That is certainly a pretty strong possibility! The farthest he has ever gotten with Isabella was when they kissed in Isabella's H&L. With Isabella not around and the odds of them being together not very good, Jamison has a unique way of coping He is very much trying to fill a void that can't truly be filled so to say.
Thanks, I am glad that you enjoyed it! Like Wildling said, this is a History and Lore part. They are short stories written by readers of the story with a character that they created. They are all awesome and I definitely recommend them
Alright, time for another announcement! So, I've been writing the Myke part, and it is more than 50% done. Sadly, I won't be able to post it before going to Barcelona. However, I have been writing another part on the side, one that I got really inspired for and went on to write the whole part. This part was supposed to be published later, like five parts later, but in truth there is no reason story-wise why it couldn't be published right away, and I'd like to give you something before I go. What is this part then? Well, it's the next Dianna part It takes place very soon after the earlier part we just had, and introduces us a bit closer to Bjorn Harlaw. I assume a recap won't be needed
Also, I have made another portrait. This time we got Ser Laroy Ladybright:
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turned around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She sighed in frustration and closed her eyes, cursing in her mind. She had failed the men and women who followed her into battle, and she had failed Nymeria and Mors. Now it was just a question of time before these men would kill her, and in truth she just wished they would get on with it already. And just then, the door was slammed open.
By the door stood the massive figure of Captain Bjorn, a mild grin on his face as he looked at Dianna. By the man's rough face Dianna could only guess he had to be at least on his mid-forties. She backed into a fetal position, glaring frantically at this pale and black-bearded beast. "Good morning, Captain Dianna." Bjorn said with deep and surprisingly soft tone. He walked closer to her, but instead of coming to the bed he took the seat next to it. "How are you feeling?" He asked, a small smirk on his face.
"Fuck you." Dianna muttered with shaky voice, and Bjorn chuckled softly. "You are angry about what happened yesterday." He stated with a sigh, leaning back to his chair. "Perhaps I should remind you that you were the ones attacking us, I lost many good men because of you and your... soldiers. And as for what happened to you after that, it had to be done. You are an arrogant woman, I could see it right away – you needed to be put to your place. I took what was mine, or as we say where I come from, I paid the iron price."
"And where do you come from?" Dianna asked with a reserved tone. Bjorn raised an eyebrow, letting out an amused chuckle. "You really don't know, do you?" He asked with a touch of disbelief in his voice. "Iron Islands is where I come from, Island of Harlaw to be precise. It's a hard place, and it breeds hard men. Ironborn, as the world knows us."
Ironborn. Dianna felt like she had heard the word before, but she couldn't remember when or where. "Why are you here?" She asked. For a moment Bjorn stayed silent, until finally letting out a deep sigh. "I'm here to help Efran Sand." He said monotonously, with little interest in his voice.
"Yes, but why?" Dianna tried again. The look on Bjorn's eyes turned stern, but he stayed calm. "I have some old grievances with Dorne... Raiding these lands is my way to pay back for what I lost. Besides, I've been promised a decent price for my troubles." He took in a deep breath, before continuing. "I would have a large castle to stay in back at home, you know. There I could grow old and fat, fucking my wives and listening to my sons quarrel over my fortune. I could trade instead of raiding, like my pathetic king would want me to do. But I am Ironborn, the fight is in my blood. I don't need a castle, all I need is a ship, and a crew that will follow me wherever I lead them." With these words, Bjorn stood up from the chair, and walked to the single window of the room.
"So... You are the Bandit Lord's fleet?" Dianna inquired carefully, hoping she wasn't antagonizing Bjorn too far with her questions. The Ironborn captain shook his head subtly. "That bastard has ships of his own... Of course, none of them are as good as my longships." Bjorn turned towards Dianna again, looking at her with narrowed eyes. "We will leave this wretched tower soon. Me, my men, you... all of us."
"What about Lysera?" Dianna asked, as she suddenly remembered that she wasn't the only one Bjorn and his men had left alive. "The young girl?" Bjorn asked calmly, and Dianna nodded with a nervous gulp. "She belongs to my half-brother Hargan Harlaw now, he has taken her as his salt wife." The man answered non-chalantly.
"Salt wife?" Dianna asked with confusion. "Yes." Bjorn replied with a sigh. "The Ironborn take women from the lands they raid as salt wives, or concubines as you Greenlanders call them, to give us more children. Your young friend was lucky to get Hargan of all the men who could've taken her, and I'm sure she'll understand that one day."
"She was in love with a boy that you butchered yesterday." Dianna hissed, and a cold smirk was formed on Bjorn's face. "So, that only means the boy was too weak to protect her." He said with a chilling tone. Dianna looked at Bjorn with both fear and hate in her eyes, and the large man took a couple steps closer to her. "You are afraid that I will take you as my salt wife." He stated, rather than asked. "I admit it, it's tempting... You are fierce, and not too hard to look at either. However, you are apparently a high-ranking officer in service of Nymeria, and Efran might have other plans for you." With these words Bjorn turned his back to Dianna, and walked once again to the window. Dianna decided it was better not to reveal that she wasn't really that high-ranking.
"So, you bow to the Bastard's Bastard?" She asked quietly, and Bjorn let out a cold chuckle, not even turning to look at her. "Careful now, Dianna." He said smoothly. "I'm quite fond of you, but be very careful. And no, I don't bow to Efran, we are equal allies." Dianna stayed silent, not wanting to risk angering this man, and finally Bjorn turned towards her again. "Do you have nothing to say, Captain Dianna?" He asked, his voice calm and quiet, with underlying threat in it. Then, the door was knocked. With annoyed look Bjorn turned his eyes towards the door. "Who is it?" He asked with a loud yell.
"It's me, brother." A deep and firm voice answered behind the door. Dianna could see Bjorn's lips forming a small smile now. "Come in." He replied, and the door was opened. By the door stood a very tall man, even taller than Bjorn. However, he wasn't quite as massive in his physique, and the dark brown beard on his face was well trimmed. He was clad in a chainmail made of dark steel, and over it was a simple black tunic. On his belt he carried two axes, one of them larger than the other. His hair was shaved from the sides, he had a calm and bony face, and his eyes were green. Dianna could also see that this man was much younger than Bjorn. He let his eyes study Dianna's body for a couple seconds, before turning his gaze to Bjorn.
"Captain, we have now drowned those that died in the battle to the well, so they can join their ancestors on the watery halls of the Drowned God." He spoke with serious and calm words, and Bjorn nodded to him. "What is dead may never die." The captain said quietly, and his brother repeated the words.
"You have done well, Hargan." Bjorn stated, taking a step closer to him. He studied the face of his brother for a moment before speaking up again. "We were just talking about what happens next, with Dianna here." He gestured towards her lazily, and Hargan turned to look at her again. The look on his eyes was calm, but there was something frightening about it.
"Will you take him as your salt wife?" Hargan asked quietly from Bjorn, keeping his hungry eyes at Dianna. "No, not for now at least." Bjorn answered firmly. "Efran might have a use for her."
"Who cares what that bastard wants?" Hargan spat arrogantly. Bjorn grabbed his brother from the shoulder, turning him so that he had to look at him. "As long as we are his allies, we should respect Lord Efran." He spoke with quiet and serious words, and Hargan nodded to him with a subtle gulp. "Now, go and get the men ready, so we can finally leave this shithole." He continued, and a small smile was formed on Hargan's face.
"Where are we going?" He asked, and Bjorn gave him a wide grin. "We return to our ships." He said confidently, and his brother let out a cheerful laugh. "Now, go and get the men ready." Bjorn repeated his order, and Hargan obeyed, quietly walking out of the room.
Now Bjorn turned towards Dianna again. "You want to be free from your chains, don't you?" He asked casually, and Dianna gulped, considering her answer for a while. "Yes." She finally answered quietly, and Bjorn nodded. Then, for Dianna's surprise, he pulled a key from his pocket. Calmly he unlocked the chains around Dianna's wrist, and stepped back.
Dianna moved her wrist around, feeling slightly relieved of her "freedom". She knew that in truth she was anything but free, but at least she wasn't in chains like a slave anymore. She stood up from the bed, looking at Captain Bjorn with uncertainty in her eyes.
"They say your Princess has no ships." Bjorn said calmly, observing Dianna's face as he spoke. "Is this the truth?"
"It is." Dianna answered shortly. Bjorn smiled subtly, and nodded. "So, she won't be able to save Lemonwood." He stated, now walking to his shield. As he grabbed the shield, Dianna's eyes widened.
"Save Lemonwood?" She asked in confusion, and Bjorn Harlaw chuckled lazily. "Efran wants to take the throne of his ancestral home, and I want the bounty he has promised me... Together we will take Lemonwood." The Ironborn captain explained this with a casual tone, like he was planning to steal a sheep, and not the stronghold of an ancient noble house. "What do you think, Dianna, can your princess stop us?" He asked with a smirk, and it was hard to tell whether the question was genuine, or if he was simply taunting her.
["She will stop you"]["She can't stop you"][Stay silent]
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turne… mored around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She si… [view original content]
Well, I don't know Bjorn's intention with this question, but my answer would remain the same regardless if his question is asked out of mockery or out of genuine interest. Nymeria can stop them. Just like how I have underestimated Efran, it appears to me that Bjorn is underestimating Nymeria. She has not only House Martell, but the entire Rhoynar force with her. With or without ships, she is someone that should be taken seriously. At best, Dianna manages to make a point so convincing that she starts to sow doubt with Bjorn about Efran's chances of winning this. I mean, I doubt her words will change much, but there is a chance. And at worst, well, I doubt Bjorn will react worse than just being amused. From his behaviour in this part, he doesn't really strike me as someone who would lose his temper over not getting the answer he wants to hear.
One thing I am also curious about is to learn that Efran intends to take the throne of his home. I mean, maybe that's just a phrase to say that he wishes to be lord, but it does kinda sound like he plans to crown himself king. That would be a very bold move and one that is surely going to end badly for him. I mean, I could, in theory, see a chance for him to become the rightful Lord Dalt under Nymeria's rule, if he makes peace with her and lets his men join her cause, maybe after forcefully removing the existing Dalt's from power. But king? If he truly plans to go there, then there's no way this can end well for him. Bjorn however intrigues me. He seems pretty loyal to Efran, but maybe, with the right choices and developments, he could be convinced to try his luck with more promising employers, such as Nymeria.
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turne… mored around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She si… [view original content]
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turne… mored around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She si… [view original content]
Well, I don't know Bjorn's intention with this question, but my answer would remain the same regardless if his question is asked out of mockery or out of genuine interest. Nymeria can stop them. Just like how I have underestimated Efran, it appears to me that Bjorn is underestimating Nymeria. She has not only House Martell, but the entire Rhoynar force with her. With or without ships, she is someone that should be taken seriously.
Indeed, Bjorn's knowledge of Nymeria is very limited, and he can't imagine her having much power. That said, with all the problems that the Martell's are facing right now, it could be that Nym can't offer her help to Lord Darin when Bjorn and Efran attack.
One thing I am also curious about is to learn that Efran intends to take the throne of his home. I mean, maybe that's just a phrase to say that he wishes to be lord, but it does kinda sound like he plans to crown himself king. That would be a very bold move and one that is surely going to end badly for him. I mean, I could, in theory, see a chance for him to become the rightful Lord Dalt under Nymeria's rule, if he makes peace with her and lets his men join her cause, maybe after forcefully removing the existing Dalt's from power. But king? If he truly plans to go there, then there's no way this can end well for him. Bjorn however intrigues me. He seems pretty loyal to Efran, but maybe, with the right choices and developments, he could be convinced to try his luck with more promising employers, such as Nymeria.
Well, I can reveal that Bjorn knows very little about Efran's plans after taking Lemonwood. However, Efran is ambitious if anything, so crowning himself is definitely a possibility. And seeing Bjorn allied with Nymeria would certainly be an interesting scenario - perhaps it can happen
["She will stop you"]
Well, I don't know Bjorn's intention with this question, but my answer would remain the same regardless if his ques… moretion is asked out of mockery or out of genuine interest. Nymeria can stop them. Just like how I have underestimated Efran, it appears to me that Bjorn is underestimating Nymeria. She has not only House Martell, but the entire Rhoynar force with her. With or without ships, she is someone that should be taken seriously. At best, Dianna manages to make a point so convincing that she starts to sow doubt with Bjorn about Efran's chances of winning this. I mean, I doubt her words will change much, but there is a chance. And at worst, well, I doubt Bjorn will react worse than just being amused. From his behaviour in this part, he doesn't really strike me as someone who would lose his temper over not getting the answer he wants to hear.
One thing I am also curious about is to learn that Efran intends to take t… [view original content]
Even with all that has happened, I can't see DIanna losing her belief in Nymeria already. It seems like the answer she would give in this situation and Bjorn has turned out to be different in his personality than I expected him with it seeming he is ruthless because it is his job rather then being a constant part of who he is. It seems that Bjorn is wanting Dianna to give her honest opinion here so I don't believe he would harm her for that or at least I don't think so.
