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Missy will say yes, she wants to be free. As you said this could be a chance to make an ally, but it's also basically M… moreissy admitting to herself that she is a slave of Albin, and that it isn't what she really wants. This might affect on her behavior on the future.
Next part will be Isabella PoV. This brings us back to Skyreach, which is currently preparing to war. The most important thing to remember from the last time we saw Isabella is that she chose to remain loyal to her father, accepting her betrothal to Naemon. Now we know of course that this betrothal didn't happen, but instead Benedict proposed Gwendis to marry Prince Desmor. Well, now we know that probably isn't going to happen either However, knowledge of Gwendis running from Blackmont has not reached Skyreach yet.
And this time I have a portrait of Willem Pyke, aka the Drowned Bastard
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Isabella will suggest Jamison as a husband candidate to herself, to Garrison. We'll see if this indeed is the chance fo… morer Isabella to marry her crush
Anyway, the next part is almost ready, I will most likely post it later today. It is a Dalia PoV, and continues the journey of the Wild Suns - a sellsword company that is on its way to help the Drylands in the war. If you have forgot, Dalia is the bastard daughter of King Lucifer Dryland. Last time we saw her, she and her army were sailing up the Brimstone, towards the town of Brimstone Well, where they were planning to come ashore and continue on foot. We saw a glimpse of Dalia's ex-lover Mizro the Sharp, who is also the father of their daughter Desirea, who we also saw. Desirea is thirteen years old child, but she is also a priestess of R'hllor. As we met her she was reading a book about the sorcerers of the Great Other. Dalia had a little conversation with her, and Des… [view original content]
I love the scene and all the details you put into it, also the way you fleshed out the commander chars, and I assume there are even some other player created characters who joined the army if i am not mistaken.
It was midday, the blazing Dornish sun was shining from the clear blue sky, and Dalia Sand stood on the docks of Brimstone Well, wa… moretching her army coming ashore. Desirea had already made her way to the town with her father Mizro. Beside Dalia stood her personal guard of twenty warriors of R’hllor, who were all clad in light black armors and crimson capes. She saw Captain Marduk, a hot-tempered and one-eyed man on his mid-thirties, bringing the horses to the shore with his men. Right next to him marched the disciplined force of over hundred Unsullied, led by their commander Red Maggot. A little behind them came the small unit of Ghiscari raiders in their light armors, many of them dual wielding arakhs or short swords. They were led by a former pit fighter named Iznein Ironheart.
On another direction Dalia saw Khazor the Sarnori with his elite guard of some thirty warriors clad in heavy steel armors and golden spider silk capes, arm… [view original content]
[Send Mizro]
Hm.... I don't know who is going to be the worst choice here. Obviously, I want to screw Dalia and her company over by picki… moreng the worst option for every single one of my choices for her, as this might open a way to save Gwendis' life, but here, I think that it could be beneficial for my goals if the Wild Suns actually get this alliance with Lucifer. First of all, this means they have a chance to die in the war against House Martell, which is very good. Second, if they are preoccupied with fighting, they won't be able to help Desi in her mission, which is obviously even better. They don't have to all die, as long as they just stay the hell away from Gwendis. So, I'm going to choose the one that I see as the best suited for initiating the first contact with Lucifer. Marduk has been described as hot-tempered, so he is more likely to clash with the similarly hot-tempered Lucifer, while Khazor is someone I don't trust exactly, not… [view original content]
True, for now I don't post anything, I have to finish catching up and see what happens, depending on that I will consider a H&L part for some of my, probably either a variant of Wylie's arrival, or a short story about the Dryland girls
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Better to close before we've got a tie... Nymeria will agree with Mors, letting the Valyrian guests reside in Sandship.… more As some of you brought up, it's nice to have Nymeria agree with Mors for once, even if she has her concerns regarding the situation. I'm definitely looking forward to continuing Nym's storyline - she has a lot to do in this chapter.
However, next we will go back to Verro's storyline, and Efran Sand's rebellion. The important things to remember from the last part are that Efran promoted Verro from a lackey to a soldier, and a had a little chat with him. He asked whether Verro believes that the rebellion can be successful, and you voted for him to answer that he doesn't know. We'll continue from that. The part should be ready in a day or two.
Wow, I assume not going to Mordekhai (I assume the location is his tower) was what even allowed the grip of Albin to soften on her mind to be able to say 'yes' in the next choice to begin with, but if she goes now it risks her becoming bound stronger to him again.
Still, interesting how this could really turn out to have Ser Crusher choke the life out of her if she betrays the Mad King
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
… more “Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’… [view original content]
Voting is closed!
