Tobor seems to be able to handle himself in discussions so I don't think he'll hurt himself at all if he plays it cool and is a bit more cunning in his attempt to gain information. He'll have to be careful though since Bradon might be hesitant to speak to him.
[Lie about Miro]
He doesn't quite have to mention Miro's name and if he's cunning enough he may get Bradon to admit it without revealing he knew at all! But if worst comes to worst, sometimes one must like to save basically Tobor's only friend in the Pyramid.
Hot Sand and Warm Blood
Part 3
Tobor took a step back, his hands remaining firmly locked around the torch. Something glinted in the man… more's eyes. Was it fury, or admiration? Tobor wasn't sure. Blindingly fast, the man grabbed hold of the torch and pulled hard. Tobor's arms felt like they would rip from his shoulders. He stumbled forward and let go. The man held the torch between his huge arms and with a grunt, smashed the torch against the stone wall. The flaming end of the torch sparked and the metal crumpled. The torch hit the floor with a clatter as the man dropped it. “I said put it down little man.” He growled.
“What is going on?” Came an angry voice from a cell down the passage. Khrazz snapped his head round to look at the noise, a look of fear entering his dead eyes. Miro whimpered and ran. From the cell door walked a woman. She was slim, but powerful. Her dark eyes glistened with anger and her dark-skinned face was twisted in a … [view original content]
[Be Cunning][Lie about Miro]
Those sound like character building choices and I want Tobor to be smart about what he says to whom. I dont want him to be a liar but in this situation it is necessary to keep Miro save.
Hot Sand and Warm Blood
Part 3
Tobor took a step back, his hands remaining firmly locked around the torch. Something glinted in the man… more's eyes. Was it fury, or admiration? Tobor wasn't sure. Blindingly fast, the man grabbed hold of the torch and pulled hard. Tobor's arms felt like they would rip from his shoulders. He stumbled forward and let go. The man held the torch between his huge arms and with a grunt, smashed the torch against the stone wall. The flaming end of the torch sparked and the metal crumpled. The torch hit the floor with a clatter as the man dropped it. “I said put it down little man.” He growled.
“What is going on?” Came an angry voice from a cell down the passage. Khrazz snapped his head round to look at the noise, a look of fear entering his dead eyes. Miro whimpered and ran. From the cell door walked a woman. She was slim, but powerful. Her dark eyes glistened with anger and her dark-skinned face was twisted in a … [view original content]
[Be cunning]
If Tobor manages to be cunning then I would not cause any trouble to him and It will also help him [Lie about Miro]
There is no reason to mention him while he will be cunning
Hot Sand and Warm Blood
Part 3
Tobor took a step back, his hands remaining firmly locked around the torch. Something glinted in the man… more's eyes. Was it fury, or admiration? Tobor wasn't sure. Blindingly fast, the man grabbed hold of the torch and pulled hard. Tobor's arms felt like they would rip from his shoulders. He stumbled forward and let go. The man held the torch between his huge arms and with a grunt, smashed the torch against the stone wall. The flaming end of the torch sparked and the metal crumpled. The torch hit the floor with a clatter as the man dropped it. “I said put it down little man.” He growled.
“What is going on?” Came an angry voice from a cell down the passage. Khrazz snapped his head round to look at the noise, a look of fear entering his dead eyes. Miro whimpered and ran. From the cell door walked a woman. She was slim, but powerful. Her dark eyes glistened with anger and her dark-skinned face was twisted in a … [view original content]
Hot Sand and Warm Blood
Part 3
Tobor took a step back, his hands remaining firmly locked around the torch. Something glinted in the man… more's eyes. Was it fury, or admiration? Tobor wasn't sure. Blindingly fast, the man grabbed hold of the torch and pulled hard. Tobor's arms felt like they would rip from his shoulders. He stumbled forward and let go. The man held the torch between his huge arms and with a grunt, smashed the torch against the stone wall. The flaming end of the torch sparked and the metal crumpled. The torch hit the floor with a clatter as the man dropped it. “I said put it down little man.” He growled.
“What is going on?” Came an angry voice from a cell down the passage. Khrazz snapped his head round to look at the noise, a look of fear entering his dead eyes. Miro whimpered and ran. From the cell door walked a woman. She was slim, but powerful. Her dark eyes glistened with anger and her dark-skinned face was twisted in a … [view original content]
[Be Truthful] I think Bradon deserves some honesty. He's not an enemy and deserves it.
[Lie about Miro] However... I don't want Miro to get in trouble.
Did she think he was some animal to visit when she felt inclined to?
Is it just me or has Liquid possessed Tobor here?
Jokes aside I can understand Tobor's frustration. Her company was nice and Tobor was probably getting attached only for her visits to suddenly stop. But let's be fair here, we heard the argument between Tazhyn and her father. Clearly anything he doesn't like results in physical abuse. She's in a difficult situation.
Hot Sand and Warm Blood
Part 3
Tobor took a step back, his hands remaining firmly locked around the torch. Something glinted in the man… more's eyes. Was it fury, or admiration? Tobor wasn't sure. Blindingly fast, the man grabbed hold of the torch and pulled hard. Tobor's arms felt like they would rip from his shoulders. He stumbled forward and let go. The man held the torch between his huge arms and with a grunt, smashed the torch against the stone wall. The flaming end of the torch sparked and the metal crumpled. The torch hit the floor with a clatter as the man dropped it. “I said put it down little man.” He growled.
“What is going on?” Came an angry voice from a cell down the passage. Khrazz snapped his head round to look at the noise, a look of fear entering his dead eyes. Miro whimpered and ran. From the cell door walked a woman. She was slim, but powerful. Her dark eyes glistened with anger and her dark-skinned face was twisted in a … [view original content]
Liquid raised some interesting points about how Tobor might feel so I incorporated them into the story! If you guys make decisions for Tobor then you can be his brain too! On a more serious note, I did actually use this line because A) I had actually planned to have Tobor feel a little bit bitter to Tazhyn, I mean, if someone visits you and suddenly stops i know i wouldn't be happy! and because I liked the phrasing of what Liquid said, about a zoo-like vibe, so if anyone else does raise points that I hadn't thought of then they might be used in the story too!
Lets be clear here, that wasn't physical abuse. It was a small slap, like if your young child had sworn at you, or if theyd misbehaved. Granted its not very nice, but its the same sort of slap as Cersei did in season 2 I believe it was when Joffrey mocked her about Robert sleeping with other women and she slapped him. So its not beating her or physical abuse, just punishment and discipline.
note that I'm not defending Reznar because I think hes a stand up guy, I'm defending him because he loves his children and would never beat them just for the sake of the beating, he is trying to raise them right.
[Be Truthful] I think Bradon deserves some honesty. He's not an enemy and deserves it.
[Lie about Miro] However... I don't want Miro to g… moreet in trouble.
Did she think he was some animal to visit when she felt inclined to?
Is it just me or has Liquid possessed Tobor here?
Jokes aside I can understand Tobor's frustration. Her company was nice and Tobor was probably getting attached only for her visits to suddenly stop. But let's be fair here, we heard the argument between Tazhyn and her father. Clearly anything he doesn't like results in physical abuse. She's in a difficult situation.
Small or not, it's still abuse in my mind. Not sure if I consider Cersei's slap small either. But oh well, point is that it's been forbidden for her, so I don't it's exactly easy to visit Tobor.
Liquid raised some interesting points about how Tobor might feel so I incorporated them into the story! If you guys make decisions for Tobor… more then you can be his brain too! On a more serious note, I did actually use this line because A) I had actually planned to have Tobor feel a little bit bitter to Tazhyn, I mean, if someone visits you and suddenly stops i know i wouldn't be happy! and because I liked the phrasing of what Liquid said, about a zoo-like vibe, so if anyone else does raise points that I hadn't thought of then they might be used in the story too!
Lets be clear here, that wasn't physical abuse. It was a small slap, like if your young child had sworn at you, or if theyd misbehaved. Granted its not very nice, but its the same sort of slap as Cersei did in season 2 I believe it was when Joffrey mocked her about Robert sleeping with other women and she slapped him. So its not beating her or physical abuse, just punishment and disc… [view original content]
fair enough, neither Tazhyn or Reznar see it as abuse. Reznar means it as discipline and Tazhyn sees it as a realisation that she said something that her father dislikes and she should respect that. She wasn't hurt physically by the slap, and she doesn't think any less of her father because of it.
Anywho, we will see if Tazhyn decides to visit Tobor or not!
Small or not, it's still abuse in my mind. Not sure if I consider Cersei's slap small either. But oh well, point is that it's been forbidden for her, so I don't it's exactly easy to visit Tobor.
fair enough, neither Tazhyn or Reznar see it as abuse. Reznar means it as discipline and Tazhyn sees it as a realisation that she said somet… morehing that her father dislikes and she should respect that. She wasn't hurt physically by the slap, and she doesn't think any less of her father because of it.
Anywho, we will see if Tazhyn decides to visit Tobor or not!
haha, I didn't mean it to be a huge thing like "Reznar how dare you?" It was more of a sight into how he is still a disciplinary man outside of slavery
Wait, I just realized something. That Khrazz name sounds so familiar, is it the same Khrazz from the books or just a coincidence?
[Be Cunning]
So, here is the thing, we don't know what Bradon is supposed to do. It could easily be something that is dangerous for Tobor, or at least unfavourable, given how Bradon has a grudge against him. Since they are not on speaking terms, being truthful there would likely give him little reason to be truthful in return. Instead, I think cunning is more important here.
[Lie about Miro]
Miro seems like a good guy, I'd say. Even if he isn't (and I judge him by the same standards I judge any other potential ally, such as Tazhyn or that scary woman Tobor just met in this part, meaning I can't be sure about him just yet), he hasn't given me any reason to throw him under the bus. He just gave Tobor a valuable piece of information and I don't want to betray him in return.
Hot Sand and Warm Blood
Part 3
Tobor took a step back, his hands remaining firmly locked around the torch. Something glinted in the man… more's eyes. Was it fury, or admiration? Tobor wasn't sure. Blindingly fast, the man grabbed hold of the torch and pulled hard. Tobor's arms felt like they would rip from his shoulders. He stumbled forward and let go. The man held the torch between his huge arms and with a grunt, smashed the torch against the stone wall. The flaming end of the torch sparked and the metal crumpled. The torch hit the floor with a clatter as the man dropped it. “I said put it down little man.” He growled.
“What is going on?” Came an angry voice from a cell down the passage. Khrazz snapped his head round to look at the noise, a look of fear entering his dead eyes. Miro whimpered and ran. From the cell door walked a woman. She was slim, but powerful. Her dark eyes glistened with anger and her dark-skinned face was twisted in a … [view original content]
Khrazz is from the books yes! He's a pit fighter that Hizdahr uses as his guard when he marries Daenerys. Mezzara (Tazhyn's sister) is also mentioned in the books as a cupbearer for Dany and also a hostage against the Son's of the Harpy.
Wait, I just realized something. That Khrazz name sounds so familiar, is it the same Khrazz from the books or just a coincidence?
[Be Cun… morening]
So, here is the thing, we don't know what Bradon is supposed to do. It could easily be something that is dangerous for Tobor, or at least unfavourable, given how Bradon has a grudge against him. Since they are not on speaking terms, being truthful there would likely give him little reason to be truthful in return. Instead, I think cunning is more important here.
[Lie about Miro]
Miro seems like a good guy, I'd say. Even if he isn't (and I judge him by the same standards I judge any other potential ally, such as Tazhyn or that scary woman Tobor just met in this part, meaning I can't be sure about him just yet), he hasn't given me any reason to throw him under the bus. He just gave Tobor a valuable piece of information and I don't want to betray him in return.
Hot Sand and Warm Blood
Part 3
Tobor took a step back, his hands remaining firmly locked around the torch. Something glinted in the man… more's eyes. Was it fury, or admiration? Tobor wasn't sure. Blindingly fast, the man grabbed hold of the torch and pulled hard. Tobor's arms felt like they would rip from his shoulders. He stumbled forward and let go. The man held the torch between his huge arms and with a grunt, smashed the torch against the stone wall. The flaming end of the torch sparked and the metal crumpled. The torch hit the floor with a clatter as the man dropped it. “I said put it down little man.” He growled.
“What is going on?” Came an angry voice from a cell down the passage. Khrazz snapped his head round to look at the noise, a look of fear entering his dead eyes. Miro whimpered and ran. From the cell door walked a woman. She was slim, but powerful. Her dark eyes glistened with anger and her dark-skinned face was twisted in a … [view original content]
I'm curious is the female pit fighter Tobar met the same woman from the game of thrones telltale game? You know, the one that eventually teamed up with Asher? Her description makes me think that is her.
Wait, I just realized something. That Khrazz name sounds so familiar, is it the same Khrazz from the books or just a coincidence?
[Be Cun… morening]
So, here is the thing, we don't know what Bradon is supposed to do. It could easily be something that is dangerous for Tobor, or at least unfavourable, given how Bradon has a grudge against him. Since they are not on speaking terms, being truthful there would likely give him little reason to be truthful in return. Instead, I think cunning is more important here.
[Lie about Miro]
Miro seems like a good guy, I'd say. Even if he isn't (and I judge him by the same standards I judge any other potential ally, such as Tazhyn or that scary woman Tobor just met in this part, meaning I can't be sure about him just yet), he hasn't given me any reason to throw him under the bus. He just gave Tobor a valuable piece of information and I don't want to betray him in return.
I'm curious is the female pit fighter Tobar met the same woman from the game of thrones telltale game? You know, the one that eventually teamed up with Asher? Her description makes me think that is her.
Tobor will [Be Cunning] with Bradon by not mentioning what he has heard from Miro and he will [Lie about Miro] if it comes to it.
I wasn't too sure how this one would turn out. I predicted that you guys would want to lie about Miro, he's been an ally thus far, but I wasn't sure whether you believed Bradon deserved honesty. Personally I would have voted for Tobor to be truthful, Bradon has been through a lot and I think he would have appreciated the honesty rather than Tobor manipulating the truth out of him.
The next part will come out in the next few days hopefully. It will conclude the chapter Hot Sand and Warm Blood, bringing the third chapter to a close, as a result it will not have a choice. That does mean I can get the first part of the subsequent chapter out quicker! The next chapter will be a good one, Tobor's in for a tough ride!
Tobor took a deep breath, he would apologise for Bradon’s hand first and then attempt to bring the conversation around to what Miro had heard, while keeping Miro’s involvement secret. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but it was too late to back out now. Tobor pushed open the door and Bradon looked up, surprise etched on his face at seeing the boy. Tobor looked behind him as he closed the door, Miro had gone.
“Tobor.” The sailor said. “Bradon.” Tobor replied. The two of them looked at each other, unsure of what to say. When the silence clung to the air like mist, Bradon spoke. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I was told you’d be here, I need to speak with you.” Tobor replied. The sailor put down the sword he was holding in his uninjured hand, the table of weapons seemed threatening to Tobor, he probably could have thought of a better place to meet Bradon.
“The moon has turned since the last time we spoke, why would you want to start now?” Bradon asked accusingly. Tobor swallowed, “I didn’t know what to say, you always seemed distant after… well, you know.” He trailed off. Bradon looked angry, “Yes I know, after you got my fucking fingers cut off.” He said quietly, and showed the stumps to Tobor. The boy didn’t flinch. “Bradon I’m sorry, if I had known that you would be punished in my place then I wouldn’t have spoken back to the guard.” He said.
Bradon sighed and turned his back, Tobor was on edge, was Bradon about to grab a weapon? Instead he spoke, “Tobor, your tongue is a wild beast that cannot be mastered. It is straining to break out of it’s cage and if it isn’t tamed it will turn wild and that sharp tongue will be the death of you or someone you love one day.” He predicted. Bradon wasn’t the first to tell him that. Tobor thought back to the man of the Night’s Watch. Would he have any sage advice for Tobor now?
“Bradon, I came to apologise because I knew that it was indirectly my fault that you have been maimed. I accept that, but you have to understand that it was never my intention.” Tobor said desperately. Bradon laughed bitterly, facing Tobor. “It makes no matter what your intentions were, only the outcome. If you’d done what the guard had said then none of this would have happened.” He said angrily.
Tobor grew angry, “Oh and would you have done what the guard had said? If he’d spat in your bowl and told you to eat it?” He demanded. Bradon blinked, “Well I...” Tobor interrupted, "Exactly, that’s what I thought.” He said. Bradon faced the table, he put his hand on the handle of a dagger, running his thumb down the grip. Tobor knew how easy it would be for him. “Go on then Bradon, I’m clearly guilty of the crime you’re accusing me of, cut my throat now. Sentence me.” Tobor challenged, praying to father to judge him justly and for the mother’s mercy. Bradon looked between Tobor and the dagger, between revenge and his little brother. Tobor held his arms out, in a defenseless position.
