Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Javi's that kind of guy who annoys the hell out of you but you love him for it. <3

    Findagon posted: »

    Oh yeah, I actually chose that option too. Javier is a fucking dickhead, but good kind of dickhead.

  • I saw it too but I refuse to be fed false hope! It's too painful to hope Tripp survived but turn out to be dead anyway. :'(

    There is water underneath the bridge you're crossing when swinging with the helicopter's blade so Ava / Tripp might have survived that fall (I failed to take a screenshot when I played)

  • I picked that option in my game, because I'm that kind of asshole who would say something like that in real life.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    After playing ep5 again I discovered a humorous line from Javi and it's the best! When Kate's worried about using the Helicopter to cross th

  • They're dead, unfortunately.

    There is water underneath the bridge you're crossing when swinging with the helicopter's blade so Ava / Tripp might have survived that fall (I failed to take a screenshot when I played)

  • edited June 2017

    I highly doubt they survived.

    Tripp broke his back before falling and Ava probably faceplanted the ground.

    Also, there wasn't nearly enough water in order to make the landing "softer".

    There is water underneath the bridge you're crossing when swinging with the helicopter's blade so Ava / Tripp might have survived that fall (I failed to take a screenshot when I played)


    In every season finale so far, Clementine is seen walking alone in the ending (Depends what ending you got for S2 though) S1: She walks al

  • Um I don't think this is true??? I've replayed the game and watched heaps of YouTube playthroughs and that fact never came up... lol I think you need to check your facts before you post on this thread.

    And FYI he was a professional gambler.

    bloop posted: »

    did you guys know javier played baseball

  • You're probably right, I didn't get a good look at the water so I got no idea how deep it is

    Findagon posted: »

    I highly doubt they survived. Tripp broke his back before falling and Ava probably faceplanted the ground. Also, there wasn't nearly enough water in order to make the landing "softer".

  • edited June 2017

    Dude, don't polish your halo here. Your speculation was far out, anyone could be a alcholohic according to these parameters.

    You really need to stop harassing every one of my comments. Im not here just to argue with you. I said David is MOST LIKELY an alcoholic,

  • How'd you judge the depth?

    Findagon posted: »

    I highly doubt they survived. Tripp broke his back before falling and Ava probably faceplanted the ground. Also, there wasn't nearly enough water in order to make the landing "softer".

  • edited June 2017

    You can see the ground clearly through the water. You couldn't see the ground so clearly, if there were actually some depth.

    Maybe my eyes are wrong, but I still doubt they survived the fall.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    How'd you judge the depth?

  • edited June 2017

    You could argue that Ava (episode 5) death is Slapstick comedy. If you go with Tripp instead, he survives that car-zombie and says: 'Fuck you, Fuckstick.' This might be intentional from telltale to make Tripp say Fuck you to the Slapstick comedy of Ava's death, since Tripp survives thar comedy moment.

    I had this revelation, and while it might be a coinkidink, I like to believe that it's intentional.

  • edited June 2017

    No. 1 rule of TWDG: No one is dead unless you see a body. Lol.

    Findagon posted: »

    You can see the ground clearly through the water. You couldn't see the ground so clearly, if there were actually some depth. Maybe my eyes are wrong, but I still doubt they survived the fall.

  • This is it, Javi is my baby now


    AgentZ46 posted: »

    After playing ep5 again I discovered a humorous line from Javi and it's the best! When Kate's worried about using the Helicopter to cross th

  • Landind in water from a a high place caan be just as deadly as landing in concrete. Plus, there were tons of walkers, and they may have been hurt and drowned or something. There is no chance for them.

    There is water underneath the bridge you're crossing when swinging with the helicopter's blade so Ava / Tripp might have survived that fall (I failed to take a screenshot when I played)

  • I picked that too, for the lolz.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    After playing ep5 again I discovered a humorous line from Javi and it's the best! When Kate's worried about using the Helicopter to cross th

  • This is true, but still.

    We'll never see Tripp or Ava ever again.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    No. 1 rule of TWDG: No one is dead unless you see a body. Lol.

  • The resemblance...
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • Congrats. I'm honestly not sure wether you're trolling or not, which almost never happens to me.

    darthsansa posted: »

    Um I don't think this is true??? I've replayed the game and watched heaps of YouTube playthroughs and that fact never came up... lol I think you need to check your facts before you post on this thread. And FYI he was a professional gambler.

