Mcsm roleplay forum owner: GLAtaDOS
Welcome people it is me the admin (GLAtaDOS) welcome to the new beacon town
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Welcome people it is me the admin (GLAtaDOS) welcome to the new beacon town
No! Not that Llama again! Run for your lives or it'll bite us badly!
Don't worry! I have my iron sword, Soren!
(Llama eats the iron sword) (Llama bited Soren badly) Ouuuuuuuuch! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! It'll keep biting us! Do you have another weapon Lukes?
No, But we can use our fists! -Rolls a spit from the llama and tries to slam fist into its jaw-
Or, we can use the best weapon in the world!
(Soren farted hardly on Llama's face) (Llama got killed by Soren's fart)
Oh com on! It's funny, isn't it?
Yes! At last! We killed the Llama!
(Llama respawned and brings more Llama with her)
Oh com on! I can't fart again!
(Llamas start biting Soren and Lukas)
jesse rides one of the llamas and goes against soren and lukas, these latter scared, flee. Jesse leads all the lamas to stella, and live happily at the end of time. end.
When one story ends, another one begin!
(Soren noises)
Jesse: "Soren, what are you doing exactly?"
Oh! Don't sneak at me like that! I was doing personal things!
Petra: I'm outta here.
(Soren picked up the commandblock)
If you go, I'll kill you!
Jesse: "How could you be so pathetic?".
Jesse: " Hi Petra !".
I'm not patheticing! I'm just trying to do something!
Like running away?
Jesse: "Why does he have to run away?"
(Petra pulls out sword) Not if I can kill you first!
Petra: Hi Jesse! Uh one question. When did Soren return? I thought he ran away from the witherstorm and never came back.
(After that Soren ran away from the wither storm, we all thought that he'll never come back, but he decided to pay a visit to Jesse).
Do you hear that?
Yes it's cassie rose coming to get revenge!
Oh no! We need to run!
Jesse: "Wait! What are you talking about? you do not follow the story, it's confused".
Are you the narrator?
[I am Lokie in the RP, I look similar to Jesse because of the admin.)
I am the Admin and I'm finishing this rp
(No,but since we have started the story, we have to follow the beginning, aren't you confused? They talked about Soren, then Cassie Rose and NOW the admin, and... Lokie? Who looks like Jesse because of him?).
(You have all the right to be narrator, and create your own story in this thread, but you have to wait until one of the narrator finish it, to begin your own, you can also contribute and play in his story, following his start).
/kill Petra
No! I was just handsoming myself!
Or we can use the commandblock! "/kill cassie rose" "Commandblock Eror" No! what did just happend?
Microsoft: You can't do that!
Admin was deleted from minecraft by Microsoft.
Wait, Why am i not back to normal?!?!
Why Admin did do that?