Bradon took his hand off the dagger, “Fuck you Tobor, I’m not going to kill you, someone else will do it for me.” He paused. “You are a pit fighter after all.” He spat. Tobor’s eyes gained a steely look, “It seems slavery has made you a worse man, Bradon.” He said. Bradon swore, “Just wait boy, I’ll be out of here soon enough and you’ll be in the ground!”
Tobor grinned triumphantly, he’d made Bradon admit he was getting out. “What do you mean out of here? Are you going to be set free?” he asked. Bradon stuttered, clearly flustered. “N-no, I mean yes. You little bastard, how the fuck did you know?” He said. Tobor shrugged, “I overheard you talking to Reznar but I wanted to hear it for myself. What’s going on Bradon?” He asked. Bradon was furious.
The door behind him swung open, and there stood Se Dyni, the hulking figure. “Little man!” He roared. “You are here, I was hoping to meet you in the pit so we can battle and I can eat you but no matter.” He laughed. Bradon looked horrified.
Se Dyni glanced at the sailor, “Why are you both here? The weapons should be ready now, I want to fight, I’m hungry!” He bellowed. Bradon almost whimpered an apology and edged past Se Dyni, running through the open door. Tobor grinned, “How are you my fat friend?” he asked jovially. Se Dyni laughed, “I would be a lot better if the little man would let me fight!”
Tobor chuckled, “Well be my guest, go ahead.” He said. Se Dyni smiled, “I will go kill that man in there now, I will not tell Amaya about you fucking up the weapons either. She would kill you for this.” He said. Tobor raised an eyebrow, “Amaya? Is that the woman who beat Khrazz down?” He asked. Se Dyni looked worried. “Little man, why did you make me tell you? She will kill me!” He said. Tobor shook his head, “I won’t tell her, I’ll say Khrazz told me.” He winked at Se Dyni.
Se Dyni laughed and thanked him, then picked up a brutal looking war hammer and opened the door to the pit. “You want to come with me?” He asked Tobor. The boy shook his head, “This victory is solely for you, Se Dyni.” He said. The big man looked at Tobor. “Se Dyni is my High Valyrian name little man, most people just call me the Beast.” He said and then walked into the pit to roars and cheers. The door shut behind him and Tobor was left in a room of weapons and many thoughts about the man who used to be his friend.
Tobor returned to his cell, unsure how he felt. He was glad that Bradon had confessed, but he still didn’t know how Bradon was going to be set free. Regardless, Tobor had lost his friend, his only friend. Miro was kind, but Tobor couldn’t quite trust him yet. Trusting was hard, knowing who to trust was harder still. Tazhyn was another story. Tobor would one moment be thinking about how she was abandoning him and the next about her brown eyes. One moment about how some of the things she said irritated him beyond belief and the next about how much she could make him laugh. But could she be trusted?
Tobor shook the thoughts from his mind as he saw the familiar face of Miro. The Naathi boy entered his cell, the guards locking the door behind. “So?” He asked. “What did your friend say?” Tobor smiled sadly, “I don’t think he’s my friend anymore, Miro. I was scared he would kill me at one point.” Miro’s golden eyes filled with sympathy. “It’s alright Tobor, I heard what happened in the food hall. Herazal is not kind person. He would have done this anyway.” Miro’s words felt empty to Tobor, he was just repeating what Tazhyn had said.
Tobor thanked Miro, and looked away. Miro stood awkwardly. “You didn’t tell him about me?” He asked. Tobor shook his head, “Don’t worry Miro, I said that I overheard Bradon talking to the Master.” He explained. Miro grinned a wide smile. “Thank you, Tobor! I am happy you have said this. But do you not worry that your friend may tell the Master you were listening to them?” He asked. Tobor’s face dropped, he hadn’t thought about that! Miro was right, Reznar wouldn’t be pleased that Tobor had been eavesdropping. How could Tobor have been so stupid? He’d just wanted to feel like a victor in front of Bradon, now he’d put Miro in danger.
“Miro, you have to get out of here, if Bradon tells Reznar what I said then he will want to punish me. But I’m a pit fighter and he won’t hurt me he will hurt someone close to me. It can’t be Bradon because Reznar will know we aren’t friends any longer. You’re in danger. Tobor said worriedly. Miro shook his head, “You have helped me, but if it means you are in trouble then this is my fault. I will not leave.” He said stubbornly.
From behind Tobor came a rattle at the iron bars, the sound of key in lock. Tobor’s heart was battering at his rib cage like a ram, his breathing was heavy as he turned around, dreading the sight of who was at the door.
The door swung open, revealing the freckled face of Tazhyn zo Merreq. She was dressed in a yellow dress that fluttered about her. She closed the door behind her and locked it with the key. The guards had been dismissed. Tazhyn embraced Miro, then looked at Tobor with worry in her brown eyes. “My father. Has he been here yet?” She asked nervously. Tobor shook his head; a lump had formed in his throat. She looked at the Naathi boy, “Miro, you have to leave, my father will be here soon and will punish you in Tobor’s place. I cannot allow this to happen.”
Miro shook his head, “I will say again. I am not leaving, this is my fault.” He said confidently. “Miro this isn’t your fault, my father said that Tobor was listening in on his conversations. I don’t know if it’s true but the blame isn’t with you.” Tazhyn said kindly. “No, it was me. I listened to the Master and I told Tobor what I heard. I should not have done this but I think Tobor should know.” Miro said stubbornly.
Tazhyn looked confused, “Tobor should know what?” She asked. Tobor answered her. “Miro heard your father tell Bradon that he would be set free if he doesn’t fail Reznar. He came and told me then I went to talk to Bradon about it and now Bradon has gone to your father and told him that I was eavesdropping.” He explained. Tazhyn put a hand over her mouth, “Tobor why did you tell your friend you overheard him?” She asked. Tobor looked at the ground, “I know, I shouldn’t have. I should have just let it be but I needed to hear it from his mouth.” He confessed. Tazhyn sighed, “It doesn’t matter now, my father is on his way and he’ll be bringing Herazal. Miro, my father will want to punish Tobor and you will take the punishment, my father knows he can’t hurt Tobor. Please don’t be a martyr.” She begged.
Miro looked at Tobor, “I have made my choice, I will stay here with you Tobor. If I leave, you may be hurt and I won’t let violence happen to you because of my mistake.” He said.
Tobor put his hand on Miro’s shoulder, “It is as much my fault as yours. I want you to go Miro. Please.” Miro looked from Tobor to Tazhyn. “Very well.” He said. “Tazhyn, we will go.” Tazhyn smiled, produced a key and unlocked the door for Miro to walk out. The boy walked down the corridor and vanished from site.
Tazhyn and Tobor looked at each other. “I have to go.” Tazhyn said. “My father doesn’t want me to speak to you anymore.” Tobor raised an eyebrow, “Anymore? You haven’t been here in two weeks.” He said accusingly. “I wish I could have visited, I enjoyed seeing you. My father has been keeping me busy with healing other slaves. I wanted to come and see you but my father forbade it.” She said. Tobor scoffed, “Then you should have come and seen me. Were our roles reversed I would have.”
“Tobor, it’s not as simple as that. My father is a very strict and powerful man. If I disobey him, he wouldn’t hurt me. He would hurt you. I could only oppose him if…” Her words were cut off by the loud sound of steel on iron. Tobor and Tazhyn wheeled around to face the source of the noise. It was Herazal. He was striking the iron bars with his butcher sword, with his other hand he dragged a boy, Miro. Blood covered Miro’s face, already swelling with bruises. An evil smile was displayed on his malevolent face.
The door was unlocked and Herazal burst in, manhandling Miro to the floor where the Naathis boy lay whimpering. Tazhyn looked furious, “Herazal! What do you think you’re doing? Why have you beat him?” She demanded. The captain of the guards laughed, “You’re in no place to be asking me anything, zo Merreq. The Master will not be happy to find out you’ve been visiting your savage in secret. Not happy at all.” He chuckled darkly.
“Your Master’s daughter asked you a question.” Tobor stated. Herazal shook his head slowly, “This isn’t how this will go, you will speak when I ask you to, you will do what I ask you to. Break those rules and you will die. I don’t care if you’re a pit fighter. Reznar isn’t here to save you now.” Herazal delivered a hard punch to Tobor’s stomach, winding the boy. Tobor lay on the ground wheezing for breath. The guard grasped Tobor by the shoulders and hauled him up, pinning him against the wall.
Herazal’s hot breath poured over Tobor, he drew his head back in preparation for a strike but a voice came from behind him. “Herazal, let him go.” The Great Master’s face was a picture of pure white rage. “Tazhyn. What are you doing here?” The Master’s voice did not betray the fury of his face, his words were calm. “Father, I…” Tazhyn began.
“No matter, I will deal with you later.” The Master said softly, the rage from his face simply removed. “Tobor, I hear that you made it your business to listen to my private conversation, I’m afraid as Master of all slaves in the zo Merreq Pyramid, I cannot allow this. For your insolence, I would have your friend Bradon whipped. But alas, I do not believe Bradon is your friend anymore after our last little incident.” Reznar mused.
Tobor forced Herazal’s hands off his shoulders and walked to the master, the guard grabbed his arm. “Why are you setting him free? What will he do for you.” Tobor asked. Reznar’s eyes flashed with anger. He whipped his hand across Tobor’s cheek, “Did I permit you to talk?” He hissed. “Now, to punish you I will allow Herazal to choose. Captain, your guards keep ears out all over our pyramid. Who has Tobor been close with?” He asked. Herazal scratched his chin, “They heard whispers that he was with the Beast, Amaya and Khrazz but apart from that only this worm here.” He motioned to Miro.
The Master glared at Miro and then Tobor. “Give ten lashes to the slave for Tobor’s insubordination and twenty for Tobor lying. Thirty lashes, and you’d better remember them Tobor.” He snarled. Tobor and Tazhyn simultaneously protested but the tumult of objections fell on deaf ears, namely those of Herazal who produced a whip with five strands each with a bronze harpy head glistening at the tip.
Two guards held Miro in place, his back bared while another guard apprehended Tobor. Reznar radiated anger as Tazhyn gaped in horror. The whip sailed through the air with blinding speed and cracked onto the boy’s back. A sharp intake of breath sounded as the harpy heads raked Miro’s skin. Blood trickled down. Again, the whip cracked, spraying blood into the air and to the ground. The breath turned into a gasp of pain. The whip cracked a third time, leaving deep gashes on Miro’s back. Miro let out a low moan.
Tobor could do nothing but watch, anything he did now would make things worse surely. This is what happened at the auction with Bradon, setting off this entire sequence of events. Tobor would have to do nothing.
The whip swung through the air and struck Miro again.
Tobor looked at Reznar, the Master had an evil glint in his dark brown eyes. The Master licked his lips and Tobor felt an intense hatred for the man in that moment. He had ordered the whipping of a child barely older than his own daughter to punish Tobor, what sort of coward does that? Tobor asked himself angrily. The Hightower boy swore to himself that one day, in a year, in two years. However long it took, Tobor would get revenge on Reznar zo Merreq.
The whip cracked on Miro’s back, leaving the boy to emit a gasp of pain.
Tobor could see tears running down Miro’s cheeks as freely as the warm blood that ran down his back. Tobor looked to Tazhyn, she was crying too. Surely, she couldn’t still think her father was as good as she says. How far would she go to obey her father when this was what he was doing?
The whip snapped on the blood-covered back of the Naathi boy.
Herazal was laughing, a perverse grin etched on his face. He drew back his arm holding the whip again, to deliver another lash. He brought his hand down and the whip flew through the air down onto Tazhyn zo Merreq. She had broken free of her father’s grip and jumped in the way of the blow. The whip caught her left forearm as she raised it in defense, one of the individual lashes raked her left cheek as it curled around her arm, cutting deep into her face.
Tazhyn staggered back and fell to the ground as Herazal’s grin drained from his face and Reznar yelled out in anger and bewilderment. The guards holding Miro let go and rushed to the daughter of their Master. They hauled her to her feet and Reznar cradled his daughter, holding his hand over her bleeding face. Herazal stood, petrified to what he’d done. Weakly muttering that he couldn’t have done anything, she had got in the way.
Reznar ordered the guards to take Tazhyn to the Blue Graces, so they would take care of her. He set two guards to take Miro to his cell, then turned on Herazal. “You know how many lashes it is for striking one of the Master’s family, correct?” He asked, his eyes smoldering pits of rage. Herazal stuttered his answer, “T-Two hundred, Master.” Reznar nodded and repeated the number. “Do you think you could survive two hundred? You’ve given out enough of them.” He asked cruelly. Herazal fell to his knees, “Master I beg you, I could not have avoided it. Your daughter ran in front. If I’d have known…”
“Then what? What then, Herazal?” The Master screamed. “You have harmed one of my daughters, one of… The only things I truly care for in this world. You’re lucky I don’t have you flayed alive and fed to your family.” Herazal, looked at the ground miserably, a broken man.
“Herazal, you are relieved from my service.” The Master proclaimed. “You are to enter my services again, as a slave. I will put you in the fighting pits. I believe the tigers haven’t been fed in some time. You and you, take him away.” He pointed to the remaining two guards.
The two guards took the former captain away to his own cell, leaving Reznar and Tobor alone. The Master rubbed his eyes and sighed. “Well Tobor, I wonder what you must think of me and my household. What a mess. I suppose you’re feeling rather smug with how this has turned out. Miro is safe, for now. Tazhyn has been injured but I’m sure you have no qualm with that. And I must look for another captain of the guards. I assure you, one day you will wish that this day had just gone normally for you and you’d never eavesdropped on me.”
Tobor was unsure how to answer. The Master continued. “I know you’re manipulating my daughter, I don’t know what sob story you’ve told her but you Westerosi are all the same; you come here swinging your cocks and destroying everything great about Meereen. I tell you, the day a Westerosi rules Meereen is the day that this beautiful city goes to the dogs.” He spat venomously.
“What? I’m not manipulating Tazhyn!” Tobor exclaimed. “Do not say her name!” Reznar roared. “My daughter is a good child, she is kind hearted and pure. Do not foul her name! You are tainting her with your presence and that’s why she cannot see you ever again. I will not allow it. I cannot allow it. I would take a thousand blades to the heart before allowing it.” A madness glowed in Reznar’s eyes with the blazing fury of a bonfire in the night.
Tobor laughed softly. Reznar exploded with anger and furiously grabbed Tobor by the shoulders, slamming him against the wall. “What is it?” He thundered. Tobor smiled, “Do you know what your daughter told me once?” He asked slyly. Reznar shook his head suspiciously. “After Herazal cut off Bradon’s fingers, I blamed myself. And she comforted me. I said that I would have swapped places with Bradon instantly, and that I was frozen in place so I failed him. But Tazhyn said…” Reznar interrupted by slapping Tobor, “Don’t say her name.” He growled. Tobor could taste blood.
“She said ‘No, Tobor, there are some things even the most powerful of men cannot control. The tides, when the sun rises and the actions of a mad man.’ At the time I thought she was talking about Herazal, after all. He carried out the act. But now, now I see that her words were about you. Your actions are that of a mad man, I cannot control it any more than I can make the sun rise or control when the tides change. How does that feel, Reznar, to know that your prized daughter, the beautiful Tazhyn, thinks of you as a madman?” Tobor finished with a triumphant smirk.
Reznar bellowed like a wounded boar, he struck Tobor in the face with his fist. Leaving the boy to slide down to the floor with blood streaming down his broken nose. Reznar kicked Tobor in the stomach and then the chest. Tobor covered his head with his hands until the assault subsided.
When it was over, Reznar panted and Tobor groaned in pain. “Tazhyn, came to me you know. She asked me to not have you fight a beast, she wanted to see you fight a man, she said. But I knew, that was the start of your manipulation, wasn’t it? As a favour to her, I didn’t do it. But I knew that you had dug your claws into her so I put you against the dothraki, in the hopes that the horse would mean you died.
“Somehow you survived, I will admit it wasn’t a possibility I thought likely. I want you dead, Tobor. I’ve never wanted a slave dead so badly in all my time. But Tazhyn wants you alive, so I cannot simply have you killed otherwise Tazhyn would know. So, I need to wait for you to die in the pit. Don’t worry, your next few weeks will be very eventful. Very eventful indeed.