And Naemon will take Malcolm with him to the mission. Well, technically it was a tie, but in this case I'm favoring the… more votes of the creators of Naemon and Malcolm
Anyway, the next part is (hopefully) ready today, and it's a special one! It is none of the regular PoVs, and it takes place in the Wide Way, that's what I can reveal
I sense the chance of a certain mercenary army arriving at the manwoodys growing as they lose more and more forces :P
Also, If I am not mistaken you barely mentioned the cavalry near the end, was about to ask if neither side had those, and that made me realise that certain war beasts weren't mentioned at the landing of the Dryland girls either
Guardian of the Wide Way
Early in the morning the scouts had rode to the camp from the north, informing that the army of the Manwoodys wa… mores approaching. Now it was already past noon, and Ser Russal rode his white horse, clad on his silver Royal Guard armor, watching as the soldiers were forming the battle lines on the canyon. This was the most important chokepoint on the Wide Way – if the Manwoodys would get through from here there would be no way to stop them from raiding the lands of the Fowlers.
Russal rode past the lines of soldiers with a stern expression on his face. On the frontlines were the pikemen, ready to hold back whatever the Manwoodys would throw against them. They were all veterans, hardened warriors who had seen battles before. Still Russal could spot the nervousness in some of their eyes. Not good.
Russal kept moving, and behind the frontlines of pikemen was the bulk of the army, infantry mainly made of peasants that… [view original content]
I sense the chance of a certain mercenary army arriving at the manwoodys growing as they lose more and more forces :P
Also, If I am not m… moreistaken you barely mentioned the cavalry near the end, was about to ask if neither side had those, and that made me realise that certain war beasts weren't mentioned at the landing of the Dryland girls either
Dianna sat opposed to Lord Byrant Granit, on the stony hall of Desertstone. Lord Byrant was a regal man on his early fifties, with… more greying hair that was combed back, and gaunt clean shaven face. The look on his dark eyes was sharp, and the expression on his face looked to be constantly cold and calculating.
“This is the help that Lord Darin sends me.” Byrant said almost mockingly, his stare traveling from Dianna to Javor to Ser Dallin Dalt, and back to Dianna again. “Too little, too late.” His voice was cold and bitter.
“Actually, we were sent by Princess Nymeria.” Dianna corrected the Lord, who only bridled at the remark. “Princess of nothing.” He replied callously, and Dianna furrowed her eyebrows. “Do you not recognize her authority?” She asked, keeping her voice as calm as she could. Byrant let out a joyless chuckle, shaking his head subtly.
“She has done nothing to convince me that she holds any power outside Sandship.… [view original content]
That was a great part! I don't mind the lack of a choice, it felt nice enough without it And I must say, Bryant gives me a bit of a bad vib… moree here. His clear lack of respect for Nymeria is a bit concerning. I mean, she is the only one that actually can help him with his problems. Now I have to wonder if he's just a jerk, or if Lord Dalt feels similar. And I really think I have underestimated Efran, considering how afraid Bryant seems to be of him. I can see something pretty big coming out of this story. Though the one thing I am a bit surpised of is how certain Bryant is that he knows where his enemies are located. I am willing to bet that things won't be that easy.
Nealia opened her eyes. Her head was aching, and her whole body was sweating. She turned around on her bed, seeing Lien Yu sleepin… moreg next to her.
“Oh.” She let out lazily, starting to remember last night. With a sigh, she got up from the bed and started to dress up. As she pulled on her tunic, Nealia turned to look at Lien again, who was just now starting to wake up. The YiTish woman turned her tired mismatched eyes to Nealia, raising an eyebrow.
“Morning.” She said and yawned, and Nealia gave her a dry chuckle. “Morning to you too. I wonder if you remember more about last night than I do.” She said casually, and a smirk was formed on Lien’s face.
“Well, I remember that it was pretty fun.” She said playfully, and Nealia nodded calmly. “And that’s all it was – some fun. Nothing more, okay?” Nealia spoke with a meaningful tone, and Lien nodded in agreement. “Sure, let’s go with that.” She said and yawned again. Then the door o… [view original content]
Dalia watched the ancient castle of Hellgate Hall, that stood next to the River of Brimstone, which ran very low here at the moment… more, due to the hot summer. An army had been assembled around the castle, and most of the banners displayed a black sun on a red field. It was the sigil of Dalia Sand’s father, but Dalia and the Wild Suns had it reversed.
Dalia rode to her daughter, who was protected by her two most loyal warriors from the Red Church – Vyran the Lion and Belan the Brave. Vyran was a seasoned and serious warrior on his mid-thirties, tanned man with dark hair and eyes, always sporting the fur of a lion that he once slayed. Belan was Vyran’s son, fourteen years old boy who had dedicated his life to protecting Desirea. Apparently there was some sort of prophesy related to it, but Dalia wasn’t particularly interested in it. Both Vyran and Belan gave Dalia a respectful bow as she approached them. Desirea turned her gaze to her … [view original content]
"I won't call a part with Dalia as the PoV great, not as long as it doesn't end with her death"
you really seem to hate her for no reason
"...while Dalia had no chance to fully earn my hatred yet, aside from the fact that she exists and might pose such a threat in the future."
doesn't that kinda make all characters potentially hated by you in the game of thrones? XD
editx3 well, my girls certainly got you excited and conflicted enough to write this much and have this many conflicting emotions, which I guess means I wrote them well and WK implemented them well too
A very... interesting part. I won't call a part with Dalia as the PoV great, not as long as it doesn't end with her death, but the writing w… moreas amazing as always and I definitely enjoyed Lucifer in it. While still a jerk, he seemed slightly less insufferable, if that's the right word. More familiar and even though he acted like the douchebag he is, I have no doubt that he holds at least some fondness for his daughter. Compared to how much I dislike Dalia, I must say I even love that guy. Compared to almost anyone else, I still don't like him. But at the very least, I am entertained by his arrogance.