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turne… mored around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She si… [view original content]
Yeah, Bjorn knows what kind of man he needs to be to be respected by his men and feared by his enemies, and he happily plays that role whenever he needs to. However, as we see here, Bjorn can also be very calm and reasonable, so he definitely isn't an Ironborn version of Albin or anything like that
["She will stop you"]
Even with all that has happened, I can't see DIanna losing her belief in Nymeria already. It seems like the answer … moreshe would give in this situation and Bjorn has turned out to be different in his personality than I expected him with it seeming he is ruthless because it is his job rather then being a constant part of who he is. It seems that Bjorn is wanting Dianna to give her honest opinion here so I don't believe he would harm her for that or at least I don't think so.
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turne… mored around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She si… [view original content]
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turne… mored around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She si… [view original content]
I'm back! So, I've returned from the colorful Barcelona to my grey homeland Without further ado...
Voting is closed!
Unanimously, Dianna will say "she will stop you". We will not necessarily see the moment she says this, but it will have its affect on the dynamic between Bjorn and Dianna, and perhaps also change the way Bjorn perceives Nymeria, at least marginally. It probably came clear from this part that Efran and Bjorn are planning to conquer Lemonwood, and considering that Bjorn with his crew will now be returning to their ships, it might happen fairly soon.
Anyway, as you know, the next part will be a Myke PoV, and it will also take us back to Blackmont. I've had a few days now to contemplate on how exactly do I want to write this part, and now I'll finally get to do it It could be though that I won't get the part done until tomorrow.
Also, before I left, I drew the portrait of Hargan Harlaw:
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the council has many matters to take care of in times like this." Myke said with a small sigh.
"None of those matters should be as important as defeating Karsan Taller, and taking back Gravesend." Brennin said sternly, and Myke nodded to him calmly. Watching this man, Myke had to wonder again if helping him would indeed be the more honorable thing to do, instead of continuing the hopeless mission to find Kortney. Joran surely thought so, but Myke just didn't want to give up on the sweet girl she had known and loved, almost like she was his own daughter. He felt the thumping pain in his head again, and grimaced. His injuries were healing slowly, but they still continued to bother him frequently. Thirty years ago these injuries would've been mere flea bites to me, he thought bitterly.
Finally, the council chamber's door was opened. The man opening it was the maester of the castle, an old and greying man with calm and friendly expression on his face. "Sers, come in, please." He invited, and held the door open for them. Ser Joran walked in first, and Brennin followed quickly after him. Myke let out a small sigh before walking in, and Raina followed him.
At the end of the table sat a plump and balding man with a polite smile on his face. Is that King Benedict? Considering what Myke had heard of the man, it seemed unlikely. The maester took his seat next to the plump man. Next to the maester sat a tall and handsome man, built like a warrior, with blue eyes and short brown hair. And lastly, there was a tall and slender pale man with bowl cut silver hair, a cold and emotionless look on his dark eyes, dressed in simple but finely crafted black jacket.
"Welcome Sers, and lady, you stand in front of King Benedict Blackmont's council." The plump man begun. "I am Braddock Blackmont, cousin of the King, and the head of his council." His voice was proud and formal, and they all gave the council a small bow. Myke could see the confused look on Brennin's eyes.
"Where is King Benedict?" The commander asked, his voice calm and cold, and Braddock let out a small chuckle. "I'm afraid the King is quite busy at the moment." He simply said, still the polite smile on his face. Brennin looked dissatisfied with the answer, but stayed quiet.
"In his absence, we represent His Grace." The maester continued with soft tone. "I am Maester Mortin, next to me is the Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Thomos the Thunder, and lastly, next to Thomos sits Noctis, the King's..."
"A close advisor of his majesty." Noctis finished the sentence himself, chilling tone on his hollow voice. For a short moment silence lingered in the council chamber, until Braddock cleared his throat.
"If I've understood correctly, you are here because of the situation in Gravesend." He started. "We have heard some rumors from there... Anyway, who were you again?" Braddock asked, observing each of them with interest.
"I am Ser Myke of the Marches, and with me are Ser Joran Storm, Commander Brennin Kell, and Lady Raina." Myke answered calmly, and Braddock nodded to him.
"We are here to ask what does the King plan to do about the peasant rebel Karsan Taller and his thugs who are currently holding Gravesend." Brennin's tone was less patient, and Braddock nodded to him as a calming gesture. "I understand, commander." He said with a small sigh. "However, our information of the situation is very limited, so we'd appreciate if you could tell us what exactly happened there."
And so, Brennin Kell went on to tell the story of the riot breaking out on the day the deserter Brack was hanged on the town center. The council listened carefully, and when Brennin ended the story to their escape, everyone stayed silent for a moment.
"The situation is severe, that much is clear." Braddock finally stated with a sigh, turning to look at the maester, who nodded in agreement.
"So, what do you plan to do about it?" Brennin asked impatiently, and this time it was Noctis who answered. "We cannot make a decision on such a matter without the consent of the King." The pale man spoke with emotionless tone, eyeing at Brennin with narrowed eyes.
"I'm afraid I have to agree with Lord Noctis on this matter." Braddock said, sounding almost embarrassed. "We will inform the King though, and hopefully he'll give his order regarding this issue soon. I must warn though that His Grace is under tremendous amount of stress at the moment."
"Because of the war?" Ser Joran asked lazily, and Braddock let out a sigh. "That too." He said quietly, and Myke narrowed his eyes. "And what else?" He asked sharply. Braddock looked at him with uncertainty in his gaze.
"The Princess has been missing for almost a week now... Apparently she has been kidnapped." Braddock's tone was uncertain, and Myke could tell that he wasn't telling the full truth, but he didn't feel like pressing the man any further on this issue. "Anyway, if that was all, the servants can guide you to your quarters, to wait for the King's decision regarding Gravesend."
"Actually, there was something else." Myke said, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "As you know, I and Ser Joran are from the Stormlands. The reason why we are in Dorne is because the Lord of Nightsong, Trevas Caron, sent us to look for his missing daughter. Kortney Caron, a great beauty with long auburn locks and wide green eyes, has been missing for over a year now. She was last seen running south, towards Dorne, and she might be accompanied by a foreign man named Norano."
"I'm sorry to hear of this." Braddock replied uncomfortably, scratching his head. "However, I have not seen the daughter of Lord Caron, and had she ever arrived to Blackmont, a raven would've been sent to Nightsong."
"That's what we expected." Ser Joran said, giving a meaningful glare to Myke. Myke let out a sigh, feeling more hopeless about his mission than ever. However, then the maester spoke up. "I cannot say I have any solid information about this girl you are looking for... However, I have heard rumors." He spoke with uncertainty, but Myke darted his eyes to the old man, and took a couple hasty steps closer to him. "Rumors, what rumors?" He asked, and Maester Mortin gulped. "It could be completely unrelated." He muttered, but Myke shook his head impatiently. "Just tell me." He commanded, and the maester nodded submissively.
"In some messages I've received from Kingsgrave there have been mentions of a noble girl who was enslaved by King Albin Manwoody." Mortin explained in regretful tone. "There was no mention who exactly was this girl, or where she came from..."
"It must be her." Myke stated decisively, anger rising inside him. "You don't know that." Joran said with a sigh, but Myke just shook his head. "Think about it." He said, turning his eyes to Joran now. "The Manwoody's are the first ones whose lands Kortney would reach by going south... It would also explain why we never heard anything about her, and why no one was able to find her."
Joran still looked unconvinced, but at least Myke had made him think about it. "Our mission was to find Kortney, and bring her back home – this is the first real lead on our mission." Myke persisted, but Joran just let out a sigh. "I promised to help Brennin take back his city." He said with uncertainty in his voice. "I don't want to let him down."
Myke closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He knew already that Raina would follow him, but Joran was a seasoned knight, and would be a big help if Kortney was indeed in Kingsgrave. Saving Kortney was their duty, but on the other hand Myke could also understand why it still seemed like a hopeless mission to Joran.
[Let Joran help Brennin][Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
Ah, you're back! Hope your vacation has been awesome I had slight withdrawal symptoms already, so I am super happy to see this new part already. And some interesting stuff was seen here. As expected, Braddock put himself at the top of the council now and I have no doubt that he's not even half as talented as Gwendis. Though it gives my theory that he has convinced Benedict of the marriage pact a bit more material. The other people on this council caught my eye though. Of course, Maeste Mortin is no big surprise and I suppose the handsome man is Ser Thomos. But bowl cut guy, is that Noctis? I am surprised about his presence, considering that this should hardly be the sort of stuff I would consider to be of interest to him.
That said, I am excited to see that Myke got a lead on his mission at last and such a strong one as well. I mean, we know this is not only a good lead, it is the correct lead, he now knows where Kortney is located and has a chance to free her. This all happens so much faster than I thought, so we're either in for an awesome rescue mission very soon, or something is going to happen that makes this mission go sour again. I don't know if I should be excited or afraid for this new development, but I know that it is surely better than Myke never getting a lead. I know this surely is better for Kortney, because now someone knows where she is. If Myke gets the chance, maybe he can even send a raven to Nightsong and in that case, Albin will be torn a new arsehole, but I keep thinking that it won't be that easily and that Myke likely won't get this chance. Instead, it seems to go down to him, Raina and hopefully Joran to free her, but success or failure, I hope House Caron will learn of this eventually.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
Here's the thing, it's not only his duty as a Caron knight to save Lord Caron's daughter, it's also something where his skills would be far more valuable. In Gravesend, he is just one man. Brennin is likely going to need a small army to reclaim it and Joran on his own, while an asset, is just one man. Myke meanwhile is going into the most nightmarish place in Dorne, a court ruled by a literal madman, filled with freaks and worse. In there, especially with only Raina as his current backup, a single man can make a huge difference. Hell, maybe this choice even decides over victory or failure of the mission and therefore Kortney's freedom. And well, as I said, it is his duty. He gave an oath for that reason and he can't throw it away for a man he just met and feels somewhat sympathetic for.
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been… more waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the coun… [view original content]
Welcome back! I hope your holiday was well, and I do look forward to hearing more about it
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
I have a strong feeling that this will end up getting Joran killed, especially since it's a mission that he no longer believes in, however I'd prefer it be him rather than Myke or Raina. I agree entirely with Liquid's argument, and I think Joran's skills would be heavily required by Myke's side. Sure, he'd be a courageous and strong leader for the people against Karsan Taller, but right now Myke needs all the help he can get. It'd be nice if he could send word to Nightsong, as Liquid said, because there is no doubt Lord Trevas would unleash an army against Kingsgrave for the rescue of his daughter. Of course, that has its cons too, being that Albin could kill Kortney, while a stealth mission could perhaps be a better approach. Who knows? I'm eager to find out
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been… more waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the coun… [view original content]
Welcome back Wildling! Hopefully your vacation turned out well It is also really awesome to see that a new part is up as well.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
As the others have already said, it is Joran's duty to help find Kortney just the same as it is Myke's and with an actual lead for them to go off of, there is no need for him to back out now. As we all know, this is the correct lead so it will be interesting to see what ends up happening here since this is very much the defining moment in Myke and Kortney's storylines so hopefully everything goes to plan but I am certainly not getting my hopes up Overall, with Kortney turning back into her old self again, this is seemingly perfect timing for something good to happen but hopefully at the very least, Lord Trevas is alerted so another enemy wanting to attack House Manwoody can be added to the already large list that they seem to have.
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been… more waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the coun… [view original content]
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been… more waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the coun… [view original content]
Ah, you're back! Hope your vacation has been awesome
It was very nice! I must say though that my legs and feet are absolutely destroyed, since I did more walking in Barcelona than I have probably in the last few months here in Finland
As expected, Braddock put himself at the top of the council now and I have no doubt that he's not even half as talented as Gwendis. Though it gives my theory that he has convinced Benedict of the marriage pact a bit more material. The other people on this council caught my eye though. Of course, Maeste Mortin is no big surprise and I suppose the handsome man is Ser Thomos. But bowl cut guy, is that Noctis? I am surprised about his presence, considering that this should hardly be the sort of stuff I would consider to be of interest to him.
Indeed, Braddock is definitely satisfied with his new position. He is not completely talentless, but he is not really a leader, so yeah, Gwendis was a better head of the council. And yes, Ser Thomos and Noctis are the other members of the current council, as I think Mortin said somewhere in this part. The reason Noctis is there is really just for the King to have his "presence" in the council without actually taking part, to make sure Braddock stays in line.
That said, I am excited to see that Myke got a lead on his mission at last and such a strong one as well. I mean, we know this is not only a good lead, it is the correct lead, he now knows where Kortney is located and has a chance to free her. This all happens so much faster than I thought, so we're either in for an awesome rescue mission very soon, or something is going to happen that makes this mission go sour again. I don't know if I should be excited or afraid for this new development, but I know that it is surely better than Myke never getting a lead. I know this surely is better for Kortney, because now someone knows where she is. If Myke gets the chance, maybe he can even send a raven to Nightsong and in that case, Albin will be torn a new arsehole, but I keep thinking that it won't be that easily and that Myke likely won't get this chance. Instead, it seems to go down to him, Raina and hopefully Joran to free her, but success or failure, I hope House Caron will learn of this eventually.