“As for your next fight, you will be fighting a personal favourite fighter of mine. His name is Ātsio hen gryves, which in your pitiful tongue is Tooth of the Bear, each of his opponents are named his hunter and each one of them has failed in their hunt. You will be his one hundredth hunter. It was scheduled for a week from now, but after the day’s events, I believe it could be moved forward to tomorrow morning. Sleep well Tobor. For tomorrow, we hunt.”
Man, screw Reznar! I've got to say I'm disappointed in Bradon but I'm hoping he can be reasoned with eventually. But man Reznar is a prick. One of his own men now has been punished because his daughter cares for the people he hurts. Loving Tobor though, that courage and defiance was admirable. It was also interesting to see Reznar himself get physical.
Liked the thought about Tazhyn's brown eyes. He's totally into her!
I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the Pitfighters from ther Telltale series. I loved those guys, especially Amaya. I also really liked the charismatic, Bloodsong, wonder if we'll see him?
Warm Blood and Hot Sand
Part 4
Tobor took a deep breath, he would apologise for Bradon’s hand first and then attempt to bring the conve… morersation around to what Miro had heard, while keeping Miro’s involvement secret. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but it was too late to back out now. Tobor pushed open the door and Bradon looked up, surprise etched on his face at seeing the boy. Tobor looked behind him as he closed the door, Miro had gone.
“Tobor.” The sailor said. “Bradon.” Tobor replied. The two of them looked at each other, unsure of what to say. When the silence clung to the air like mist, Bradon spoke. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I was told you’d be here, I need to speak with you.” Tobor replied. The sailor put down the sword he was holding in his uninjured hand, the table of weapons seemed threatening to Tobor, he probably could have thought of a better place to meet Bradon.
“The moon has turned since the la… [view original content]
Warm Blood and Hot Sand
Part 4
Tobor took a deep breath, he would apologise for Bradon’s hand first and then attempt to bring the conve… morersation around to what Miro had heard, while keeping Miro’s involvement secret. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but it was too late to back out now. Tobor pushed open the door and Bradon looked up, surprise etched on his face at seeing the boy. Tobor looked behind him as he closed the door, Miro had gone.
“Tobor.” The sailor said. “Bradon.” Tobor replied. The two of them looked at each other, unsure of what to say. When the silence clung to the air like mist, Bradon spoke. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I was told you’d be here, I need to speak with you.” Tobor replied. The sailor put down the sword he was holding in his uninjured hand, the table of weapons seemed threatening to Tobor, he probably could have thought of a better place to meet Bradon.
“The moon has turned since the la… [view original content]
Reznar isn't the nicest of people! So far he's been keeping a lot of his rage and anger under the surface but Tobor's words and the fact that Tazhyn has been hurt just made him boil over.
Yeah, I figured that since Tobor was in Meereen and the pit fighters from the game are in Meereen there would be no reason that they couldn't run into each other. Beast and Amaya seemed fairly close in the game, at least to the extent that they knew each other, otherwise why would Amaya choose beast as the guard of the pit? We will see if Bloodsong shows up!
Man, screw Reznar! I've got to say I'm disappointed in Bradon but I'm hoping he can be reasoned with eventually. But man Reznar is a prick. … moreOne of his own men now has been punished because his daughter cares for the people he hurts. Loving Tobor though, that courage and defiance was admirable. It was also interesting to see Reznar himself get physical.
Liked the thought about Tazhyn's brown eyes. He's totally into her!
I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the Pitfighters from ther Telltale series. I loved those guys, especially Amaya. I also really liked the charismatic, Bloodsong, wonder if we'll see him?
Hm, so Tazhyn threw herself into the way of that whip. I am sure this is all part of some plan to win the trust of some slave and...
Ah, what the hell, who am I kidding. You literally break my cynicism in this part and that is a shame, because it's been quality cynicism, crafted with care. How am I supposed to distrust everyone on sight if she just comes around and is just so... genuinely nice and likable? Gaaah, this would be frustrating, if it wouldn't be so damn surprising It's still something I try to wrap my head around, how she can be so unlike the people around her, but hey, I ain't question it, I take it gladly.
So, I guess Tazhyn is not the only one I was wrong about. Just like how she is a lot better than what I was giving her credit for, Reznar seems quite a lot less collected and pragmatic than I thought. It's a small miracle that guy somehow managed to raise a daughter that is his complete opposite, but come to think of it, it makes sense that a complete failure as a father also fails to instill his values in his children. That is not always a bad thing, as we see here, because that guy is an unhinged lunatic. I'd say, being an unhinged lunatic would make Tazhyn considerably less sympathetic, so Reznar's failure as a father is a good failure here. Turns out, he really is a true son of a bitch and a hypocrite beyond words. Quite probably insane as well, I have no doubts about it. Neither do I doubt that he will try everything to get Tobor killed in the arena from now on. However, Tazhyn has proven willing to help one slave escape, once she catches up to what her father is trying to do, I bet she'll try to help Tobor as well. Maybe that way he can escape for good.
Also, how did I not catch the Beast and Amaya cameos in the last part? Seems like it's getting time to replay the game again...
Warm Blood and Hot Sand
Part 4
Tobor took a deep breath, he would apologise for Bradon’s hand first and then attempt to bring the conve… morersation around to what Miro had heard, while keeping Miro’s involvement secret. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but it was too late to back out now. Tobor pushed open the door and Bradon looked up, surprise etched on his face at seeing the boy. Tobor looked behind him as he closed the door, Miro had gone.
“Tobor.” The sailor said. “Bradon.” Tobor replied. The two of them looked at each other, unsure of what to say. When the silence clung to the air like mist, Bradon spoke. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I was told you’d be here, I need to speak with you.” Tobor replied. The sailor put down the sword he was holding in his uninjured hand, the table of weapons seemed threatening to Tobor, he probably could have thought of a better place to meet Bradon.
“The moon has turned since the la… [view original content]
This was quite the interesting part. Now, Tobar has to step his game up to survive the onslaught of pit fighters he's going to face. Ha, I knew that that woman was Amaya. Her description was just to similar to her, in the game.
Warm Blood and Hot Sand
Part 4
Tobor took a deep breath, he would apologise for Bradon’s hand first and then attempt to bring the conve… morersation around to what Miro had heard, while keeping Miro’s involvement secret. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but it was too late to back out now. Tobor pushed open the door and Bradon looked up, surprise etched on his face at seeing the boy. Tobor looked behind him as he closed the door, Miro had gone.
“Tobor.” The sailor said. “Bradon.” Tobor replied. The two of them looked at each other, unsure of what to say. When the silence clung to the air like mist, Bradon spoke. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I was told you’d be here, I need to speak with you.” Tobor replied. The sailor put down the sword he was holding in his uninjured hand, the table of weapons seemed threatening to Tobor, he probably could have thought of a better place to meet Bradon.
“The moon has turned since the la… [view original content]
I must say; I'm very sorry to disappoint you Liquid! I know how badly you want Tazhyn to be evil It has been good cynicism, I've enjoyed it haha. I completely understand where you're coming from with the comment about how she is so different from Reznar. To address this I suppose you must think about who else raised her.
Her (as of now, unmentioned) Mother potentially might not have been as mad as her Father, also as the Head of House Merreq, Reznar is a very busy man. In Tazhyn and Mezzara's early childhood most of their time was spent with tutors and their mother while Reznar looked after business. So when you say its a wonder Reznar managed to raise a daughter his complete opposite, that's not quite true. Reznar raised his daughter to the extent that he was there for her childhood to be a father figure, but he wasn't the sole role model she had. I hope this makes sense. I also hope that firstly; you don't think of Tazhyn as a one dimensional character, and secondly, if you do; I hope your opinion will change as the story progresses and I add more depth to all characters.
Now now, lets not be hasty, Tazhyn didn't help a slave escape, she simply protected Miro from what she thought was wrong. So she wont necessarily organise a slave rebellion for Tobor!
Haha I was surprised that more people didn't realise it was Beast and Amaya! Big hulking figure who wants to eat people and addresses people as "Little man" and a dark skinned woman with scars on her face and she's quite angry. I'm also glad that not many people saw it, because it means I wasn't too obvious with it!!
Hm, so Tazhyn threw herself into the way of that whip. I am sure this is all part of some plan to win the trust of some slave and...
Ah, … morewhat the hell, who am I kidding. You literally break my cynicism in this part and that is a shame, because it's been quality cynicism, crafted with care. How am I supposed to distrust everyone on sight if she just comes around and is just so... genuinely nice and likable? Gaaah, this would be frustrating, if it wouldn't be so damn surprising It's still something I try to wrap my head around, how she can be so unlike the people around her, but hey, I ain't question it, I take it gladly.
So, I guess Tazhyn is not the only one I was wrong about. Just like how she is a lot better than what I was giving her credit for, Reznar seems quite a lot less collected and pragmatic than I thought. It's a small miracle that guy somehow managed to raise a daughter that is his complete opposite, but come to think of it… [view original content]
This was quite the interesting part. Now, Tobar has to step his game up to survive the onslaught of pit fighters he's going to face. Ha, I knew that that woman was Amaya. Her description was just to similar to her, in the game.
I do absolutely not want her to be evil Have I truly left such an impression? Nah, I simply did not buy a single word of hers out of completely healthy, well-founded and entirely rational mistrust against anything and anyone that moves in Meereen, but as they say, actions speak more than a thousand words. That's literally what I was waiting for this entire time. Also, nay, after my initial distrust of her, I surely do not see her as a one dimensional character. I mean, I really can't believe I have been completely wrong with every single thing I ever said about her, even if I obviously have been mostly in the wrong. It remains to be seen, for example, how she would react if Tobor might ultimately be forced to kill her father to gain his freedom. I must say though, I have never thought of her mother before. That also makes me wonder, maybe Reznar himself used to be different? If he married a genuinely kind woman who raised Tazhyn in this way, maybe he once actually won her love through something.
Also, ah, I never meant that she'd start a slave rebellion. Disillusioned she might be, but I cannot see her ever putting her family in danger. But to me, it seems as if her sending Miro away had signs of her implying she's willing to help him escape. Maybe the same can be done for Tobor, that she bribes a guard, gives him a key and sends him on his way to get him as far away from her madman of a father as possible. I guess that might be something she wouldn't be too opposed to, especially if the alternative is Tobor's death in the arena in increasingly dangerous challenges. Speaking of, I bet from now on he only gets animals, the one thing he never wanted to fight against.
I also really do not know how I haven't seen the similarities Like, I saw them and was like "Huh, that guy does remind me of the Beast... nah, I'm sure he's a different character" and pretty much brushed it off. Amaya should have been a dead giveaway though, particularly after Tales speculated into that direction. Really, I saw Khrazz but not Amaya?
I must say; I'm very sorry to disappoint you Liquid! I know how badly you want Tazhyn to be evil It has been good cynicism, I've enjoyed it… more haha. I completely understand where you're coming from with the comment about how she is so different from Reznar. To address this I suppose you must think about who else raised her.
Her (as of now, unmentioned) Mother potentially might not have been as mad as her Father, also as the Head of House Merreq, Reznar is a very busy man. In Tazhyn and Mezzara's early childhood most of their time was spent with tutors and their mother while Reznar looked after business. So when you say its a wonder Reznar managed to raise a daughter his complete opposite, that's not quite true. Reznar raised his daughter to the extent that he was there for her childhood to be a father figure, but he wasn't the sole role model she had. I hope this makes sense. I also hope that firstly; you don't think of Tazhyn as a one dimen… [view original content]
Well in the future we will see how Tazhyn reacts to the different oacasions, opportunities and general sticky situations coming the way of our gang in Meereen. I'm glad you don't think of her as one dimensional, I havnt had quite enough time to completely flesh out her character, but neither have I had enough time with Tobor yet so more is to come! Depending on the sort of woman her mother is, its entirely possible Reznar used to be a (somewhat) good man. Of course, we don't know if Tazhyn's mother is dead, missing, fled, a slave or simply unintroduced as of now. But I'm sure we will find out at some point.
No, Tazhyn isn't the sort of person to start a slave rebellion. She would never willingly put her family in harms way. Hmm I wonder, when you say "Tazhyn sent Miro away" are you referring to the part when she wants Miro to leave so he doesn't get hurt? If so then that is less a sign she is willing to help him escape, and more just that she thinks of Miro as a friend. When Miro was captured by slavers he was looked after by Tazhyn and over the 3ish years hes been a slave they've become friends. Tazhyn is very unlikely to help a slave escape. She takes a daughter's duty to their father very seriously. Although I wonder how much this incident would change her mind. of course she may know about her father's outburst and be okay with it. I guess we have to wait and see.
I was very surprised when you recognised Khrazz, he was just a name I dropped in from the book as a little easter egg!
I do absolutely not want her to be evil Have I truly left such an impression? Nah, I simply did not buy a single word of hers out of comple… moretely healthy, well-founded and entirely rational mistrust against anything and anyone that moves in Meereen, but as they say, actions speak more than a thousand words. That's literally what I was waiting for this entire time. Also, nay, after my initial distrust of her, I surely do not see her as a one dimensional character. I mean, I really can't believe I have been completely wrong with every single thing I ever said about her, even if I obviously have been mostly in the wrong. It remains to be seen, for example, how she would react if Tobor might ultimately be forced to kill her father to gain his freedom. I must say though, I have never thought of her mother before. That also makes me wonder, maybe Reznar himself used to be different? If he married a genuinely kind woman who raised Tazhyn in this way,… [view original content]
Sorry about the slightly late post everyone, I've been a bit ill over the past few days so haven't had much time to write. I'm fine now! I'm almost finished on the next part, I hope to have it out possibly tonight, probably tomorrow.
Tobor had been awake for hours. After Reznar had left the previous night, he’d had a guard posted outside Tobor’s cell that struck his cudgel on the bars every few minutes, pulling Tobor from what little sleep he managed to get in the interval between the waking. As time passed, the hour of the bat blurred into the hour of the wolf and still, Tobor got little rest.
As the sun rose in the early hours of the morning, shining over the city of the harpy, light glinted off the street and into Tobor’s little window. Tobor Hightower woke with a start, he felt awful. The guard posted must have gotten bored at some point, or been relieved, as Tobor had finally managed to sleep. Tiredness clung to him like a frightened child as he dragged himself from the straw mattress and blearily rubbed his eyes, yawning widely.
With a start of realisation, Tobor’s stomach curled up and felt like an empty pit as he remembered what was happening that day. Reznar’s words came back to him; “Tomorrow, we hunt.” Tobor would need to hunt.
Tobor didn’t want to admit it, but he was afraid. Was this Ātsio hen gryves a man? He wanted to think so but the name “Tooth of the Bear” made him wonder if he was to fight a bear. Could that be possible? Reznar had said that Tazhyn asked for him not to fight animals so he didn’t, as a favour to her. Would this favour continue? Tobor prayed it would.
A rattle of key in lock alerted Tobor to the guard’s presence. The door swung open, revealing the man. He told Tobor to follow him in a bored, monotonous voice. After dressing himself in his black breeches and boots, Tobor complied. The two of them followed the route to the arena in silence. Tobor thought back to home, he knew he shouldn’t, it was a distraction. He should be preparing himself for the fight but he couldn’t help himself. He thought of the gardens in Oldtown, standing beneath the might of the Hightower. Tobor was allowed to play there from when the shadow of the tower touched the gardens to when the shadow passed over the entirety of the beautiful flowers. A way of telling the time.
Tobor had had his first kiss in the gardens, the daughter of a bannerman of his fathers: A Beesbury or Mullendore Tobor thought. He wasn’t quite sure. Those gardens held so many memories for the Hightower boy. Practicing wrestling with his brothers, Mace and Kallum when Edwin was just a small boy, not old enough for fighting. It didn’t just hold happy memories for him however. The gardens were the last place Tobor had seen any of his family before leaving to join Gethrys in his voyage for the wall.
After arguing with his father for weeks about leaving King’s Landing, Tobor had decided to join the Watch. When Gethrys arrived, Tobor had little under an hour to manage his affairs before the ship sailed. Still fuming at his father, he decided not to talk to him, instead electing to visit his brothers who were resting in the gardens.
It was a hot day and Kallum and Edwin were topless, laying on the lush grass. Mace was hacking at a tree with a blunted practice sword. Tobor walked over to his brothers, feeling sentimental that this would be the last time he would see his brothers in a very long time. Kallum looked up at his older brother and grinned. “Tobor! Here to see your big brother? Come, relax in the sun.” Tobor smiled sadly, “You aren’t my big brother, Kallum, when do I have to stop reminding you I’m older?”
