Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • How did they even crash that bad and completely get surrounded by walkers anyway?

    Twdsaviours posted: »

    Accidents happen at least he didn't cause the situation like Kate.

  • Overcompensation

    I think you need to make your watermarks bigger, I can't see them.

  • Plot

    DabigRG posted: »

    How did they even crash that bad and completely get surrounded by walkers anyway?

  • did you guys know javier played baseball

  • enter image description here

    How could I have missed this?! :O Mustn't have got the right dialogue option to find this out :(

    bloop posted: »

    did you guys know javier played baseball

  • enter image description here

    bloop posted: »

    did you guys know javier played baseball

  • If you don't Break the Ice Bonnie dies

    bloop posted: »

    did you guys know javier played baseball

  • If you fail a QTE when saving Gabe, Javi dies, but not really

    If you don't Break the Ice Bonnie dies

  • Telltale just trolling us...

    fallandir posted: »

    If you fail a QTE when saving Gabe, Javi dies, but not really

  • Man I was distracted and fáciles the QTE there... I almost had a heart attack.

    fallandir posted: »

    If you fail a QTE when saving Gabe, Javi dies, but not really

  • David is most likely an alcoholic.

    • He is drinking beer in the very first scene of the game.
    • If you have a good relationship with him in the episode 4 flashback, he puts his arm around Javi and says he will buy you a beer.
    • If Javi agrees that Papa should fight his cancer, David thanks you and says he will go out to but more beers for the domino game.
  • edited June 2017

    Drinking some beer when your dad just died makes you an alcoholic?
    Drinking some beer with your brother makes you an alcoholic?
    Drinking some beer with your dad and your brother when you found out your dad just got cancer makes you an alcoholic?

    Do you even know what an alcoholic is? lol

    David is most likely an alcoholic. * He is drinking beer in the very first scene of the game. * If you have a good relationship with h

  • "Fine, but I'm kinda fuc-"

    Oh, Lee. How do I miss you.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Well, this doesn't look familiar at all.

  • edited June 2017

    Wtf this didin't show up for me

    EDIT: Nvm I know why

    HammyShow posted: »

    Welp, I don't know if it's implying anything...

  • You really need to stop harassing every one of my comments. Im not here just to argue with you.

    I said David is MOST LIKELY an alcoholic, and yeah if your first instinct in every social situation is to drink then that is a sign of alcoholism. Couple this with his rage and domestic issues and you get the picture.

    I have alcoholic issues within my family so yes I know what an alcoholic is. Now stop being a condescending jerk

    Twdsaviours posted: »

    Drinking some beer when your dad just died makes you an alcoholic? Drinking some beer with your brother makes you an alcoholic? Drinking s

  • As someone who had an alcoholic mother I can assure you that someone who drinks constantly is an alcoholic not someone who wants to go for a few drinks with their brother and father and what I'm not allowed to argue against a different comment now, I saw your comment here and it literally doesn't make any sense.

    You really need to stop harassing every one of my comments. Im not here just to argue with you. I said David is MOST LIKELY an alcoholic,

  • David seems prone to drinking, he has obvious anger issues at every member of his family, and his wife is scared of him and wants to leave him. If he was just a guy who likes drinking beer I wouldn't normally comment on it since i also like drinking beer, but given his personality and behavior it seems like he could have something of a problem.

    Twdsaviours posted: »

    As someone who had an alcoholic mother I can assure you that someone who drinks constantly is an alcoholic not someone who wants to go for a

  • Nothing to do with alcohol what you saying is pure speculation, and Kate is scared of him she only wants to leave him in the present time because of Javi.

    David seems prone to drinking, he has obvious anger issues at every member of his family, and his wife is scared of him and wants to leave h

  • edited June 2017

    I had the exact same situation! I wanted to get out of it as quickly as possible haha.

    Also on a sidenote, kinda wierd but everytime you express an opinion or share some choices you made in episodes, it turns out I have the same choices or opinions lol

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    MINOR SPOILER FOR ANF EPISODE 5!!! At the end before Jesus leaves if you pick "I like you, Jesus" Javi comment on Jesus being a badass. W

  • Are you sure? I thought for SURE he played Hockey..

    bloop posted: »

    did you guys know javier played baseball

  • All these scrapped content sound so much more interesting. God damnit Telltale, why?