[Don't argue about this]
Well, if she does not argue, this might mean that she is a little bit less willing to enforce her stupid faith with force and a little bit more willing to serve Lucifer. This is alright, I may dislike the guy, but I have no particular personal problem with him. But saying that she will always serve R'hllor would proba… [view original content]
Well, you have to understand, Gwendis has seen a sight with a warrior of light cutting her down - there is definitely some validity for Liquid to be wary of Dalia and Desi
"I won't call a part with Dalia as the PoV great, not as long as it doesn't end with her death"
you really seem to hate her for no… more reason
"...while Dalia had no chance to fully earn my hatred yet, aside from the fact that she exists and might pose such a threat in the future."
doesn't that kinda make all characters potentially hated by you in the game of thrones? XD
editx3 well, my girls certainly got you excited and conflicted enough to write this much and have this many conflicting emotions, which I guess means I wrote them well and WK implemented them well too
boo, those war elephants were what made the group more exotic, because the unsullied were already focused on in the books/series while not the wardumbos o_O
ok, so the priestess of darkness had sex, and the shadows are part of both light and darkness.... soooo, who is going to be murdered by the shadowbaby?
The wind touched gently the skin of the Princess of Blackmont. It was quiet, Gwendis had her eyes closed, and in this moment, she… more could imagine that she was sitting on her own balcony, watching the peaceful view beneath her. Safe. Her handmaidens would be chirping their innocent stories behind her, until her brother would come to knock the door. And Naemon would come and sit next to her, a grin on his face, bragging about how he had taken down another boar on a hunt. And Gwendis would turn to look him into the eyes – but they were not her brother’s eyes. They were cold as ice, deep, endless, and they stared straight into the soul of Gwendis. Embrace the darkness!
With a deep gasp Gwendis opened her eyes. And so, she was in the grim present again. Her clothes were dirty, as was her hair, and she was leaning against a hard, stony wall. They were high on the mountains – Aisha had been leading them to north. They had traveled via sm… [view original content]
tbh, I'm not sure what would I have done with them. Taking them out just made things easier, and I didn't expect you to come back so there was no one who minded their absence
boo, those war elephants were what made the group more exotic, because the unsullied were already focused on in the books/series while not the wardumbos o_O
also, I thought you loved them
Hm, you bring up a very good, if very concerning argument there. It is clear to me that Aisha is trying to trick Gwendis into giving in to h… moreer demon, but now I have to consider that she'd even try to do it in such a seemingly unrelated talk. Trentan meanwhile... well, he's a jerk, but he definitely doesn't deserve being used by Aisha in such a way. I must say though, I am not sure if he even wants to talk, or if he'd open up to Gwendis, especially in this situation. Even worse, I doubt he's going to see that he is getting manipulated just like that. I guess at this point even Gwendis is barely able to see how that snake manipulates her, so if ever, it will probably be a long time until Trentan realizes what Aisha is truly like. That said, I agree that having a positive relationship between him and Gwendis is a good idea. Unlike Aisha, he's not evil, just a normal, if misguided guy. His interaction so far has shown that he really doesn't like … [view original content]
You seem surprised and this surprises me in return. I mean, have you expected me to choose anything else here? The others maybe, but me? I think I made it very clear why I picked that choice. I consider it to be by far the better choice in this situation. This is not about a mother and her daughter, not for me at least, this is about a potential enemy that could end up killing Gwendis. There is not even the shadow of doubt that I'd do it again, since at this moment, I see stalling or outright avoiding the confrontation between Gwendis and Dalia to be the only way to save the formers life. If this is the worst decision I have to take to save Gwendis, then I'm going to be happy. Unfortunately, I feel far worse decisions coming up, but trust me, no matter how outlandish the choices I make seem, they all aim at the goal to pick the option that is going to benefit Gwendis the most.
”I’ll do it.” Tomas Toland finally said, his voice weak, and the look on his eyes even weaker. “For the sake of my family, I’ll d… moreo it.” Nymeria almost felt sorry for this shadow of a man. Almost. No matter how pitiful he was now, Tomas Toland had done terrible things, and deserved much worse than he had got.
“We are pleased to hear this.” Mors spoke up, a small smile on his face. “You have made a wise choice, and a brave one. I truly hope your nephew will also understand the importance of peace between our houses.” Tomas nodded quietly to the Prince. Finally, Nymeria turned her cold stare away from the Toland.
“Captain Sanyra, escort the guest to his new quarters.” The Princess spoke with emotionless tone on her voice, and Sanyra bowed to her. Then the captain approached Tomas Toland, grabbed him from his arm and pulled him up from his seat. “Would you follow me, my lord, or do I have to drag you?” She asked calmly, and Tomas… [view original content]
Voting is closed!