Edwin rolled his eyes, “Stop responding to it Tobor, he’s only doing it to get a reaction from you.” He said in his young voice. Kallum gasped in mock belief, “I would never do that!” He said cheekily. Tobor gently kicked him in the side, “No of course not Kallum.” He agreed.
Kallum chuckled, “So, you and father still at war?” He asked. Edwin sat up, propping himself on his elbows. Tobor nodded, “That’s actually why I’m here. I’m leaving.” He said simply. Edwin opened his mouth in surprise, Kallum stood up. “Brother, why?” He said, shocked.
Tobor shrugged, “This isn’t a place for me anymore, I had a place at King’s Landing. I was someone there, ‘The esteemed squire of Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.’ I would have been a Knight, I would have been someone. Here I’m just Tobor Hightower, second son of the fourth son of the Lord of Hightower. I won’t ever be Lord Hightower. I can’t go back to King’s Landing, Robert’s dead. Stark is dead. Ser Barristan has been removed as Lord Commander and the Knight I squired for in the city watch has died, killed by some peasant. I don’t have a place there.” He said sadly.
Edwin looked as though he was on the verge of tears. Poor boy, Tobor thought, eleven namedays and having to say goodbye to his brother. Tobor knelt down to his little brother’s level and rested a hand on the boy’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, Ser Edwin, you’ll be fine. Next time I see you, you’ll be a knight.” Edwin smiled weakly, “I will be Ser Edwin the Bold, like Barristan!” He paused. “Where are you going?” Edwin asked, bottom lip trembling. “I’m going to join the Night’s Watch, find honour there.” Tobor said. Edwin looked sad, “But the Wall is so far away! And so high, what if you fall off?” He said shakily.
Tobor made a dismissive noise to show Edwin he wasn’t scared. “They say the Hightower is taller than the Wall, I’ve never fallen off that.” He said reassuringly. Edwin grinned, “Yes, Ser Tobor the Fearless!”
Kallum wasn’t convinced as easily. “And the wildlings? Tobor this is madness, you should stay here. With your family.” He said brusquely. “You know I can’t Kallum, you understand how father can get. And that was before mother and his hunting accident as well. The milk of the poppy just makes things worse.” Tobor said.
“You can’t leave now Tobor! Mother’s death almost broke father’s mind, and then the accident almost broke his body! Uncle Aldin and him were the best of friends before mother’s death but it just drove them apart and he left. Father has no-one except for his children. Mace is leaving soon for the Riverlands, I’m going to be here for a year or so then I expect I’ll squire for someone. You’ll leave him and Edwin alone. What you’re doing is selfish and you know it. You can’t run and hide from your problems, soon enough you’ll tire and they’ll catch you tenfold worse than before.” Kallum exclaimed.
Tobor looked away, not wanting to let his brother see his shame. “I’m not running.” He protested quietly. “I’m not selfish. The Watch is the place for me.” Kallum shook his head, disappointed. “Well I see I won’t change your mind.” He said bluntly. “At least tell me you’ll talk to father before you leave.” Kallum looked at Tobor expectantly. Tobor sighed, Edric had been angry with Tobor for weeks since his return; shouting at him, telling him he was weak, accusing him of bringing shame on the family. Did his father deserve a farewell?
[Say goodbye to Edric][Leave without saying goodbye]
Tobor and the guard had reached the end of the passageway. Tobor wondered what selection of weapons there would be. This Ātsio hen Gryves would need to be fought with versatile weapon suited to all types of combat, Tobor thought. Perhaps a spear? A spear would be a counter to an animal with it’s long reach. A bear could perhaps be kept at bay with a spear. The guard opened the door to the weapons room and shoved Tobor inside, standing watch as Tobor hit the ground.
Biting back curses, Tobor got to his feet and stared at the guard bitterly. As a response, the guard pulled his cudgel half out of his belt, warning the boy. Tobor got the message and turned around to face the table, ready to choose a weapon for the coming fight.
The table was almost bare, save for one fragile looking sword. It’s hand-and-a-half grip was frayed, the leather coming apart. The crossguard had been bent out of shape and the left side of it had snapped off halfway. The silver blade was long but notched. Tobor picked it up to test the weight. Something felt wrong. The blade’s balance was mismatched to the hilt. Scrunching up his face in concentration, Tobor inspected the sword. He ran his eyes up and down the weapon. When he looked at the point, his heart leapt and battered against his ribs.
The point was rounded. Tobor shook his head, “No, it can’t be.” It was. Tobor Hightower had been sent to the slaughterhouse with a blunted practice sword to fight with.
Cursing, Tobor ran his thumb across the edge of the blade. Blunt. He hacked at the table in anger, with an anguished yell. The edge dented the table but didn’t bite. Throwing the sword down in disgust he leant against the wall, unsure what to do.
“What the fuck are you doing boy? Get in there before I cut off your hand and throw you in the pit!” Came the angry voice of the guard. Tobor banged his fists on the door, “You’ve got to help me! I’ve been given the wrong weapon. This one’s blunt!” He shouted. The guard laughed, “Nice try, nobody’s tried that one with me before.” He chuckled.
“I’m being serious, I swear it. Please!” Tobor begged. “Listen, get in there now or I will throw you in.” The guard said tautly. “Last warning boy.” Tobor paused, debating trying again. Then it hit him. The realisation dawned over him like the morning sun. The blunted sword, the weapons room, who had the task of setting up the weapons for the fighters? Bradon.
Tobor swelled with rage. Bradon had done this! He’d somehow swapped out the selection of weapons for a practice sword. But could Reznar have had something to do with it? It made a certain amount of sense. How would Bradon get hold of a practice sword and wouldn’t someone have noticed? Whether it was Bradon or Reznar and Bradon, it meant Bradon was almost guaranteed to have a role in it. This could be the act that gets Bradon free.
Tobor was furious, how could Bradon do this? Reznar, he understood. But not Bradon. Tobor would never betray a friend, never. After he survived this fight; for he would survive Tobor told himself, he would pay Bradon and Reznar a visit. But who to go and speak to? Reznar could be the mastermind behind it, but Bradon could have just been acting alone. Wouldn’t it be too big a risk talking to Reznar? And Bradon almost definitely had a role in it whereas Reznar perhaps might have.
[Talk to Reznar][Talk to Bradon]
The Guard burst through the door before Tobor could make up his mind, “Right you little cunt, time’s up.” The guard grabbed Tobor, he was a big man, and the boy dropped the sword. Tobor struggled but the guard dragged him towards the arena door, kicking it open with a strike from his boot. The blast of arid air washed over Tobor again, the guard swung him around and threw him down into the sand of the arena. Tobor spat out a mouthful of sand and spit, then rubbed down his body. The sand had stuck to the sweat that glistened over his torso.
He turned towards the door again, watching the guard vanish into the hallway. “Wait!” Tobor screamed. The guard turned with an evil grin and tossed the practice sword into the arena with him. “I suppose it was blunt after all. Good luck.” With that the door was slammed shut, leaving Tobor to listen to the shouts and cheers for blood.
With sword in hand Tobor scanned the arena, it was full to the brim with people. Tobor couldn’t see a single empty seat. Perfect, he thought bitterly, at least people think I’m worthy of a spectacle. Then he looked to the middle of the pit, and he had his first sight of the thing people had come to see. Ātsio hen Gryves. Thank the gods, Tobor thought, just a man. But what a man he was.
Tobor could see why he was called Tooth of the Bear. He was built like a bear, huge grizzled shoulders and a massive chest covered with a mat of hair. He was taller than the Beast. His furious eyes stared at Tobor, set under a heavy brow with thick eyebrows. A bushy beard covered his chin,sharp jaw and cheeks. Around one shoulder curled a long braid of hair like a python, the other held the only armour he wore, a shoulder plate made of leather. Along the middle of the plate there were four huge teeth, jutting out like bones.
He wore brown breeches made of what Tobor assumed to be bear fur, they were complemented with a belt that had teeth hanging from it. Wrapped around his tree trunk thighs were cords and strings, each of them had several teeth attached to them, from whom the fighter received his name. His brown boots had the same teeth reaching out.
Mammoth arms gave way to meaty hands, each grasping a different weapon. In his right he held a club. But no club Tobor had ever seen before. It had a long, thick wooden shaft but running along the sides like spines were dozens of bear teeth. Some long, some short. All sharp. At the end of the club the teeth stopped and a human skull adorned the tip, jawless in an empty scream. In his left hand he held a short sword that glinted ugly in the sun.
Ātsio hen Gryves turned away from Tobor and faced the crowd behind him, he threw up his arms and gave a mighty roar, the crowd responding in kind. Tobor looked to the box where he knew Reznar would be. The Master was sat on his chair drinking wine, eyes locked on Tobor. When he saw Tobor looking he raised his cup mockingly and inclined his head. Tobor spat on the floor. Next to Reznar sat Tazhyn looking uncomfortable, she had a bandage wrapped around her face. Why was she here? Had she been forced by her father?
A shout distracted Tobor. “Jēnqῑblie Arghurys! Sir ῑlon arghugon!” Tobor snapped round to face the gruff voice. It was Low Valyrian, Tobor had no doubt, but he couldn’t be bothered to think about translating it. He knew it was something about hunting. “I’m here to kill you, not for a language lesson. You don’t look much like Maester Rueben. Are you a Maester?” Tobor said casually. Ātsio hen Gryves dropped his sword and grabbed hold of his crotch provocatively in response. Tobor raised an eyebrow, “Gods, the Citadel are letting anyone in these days.”
“Fuck your Westerosi bravado!” Yelled Ātsio hen Gryves, “I can see you shitting your breeches right now.” Despite Tobor’s brave front, the pit fighter spoke an element of truth. Tobor was afraid, fear clawed at him like a drowning man trying to stay afloat.
Ātsio hen Gryves continued, “I welcome you to your death, you will find it here in the pit. It is here waiting for you. But first we must fight, and first you must hunt. I have faced the hunt seventy-nine times before and will not be slain today.” He turned towards the crowd and spoke to them in Low Valyrian. “Iksan Ātsio hen Gryves se kesῑr iksis se Jēnqῑblie Arghurys!” He roared. The crowd roared back, chanting Arghurys over and over.
“How do you wish to die?” The pit fighter asked. Tobor readied his practice sword. “An honourable thing to ask, I’m sure.” Tobor responded calmer than he was. The Bear nodded, “It is a great honour to die in the pit. Each and every name of those fallen is carved into the exterior.” He growled in his gruff, deep voice. “Then you should know, the Master has pitted you in a dishonourable fight. I have been given no weapon, this is a practice sword, it has a dull edge.” Tobor said desperately. He knew it was a fool’s hope.
Ātsio hen Gryves looked suspicious. “Many have lied to me before in this pit. I wear the scars of placing my trust in such cowards. You swear this is true?” He asked. Tobor nodded fervently, “I swear it by the Old gods and the new, and by all gods known to men.”
Ātsio hen Gryves nodded, “Then I believe you.” He stated. Tobor lowered the point of his sword, just a fraction. “So, what happens now?” He asked. Ātsio hen Gryves shrugged, “In the jungle, if a cat’s teeth are broken and it’s claws are dull a man will still hunt it. And will the cat no longer fight, plead with the man to lay down his spear and they part ways?” Tobor sighed, “So. We fight.” He said, resigned to battle. Ātsio hen Gryves nodded his agreement. “We hunt.”
Ātsio hen Gryves moved with blinding speed to swipe his sword down at Tobor’s head. The boy parried the blow away from his head but the strength behind it smashed the bottom edge of Tobor’s sword into his shoulder; leaving Ātsio hen Gryves’ sword resting atop Tobor’s blade. As Tobor gasped with pain, the Bear scraped his shortsword across the dull one towards Tobor’s face, sending sparks flying. Tobor whipped his head back out of the way and felt a sharp impact on his cheek. The point of the sword had cut deep into his face, by his cheekbone, leaving a nasty cut under his eye. Tobor was pretty sure the blade had hit bone.
Ātsio hen Gryves left him no respite, continuing the fight with a sweep across Tobor’s chest with his club. Tobor jumped backwards, moving his torso out of the hungry bite of the many teeth on the club. Blood poured down his cheek, some into his mouth. Tobor’s sweaty fingers grasped harder onto the frayed handle of his sword. If the blade had been sharp it would have sheared into my shoulder just then, Tobor thought. He laughed bitterly. Bradon may have just saved his life.
Ātsio hen Gryves looked confused as to why Tobor laughed but maintained his relentless assault with two simultaneous backhand slices, the club on top and the sword below. Tobor ducked beneath them as Ātsio hen Gryves finished with his arms held out away from his body, away from his unprotected chest. Tobor capitalised and stood up quickly, he slashed his sword at the torso of the Bear. As he did so, he turned away and dived forward into a roll to escape the grasp of Ātsio hen Gryves.
Standing up straight, Tobor looked back, cursing himself when remembering his blade was dull. He’d been expecting a huge red gash running up the Bear’s chest. But the blunt sword had done little more than stroke the big man. Ātsio hen Gryves laughed, “I suppose your sword really is dull. My hunt will be over soon Arghurys.” He said. Tobor rolled his eyes, “Oh fuck off, would you?” He said.
Ātsio hen Gryves did not. He instead thrust the end of the club at Tobor’s face, the boy whipped his wrist around, parrying the club like a spear, sending it careening into the sand. However, this left Tobor defenseless while Ātsio hen Gryves had another weapon. He used his other weapon in a slash at Tobor’s undefended chest. Tobor leant backwards to avoid the sword and Ātsio hen Gryves stepped forwards and with one of his great boots, kicked Tobor in the chest sending him flying back.
Tobor landed with a thud in the sand, his chest throbbing. Gods he hoped his ribs weren’t broken, or bruised. Ātsio hen Gryves advanced and with both weapons at the same time, struck down on the boy at his feet. Tobor grabbed the blade of his sword and put his sword up into the air as a shield. The club and shortsword collided with the practice sword, crushing it down closer to Tobor’s chest. Tobor was lying down on the sand, managing to hold his sword up only thanks to his elbows which were dug into the sand.
Ātsio hen Gryves pressed harder and Tobor’s elbows dug more into the sand. The teeth on the club reached out hungrily, inches from Tobor’s bare skin. Tobor’s elbows dug further into the sand with the force from the Bear’s blade. The teeth tickled Tobor’s chest, sharp enough to draw beads of blood. Tobor winced in pain as the teeth bit deeper. Tobor couldn’t hold on for any longer, the whole ordeal had lasted seconds but he was out of time. As his elbows sunk further into the sand, the teeth bit into his skin and Tobor yelled out in pain, pushing forwards on just his sword handle and with desperate strength, tilting his sword. As he did so, Ātsio hen Gryves’ weapons dropped into the sand and Tobor kicked up into between the Bear’s tree trunk thighs.
Ātsio hen Gryves roared in pain stumbling back. Tobor jumped to his feet, covered in sweat and sand, blood pouring down his face and down his chest from dozens of wounds. Tobor was dizzy, his head felt clouded. With a roar of anger, Ātsio hen Gryves charged at Tobor and swiped with his sword. Tobor parried it and stamped on the blade, forcing it from Ātsio hen Gryves’ hands. The Bear growled and tried to swing his club at Tobor. The boy couldn’t move his sword fast enough to counter it, so he did the only thing he could. Tobor grabbed hold of the club with his left hand, stopping it from penetrating his side. Tobor stared at the back of his hand.
Something was wrong, he could feel an intense pain from his hand but couldn’t quite make out what was wrong. Things were blurry. His hand was an odd shape, there was some sort of bump on the back of his hand. Tobor squinted at it, and it came into focus with another spike of pain. One of the teeth on the club had dug it’s way through Tobor’s palm and out of the back, staring at Tobor. The Bear had both hands on his club.
Ātsio hen Gryves laughed, “The bear’s bite!” He howled. Tobor frowned, “W-We Light the Way.” He muttered. The Bear scowled, “I don’t give two shits!” He growled. Tobor was dizzy again. Tobor swung with his sword at the face of his opponent. The metal hit flesh with a dull crunch. The tooth in Tobor’s hand slid out with a wet sound sending a blast of pain sparking up his arm, clearing his head. Ātsio hen Gryves shuddered and put a hand on his face where the sword had hit him. When he took it away, Tobor could see that the skin on his cheek had been split, giving way to the cracked bone underneath.
