She was also supposed to be found as a walker at one point since she went off on her own when the walkers attacked, but they changed that so that she dies onscreen.
Yeah, that was a part of the earlier concepts.
She was also supposed to be found as a walker at one point since she went off on her own when the walkers attacked, but they changed that so that she dies onscreen.
Okay, so I'm just about caught up with current reviews, so if I happened to skip you, please feel free to let me know.
I'm planning on getting back to doing rewrites myself, perhaps revisiting/wrapping-up some of my ideas for Season 2 for the time being and jumping on the ANF bandwagon. Got a number of little things I wanna do there, but then who doesn't?
so yeah this was actually just an error when i edited it because in the original version i posted the ending i put in was that if Carley was still alive then there would be a choice between Carley and Sarita but then later on i thought it wouldnt end up going anywhere.
I accidentally left that part in there when i edited it.
I had to edit this episode twice one for the choice with Sarita and carley to remove it and the 2nd because i forgot Matthew and Lily existed for some reason.
Also i dont really known what i was thinking when i added those gory exagerated things with Carver .
Okay, finally getting back to this. Let's get to the weakest episode of Season 2--In Harm's Way!
Episode 3 would start out with Clem f… morelashbacking in PTSD sort of manner to Carley or Ben s death and she would come back to it with a hit from Troy s gun telling her to move as to which Clem can either talk back to him or Obey ((Talking back results in troy tryng to hit her again but being stopped by kenny who is then Knocked out by Troy , Carver will then tell them that if anyone goes out of line again there will be severe consequences and they will arrive at the truck from episode 3 and enter it. On the other hand if clementine Obeys him she can talk to either: Sarah,Kenny ,Carley ((if she s alive)) Pete or Nick since they are the ones closest to her as they re walking.))
The scenes in the truck are mostly the same except if Carley s alive she will speak up telling them that they should calm down and think of a plan only when they get t… [view original content]
Yeah i put the Dog lives part in an older Rewrite too and i wanted to carry it over to this one.
Oh, okay.
Mark died Instead of Ben , Carley/Doug Jumped in to help Kenny when he was Saving Christa and apparently i also Had Lily jump with Carley cause i really did not remember that i did that...
...K. I'll probably reference the previous posts for full context, but I assume the Lilly thing is being retconned out.
Yeah i put the Dog lives part in an older Rewrite too and i wanted to carry it over to this one.
Also as for the Recap for the main things … morefrom season 1
Mark died Instead of Ben , Carley/Doug Jumped in to help Kenny when he was Saving Christa and apparently i also Had Lily jump with Carley cause i really did not remember that i did that...
All that you have proposed is truly fantastic!
The next day the food count is off and what ever random NPC or 400 days character is in… more charge of the food gets punished by Carver severely.
Although not severely, I believe that Tavia should be the one that is in charge of rations and the one that is punished. She had little screentime in "In Harm's Way" and poor characterization.
Sorry I never bothered to read this, Shoula. Time to give you some lip
Cold and tired, Clementine enters the rest stop, grateful to get out of the snow and biting wind. Her hand reaches up to the wound in her shoulder, the dampness has got it to aching.
Making the gunshot matter. Nice, I guess.
"Jane has him...she..she was being chased by some walkers we got separated."
"You left him with that girl? Clementine, what were you thinking. Any thing could..."
It is just then that a figure walks into sight out of the blowing snow. Her hair raffling in the wind she has a bundled AJ clutched to her chest
Marshmallow Hell, yeeeah!
Anyway, let's see where this goes...
"Thank God, I thought we had lost you pal." Kenny hold AJ close, relief softening his feature for an instant. "Where is the pickup?"
Clementine looks over to Jane about to say that she wrecked it when Jane speaks up.
"The Walkers Kenny, we had to move...but I panicked and we hit a walker and slid into a ditch. It was an accident Kenny, they were all over us. Jane held up her hand to Clementine to keep her from saying anything.
"You realize what you have done?, Kenny's face begins to redden, You have killed this child you stupid fucking bitch!"
He pushes AJ into Clementine's arms and turns to look at Jane.
"Kenny it was an accident, just a stupid accident." Clementine was desperate to try and defuse the situation.
"Accident my ass, she wanted to go back to that God forsaken shit hole Howes and wrecked the truck on purpose!"
Okay, that sounds a little petty if I'm being honest, Ken.
"Quiet Clementine, this is between me and this thing. You have killed that child Jane, and the worse part is you will not own up to it. But then again why should you, you killed your own sister left her to die. That's you Jane..always leaving people behind, looking out for yourself. How any bodies have you left in your useless wake JANE?"
Aw, so he knows about the Jaime stuff here? Good, cause that was an important thing that they completely ignored.
Jane backed slowly from Kenny her hand on the hilt of her knife, as the color drained from her face. For a moment she is speechless, then cold hatred seems to harden her eyes.
I know you're prosey there, but wtf?
Jane's eyes bore into Kenny as she started to talk in cold even tones. "You beat that boy mercilessly and alienated Mike and Bonnie. You just had to take your time and beat Carver to death, perhaps if you had not ducked around with that...perhaps Carlos and Sarita would still be alive. But then that is you isn't it Kenny? Everything has to go your way. You just had to play one man vigilante and get Walter killed. Your original wife Kenny? Why would she kill herself instead of choosing a life with you?"
"Don't talk about my family like you knew them, you did not" His hands were clenched into fists..
"Please, Jane...Kenny." Alvin was crying. Outside the snow was starting to let up as the wind blew a tattered flag off the pole.
"Clementine told me about that man Lee, do you know why he is dead Kenny? Because you stole from that man's car."
"What are you talking about?" Shock on his face as he remembers. "That station wagon? We were hungry...the food was there."
" And you took it despite Clementine and Lee's protest, taking that food had consequences Kenny just like every Damn thing you have done! You killed Lee, you killed Walter, you even killed that reporter when you killed that one woman's father...that's you Kenny!!
"Shut up!!" Kenny charges Jane, pushing Clementine out of the way and the fight ensues.
Again, all stuff they should've mentioned. Also, I noticed she didn't bother mentioning Sarah. No comment there, since I think it's obvious why.
The final confrontation...but influenced by changes that I would have throughout s2..
Cold and tired, Clementine enters the rest stop, g… morerateful to get out of the snow and biting wind. Her hand reaches up to the wound in her shoulder, the dampness has got it to aching. "Kenny? Jane?, anyone?" A figure comes out of the shadows, it is Kenny a look of relief on his face disappears as he notices that AJ is not with her. "Clem, where is AJ? What happened?" His voice is frantic as any number of possible scenarios runs through his head. "Jane has him...she..she was being chased by some walkers we got separated." "You left him with that girl? Clementine, what were you thinking. Any thing could..." It is just then that a figure walks into sight out of the blowing snow. Her hair raffling in the wind she has a bundled AJ clutched to her chest. Kenny opens the door and grabs the child from her, barely waiting for her to get in b… [view original content]
he final confrontation...but influenced by changes that I would have throughout s2..