Mm, I feel it would've been a bit redundant to keep Myke wandering around with no real leads, especially now that every reader knows where exactly Kortney is. It's indeed the correct lead, and sets Myke at least on the right course when it comes to saving Kortney. However, it won't be easy, that much is clear. And raven will be sent to Nightsong, but it's still just a rumor, so Trevas probably won't be sending his whole army. However, some help can be expected from him.
Ah, you're back! Hope your vacation has been awesome I had slight withdrawal symptoms already, so I am super happy to see this new part alr… moreeady. And some interesting stuff was seen here. As expected, Braddock put himself at the top of the council now and I have no doubt that he's not even half as talented as Gwendis. Though it gives my theory that he has convinced Benedict of the marriage pact a bit more material. The other people on this council caught my eye though. Of course, Maeste Mortin is no big surprise and I suppose the handsome man is Ser Thomos. But bowl cut guy, is that Noctis? I am surprised about his presence, considering that this should hardly be the sort of stuff I would consider to be of interest to him.
That said, I am excited to see that Myke got a lead on his mission at last and such a strong one as well. I mean, we know this is not only a good lead, it is the correct lead, he now knows where Kortney is located and ha… [view original content]
Welcome back! I hope your holiday was well, and I do look forward to hearing more about it
Thanks, it was great! And it wasn't too long either, so my hype for NW didn't wither
I agree entirely with Liquid's argument, and I think Joran's skills would be heavily required by Myke's side. Sure, he'd be a courageous and strong leader for the people against Karsan Taller, but right now Myke needs all the help he can get. It'd be nice if he could send word to Nightsong, as Liquid said, because there is no doubt Lord Trevas would unleash an army against Kingsgrave for the rescue of his daughter. Of course, that has its cons too, being that Albin could kill Kortney, while a stealth mission could perhaps be a better approach. Who knows? I'm eager to find out
Yeah, Joran would be a big asset in case they'll have to fight to get Kortney to safety. It still remains to be seen how exactly will they tackle this mission. And Myke definitely will send a word to Nightsong about what he heard, but it must be remembered that for them this is still just a flimsy rumor, which is probably not enough for Trevas to march on Kingsgrave with full force.
Welcome back! I hope your holiday was well, and I do look forward to hearing more about it
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
… more
I have a strong feeling that this will end up getting Joran killed, especially since it's a mission that he no longer believes in, however I'd prefer it be him rather than Myke or Raina. I agree entirely with Liquid's argument, and I think Joran's skills would be heavily required by Myke's side. Sure, he'd be a courageous and strong leader for the people against Karsan Taller, but right now Myke needs all the help he can get. It'd be nice if he could send word to Nightsong, as Liquid said, because there is no doubt Lord Trevas would unleash an army against Kingsgrave for the rescue of his daughter. Of course, that has its cons too, being that Albin could kill Kortney, while a stealth mission could perhaps be a better approach. Who knows? I'm eager to find out
Welcome back Wildling! Hopefully your vacation turned out well It is also really awesome to see that a new part is up as well.
Glad to be back! It was great in Barcelona, but I was starting to miss writing the story, so I pumped out this new part pretty quickly after coming back
Overall, with Kortney turning back into her old self again, this is seemingly perfect timing for something good to happen but hopefully at the very least, Lord Trevas is alerted so another enemy wanting to attack House Manwoody can be added to the already large list that they seem to have.
As I told Liquid and Stigz, Trevas will indeed be sent a message about this, but it's questionable how will he react, since it's still merely a rumor. However, he is quite desperate to get his daughter back, so he certainly won't just ignore it.
Welcome back Wildling! Hopefully your vacation turned out well It is also really awesome to see that a new part is up as well.
[Remind J… moreoran it's his duty to save Kortney]
As the others have already said, it is Joran's duty to help find Kortney just the same as it is Myke's and with an actual lead for them to go off of, there is no need for him to back out now. As we all know, this is the correct lead so it will be interesting to see what ends up happening here since this is very much the defining moment in Myke and Kortney's storylines so hopefully everything goes to plan but I am certainly not getting my hopes up Overall, with Kortney turning back into her old self again, this is seemingly perfect timing for something good to happen but hopefully at the very least, Lord Trevas is alerted so another enemy wanting to attack House Manwoody can be added to the already large list that they seem to have.
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been… more waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the coun… [view original content]
Indeed, Braddock is definitely satisfied with his new position. He is not completely talentless, but he is not really a leader, so yeah, Gwendis was a better head of the council. And yes, Ser Thomos and Noctis are the other members of the current council, as I think Mortin said somewhere in this part. The reason Noctis is there is really just for the King to have his "presence" in the council without actually taking part, to make sure Braddock stays in line.
Literally just after I wrote my comment, I scrolled up to read again and I realized that Mortin indeed mentions their names. And here I was, feeling smart for figuring them out on my own. Guess I wasn't that smart after all But hm, Noctis' presence makes sense now and he even got himself a title. Lord Noctis... eh, this guy barely said two words and he already gives me the creeps. While I don't outright hate Braddock, since I doubt he had truly bad intentions even if he's behind the Fowler marriage alliance, I do hope that Noctis is going to make his job as hard and unpleasant as possible. I surely don't want him to enjoy his new position in any way. Though it seems Lyla is not present and that makes me think, what if Benedict genuinely thinks that Gwendis got abducted? I mean, we know she had her reasons, as wrong as they were, but I doubt these reasons are something that can correctly be told in a letter, especially as it was a brief one, if I remember correctly. On top of that, without fully knowing of Gwendis' reasons, her just running away from Blackmont would be highly unusual for her. Perhaps Lyla's absence means that my earlier theory, that she is sent after Aisha, is not entirely wrong. After all, it could be entirely reasonable for Benedict to assume that Gwendis was forced to write the letter and forced to leave. Hm, though I have made this theory before, the presence of Lyla in a possible confrontation between Team Aisha and Team Desi is something I haven't fully taken into consideration. Someone like her could surely be able to really mess up the plans of a certain witch. If I'm correct with my theory, then I think this is a good thing, because it might mean that Gwendis is not completely without allies in her current situation.
Mm, I feel it would've been a bit redundant to keep Myke wandering around with no real leads, especially now that every reader knows where exactly Kortney is. It's indeed the correct lead, and sets Myke at least on the right course when it comes to saving Kortney. However, it won't be easy, that much is clear. And raven will be sent to Nightsong, but it's still just a rumor, so Trevas probably won't be sending his whole army. However, some help can be expected from him.
Sure, you're right. With Kortney's identity revealed, sending Myke on a path where we know he's wrong wouldn't really achieve anything. I am still a bit surprised he got this lead already, but that is not a bad thing. Well, I have the horrible feeling that this is a bad thing for Myke, because he's getting himself and his allies into terrible danger, but it is a very good thing for Kortney. Even if Myke fails, which I don't hope, he should at least be able to confirm that she is indeed at Kingsgrave, either directly by talking to Trevas, or indirectly through his absence after he announced that he will check this lead out. For now, a bit of help, maybe a smaller force, might be even more useful than a Caron army, because with Kortney as his hostage, Albin has the better position for now. But perhaps the Caron's can be allies to Nymeria when the time comes for her to march against Kingsgrave. They have a mutual enemy there and since Nymeria has no ambitions for the Dornish Marches, they could be great allies for this war. It seems like Albin is as good as done for, with a Fowler/Blackmont alliance against him, potentially even the Dayne's and the Caron's (which would probably mean even more of the Marcher Lords). I wonder what his trump card is, because I doubt he'll go down that easily.
Ah, you're back! Hope your vacation has been awesome
It was very nice! I must say though that my legs and feet are absolutely destr… moreoyed, since I did more walking in Barcelona than I have probably in the last few months here in Finland
As expected, Braddock put himself at the top of the council now and I have no doubt that he's not even half as talented as Gwendis. Though it gives my theory that he has convinced Benedict of the marriage pact a bit more material. The other people on this council caught my eye though. Of course, Maeste Mortin is no big surprise and I suppose the handsome man is Ser Thomos. But bowl cut guy, is that Noctis? I am surprised about his presence, considering that this should hardly be the sort of stuff I would consider to be of interest to him.
Indeed, Braddock is definitely satisfied with his new position. He is not completely talentless, but he is not really a leader, so yeah, Gwendis was a b… [view original content]
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been… more waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the coun… [view original content]
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been… more waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the coun… [view original content]
And Myke will remind Joran that it's his duty to save Kortney. Joran is quite dutiful man, so this might very well work to get him back onboard with the mission. Anyway, from now on Myke will set his course towards Kingsgrave, which should definitely be interesting.
The next part will be a Naemon PoV, and I wish to get it done tomorrow. Last time in Naemon's storyline, he left Starfall with Ser Myle, Prince Malcolm, his new squire Davos Dayne, and Lord Alester Upton. Their destination is the Kingdom of Blackmont, but before that they will stop at Sword's Edge, to take the Upton troops with them. Last time the convoy camped to the shores of Torrentine, and Naemon was having a conversation with Davos and Malcolm, mostly about knighthood. It led to Davos asking a hard question from Naemon: what would he do to the man who had murdered his sister? You voted for him to answer that he doesn't know what he'd do. We'll continue from there.
And related to the next part, here is a portrait of Davos Dayne:
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attention to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, but he said them with all the confidence he could muster.
Davos nodded quietly, turning his gaze down. Naemon felt frustrated that he couldn't give a satisfying answer for his squire, but he wanted to be honest with him. He turned to look at Malcolm, who gave him a small approving nod, a calm expression on his face. For a moment they all sat there in silence, until Lord Alester approached them.
"You should probably get some rest, Princes, tomorrow we'll arrive to Sword's Edge." He said casually, scratching his thick red beard.
"We will, Lord Alester, and you should as well." Malcolm answered with calm and quiet voice. Alester nodded, eyed them for a moment longer, and finally walked back to his soldiers. "He might be a cunt, but he is right this time." Ser Myle stated with a yawn. "We should get some sleep."
They all agreed, and laid back under the willow by the Torrentine. Still, Naemon laid awake for a long time, listening to Malcolm and Myle snore softly. In his mind, he wondered silently whether Gwendis was safe. Davos had planted terrible thoughts in Naemon's head with his question, but he couldn't blame the boy. Slowly he fell asleep, but the dark thoughts still haunted him in his dreams.
Next day before sunset they arrived in Sword's Edge, and were welcomed by a small army of the Upton troops, who had been summoned for this mission. As the convoy rode in from the gates, the troops on the courtyard fell on their knees, while Lady Alerah and Lady Catelyn, as well as Stanler Upton and Ser Orwen Wythmail stood in front of the keep, welcoming back the Lord of Sword's Edge.
"We have been waiting for you." Lady Alerah said with a polite tone as they dismounted their horses. Alester gave his mother a small nod, but quickly walked past her to his wife Catelyn, and gave her a long kiss on the lips. "Good to see again, wife." He said with a grin, and then turned towards the rest of the convoy. "With me come Prince Naemon and Ser Myle, but also Prince Malcolm, and Davos Dayne."
"You are all very welcome to Sword's Edge." Lady Alerah announced, giving them a curtsey. Naemon nodded with a thin smile. "We won't be staying long, my Lady." He said calmly.
"Yes, King Vorian sent us a raven, explaining the mission you are heading into." Alerah replied. She gulped subtly as she glanced at her son. "I wish you all the luck in the world, and may the Seven bless you."
"Yes, yes, but now we should feast and drink!" Alester yelled, grabbing Catelyn under his arm. Alester's uncle, Stanler, nodded with a stern expression. "A feast will be held on the mess hall." He announced with almost amusingly humorless tone.
"Better get something appropriate on then." Malcolm said with a smirk, and they all made their way inside.
The musicians played their instruments on the gallery, the hall was filled with chatter and laughter of the troops, and wine flowed. Naemon sat on the high table with the Upton family, Malcolm and Davos. He glanced at Lord Alester, who sat on the middle, drinking his fifth cup of wine and feeding grapes to his lady. On the other side of Alester, and right next to Naemon, was Malcolm, who hadn't drank much, and looked honestly a bit bored. On the left of Naemon sat Davos, who was observing the feast with great interest, carefully sipping his second cup of wine. Ser Myle was sitting on the lower tables among the Upton troops.
"The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun, and his kisses were warmer than spring!" The singing of the soldiers sounded from the lower tables, and soon the Lord joined the singing of his troops. Alester stood up from his table, and sang loudly with his less than beautiful singing voice. "But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel, and its kiss was a terrible thing!"
The soldiers cheered and laughed for their lord, and the singing continued. Naemon could even see a grin forming on Malcolm's face now. And then, for his surprise, Davos joined the singing. "The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed, with a voice that was sweet as a peach!"
"Perhaps we should join as well." Malcolm said to Naemon with a smirk, and then joined in on the singing. "But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own, and a bit sharp and cold as a leech!"
