The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • enter image description here

    "But didn't yo urban Clementine shoot that guy's ear off?"
    "Yeah, but still!"

  • Is this a reference to something?

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    "But didn't yo urban Clementine shoot that guy's ear off?" "Yeah, but still!"

  • Free Palestine?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is this a reference to something?

  • jk

    "Hey, is that Kyle Crane or Javier García?"

  • Are you fucking kidding me? It is obviously David about to S U C C on his brother BIG cock.

    Melton23 posted: »

    You can see the bike in the background, so this is either where javi got the bike, javi left with clem to take out David or Davis tricked javi into meeting him there who he can kill javi and maybe clem without anybody noticing.

  • That's the professional way to do things.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Yeah I know if I was the guy making this trailer I would check it over about three times because I know I was going to release it to the public.

    Get the reference?

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    "Hey, is that Kyle Crane or Javier García?"

  • Get. Help.

    Connora711 posted: »

    Are you fucking kidding me? It is obviously David about to S U C C on his brother BIG cock.

  • I low key wanna bang that zombie chick from The Following DLC.

    Connora711 posted: »


  • god i hate weebs

    This is gold. I would honestly have a lot more respect for Telltale if, in the final scene, Gabe is searching that wreckage or whatever he'

  • We all do.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    I low key wanna bang that zombie chick from The Following DLC.

  • I know I know a double post but I just had to say it. Don't you Love the main menu music? I cannot get that amazing song out of my head it is just so amazing I haven't played that game in a while but I can remember that song forever.

    Connora711 posted: »

    We all do.

  • Dude I know what you're mean, it's one of the things I most fondly remember about that game.

    I just hope we get some info soon about a potential sequel...

    Connora711 posted: »

    I know I know a double post but I just had to say it. Don't you Love the main menu music? I cannot get that amazing song out of my head it is just so amazing I haven't played that game in a while but I can remember that song forever.

  • I sure hope you realize that was sarcasm.........

    god i hate weebs

  • Or top 10 biggest typos.

  • i do, i just had to add that

    I sure hope you realize that was sarcasm.........

  • Ditto!!!

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Dude I know what you're mean, it's one of the things I most fondly remember about that game. I just hope we get some info soon about a potential sequel...

  • Found it!

    Connora711 posted: »


  • Brings back memories of the summer of 2015 and 2016 when all I did was play this game.

    Connora711 posted: »

    Found it!

  • Fucking love this John Carpenter style of music! (and Dying Light in general, solid game)

    Connora711 posted: »

    Found it!

  • edited May 2017

    Flimsii made a video! I didn't even notice it came out!

    Plus the comment that I can strongly relate to.

    "It's hard for me to believe that in 2014, I ****ing loved this series. And now, I've dropped it and don't even care about spoilers. It's surreal."

  • edited May 2017

    True, but it didn't seem like he actually wanted to kill anyone in episode 1. He even said that shooting greg was taking things too far.
    I don't know why they made him flat-out evil in episode 2. I mean, yeah the whole place burned down, but why would he murder someone he didn't even know?

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'd imagine things would've went over easier if Randall wasn't such a sadistic prick. Aw well.

  • and end up saying the opposite of what I mean?

    "I like your art" input into google translate: "I think your art is shit"

    DabigRG posted: »

    Sounds like a good idea.... Better get to Google Translate

  • edited May 2017

    Well, obviously, the whole town would miss her, but the kids in particular would since she was apparently really good with them. Which is Hilarious in Hindsight for me.

    I don't remember that. Did they show her patting a kid on the head or lifting one up or something? There was something that surprised me. That were kids in Richmond. There weren't even any shown in Prescott. They coulda done more with that. Funny how they all disappeared in ep 4...

    I see what you did there.

    I couldn't help it

    That's because they never give her a chance to do something to show her stuff. Had enough of that shit in Season 2 and it's affecting the female cast in general.

    I know, in some ways it still feels like we're only in like act 2 of an overall story. I actually thought they'd end up leaving Richmond at the end of Ep 3. Kate being sidelined like that, I said before that her being shot annoyed me anyway because Mariana being shot was dramatic enough and we didn't need that on top of it.
    I also wish there was more of Ava in ep 4, damn it. Couldn't we get some action scenes with her? Instead of her just luring a guy away (wonder how she did that) and then arriving when the fight is over? I suspect she won't have much in 5 since she's determinant, so the ship has sailed.