Cold and tired, Clementine enters the rest stop, gr… moreateful to get out of the snow and biting wind.
Her hand reaches up to the wound in her shoulder, the dampness has got it to aching.
"Kenny? Jane?, anyone?" A figure comes out of the shadows, it is Kenny a look of relief on his face disappears as he notices that AJ is not with her.
"Clem, where is AJ? What happened?" His voice is frantic as any number of possible scenarios runs through his head. "Jane has him...she..she was being chased by some walkers we got separated." "You left him with that girl? Clementine, what were you thinking. Any thing could..."
It is just then that a figure walks into sight out of the blowing snow. Her hair raffling in the wind she has a bundled AJ clutched to her chest.
Kenny opens the door and grabs the child from her, barely waiting for her to… [view original content]
1: i was joking
2:concerning what lily was doing probably the same thing she does when somehow kenny sneaks up on Lee and her if you side … morewith Lily in the game
3:i meant to say that Lee and Clementine refused to take the supplies in the car.
4:I Just put that there cause i wanted to have some Sort of connection to the Season 2characters.
Of this certain episode? Tons!
* Arvo, if you don't steal his medicine, has no reason at all to come after us, yet does it anyway. Eith… moreer it's a plothole, or Arvo's just plain evil
* The town that was across the river from the gift shop was never discovered.
* The last 2 seconds of the episode. It ends with Arvo's group (and they have more advanced weaponry, mind you) surrounding Clementine's group, and somehow in the next episode, it's revealed that NO ONE FROM CLEM'S GROUP DIES. That's the literal definition of unrealism.
And that's only the beginning of all my pet peeves with this episode.
at that time i did not known how the point system for Kenny actually worked and since i sided with Kenny on pretty much everything i thought… more it was weird that he only came with me if i saved Ben ((My save probably Glitched when i was playing it.))
Also Omid s always willing to go but Christa decides for him that they re not going if You hide the bite.
Now its time for the Final new frontier Rewrite From the Gallows:
The episode starts with Javier and ((Determinantly)) Conrad going to check if Kate and Mariana are okay .
When you open the door to the truck you see that Mariana had her seatbelt on which made her not have enough time to Jump out of the truck which caused her Death ((Either Javier or Conrad shoot walker Mariana before they re attacked by the other people in Richmond.))
Extra Edit: If Mariana died during this episode you will have the option to take Mariana s diary which will open another page in the menu with annotations from Mariana and things she learned about certain characters in the game that you would not see in game for example:
An entry where she learned from Tripp that Conrad was the one who led everyone into the airfield that became Prescott after talking to him in their short stay at prescott ((According to the backstory from the AMA.))
When you find David he tells him he lost Joan and that Gabe got separated from him ((Then there s the scene with Clem teaching Gabe the knee trick i just added this because its better then not having anything at all mentioned about this.))
so here are a couple of differences:
Jane ending: Clem got separated from Jane during the chaos in richmond.
Kenny: Same for Kenny.
Wellington ending: Lily s still with Clem.
Sarita will be helping Eleanor if you got the Kenny ending or Went into wellington with her ((Lingard and Sarah would also be there Lingard if he was spared in episode 4 and Sarah if the Jane ending was picked. ))
David goes to the rooftop and the scene with David and him wanting you to stand with him happens.
The rest of the group showns up with Ava/Tripp who still forgive Javier.]
If lily was with Clem then she ends up staying with Eleanor because she doesnt want anyone else to lose their families.
Mariana stays there because Javier tells her its too Dangerous.
If you got The Wellington ending Leo will tell Javier that he s staying because if the place gets overrun he wants to be there to help he wishes Javier got luck after the rest of the group jumps over to the stairs
If Conrad s still alive there will be a choice of whether he goes with you or Not.
So let s start with Ava shall we?
Instead of Ava dying in the car scene instead the walker will attack her she will Thrown him into the pit but she loses her balance and you grab her hand you then have a QTE To pull her up.
after that Ava Crosses the helicopter without much trouble.
Conrad died/Stayed in the safehouse with Eleanor: Tripp will die the same way he does in episode 5.
Conrad went with the rest of the group: Conrad and Tripp will both be trapped on the other side and Conrad will run out of Bullets and start making a distraction for Tripp to get away Tripp will tell him to stop that he shouldnt sacrifice himself but Conrad Convinces and Tripp runs away as Conrad dies after Making a distraction for him .
During the scene where david starts there are 2 ways it would happen:
If you started a relationship with Kate: The fight would break out and its the same as the normal game
If you did not start a relationship with Kate: Then You would Clear up the misunderstanding and they end up Splitting up with Clem determinantly Going with David if Lingard was killed to look for AJ ((Ava s also with David if she lived.)) The game automatically picks the save Richmond option if this happened because David did not Kidnap Gabe if you do this.
Extra: Just wanted to add another condition for Clem leaving With David being that if any of the S2 Crew survived Then clem wont leave with David ((This also includes the wellington ending since Lily stayed.))
Saving Richmond: When you shown up at Richmond s gate Jesus is there with his Crew and Francine ((If you surprendered in episode 2.))
Francine tells Javier she Met with Jesus when he was going back to get his people and he explained the situation to her.
The scene goes on the same as the normal one with Kate and Javier sucessfully managing to Fix the hole in Richmond.
also if you did not fight with David:
Jesus Asks Javier where David and Gabe are to which he tells him they left Jesus then tells him that the herd went in the way Gabe and David are going Javi then goes after them.
Ava , Clem and Gabe are with David: When you arrive you see that they re Fighting off Walkers in a location a bit farther from the one in the normal game as gabe did not try to stop David.
Unfortunately Ava ends up getting Bitten and David ends up having to Shoot her thanking for all the times she helped him .
Clem and Gabe are with David: Pretty much what happens if you go after David and Gabe alone.
Gabe and David: Pretty much the ending where Gabe dies in the original ending.
Now if you failed to not have the fight with David then you still have the option to go after Gabe and David ((Also Ava if she s alive.))
Javier goes After Ava David and gabe: Javier saves Gabe and David but Ava gets bitten and David has to shoot her.
Javier and Clem go after Ava David and gabe: Clem stops Ava from getting bit and they all walk out of there but when you arrive in Richmond Kate turned into a Walker.
Javier and Clem go after David and Gabe: same as in the normal game.
Javier goes after David and Gabe: Same as in the normal game.
Also if the Jane ending was picked then it changes it a bit because she was using the walker guts to get away from Richmond after she got out of there but she then found David s crashed Car with gabe and went to help because Clem would probably hate her if she dint.
Gabe and David are in the car and Clem went with Javi to save Richmond: Jane manages to save Gabe before Javier arrives with Clem.