Verro won't intervene, letting the woman attack Axel. I can definitely see why you chose this, Axel is a pos, and this … morewoman deserves to at least try to protect her child. However, this is a fisherman's wife trying to kill an experienced sellsword. Who knows, maybe it'll work, but it's a bit of a risky move from Verro, even if morally right. Oh well, this was a dark part, and sadly that will most likely be a common theme in Verro's storyline.
However, in the next part we are in a much lighter situation - it's a Naemon PoV. In his last parts Naemon took part in the feast held by the Daynes, taking Davos as his new squire, and after that had a brief meeting with King Vorian, Prince Malcolm, Lord Garret and Lord Alester. Naemon asked Vorian's aid in bringing peace and prosperity back to the lands of Blackmonts, and Vorian promised to help. He will send crops for the starving, but before that, Naemon will go to put down th… [view original content]
Awesome! For some reason, it didn't occur me that sooner or later, there might be a Varyn portrait. Maybe I should rethink my stance on subm… moreitting more than three characters XD Well anyways, I greatly enjoy these drawings. Mors looks pretty cool and as always, I love the detail in his drawing, stuff like the Martell sigil on the crown or the facial expression. In the same line, I absolutely love Varyn. Immediately after seeing him, I had to think of whom he reminds me of. Well, took me a bit of thinking, but I found someone. It seems, in his later years, Varyn is going to be promoted to the rank of Grand Moff, to personally overlook the construction of the Death Star and to crush the Rebel scum No seriously, if you got no idea what I'm talking about, have a look, because the similarities are uncanny:
And you know what, I LOVE it! The funny thing is, and that where things get super weird and super awesome, I had seen A New Hope for the… [view original content]
Oh shit, it's totally going to be Mordekhai, right? I had such a suspicion very recently, after noting that Gwendis, Trentan and the witch-bitch travel north, which is where Kingsgrave is located. I also noticed that out of every possible person to cross paths with Gwendis as Aisha's loyal warrior/attack dog, Mordekhai would be the worst by light years. I really, really hope that this is not what you imply and that my thoughts on this subject are entirely wrong. Aisha is already horrible enough, the last I want is for Gwendis to spend even a second in the presence of that one-man freakshow. I could even live with Tom the Animal, but Mordekhai? I think he is the only character in this entire story whom I want to be even less close to Gwendis than Aisha.
God, this opens up even worse thoughts as to why Aisha wanted Gwendis to come along. Maybe as some sort of a sacrifice to please Mordekhai and whatever sick stuff he's into. And from the implications, he's into some really sick stuff. If anything, this thought made me hate Aisha only more. You know, I thought she was about to hit rock bottom in the long fall she took from a character I disliked to a character I really disliked, but it appears she's not even halfway down the depths of hatred.
at this point in catching up with the story here I would guess
"Let's just say there are much worse among the followers of the Great Other."
is a certain huge person who Aisha plans to recruit
You sure they are? Cause I'm not, not in the slightest. That's why I am somewhat shooting against both sides there. Aisha, the clear and real danger, Dalia and Desi the potential dangers, who are at the very least unsettlingly wildcard-ish. As long as I don't know whom I could trust, and I honestly can't trust Dalia and Desi, I'm just going to hate all of them. That way, I won't make the mistake of trusting and liking a character who later ends up becoming the worst. And I am far from sure that either of them is going to be of any help for Gwendis here. If anything, Trentan is the closest thing to a help I could even see at the moment. But Dalia and Desi? At this point, they are more or less enemies.
I hope you know that none of the others knew that (save for Wildling, I think?) and that you just dropped a potentially super huge spoiler completely in the open. That's what PM discussions are for
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screamin… moreg to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked th… [view original content]
Mordekhai really should show up in full armament with weapon and shield soon, so you can describe his coat of arms, maybe even add the lore part about his family somewhere
Well well well, the big 'secret' has finally been revealed!
Yes, no more need to hold your tongue about this one when making choices… more with Mis-, I mean Kortney
I really hate to go against the crowd here, and I can see why the other choice is attracting most of the voters here, but I really can't see staying in the room doing Kortney any good. Sure, perhaps in the long term it may grant her the freedom she wishes if she gets the information for Willem, but at what cost? Currently we've found a ground where Missy has found a link with her past self, and is coming to repair who she once was. Right now, the very fact that she's revealed such a hidden and stewed part of herself to these fuckers, is something that worries me. I fear that all progress made will be undone at this rate if we stay with the freaks, and I'm also super skeptical of Willem, who seems a shady fuck at the least. I definitely think there's more there than what m… [view original content]
Well, you have to understand, Gwendis has seen a sight with a warrior of light cutting her down - there is definitely some validity for Liquid to be wary of Dalia and Desi
I disagree. I think I hate her for the only good reason that is. Dalia is a very real threat to Gwendis, therefore I hate her. Yeah, I probably don't need much to hate a character, but what can I say, I consider this to be the best reason there is.