    I'm disappointed that they've done so little with the Clementine and New Frontier connection in general, especially with David, Ava, and Gabe around.

    eh, you're probably right. what do you think should have been done?

    DabigRG posted: »

    it can still apply to female sidekicks, and she counts as David's. True enough. Woah. Are you implying what I think you're imp

  • edited May 2017

    I hate it when that happens.

    And let's not pretend that season 1 wasn't guilty of it. If you've sided with lilly all the time, and she's fairly friendly to you, why the hell would Carly saying to act more like Lee, and help people trigger (ha) Lilly enough to kill her?
    Compare that to a negative Lilly run, being told by someone to act more like the guy who helped kill your dad. Now THAT makes sense for her snap.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, pretty much. I suppose it falls in line with his beef with Joan taking priority at that point, especially now that she's gambled on Ava's life, but it's still odd.

  • edited May 2017

    ah, the negatives of single character POV
    I always wanted to see a flashback of the stranger stalking the group in season 1, and things from his perspective on the walkie talkie.

    DabigRG posted: »

    They might've, at least if they weren't surrounded at gunpoint.

  • edited May 2017

    hm, yeah, I'm no good at this. Why are we even thinking so hard about a fan-work that means nothing?
    nice attempt though

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well that would be another neat piece of overlap and an interesting origin for her...except she was a solo act in Georgia and, as far as we'

  • edited May 2017

    I'm looking at the image again, the more obvious size difference is making Michelle's death seem a lot crueller now.
    I did think at one point, what the was the purpose of having her drop her gun and surrender and practically be murdered by Christa, if you can't even have Clem bring it up later. You know, discussions of morality. Was it just? An eye for an eye, and all that.

    I mean Kenny's eye for an eye involved murdering Carver, but carver only disfigured him, didn't kill him or anyone he knew... well, that's not entirely true. He killed Walter, but they definitely didn't make that apparent as part of Kenny's reasoning. They stopped mentioning Walt after the initial arrival, iirc.

    Louche posted: »

    "Christa's group" lol in what universe? it actually intrigues me, seeing them like this

  • edited May 2017

    and you made go back up and look, you dog
    bet you love Ava for that, she's got that short sexy stocky look down.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know, right? Also, holy shit, dem hips!

  • edited May 2017

    Maybe I would have noticed earlier if the game ran smoother on my PS3. Goddamn it. There's these subtleties you can miss unless the framerate is perfect.

    okay that was unintentional

    Freud would probably disagree. It's okay, I get a kick out of what you might bring up next. (you actually made me picture that scenario)

    Now that I think about it, I wonder if that would be a completely good thing considering the state of some walkers.

    Yeesh. Good point. You know, it never made sense how the walkers in A New Day (aside from named characters) were already skeletal looking. I mean, unless they're implying Lee was unconscious in the car wreck for months.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh MY god, now that you mention it, I can totally see the Larry in her face. I thought it was pretty overt early on, to be honest. E

  • edited May 2017

    Funny you should mention that because I somehow missed that the first time around and I did think it gave a little depth to her.

    Ouch, well no wonder you feel the way you do. You gotta nitpick, scour the game for things to click and if it advances before you think you've finished you gotta reload that checkpoint son. Obviously you shouldn't HAVE to go crazy 100% clickclickclick on everything to try and get the full scope of a character, but that's just the way it is.

    I ain't copying all that

    Honestly, I figured she'd be dead after the prologue, so when they showed her in the van I thought "Well this has potential. Wonder where they'll go with this." I can't really disagree with you on any of that, only "problem" she has is lack of screentime. They tried to give Badger some justifacation by mentioning his "dead buddies" but that didn't really work out and in episode 3 he takes the record as the most despicable monstrous character in the games. I mean, 1 dimensional bad guys can work fine, but something about Badger is certainly lacking.

    That's a potentially good idea though, have Badger kidnap Mariana instead, and you get the parallel with Clem also having a family member taken "captive" by the New Frontier. Funny how Badger doesn't even speak or do anything when he first appears, he just seems like another unimportant goon, they could have at least had him knock out Javi instead of Max. Or give a hint as to how psycho he was. And even though it's sick, taking a girl as his "captive" probably adds more to him than "hahaha I kill you guys"
    And then there's Max. Boy, what a disappointment. He easily could have been the most interesting character this season. You think he's just another asshole, but he ties you up instead trying to kill you. And when pressed about Kate, you can see he's starting to feel guilty. I mean he seems genuinely shocked when he hears that Badger murdered a kid, and sorta gives him shit about it later, but it wasn't enough. Then he tries to murder David? That seemed out of character. They should have had Badger start the gunfight, and Max go along with it out of desperation.