Naemon chuckled and shook his head subtly. He wasn't much of a singer, but decided to finally join the singing.
"As he lay on the ground with the darkness around, and the taste of his blood on his tongue,
His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer, and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,
"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done, the Dornishman's taken my life,
But what does it matter, for all men must die, and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"
As the song ended, the hall was filled with laughter and cheering. Alester took his cup and downed what wine was left in it, then proceeding to grab his wife on his arms. Catelyn giggled drunkenly, and a wide drunken grin was formed on Alester's face.
"Brothers, oh brothers! This Dornishman is now going to taste his own wife!" He boasted, then passionately kissed Catelyn, who was still resting on his arms. The troops cheered and clapped for their lord, who now proceeded to make his way out of the hall, carrying Catelyn on his arms. "Have a good night, m'lord!" One of the soldiers yelled.
"You know I will!" Alester answered as he arrived to the doors and walked out. The laughing of the soldiers went on for a while after Alester was gone, but soon they calmed down. Naemon turned his eyes to Davos, who looked to be a bit tipsy from his two cups of wine. "Perhaps you shouldn't take any more." Naemon said softly, and Davos raised an eyebrow.
"I- I'm not drunk, Ser." He said hastily, and both Naemon and Malcolm let out a small laugh. "Well, then I assume you are just a very passionate singer." Naemon said smoothly, and Davos blushed.
"It's alright, cousin." Malcolm said gently. "It's completely fine to have some fun now and then." Davos nodded quietly to Malcolm's words. As some of the troops were starting to leave the hall, Alerah suddenly approached Naemon, Malcolm and Davos. "Lady Alerah." Naemon greeted politely, but Alerah's expression was concerned.
"There was something I wanted to talk about... A favor I wanted to ask." Her tone was uneasy, and Naemon looked at her with questioning eyes. "Go ahead and ask, and I'll see if I can be of help." He answered, and Alerah nodded with a gulp.
"It's about Alester." She said with a sigh. "I know he will join you on this mission no matter what, he is so stubborn sometimes. But you must understand, he is the only son I have left, and I'm afraid he'll act recklessly."
"So, what do you want me to do?" Naemon asked calmly, but before Alerah could answer he continued. "I can't order him to stay back, else he won't lend his troops to me, that was the deal we made."
"I understand." Alerah replied quietly. "However, perhaps you could make sure he won't put himself in unnecessary danger during this mission. Could you promise that to me?"
Naemon glanced at Malcolm, who gave him a subtle shrug. In all honesty, Naemon didn't expect he could control Alester, but he did understand Alerah's concern. He let out a sigh, and looked into the eyes of Alester's mother.
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
Argh, every time Naemon speaks about Gwendis' death, I feel seriously uneasy. I hope this is a red herring and not foreshadowing Although he likely is going to think that she is dead pretty soon, once he learns of her running away from Blackmont in the company of the Wicked Witch of Western Dorne. Well, whatever happens, I don't like the sound of that talk, although I do like Naemon's answer. I mean, it is sure that if, god forbid, something happens to Gwendis, the one that killed her will suffer the most cruel of deaths, but it's probably a good thing for Davos to make his own decision on this matter, if anything ever happens to his sister.
I mean, he can't really promise it of course and I sort of doubt he can prevent Alistair from putting himself in danger, but he can at least promise it. Alerah seems like a smart woman, she knows Naemon can't promise this for sure, not with her sons rash temper. The only one who might be able to control him is hundreds of miles away in Godsgrace. However, I believe Naemon can at least tell her what she wants to hear. This is not the time to be brutally honest, but to give a concerned mother some peace of mind. Maybe by promising this, Alerah will have some relief during Alistair's absence. And if something happens to him regardless, then she can still be concerned for him when it actually happens. And well, while Naemon can't control Alistair and can't make sure that he'll be fine, maybe he can at least try his best. That's what he can promise her here.
I bought Horizon Zero Dawn yesterday
Oh my god Well, it was nice knowing you. Farewell, you shall be missed! The beautifully crafted world of Horizon: Zero Dawn has claimed another one, it seems. Damn you, Guerrilla Games, for creating such a magnificent game!
All jokes aside, I plan on getting that one pretty soon as well, because it looks absolutely awesome. With Horizon, the new Mass Effect, the new Middle-Earth game and Red Dead Redemption 2 coming out this year, it seems my poor wallet is going to suffer terribly
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
Argh, every time Naemon speaks about Gwendis' death, I feel seriously uneasy. I hope this is a red herring and not foreshadowing
Ah, I suppose we're just gonna have to wait and see with this one Though it might very well be that it's determined by the choices you make with Gwendis whether this ends up being foreshadowing or not.
Oh my god Well, it was nice knowing you. Farewell, you shall be missed! The beautifully crafted world of Horizon: Zero Dawn has claimed another one, it seems. Damn you, Guerrilla Games, for creating such a magnificent game!
All jokes aside, I plan on getting that one pretty soon as well, because it looks absolutely awesome. With Horizon, the new Mass Effect, the new Middle-Earth game and Red Dead Redemption 2 coming out this year, it seems my poor wallet is going to suffer terribly
I can confirm that it's gorgeous, and I'm playing with the regular PS4. The world is really vast and intriguing, fighting the robots is more fun than I expected, and so far I've really digged the story as well. I'm almost 10h in, though most of that time has obviously gone to side missions. Anyway, I can definitely recommend it, I'm having hard time trying to take breaks to do something else! Thankfully I don't have any important uni projects going on atm, because they would suffer for sure
Argh, every time Naemon speaks about Gwendis' death, I feel seriously uneasy. I hope this is a red herring and not foreshadowing Although h… moree likely is going to think that she is dead pretty soon, once he learns of her running away from Blackmont in the company of the Wicked Witch of Western Dorne. Well, whatever happens, I don't like the sound of that talk, although I do like Naemon's answer. I mean, it is sure that if, god forbid, something happens to Gwendis, the one that killed her will suffer the most cruel of deaths, but it's probably a good thing for Davos to make his own decision on this matter, if anything ever happens to his sister.
I mean, he can't really promise it of course and I sort of doubt he can prevent Alistair from putting himself in danger, but he can at least promise it. Alerah seems like a smart woman, she knows Naemon can't promise this for sure, not with her sons rash temper. The only one who might be … [view original content]
This was a really fun part! It was pretty cool getting to see everyone enjoying themselves and having fun as well. Everyone's characters shined in their own way and I liked it alot
Like Liquid said, this is more about giving Lady Alerah some kind of peace of mind more than anything. She has been throught alot losing her other sons in different ways and the thought of the only son with her going off to potentially fight in dangerous territory is no doubt terrifying for her. With Naemon telling her this, it would probably help her mentally and even though it will be hard for Naemon to fulfill the promise, I believe he will still try which is all that can be truly asked of here.
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attent… moreion to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, b… [view original content]
And Naemon will promise to Lady Alerah that he'll keep Alester away from unnecessary danger. A bit of a white lie from Naemon to make such a promise, but I understand your reasoning
The next part should be Isabella PoV. I haven't written much of it yet, and I'm unsure how much time I'll find for writing today, but hopefully I'll get it ready before Monday. In the beginning of Isabella's last part, she heard the news of the Battle of the Wide Way, and that Prince Ferris was marching after the retreating Manwoody forces with the Blackmonts. After that she went to meet with her father and brother Desmor. King Garrison delivered to his son and daughter the news that Gwendis had escaped Blackmont, and thus the marriage between Desmor and her was at risk. Desmor figured this was because Gwendis didn't want to marry a thirdborn, and was at the same time frustrated and relieved. He made clear that the bethrothal should've never happened, and stormed out of the room. Isabella was left with the choice of staying to support his father, who looked to be stressed out, or going after Desmor. You voted for her to go after Desmor, and that's where we shall continue.
King Garrison delivered to his son and daughter the news that Gwendis had escaped Blackmont, and thus the marriage between Desmor and her was at risk.
At risk? That is a very polite way of putting it. Might even be a tiny understatement. I wasn't aware Garry is such an optimist
In all seriousness, I am very much looking forward for Isabella's part! Her storyline is really growing on me, especially as she's among the few PoV's where I find it hard to even speculate where her next parts may take her. Actually, looking through the list of PoV's, she's the only one where I don't have a real theory as to what she's going to do next. Aside from the immediate talk to Desmor of course, which should be interesting.
Voting is closed!
And Naemon will promise to Lady Alerah that he'll keep Alester away from unnecessary danger. A bit of a white lie from … moreNaemon to make such a promise, but I understand your reasoning
The next part should be Isabella PoV. I haven't written much of it yet, and I'm unsure how much time I'll find for writing today, but hopefully I'll get it ready before Monday. In the beginning of Isabella's last part, she heard the news of the Battle of the Wide Way, and that Prince Ferris was marching after the retreating Manwoody forces with the Blackmonts. After that she went to meet with her father and brother Desmor. King Garrison delivered to his son and daughter the news that Gwendis had escaped Blackmont, and thus the marriage between Desmor and her was at risk. Desmor figured this was because Gwendis didn't want to marry a thirdborn, and was at the same time frustrated and relieved. He made clear that the bethrothal should've nev… [view original content]
Indeed, it is a bit of an understatement That said, Garrison's knowledge of the situation is very limited. All he knows is that Gwen has ran from Blackmont, but he probably expects that she'll be found soon by Benedict's men.
King Garrison delivered to his son and daughter the news that Gwendis had escaped Blackmont, and thus the marriage between Desmor and her wa… mores at risk.
At risk? That is a very polite way of putting it. Might even be a tiny understatement. I wasn't aware Garry is such an optimist
In all seriousness, I am very much looking forward for Isabella's part! Her storyline is really growing on me, especially as she's among the few PoV's where I find it hard to even speculate where her next parts may take her. Actually, looking through the list of PoV's, she's the only one where I don't have a real theory as to what she's going to do next. Aside from the immediate talk to Desmor of course, which should be interesting.
"I'll go after him." Isabella said with a soft sigh, and Garrison nodded to her calmly. "Go." He said gently. "He needs you now."
Isabella wasn't sure what to say, so she just mumbled goodbye, and walked out of the room. Ser Soren Ashford and Ser Dustran Drinkwater stood at the guard by the door, and looked at Isabella with mild confusion as she stepped to the corridor. "Did my brother say where he went?" She asked calmly.
"Oh... I believe he was going to his chambers, my Princess." Soren answered and Dustran nodded subtly, as to confirm what Soren said.
"Thank you, Ser." Isabella mumbled quietly, walking away from the two Royal Guards. "My Princess, would you like me to escort you?" She heard Ser Soren asking, but she just shook her head. "No thanks." She said, at least trying to sound polite in her refusal.
Princess Isabella walked through the corridors of Skyreach with a sorrowful look on her eyes, wondering when would this war end, and everything would go back to how it was before. Then again, it could be that she would be married off to somewhere before the war would end, where she'd have to start a new life, rather than go back to what was before. Of course she hoped that she'd be married to Jamison, but at this point that was starting to feel like a naïve dream that would never come true.
Finally Isabella arrived to the door of his brother's chambers, and knocked. After a couple seconds of silence, Desmor answered. "Come in." He said with a unenthusiastic voice. Isabella opened the door carefully, seeing her brother standing by the window, looking outside with a dreamy look on his eyes.
"I wanted to talk." Isabella said with quiet and uncertain words, and Desmor nodded calmly. "We can talk, Bella." He answered, turning to look at her. "But I don't need your pity." Isabella sighed, walking closer to her brother.
"I can tell that you're upset, brother." She said with soft tone, but Desmor just turned back to the window. "Why would I be upset?" He asked, expressionlessly staring out of the window. "I never wanted to marry Gwendis, all I want is to serve this kingdom with my sword."
"And you feel now like that has been taken away from you, right?" Isabella asked, trying to make an eye-contact, but Desmor avoided it. "Of course it has been taken away from me." He answered with frustration in his voice. "If I can't fight, there is nothing I can do... It's all I'm good for."
"That's not true." Isabella said compassionately, and Desmor let out a dry chuckle. "Tell me then, what's my role? What am I good for?" He asked, now turning to look Isabella to the eyes. Isabella gulped, surprised by how tense her brother's questions were. "You will marry a noble lady one day, have children with her, and be a good father to them." She tried, but Desmor shook his head.
"No." He said bluntly. "That's not what I want... I would make a terrible father." Isabella sighed again, not sure what to say to her brother.
"And how could you possibly know that?" She finally asked. Desmor didn't answer, but just turned his depressed gaze down. "You shouldn't think so lowly of yourself, Desmor." Isabella continued, walking closer to her brother, and grabbing his hand. "You are a good man, and the world always has a need for good men."
The look on Desmor's eyes was timid, but a thin smile was formed on his face now. "Thank you, Bella." He said quietly, and Isabella closed him into a gentle hug. Desmor rested his face on his sister's shoulder, and Isabella tapped his back. "It'll be alright, brother." She said quietly, sounding more confident than she actually was. "It'll be alright..."