    TrashJesus posted: »

    Telltale ended up with a lot of confusion regarding Mariana. You can keep her music player or give it to Gabe, neither outcomes are even men

  • Crackin a cold one with the boys makes you an alcoholic?

    Twdsaviours posted: »

    Drinking some beer when your dad just died makes you an alcoholic? Drinking some beer with your brother makes you an alcoholic? Drinking s

  • I doubt it. I've never seen anything to suggest he's an alcoholic.

    David is most likely an alcoholic. * He is drinking beer in the very first scene of the game. * If you have a good relationship with h

  • tfw Telltale just forgets Kate was shot like 3 days ago

    fallandir posted: »

    Despite Kate being shot in the stomach and having a serious operation in Ep2, she seems healed and perfectly fit in the finale; she is fine

  • david almost killed his son so he leaves richmond to c r a c k u p a c o l d o n e w i t h t h e b o y s

    David is most likely an alcoholic. * He is drinking beer in the very first scene of the game. * If you have a good relationship with h

  • edited June 2017

    In every season finale so far, Clementine is seen walking alone in the ending
    (Depends what ending you got for S2 though)
    S1: She walks alone in the country side.
    S2: She walks off into the distance(depends what ending)
    S3: She walks off into the distance.

  • edited June 2017

    There are 4 ways of how Clem reacts to Gabe's death:

    • Clem holds hands with Gabe -> If you choose alone ending in S2

    • Clem hugs Gabe (twice) -> if you choose Kenny ending

    • Clem kisses Gabe -> if you choose Jane ending

    • Clem only talks to Gabe -> If you choose Wellington ending (thanks @ladypocky!)
      It goes like this:

      Clem: "This is wrong, you deserved better."
      Gabe: "I got to meet you. Can't be all wrong..."

  • Like Dick for Richard?

    I know but Rafa is just too random...

  • Did we ever settle what causes Clem to either shoot David or aim the gun at his head? I thought it was shooting Kenny versus not shooting him, but my Clem (who stayed with Kenny) shot David in the shoulder. Here are my Clem stats:

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    I'm even more confused because my Clem is a Graceful Gunslinger. I saw another Graceful Gunslinger Clem that says she did not shoot David:
    enter image description here

    I wonder if it's just the game glitching, or if there's some other decision that made the difference? For reference, my Javi didn't fight David at all.

    During Javi and David's fight Clem will either shoot David on the arm or point a gun on his head depending on whether you shot Kenny in season 2.

  • I remember the time, I thought he played cricket

    bloop posted: »

    did you guys know javier played baseball

  • edited June 2017

    and that she came in direct contact with an explosion

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw Telltale just forgets Kate was shot like 3 days ago

  • do you know a playthrough with that last one?

    HammyShow posted: »

    There are 4 ways of how Clem reacts to Gabe's death: * Clem holds hands with Gabe -> If you choose alone ending in S2 * Clem hugs

  • Dammit I forgot whose playthrough it is, I'll give you an update when I found it...

    do you know a playthrough with that last one?

  • edited June 2017

    Somebody forgot Episode Five's intro.

    edit nevermind i'm too lazy to fix image so here's a link to my hard work i cannot post here

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Are you sure? I thought for SURE he played Hockey..

  • Wellington for the last one. I got that from playing wellington

    HammyShow posted: »

    There are 4 ways of how Clem reacts to Gabe's death: * Clem holds hands with Gabe -> If you choose alone ending in S2 * Clem hugs

  • So you got the last one huh? Thanks for the closure!

    ladypocky posted: »

    Wellington for the last one. I got that from playing wellington

  • That's the one! Thanks bud!

  • After playing ep5 again I discovered a humorous line from Javi and it's the best! When Kate's worried about using the Helicopter to cross the highway this happens if you pick 'just don't die'

    Javier: "Here's the secret. I guarantee you'll be just fine if you follow my advice perfectly."

    Kate: "Okay."

    Javier: "Whatever you do... don't fall."

    Kate: "I'm gonna push you off the side of this thing."

    Javier: "You can't deny I'm right."

    Don't ever change, Javi. XD

  • There is water underneath the bridge you're crossing when swinging with the helicopter's blade so Ava / Tripp might have survived that fall (I failed to take a screenshot when I played)

  • edited June 2017

    Oh yeah, I actually chose that option too.

    Javier is a fucking dickhead, but good kind of dickhead.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    After playing ep5 again I discovered a humorous line from Javi and it's the best! When Kate's worried about using the Helicopter to cross th

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