Gabe and david are in the car and Javier goes after them: Javi meets up with Jane and they get both David and Gabe out there safely
Ava gabe and david are in the car: Ava can only be saved if Javier is with Clem and the Jane ending was picked because if not she ends up bitten.
Extra edit 2: If you go save Richmond then if you got either the wellington ending or the Kenny ending then you get People Covering you from the building where the survivors are located
Kenny ending: Kenny and Sarita
Wellington ending: Leo , Lily and Becca.
Jane ending: Bonnie/Mike/Nick.
During the memorial scene if Tripp survived the episode when you enter the church you see Tripp putting a couple of Poker Cards close to a picture of Conrad He then leaves as Javier goes with either Kate or Gabe to put the photos in the memorial.
If Conrad died Francine leaves with Jesus but if Conrad lived then Francine stays with Conrad in Richmond ((If both died then this is irrelevant.))
after you leave the Church and determinantly talk to Conrad about Francine s book then you get a hub to talk to other characters you met:
Francine: Who tells Javier whether she s staying or not and if she stays she will invite Javier to Play Poker with Her and Conrad next time they play ((she will also comment on you being good or bad depending on if you won the poker game in episode 1 or not.))
David ((Only available if David was saved and Kate died)) : David will at first not want to talk because he thinks Kate s death was his fault because if he did not leave they could have saved Richmond and backed her up but because he left he caused her death you can then comfort David and convince him that it was not his fault .
Lonnie ((Only if Max was spared in episode 3.)) : If Javier shot Joan and Rufus Lonnie will be agressive and not want to talk to you and say that Javier s Lucky he s not putting a bullet in his head just for him standing next to him to which javier then leaves while if you spared Rufus and Accepted Clint s deal he will apologize to Javier for what they did to Prescott and about helping Joan you can also ask him what happened to Max to which he will respond by saying that he s in one of the quarantine cells Javier then walks out and says to himself that he s gonna release him later.
After you either talk to everyone in the hub or attempt to leave it then a scene pops up depending on your final episode 4 choice:
Joan was shot: Clint showns up and takes you with him to decide what to do about the Supplies Joan stole and after you do that he tells Richmond what Joan did and he feels Guilty and blames himself too You then get a choice between Stripping him off his Title of leader of Richmond ((Since Richmond had more than one leader.)) Forgive him or Exile him.
Accepted Clint s deal which resulted in his death:
Joan showns up with a couple of her men as several people in Richmond are watching this Joan tries to convince everyone that Javier and his brother should be Killed for the Murder of Clint you then have to Convince the citizens of Richmond to stop and that he will be a better leader than her ((Also if Max was spared and Rufus was not shot the argument s automatically won because Lonnie showns up and tells the truth about the raids to everyone in Richmond while if that did Not happen other characters shown up to Help Javier like Jesus and Tripp who were victims of Joan s raids ((althought Jesus was tecnically not there when the Raid on some of the Kingdom s supplies happened since he says that he s looking for his friends.))
After you convince everyone you have to then Punish Joan for her actions you can either: Strip her off her Title of Leader but allow her to stay in Richmond , Exile her or Execute her to which a prompt saying the people of Richmond will remember your Decision will appear.
After those there s a Transition to where Jesus will say goodbye to Javier ((And Francine will be with him too If Conrad died.)) after that you get the haircut scene with Clem .
When you re going to say goodbye to Clem the people that Clem was with in the different endings shown up too:
Jane ending: Randy Gill Sarah and Mike/Bonnie/Nick are there to say goodbye to Clem and Jane as they leave to look for AJ ((Sarah hugs Clem before she leaves with Jane.))
Kenny ending: Sarita insists she wants to go with Kenny but he tells her that she should stay in Richmond and that they ll be back in no time with AJ as they re about to Leave Kenny then stops and Looks at Javier saying: ´´Oh yeah i almost forgot you still owe us a car!´´
Which Javier is surprised but gives them a car that they have in Richmond ((Because cmon a group as big as that Cannot just have had One truck as a vehicle.)) the after credits scene then changes to a scene with Kenny and Clem driving toward the unknown as Clem looks at AJ s doodle and Kenny reassures her Dont worry Clem well find him and she smiles as the Clementine s story will continue text appears and the credits roll.
Wellington Ending: Brie and Leo come to Say Goodbye to Clem ((you learn that Becca ran from Richmond after the Fence broke and it would be unknown whether she s alive or not.))
Also if David lived he will go with Clem to Look for AJ because he wants to see the ´´Little Tyrant´´ again.
Huh. I thought i was missing some stuff. Well, time to review No Time Left:
Now at the start of the episode let s assume you got everyone to go with you . When you have the choice to cut Lee s arm off the order on who would cut Lee s arm off would be:
1:Lily if you tried to save her dad.
5:Mark if you re on good terms with him . ((If you re not he doesnt do it))
When you get to the part where you re supposed to ring the bell you can choose someone to do it instead of you:
Either Carley,Kenny or Lily.
Yeah, I was wondering, why the heck does the turning, determinately one-armed guy who's loved one was kidnapped have to be the one to do it?
when you get back to the Mansion if you took everyone with you , You will hear Brie s voice and you discover that she did not agree with her group on stealing the boat and they left her there (if you did not have Travis with you there will only be a note Vernon left like in the game))
Brie will ask if she can Stay with lee s group and you can choose between letting her in or not ((if you cut Lee s hand off she will ask about it and Lee will tell her and if you dint cut it she will discover it when you re on the attic ))
Ah yes, you did tell me about this in your All That Remains rewrite. Okay then.
When the zombies come and you get the option to tell everyone what to do if you give out a set of orders right the house will hold for a while but the walkers will still get in and they will escape to the attic. If you get the orders wrong: a zombie breaks one of the windows and Bites either Mark or Ben ((Its ben if mark died))
Huh. Well that's a peculiar detail.
they escape to the attic and have the same talk as in the normal game.
When you jump from the other building either Mark or Ben fall off ((If mark s alive he falls , If he s not Ben falls))
you and Kenny try to help Mark/Ben but instead of the scene we get in episode 5 Kenny will mercy Kill Mark/ben
and close the door and go up the stairs with Lee.
You will get the scene where the radio falls down the hole in that building and Kenny jumps to help Christa.
After you pull Christa up Lily and Carley ((If carley s alive)) will jump in there and Help Kenny since they still had some ammo .
Lee Tells carley to Try to meet them at the Train but Carley doesnt listen to you because she s backed into a corner and shooting the walkers.
Huh. Going for broke in regards to old Kenny there, aren't ya? So what happens if you don't have Mark and dropped Ben, assuming it was possible to lose Mark earlier that is?
Christa will have a talk with Lee attempting to Confort him but at the same time she tells him she knowns she should give him some space because she would not known what she would do if she lost Omid.
Lee,Ben,Christa,Omid and Brie proceed to the thing which is not a death trap ((referencing what Omid said))
Lee goes down fights the walkers and the rest of the episode proceeds like normal .
Okay then.
