued by the fact that Jamison will potentially be fighting someone soon since he would get to show why he has earned his reputation but I would more so like to see Jamison stay alive and preferably not a prisoner :D Overall I believe I would rather be safe than sorry at this point in Jamison's storyline, Taking risks with Jamison can come when he is not in enemy territory.

    Jamison Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion wh

  • [Take Ser Laroy with you]

    Jamison Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion wh

  • Next time we'll see how does the Dark Priestess react to Gwendis' refusal to trust her.

    Oh damn it D: I don't know why it never occured to me how Aisha might react to Gwendis' small defiance. While I don't care for her cold, tiny feelings in the slightest, her reaction is of course of major concern to me, as it is likely going to be something terrible for Gwendis. Maybe that'll be the time where we're going to see the true Aisha below that affable mask. That lunatic is totally going to punish her for it, isn't she? That is, if she doesn't outright murder her. Hell, I hope I'm just overthinking stuff again, but I see Aisha as capable of literally anything when she gets rejected. God damn it, why must every Gwendis choice terrify me so much? Argh, and here I was thinking I chose correctly for once by rejecting the demon and the lunatic, now I gotta doubt even that. It would be hilarious if I wouldn't be so terrified by that.

    Voting is closed! So, Gwendis won't grab her hand. Well, I could see this coming, there is not much trust for Aisha at this point, which

  • [Take Ser Laroy with you]

    I really don't see a reason not to take him... unless Ser Laroy is actually a Martell agent who plans to kill Jamison here. Hell, what if he's Forovos! But argh, I mustn't start thinking such thoughts, or everyone becomes Forovos. Aside from Aisha, she's already horrible enough, she doesn't need to become a murderous shapeshifter. But Laroy, nah, I trust him. Mark my words, because I shall eat them once it turns out I'm wrong, but no, I trust him and I see little reason, especially from Jamison's perspective, not to take the man. At worst, he's going to be uselessly standing around, at best he manages to save Jamison's life. Without a doubt, Jamison has enemies in Godsgrace, especially given that he shows off all of his Jamison charme, so being guarded at all times is definitely a good idea. If anything happens to Vorian Dayne's son within Godsgrace, then the Allyrion's won't have a choice but to join House Martell to avoid the wrath of House Dayne. And as Stigz and CM3434 have stated, there is a lot of stuff going on in Godsgrace, conflict and schemes and I have not even the tiniest doubt that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg there. Who knows what Esperence is planning? Or if Morgan is truly planning to ally with the Dryland's. Or who else knows about Jamison's presence and has an interest in him. Given his arrogance, it shouldn't be too hard to trick Jamison into making a mistake if he's on his own, but Laroy is more level-headed and attentive and tricking him should be a lot harder as a result.

    Jamison Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion wh

  • [Take Ser Laroy with you]

    Jamison Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion wh

  • [Take Ser Laroy with you]

    Jamison Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion wh

  • So, this is from where I have to catch up on the story

    Jamison King Lucifer stared at him with angered gaze, but Prince Jamison just let out an amused sigh, which made the King frown even hard

  • yay!

    Hors & Wylie!

    Damn, I just missed their intro when I had to leave, too bad about the idea I had for the cinematic arrival of Wylie tho

    Dianna Dianna took a couple steps closer to the Lord of Lemonwood, angry glare on her face. “These ‘bunch of women’ are all trained warri

  • I have to say I like how you placed Hors and Wylie on the opposites to make the choice for the next location in a 'friendly knowledge bout'

    I was a bit conflicted about this. On the one hand, I am very sure that these lands won't remain under Efran's control forever. In fact, I'm

  • wow, nice short intro with Mordekhai without revealing too much right away

    Surprise! I finished the part faster than I thought I would - Chapter 2: Kings and Snakes Missy The throne room of Kingsgrave w

  • hehe :P

    [Stay away from the freaks] Yeah, no. I think it's better to stay the hell away from these freaks. They know what she did and surprisingl

  • this seems to had been a hard decision for the readers, and one demanding a short novel to explain their reason of their votes

    Voting is closed! EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Naemon will spar with Malcolm. Naemon's part was very much a slice of life -style

  • forgot she was even a pov

    Voting is closed! Myke will say that he'll keeping searching for Kortney. Well I could guess that you'd pick this option, it is indeed a

  • Welcome back! :)

    joriandrake posted: »

    So, this is from where I have to catch up on the story

  • We haven't actually seen him yet since this part, but we will soon, and there is quite a big role planned for him.

    joriandrake posted: »

    wow, nice short intro with Mordekhai without revealing too much right away

  • I like how you play the logic scenes of Wylie :)

    also, damn, I think it would fit Ser Drinkale to shout a command like "Protect the wine cellar!" XD

    Dianna There had been some sort of skirmish here. A dozen bodies had been left to rot in the sand, next to a crumbled little sept in the

  • Well it seems I went from not worrying about Jamison' wellbeing to getting very worried all in one part :D The meeting with Lord Morgan went pretty good and for the most part it seems he has succeeded with what he came to Godsgrace to do but at the same time well Jamison is going to be Jamison! In one remark, I worry he has made himself public enemy number one in Godsgrace which is most definitely not a good thing for him.