Isabella stood on the gallery of the great hall, watching with interest as Ser Russal was kneeling in front of King Garrison. Russal wasn't wearing his Royal Guard armor, which was a rare sight, but instead he was on casual and comfortable clothing, and his right leg was bandaged around the knee.
"The battle was bloody, Your Grace, I fought on the frontlines and saw dozens and dozens of our soldiers fall to the Manwoody swords." The knight spoke with his serious and grim tone. The King nodded calmly. "The Manwoody's will pay for their crimes." He promised, tapping his fingers on the arms of the throne. "You however fought bravely, and deserve to be rewarded. Is there anything you would ask of me, Ser Russal, the Guardian of the Wide Way?"
"No, Your Grace." The man answered decisively, standing up again. "I am content with serving as the Royal Guard, and that is what I would want to continue to do, as soon as my leg allows it again."
"So be it." Garrison replied calmly. Before he could continue, the doors of the great hall opened, and in walked the Maester of Skyreach – Maester Gannon, who was a balding skinny man on his early fifties. "Your Grace!" He yelled as he approached the King with a scroll on his hand. "Your Grace, I have bad news!"
"Calm down, Maester Gannon. What do these news concern?" Garrison asked calmly, though there was a touch of concern in his words. "The war, and the Manwoody's." The maester answered with a frantic tone.
"Tell me then." Garrison urged, and Isabella could see Gannon gulping. "Your Grace, are you sure you don't want to hear this in private?" He asked, and Garrison let out a sigh. "Well, you made it public already by running here and yelling about these news, so go on and tell what you came to tell." The King commanded, and the maester nodded, turning his eyes to the scroll.
"These news come from the north, but not from the Wide Way, but rather from the valleys." He started, and Garrison frowned. "Have the Manwoody's sent raiders to the valleys?" He asked with concerned tone.
"Yes." Gannon answered emphatically. "But it's not just some small raiding parties, but rather a whole army – some of the reports say that it's over thousand men strong."
"Thousand men?" Now Garrison didn't hide his shock at all. "They have marched an army of thousand men through dangerous mountain paths? Albin truly is mad."
Now Ser Soren, who stood right next to the King, joined the conversation. "Sending an army to those paths is something I could expect from Albin, but actually getting such a large number through them... We have hardly any defenses there, and our army is marching towards Kingsgrave." The knight spoke with a serious tone, and a tense silence filled the hall.
"On top of that, the bulk of that army is men from those valleys." Garrison added with a sigh. "The Manwoody's are right now raiding villages that are occupied only by women, children and elderly."
"What do you plan to do, father?" Desmor asked, his voice even slightly enthusiastic. Before Garrison could even answer, he continued himself. "We can still muster a force of few hundred. The Manwoody's must be exhausted from their journey through the mountains, and they have to be mainly infantry. If you let me lead an attack against them, I promise I'll crush them." The King took his time to answer, quietly pondering on the situation. Isabella knew why her father hesitated – sending Desmor away would mean that both of his remaining sons were in danger.
"Ser Soren and Ser Dustran, you will lead the attack against these raiders." Garrison finally said decisively, and Isabella could see the disappointment on her brother's eyes.
After the court session Isabella made her way to her father's chambers. As she walked in, she saw Garrison sitting on a chair next to a round table that had a cup of wine on it. "Is it Desmor, or Isabella?" He asked calmly.
"It's me." Isabella answered gently, and her father nodded. "I expect you have come here to talk about your brother... Perhaps he even sent you?" Garrison's voice was tired, and he took a sip from the wine, his hands trembling slightly.
"He didn't send me." Isabella responded with a sigh, taking a seat next to her father. "But I just wanted to say... You might not understand how hard this is for him. Maybe it's because you can't see the look on his eyes, but..."
"I do understand how he feels." Garrison assured calmly, cutting off Isabella. "And I'm sure you understand my perspective to this as well, dear Isabella."
"Yes, I do." She admitted. "You want to protect him, you don't want to risk his life. However, you can't protect him forever, you have to let him live his life." Garrison let out soft chuckle for this. "Dear Isabella, Desmor living his life is exactly what I want, instead of him throwing it away on the battlefield."
"He is a warrior, father." Isabella reminded, and Garrison let out a sigh. "He is also a prince, and if Ferris happens to fall, Desmor will be the heir - at least until little Matthos comes of age."
Isabella knew all this to be true, but she also knew that denying Desmor the honor to serve his kingdom once again would only make him more frustrated and disappointed at himself and his family. Isabella looked at his father, who looked more older now than ever before. Perhaps I could convince him.
[Try to convince him to send Desmor][Don't try to convince him]
That is certainly a pretty strong possibility! The farthest he has ever gotten with Isabella was when they kissed in Isabella's H&L. With Isabella not around and the odds of them being together not very good, Jamison has a unique way of coping
He is very much trying to fill a void that can't truly be filled so to say.
I'm gonna check those storys out!
Alright, time for another announcement!
So, I've been writing the Myke part, and it is more than 50% done. Sadly, I won't be able to post it before going to Barcelona. However, I have been writing another part on the side, one that I got really inspired for and went on to write the whole part. This part was supposed to be published later, like five parts later, but in truth there is no reason story-wise why it couldn't be published right away, and I'd like to give you something before I go. What is this part then? Well, it's the next Dianna part
It takes place very soon after the earlier part we just had, and introduces us a bit closer to Bjorn Harlaw. I assume a recap won't be needed 
Also, I have made another portrait. This time we got Ser Laroy Ladybright:
Dianna woke up on the bed of the Griefhill's lord's chamber. She hadn't slept long, and her dreams had been restless. As she turned around on the bed, she noticed that her left hand was chained to the bedpost. She gulped, remembering Bjorn Harlaw, the big and terrifying man who had defeated and humiliated her yesterday. And before the sunset, he had forced himself inside her. Dianna had not made it easy for him, but Bjorn was simply too strong to be held back.
Right now Dianna was the only person in the room, but she was still frightened, almost to the point of shaking. Looking around the room, Dianna saw Bjorn's round and black shield leaning against the wall. It had a white scythe painted on it. Dianna wasn't very knowledgeable about the coats of arms of Westerosi houses, but he knew that this one wasn't from Dorne.
Dianna tried to yank her hand free from the chains, but it was way too tightly locked around her wrist. She sighed in frustration and closed her eyes, cursing in her mind. She had failed the men and women who followed her into battle, and she had failed Nymeria and Mors. Now it was just a question of time before these men would kill her, and in truth she just wished they would get on with it already. And just then, the door was slammed open.
By the door stood the massive figure of Captain Bjorn, a mild grin on his face as he looked at Dianna. By the man's rough face Dianna could only guess he had to be at least on his mid-forties. She backed into a fetal position, glaring frantically at this pale and black-bearded beast. "Good morning, Captain Dianna." Bjorn said with deep and surprisingly soft tone. He walked closer to her, but instead of coming to the bed he took the seat next to it. "How are you feeling?" He asked, a small smirk on his face.
"Fuck you." Dianna muttered with shaky voice, and Bjorn chuckled softly. "You are angry about what happened yesterday." He stated with a sigh, leaning back to his chair. "Perhaps I should remind you that you were the ones attacking us, I lost many good men because of you and your... soldiers. And as for what happened to you after that, it had to be done. You are an arrogant woman, I could see it right away – you needed to be put to your place. I took what was mine, or as we say where I come from, I paid the iron price."
"And where do you come from?" Dianna asked with a reserved tone. Bjorn raised an eyebrow, letting out an amused chuckle. "You really don't know, do you?" He asked with a touch of disbelief in his voice. "Iron Islands is where I come from, Island of Harlaw to be precise. It's a hard place, and it breeds hard men. Ironborn, as the world knows us."
Ironborn. Dianna felt like she had heard the word before, but she couldn't remember when or where. "Why are you here?" She asked. For a moment Bjorn stayed silent, until finally letting out a deep sigh. "I'm here to help Efran Sand." He said monotonously, with little interest in his voice.
"Yes, but why?" Dianna tried again. The look on Bjorn's eyes turned stern, but he stayed calm. "I have some old grievances with Dorne... Raiding these lands is my way to pay back for what I lost. Besides, I've been promised a decent price for my troubles." He took in a deep breath, before continuing. "I would have a large castle to stay in back at home, you know. There I could grow old and fat, fucking my wives and listening to my sons quarrel over my fortune. I could trade instead of raiding, like my pathetic king would want me to do. But I am Ironborn, the fight is in my blood. I don't need a castle, all I need is a ship, and a crew that will follow me wherever I lead them." With these words, Bjorn stood up from the chair, and walked to the single window of the room.
"So... You are the Bandit Lord's fleet?" Dianna inquired carefully, hoping she wasn't antagonizing Bjorn too far with her questions. The Ironborn captain shook his head subtly. "That bastard has ships of his own... Of course, none of them are as good as my longships." Bjorn turned towards Dianna again, looking at her with narrowed eyes. "We will leave this wretched tower soon. Me, my men, you... all of us."
"What about Lysera?" Dianna asked, as she suddenly remembered that she wasn't the only one Bjorn and his men had left alive. "The young girl?" Bjorn asked calmly, and Dianna nodded with a nervous gulp. "She belongs to my half-brother Hargan Harlaw now, he has taken her as his salt wife." The man answered non-chalantly.
"Salt wife?" Dianna asked with confusion. "Yes." Bjorn replied with a sigh. "The Ironborn take women from the lands they raid as salt wives, or concubines as you Greenlanders call them, to give us more children. Your young friend was lucky to get Hargan of all the men who could've taken her, and I'm sure she'll understand that one day."
"She was in love with a boy that you butchered yesterday." Dianna hissed, and a cold smirk was formed on Bjorn's face. "So, that only means the boy was too weak to protect her." He said with a chilling tone. Dianna looked at Bjorn with both fear and hate in her eyes, and the large man took a couple steps closer to her. "You are afraid that I will take you as my salt wife." He stated, rather than asked. "I admit it, it's tempting... You are fierce, and not too hard to look at either. However, you are apparently a high-ranking officer in service of Nymeria, and Efran might have other plans for you." With these words Bjorn turned his back to Dianna, and walked once again to the window. Dianna decided it was better not to reveal that she wasn't really that high-ranking.
"So, you bow to the Bastard's Bastard?" She asked quietly, and Bjorn let out a cold chuckle, not even turning to look at her. "Careful now, Dianna." He said smoothly. "I'm quite fond of you, but be very careful. And no, I don't bow to Efran, we are equal allies." Dianna stayed silent, not wanting to risk angering this man, and finally Bjorn turned towards her again. "Do you have nothing to say, Captain Dianna?" He asked, his voice calm and quiet, with underlying threat in it. Then, the door was knocked. With annoyed look Bjorn turned his eyes towards the door. "Who is it?" He asked with a loud yell.
"It's me, brother." A deep and firm voice answered behind the door. Dianna could see Bjorn's lips forming a small smile now. "Come in." He replied, and the door was opened. By the door stood a very tall man, even taller than Bjorn. However, he wasn't quite as massive in his physique, and the dark brown beard on his face was well trimmed. He was clad in a chainmail made of dark steel, and over it was a simple black tunic. On his belt he carried two axes, one of them larger than the other. His hair was shaved from the sides, he had a calm and bony face, and his eyes were green. Dianna could also see that this man was much younger than Bjorn. He let his eyes study Dianna's body for a couple seconds, before turning his gaze to Bjorn.
"Captain, we have now drowned those that died in the battle to the well, so they can join their ancestors on the watery halls of the Drowned God." He spoke with serious and calm words, and Bjorn nodded to him. "What is dead may never die." The captain said quietly, and his brother repeated the words.
"You have done well, Hargan." Bjorn stated, taking a step closer to him. He studied the face of his brother for a moment before speaking up again. "We were just talking about what happens next, with Dianna here." He gestured towards her lazily, and Hargan turned to look at her again. The look on his eyes was calm, but there was something frightening about it.
"Will you take him as your salt wife?" Hargan asked quietly from Bjorn, keeping his hungry eyes at Dianna. "No, not for now at least." Bjorn answered firmly. "Efran might have a use for her."
"Who cares what that bastard wants?" Hargan spat arrogantly. Bjorn grabbed his brother from the shoulder, turning him so that he had to look at him. "As long as we are his allies, we should respect Lord Efran." He spoke with quiet and serious words, and Hargan nodded to him with a subtle gulp. "Now, go and get the men ready, so we can finally leave this shithole." He continued, and a small smile was formed on Hargan's face.
"Where are we going?" He asked, and Bjorn gave him a wide grin. "We return to our ships." He said confidently, and his brother let out a cheerful laugh. "Now, go and get the men ready." Bjorn repeated his order, and Hargan obeyed, quietly walking out of the room.
Now Bjorn turned towards Dianna again. "You want to be free from your chains, don't you?" He asked casually, and Dianna gulped, considering her answer for a while. "Yes." She finally answered quietly, and Bjorn nodded. Then, for Dianna's surprise, he pulled a key from his pocket. Calmly he unlocked the chains around Dianna's wrist, and stepped back.
