Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • I'm special. I somehow typed a word that triggered the system to tell me that it needed to be approved by a moderator and now it says that I've had the word in my post censored.

    Ah, that explains it.

    what a load of bologna, bonnie and mike were willing to leave clem with no supplies with a guy they considered to be dangerous. they were not team-mate material to begin with, that's the whole point. that's beside the whole "one will always tell the other to just leave her bleeding on the ground" thing. your hatred of jane is irrational.

    You're deflecting blame here, dude. If the executives didn't force Breckon to incorporate Jane into No Going Back, her actions would've still resulted in the group's fallout, as Arvo would still get stuck in the group getting beaten up by Kenny, Mike and maybe Bonnie would still do what they do, and Luke would be at a point where he'd be willing to fight Kenny due to Jane's influence. And Jane is still the catalyst of why all of them do it.

    I took it to be that she was trying to cheer him up a bit after the sarah debacle.

    I know.

    She's not the greatest socially.

    Kinda like Sarah, according to some.

    yep the second one is pure garbage, and the first death scene is just garbage with a smell you can take slightly more

    I suppose that's one way of putting it.

    I thought people just loved a victim, period.

    Not sure what you mean by that, but whatever.

    Eh, I thought it was mildly interesting. Just another thing that makes me wish Nick got treated with proper respect by the writers.


    I guess me calling characters cunts and retards was okay though.

    Those aren't racial slurs, though. :wink:

    Yeah, but they explicitly say in the recap and in other places, I mean they paint this picture like Lee rampaged across savannah looking for clem and got bit in the process. It's not what happened at all.

    Yeah, I remember Kenny saying that in the truck and was just like "...Did he?"

    Molly, yep. Well I feel like tone is a major issue in episode 4 in general, I've probably been a little unfair on her in the past. Jesus is really ridiculous but almost works as a relief to how dark things can get. Kenny? How's he unrealistic?

    "I got lucky. Real lucky." Not to mention getting his eye smashed in.

    Frankly, Kenny fans generally tend to praise him for things they criticize other characters for.

    They have dialogue recorded in english.

    at 3:06 that's Natasha speaking.
    Come on, how can you not know this? And the "hilarious" sex joke Jane tells about sheep? That's a good one.

    Brain fart. Also, that joke may or may not help determine Jane's race.

    Tavia was a false-ass bitch. (if fanfiction is to be believed) Otherwise, I don't know if they changed writers or what, but she seemed drastically different from 400 days to episode 3.

    I always took it more as an indication that Carver got so crazy over the years that the passion she had went away over time and so she's just a indifferent dullard doing her job now.

    i'm not really sure how she helped him come to terms with it, but good that you can see that.

    Cause she forced him to consider that he isn't able to keep the group safe and further put his own well-being into consideration. He still cared about the group because that's so ingrained in who he is and what he cares about, but not being able to save Sarah and Rebecca dying (in part because of Jane's influence, but that's not the point) meant his main goal was a near complete failure, hence his conversation with Clementine on the log.

    I should see these interviews. But of course they will always be vague and not really reveal too much.
    They really changed things in response to fans? That's usually not a good idea or a good sign. And I don't even remember anyone talking much about Jane or Mike when episode 3 dropped, so... uh?

    Your guess is as good as mine.

    I'd find the interviews and link them, but my internet's a bit screwy at the moment.

    Yeah, well either way, the way she suddenly starts prattling on to Clem in episode 4 is kinda awkward and inconsistent with her portrayal in the previous episode. And she seems to think Clem is perfect and completely amazing.

    It's kinda funny though, rewrites changing the context of earlier scenes. A little mind boggling, too.

    Better or worse than in ANF?

    do they make you deaf to the sound of like twenty zombies banging on the door?

    I wouldn't know, but your perception of reality is sometimes called into question, yes.


    No, she wasn't! And even if she was, being right doesn't make up for what she did.

    That wouldn't work for her and it doesn't work for Kenny either.

    He said the time was up.

    After Reggie was gonna try to fix it! Face it, no matter who did what and why, Carver was deliberately changing the rules so he could get to hurt something. He did the same with Kenny as well.

    Dude. Come on. They spell it out that Sarah reminds Jane of what she already experienced with Jaime.
    I suppose you could look at it like Clem reminded her of Jaime pre-apoc and Sarah post-apoc. Yeah, that makes sense to me.

    That much was obvious. And honestly, it just adds fuel to the fire.

    Comparing Sarah might've been understandable in the moment, but Jane never owned up to the fact that Sarah was far more capable of recovering in the ridiculously short span of time she had than Jaime was over the course of months. I wish that wasn't the case and Jaime hadn't been abandoned, but that's what Jane gave us to work with.

    Honestly having trouble remembering it. And them being wellington bags was something I never pieced together. Ugh.

    Yeah, me neither. It was the wiki that pointed out the possibility and everything suddenly clicked.

    yeah cuz pissing off the guy that tried to shoot you is so subtly stupid


    Yeah, I'm not necessarily saying it's badly written. It just freaks me out a bit.
    Like I said, submissive. She accepts (or assumes) that Luke likes Jane better her, thinks she's prettier, etc
    Don't really get why Luke's death hit her THAT hard, though. They weren't show interacting that much. I guess the implication is they were "dating" at Carver's camp? But Bonnie was too scared to go with them when they left.