Tobor stepped forward shakily, he felt so dizzy. Remembering how pain woke him up before, he poked his middle finger into the wound in his palm. A wave of pain crashed over him, and his vision went white. Then it washed away and Tobor could see clearly. Blood dropped from his face, chest and hand, yet still Tobor Hightower stumbled towards his prey.
Ātsio hen Gryves aimed a slash at Tobor’s chest, the boy weakly dodged out of the way, the skull on the club crashed into Tobor’s stomach, smashing into one of his wounds. Tobor gasped in pain and saw a little clearer. The Bear struck across, two handed over his shoulder at the boy and Tobor held his sword in two hands to parry it. The impact stung Tobor’s palm and the pain cleared up his mind. The pit fighter brought his club straight down onto Tobor’s head. Or where Tobor’s head would have been, had he not stumbled out of the way.
Looking down at the club dug into the sand of the pit, Tobor raised his sword for a blow. The blade cut through the air and clashed onto Ātsio hen Gryves’ hand where he held the club. With a yelp of pain, the Bear dropped his weapon and looked up at Tobor, cradling his broken thumb in his other hand. The Hightower boy whipped his practice sword up, clattering into the pit fighter’s chin. His head snapped upwards and he fell back with a grunt of pain.
In a dizzy fit of rage, Tobor jumped forwards, straddling the chest of Ātsio hen Gryves. He brought the blunted sword onto the face of his prey over and over again, reveling in the feeling of metal on flesh. Blood flew and bone crunched as Tobor pounded, feeling all the anger and power he felt at the slave auction. Then he stopped. Ātsio hen Gryves groaned in pain, his broken face oozing blood, crumpled.
Tobor looked to the crowd. They were silent. Tobor looked to Reznar, the Master was white faced and gripping the arm rests of his chair as though he were strangling it. A man in a hooded cloak stood in front of where Tazhyn’s chair was, talking to Reznar, Tobor didn’t know if she was still there. Reznar nodded, furious.
Tobor grew angry, Reznar had done this, he was sure of it. He’d been betrayed by Bradon and Reznar, they were trying to kill him. Tobor would show them what he thought of that. He looked round and spotted Ātsio hen Gryves’ shortsword. An idea sprang into his clouded mind, he would show them. Tobor stumbled to the sword, then walked back. He knelt down over the still breathing, twitching body of Ātsio hen Gryves. Tobor drew the sword back and hacked at the neck of the pit fighter. He would make a message of it, send it to Reznar. The blade cut into the thick muscles, sending a gush of blood to the sand which drank it eagerly.
Tobor hacked again, the blade cut deeper. More blood. Tobor drew the sword back once more. Ātsio hen Gryves had stopped breathing. Tobor’s own breath caught in his throat. He was so dizzy, but what was he doing? Should he stop or did Reznar need to see this?
[Say goodbye to Edric][Talk to Bradon][Send a Message] Awsome part the fight was super cool and I liked the flashback. I have a feeling Tobor is going to become the king of the pit.
Cold Steel and High Stakes
Part 1
Tobor had been awake for hours. After Reznar had left the previous night, he’d had a guard posted outs… moreide Tobor’s cell that struck his cudgel on the bars every few minutes, pulling Tobor from what little sleep he managed to get in the interval between the waking. As time passed, the hour of the bat blurred into the hour of the wolf and still, Tobor got little rest.
As the sun rose in the early hours of the morning, shining over the city of the harpy, light glinted off the street and into Tobor’s little window. Tobor Hightower woke with a start, he felt awful. The guard posted must have gotten bored at some point, or been relieved, as Tobor had finally managed to sleep. Tiredness clung to him like a frightened child as he dragged himself from the straw mattress and blearily rubbed his eyes, yawning widely.
With a start of realisation, Tobor’s stomach curled up and felt like an empty pit as he remembe… [view original content]
[Say goodbye to Edric] Tobor would always regret it if he didn't. Especially since he'll likely never see his father again.
[Talk to Reznar] I don't want Tobor to confront Bradon just yet. I have hope that he might still be a friend. Reznar is Tobor's true enemy. It was him who turned Bradon against Tobor and it's him who is out for Tobor's blood and punishing his friends. [Send a Message] Fuck it! Go all out! Show Reznar that Tobor isn't fucking around and won't go down easy.
Loved seeing that dark side of Tobor again, it's so exciting! Tobor is great. This might actually be my favorite part so far.
Cold Steel and High Stakes
Part 1
Tobor had been awake for hours. After Reznar had left the previous night, he’d had a guard posted outs… moreide Tobor’s cell that struck his cudgel on the bars every few minutes, pulling Tobor from what little sleep he managed to get in the interval between the waking. As time passed, the hour of the bat blurred into the hour of the wolf and still, Tobor got little rest.
As the sun rose in the early hours of the morning, shining over the city of the harpy, light glinted off the street and into Tobor’s little window. Tobor Hightower woke with a start, he felt awful. The guard posted must have gotten bored at some point, or been relieved, as Tobor had finally managed to sleep. Tiredness clung to him like a frightened child as he dragged himself from the straw mattress and blearily rubbed his eyes, yawning widely.
With a start of realisation, Tobor’s stomach curled up and felt like an empty pit as he remembe… [view original content]
[Say goodbye to Edric] Tobor would always regret it if he didn't. Especially since he'll likely never see his father again.
[Talk to Rezn… morear] I don't want Tobor to confront Bradon just yet. I have hope that he might still be a friend. Reznar is Tobor's true enemy. It was him who turned Bradon against Tobor and it's him who is out for Tobor's blood and punishing his friends.
[Send a Message] Fuck it! Go all out! Show Reznar that Tobor isn't fucking around and won't go down easy.
Loved seeing that dark side of Tobor again, it's so exciting! Tobor is great. This might actually be my favorite part so far.
haha don't worry!! I understand the interest in Tobor's dark side, it just adds another layer to his character that's really fun to write and explore. Hopefully it's fun to read!
haha don't worry!! I understand the interest in Tobor's dark side, it just adds another layer to his character that's really fun to write and explore. Hopefully it's fun to read!
Well, this is his father we're talking about. Differences or not, he's family and I am sure if Tobor leaves without a goodbye, both are forever going to regret parting like this. Sure, he does not know yet what danger he is truly going to get into, but even then, I think it's only right to say goodbye to family before leaving forever.
[Talk to Bradon]
I got no doubt Bradon is involved in this, that shit. Thing is, confronting Reznar, what good could it bring? Worse than that, what could Tobor possibly achieve? If Reznar wants to, he could always just kill Tobor openly and nobody could do a thing to stop him. So, he ordered to give him a blunt sword, what's Tobor going to do about it? I bet he'd just admit it and then continue to think of a better way to trick Tobor next time. Bradon meanwhile, he is the tool Reznar relies on. I doubt we will get through to him, but if we manage to turn him back to Tobor's side, maybe things can actually change. Reznar will continue to rely on Bradon, who however can then warn Tobor in time. Maybe a bit of a foolish hope, but I can't see any benefit of talking to Reznar, so it's Bradon by default for me.
[Send a Message]
Ah, a shame, I actually kinda liked that Atsio guy, as inevitable as his demise has been. Seemed like a real badass son of a bitch, but as it turns out, Tobor is more badass. That was quite a brutal scene, let's top it with a brutal message, showing Reznar that this slave is no one to be fucked with. Might not do much to impress his master, but it could actually impress other members of the nobility present. One thing I kinda just thought of, Reznar wants Tobor gone. Maybe, if one of the other masters is interested enough, he could buy him for a nice sum. That would already put Tobor out of danger of being killed by a vengeful madman. And maybe this new master is more benevolent, allowing Tobor to leave freely once having brought him enough coin, therefore giving him back his freedom, something he can never hope for while being the slave of Reznar. Might be a bit far fetched, but certainly, sending a message would be the right way to approach such an option.
Cold Steel and High Stakes
Part 1
Tobor had been awake for hours. After Reznar had left the previous night, he’d had a guard posted outs… moreide Tobor’s cell that struck his cudgel on the bars every few minutes, pulling Tobor from what little sleep he managed to get in the interval between the waking. As time passed, the hour of the bat blurred into the hour of the wolf and still, Tobor got little rest.
As the sun rose in the early hours of the morning, shining over the city of the harpy, light glinted off the street and into Tobor’s little window. Tobor Hightower woke with a start, he felt awful. The guard posted must have gotten bored at some point, or been relieved, as Tobor had finally managed to sleep. Tiredness clung to him like a frightened child as he dragged himself from the straw mattress and blearily rubbed his eyes, yawning widely.
With a start of realisation, Tobor’s stomach curled up and felt like an empty pit as he remembe… [view original content]
Cold Steel and High Stakes
Part 1
Tobor had been awake for hours. After Reznar had left the previous night, he’d had a guard posted outs… moreide Tobor’s cell that struck his cudgel on the bars every few minutes, pulling Tobor from what little sleep he managed to get in the interval between the waking. As time passed, the hour of the bat blurred into the hour of the wolf and still, Tobor got little rest.
As the sun rose in the early hours of the morning, shining over the city of the harpy, light glinted off the street and into Tobor’s little window. Tobor Hightower woke with a start, he felt awful. The guard posted must have gotten bored at some point, or been relieved, as Tobor had finally managed to sleep. Tiredness clung to him like a frightened child as he dragged himself from the straw mattress and blearily rubbed his eyes, yawning widely.
With a start of realisation, Tobor’s stomach curled up and felt like an empty pit as he remembe… [view original content]
[Be Cunning]
Tobor seems to be able to handle himself in discussions so I don't think he'll hurt himself at all if he plays it cool and is a bit more cunning in his attempt to gain information. He'll have to be careful though since Bradon might be hesitant to speak to him.
[Lie about Miro]
He doesn't quite have to mention Miro's name and if he's cunning enough he may get Bradon to admit it without revealing he knew at all! But if worst comes to worst, sometimes one must like to save basically Tobor's only friend in the Pyramid.
[Be Cunning][Lie about Miro]
Those sound like character building choices and I want Tobor to be smart about what he says to whom. I dont want him to be a liar but in this situation it is necessary to keep Miro save.
[Be cunning]
If Tobor manages to be cunning then I would not cause any trouble to him and It will also help him
[Lie about Miro]
There is no reason to mention him while he will be cunning
[Be cunning]
[Lie about Miro]
I think these are the best course of actions for tobar to take.
[Be Truthful] I think Bradon deserves some honesty. He's not an enemy and deserves it.
[Lie about Miro] However... I don't want Miro to get in trouble.
Is it just me or has Liquid possessed Tobor here?
Jokes aside I can understand Tobor's frustration. Her company was nice and Tobor was probably getting attached only for her visits to suddenly stop. But let's be fair here, we heard the argument between Tazhyn and her father. Clearly anything he doesn't like results in physical abuse. She's in a difficult situation.
Liquid raised some interesting points about how Tobor might feel so I incorporated them into the story! If you guys make decisions for Tobor then you can be his brain too! On a more serious note, I did actually use this line because A) I had actually planned to have Tobor feel a little bit bitter to Tazhyn, I mean, if someone visits you and suddenly stops i know i wouldn't be happy! and
because I liked the phrasing of what Liquid said, about a zoo-like vibe, so if anyone else does raise points that I hadn't thought of then they might be used in the story too!
Lets be clear here, that wasn't physical abuse. It was a small slap, like if your young child had sworn at you, or if theyd misbehaved. Granted its not very nice, but its the same sort of slap as Cersei did in season 2 I believe it was when Joffrey mocked her about Robert sleeping with other women and she slapped him. So its not beating her or physical abuse, just punishment and discipline.
note that I'm not defending Reznar because I think hes a stand up guy, I'm defending him because he loves his children and would never beat them just for the sake of the beating, he is trying to raise them right.
Small or not, it's still abuse in my mind. Not sure if I consider Cersei's slap small either. But oh well, point is that it's been forbidden for her, so I don't it's exactly easy to visit Tobor.
fair enough, neither Tazhyn or Reznar see it as abuse. Reznar means it as discipline and Tazhyn sees it as a realisation that she said something that her father dislikes and she should respect that. She wasn't hurt physically by the slap, and she doesn't think any less of her father because of it.
Anywho, we will see if Tazhyn decides to visit Tobor or not!
Maybe I read too much into it. Point is that I'm very #Team Tazhyn right now.
haha, I didn't mean it to be a huge thing like "Reznar how dare you?" It was more of a sight into how he is still a disciplinary man outside of slavery
Wait, I just realized something. That Khrazz name sounds so familiar, is it the same Khrazz from the books or just a coincidence?
[Be Cunning]
So, here is the thing, we don't know what Bradon is supposed to do. It could easily be something that is dangerous for Tobor, or at least unfavourable, given how Bradon has a grudge against him. Since they are not on speaking terms, being truthful there would likely give him little reason to be truthful in return. Instead, I think cunning is more important here.
[Lie about Miro]
Miro seems like a good guy, I'd say. Even if he isn't (and I judge him by the same standards I judge any other potential ally, such as Tazhyn or that scary woman Tobor just met in this part, meaning I can't be sure about him just yet), he hasn't given me any reason to throw him under the bus. He just gave Tobor a valuable piece of information and I don't want to betray him in return.
Khrazz is from the books yes! He's a pit fighter that Hizdahr uses as his guard when he marries Daenerys. Mezzara (Tazhyn's sister) is also mentioned in the books as a cupbearer for Dany and also a hostage against the Son's of the Harpy.
[Be Cunning]
[Lie about Miro]
I'm curious is the female pit fighter Tobar met the same woman from the game of thrones telltale game? You know, the one that eventually teamed up with Asher? Her description makes me think that is her.
It's a possibility.
Voting is closed!
Tobor will [Be Cunning] with Bradon by not mentioning what he has heard from Miro and he will [Lie about Miro] if it comes to it.
I wasn't too sure how this one would turn out. I predicted that you guys would want to lie about Miro, he's been an ally thus far, but I wasn't sure whether you believed Bradon deserved honesty. Personally I would have voted for Tobor to be truthful, Bradon has been through a lot and I think he would have appreciated the honesty rather than Tobor manipulating the truth out of him.
The next part will come out in the next few days hopefully. It will conclude the chapter Hot Sand and Warm Blood, bringing the third chapter to a close, as a result it will not have a choice. That does mean I can get the first part of the subsequent chapter out quicker! The next chapter will be a good one, Tobor's in for a tough ride!
Warm Blood and Hot Sand
Part 4
Tobor took a deep breath, he would apologise for Bradon’s hand first and then attempt to bring the conversation around to what Miro had heard, while keeping Miro’s involvement secret. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but it was too late to back out now. Tobor pushed open the door and Bradon looked up, surprise etched on his face at seeing the boy. Tobor looked behind him as he closed the door, Miro had gone.
“Tobor.” The sailor said. “Bradon.” Tobor replied. The two of them looked at each other, unsure of what to say. When the silence clung to the air like mist, Bradon spoke. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I was told you’d be here, I need to speak with you.” Tobor replied. The sailor put down the sword he was holding in his uninjured hand, the table of weapons seemed threatening to Tobor, he probably could have thought of a better place to meet Bradon.
“The moon has turned since the last time we spoke, why would you want to start now?” Bradon asked accusingly. Tobor swallowed, “I didn’t know what to say, you always seemed distant after… well, you know.” He trailed off. Bradon looked angry, “Yes I know, after you got my fucking fingers cut off.” He said quietly, and showed the stumps to Tobor. The boy didn’t flinch. “Bradon I’m sorry, if I had known that you would be punished in my place then I wouldn’t have spoken back to the guard.” He said.
Bradon sighed and turned his back, Tobor was on edge, was Bradon about to grab a weapon? Instead he spoke, “Tobor, your tongue is a wild beast that cannot be mastered. It is straining to break out of it’s cage and if it isn’t tamed it will turn wild and that sharp tongue will be the death of you or someone you love one day.” He predicted. Bradon wasn’t the first to tell him that. Tobor thought back to the man of the Night’s Watch. Would he have any sage advice for Tobor now?
“Bradon, I came to apologise because I knew that it was indirectly my fault that you have been maimed. I accept that, but you have to understand that it was never my intention.” Tobor said desperately. Bradon laughed bitterly, facing Tobor. “It makes no matter what your intentions were, only the outcome. If you’d done what the guard had said then none of this would have happened.” He said angrily.