Im gonna add something here from Flash jack s thread about Ideas for choices in the games which i found really interesting
Firstly the Car scene where you steal the stranger s Supplies would have an extra choice where you could steal only half of the supplies if you pick to take them first Telling the rest of the group that the other boxes are empty which results in The Stranger showing up with his Son Adam at the Motel and Adam Would end up shooting his Father after realizing he had gone insane and going with Lee and Clementine ((Im not including this in my Rewrites i just thought it was a good idea i saw in her thread.))
Ah, that is a great Idea--the corallation is a little funky--but a great idea nonetheless!
Okay, sorry I read this out of order, but with currently 12 pages of rewrites, lots of school work to do, an unstable internet connection, or just being drained from any combination of those things, I just could've be bothered for a while.
The walking dead season 1 episode 5 Rewrite:
Now at the start of the episode let s assume you got everyone to go with you . When you have t… morehe choice to cut Lee s arm off the order on who would cut Lee s arm off would be:
1:Lily if you tried to save her dad.
5:Mark if you re on good terms with him . ((If you re not he doesnt do it))
When you get to the part where you re supposed to ring the bell you can choose someone to do it instead of you:
Either Carley,Kenny or Lily.
when you get back to the Mansion if you took everyone with you , You will hear Brie s voice and you discover that she did not agree with her group on stealing the boat and they left her there (if you did not have Travis with you there will only be a note Vernon left like in the game))
Brie will ask if she can Stay with lee s group and you can choose between letting her in or not ((if you cut Lee s hand off she will ask about it and Lee w… [view original content]
so yeah this was actually just an error when i edited it because in the original version i posted the ending i put in was that if Carley was still alive then there would be a choice between Carley and Sarita but then later on i thought it wouldnt end up going anywhere.
I accidentally left that part in there when i edited i
so yeah this was actually just an error when i edited it because in the original version i posted the ending i put in was that if Carley was… more still alive then there would be a choice between Carley and Sarita but then later on i thought it wouldnt end up going anywhere.
I accidentally left that part in there when i edited it.
I had to edit this episode twice one for the choice with Sarita and carley to remove it and the 2nd because i forgot Matthew and Lily existed for some reason.
Also i dont really known what i was thinking when i added those gory exagerated things with Carver .
if Mark died before and Ben is still alive then he just gets his Normal death scene except Kenny actually goes back to the door instead of Locking it after he shoots either Mark or Ben.
Huh. I thought i was missing some stuff. Well, time to review No Time Left:
Now at the start of the episode let s assume you got every… moreone to go with you . When you have the choice to cut Lee s arm off the order on who would cut Lee s arm off would be:
1:Lily if you tried to save her dad.
5:Mark if you re on good terms with him . ((If you re not he doesnt do it))
When you get to the part where you re supposed to ring the bell you can choose someone to do it instead of you:
Either Carley,Kenny or Lily.
Yeah, I was wondering, why the heck does the turning, determinately one-armed guy who's loved one was kidnapped have to be the one to do it?
when you get back to the Mansion if you took everyone with you , You will hear Brie s voice and you discover that she did not agree with her group on stealing the boat and they left her there (if you did not have Travis wit… [view original content]
Well, I'd keep the whole "Kenny is dangerous" thing because it gave us some real good scenes between him and Clem and the rest of the group. That and Rebecca giving birth to AJ.
If you saved Nick in Ep.2, he can be seen with Luke in the trailer trying to get Sarah to leave. He'll help Jane and Luke tame the walkers while you talk to Sarah. If you decide to leave her, Nick will get furious and help Sarah himself. He'll lift her up on the dresser before being surrounded by walkers, sacrificing himself to save Sarah. If you slap Sarah, you get the original scene only with Nick added. So he'll get to live longer if you choose this.
Okay, someone who actually has both live past the trailer. Interesting.
If you decided to steal the medicine, you'll give them to Rebecca, who manages to survive through her injuries and lives in the end of the episode. If you didn't, she'll meet the same fate as she originally does. If you steal, the others will be angry that you robbed someone, but Jane will praise you. If you didn't, the others will start to be angry at Jane for encouraging a child to steal.
Like in #1, if Nick lives you'll save Sarah no matter what. If you didn't and you leave her, she'll be eaten. As for her deck death, that won't happen. In fact, I'd give that death to Nick. Luke will try to help him and you can decide whether or not to help. Nick will tell you to "leave him" and to "focus on the baby". Nick will then get devoured as you and Luke watch with Luke starting to cry. You can decide to either comfort him or do nothing. If Sarah lives, there'll be a scene between her and Clem with the baby.
Huh. I think I vaguely recall considering doing something similar with Troy, if I remember correctly. Curious to see what happens with Sarah after this point.
Arvo and his gang will still show up in the end. If you steal the medicine, Arvo will blame everything happening on you and if you didn't steal, he'll wonder where Jane went (she still leaves). The standoff will still happen too. For the final choice, depending on if you stole the medicine, you must either shoot a turned Rebecca or fire the Russians fire first, killing Rebecca.
Wow. Buricko's an asshole.
I'd also add much more "Luke vs Kenny" drama in here too. Luke will start to question Kenny's sanity while Kenny starts to question Luke's "leadership". This is pretty much similar to Kenny vs Lily, but Luke will be more calm than Lily. The group will then be somewhat divided; one side siding with Luke and the other with Kenny, depending on the dialogue choices you say about them to others.
You know what, I asked a question suggesting taking this type of setup to a logical conclusion in my questions thread since it does sound like an interesting development if it had been more pronounced. Who are the teams?
How would you go about rewriting certain elements?
Well, I'd keep the whole "Kenny is dangerous" thing because it gave us some real … moregood scenes between him and Clem and the rest of the group. That and Rebecca giving birth to AJ.
As for what I would rewrite, I'd rewrite the outcome of each choice. For example, if you stole the pills from Arvo to give to Rebecca, she still dies no matter what. When you save Sarah in the trailer, she'll die anyway an hour later. The choices were awful this episode. Here's how I'll retwrite them:
* If you saved Nick in Ep.2, he can be seen with Luke in the trailer trying to get Sarah to leave. He'll help Jane and Luke tame the walkers while you talk to Sarah. If you decide to leave her, Nick will get furious and help Sarah himself. He'll lift her up on the dresser before being surrounded by walkers, sacrificing himself to save Sarah. If you slap Sarah, you get the original scene only with Nick add… [view original content]
Luke will non-determinately have Bonnie and Nick, if he's alive.
Kenny will have Rebecca, only because he's the only one who can deliver her baby.
As for Mike and Jane, you can convince them to either join Kenny's side or Luke's side. If one side has the most members, they'll follow their plan. If the sides are even, the final decision will come down to you as Clementine.
Well, I'd keep the whole "Kenny is dangerous" thing because it gave us some real good scenes between him and Clem and the rest of the group.… more That and Rebecca giving birth to AJ.