    Idk, I just assumed she admired him from a distance and he picked up on it at some point. And as I said before, given all the implied failed relationships, romantic or otherwise, that she had in the past, having Luke be a legitimately good person was something she really appreciated and was happy as long as he is happy.

    no kidding, and I know plenty of other people were confused why Luke was apologizing to Bonnie in episode 5. Implying he felt like he "cheated" on her.
    It's so bizarre how subtle they decided to make that dynamic. But I guess season 2 couldn't have ended with a love triangle between jane, luke and bonnie.

    And thank goodness!

    What? Talk shit, get hit type of thing? Kenny did throw the first punch, remember.

    More like shoot her a few times and leave her there.

    And I honestly wonder what would have happened if Jane did back down and acted submissive to Kenny when he came back into the rest stop? Would he have still attacked her again after the initial swing?
    Also, he almost seems like he was calming down until she called him a son of a bitch. But that's probably just the fault of the animators.
    Kenny goes on about muh family and muh values, you'd think he would have a problem with violence against women.

    Kenny was clearly out of control by that point, so Jane's plan ended up working too well. Plus, she made him think she allowed AJ to die; I don't think her gender mattered at that point combined with her track record.

    You have a secret crush on Jane and it makes you uncomfortable so you express it by hating on her. You know, classic puppy love.

    As I said before, I hate Jane because she was an utterly reprehensible individual despite(or rather because of) the writer's attempts to make you feel for her. How she was designed is just something else to make fun of.

    So in other words you were looking at Jane's crotch.
    That lends credence to my previous post.

    Clementine is shorter than Jane, dude. Therefore, her shooting her in that split second would likely hit something around the belt. It's not that hard.

    Also, why would I be looking at a chick's crotch?

    I still cringe when I remember what he said his penis was like nowadays.

    :grimace: Not gonna bother. Just moving on.

    It's actually a neat arc. Jane tries to convince Clem she doesn't need anyone, but ends up breaking out of that mindset herself only for Clem to actually listen to her previous advice and go her own way. They swap positions, Clem becomes the badass stoic loner and Jane becomes the sad, needy/helpless child.
    Jane's VA also did a great job. With her voice cracking as she calls out to Clem.
    But at the end of the day, the scene is way too rushed, and it has almost no impact because it ends so abruptly.

    Only to find she pushed her away. obsessed with doesn't need her. Or that she caused Clem to hate her in the process.

    I suppose.

    I don't know anything about this stuff. So I can't really weigh in. But you're right, executives are always evil.

    Just vaguely educated guesses.

    Louche posted: »

    I always reread my own comment first for context and man are there some blatant typos! That's okay, I tend to forget entire words.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    It's unintentionally hilarious. Ben just stands there and shrugs like "I gave it my best guys"

    What. That can actually happen? Oh my Lord I can't believe Kenny didn't kill right then and there.

  • :lol: That is amazing!

    Deltino posted: »

    Oh man, I think my favorite variation on that scene is if only Ben stayed behind. [Lee opens door] [The boat is gone] Ben: ["I tried" shrug] Then Kenny follows it up with "WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

  • Almost too pathetic to hate lol

    Deltino posted: »

    It's unintentionally hilarious. Ben just stands there and shrugs like "I gave it my best guys"

  • Is this a meme or a joke or something?

    If you're kind to Lilly/Larry every opportunity and try to save Larry, he will actually call Lee his trueborn son after his head is smashed.

  • Do you have a video?

    Deltino posted: »

    Oh man, I think my favorite variation on that scene is if only Ben stayed behind. [Lee opens door] [The boat is gone] Ben: ["I tried" shrug] Then Kenny follows it up with "WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

  • Nice of you to post it here! I'd forgotten.

    If you're kind to Lilly/Larry every opportunity and try to save Larry, he will actually call Lee his trueborn son after his head is smashed.

  • Interesting. I want to hear more.

    Yeah it depends on at least 14 determinant factors including actions and dialogues, it's one of the rarest scenes in the game

  • That is actually very sad

    Deltino posted: »

    It's unintentionally hilarious. Ben just stands there and shrugs like "I gave it my best guys"

  • What makes you think that.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Is this a meme or a joke or something?

  • Because he dead fam

    What makes you think that.

  • he will actually call Lee his trueborn son after his head is smashed.

    enter image description here

    If you're kind to Lilly/Larry every opportunity and try to save Larry, he will actually call Lee his trueborn son after his head is smashed.

  • She did say I'll pop you

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I don't see how she is edgy.

  • Wait is there a difference with not saving Omid and leaving Clementine with Omid?

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Okay last one with Christa and Omid

  • Oh! I forgot. :D

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    She did say I'll pop you

  • Yeah, I thought the same thing and just didn't bother to comment precisely because it seemed obvious.

    he will actually call Lee his trueborn son after his head is smashed.

  • You're cheating on me with David???