    Aye, the guy just can't hold his tongue :D Jamison is definitely a reckless one, and right now he might be underestimating a bit how dangerous Godsgrace could be.

    While Lord Morgan has seemed to agree to side with the Drylands, there still is Esperance that we have to worry about here. She has made it clear she wants to side with the Martells and she seems to have a decent amount of power within Godsgrace so there is a possibility that Esperance has had some kind of contact with the Martells telling them about the situation there and potentially Martell agents would be waiting to capture Jamison or worse. Another massive worry is Forovos Norvoshi It has also already been shown that Forovos Norvoshi is very very dangerous as well and news of a Dayne-Dryland alliance would no doubt get to his ears so quite frankly I don't want him anywhere near Jamison since we know alot of what he is truly capable of.

    Indeed, Esperence is still a bit of a mystery. The next part will take us to her meeting, which could reveal a bit more about her plans. However, it's already clear that she is not friendly towards Drylands and their allies, which could potentially be dangerous for Jamison. What comes to Forovos, he is definitely someone to always be worried about, but I can confirm that right now he is in Sandship :)

    I will admit that I am intrigued by the fact that Jamison will potentially be fighting someone soon since he would get to show why he has earned his reputation but I would more so like to see Jamison stay alive and preferably not a prisoner :D

    Aha, well, what comes to Jamison fighting... we might see that fairly soon ;)

    CM3434 posted: »

    Well it seems I went from not worrying about Jamison' wellbeing to getting very worried all in one part The meeting with Lord Morgan went

  • ok

    I admit

    this was an AMAZING intro for the Dryland girls

    Dalia Dalia Sand stood at the bow of the ship, looking north, where the river Brimstone continued deep into the desert. She turned around

  • wow

    You actually voted here for a child's mother not to promise to go with the daughter if in need...

    The enemy! I'm calling it now, this is Aisha's enemy! R'hllor followers in Dorne, that is unexpected, but I am certain that they are this my

  • late-seconded

    Mathea posted: »

    [Promise] Desi is still a young lady. It's best for her mother to be by her side if she is really planning to split from the army. If thi

  • I really don't see a reason not to take him... unless Ser Laroy is actually a Martell agent who plans to kill Jamison here. Hell, what if he's Forovos! But argh, I mustn't start thinking such thoughts, or everyone becomes Forovos.

    Haha, I can see that Forovos has become this looming threat for every character who is not sided with the Martells :D And obviously there is a good reason for that. Anyway, as I told CM3434, right now Forovos is in Sandship :)

    Without a doubt, Jamison has enemies in Godsgrace, especially given that he shows off all of his Jamison charme, so being guarded at all times is definitely a good idea. If anything happens to Vorian Dayne's son within Godsgrace, then the Allyrion's won't have a choice but to join House Martell to avoid the wrath of House Dayne.

    Indeed, there certainly are people in Godsgrace who don't like Jamison. However, as you mentioned, attacking him would mean war with the Daynes, which definitely makes it less tempting to try to kill the guy - not that it would be easy anyway.

    [Take Ser Laroy with you] I really don't see a reason not to take him... unless Ser Laroy is actually a Martell agent who plans to kill J

  • I admit I am surprised people voted here for a child's mother not to promise to go with the daughter if in need...

    but I also like how people got interested in their backstory right away :)

    Voting is closed! And Dalia doesn't promise to Desi that she'll follow her if the mission demands separating from the army. As some of yo

  • hm, I guess you couldn't use the realistic image from the PM for Desi, as for Dalia she's very well done.

    Voting is closed! This one is clear, Emerson will tell Esperence about his worries. I would've probably chose this myself as well, and it

  • yay squires

    Naemon ”Alright then.” Naemon said, taking a couple light swings at the air to get a good grip to the sword. He turned towards Malcolm, w

  • Ah, you can definitely share that one if you wish, it would've just been a bit out of place with the drawings =)

    joriandrake posted: »

    hm, I guess you couldn't use the realistic image from the PM for Desi, as for Dalia she's very well done.

  • I didn't think the confrontation would happen this early, nor that Liquid would freak out this much

    Gwendis The sun was starting to rise, but the sky was still dark. They had been on the move the whole night, and made their way to the mo

  • at this point in catching up with the story here I would guess

    "Let's just say there are much worse among the followers of the Great Other."

    is a certain huge person who Aisha plans to recruit

    Yeah, the contrast is quite stark when compared to where her brother is right now. Aisha is intelligent and not above manipulating, but she

  • That too, but there are others as well ;)

    joriandrake posted: »

    at this point in catching up with the story here I would guess "Let's just say there are much worse among the followers of the Great Other." is a certain huge person who Aisha plans to recruit

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