If you saved Nick in Ep.2, he can be seen with Luke in the trailer trying to get Sarah to leave. He'll help Jane and Luke tame the walkers while you talk to Sarah. If you decide to leave her, Nick will get furious and help Sarah himself. He'll lift her up on the dresser before being surrounded by walkers, sacrificing himself to save Sarah. If you slap Sarah, you get the original scene only with Nick added. So he'll get to live longer if you choose this.
Okay, someone who actually has both live past the trailer. Interesting.
If you decided to steal the medicine, you'll give them to Rebecca, who manages to survive through her injuries and lives in the end of the episode. If you didn't, she'll meet the same fate as she originally does. I… [view original content]
Ill do every episode of a new frontier, i already made a post about this, but no one bothered to see it.
Episode 1:
Only gonna change flashbacks because Kenny, Jane, and Edith's death were poorly fucking done. And if people want me to, then I'll write how each flashback plays out.
Kenny: Clem and AJ get separated from Kenny by a wolf attack on their camp. Kenny lives, but gets tons of scars, and Clem doesn't know he lives.
Jane: Let's be real here, all bias aside, Jane would probably ditch Clementine, for it either being too hard to take of her, or because she wants to start over.
Wellington: its fine except for the end, Clementine should hold AJ and Edith just goes in a different direction than Clementine.
Alone: this flashback is actually alright.
Episode 2:
Nothing wrong with this, just Javier shouldn't be the only one saving Prescott citizens.
Episode 3:
Just gonna give Conrad more dialogue and make Jesus call them roamers instead of walkers.
Episode 4:
Max should have gone with Javi and David into quarantine to begin with, but Telltale decided it's too hard or something. Anyway, Max stays out of the family talk and argument. And Kate should NOT be in good enough shape to help Javier escape, Gabe should help Javi no matter what your choice was. When Jabi escapes and Max is alive, Javi can tell him to go seperate ways, or to come with Javi and Gabe. Cut content like, going into sewers and Gabe's apology, should be in the game. Then at the end when Kate almost drives into Javier, if Max is alive and you told him to come with you, then he'll push you out of the way if Conrad is dead.
Episode 5:
This has a lot of writing... so if Max and Conrad are alive, they'll be with Ealanor helping Rufus or his wife. And Lingard should be helping Ealanor too. So when Tripp/Ava go on the roof, Max and Conrad follow them. When they get onto the highway there's no cars in the way and Tripp runs and jumps onto the other side of the gap. And if Max or Conrad are alive, they'll jump over the gap too, and Max will miss the jump, and you can save him, but if you don't then Conrad will. Once there at the water tower, Ava/Tripp will cover themselves in walker guts to save Javier if things go south, but they can only save you once. And there are 2 motorcycles instead of 1.
Tripp: this seems like a family thing you should handle Javi. Plus, I'm not letting more innocent people die.
Conrad: I agree with Tripp
Conrad if Tripp dead: I need to help those in need, Javi, you should get Gabe.
Ava: I'm not letting David realize his mistake before it's too late.
Max: I've done tons of shit that I really need to make up for, I'm going to help David realize that he's making a mistake.
Now we get into tons of shit, I'm going to list all of the endings but if Clementine doesn't save Kate when it's just Clem and Kate, then you know to correct that.
Endings if Max and conrad are dead:
Tripp alive:
Javi and Tripp go with Kate and Clem comes along, David and Gabe die.
Javi and Tripp go with Kate, but Clem is with Gabe and David. David dies.
Javi goes after Gabe and David and Clem comes along, Kate dies. (Tripp isn't with her and he's saving people else where.)
Javi goes after Gabe and David alone, David dies.
Ava alive:
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate dies.
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David without Clem, no one dies.
Javi goes with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi goes with Kate and Clem goes with Ava, no one dies.
Endings if Conrad lives but Max is dead:
Tripp alive:
Javi, Tripp and Conrad go with Kate and Clem comes along, then Gabe and David die, but Conrad might fall under the wheel of the bulldozer unless Javi or Clem saves him.
Javi, Tripp and Conrad go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, then David dies.
Javi goes after Gabe and David with Clem, Conrad and Kate die.
Javi goes after Gabe and David without Clem, David dies.
Ava lives:
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate and Conrad die.
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David but Clem goes with Kate, everyone lives.
Javi and Conrad go with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi and Conrad go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone Lives.
Endings if Max lives but Conrad is dead:
Tripp alive:
Javi and Tripp go with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi and Tripp go with Kate but Clem goes Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate dies.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives.
Ava lives:
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate dies.
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives.
Javi goes with Kate and Clem comes along, everyone lives.
Javi goes with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Endings if Max and Conrad lives
Tripp alive:
Javi, Conrad, and Tripp go with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi, Conrad, and Tripp go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Conrad and Kate die.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives.
Ava alive:
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate and Conrad die.
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives,
Javi and Conrad go with Kate and Clem comes along, everyone lives.
Javi and Conrad go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Those were the endings that I came up with, if anyone can make them better, then go ahead. Also the cut. Intent with Joan in episode 5 should be in episode 5.
Clem takes a backpack full of gear with her, and Javi tells whoever in his family that's alive to be in-charge while he goes with Tripp/Ava and Clem to find AJ. And Ava only goes if Clem was nice to her in episode 4 flashback.
I'm not a writer so if it sucks, whatever. And the "Un-known" characters aren't unknown and are shown in Richmond at the end. I really need feedback if I'm going to make it better. Also if you want me to change other flashbacks, then I will.
Again, sounds similar to my thoughts on the matter, which took other characters into account, though I assumed they'd have preferences at one point or another.
Meanwhile, Sarah apparently doesn't give a shit about their petty rivalry.
Who are the teams?
Luke will non-determinately have Bonnie and Nick, if he's alive.
Kenny will have Rebecca, only because he's th… moree only one who can deliver her baby.
As for Mike and Jane, you can convince them to either join Kenny's side or Luke's side. If one side has the most members, they'll follow their plan. If the sides are even, the final decision will come down to you as Clementine.
i actually ended up editing alot of things in what i posted before like for example in the In harm s way Rewrite where i forgot Matthew and Lily existed when i first posted it for some reason.
Season 2 Episode 5. Lukes death as well as the unusual sympathy everyone excluding Kenny showed to Arvo who attempted to rob their group of everything and potentialy killing memebers of their group would definatly be things I'd change.
To be fair on Arvo, Mike was really the only one who overtly cared in part because he was established to be a bit agitated about the safety of the younger group members. The others were either just trying to help keep things under control or concerned about how unstable Kenny was becoming.
Season 2 Episode 5. Lukes death as well as the unusual sympathy everyone excluding Kenny showed to Arvo who attempted to rob their group of everything and potentialy killing memebers of their group would definatly be things I'd change.
while id like it if Luke lived i think the Jane vs Kenny conflict still worked in the end.
My problem is how telltale made season 2 basically irrelevant in a new frontier.