Dianna moved her wrist around, feeling slightly relieved of her "freedom". She knew that in truth she was anything but free, but at least she wasn't in chains like a slave anymore. She stood up from the bed, looking at Captain Bjorn with uncertainty in her eyes.
"They say your Princess has no ships." Bjorn said calmly, observing Dianna's face as he spoke. "Is this the truth?"
"It is." Dianna answered shortly. Bjorn smiled subtly, and nodded. "So, she won't be able to save Lemonwood." He stated, now walking to his shield. As he grabbed the shield, Dianna's eyes widened.
"Save Lemonwood?" She asked in confusion, and Bjorn Harlaw chuckled lazily. "Efran wants to take the throne of his ancestral home, and I want the bounty he has promised me... Together we will take Lemonwood." The Ironborn captain explained this with a casual tone, like he was planning to steal a sheep, and not the stronghold of an ancient noble house. "What do you think, Dianna, can your princess stop us?" He asked with a smirk, and it was hard to tell whether the question was genuine, or if he was simply taunting her.
["She will stop you"] ["She can't stop you"] [Stay silent]
[She will stop you]
["She will stop you"]
Well, I don't know Bjorn's intention with this question, but my answer would remain the same regardless if his question is asked out of mockery or out of genuine interest. Nymeria can stop them. Just like how I have underestimated Efran, it appears to me that Bjorn is underestimating Nymeria. She has not only House Martell, but the entire Rhoynar force with her. With or without ships, she is someone that should be taken seriously. At best, Dianna manages to make a point so convincing that she starts to sow doubt with Bjorn about Efran's chances of winning this. I mean, I doubt her words will change much, but there is a chance. And at worst, well, I doubt Bjorn will react worse than just being amused. From his behaviour in this part, he doesn't really strike me as someone who would lose his temper over not getting the answer he wants to hear.
One thing I am also curious about is to learn that Efran intends to take the throne of his home. I mean, maybe that's just a phrase to say that he wishes to be lord, but it does kinda sound like he plans to crown himself king. That would be a very bold move and one that is surely going to end badly for him. I mean, I could, in theory, see a chance for him to become the rightful Lord Dalt under Nymeria's rule, if he makes peace with her and lets his men join her cause, maybe after forcefully removing the existing Dalt's from power. But king? If he truly plans to go there, then there's no way this can end well for him. Bjorn however intrigues me. He seems pretty loyal to Efran, but maybe, with the right choices and developments, he could be convinced to try his luck with more promising employers, such as Nymeria.
["She will stop you"]
Indeed, Bjorn's knowledge of Nymeria is very limited, and he can't imagine her having much power. That said, with all the problems that the Martell's are facing right now, it could be that Nym can't offer her help to Lord Darin when Bjorn and Efran attack.
Well, I can reveal that Bjorn knows very little about Efran's plans after taking Lemonwood. However, Efran is ambitious if anything, so crowning himself is definitely a possibility. And seeing Bjorn allied with Nymeria would certainly be an interesting scenario - perhaps it can happen
["She will stop you"]
Even with all that has happened, I can't see DIanna losing her belief in Nymeria already. It seems like the answer she would give in this situation and Bjorn has turned out to be different in his personality than I expected him with it seeming he is ruthless because it is his job rather then being a constant part of who he is. It seems that Bjorn is wanting Dianna to give her honest opinion here so I don't believe he would harm her for that or at least I don't think so.
Yeah, Bjorn knows what kind of man he needs to be to be respected by his men and feared by his enemies, and he happily plays that role whenever he needs to. However, as we see here, Bjorn can also be very calm and reasonable, so he definitely isn't an Ironborn version of Albin or anything like that
["She will stop you"]
["She will stop you"]
I'm back!
So, I've returned from the colorful Barcelona to my grey homeland
Without further ado...
Voting is closed!
Unanimously, Dianna will say "she will stop you". We will not necessarily see the moment she says this, but it will have its affect on the dynamic between Bjorn and Dianna, and perhaps also change the way Bjorn perceives Nymeria, at least marginally. It probably came clear from this part that Efran and Bjorn are planning to conquer Lemonwood, and considering that Bjorn with his crew will now be returning to their ships, it might happen fairly soon.
Anyway, as you know, the next part will be a Myke PoV, and it will also take us back to Blackmont. I've had a few days now to contemplate on how exactly do I want to write this part, and now I'll finally get to do it
It could be though that I won't get the part done until tomorrow.
Also, before I left, I drew the portrait of Hargan Harlaw:
In silence, Ser Myke, Ser Joran Storm, Brennin Kell and Raina Serviene stood outside the council chamber of Blackmont. They had been waiting there for a while now, and Myke could see Joran getting impatient. Raina looked slightly nervous, perhaps she was afraid that there could be enemies of her fallen house in the court of Blackmont. Then there was Brennin, with a frown on his face, and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. With his experience on people, Myke expected the man to be in his mind going through what he would say to the King about the situation in Gravesend.
Myke on the other hand wanted to ask about Kortney, even if he had little hope that these people would know anything about his whereabouts. It had already come clear that she was not here, nor had anyone Myke had asked so far seen her.
"Seven hells, are they making us wait on purpose?" Joran muttered, walking back and forth in front of the door. "I expect the council has many matters to take care of in times like this." Myke said with a small sigh.
"None of those matters should be as important as defeating Karsan Taller, and taking back Gravesend." Brennin said sternly, and Myke nodded to him calmly. Watching this man, Myke had to wonder again if helping him would indeed be the more honorable thing to do, instead of continuing the hopeless mission to find Kortney. Joran surely thought so, but Myke just didn't want to give up on the sweet girl she had known and loved, almost like she was his own daughter. He felt the thumping pain in his head again, and grimaced. His injuries were healing slowly, but they still continued to bother him frequently. Thirty years ago these injuries would've been mere flea bites to me, he thought bitterly.
Finally, the council chamber's door was opened. The man opening it was the maester of the castle, an old and greying man with calm and friendly expression on his face. "Sers, come in, please." He invited, and held the door open for them. Ser Joran walked in first, and Brennin followed quickly after him. Myke let out a small sigh before walking in, and Raina followed him.
At the end of the table sat a plump and balding man with a polite smile on his face. Is that King Benedict? Considering what Myke had heard of the man, it seemed unlikely. The maester took his seat next to the plump man. Next to the maester sat a tall and handsome man, built like a warrior, with blue eyes and short brown hair. And lastly, there was a tall and slender pale man with bowl cut silver hair, a cold and emotionless look on his dark eyes, dressed in simple but finely crafted black jacket.
"Welcome Sers, and lady, you stand in front of King Benedict Blackmont's council." The plump man begun. "I am Braddock Blackmont, cousin of the King, and the head of his council." His voice was proud and formal, and they all gave the council a small bow. Myke could see the confused look on Brennin's eyes.
"Where is King Benedict?" The commander asked, his voice calm and cold, and Braddock let out a small chuckle. "I'm afraid the King is quite busy at the moment." He simply said, still the polite smile on his face. Brennin looked dissatisfied with the answer, but stayed quiet.
"In his absence, we represent His Grace." The maester continued with soft tone. "I am Maester Mortin, next to me is the Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Thomos the Thunder, and lastly, next to Thomos sits Noctis, the King's..."
"A close advisor of his majesty." Noctis finished the sentence himself, chilling tone on his hollow voice. For a short moment silence lingered in the council chamber, until Braddock cleared his throat.
"If I've understood correctly, you are here because of the situation in Gravesend." He started. "We have heard some rumors from there... Anyway, who were you again?" Braddock asked, observing each of them with interest.
"I am Ser Myke of the Marches, and with me are Ser Joran Storm, Commander Brennin Kell, and Lady Raina." Myke answered calmly, and Braddock nodded to him.
"We are here to ask what does the King plan to do about the peasant rebel Karsan Taller and his thugs who are currently holding Gravesend." Brennin's tone was less patient, and Braddock nodded to him as a calming gesture. "I understand, commander." He said with a small sigh. "However, our information of the situation is very limited, so we'd appreciate if you could tell us what exactly happened there."
And so, Brennin Kell went on to tell the story of the riot breaking out on the day the deserter Brack was hanged on the town center. The council listened carefully, and when Brennin ended the story to their escape, everyone stayed silent for a moment.
"The situation is severe, that much is clear." Braddock finally stated with a sigh, turning to look at the maester, who nodded in agreement.
"So, what do you plan to do about it?" Brennin asked impatiently, and this time it was Noctis who answered. "We cannot make a decision on such a matter without the consent of the King." The pale man spoke with emotionless tone, eyeing at Brennin with narrowed eyes.
"I'm afraid I have to agree with Lord Noctis on this matter." Braddock said, sounding almost embarrassed. "We will inform the King though, and hopefully he'll give his order regarding this issue soon. I must warn though that His Grace is under tremendous amount of stress at the moment."
"Because of the war?" Ser Joran asked lazily, and Braddock let out a sigh. "That too." He said quietly, and Myke narrowed his eyes. "And what else?" He asked sharply. Braddock looked at him with uncertainty in his gaze.
"The Princess has been missing for almost a week now... Apparently she has been kidnapped." Braddock's tone was uncertain, and Myke could tell that he wasn't telling the full truth, but he didn't feel like pressing the man any further on this issue. "Anyway, if that was all, the servants can guide you to your quarters, to wait for the King's decision regarding Gravesend."
"Actually, there was something else." Myke said, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "As you know, I and Ser Joran are from the Stormlands. The reason why we are in Dorne is because the Lord of Nightsong, Trevas Caron, sent us to look for his missing daughter. Kortney Caron, a great beauty with long auburn locks and wide green eyes, has been missing for over a year now. She was last seen running south, towards Dorne, and she might be accompanied by a foreign man named Norano."
"I'm sorry to hear of this." Braddock replied uncomfortably, scratching his head. "However, I have not seen the daughter of Lord Caron, and had she ever arrived to Blackmont, a raven would've been sent to Nightsong."
"That's what we expected." Ser Joran said, giving a meaningful glare to Myke. Myke let out a sigh, feeling more hopeless about his mission than ever. However, then the maester spoke up. "I cannot say I have any solid information about this girl you are looking for... However, I have heard rumors." He spoke with uncertainty, but Myke darted his eyes to the old man, and took a couple hasty steps closer to him. "Rumors, what rumors?" He asked, and Maester Mortin gulped. "It could be completely unrelated." He muttered, but Myke shook his head impatiently. "Just tell me." He commanded, and the maester nodded submissively.
"In some messages I've received from Kingsgrave there have been mentions of a noble girl who was enslaved by King Albin Manwoody." Mortin explained in regretful tone. "There was no mention who exactly was this girl, or where she came from..."
"It must be her." Myke stated decisively, anger rising inside him. "You don't know that." Joran said with a sigh, but Myke just shook his head. "Think about it." He said, turning his eyes to Joran now. "The Manwoody's are the first ones whose lands Kortney would reach by going south... It would also explain why we never heard anything about her, and why no one was able to find her."
Joran still looked unconvinced, but at least Myke had made him think about it. "Our mission was to find Kortney, and bring her back home – this is the first real lead on our mission." Myke persisted, but Joran just let out a sigh. "I promised to help Brennin take back his city." He said with uncertainty in his voice. "I don't want to let him down."
Myke closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He knew already that Raina would follow him, but Joran was a seasoned knight, and would be a big help if Kortney was indeed in Kingsgrave. Saving Kortney was their duty, but on the other hand Myke could also understand why it still seemed like a hopeless mission to Joran.
[Let Joran help Brennin] [Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
Ah, you're back! Hope your vacation has been awesome
I had slight withdrawal symptoms already, so I am super happy to see this new part already. And some interesting stuff was seen here. As expected, Braddock put himself at the top of the council now and I have no doubt that he's not even half as talented as Gwendis. Though it gives my theory that he has convinced Benedict of the marriage pact a bit more material. The other people on this council caught my eye though. Of course, Maeste Mortin is no big surprise and I suppose the handsome man is Ser Thomos. But bowl cut guy, is that Noctis? I am surprised about his presence, considering that this should hardly be the sort of stuff I would consider to be of interest to him.
That said, I am excited to see that Myke got a lead on his mission at last and such a strong one as well. I mean, we know this is not only a good lead, it is the correct lead, he now knows where Kortney is located and has a chance to free her. This all happens so much faster than I thought, so we're either in for an awesome rescue mission very soon, or something is going to happen that makes this mission go sour again. I don't know if I should be excited or afraid for this new development, but I know that it is surely better than Myke never getting a lead. I know this surely is better for Kortney, because now someone knows where she is. If Myke gets the chance, maybe he can even send a raven to Nightsong and in that case, Albin will be torn a new arsehole, but I keep thinking that it won't be that easily and that Myke likely won't get this chance. Instead, it seems to go down to him, Raina and hopefully Joran to free her, but success or failure, I hope House Caron will learn of this eventually.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
Here's the thing, it's not only his duty as a Caron knight to save Lord Caron's daughter, it's also something where his skills would be far more valuable. In Gravesend, he is just one man. Brennin is likely going to need a small army to reclaim it and Joran on his own, while an asset, is just one man. Myke meanwhile is going into the most nightmarish place in Dorne, a court ruled by a literal madman, filled with freaks and worse. In there, especially with only Raina as his current backup, a single man can make a huge difference. Hell, maybe this choice even decides over victory or failure of the mission and therefore Kortney's freedom. And well, as I said, it is his duty. He gave an oath for that reason and he can't throw it away for a man he just met and feels somewhat sympathetic for.