doesn't that kinda make all characters potentially hated by you in the game of thrones? XD
No, not really. Dalia is far more of a threat to Gwendis than, say, Arenna Dayne. Her goal is fundamentally opposed to Aisha's and Gwendis is currently dragged along and manipulated by that witch. The way I see it, Dalia has little reason not to just kill Gwendis on sight if they meet. So my hatred towards Dalia is completely justified in my opinion.
editx3 well, my girls certainly got you excited and conflicted enough to write this much and have this many conflicting emotions, which I guess means I wrote them well and WK implemented them well too
Less excited, more anxious, less conflicted, more confused. Anxious and confused sounds appropriately negative, because as difficult as they are, my feelings on them are mostly negative. Perhaps I tend to overthink situation (Like, I literally had to think of dozens of horrible things that Mordekhunt could do to Gwendis if they indeed cross paths, which I still heavily oppose), perhaps it is just my paranoia, but the only thing I feel conflicted about is the shadow of doubt that lingers, if Dalia and Desi can truly be the enemies when Gwendis is surrounded by Mordekhreep and the female clone of Jim Jones. I think by now my hatred has developed a bit of a life of its own though.
"I won't call a part with Dalia as the PoV great, not as long as it doesn't end with her death"
you really seem to hate her for no… more reason
"...while Dalia had no chance to fully earn my hatred yet, aside from the fact that she exists and might pose such a threat in the future."
doesn't that kinda make all characters potentially hated by you in the game of thrones? XD
editx3 well, my girls certainly got you excited and conflicted enough to write this much and have this many conflicting emotions, which I guess means I wrote them well and WK implemented them well too
hm, I can't say I like the idea you would take something out because you assume people don't come back, this did indeed sting a bit, ah my feels
... well ,I just wanted to see certain not flying warbeasts fight certain flying warbeasts later, as it was a plausible assumption the two merc armies end up on different sides in a battle, conasidering the gathering darkness around the Mandwoodies
anyway, if you din't mind it, you can still add them, deploying horses for cavalry and war elephants from ships takes time, also to get the camp and stables/stalls set up to feed them, so it would be realistic to not march them to the meeting with the king as well
tbh, I'm not sure what would I have done with them. Taking them out just made things easier, and I didn't expect you to come back so there was no one who minded their absence
well, I can see picking neutral options, but you outright hated newly appearing characters due to some strange prophecy, which while I don't know how WK plans the story to happen could in the end as result actually make things worse for your Gwen, and not because of the Dryland girls, but because the growing spiderweb of darkness due to Aisha
You seem surprised and this surprises me in return. I mean, have you expected me to choose anything else here? The others maybe, but me? I t… morehink I made it very clear why I picked that choice. I consider it to be by far the better choice in this situation. This is not about a mother and her daughter, not for me at least, this is about a potential enemy that could end up killing Gwendis. There is not even the shadow of doubt that I'd do it again, since at this moment, I see stalling or outright avoiding the confrontation between Gwendis and Dalia to be the only way to save the formers life. If this is the worst decision I have to take to save Gwendis, then I'm going to be happy. Unfortunately, I feel far worse decisions coming up, but trust me, no matter how outlandish the choices I make seem, they all aim at the goal to pick the option that is going to benefit Gwendis the most.
Yep, I have a strong assumption it is going to be Mordekhai, and all the gods help us if that is the case, I assure you you would rather want to fight alongside beastmen, giants, wraiths, an army of R'hllor or the god of the Faceless Men itself than be on the same side as Aisha and Mordekhai, the Skeletal Knight
Oh shit, it's totally going to be Mordekhai, right? I had such a suspicion very recently, after noting that Gwendis, Trentan and the witch-b… moreitch travel north, which is where Kingsgrave is located. I also noticed that out of every possible person to cross paths with Gwendis as Aisha's loyal warrior/attack dog, Mordekhai would be the worst by light years. I really, really hope that this is not what you imply and that my thoughts on this subject are entirely wrong. Aisha is already horrible enough, the last I want is for Gwendis to spend even a second in the presence of that one-man freakshow. I could even live with Tom the Animal, but Mordekhai? I think he is the only character in this entire story whom I want to be even less close to Gwendis than Aisha.
God, this opens up even worse thoughts as to why Aisha wanted Gwendis to come along. Maybe as some sort of a sacrifice to please Mordekhai and whatever sick stuff he's into. And from the imp… [view original content]
Yeah, light would be great. Unfortunately, the only thing that comes even close to light is Desi's fire and fire is not good in the slightest. Fire burns and consumes and kills, so I find it hard to see it as good. I believe light and dark can both go and kill each other as long as they don't dare to lay as much as a finger on Gwendis.
as the person who created various characters causing you to freak out from, yep, I am pretty sure your best bet (among my characters) are the Wild Sun girls, or maybe Wylie
if for no other reason remember the special talents of Wylie (and he is more stronger in this earlier era), and a fire priestess might revive people, now and then as well
You sure they are? Cause I'm not, not in the slightest. That's why I am somewhat shooting against both sides there. Aisha, the clear and rea… morel danger, Dalia and Desi the potential dangers, who are at the very least unsettlingly wildcard-ish. As long as I don't know whom I could trust, and I honestly can't trust Dalia and Desi, I'm just going to hate all of them. That way, I won't make the mistake of trusting and liking a character who later ends up becoming the worst. And I am far from sure that either of them is going to be of any help for Gwendis here. If anything, Trentan is the closest thing to a help I could even see at the moment. But Dalia and Desi? At this point, they are more or less enemies.