Tobor grew angry, “Oh and would you have done what the guard had said? If he’d spat in your bowl and told you to eat it?” He demanded. Bradon blinked, “Well I...” Tobor interrupted, "Exactly, that’s what I thought.” He said. Bradon faced the table, he put his hand on the handle of a dagger, running his thumb down the grip. Tobor knew how easy it would be for him. “Go on then Bradon, I’m clearly guilty of the crime you’re accusing me of, cut my throat now. Sentence me.” Tobor challenged, praying to father to judge him justly and for the mother’s mercy. Bradon looked between Tobor and the dagger, between revenge and his little brother. Tobor held his arms out, in a defenseless position.
Bradon took his hand off the dagger, “Fuck you Tobor, I’m not going to kill you, someone else will do it for me.” He paused. “You are a pit fighter after all.” He spat. Tobor’s eyes gained a steely look, “It seems slavery has made you a worse man, Bradon.” He said. Bradon swore, “Just wait boy, I’ll be out of here soon enough and you’ll be in the ground!”
Tobor grinned triumphantly, he’d made Bradon admit he was getting out. “What do you mean out of here? Are you going to be set free?” he asked. Bradon stuttered, clearly flustered. “N-no, I mean yes. You little bastard, how the fuck did you know?” He said. Tobor shrugged, “I overheard you talking to Reznar but I wanted to hear it for myself. What’s going on Bradon?” He asked. Bradon was furious.
The door behind him swung open, and there stood Se Dyni, the hulking figure. “Little man!” He roared. “You are here, I was hoping to meet you in the pit so we can battle and I can eat you but no matter.” He laughed. Bradon looked horrified.
Se Dyni glanced at the sailor, “Why are you both here? The weapons should be ready now, I want to fight, I’m hungry!” He bellowed. Bradon almost whimpered an apology and edged past Se Dyni, running through the open door. Tobor grinned, “How are you my fat friend?” he asked jovially. Se Dyni laughed, “I would be a lot better if the little man would let me fight!”
Tobor chuckled, “Well be my guest, go ahead.” He said. Se Dyni smiled, “I will go kill that man in there now, I will not tell Amaya about you fucking up the weapons either. She would kill you for this.” He said. Tobor raised an eyebrow, “Amaya? Is that the woman who beat Khrazz down?” He asked. Se Dyni looked worried. “Little man, why did you make me tell you? She will kill me!” He said. Tobor shook his head, “I won’t tell her, I’ll say Khrazz told me.” He winked at Se Dyni.
Se Dyni laughed and thanked him, then picked up a brutal looking war hammer and opened the door to the pit. “You want to come with me?” He asked Tobor. The boy shook his head, “This victory is solely for you, Se Dyni.” He said. The big man looked at Tobor. “Se Dyni is my High Valyrian name little man, most people just call me the Beast.” He said and then walked into the pit to roars and cheers. The door shut behind him and Tobor was left in a room of weapons and many thoughts about the man who used to be his friend.
Tobor returned to his cell, unsure how he felt. He was glad that Bradon had confessed, but he still didn’t know how Bradon was going to be set free. Regardless, Tobor had lost his friend, his only friend. Miro was kind, but Tobor couldn’t quite trust him yet. Trusting was hard, knowing who to trust was harder still. Tazhyn was another story. Tobor would one moment be thinking about how she was abandoning him and the next about her brown eyes. One moment about how some of the things she said irritated him beyond belief and the next about how much she could make him laugh. But could she be trusted?
Tobor shook the thoughts from his mind as he saw the familiar face of Miro. The Naathi boy entered his cell, the guards locking the door behind. “So?” He asked. “What did your friend say?” Tobor smiled sadly, “I don’t think he’s my friend anymore, Miro. I was scared he would kill me at one point.” Miro’s golden eyes filled with sympathy. “It’s alright Tobor, I heard what happened in the food hall. Herazal is not kind person. He would have done this anyway.” Miro’s words felt empty to Tobor, he was just repeating what Tazhyn had said.
Tobor thanked Miro, and looked away. Miro stood awkwardly. “You didn’t tell him about me?” He asked. Tobor shook his head, “Don’t worry Miro, I said that I overheard Bradon talking to the Master.” He explained. Miro grinned a wide smile. “Thank you, Tobor! I am happy you have said this. But do you not worry that your friend may tell the Master you were listening to them?” He asked. Tobor’s face dropped, he hadn’t thought about that! Miro was right, Reznar wouldn’t be pleased that Tobor had been eavesdropping. How could Tobor have been so stupid? He’d just wanted to feel like a victor in front of Bradon, now he’d put Miro in danger.
“Miro, you have to get out of here, if Bradon tells Reznar what I said then he will want to punish me. But I’m a pit fighter and he won’t hurt me he will hurt someone close to me. It can’t be Bradon because Reznar will know we aren’t friends any longer. You’re in danger. Tobor said worriedly. Miro shook his head, “You have helped me, but if it means you are in trouble then this is my fault. I will not leave.” He said stubbornly.
From behind Tobor came a rattle at the iron bars, the sound of key in lock. Tobor’s heart was battering at his rib cage like a ram, his breathing was heavy as he turned around, dreading the sight of who was at the door.
The door swung open, revealing the freckled face of Tazhyn zo Merreq. She was dressed in a yellow dress that fluttered about her. She closed the door behind her and locked it with the key. The guards had been dismissed. Tazhyn embraced Miro, then looked at Tobor with worry in her brown eyes. “My father. Has he been here yet?” She asked nervously. Tobor shook his head; a lump had formed in his throat. She looked at the Naathi boy, “Miro, you have to leave, my father will be here soon and will punish you in Tobor’s place. I cannot allow this to happen.”
Miro shook his head, “I will say again. I am not leaving, this is my fault.” He said confidently. “Miro this isn’t your fault, my father said that Tobor was listening in on his conversations. I don’t know if it’s true but the blame isn’t with you.” Tazhyn said kindly. “No, it was me. I listened to the Master and I told Tobor what I heard. I should not have done this but I think Tobor should know.” Miro said stubbornly.
Tazhyn looked confused, “Tobor should know what?” She asked. Tobor answered her. “Miro heard your father tell Bradon that he would be set free if he doesn’t fail Reznar. He came and told me then I went to talk to Bradon about it and now Bradon has gone to your father and told him that I was eavesdropping.” He explained. Tazhyn put a hand over her mouth, “Tobor why did you tell your friend you overheard him?” She asked. Tobor looked at the ground, “I know, I shouldn’t have. I should have just let it be but I needed to hear it from his mouth.” He confessed. Tazhyn sighed, “It doesn’t matter now, my father is on his way and he’ll be bringing Herazal. Miro, my father will want to punish Tobor and you will take the punishment, my father knows he can’t hurt Tobor. Please don’t be a martyr.” She begged.
Miro looked at Tobor, “I have made my choice, I will stay here with you Tobor. If I leave, you may be hurt and I won’t let violence happen to you because of my mistake.” He said.
Tobor put his hand on Miro’s shoulder, “It is as much my fault as yours. I want you to go Miro. Please.” Miro looked from Tobor to Tazhyn. “Very well.” He said. “Tazhyn, we will go.” Tazhyn smiled, produced a key and unlocked the door for Miro to walk out. The boy walked down the corridor and vanished from site.
Tazhyn and Tobor looked at each other. “I have to go.” Tazhyn said. “My father doesn’t want me to speak to you anymore.” Tobor raised an eyebrow, “Anymore? You haven’t been here in two weeks.” He said accusingly. “I wish I could have visited, I enjoyed seeing you. My father has been keeping me busy with healing other slaves. I wanted to come and see you but my father forbade it.” She said. Tobor scoffed, “Then you should have come and seen me. Were our roles reversed I would have.”
“Tobor, it’s not as simple as that. My father is a very strict and powerful man. If I disobey him, he wouldn’t hurt me. He would hurt you. I could only oppose him if…” Her words were cut off by the loud sound of steel on iron. Tobor and Tazhyn wheeled around to face the source of the noise. It was Herazal. He was striking the iron bars with his butcher sword, with his other hand he dragged a boy, Miro. Blood covered Miro’s face, already swelling with bruises. An evil smile was displayed on his malevolent face.
The door was unlocked and Herazal burst in, manhandling Miro to the floor where the Naathis boy lay whimpering. Tazhyn looked furious, “Herazal! What do you think you’re doing? Why have you beat him?” She demanded. The captain of the guards laughed, “You’re in no place to be asking me anything, zo Merreq. The Master will not be happy to find out you’ve been visiting your savage in secret. Not happy at all.” He chuckled darkly.
“Your Master’s daughter asked you a question.” Tobor stated. Herazal shook his head slowly, “This isn’t how this will go, you will speak when I ask you to, you will do what I ask you to. Break those rules and you will die. I don’t care if you’re a pit fighter. Reznar isn’t here to save you now.” Herazal delivered a hard punch to Tobor’s stomach, winding the boy. Tobor lay on the ground wheezing for breath. The guard grasped Tobor by the shoulders and hauled him up, pinning him against the wall.
Herazal’s hot breath poured over Tobor, he drew his head back in preparation for a strike but a voice came from behind him. “Herazal, let him go.” The Great Master’s face was a picture of pure white rage. “Tazhyn. What are you doing here?” The Master’s voice did not betray the fury of his face, his words were calm. “Father, I…” Tazhyn began.
“No matter, I will deal with you later.” The Master said softly, the rage from his face simply removed. “Tobor, I hear that you made it your business to listen to my private conversation, I’m afraid as Master of all slaves in the zo Merreq Pyramid, I cannot allow this. For your insolence, I would have your friend Bradon whipped. But alas, I do not believe Bradon is your friend anymore after our last little incident.” Reznar mused.
Tobor forced Herazal’s hands off his shoulders and walked to the master, the guard grabbed his arm. “Why are you setting him free? What will he do for you.” Tobor asked. Reznar’s eyes flashed with anger. He whipped his hand across Tobor’s cheek, “Did I permit you to talk?” He hissed. “Now, to punish you I will allow Herazal to choose. Captain, your guards keep ears out all over our pyramid. Who has Tobor been close with?” He asked. Herazal scratched his chin, “They heard whispers that he was with the Beast, Amaya and Khrazz but apart from that only this worm here.” He motioned to Miro.
The Master glared at Miro and then Tobor. “Give ten lashes to the slave for Tobor’s insubordination and twenty for Tobor lying. Thirty lashes, and you’d better remember them Tobor.” He snarled. Tobor and Tazhyn simultaneously protested but the tumult of objections fell on deaf ears, namely those of Herazal who produced a whip with five strands each with a bronze harpy head glistening at the tip.
Two guards held Miro in place, his back bared while another guard apprehended Tobor. Reznar radiated anger as Tazhyn gaped in horror. The whip sailed through the air with blinding speed and cracked onto the boy’s back. A sharp intake of breath sounded as the harpy heads raked Miro’s skin. Blood trickled down. Again, the whip cracked, spraying blood into the air and to the ground. The breath turned into a gasp of pain. The whip cracked a third time, leaving deep gashes on Miro’s back. Miro let out a low moan.
Tobor could do nothing but watch, anything he did now would make things worse surely. This is what happened at the auction with Bradon, setting off this entire sequence of events. Tobor would have to do nothing.
The whip swung through the air and struck Miro again.
Tobor looked at Reznar, the Master had an evil glint in his dark brown eyes. The Master licked his lips and Tobor felt an intense hatred for the man in that moment. He had ordered the whipping of a child barely older than his own daughter to punish Tobor, what sort of coward does that? Tobor asked himself angrily. The Hightower boy swore to himself that one day, in a year, in two years. However long it took, Tobor would get revenge on Reznar zo Merreq.
The whip cracked on Miro’s back, leaving the boy to emit a gasp of pain.
Tobor could see tears running down Miro’s cheeks as freely as the warm blood that ran down his back. Tobor looked to Tazhyn, she was crying too. Surely, she couldn’t still think her father was as good as she says. How far would she go to obey her father when this was what he was doing?
The whip snapped on the blood-covered back of the Naathi boy.
Herazal was laughing, a perverse grin etched on his face. He drew back his arm holding the whip again, to deliver another lash. He brought his hand down and the whip flew through the air down onto Tazhyn zo Merreq. She had broken free of her father’s grip and jumped in the way of the blow. The whip caught her left forearm as she raised it in defense, one of the individual lashes raked her left cheek as it curled around her arm, cutting deep into her face.
Tazhyn staggered back and fell to the ground as Herazal’s grin drained from his face and Reznar yelled out in anger and bewilderment. The guards holding Miro let go and rushed to the daughter of their Master. They hauled her to her feet and Reznar cradled his daughter, holding his hand over her bleeding face. Herazal stood, petrified to what he’d done. Weakly muttering that he couldn’t have done anything, she had got in the way.
Reznar ordered the guards to take Tazhyn to the Blue Graces, so they would take care of her. He set two guards to take Miro to his cell, then turned on Herazal. “You know how many lashes it is for striking one of the Master’s family, correct?” He asked, his eyes smoldering pits of rage. Herazal stuttered his answer, “T-Two hundred, Master.” Reznar nodded and repeated the number. “Do you think you could survive two hundred? You’ve given out enough of them.” He asked cruelly. Herazal fell to his knees, “Master I beg you, I could not have avoided it. Your daughter ran in front. If I’d have known…”
“Then what? What then, Herazal?” The Master screamed. “You have harmed one of my daughters, one of… The only things I truly care for in this world. You’re lucky I don’t have you flayed alive and fed to your family.” Herazal, looked at the ground miserably, a broken man.
“Herazal, you are relieved from my service.” The Master proclaimed. “You are to enter my services again, as a slave. I will put you in the fighting pits. I believe the tigers haven’t been fed in some time. You and you, take him away.” He pointed to the remaining two guards.
The two guards took the former captain away to his own cell, leaving Reznar and Tobor alone. The Master rubbed his eyes and sighed. “Well Tobor, I wonder what you must think of me and my household. What a mess. I suppose you’re feeling rather smug with how this has turned out. Miro is safe, for now. Tazhyn has been injured but I’m sure you have no qualm with that. And I must look for another captain of the guards. I assure you, one day you will wish that this day had just gone normally for you and you’d never eavesdropped on me.”
Tobor was unsure how to answer. The Master continued. “I know you’re manipulating my daughter, I don’t know what sob story you’ve told her but you Westerosi are all the same; you come here swinging your cocks and destroying everything great about Meereen. I tell you, the day a Westerosi rules Meereen is the day that this beautiful city goes to the dogs.” He spat venomously.
“What? I’m not manipulating Tazhyn!” Tobor exclaimed. “Do not say her name!” Reznar roared. “My daughter is a good child, she is kind hearted and pure. Do not foul her name! You are tainting her with your presence and that’s why she cannot see you ever again. I will not allow it. I cannot allow it. I would take a thousand blades to the heart before allowing it.” A madness glowed in Reznar’s eyes with the blazing fury of a bonfire in the night.
Tobor laughed softly. Reznar exploded with anger and furiously grabbed Tobor by the shoulders, slamming him against the wall. “What is it?” He thundered. Tobor smiled, “Do you know what your daughter told me once?” He asked slyly. Reznar shook his head suspiciously. “After Herazal cut off Bradon’s fingers, I blamed myself. And she comforted me. I said that I would have swapped places with Bradon instantly, and that I was frozen in place so I failed him. But Tazhyn said…” Reznar interrupted by slapping Tobor, “Don’t say her name.” He growled. Tobor could taste blood.
“She said ‘No, Tobor, there are some things even the most powerful of men cannot control. The tides, when the sun rises and the actions of a mad man.’ At the time I thought she was talking about Herazal, after all. He carried out the act. But now, now I see that her words were about you. Your actions are that of a mad man, I cannot control it any more than I can make the sun rise or control when the tides change. How does that feel, Reznar, to know that your prized daughter, the beautiful Tazhyn, thinks of you as a madman?” Tobor finished with a triumphant smirk.
Reznar bellowed like a wounded boar, he struck Tobor in the face with his fist. Leaving the boy to slide down to the floor with blood streaming down his broken nose. Reznar kicked Tobor in the stomach and then the chest. Tobor covered his head with his hands until the assault subsided.
When it was over, Reznar panted and Tobor groaned in pain. “Tazhyn, came to me you know. She asked me to not have you fight a beast, she wanted to see you fight a man, she said. But I knew, that was the start of your manipulation, wasn’t it? As a favour to her, I didn’t do it. But I knew that you had dug your claws into her so I put you against the dothraki, in the hopes that the horse would mean you died.
“Somehow you survived, I will admit it wasn’t a possibility I thought likely. I want you dead, Tobor. I’ve never wanted a slave dead so badly in all my time. But Tazhyn wants you alive, so I cannot simply have you killed otherwise Tazhyn would know. So, I need to wait for you to die in the pit. Don’t worry, your next few weeks will be very eventful. Very eventful indeed.