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hur hur hur.

  • Poor Ben. :(

    Deltino posted: »

    It's unintentionally hilarious. Ben just stands there and shrugs like "I gave it my best guys"

  • I don't believe yoooouuu

    Yeah it depends on at least 14 determinant factors including actions and dialogues, it's one of the rarest scenes in the game

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    Too bad place is infected, tho.

    The marsh house is a real hotel you can actually visit

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    LOL I wanna see his dead-ass body.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Does it have the room where Stranger was located?

  • Oof. I don't know about that :P.

    Is there any chance you can do all of the dialogues and outcomes when you return and the boat is stolen?

  • I don't think there is.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Wait is there a difference with not saving Omid and leaving Clementine with Omid?

  • So its basically runs on a 0-0, (1-0, 0-1), 1-1 decision with 1 being the action done

    DennisK22 posted: »

    I don't think there is.

  • Is that really edgy, though? Cause it honestly just sounds like something outta Bebe's Kids.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    She did say I'll pop you

  • edited July 2017


    Sparkeagle posted: »

    She did say I'll pop you

  • Of course not, baby!

    Plus, I ain't into that gay shit, much less for a cabrio like him.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You're cheating on me with David???

  • all your determinant compilations make me tear a little.

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Okay last one with Christa and Omid

  • edited August 2017



    I would bash open doors to Levy Jewelers and carry Lee outta there on my own back

    - ma'am pls stop what ur doing smashing doors they were open

    - move outta da way ima go save my best pal lee- LeE ama comin!

    - ma'am we dont have an employee of that name

    - hAve u seen a little girl

    - pls put the baseball bat down i have a family

    - r u mad there are walkers outside

    I would probably end up in the insane asylum. Worth it? Definitely. Ashamed? Not at all. Hotel? Trivago.

    The marsh house is a real hotel you can actually visit

  • enter image description here

    fallandir posted: »

    I would bash open doors to Levy Jewelers and carry Lee outta there on my own back - ma'am pls stop what ur doing smashing doors they were

  • You can do everything Jane teaches you (go for the knees, loot walkers) before before Episode 4. Though you forget in Episode 4 so she can teach you what you've already been doing.

  • An good question to ask is whether most of that stuff is non-determinate. Cause if not, there should've been options to tell her such.

    You can do everything Jane teaches you (go for the knees, loot walkers) before before Episode 4. Though you forget in Episode 4 so she can teach you what you've already been doing.

  • That is what happens when you have so many different writers.

    You can do everything Jane teaches you (go for the knees, loot walkers) before before Episode 4. Though you forget in Episode 4 so she can teach you what you've already been doing.

  • It's determinate. I didn't even know about the walkers until a recent playthrough when I realized I could go after the big walker right before going to the bridge. I forget where the looting happens, but I remember being surprised by it to, so it's all determinate. Still, would have been fun to let you say something if you do do it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    An good question to ask is whether most of that stuff is non-determinate. Cause if not, there should've been options to tell her such.

  • I've played season 2 plenty of times and I don't remember doing the knee thing at all before episode 4. Or the looting walkers thing.

    You can do everything Jane teaches you (go for the knees, loot walkers) before before Episode 4. Though you forget in Episode 4 so she can teach you what you've already been doing.

  • edited August 2017

    The bridge scene with Luke. Clem hits the zombie in the knee with her hammer then attemps to smash its head in but the hammer gets stuck in its jaw.

    [1:10 in the video]

    (I just rewatched the scene and when she goes to smash its head shes using the blunt side of the hammer but when you click its head it magically swaps to the claw end...)

    Melton23 posted: »

    I've played season 2 plenty of times and I don't remember doing the knee thing at all before episode 4. Or the looting walkers thing.

  • edited August 2017

    I didn't get that scene
    EDIT: nvm, thought you were talking about the choice between the small walker or the big walker. Jane really taught the lesson of using a sharp weapon to stab the zombies in the back of the head and using her feet to take them out, clementine used her weapon to do so, therefore she had to lean forward instead of back so there will be a higher chance of her being grabbed, and she also used a blunt weapon to the jaw instead of an ice pick or something. So technically Jane did teach clementine something new.

    Graysonn posted: »

    The bridge scene with Luke. Clem hits the zombie in the knee with her hammer then attemps to smash its head in but the hammer gets stuck in

  • wait you guys get "Hotel? Trivago" propaganda too?!?!?! i thought it was only in my country!?!?!?

    fallandir posted: »

    I would bash open doors to Levy Jewelers and carry Lee outta there on my own back - ma'am pls stop what ur doing smashing doors they were

  • boiii trivago meme belongs to the internet now

    Jokes aside, in my country (Poland) we have this advertisement in the telly. I believe it was so extremely annoying it turned out to be a meme.

    wait you guys get "Hotel? Trivago" propaganda too?!?!?! i thought it was only in my country!?!?!?

  • I live in Argentina. It's full of this crap

    fallandir posted: »

    boiii trivago meme belongs to the internet now Jokes aside, in my country (Poland) we have this advertisement in the telly. I believe it was so extremely annoying it turned out to be a meme.

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