It was an intentional spoler, it is supposed to make WK's readers here more interested in reading your FoT story, and also that of Stigz to learn more about his origins and circumstances
I hope you know that none of the others knew that (save for Wildling, I think?) and that you just dropped a potentially super huge spoiler completely in the open. That's what PM discussions are for
Haha, I can see that Forovos has become this looming threat for every character who is not sided with the Martells And obviously there is a good reason for that. Anyway, as I told CM3434, right now Forovos is in Sandship
You know, I'm not sure if I ever outright stated it, but it was his existence that gave me the final nudge towards Aisha back in that dreadful choice. I knew, Gwendis could potentially find a way to stall the Martell army once they'd turn their attention towards Skyreach, working together with the similarly brilliant Garrison. That would get her the attention of Forovos and would end up with her death. That was at least part of my fear. The other was, ironically, that the Manwoody's would take Skyreach at some point during the war, that Gwendis wouldn't get out quick enough and that Mordekhlusterfuck would kill her, since I already guessed that skeletons could fit the vision with a bit of a stretch (actually, a serious stretch, but well). Now guess where Aisha just dragged her into
Indeed, there certainly are people in Godsgrace who don't like Jamison. However, as you mentioned, attacking him would mean war with the Daynes, which definitely makes it less tempting to try to kill the guy - not that it would be easy anyway.
Well, unless someone wants House Allyrion to go to war with the Dayne's. Forovos, to bring him up again, could have a personal interest in that. Or what if Esperence doesn't want that alliance? There's no saver way to ruin it but to kill Vorian's son. I doubt everyone wants that alliance.
I really don't see a reason not to take him... unless Ser Laroy is actually a Martell agent who plans to kill Jamison here. Hell, what if he… more's Forovos! But argh, I mustn't start thinking such thoughts, or everyone becomes Forovos.
Haha, I can see that Forovos has become this looming threat for every character who is not sided with the Martells And obviously there is a good reason for that. Anyway, as I told CM3434, right now Forovos is in Sandship
Without a doubt, Jamison has enemies in Godsgrace, especially given that he shows off all of his Jamison charme, so being guarded at all times is definitely a good idea. If anything happens to Vorian Dayne's son within Godsgrace, then the Allyrion's won't have a choice but to join House Martell to avoid the wrath of House Dayne.
Indeed, there certainly are people in Godsgrace who don't like Jamison. However, as you mentioned, attacking him would mean war with the Daynes, whic… [view original content]
I... see. I don't know how much of a success this is going to have though, gotta be honest there. Most of the readers here are already readers for FoT and for the Invasion as well. I don't know, I appreciate the thought, but I feel like the negatives of knowing that spoiler will outweigh the possible benefits.
It was an intentional spoler, it is supposed to make WK's readers here more interested in reading your FoT story, and also that of Stigz to learn more about his origins and circumstances
/hint, hint, shameless commercial/
Oh, don't take hatred for hatred here. I have various shades of hatred. Right now, Dalia and Desi are at the first stage, the "I don't know who they are, but they pose a threat"-kind of stage, where I react more out of mistrust and slight confusion. Aisha has advanced to stage two, the "I have a legitimate hatred against her and an objectively good reason"-stage. Arguably, Mordebhastard is at the same stage and they are both about to take a dive into stage three, the "point of no return"-stage. There are about twenty stages below that, with the last one being me waging the literary equivalent of a nuclear war on that character. So, stage one really isn't too bad. It's the stage where I keep somewhat of an open mind towards them, while simultaneously leaning towards hating them for a lack of alternatives. Even I must admit that I have hated for better reasons before and rarely for worse.
well, I can see picking neutral options, but you outright hated newly appearing characters due to some strange prophecy, which while I don't… more know how WK plans the story to happen could in the end as result actually make things worse for your Gwen, and not because of the Dryland girls, but because the growing spiderweb of darkness due to Aisha
I guess this was the point where she had the chance to break the brainwashing
nice detailing, also interesting to see how you attempted to get Castle Oasis easier into the story (but due to vote - failed)
I love the scene and all the details you put into it, also the way you fleshed out the commander chars, and I assume there are even some other player created characters who joined the army if i am not mistaken.
damn, you really hated my characters, not even considering how they are the most likely to save Gwendis
True, for now I don't post anything, I have to finish catching up and see what happens, depending on that I will consider a H&L part for some of my, probably either a variant of Wylie's arrival, or a short story about the Dryland girls
I guess things like this make the marriage slightly more real than a political one
Wow, I assume not going to Mordekhai (I assume the location is his tower) was what even allowed the grip of Albin to soften on her mind to be able to say 'yes' in the next choice to begin with, but if she goes now it risks her becoming bound stronger to him again.