“As for your next fight, you will be fighting a personal favourite fighter of mine. His name is Ātsio hen gryves, which in your pitiful tongue is Tooth of the Bear, each of his opponents are named his hunter and each one of them has failed in their hunt. You will be his one hundredth hunter. It was scheduled for a week from now, but after the day’s events, I believe it could be moved forward to tomorrow morning. Sleep well Tobor. For tomorrow, we hunt.”
Man, screw Reznar! I've got to say I'm disappointed in Bradon but I'm hoping he can be reasoned with eventually. But man Reznar is a prick. One of his own men now has been punished because his daughter cares for the people he hurts. Loving Tobor though, that courage and defiance was admirable. It was also interesting to see Reznar himself get physical.
Liked the thought about Tazhyn's brown eyes. He's totally into her!
I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the Pitfighters from ther Telltale series. I loved those guys, especially Amaya. I also really liked the charismatic, Bloodsong, wonder if we'll see him?
Did I saw Amaya from telltale game of thrones
Reznar isn't the nicest of people! So far he's been keeping a lot of his rage and anger under the surface but Tobor's words and the fact that Tazhyn has been hurt just made him boil over.
Yeah, I figured that since Tobor was in Meereen and the pit fighters from the game are in Meereen there would be no reason that they couldn't run into each other. Beast and Amaya seemed fairly close in the game, at least to the extent that they knew each other, otherwise why would Amaya choose beast as the guard of the pit? We will see if Bloodsong shows up!
Yes! That's Amaya, the woman from Part 3 and also the big guy is the Beast from the telltale game of thrones too!
I am suprised!
is that a good thing?
It is very cool to see them appear in this story.
I am also expecting to see Blood song and Beshka.Not Asher because It is not cleared that,when he was exiled
Hm, so Tazhyn threw herself into the way of that whip. I am sure this is all part of some plan to win the trust of some slave and...
Ah, what the hell, who am I kidding. You literally break my cynicism in this part and that is a shame, because it's been quality cynicism, crafted with care. How am I supposed to distrust everyone on sight if she just comes around and is just so... genuinely nice and likable? Gaaah, this would be frustrating, if it wouldn't be so damn surprising
It's still something I try to wrap my head around, how she can be so unlike the people around her, but hey, I ain't question it, I take it gladly.
So, I guess Tazhyn is not the only one I was wrong about. Just like how she is a lot better than what I was giving her credit for, Reznar seems quite a lot less collected and pragmatic than I thought. It's a small miracle that guy somehow managed to raise a daughter that is his complete opposite, but come to think of it, it makes sense that a complete failure as a father also fails to instill his values in his children. That is not always a bad thing, as we see here, because that guy is an unhinged lunatic. I'd say, being an unhinged lunatic would make Tazhyn considerably less sympathetic, so Reznar's failure as a father is a good failure here. Turns out, he really is a true son of a bitch and a hypocrite beyond words. Quite probably insane as well, I have no doubts about it. Neither do I doubt that he will try everything to get Tobor killed in the arena from now on. However, Tazhyn has proven willing to help one slave escape, once she catches up to what her father is trying to do, I bet she'll try to help Tobor as well. Maybe that way he can escape for good.
Also, how did I not catch the Beast and Amaya cameos in the last part? Seems like it's getting time to replay the game again...
This was quite the interesting part. Now, Tobar has to step his game up to survive the onslaught of pit fighters he's going to face. Ha, I knew that that woman was Amaya. Her description was just to similar to her, in the game.
I must say; I'm very sorry to disappoint you Liquid! I know how badly you want Tazhyn to be evil
It has been good cynicism, I've enjoyed it haha. I completely understand where you're coming from with the comment about how she is so different from Reznar. To address this I suppose you must think about who else raised her.
Her (as of now, unmentioned) Mother potentially might not have been as mad as her Father, also as the Head of House Merreq, Reznar is a very busy man. In Tazhyn and Mezzara's early childhood most of their time was spent with tutors and their mother while Reznar looked after business. So when you say its a wonder Reznar managed to raise a daughter his complete opposite, that's not quite true. Reznar raised his daughter to the extent that he was there for her childhood to be a father figure, but he wasn't the sole role model she had. I hope this makes sense. I also hope that firstly; you don't think of Tazhyn as a one dimensional character, and secondly, if you do; I hope your opinion will change as the story progresses and I add more depth to all characters.
Now now, lets not be hasty, Tazhyn didn't help a slave escape, she simply protected Miro from what she thought was wrong. So she wont necessarily organise a slave rebellion for Tobor!
Haha I was surprised that more people didn't realise it was Beast and Amaya! Big hulking figure who wants to eat people and addresses people as "Little man" and a dark skinned woman with scars on her face and she's quite angry. I'm also glad that not many people saw it, because it means I wasn't too obvious with it!!
Tobor will have to up his game. A lot. Yes you did! I didn't want to just admit it though!!
I do absolutely not want her to be evil
Have I truly left such an impression? Nah, I simply did not buy a single word of hers out of completely healthy, well-founded and entirely rational mistrust against anything and anyone that moves in Meereen, but as they say, actions speak more than a thousand words. That's literally what I was waiting for this entire time. Also, nay, after my initial distrust of her, I surely do not see her as a one dimensional character. I mean, I really can't believe I have been completely wrong with every single thing I ever said about her, even if I obviously have been mostly in the wrong. It remains to be seen, for example, how she would react if Tobor might ultimately be forced to kill her father to gain his freedom. I must say though, I have never thought of her mother before. That also makes me wonder, maybe Reznar himself used to be different? If he married a genuinely kind woman who raised Tazhyn in this way, maybe he once actually won her love through something.
Also, ah, I never meant that she'd start a slave rebellion. Disillusioned she might be, but I cannot see her ever putting her family in danger. But to me, it seems as if her sending Miro away had signs of her implying she's willing to help him escape. Maybe the same can be done for Tobor, that she bribes a guard, gives him a key and sends him on his way to get him as far away from her madman of a father as possible. I guess that might be something she wouldn't be too opposed to, especially if the alternative is Tobor's death in the arena in increasingly dangerous challenges. Speaking of, I bet from now on he only gets animals, the one thing he never wanted to fight against.
I also really do not know how I haven't seen the similarities
Like, I saw them and was like "Huh, that guy does remind me of the Beast... nah, I'm sure he's a different character" and pretty much brushed it off. Amaya should have been a dead giveaway though, particularly after Tales speculated into that direction. Really, I saw Khrazz but not Amaya?
Well in the future we will see how Tazhyn reacts to the different oacasions, opportunities and general sticky situations coming the way of our gang in Meereen. I'm glad you don't think of her as one dimensional, I havnt had quite enough time to completely flesh out her character, but neither have I had enough time with Tobor yet so more is to come! Depending on the sort of woman her mother is, its entirely possible Reznar used to be a (somewhat) good man. Of course, we don't know if Tazhyn's mother is dead, missing, fled, a slave or simply unintroduced as of now. But I'm sure we will find out at some point.
No, Tazhyn isn't the sort of person to start a slave rebellion. She would never willingly put her family in harms way. Hmm I wonder, when you say "Tazhyn sent Miro away" are you referring to the part when she wants Miro to leave so he doesn't get hurt? If so then that is less a sign she is willing to help him escape, and more just that she thinks of Miro as a friend. When Miro was captured by slavers he was looked after by Tazhyn and over the 3ish years hes been a slave they've become friends. Tazhyn is very unlikely to help a slave escape. She takes a daughter's duty to their father very seriously. Although I wonder how much this incident would change her mind. of course she may know about her father's outburst and be okay with it. I guess we have to wait and see.
I was very surprised when you recognised Khrazz, he was just a name I dropped in from the book as a little easter egg!
Lil' Update
Sorry about the slightly late post everyone, I've been a bit ill over the past few days so haven't had much time to write. I'm fine now! I'm almost finished on the next part, I hope to have it out possibly tonight, probably tomorrow.
We Light the Way
Cold Steel and High Stakes
Part 1
Tobor had been awake for hours. After Reznar had left the previous night, he’d had a guard posted outside Tobor’s cell that struck his cudgel on the bars every few minutes, pulling Tobor from what little sleep he managed to get in the interval between the waking. As time passed, the hour of the bat blurred into the hour of the wolf and still, Tobor got little rest.
As the sun rose in the early hours of the morning, shining over the city of the harpy, light glinted off the street and into Tobor’s little window. Tobor Hightower woke with a start, he felt awful. The guard posted must have gotten bored at some point, or been relieved, as Tobor had finally managed to sleep. Tiredness clung to him like a frightened child as he dragged himself from the straw mattress and blearily rubbed his eyes, yawning widely.
With a start of realisation, Tobor’s stomach curled up and felt like an empty pit as he remembered what was happening that day. Reznar’s words came back to him; “Tomorrow, we hunt.” Tobor would need to hunt.
Tobor didn’t want to admit it, but he was afraid. Was this Ātsio hen gryves a man? He wanted to think so but the name “Tooth of the Bear” made him wonder if he was to fight a bear. Could that be possible? Reznar had said that Tazhyn asked for him not to fight animals so he didn’t, as a favour to her. Would this favour continue? Tobor prayed it would.
A rattle of key in lock alerted Tobor to the guard’s presence. The door swung open, revealing the man. He told Tobor to follow him in a bored, monotonous voice. After dressing himself in his black breeches and boots, Tobor complied. The two of them followed the route to the arena in silence. Tobor thought back to home, he knew he shouldn’t, it was a distraction. He should be preparing himself for the fight but he couldn’t help himself. He thought of the gardens in Oldtown, standing beneath the might of the Hightower. Tobor was allowed to play there from when the shadow of the tower touched the gardens to when the shadow passed over the entirety of the beautiful flowers. A way of telling the time.
Tobor had had his first kiss in the gardens, the daughter of a bannerman of his fathers: A Beesbury or Mullendore Tobor thought. He wasn’t quite sure. Those gardens held so many memories for the Hightower boy. Practicing wrestling with his brothers, Mace and Kallum when Edwin was just a small boy, not old enough for fighting. It didn’t just hold happy memories for him however. The gardens were the last place Tobor had seen any of his family before leaving to join Gethrys in his voyage for the wall.
After arguing with his father for weeks about leaving King’s Landing, Tobor had decided to join the Watch. When Gethrys arrived, Tobor had little under an hour to manage his affairs before the ship sailed. Still fuming at his father, he decided not to talk to him, instead electing to visit his brothers who were resting in the gardens.
It was a hot day and Kallum and Edwin were topless, laying on the lush grass. Mace was hacking at a tree with a blunted practice sword. Tobor walked over to his brothers, feeling sentimental that this would be the last time he would see his brothers in a very long time. Kallum looked up at his older brother and grinned. “Tobor! Here to see your big brother? Come, relax in the sun.” Tobor smiled sadly, “You aren’t my big brother, Kallum, when do I have to stop reminding you I’m older?”
Edwin rolled his eyes, “Stop responding to it Tobor, he’s only doing it to get a reaction from you.” He said in his young voice. Kallum gasped in mock belief, “I would never do that!” He said cheekily. Tobor gently kicked him in the side, “No of course not Kallum.” He agreed.
Kallum chuckled, “So, you and father still at war?” He asked. Edwin sat up, propping himself on his elbows. Tobor nodded, “That’s actually why I’m here. I’m leaving.” He said simply. Edwin opened his mouth in surprise, Kallum stood up. “Brother, why?” He said, shocked.
Tobor shrugged, “This isn’t a place for me anymore, I had a place at King’s Landing. I was someone there, ‘The esteemed squire of Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.’ I would have been a Knight, I would have been someone. Here I’m just Tobor Hightower, second son of the fourth son of the Lord of Hightower. I won’t ever be Lord Hightower. I can’t go back to King’s Landing, Robert’s dead. Stark is dead. Ser Barristan has been removed as Lord Commander and the Knight I squired for in the city watch has died, killed by some peasant. I don’t have a place there.” He said sadly.
Edwin looked as though he was on the verge of tears. Poor boy, Tobor thought, eleven namedays and having to say goodbye to his brother. Tobor knelt down to his little brother’s level and rested a hand on the boy’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, Ser Edwin, you’ll be fine. Next time I see you, you’ll be a knight.” Edwin smiled weakly, “I will be Ser Edwin the Bold, like Barristan!” He paused. “Where are you going?” Edwin asked, bottom lip trembling. “I’m going to join the Night’s Watch, find honour there.” Tobor said. Edwin looked sad, “But the Wall is so far away! And so high, what if you fall off?” He said shakily.
Tobor made a dismissive noise to show Edwin he wasn’t scared. “They say the Hightower is taller than the Wall, I’ve never fallen off that.” He said reassuringly. Edwin grinned, “Yes, Ser Tobor the Fearless!”
Kallum wasn’t convinced as easily. “And the wildlings? Tobor this is madness, you should stay here. With your family.” He said brusquely. “You know I can’t Kallum, you understand how father can get. And that was before mother and his hunting accident as well. The milk of the poppy just makes things worse.” Tobor said.
“You can’t leave now Tobor! Mother’s death almost broke father’s mind, and then the accident almost broke his body! Uncle Aldin and him were the best of friends before mother’s death but it just drove them apart and he left. Father has no-one except for his children. Mace is leaving soon for the Riverlands, I’m going to be here for a year or so then I expect I’ll squire for someone. You’ll leave him and Edwin alone. What you’re doing is selfish and you know it. You can’t run and hide from your problems, soon enough you’ll tire and they’ll catch you tenfold worse than before.” Kallum exclaimed.
Tobor looked away, not wanting to let his brother see his shame. “I’m not running.” He protested quietly. “I’m not selfish. The Watch is the place for me.” Kallum shook his head, disappointed. “Well I see I won’t change your mind.” He said bluntly. “At least tell me you’ll talk to father before you leave.” Kallum looked at Tobor expectantly. Tobor sighed, Edric had been angry with Tobor for weeks since his return; shouting at him, telling him he was weak, accusing him of bringing shame on the family. Did his father deserve a farewell?
[Say goodbye to Edric] [Leave without saying goodbye]
Tobor and the guard had reached the end of the passageway. Tobor wondered what selection of weapons there would be. This Ātsio hen Gryves would need to be fought with versatile weapon suited to all types of combat, Tobor thought. Perhaps a spear? A spear would be a counter to an animal with it’s long reach. A bear could perhaps be kept at bay with a spear. The guard opened the door to the weapons room and shoved Tobor inside, standing watch as Tobor hit the ground.
Biting back curses, Tobor got to his feet and stared at the guard bitterly. As a response, the guard pulled his cudgel half out of his belt, warning the boy. Tobor got the message and turned around to face the table, ready to choose a weapon for the coming fight.
The table was almost bare, save for one fragile looking sword. It’s hand-and-a-half grip was frayed, the leather coming apart. The crossguard had been bent out of shape and the left side of it had snapped off halfway. The silver blade was long but notched. Tobor picked it up to test the weight. Something felt wrong. The blade’s balance was mismatched to the hilt. Scrunching up his face in concentration, Tobor inspected the sword. He ran his eyes up and down the weapon. When he looked at the point, his heart leapt and battered against his ribs.
The point was rounded. Tobor shook his head, “No, it can’t be.” It was. Tobor Hightower had been sent to the slaughterhouse with a blunted practice sword to fight with.
Cursing, Tobor ran his thumb across the edge of the blade. Blunt. He hacked at the table in anger, with an anguished yell. The edge dented the table but didn’t bite. Throwing the sword down in disgust he leant against the wall, unsure what to do.
“What the fuck are you doing boy? Get in there before I cut off your hand and throw you in the pit!” Came the angry voice of the guard. Tobor banged his fists on the door, “You’ve got to help me! I’ve been given the wrong weapon. This one’s blunt!” He shouted. The guard laughed, “Nice try, nobody’s tried that one with me before.” He chuckled.
“I’m being serious, I swear it. Please!” Tobor begged. “Listen, get in there now or I will throw you in.” The guard said tautly. “Last warning boy.” Tobor paused, debating trying again. Then it hit him. The realisation dawned over him like the morning sun. The blunted sword, the weapons room, who had the task of setting up the weapons for the fighters? Bradon.
Tobor swelled with rage. Bradon had done this! He’d somehow swapped out the selection of weapons for a practice sword. But could Reznar have had something to do with it? It made a certain amount of sense. How would Bradon get hold of a practice sword and wouldn’t someone have noticed? Whether it was Bradon or Reznar and Bradon, it meant Bradon was almost guaranteed to have a role in it. This could be the act that gets Bradon free.