Season 2 Episode 5. Lukes death as well as the unusual sympathy everyone excluding Kenny showed to Arvo who attempted to rob their group of everything and potentialy killing memebers of their group would definatly be things I'd change.
I guess. Was still annoying how you never got the option to confront Arvo about the supplies and his motive if you didn't actually steal from him. I know if I almost lost my life in a gunfight I'd wanna know why it took place.
To be fair on Arvo, Mike was really the only one who overtly cared in part because he was established to be a bit agitated about the safety … moreof the younger group members. The others were either just trying to help keep things under control or concerned about how unstable Kenny was becoming.
Yeah, that was a part of the earlier concepts.
She was also supposed to be found as a walker at one point since she went off on her own when the walkers attacked, but they changed that so that she dies onscreen.
Looks like you got your work cut out for you. Any specific ideas?
Sad she was one of my fav character at the second I saw her ;d
Okay, so I'm just about caught up with current reviews, so if I happened to skip you, please feel free to let me know.
I'm planning on getting back to doing rewrites myself, perhaps revisiting/wrapping-up some of my ideas for Season 2 for the time being and jumping on the ANF bandwagon. Got a number of little things I wanna do there, but then who doesn't?
so yeah this was actually just an error when i edited it because in the original version i posted the ending i put in was that if Carley was still alive then there would be a choice between Carley and Sarita but then later on i thought it wouldnt end up going anywhere.
I accidentally left that part in there when i edited it.
I had to edit this episode twice one for the choice with Sarita and carley to remove it and the 2nd because i forgot Matthew and Lily existed for some reason.
Also i dont really known what i was thinking when i added those gory exagerated things with Carver .
I know, right?
Oh, okay.
...K. I'll probably reference the previous posts for full context, but I assume the Lilly thing is being retconned out.
Poor how, if you don't mind me asking for your take?
And this is why it's important to go back through your own threads, people. Let's see what you got here:
Okay then, this makes some sense. Also, what about Mike and Bonnie?
Sorry I never bothered to read this, Shoula. Time to give you some lip
Making the gunshot matter. Nice, I guess.
Marshmallow Hell, yeeeah!
Anyway, let's see where this goes...
Okay, that sounds a little petty if I'm being honest, Ken.
Aw, so he knows about the Jaime stuff here? Good, cause that was an important thing that they completely ignored.
I know you're prosey there, but wtf?
Again, all stuff they should've mentioned. Also, I noticed she didn't bother mentioning Sarah. No comment there, since I think it's obvious why.
Nice work with the dialogue there, boo!
Just gonna reply here so it looks like I reviewed it. Feel free to flag your post, though.
Gonna have to specify if the numbers equals the sentence order, dude. Kinda lazy at the moment.
Ah, yes. Have you come up with any specific scenarios yet?
Yeah, that is kinda weird. You'd think dropping him would make Kenny happy.
Now its time for the Final new frontier Rewrite From the Gallows:
The episode starts with Javier and ((Determinantly)) Conrad going to check if Kate and Mariana are okay .
When you open the door to the truck you see that Mariana had her seatbelt on which made her not have enough time to Jump out of the truck which caused her Death ((Either Javier or Conrad shoot walker Mariana before they re attacked by the other people in Richmond.))
Extra Edit: If Mariana died during this episode you will have the option to take Mariana s diary which will open another page in the menu with annotations from Mariana and things she learned about certain characters in the game that you would not see in game for example:
An entry where she learned from Tripp that Conrad was the one who led everyone into the airfield that became Prescott after talking to him in their short stay at prescott ((According to the backstory from the AMA.))
When you find David he tells him he lost Joan and that Gabe got separated from him ((Then there s the scene with Clem teaching Gabe the knee trick i just added this because its better then not having anything at all mentioned about this.))
so here are a couple of differences:
Jane ending: Clem got separated from Jane during the chaos in richmond.
Kenny: Same for Kenny.
Wellington ending: Lily s still with Clem.
Sarita will be helping Eleanor if you got the Kenny ending or Went into wellington with her ((Lingard and Sarah would also be there Lingard if he was spared in episode 4 and Sarah if the Jane ending was picked. ))
David goes to the rooftop and the scene with David and him wanting you to stand with him happens.
The rest of the group showns up with Ava/Tripp who still forgive Javier.]
If lily was with Clem then she ends up staying with Eleanor because she doesnt want anyone else to lose their families.
Mariana stays there because Javier tells her its too Dangerous.
If you got The Wellington ending Leo will tell Javier that he s staying because if the place gets overrun he wants to be there to help he wishes Javier got luck after the rest of the group jumps over to the stairs
If Conrad s still alive there will be a choice of whether he goes with you or Not.
So let s start with Ava shall we?
Instead of Ava dying in the car scene instead the walker will attack her she will Thrown him into the pit but she loses her balance and you grab her hand you then have a QTE To pull her up.
after that Ava Crosses the helicopter without much trouble.
Conrad died/Stayed in the safehouse with Eleanor: Tripp will die the same way he does in episode 5.
Conrad went with the rest of the group: Conrad and Tripp will both be trapped on the other side and Conrad will run out of Bullets and start making a distraction for Tripp to get away Tripp will tell him to stop that he shouldnt sacrifice himself but Conrad Convinces and Tripp runs away as Conrad dies after Making a distraction for him .
During the scene where david starts there are 2 ways it would happen:
If you started a relationship with Kate: The fight would break out and its the same as the normal game
If you did not start a relationship with Kate: Then You would Clear up the misunderstanding and they end up Splitting up with Clem determinantly Going with David if Lingard was killed to look for AJ ((Ava s also with David if she lived.)) The game automatically picks the save Richmond option if this happened because David did not Kidnap Gabe if you do this.
Extra: Just wanted to add another condition for Clem leaving With David being that if any of the S2 Crew survived Then clem wont leave with David ((This also includes the wellington ending since Lily stayed.))
Saving Richmond: When you shown up at Richmond s gate Jesus is there with his Crew and Francine ((If you surprendered in episode 2.))
Francine tells Javier she Met with Jesus when he was going back to get his people and he explained the situation to her.
The scene goes on the same as the normal one with Kate and Javier sucessfully managing to Fix the hole in Richmond.
also if you did not fight with David:
Jesus Asks Javier where David and Gabe are to which he tells him they left Jesus then tells him that the herd went in the way Gabe and David are going Javi then goes after them.
Ava , Clem and Gabe are with David: When you arrive you see that they re Fighting off Walkers in a location a bit farther from the one in the normal game as gabe did not try to stop David.
Unfortunately Ava ends up getting Bitten and David ends up having to Shoot her thanking for all the times she helped him .
Clem and Gabe are with David: Pretty much what happens if you go after David and Gabe alone.
Gabe and David: Pretty much the ending where Gabe dies in the original ending.
Now if you failed to not have the fight with David then you still have the option to go after Gabe and David ((Also Ava if she s alive.))