Welcome back! I hope your holiday was well, and I do look forward to hearing more about it
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
I have a strong feeling that this will end up getting Joran killed, especially since it's a mission that he no longer believes in, however I'd prefer it be him rather than Myke or Raina. I agree entirely with Liquid's argument, and I think Joran's skills would be heavily required by Myke's side. Sure, he'd be a courageous and strong leader for the people against Karsan Taller, but right now Myke needs all the help he can get. It'd be nice if he could send word to Nightsong, as Liquid said, because there is no doubt Lord Trevas would unleash an army against Kingsgrave for the rescue of his daughter. Of course, that has its cons too, being that Albin could kill Kortney, while a stealth mission could perhaps be a better approach. Who knows? I'm eager to find out
Welcome back Wildling! Hopefully your vacation turned out well
It is also really awesome to see that a new part is up as well.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
As the others have already said, it is Joran's duty to help find Kortney just the same as it is Myke's and with an actual lead for them to go off of, there is no need for him to back out now. As we all know, this is the correct lead so it will be interesting to see what ends up happening here since this is very much the defining moment in Myke and Kortney's storylines so hopefully everything goes to plan but I am certainly not getting my hopes up
Overall, with Kortney turning back into her old self again, this is seemingly perfect timing for something good to happen but hopefully at the very least, Lord Trevas is alerted so another enemy wanting to attack House Manwoody can be added to the already large list that they seem to have.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
It was very nice! I must say though that my legs and feet are absolutely destroyed, since I did more walking in Barcelona than I have probably in the last few months here in Finland
Indeed, Braddock is definitely satisfied with his new position. He is not completely talentless, but he is not really a leader, so yeah, Gwendis was a better head of the council. And yes, Ser Thomos and Noctis are the other members of the current council, as I think Mortin said somewhere in this part. The reason Noctis is there is really just for the King to have his "presence" in the council without actually taking part, to make sure Braddock stays in line.
Mm, I feel it would've been a bit redundant to keep Myke wandering around with no real leads, especially now that every reader knows where exactly Kortney is. It's indeed the correct lead, and sets Myke at least on the right course when it comes to saving Kortney. However, it won't be easy, that much is clear. And raven will be sent to Nightsong, but it's still just a rumor, so Trevas probably won't be sending his whole army. However, some help can be expected from him.
Thanks, it was great!
And it wasn't too long either, so my hype for NW didn't wither 
Yeah, Joran would be a big asset in case they'll have to fight to get Kortney to safety. It still remains to be seen how exactly will they tackle this mission. And Myke definitely will send a word to Nightsong about what he heard, but it must be remembered that for them this is still just a flimsy rumor, which is probably not enough for Trevas to march on Kingsgrave with full force.
Glad to be back!
It was great in Barcelona, but I was starting to miss writing the story, so I pumped out this new part pretty quickly after coming back 
As I told Liquid and Stigz, Trevas will indeed be sent a message about this, but it's questionable how will he react, since it's still merely a rumor. However, he is quite desperate to get his daughter back, so he certainly won't just ignore it.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
Literally just after I wrote my comment, I scrolled up to read again and I realized that Mortin indeed mentions their names. And here I was, feeling smart for figuring them out on my own. Guess I wasn't that smart after all
But hm, Noctis' presence makes sense now and he even got himself a title. Lord Noctis... eh, this guy barely said two words and he already gives me the creeps. While I don't outright hate Braddock, since I doubt he had truly bad intentions even if he's behind the Fowler marriage alliance, I do hope that Noctis is going to make his job as hard and unpleasant as possible. I surely don't want him to enjoy his new position in any way. Though it seems Lyla is not present and that makes me think, what if Benedict genuinely thinks that Gwendis got abducted? I mean, we know she had her reasons, as wrong as they were, but I doubt these reasons are something that can correctly be told in a letter, especially as it was a brief one, if I remember correctly. On top of that, without fully knowing of Gwendis' reasons, her just running away from Blackmont would be highly unusual for her. Perhaps Lyla's absence means that my earlier theory, that she is sent after Aisha, is not entirely wrong. After all, it could be entirely reasonable for Benedict to assume that Gwendis was forced to write the letter and forced to leave. Hm, though I have made this theory before, the presence of Lyla in a possible confrontation between Team Aisha and Team Desi is something I haven't fully taken into consideration. Someone like her could surely be able to really mess up the plans of a certain witch. If I'm correct with my theory, then I think this is a good thing, because it might mean that Gwendis is not completely without allies in her current situation.
Sure, you're right. With Kortney's identity revealed, sending Myke on a path where we know he's wrong wouldn't really achieve anything. I am still a bit surprised he got this lead already, but that is not a bad thing. Well, I have the horrible feeling that this is a bad thing for Myke, because he's getting himself and his allies into terrible danger, but it is a very good thing for Kortney. Even if Myke fails, which I don't hope, he should at least be able to confirm that she is indeed at Kingsgrave, either directly by talking to Trevas, or indirectly through his absence after he announced that he will check this lead out. For now, a bit of help, maybe a smaller force, might be even more useful than a Caron army, because with Kortney as his hostage, Albin has the better position for now. But perhaps the Caron's can be allies to Nymeria when the time comes for her to march against Kingsgrave. They have a mutual enemy there and since Nymeria has no ambitions for the Dornish Marches, they could be great allies for this war. It seems like Albin is as good as done for, with a Fowler/Blackmont alliance against him, potentially even the Dayne's and the Caron's (which would probably mean even more of the Marcher Lords). I wonder what his trump card is, because I doubt he'll go down that easily.
Yes, they certainly have plenty of enemies. Possibly, more in the future.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
This is the first true lead that Myke has had. It would be foolish to not follow up on it.
[Remind Joran it's his duty to save Kortney]
Voting is closed!
And Myke will remind Joran that it's his duty to save Kortney. Joran is quite dutiful man, so this might very well work to get him back onboard with the mission. Anyway, from now on Myke will set his course towards Kingsgrave, which should definitely be interesting.
The next part will be a Naemon PoV, and I wish to get it done tomorrow. Last time in Naemon's storyline, he left Starfall with Ser Myle, Prince Malcolm, his new squire Davos Dayne, and Lord Alester Upton. Their destination is the Kingdom of Blackmont, but before that they will stop at Sword's Edge, to take the Upton troops with them. Last time the convoy camped to the shores of Torrentine, and Naemon was having a conversation with Davos and Malcolm, mostly about knighthood. It led to Davos asking a hard question from Naemon: what would he do to the man who had murdered his sister? You voted for him to answer that he doesn't know what he'd do. We'll continue from there.
And related to the next part, here is a portrait of Davos Dayne:
Naemon looked deep in to the observant purple eyes of this young boy, who clearly looked up to him, and would certainly pay attention to his every word. Naemon sighed, turning his gaze down before he answered to Davos' question.
"If I'm completely honest with you, I cannot know how I would act in such a situation." He said quietly, even the mere thought of it tormenting him deeply. "Would someone kill my sister... my anger would know no bounds." Naemon spoke these words with quiet wrath. "She is the most important thing to me in this life, and I can't even imagine a world without her." With these words he turned to look at Davos again. "I do not want to tell you what to do in a situation like that, Davos, because I do not know the answer. All I can say is that you should listen what your heart tells you, remember your honor, and you'll always find the right course." Naemon wasn't sure whether he believed in these words himself, but he said them with all the confidence he could muster.
Davos nodded quietly, turning his gaze down. Naemon felt frustrated that he couldn't give a satisfying answer for his squire, but he wanted to be honest with him. He turned to look at Malcolm, who gave him a small approving nod, a calm expression on his face. For a moment they all sat there in silence, until Lord Alester approached them.
"You should probably get some rest, Princes, tomorrow we'll arrive to Sword's Edge." He said casually, scratching his thick red beard.
"We will, Lord Alester, and you should as well." Malcolm answered with calm and quiet voice. Alester nodded, eyed them for a moment longer, and finally walked back to his soldiers. "He might be a cunt, but he is right this time." Ser Myle stated with a yawn. "We should get some sleep."
They all agreed, and laid back under the willow by the Torrentine. Still, Naemon laid awake for a long time, listening to Malcolm and Myle snore softly. In his mind, he wondered silently whether Gwendis was safe. Davos had planted terrible thoughts in Naemon's head with his question, but he couldn't blame the boy. Slowly he fell asleep, but the dark thoughts still haunted him in his dreams.
Next day before sunset they arrived in Sword's Edge, and were welcomed by a small army of the Upton troops, who had been summoned for this mission. As the convoy rode in from the gates, the troops on the courtyard fell on their knees, while Lady Alerah and Lady Catelyn, as well as Stanler Upton and Ser Orwen Wythmail stood in front of the keep, welcoming back the Lord of Sword's Edge.
"We have been waiting for you." Lady Alerah said with a polite tone as they dismounted their horses. Alester gave his mother a small nod, but quickly walked past her to his wife Catelyn, and gave her a long kiss on the lips. "Good to see again, wife." He said with a grin, and then turned towards the rest of the convoy. "With me come Prince Naemon and Ser Myle, but also Prince Malcolm, and Davos Dayne."
"You are all very welcome to Sword's Edge." Lady Alerah announced, giving them a curtsey. Naemon nodded with a thin smile. "We won't be staying long, my Lady." He said calmly.
"Yes, King Vorian sent us a raven, explaining the mission you are heading into." Alerah replied. She gulped subtly as she glanced at her son. "I wish you all the luck in the world, and may the Seven bless you."
"Yes, yes, but now we should feast and drink!" Alester yelled, grabbing Catelyn under his arm. Alester's uncle, Stanler, nodded with a stern expression. "A feast will be held on the mess hall." He announced with almost amusingly humorless tone.
"Better get something appropriate on then." Malcolm said with a smirk, and they all made their way inside.
The musicians played their instruments on the gallery, the hall was filled with chatter and laughter of the troops, and wine flowed. Naemon sat on the high table with the Upton family, Malcolm and Davos. He glanced at Lord Alester, who sat on the middle, drinking his fifth cup of wine and feeding grapes to his lady. On the other side of Alester, and right next to Naemon, was Malcolm, who hadn't drank much, and looked honestly a bit bored. On the left of Naemon sat Davos, who was observing the feast with great interest, carefully sipping his second cup of wine. Ser Myle was sitting on the lower tables among the Upton troops.
"The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun, and his kisses were warmer than spring!" The singing of the soldiers sounded from the lower tables, and soon the Lord joined the singing of his troops. Alester stood up from his table, and sang loudly with his less than beautiful singing voice. "But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel, and its kiss was a terrible thing!"
The soldiers cheered and laughed for their lord, and the singing continued. Naemon could even see a grin forming on Malcolm's face now. And then, for his surprise, Davos joined the singing. "The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed, with a voice that was sweet as a peach!"
"Perhaps we should join as well." Malcolm said to Naemon with a smirk, and then joined in on the singing. "But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own, and a bit sharp and cold as a leech!"
Naemon chuckled and shook his head subtly. He wasn't much of a singer, but decided to finally join the singing.
"As he lay on the ground with the darkness around, and the taste of his blood on his tongue,
His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer, and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,
"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done, the Dornishman's taken my life,
But what does it matter, for all men must die, and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"
As the song ended, the hall was filled with laughter and cheering. Alester took his cup and downed what wine was left in it, then proceeding to grab his wife on his arms. Catelyn giggled drunkenly, and a wide drunken grin was formed on Alester's face.
"Brothers, oh brothers! This Dornishman is now going to taste his own wife!" He boasted, then passionately kissed Catelyn, who was still resting on his arms. The troops cheered and clapped for their lord, who now proceeded to make his way out of the hall, carrying Catelyn on his arms. "Have a good night, m'lord!" One of the soldiers yelled.
"You know I will!" Alester answered as he arrived to the doors and walked out. The laughing of the soldiers went on for a while after Alester was gone, but soon they calmed down. Naemon turned his eyes to Davos, who looked to be a bit tipsy from his two cups of wine. "Perhaps you shouldn't take any more." Naemon said softly, and Davos raised an eyebrow.
"I- I'm not drunk, Ser." He said hastily, and both Naemon and Malcolm let out a small laugh. "Well, then I assume you are just a very passionate singer." Naemon said smoothly, and Davos blushed.
"It's alright, cousin." Malcolm said gently. "It's completely fine to have some fun now and then." Davos nodded quietly to Malcolm's words. As some of the troops were starting to leave the hall, Alerah suddenly approached Naemon, Malcolm and Davos. "Lady Alerah." Naemon greeted politely, but Alerah's expression was concerned.