    I'm trying to figure out what her purpose is, too. I guess unifying what's left of the Garcia family in the wake of her death, so they're stronger than ever with their... emotional bonds? I dunno. We should probably wait until episode 5 releases to go on more big rants like this.

    DabigRG posted: »

    More stuff akin to the conversation where she talks about writing everything down so she doesn't forget Funny you should mention tha

  • edited May 2017

    yeah, I'm just wondering what her purpose was really intended to be. This was our first real child death, it should have meant something.
    (don't mention Duck. He becomes a living prop after he's bitten, never speaks again, barely even moves, and is shot off-screen)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Which is especially weird considering, unlike Nick or Sarah, she's outright related to the person were playing as and the other most importa

  • edited May 2017

    Written? Maybe. But I strongly disagree on the design. She has a mole, a scar, a rougher face shape than many other girls, and despite being 10 her voice is pretty mature sounding. I don't see what's pandering about that. Pandering would have been making her clone of Clem from season 1. I know that would have worked with a number of people too. They could have made her an insanely generic cutesy girl, but they didn't. She's mature for her age, insightful, but has a touch of kid still in her, she gets excited for sweets.

    DabigRG posted: »

    More that she was seemingly designed and written to be shallow and pandering for the sake of making Javier look that much cooler early on and that honestly bothered me with the baggage we had going in.

  • Well, does she have a purpose other than to die? That sorta thing kinda has to happen close to the beginning. So you fix that by making episode 1 longer and giving more depth to mariana. Except then you'd have to... GASP.... make the rest of the season longer too.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Agreed. Should've just made her Eleanor and later Lingard's newest patient if they had to keep her in.

  • When you realise you won't be able to play the finale at its release.

    enter image description here

  • edited May 2017

    Yeah, often with any movies I've watched. I don't flip/browse through it like I used to.

    I know, that's a good bit there, in hindsight you realize she's bullshitting and that she's not a ruthless, hardened robber. She's just a scared young girl putting up a front, who shouldn't have put her finger on the trigger. She's basically Becca without a Shel.
    Becca wasn't exactly the brightest bulb either, probably would have ended up the same way.

    DabigRG posted: »

    she's not noble, she's a tragic villain if anything. Perhaps you're right. Still, do you visit TvTropes? Because I think I was keepi

  • edited May 2017

    Until or after?

    Until, duh.

    given that they seemed to be setting her up as an arc villain for Clementine.

    Well, it was either her or David, and they went with David. What are you gonna do? Ep 4 had the flashback where you can tell Ava off, at least..

    Linking her up with Gabe as well made sense,

    Ugh, ew, no way would Ava be grooming young teenagers. I think a strong, tough soldier/leader like David is more her type. Maybe even an up-and-coming tough guy like Javier.
    Honestly, I wish there was an option to dump Kate's ass immediately and flirt with Ava. The closest thing is when you greet her nicely, and she asks David why he never said his brother was a gentleman. She kinda gives Javier this look...

    that stat list (which was recently stated to be fake by the poster [I think] so many months later) kinda confirmed it by stating she's 19.

    No way is that the case unless you she lied about her age, which probably wouldn't work in this day and age.

    But even if that is fake, the wiki does estimate her to be in her 20s.

    Yeah, well the wiki also says Carley, Becca and Shel are caucasian when they're clearly some kind of mix, Becca in particular kinda looks native indian to me, with maybe a dash of whiteness

    theory that she's actually Conrad's estranged daughter early on that Thicker than Water ironically added even more fuel to.

    okay, do tell.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really? Well, that's not too insane until they mention she was part of David's unit. Until or after? But the first instance was mo

  • edited May 2017

    Also, looking at it again, the art style of season 1 and 2 seems more based on Tony Moore's original art than the replacement Charlie Adlard. This is very evident with characters like Glenn and even Hershel looks more like if Moore ever drew him. However, the child characters match more to Adlard's art style, with very rounded cutesy heads.

    Louche posted: »

    let me guess, that was some excuse written up in a letters page or something

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