Tobor was furious, how could Bradon do this? Reznar, he understood. But not Bradon. Tobor would never betray a friend, never. After he survived this fight; for he would survive Tobor told himself, he would pay Bradon and Reznar a visit. But who to go and speak to? Reznar could be the mastermind behind it, but Bradon could have just been acting alone. Wouldn’t it be too big a risk talking to Reznar? And Bradon almost definitely had a role in it whereas Reznar perhaps might have.
[Talk to Reznar] [Talk to Bradon]
The Guard burst through the door before Tobor could make up his mind, “Right you little cunt, time’s up.” The guard grabbed Tobor, he was a big man, and the boy dropped the sword. Tobor struggled but the guard dragged him towards the arena door, kicking it open with a strike from his boot. The blast of arid air washed over Tobor again, the guard swung him around and threw him down into the sand of the arena. Tobor spat out a mouthful of sand and spit, then rubbed down his body. The sand had stuck to the sweat that glistened over his torso.
He turned towards the door again, watching the guard vanish into the hallway. “Wait!” Tobor screamed. The guard turned with an evil grin and tossed the practice sword into the arena with him. “I suppose it was blunt after all. Good luck.” With that the door was slammed shut, leaving Tobor to listen to the shouts and cheers for blood.
With sword in hand Tobor scanned the arena, it was full to the brim with people. Tobor couldn’t see a single empty seat. Perfect, he thought bitterly, at least people think I’m worthy of a spectacle. Then he looked to the middle of the pit, and he had his first sight of the thing people had come to see. Ātsio hen Gryves. Thank the gods, Tobor thought, just a man. But what a man he was.
Tobor could see why he was called Tooth of the Bear. He was built like a bear, huge grizzled shoulders and a massive chest covered with a mat of hair. He was taller than the Beast. His furious eyes stared at Tobor, set under a heavy brow with thick eyebrows. A bushy beard covered his chin,sharp jaw and cheeks. Around one shoulder curled a long braid of hair like a python, the other held the only armour he wore, a shoulder plate made of leather. Along the middle of the plate there were four huge teeth, jutting out like bones.
He wore brown breeches made of what Tobor assumed to be bear fur, they were complemented with a belt that had teeth hanging from it. Wrapped around his tree trunk thighs were cords and strings, each of them had several teeth attached to them, from whom the fighter received his name. His brown boots had the same teeth reaching out.
Mammoth arms gave way to meaty hands, each grasping a different weapon. In his right he held a club. But no club Tobor had ever seen before. It had a long, thick wooden shaft but running along the sides like spines were dozens of bear teeth. Some long, some short. All sharp. At the end of the club the teeth stopped and a human skull adorned the tip, jawless in an empty scream. In his left hand he held a short sword that glinted ugly in the sun.
Ātsio hen Gryves turned away from Tobor and faced the crowd behind him, he threw up his arms and gave a mighty roar, the crowd responding in kind. Tobor looked to the box where he knew Reznar would be. The Master was sat on his chair drinking wine, eyes locked on Tobor. When he saw Tobor looking he raised his cup mockingly and inclined his head. Tobor spat on the floor. Next to Reznar sat Tazhyn looking uncomfortable, she had a bandage wrapped around her face. Why was she here? Had she been forced by her father?
A shout distracted Tobor. “Jēnqῑblie Arghurys! Sir ῑlon arghugon!” Tobor snapped round to face the gruff voice. It was Low Valyrian, Tobor had no doubt, but he couldn’t be bothered to think about translating it. He knew it was something about hunting. “I’m here to kill you, not for a language lesson. You don’t look much like Maester Rueben. Are you a Maester?” Tobor said casually. Ātsio hen Gryves dropped his sword and grabbed hold of his crotch provocatively in response. Tobor raised an eyebrow, “Gods, the Citadel are letting anyone in these days.”
“Fuck your Westerosi bravado!” Yelled Ātsio hen Gryves, “I can see you shitting your breeches right now.” Despite Tobor’s brave front, the pit fighter spoke an element of truth. Tobor was afraid, fear clawed at him like a drowning man trying to stay afloat.
Ātsio hen Gryves continued, “I welcome you to your death, you will find it here in the pit. It is here waiting for you. But first we must fight, and first you must hunt. I have faced the hunt seventy-nine times before and will not be slain today.” He turned towards the crowd and spoke to them in Low Valyrian. “Iksan Ātsio hen Gryves se kesῑr iksis se Jēnqῑblie Arghurys!” He roared. The crowd roared back, chanting Arghurys over and over.
“How do you wish to die?” The pit fighter asked. Tobor readied his practice sword. “An honourable thing to ask, I’m sure.” Tobor responded calmer than he was. The Bear nodded, “It is a great honour to die in the pit. Each and every name of those fallen is carved into the exterior.” He growled in his gruff, deep voice. “Then you should know, the Master has pitted you in a dishonourable fight. I have been given no weapon, this is a practice sword, it has a dull edge.” Tobor said desperately. He knew it was a fool’s hope.
Ātsio hen Gryves looked suspicious. “Many have lied to me before in this pit. I wear the scars of placing my trust in such cowards. You swear this is true?” He asked. Tobor nodded fervently, “I swear it by the Old gods and the new, and by all gods known to men.”
Ātsio hen Gryves nodded, “Then I believe you.” He stated. Tobor lowered the point of his sword, just a fraction. “So, what happens now?” He asked. Ātsio hen Gryves shrugged, “In the jungle, if a cat’s teeth are broken and it’s claws are dull a man will still hunt it. And will the cat no longer fight, plead with the man to lay down his spear and they part ways?” Tobor sighed, “So. We fight.” He said, resigned to battle. Ātsio hen Gryves nodded his agreement. “We hunt.”
Ātsio hen Gryves moved with blinding speed to swipe his sword down at Tobor’s head. The boy parried the blow away from his head but the strength behind it smashed the bottom edge of Tobor’s sword into his shoulder; leaving Ātsio hen Gryves’ sword resting atop Tobor’s blade. As Tobor gasped with pain, the Bear scraped his shortsword across the dull one towards Tobor’s face, sending sparks flying. Tobor whipped his head back out of the way and felt a sharp impact on his cheek. The point of the sword had cut deep into his face, by his cheekbone, leaving a nasty cut under his eye. Tobor was pretty sure the blade had hit bone.
Ātsio hen Gryves left him no respite, continuing the fight with a sweep across Tobor’s chest with his club. Tobor jumped backwards, moving his torso out of the hungry bite of the many teeth on the club. Blood poured down his cheek, some into his mouth. Tobor’s sweaty fingers grasped harder onto the frayed handle of his sword. If the blade had been sharp it would have sheared into my shoulder just then, Tobor thought. He laughed bitterly. Bradon may have just saved his life.
Ātsio hen Gryves looked confused as to why Tobor laughed but maintained his relentless assault with two simultaneous backhand slices, the club on top and the sword below. Tobor ducked beneath them as Ātsio hen Gryves finished with his arms held out away from his body, away from his unprotected chest. Tobor capitalised and stood up quickly, he slashed his sword at the torso of the Bear. As he did so, he turned away and dived forward into a roll to escape the grasp of Ātsio hen Gryves.
Standing up straight, Tobor looked back, cursing himself when remembering his blade was dull. He’d been expecting a huge red gash running up the Bear’s chest. But the blunt sword had done little more than stroke the big man. Ātsio hen Gryves laughed, “I suppose your sword really is dull. My hunt will be over soon Arghurys.” He said. Tobor rolled his eyes, “Oh fuck off, would you?” He said.
Ātsio hen Gryves did not. He instead thrust the end of the club at Tobor’s face, the boy whipped his wrist around, parrying the club like a spear, sending it careening into the sand. However, this left Tobor defenseless while Ātsio hen Gryves had another weapon. He used his other weapon in a slash at Tobor’s undefended chest. Tobor leant backwards to avoid the sword and Ātsio hen Gryves stepped forwards and with one of his great boots, kicked Tobor in the chest sending him flying back.
Tobor landed with a thud in the sand, his chest throbbing. Gods he hoped his ribs weren’t broken, or bruised. Ātsio hen Gryves advanced and with both weapons at the same time, struck down on the boy at his feet. Tobor grabbed the blade of his sword and put his sword up into the air as a shield. The club and shortsword collided with the practice sword, crushing it down closer to Tobor’s chest. Tobor was lying down on the sand, managing to hold his sword up only thanks to his elbows which were dug into the sand.
Ātsio hen Gryves pressed harder and Tobor’s elbows dug more into the sand. The teeth on the club reached out hungrily, inches from Tobor’s bare skin. Tobor’s elbows dug further into the sand with the force from the Bear’s blade. The teeth tickled Tobor’s chest, sharp enough to draw beads of blood. Tobor winced in pain as the teeth bit deeper. Tobor couldn’t hold on for any longer, the whole ordeal had lasted seconds but he was out of time. As his elbows sunk further into the sand, the teeth bit into his skin and Tobor yelled out in pain, pushing forwards on just his sword handle and with desperate strength, tilting his sword. As he did so, Ātsio hen Gryves’ weapons dropped into the sand and Tobor kicked up into between the Bear’s tree trunk thighs.
Ātsio hen Gryves roared in pain stumbling back. Tobor jumped to his feet, covered in sweat and sand, blood pouring down his face and down his chest from dozens of wounds. Tobor was dizzy, his head felt clouded. With a roar of anger, Ātsio hen Gryves charged at Tobor and swiped with his sword. Tobor parried it and stamped on the blade, forcing it from Ātsio hen Gryves’ hands. The Bear growled and tried to swing his club at Tobor. The boy couldn’t move his sword fast enough to counter it, so he did the only thing he could. Tobor grabbed hold of the club with his left hand, stopping it from penetrating his side. Tobor stared at the back of his hand.
Something was wrong, he could feel an intense pain from his hand but couldn’t quite make out what was wrong. Things were blurry. His hand was an odd shape, there was some sort of bump on the back of his hand. Tobor squinted at it, and it came into focus with another spike of pain. One of the teeth on the club had dug it’s way through Tobor’s palm and out of the back, staring at Tobor. The Bear had both hands on his club.
Ātsio hen Gryves laughed, “The bear’s bite!” He howled. Tobor frowned, “W-We Light the Way.” He muttered. The Bear scowled, “I don’t give two shits!” He growled. Tobor was dizzy again. Tobor swung with his sword at the face of his opponent. The metal hit flesh with a dull crunch. The tooth in Tobor’s hand slid out with a wet sound sending a blast of pain sparking up his arm, clearing his head. Ātsio hen Gryves shuddered and put a hand on his face where the sword had hit him. When he took it away, Tobor could see that the skin on his cheek had been split, giving way to the cracked bone underneath.
Tobor stepped forward shakily, he felt so dizzy. Remembering how pain woke him up before, he poked his middle finger into the wound in his palm. A wave of pain crashed over him, and his vision went white. Then it washed away and Tobor could see clearly. Blood dropped from his face, chest and hand, yet still Tobor Hightower stumbled towards his prey.
Ātsio hen Gryves aimed a slash at Tobor’s chest, the boy weakly dodged out of the way, the skull on the club crashed into Tobor’s stomach, smashing into one of his wounds. Tobor gasped in pain and saw a little clearer. The Bear struck across, two handed over his shoulder at the boy and Tobor held his sword in two hands to parry it. The impact stung Tobor’s palm and the pain cleared up his mind. The pit fighter brought his club straight down onto Tobor’s head. Or where Tobor’s head would have been, had he not stumbled out of the way.
Looking down at the club dug into the sand of the pit, Tobor raised his sword for a blow. The blade cut through the air and clashed onto Ātsio hen Gryves’ hand where he held the club. With a yelp of pain, the Bear dropped his weapon and looked up at Tobor, cradling his broken thumb in his other hand. The Hightower boy whipped his practice sword up, clattering into the pit fighter’s chin. His head snapped upwards and he fell back with a grunt of pain.
In a dizzy fit of rage, Tobor jumped forwards, straddling the chest of Ātsio hen Gryves. He brought the blunted sword onto the face of his prey over and over again, reveling in the feeling of metal on flesh. Blood flew and bone crunched as Tobor pounded, feeling all the anger and power he felt at the slave auction. Then he stopped. Ātsio hen Gryves groaned in pain, his broken face oozing blood, crumpled.
Tobor looked to the crowd. They were silent. Tobor looked to Reznar, the Master was white faced and gripping the arm rests of his chair as though he were strangling it. A man in a hooded cloak stood in front of where Tazhyn’s chair was, talking to Reznar, Tobor didn’t know if she was still there. Reznar nodded, furious.
Tobor grew angry, Reznar had done this, he was sure of it. He’d been betrayed by Bradon and Reznar, they were trying to kill him. Tobor would show them what he thought of that. He looked round and spotted Ātsio hen Gryves’ shortsword. An idea sprang into his clouded mind, he would show them. Tobor stumbled to the sword, then walked back. He knelt down over the still breathing, twitching body of Ātsio hen Gryves. Tobor drew the sword back and hacked at the neck of the pit fighter. He would make a message of it, send it to Reznar. The blade cut into the thick muscles, sending a gush of blood to the sand which drank it eagerly.
Tobor hacked again, the blade cut deeper. More blood. Tobor drew the sword back once more. Ātsio hen Gryves had stopped breathing. Tobor’s own breath caught in his throat. He was so dizzy, but what was he doing? Should he stop or did Reznar need to see this?
[Send a Message] [Throw the Sword away]
[Say goodbye to Edric][Talk to Bradon][Send a Message] Awsome part the fight was super cool and I liked the flashback. I have a feeling Tobor is going to become the king of the pit.
[Say goodbye to Edric] Tobor would always regret it if he didn't. Especially since he'll likely never see his father again.
[Talk to Reznar] I don't want Tobor to confront Bradon just yet. I have hope that he might still be a friend. Reznar is Tobor's true enemy. It was him who turned Bradon against Tobor and it's him who is out for Tobor's blood and punishing his friends.
[Send a Message] Fuck it! Go all out! Show Reznar that Tobor isn't fucking around and won't go down easy.
Loved seeing that dark side of Tobor again, it's so exciting! Tobor is great. This might actually be my favorite part so far.
I had a feeling you'd like this part because of Tobor's dark side!
Now I'm thinking that I've given you the impression that I'm a psychopath!
haha don't worry!! I understand the interest in Tobor's dark side, it just adds another layer to his character that's really fun to write and explore. Hopefully it's fun to read!
It's so fun to read! I just really enjoy seeing characters go dark.
[Say goodbye to Edric]
Well, this is his father we're talking about. Differences or not, he's family and I am sure if Tobor leaves without a goodbye, both are forever going to regret parting like this. Sure, he does not know yet what danger he is truly going to get into, but even then, I think it's only right to say goodbye to family before leaving forever.
[Talk to Bradon]
I got no doubt Bradon is involved in this, that shit. Thing is, confronting Reznar, what good could it bring? Worse than that, what could Tobor possibly achieve? If Reznar wants to, he could always just kill Tobor openly and nobody could do a thing to stop him. So, he ordered to give him a blunt sword, what's Tobor going to do about it? I bet he'd just admit it and then continue to think of a better way to trick Tobor next time. Bradon meanwhile, he is the tool Reznar relies on. I doubt we will get through to him, but if we manage to turn him back to Tobor's side, maybe things can actually change. Reznar will continue to rely on Bradon, who however can then warn Tobor in time. Maybe a bit of a foolish hope, but I can't see any benefit of talking to Reznar, so it's Bradon by default for me.
[Send a Message]
Ah, a shame, I actually kinda liked that Atsio guy, as inevitable as his demise has been. Seemed like a real badass son of a bitch, but as it turns out, Tobor is more badass. That was quite a brutal scene, let's top it with a brutal message, showing Reznar that this slave is no one to be fucked with. Might not do much to impress his master, but it could actually impress other members of the nobility present. One thing I kinda just thought of, Reznar wants Tobor gone. Maybe, if one of the other masters is interested enough, he could buy him for a nice sum. That would already put Tobor out of danger of being killed by a vengeful madman. And maybe this new master is more benevolent, allowing Tobor to leave freely once having brought him enough coin, therefore giving him back his freedom, something he can never hope for while being the slave of Reznar. Might be a bit far fetched, but certainly, sending a message would be the right way to approach such an option.
[Say goodbye to Edric]
[Talk to Bradon]
[Send a Message]
That was intense.