"There was something I wanted to talk about... A favor I wanted to ask." Her tone was uneasy, and Naemon looked at her with questioning eyes. "Go ahead and ask, and I'll see if I can be of help." He answered, and Alerah nodded with a gulp.
"It's about Alester." She said with a sigh. "I know he will join you on this mission no matter what, he is so stubborn sometimes. But you must understand, he is the only son I have left, and I'm afraid he'll act recklessly."
"So, what do you want me to do?" Naemon asked calmly, but before Alerah could answer he continued. "I can't order him to stay back, else he won't lend his troops to me, that was the deal we made."
"I understand." Alerah replied quietly. "However, perhaps you could make sure he won't put himself in unnecessary danger during this mission. Could you promise that to me?"
Naemon glanced at Malcolm, who gave him a subtle shrug. In all honesty, Naemon didn't expect he could control Alester, but he did understand Alerah's concern. He let out a sigh, and looked into the eyes of Alester's mother.
[Promise] [Say that you can't promise]
PS. Sorry for taking a bit longer than I thought with this one. The reason is simple: I bought Horizon Zero Dawn yesterday
Argh, every time Naemon speaks about Gwendis' death, I feel seriously uneasy. I hope this is a red herring and not foreshadowing
Although he likely is going to think that she is dead pretty soon, once he learns of her running away from Blackmont in the company of the Wicked Witch of Western Dorne. Well, whatever happens, I don't like the sound of that talk, although I do like Naemon's answer. I mean, it is sure that if, god forbid, something happens to Gwendis, the one that killed her will suffer the most cruel of deaths, but it's probably a good thing for Davos to make his own decision on this matter, if anything ever happens to his sister.
I mean, he can't really promise it of course and I sort of doubt he can prevent Alistair from putting himself in danger, but he can at least promise it. Alerah seems like a smart woman, she knows Naemon can't promise this for sure, not with her sons rash temper. The only one who might be able to control him is hundreds of miles away in Godsgrace. However, I believe Naemon can at least tell her what she wants to hear. This is not the time to be brutally honest, but to give a concerned mother some peace of mind. Maybe by promising this, Alerah will have some relief during Alistair's absence. And if something happens to him regardless, then she can still be concerned for him when it actually happens. And well, while Naemon can't control Alistair and can't make sure that he'll be fine, maybe he can at least try his best. That's what he can promise her here.
Oh my god
Well, it was nice knowing you. Farewell, you shall be missed! The beautifully crafted world of Horizon: Zero Dawn has claimed another one, it seems. Damn you, Guerrilla Games, for creating such a magnificent game!
All jokes aside, I plan on getting that one pretty soon as well, because it looks absolutely awesome. With Horizon, the new Mass Effect, the new Middle-Earth game and Red Dead Redemption 2 coming out this year, it seems my poor wallet is going to suffer terribly
Ah, I suppose we're just gonna have to wait and see with this one
Though it might very well be that it's determined by the choices you make with Gwendis whether this ends up being foreshadowing or not.
I can confirm that it's gorgeous, and I'm playing with the regular PS4. The world is really vast and intriguing, fighting the robots is more fun than I expected, and so far I've really digged the story as well. I'm almost 10h in, though most of that time has obviously gone to side missions. Anyway, I can definitely recommend it, I'm having hard time trying to take breaks to do something else! Thankfully I don't have any important uni projects going on atm, because they would suffer for sure
This was a really fun part! It was pretty cool getting to see everyone enjoying themselves and having fun as well. Everyone's characters shined in their own way and I liked it alot
Like Liquid said, this is more about giving Lady Alerah some kind of peace of mind more than anything. She has been throught alot losing her other sons in different ways and the thought of the only son with her going off to potentially fight in dangerous territory is no doubt terrifying for her. With Naemon telling her this, it would probably help her mentally and even though it will be hard for Naemon to fulfill the promise, I believe he will still try which is all that can be truly asked of here.
Voting is closed!
And Naemon will promise to Lady Alerah that he'll keep Alester away from unnecessary danger. A bit of a white lie from Naemon to make such a promise, but I understand your reasoning
The next part should be Isabella PoV. I haven't written much of it yet, and I'm unsure how much time I'll find for writing today, but hopefully I'll get it ready before Monday. In the beginning of Isabella's last part, she heard the news of the Battle of the Wide Way, and that Prince Ferris was marching after the retreating Manwoody forces with the Blackmonts. After that she went to meet with her father and brother Desmor. King Garrison delivered to his son and daughter the news that Gwendis had escaped Blackmont, and thus the marriage between Desmor and her was at risk. Desmor figured this was because Gwendis didn't want to marry a thirdborn, and was at the same time frustrated and relieved. He made clear that the bethrothal should've never happened, and stormed out of the room. Isabella was left with the choice of staying to support his father, who looked to be stressed out, or going after Desmor. You voted for her to go after Desmor, and that's where we shall continue.
At risk? That is a very polite way of putting it. Might even be a tiny understatement. I wasn't aware Garry is such an optimist
In all seriousness, I am very much looking forward for Isabella's part! Her storyline is really growing on me, especially as she's among the few PoV's where I find it hard to even speculate where her next parts may take her. Actually, looking through the list of PoV's, she's the only one where I don't have a real theory as to what she's going to do next. Aside from the immediate talk to Desmor of course, which should be interesting.
Indeed, it is a bit of an understatement
That said, Garrison's knowledge of the situation is very limited. All he knows is that Gwen has ran from Blackmont, but he probably expects that she'll be found soon by Benedict's men.
"I'll go after him." Isabella said with a soft sigh, and Garrison nodded to her calmly. "Go." He said gently. "He needs you now."
Isabella wasn't sure what to say, so she just mumbled goodbye, and walked out of the room. Ser Soren Ashford and Ser Dustran Drinkwater stood at the guard by the door, and looked at Isabella with mild confusion as she stepped to the corridor. "Did my brother say where he went?" She asked calmly.
"Oh... I believe he was going to his chambers, my Princess." Soren answered and Dustran nodded subtly, as to confirm what Soren said.
"Thank you, Ser." Isabella mumbled quietly, walking away from the two Royal Guards. "My Princess, would you like me to escort you?" She heard Ser Soren asking, but she just shook her head. "No thanks." She said, at least trying to sound polite in her refusal.
Princess Isabella walked through the corridors of Skyreach with a sorrowful look on her eyes, wondering when would this war end, and everything would go back to how it was before. Then again, it could be that she would be married off to somewhere before the war would end, where she'd have to start a new life, rather than go back to what was before. Of course she hoped that she'd be married to Jamison, but at this point that was starting to feel like a naïve dream that would never come true.
Finally Isabella arrived to the door of his brother's chambers, and knocked. After a couple seconds of silence, Desmor answered. "Come in." He said with a unenthusiastic voice. Isabella opened the door carefully, seeing her brother standing by the window, looking outside with a dreamy look on his eyes.
"I wanted to talk." Isabella said with quiet and uncertain words, and Desmor nodded calmly. "We can talk, Bella." He answered, turning to look at her. "But I don't need your pity." Isabella sighed, walking closer to her brother.
"I can tell that you're upset, brother." She said with soft tone, but Desmor just turned back to the window. "Why would I be upset?" He asked, expressionlessly staring out of the window. "I never wanted to marry Gwendis, all I want is to serve this kingdom with my sword."
"And you feel now like that has been taken away from you, right?" Isabella asked, trying to make an eye-contact, but Desmor avoided it. "Of course it has been taken away from me." He answered with frustration in his voice. "If I can't fight, there is nothing I can do... It's all I'm good for."
"That's not true." Isabella said compassionately, and Desmor let out a dry chuckle. "Tell me then, what's my role? What am I good for?" He asked, now turning to look Isabella to the eyes. Isabella gulped, surprised by how tense her brother's questions were. "You will marry a noble lady one day, have children with her, and be a good father to them." She tried, but Desmor shook his head.
"No." He said bluntly. "That's not what I want... I would make a terrible father." Isabella sighed again, not sure what to say to her brother.
"And how could you possibly know that?" She finally asked. Desmor didn't answer, but just turned his depressed gaze down. "You shouldn't think so lowly of yourself, Desmor." Isabella continued, walking closer to her brother, and grabbing his hand. "You are a good man, and the world always has a need for good men."
The look on Desmor's eyes was timid, but a thin smile was formed on his face now. "Thank you, Bella." He said quietly, and Isabella closed him into a gentle hug. Desmor rested his face on his sister's shoulder, and Isabella tapped his back. "It'll be alright, brother." She said quietly, sounding more confident than she actually was. "It'll be alright..."
Isabella stood on the gallery of the great hall, watching with interest as Ser Russal was kneeling in front of King Garrison. Russal wasn't wearing his Royal Guard armor, which was a rare sight, but instead he was on casual and comfortable clothing, and his right leg was bandaged around the knee.
"The battle was bloody, Your Grace, I fought on the frontlines and saw dozens and dozens of our soldiers fall to the Manwoody swords." The knight spoke with his serious and grim tone. The King nodded calmly. "The Manwoody's will pay for their crimes." He promised, tapping his fingers on the arms of the throne. "You however fought bravely, and deserve to be rewarded. Is there anything you would ask of me, Ser Russal, the Guardian of the Wide Way?"
"No, Your Grace." The man answered decisively, standing up again. "I am content with serving as the Royal Guard, and that is what I would want to continue to do, as soon as my leg allows it again."
"So be it." Garrison replied calmly. Before he could continue, the doors of the great hall opened, and in walked the Maester of Skyreach – Maester Gannon, who was a balding skinny man on his early fifties. "Your Grace!" He yelled as he approached the King with a scroll on his hand. "Your Grace, I have bad news!"
"Calm down, Maester Gannon. What do these news concern?" Garrison asked calmly, though there was a touch of concern in his words. "The war, and the Manwoody's." The maester answered with a frantic tone.
"Tell me then." Garrison urged, and Isabella could see Gannon gulping. "Your Grace, are you sure you don't want to hear this in private?" He asked, and Garrison let out a sigh. "Well, you made it public already by running here and yelling about these news, so go on and tell what you came to tell." The King commanded, and the maester nodded, turning his eyes to the scroll.
"These news come from the north, but not from the Wide Way, but rather from the valleys." He started, and Garrison frowned. "Have the Manwoody's sent raiders to the valleys?" He asked with concerned tone.
"Yes." Gannon answered emphatically. "But it's not just some small raiding parties, but rather a whole army – some of the reports say that it's over thousand men strong."
"Thousand men?" Now Garrison didn't hide his shock at all. "They have marched an army of thousand men through dangerous mountain paths? Albin truly is mad."
Now Ser Soren, who stood right next to the King, joined the conversation. "Sending an army to those paths is something I could expect from Albin, but actually getting such a large number through them... We have hardly any defenses there, and our army is marching towards Kingsgrave." The knight spoke with a serious tone, and a tense silence filled the hall.
"On top of that, the bulk of that army is men from those valleys." Garrison added with a sigh. "The Manwoody's are right now raiding villages that are occupied only by women, children and elderly."
"What do you plan to do, father?" Desmor asked, his voice even slightly enthusiastic. Before Garrison could even answer, he continued himself. "We can still muster a force of few hundred. The Manwoody's must be exhausted from their journey through the mountains, and they have to be mainly infantry. If you let me lead an attack against them, I promise I'll crush them." The King took his time to answer, quietly pondering on the situation. Isabella knew why her father hesitated – sending Desmor away would mean that both of his remaining sons were in danger.
"Ser Soren and Ser Dustran, you will lead the attack against these raiders." Garrison finally said decisively, and Isabella could see the disappointment on her brother's eyes.
After the court session Isabella made her way to her father's chambers. As she walked in, she saw Garrison sitting on a chair next to a round table that had a cup of wine on it. "Is it Desmor, or Isabella?" He asked calmly.
"It's me." Isabella answered gently, and her father nodded. "I expect you have come here to talk about your brother... Perhaps he even sent you?" Garrison's voice was tired, and he took a sip from the wine, his hands trembling slightly.
"He didn't send me." Isabella responded with a sigh, taking a seat next to her father. "But I just wanted to say... You might not understand how hard this is for him. Maybe it's because you can't see the look on his eyes, but..."
"I do understand how he feels." Garrison assured calmly, cutting off Isabella. "And I'm sure you understand my perspective to this as well, dear Isabella."
"Yes, I do." She admitted. "You want to protect him, you don't want to risk his life. However, you can't protect him forever, you have to let him live his life." Garrison let out soft chuckle for this. "Dear Isabella, Desmor living his life is exactly what I want, instead of him throwing it away on the battlefield."
"He is a warrior, father." Isabella reminded, and Garrison let out a sigh. "He is also a prince, and if Ferris happens to fall, Desmor will be the heir - at least until little Matthos comes of age."
Isabella knew all this to be true, but she also knew that denying Desmor the honor to serve his kingdom once again would only make him more frustrated and disappointed at himself and his family. Isabella looked at his father, who looked more older now than ever before. Perhaps I could convince him.
[Try to convince him to send Desmor] [Don't try to convince him]