Javier goes After Ava David and gabe: Javier saves Gabe and David but Ava gets bitten and David has to shoot her.
Javier and Clem go after Ava David and gabe: Clem stops Ava from getting bit and they all walk out of there but when you arrive in Richmond Kate turned into a Walker.
Javier and Clem go after David and Gabe: same as in the normal game.
Javier goes after David and Gabe: Same as in the normal game.
Also if the Jane ending was picked then it changes it a bit because she was using the walker guts to get away from Richmond after she got out of there but she then found David s crashed Car with gabe and went to help because Clem would probably hate her if she dint.
Gabe and David are in the car and Clem went with Javi to save Richmond: Jane manages to save Gabe before Javier arrives with Clem.
Gabe and david are in the car and Javier goes after them: Javi meets up with Jane and they get both David and Gabe out there safely
Ava gabe and david are in the car: Ava can only be saved if Javier is with Clem and the Jane ending was picked because if not she ends up bitten.
Extra edit 2: If you go save Richmond then if you got either the wellington ending or the Kenny ending then you get People Covering you from the building where the survivors are located
Kenny ending: Kenny and Sarita
Wellington ending: Leo , Lily and Becca.
Jane ending: Bonnie/Mike/Nick.
During the memorial scene if Tripp survived the episode when you enter the church you see Tripp putting a couple of Poker Cards close to a picture of Conrad He then leaves as Javier goes with either Kate or Gabe to put the photos in the memorial.
If Conrad died Francine leaves with Jesus but if Conrad lived then Francine stays with Conrad in Richmond ((If both died then this is irrelevant.))
after you leave the Church and determinantly talk to Conrad about Francine s book then you get a hub to talk to other characters you met:
Francine: Who tells Javier whether she s staying or not and if she stays she will invite Javier to Play Poker with Her and Conrad next time they play ((she will also comment on you being good or bad depending on if you won the poker game in episode 1 or not.))
David ((Only available if David was saved and Kate died)) : David will at first not want to talk because he thinks Kate s death was his fault because if he did not leave they could have saved Richmond and backed her up but because he left he caused her death you can then comfort David and convince him that it was not his fault .
Lonnie ((Only if Max was spared in episode 3.)) : If Javier shot Joan and Rufus Lonnie will be agressive and not want to talk to you and say that Javier s Lucky he s not putting a bullet in his head just for him standing next to him to which javier then leaves while if you spared Rufus and Accepted Clint s deal he will apologize to Javier for what they did to Prescott and about helping Joan you can also ask him what happened to Max to which he will respond by saying that he s in one of the quarantine cells Javier then walks out and says to himself that he s gonna release him later.
After you either talk to everyone in the hub or attempt to leave it then a scene pops up depending on your final episode 4 choice:
Joan was shot: Clint showns up and takes you with him to decide what to do about the Supplies Joan stole and after you do that he tells Richmond what Joan did and he feels Guilty and blames himself too You then get a choice between Stripping him off his Title of leader of Richmond ((Since Richmond had more than one leader.)) Forgive him or Exile him.
Accepted Clint s deal which resulted in his death:
Joan showns up with a couple of her men as several people in Richmond are watching this Joan tries to convince everyone that Javier and his brother should be Killed for the Murder of Clint you then have to Convince the citizens of Richmond to stop and that he will be a better leader than her ((Also if Max was spared and Rufus was not shot the argument s automatically won because Lonnie showns up and tells the truth about the raids to everyone in Richmond while if that did Not happen other characters shown up to Help Javier like Jesus and Tripp who were victims of Joan s raids ((althought Jesus was tecnically not there when the Raid on some of the Kingdom s supplies happened since he says that he s looking for his friends.))
After you convince everyone you have to then Punish Joan for her actions you can either: Strip her off her Title of Leader but allow her to stay in Richmond , Exile her or Execute her to which a prompt saying the people of Richmond will remember your Decision will appear.
After those there s a Transition to where Jesus will say goodbye to Javier ((And Francine will be with him too If Conrad died.)) after that you get the haircut scene with Clem .
When you re going to say goodbye to Clem the people that Clem was with in the different endings shown up too:
Jane ending: Randy Gill Sarah and Mike/Bonnie/Nick are there to say goodbye to Clem and Jane as they leave to look for AJ ((Sarah hugs Clem before she leaves with Jane.))
Kenny ending: Sarita insists she wants to go with Kenny but he tells her that she should stay in Richmond and that they ll be back in no time with AJ as they re about to Leave Kenny then stops and Looks at Javier saying: ´´Oh yeah i almost forgot you still owe us a car!´´
Which Javier is surprised but gives them a car that they have in Richmond ((Because cmon a group as big as that Cannot just have had One truck as a vehicle.)) the after credits scene then changes to a scene with Kenny and Clem driving toward the unknown as Clem looks at AJ s doodle and Kenny reassures her Dont worry Clem well find him and she smiles as the Clementine s story will continue text appears and the credits roll.
Wellington Ending: Brie and Leo come to Say Goodbye to Clem ((you learn that Becca ran from Richmond after the Fence broke and it would be unknown whether she s alive or not.))
Also if David lived he will go with Clem to Look for AJ because he wants to see the ´´Little Tyrant´´ again.
Huh. I thought i was missing some stuff. Well, time to review No Time Left:
Yeah, I was wondering, why the heck does the turning, determinately one-armed guy who's loved one was kidnapped have to be the one to do it?
Ah yes, you did tell me about this in your All That Remains rewrite. Okay then.
Huh. Well that's a peculiar detail.
Huh. Going for broke in regards to old Kenny there, aren't ya? So what happens if you don't have Mark and dropped Ben, assuming it was possible to lose Mark earlier that is?
Okay then.
Ah, that is a great Idea--the corallation is a little funky--but a great idea nonetheless!
Okay, sorry I read this out of order, but with currently 12 pages of rewrites, lots of school work to do, an unstable internet connection, or just being drained from any combination of those things, I just could've be bothered for a while.
Great job, dude! Onward to Season 2!
Oh, okay. It doesn't help that I ended up skipping that one until today.
K. How would you go about rewriting the story to reflect those things?
Oh okay, that explains it.
if Mark died before and Ben is still alive then he just gets his Normal death scene except Kenny actually goes back to the door instead of Locking it after he shoots either Mark or Ben.
yeah i wish Mariana actually had some more screentime instead of well she s dead bye.
I'd also rewrite Game of Thrones episode 5 onwards.
Okay, someone who actually has both live past the trailer. Interesting.
Huh. I think I vaguely recall considering doing something similar with Troy, if I remember correctly. Curious to see what happens with Sarah after this point.
Wow. Buricko's an asshole.
You know what, I asked a question suggesting taking this type of setup to a logical conclusion in my questions thread since it does sound like an interesting development if it had been more pronounced. Who are the teams?
Good job!
Luke will non-determinately have Bonnie and Nick, if he's alive.