Still, interesting how this could really turn out to have Ser Crusher choke the life out of her if she betrays the Mad King
to favor the creators as the decision made sense
I sense the chance of a certain mercenary army arriving at the manwoodys growing as they lose more and more forces :P
Also, If I am not mistaken you barely mentioned the cavalry near the end, was about to ask if neither side had those, and that made me realise that certain war beasts weren't mentioned at the landing of the Dryland girls either
Indeed, I decided to scratch the elephants, sorry
I think it seriously is time to add more details for the Drinkwaters to trigger their own little events and journeys
I believe I will priorize that on the forum on my list of 'to do'
I hope you know this Wylie is the same Wylie in your story
that must had been some amazing kissing, and not exactly on the cheek
hm, if I recall correctly Mizro is the most charming among the commanders and if so, it was the best choice to have him do first contact
also, I like those bodyguards for Desi
edit: woah, Liquid REALLY hates my girls
"I won't call a part with Dalia as the PoV great, not as long as it doesn't end with her death"
you really seem to hate her for no reason
"...while Dalia had no chance to fully earn my hatred yet, aside from the fact that she exists and might pose such a threat in the future."
doesn't that kinda make all characters potentially hated by you in the game of thrones? XD
editx3 well, my girls certainly got you excited and conflicted enough to write this much and have this many conflicting emotions, which I guess means I wrote them well and WK implemented them well too
Well, you have to understand, Gwendis has seen a sight with a warrior of light cutting her down - there is definitely some validity for Liquid to be wary of Dalia and Desi
boo, those war elephants were what made the group more exotic, because the unsullied were already focused on in the books/series while not the wardumbos o_O
also, I thought you loved them
ok, so the priestess of darkness had sex, and the shadows are part of both light and darkness.... soooo, who is going to be murdered by the shadowbaby?
tbh, I'm not sure what would I have done with them. Taking them out just made things easier, and I didn't expect you to come back so there was no one who minded their absence
you need light to dismiss darkness
You seem surprised and this surprises me in return. I mean, have you expected me to choose anything else here? The others maybe, but me? I think I made it very clear why I picked that choice. I consider it to be by far the better choice in this situation. This is not about a mother and her daughter, not for me at least, this is about a potential enemy that could end up killing Gwendis. There is not even the shadow of doubt that I'd do it again, since at this moment, I see stalling or outright avoiding the confrontation between Gwendis and Dalia to be the only way to save the formers life. If this is the worst decision I have to take to save Gwendis, then I'm going to be happy. Unfortunately, I feel far worse decisions coming up, but trust me, no matter how outlandish the choices I make seem, they all aim at the goal to pick the option that is going to benefit Gwendis the most.
oooh, more valyrian mercs, but named 'fallen dragons', without any dragons
I can see Verro as someone who could be redeemed as companion of Desi
I admit 'Moff' was my first reaction too
Oh shit, it's totally going to be Mordekhai, right? I had such a suspicion very recently, after noting that Gwendis, Trentan and the witch-bitch travel north, which is where Kingsgrave is located. I also noticed that out of every possible person to cross paths with Gwendis as Aisha's loyal warrior/attack dog, Mordekhai would be the worst by light years. I really, really hope that this is not what you imply and that my thoughts on this subject are entirely wrong. Aisha is already horrible enough, the last I want is for Gwendis to spend even a second in the presence of that one-man freakshow. I could even live with Tom the Animal, but Mordekhai? I think he is the only character in this entire story whom I want to be even less close to Gwendis than Aisha.
God, this opens up even worse thoughts as to why Aisha wanted Gwendis to come along. Maybe as some sort of a sacrifice to please Mordekhai and whatever sick stuff he's into. And from the implications, he's into some really sick stuff. If anything, this thought made me hate Aisha only more. You know, I thought she was about to hit rock bottom in the long fall she took from a character I disliked to a character I really disliked, but it appears she's not even halfway down the depths of hatred.
You sure they are? Cause I'm not, not in the slightest. That's why I am somewhat shooting against both sides there. Aisha, the clear and real danger, Dalia and Desi the potential dangers, who are at the very least unsettlingly wildcard-ish. As long as I don't know whom I could trust, and I honestly can't trust Dalia and Desi, I'm just going to hate all of them. That way, I won't make the mistake of trusting and liking a character who later ends up becoming the worst. And I am far from sure that either of them is going to be of any help for Gwendis here. If anything, Trentan is the closest thing to a help I could even see at the moment. But Dalia and Desi? At this point, they are more or less enemies.
I hope you know that none of the others knew that (save for Wildling, I think?) and that you just dropped a potentially super huge spoiler completely in the open. That's what PM discussions are for
as this is the last page I may be in time to still vote here
[Leave the room]
Mordekhai really should show up in full armament with weapon and shield soon, so you can describe his coat of arms, maybe even add the lore part about his family somewhere
true, but it is still somewhat hilarious how much he's sure it is those two (I guess my char ideas worked as intended?)