  • I really hate how Telltale had the Jane endings make Clem more empathetic than any other ending, and how mean spirited she is when choosing the Wellington ending. I guess I kind of understand the Wellington one (Clementine is suspicious of others and doesn't trust in community), but Jane?

    HammyShow posted: »

    There are 4 ways of how Clem reacts to Gabe's death: * Clem holds hands with Gabe -> If you choose alone ending in S2 * Clem hugs

  • I thought about that too, but their pictures are on the memorial wall, so I guess their bodies might have been retrieved/their deaths confirmed off-screen.

    There is water underneath the bridge you're crossing when swinging with the helicopter's blade so Ava / Tripp might have survived that fall (I failed to take a screenshot when I played)

  • I fucking knew it

    HammyShow posted: »

    The resemblance...

  • looks like Tripp really wanted to Apologize to Javier he fell into the water so their Argument was ´´Water under the bridge´´

    There is water underneath the bridge you're crossing when swinging with the helicopter's blade so Ava / Tripp might have survived that fall (I failed to take a screenshot when I played)

  • If you dont Break the ice Bonnie dies.

  • It says he died in the "Your New Frontier story" thing

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I saw it too but I refuse to be fed false hope! It's too painful to hope Tripp survived but turn out to be dead anyway.

  • What's that? Reused hug animation?

    HammyShow posted: »

    The resemblance...

  • You can say that ;)

    fallandir posted: »

    What's that? Reused hug animation?

  • This is more of a question but apparently Telltale said they wont go further than the comics in the timeline.

    I was wondering if someone had the source to this? I wanna read up on it.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Honestly, some people think they can post anything without any proof or sound basis.

    Next @bloop is gonna say something totally out there and wacky like 'Bonnie will die if you don't break the ice' and expect us to believe him.

    Congrats. I'm honestly not sure wether you're trolling or not, which almost never happens to me.

  • That's No. 2. No. 1 is Thou shalt not fuck with Clementine

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    No. 1 rule of TWDG: No one is dead unless you see a body. Lol.

  • If ice Bonnie you the dont Break dies.

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    If you dont Break the ice Bonnie dies.

  • edited June 2017

    Maybe Clem didn't expect Jane to just leave her behind with AJ by commiting suicide. Thus Clem feels scared to be alone again, that when she meets Gabe, she thought that she wouldn't be alone anymore (and how wrong she was)...

    Plus all the puberty thing, it was normal for Clem to, maybe, grow some feelings for Gabe and vice versa...?

    I really hate how Telltale had the Jane endings make Clem more empathetic than any other ending, and how mean spirited she is when choosing

  • Not surprised at all.

    HammyShow posted: »

    The resemblance...

  • Like father, like son

    In episode 5, when Kate was missing from the truck after the explosion:
    enter image description here

    David's response:
    enter image description here

    and then

    back in episode 4, when Javi, Clem and Gabe were pushing the truck:
    enter image description here

    Gabe's response:
    enter image description here

  • In some endings I presume, Javier never closed Clementine's deal back in Episode 1 by owing her a ride.

  • If you don't break Bonnie, the ice dies.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    If ice Bonnie you the dont Break dies.

  • During the helicopter scene, I thought that Gabe volunteers to go first instead of Clem so that she isn't the one risking her life to test if its even stable enough to swing across. That way, if it were to break upon the first swing, Clem wouldn't be the one dying.

    Or maybe I'm just giving Gabe to much credit haha.

    HammyShow posted: »

    Gabe could be a lil' bit savage to Clem Episode 2, back seat scene: Gabe: "Ugh.. Parents just love pretending the rest of us can't

  • Lol Gabe's face

    HammyShow posted: »

    Like father, like son In episode 5, when Kate was missing from the truck after the explosion: David's response: and then back in episode 4, when Javi, Clem and Gabe were pushing the truck: Gabe's response:

  • If Bonnie you ice the break don't dies.

    If you don't break Bonnie, the ice dies.

  • edited June 2017

    Yeah, that's the valid reason. But the folks here, they were having too much fun with interpreting things. Just for fun

    Suzy222 posted: »

    During the helicopter scene, I thought that Gabe volunteers to go first instead of Clem so that she isn't the one risking her life to test i

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