Kenny will have Rebecca, only because he's the only one who can deliver her baby.
As for Mike and Jane, you can convince them to either join Kenny's side or Luke's side. If one side has the most members, they'll follow their plan. If the sides are even, the final decision will come down to you as Clementine.
Ill do every episode of a new frontier, i already made a post about this, but no one bothered to see it.
Episode 1:
Only gonna change flashbacks because Kenny, Jane, and Edith's death were poorly fucking done. And if people want me to, then I'll write how each flashback plays out.
Kenny: Clem and AJ get separated from Kenny by a wolf attack on their camp. Kenny lives, but gets tons of scars, and Clem doesn't know he lives.
Jane: Let's be real here, all bias aside, Jane would probably ditch Clementine, for it either being too hard to take of her, or because she wants to start over.
Wellington: its fine except for the end, Clementine should hold AJ and Edith just goes in a different direction than Clementine.
Alone: this flashback is actually alright.
Episode 2:
Nothing wrong with this, just Javier shouldn't be the only one saving Prescott citizens.
Episode 3:
Just gonna give Conrad more dialogue and make Jesus call them roamers instead of walkers.
Episode 4:
Max should have gone with Javi and David into quarantine to begin with, but Telltale decided it's too hard or something. Anyway, Max stays out of the family talk and argument. And Kate should NOT be in good enough shape to help Javier escape, Gabe should help Javi no matter what your choice was. When Jabi escapes and Max is alive, Javi can tell him to go seperate ways, or to come with Javi and Gabe. Cut content like, going into sewers and Gabe's apology, should be in the game. Then at the end when Kate almost drives into Javier, if Max is alive and you told him to come with you, then he'll push you out of the way if Conrad is dead.
Episode 5:
This has a lot of writing... so if Max and Conrad are alive, they'll be with Ealanor helping Rufus or his wife. And Lingard should be helping Ealanor too. So when Tripp/Ava go on the roof, Max and Conrad follow them. When they get onto the highway there's no cars in the way and Tripp runs and jumps onto the other side of the gap. And if Max or Conrad are alive, they'll jump over the gap too, and Max will miss the jump, and you can save him, but if you don't then Conrad will. Once there at the water tower, Ava/Tripp will cover themselves in walker guts to save Javier if things go south, but they can only save you once. And there are 2 motorcycles instead of 1.
Tripp: this seems like a family thing you should handle Javi. Plus, I'm not letting more innocent people die.
Conrad: I agree with Tripp
Conrad if Tripp dead: I need to help those in need, Javi, you should get Gabe.
Ava: I'm not letting David realize his mistake before it's too late.
Max: I've done tons of shit that I really need to make up for, I'm going to help David realize that he's making a mistake.
Now we get into tons of shit, I'm going to list all of the endings but if Clementine doesn't save Kate when it's just Clem and Kate, then you know to correct that.
Endings if Max and conrad are dead:
Tripp alive:
Javi and Tripp go with Kate and Clem comes along, David and Gabe die.
Javi and Tripp go with Kate, but Clem is with Gabe and David. David dies.
Javi goes after Gabe and David and Clem comes along, Kate dies. (Tripp isn't with her and he's saving people else where.)
Javi goes after Gabe and David alone, David dies.
Ava alive:
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate dies.
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David without Clem, no one dies.
Javi goes with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi goes with Kate and Clem goes with Ava, no one dies.
Endings if Conrad lives but Max is dead:
Tripp alive:
Javi, Tripp and Conrad go with Kate and Clem comes along, then Gabe and David die, but Conrad might fall under the wheel of the bulldozer unless Javi or Clem saves him.
Javi, Tripp and Conrad go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, then David dies.
Javi goes after Gabe and David with Clem, Conrad and Kate die.
Javi goes after Gabe and David without Clem, David dies.
Ava lives:
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate and Conrad die.
Javi and Ava go after Gabe and David but Clem goes with Kate, everyone lives.
Javi and Conrad go with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi and Conrad go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone Lives.
Endings if Max lives but Conrad is dead:
Tripp alive:
Javi and Tripp go with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi and Tripp go with Kate but Clem goes Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate dies.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives.
Ava lives:
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate dies.
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives.
Javi goes with Kate and Clem comes along, everyone lives.
Javi goes with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Endings if Max and Conrad lives
Tripp alive:
Javi, Conrad, and Tripp go with Kate and Clem comes along, Gabe dies.
Javi, Conrad, and Tripp go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Conrad and Kate die.
Javi and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives.
Ava alive:
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David with Clem, Kate and Conrad die.
Javi, Ava, and Max go after Gabe and David without Clem, everyone lives,
Javi and Conrad go with Kate and Clem comes along, everyone lives.
Javi and Conrad go with Kate but Clem goes after Gabe and David, everyone lives.
Those were the endings that I came up with, if anyone can make them better, then go ahead. Also the cut. Intent with Joan in episode 5 should be in episode 5.
Clem takes a backpack full of gear with her, and Javi tells whoever in his family that's alive to be in-charge while he goes with Tripp/Ava and Clem to find AJ. And Ava only goes if Clem was nice to her in episode 4 flashback.
I'm not a writer so if it sucks, whatever. And the "Un-known" characters aren't unknown and are shown in Richmond at the end. I really need feedback if I'm going to make it better. Also if you want me to change other flashbacks, then I will.
Even in Apocalypse she knew what is important : Chocolate
Again, sounds similar to my thoughts on the matter, which took other characters into account, though I assumed they'd have preferences at one point or another.
Meanwhile, Sarah apparently doesn't give a shit about their petty rivalry.
@Rodrik, ma mann, I see you've been very busy here. I'll get to them when I find the time, but will try not to keep you waiting.
i actually ended up editing alot of things in what i posted before like for example in the In harm s way Rewrite where i forgot Matthew and Lily existed when i first posted it for some reason.
Ep 3/4/5 of Season 2 and ALL ANF episodes. Minorly episode 1 as Omid and Christa shouldn't have been off the story that early.
Season 2 Episode 5. Lukes death as well as the unusual sympathy everyone excluding Kenny showed to Arvo who attempted to rob their group of everything and potentialy killing memebers of their group would definatly be things I'd change.
yeah i really hated that Omid got axed off like that i mean he wasnt even determinant.
Double post.
To be fair on Arvo, Mike was really the only one who overtly cared in part because he was established to be a bit agitated about the safety of the younger group members. The others were either just trying to help keep things under control or concerned about how unstable Kenny was becoming.
How would you go about including them past that point and/or dealing with them later.?
I'd have at least one of them make it to season 3.
while id like it if Luke lived i think the Jane vs Kenny conflict still worked in the end.
My problem is how telltale made season 2 basically irrelevant in a new frontier.
I guess. Was still annoying how you never got the option to confront Arvo about the supplies and his motive if you didn't actually steal from him. I know if I almost lost my life in a gunfight I'd wanna know why it took place.