I disagree. I think I hate her for the only good reason that is. Dalia is a very real threat to Gwendis, therefore I hate her. Yeah, I probably don't need much to hate a character, but what can I say, I consider this to be the best reason there is.
No, not really. Dalia is far more of a threat to Gwendis than, say, Arenna Dayne. Her goal is fundamentally opposed to Aisha's and Gwendis is currently dragged along and manipulated by that witch. The way I see it, Dalia has little reason not to just kill Gwendis on sight if they meet. So my hatred towards Dalia is completely justified in my opinion.
Less excited, more anxious, less conflicted, more confused. Anxious and confused sounds appropriately negative, because as difficult as they are, my feelings on them are mostly negative. Perhaps I tend to overthink situation (Like, I literally had to think of dozens of horrible things that Mordekhunt could do to Gwendis if they indeed cross paths, which I still heavily oppose), perhaps it is just my paranoia, but the only thing I feel conflicted about is the shadow of doubt that lingers, if Dalia and Desi can truly be the enemies when Gwendis is surrounded by Mordekhreep and the female clone of Jim Jones. I think by now my hatred has developed a bit of a life of its own though.
hm, I can't say I like the idea you would take something out because you assume people don't come back, this did indeed sting a bit, ah my feels
... well ,I just wanted to see certain not flying warbeasts fight certain flying warbeasts later, as it was a plausible assumption the two merc armies end up on different sides in a battle, conasidering the gathering darkness around the Mandwoodies
anyway, if you din't mind it, you can still add them, deploying horses for cavalry and war elephants from ships takes time, also to get the camp and stables/stalls set up to feed them, so it would be realistic to not march them to the meeting with the king as well
well, I can see picking neutral options, but you outright hated newly appearing characters due to some strange prophecy, which while I don't know how WK plans the story to happen could in the end as result actually make things worse for your Gwen, and not because of the Dryland girls, but because the growing spiderweb of darkness due to Aisha
Yep, I have a strong assumption it is going to be Mordekhai, and all the gods help us if that is the case, I assure you you would rather want to fight alongside beastmen, giants, wraiths, an army of R'hllor or the god of the Faceless Men itself than be on the same side as Aisha and Mordekhai, the Skeletal Knight
Yeah, light would be great. Unfortunately, the only thing that comes even close to light is Desi's fire and fire is not good in the slightest. Fire burns and consumes and kills, so I find it hard to see it as good. I believe light and dark can both go and kill each other as long as they don't dare to lay as much as a finger on Gwendis.
as the person who created various characters causing you to freak out from, yep, I am pretty sure your best bet (among my characters) are the Wild Sun girls, or maybe Wylie
if for no other reason remember the special talents of Wylie (and he is more stronger in this earlier era), and a fire priestess might revive people, now and then as well
It was an intentional spoler, it is supposed to make WK's readers here more interested in reading your FoT story, and also that of Stigz to learn more about his origins and circumstances
/hint, hint, shameless commercial/
You know, I'm not sure if I ever outright stated it, but it was his existence that gave me the final nudge towards Aisha back in that dreadful choice. I knew, Gwendis could potentially find a way to stall the Martell army once they'd turn their attention towards Skyreach, working together with the similarly brilliant Garrison. That would get her the attention of Forovos and would end up with her death. That was at least part of my fear. The other was, ironically, that the Manwoody's would take Skyreach at some point during the war, that Gwendis wouldn't get out quick enough and that Mordekhlusterfuck would kill her, since I already guessed that skeletons could fit the vision with a bit of a stretch (actually, a serious stretch, but well). Now guess where Aisha just dragged her into
Well, unless someone wants House Allyrion to go to war with the Dayne's. Forovos, to bring him up again, could have a personal interest in that. Or what if Esperence doesn't want that alliance? There's no saver way to ruin it but to kill Vorian's son. I doubt everyone wants that alliance.
I... see. I don't know how much of a success this is going to have though, gotta be honest there. Most of the readers here are already readers for FoT and for the Invasion as well. I don't know, I appreciate the thought, but I feel like the negatives of knowing that spoiler will outweigh the possible benefits.
Oh, don't take hatred for hatred here. I have various shades of hatred. Right now, Dalia and Desi are at the first stage, the "I don't know who they are, but they pose a threat"-kind of stage, where I react more out of mistrust and slight confusion. Aisha has advanced to stage two, the "I have a legitimate hatred against her and an objectively good reason"-stage. Arguably, Mordebhastard is at the same stage and they are both about to take a dive into stage three, the "point of no return"-stage. There are about twenty stages below that, with the last one being me waging the literary equivalent of a nuclear war on that character. So, stage one really isn't too bad. It's the stage where I keep somewhat of an open mind towards them, while simultaneously leaning towards hating them for a lack of alternatives. Even I must admit that I have hated for better reasons before and rarely for worse.