Avesta vs Selina...who is the better woman for Bruce ?
Two strong women, respect Batman and have good chemistry with Bruce. BruceVesta !!!!
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Two strong women, respect Batman and have good chemistry with Bruce. BruceVesta !!!!
Selina and Bruce are meant to be together if you ask me. They're both naturally drawn to each other's energy and i like their dynamic, both as adversaries and as partners. Plus Selina is pretty reasonable and awesome in this season, she grew up a lot since s1.
Avesta seemed promising in episode 1 but hardly anything noteworthy has happened for me to say that she has "good chemistry" with Bruce. She isn't a capable fighter like Selina and there is something cold about her. Wouldn't surprise me if she ended up being a villain. Players are too quick to trust a pretty face.
there was always something special about selina...

So many of these posts, but fine here we go again
Selina and Bruce is the best fit imo.
A lot of posters have commented on comparing the two on this thread at great length :: https://telltale.com/community/discussion/116791/will-iman-avesta-and-bruce-wayne-have-some-potential-romance#latest.
There really is an absurd amount of these threads lol. But I'm also a trash BatCat shipper. No shame
Neither for me. I’d most likely just keep Bruce single.
Do we go with the character we know is morally gray or one who we hope is morally upstanding? Honestly, it's too early to call. I want to say Avesta but don't want to be burned and have it turn out like Morgryn or Vicki.
It's almost pointless to debate now. Telltale have made it rather clear Avesta is not a romantic interest. I really had this vibe in episode 1, I was hoping Telltale would do it and then I saw the episodes title screens and I knew this would not be possible.
Point. You have a good point. Although, I think it's fair to say that there doesn't seem to much choice at all given how hard they've pushed Bruce and Selina in ep 3. It seems like TT is going to give us a choice between not different women but Selina or no one. And then, very likely, Selina might just reject Bruce only to have Bruce be alone again at the end of the game.
I hope for those that want their Bruce to be happy that she'll stick around if you saved her life. Or if you even give her certain/correct responses if you ratted her out.
Depending on how everything plays out I may be inclined for my Bruce to at least start letting people in, but for the most part he's a loner. So it wouldn't really affect my play-through but I definitely get how it would suck for everyone else. But I suppose they would still have Alfred and maybe even Tiffany, if they told her the secret.
I think everyone knows what my view is about this. I want Avesta and I REALLY don't want just like you @ShampaFK I don't a villain that just reveals itself has one like Vicki in S1
Selina asked me last year why don't we don't we just leave..my response was.

I've been following your comments on this subforum... and I have to say that our opinions on this game and our decisions are absolutely the same! Seriously! Are you my long lost twin brother?
Lol. Depends on how old you are.
Eheh, I guess I overreacted
anyway, it's nice to see someone who shares my views. I'm 100% on your side.
Thanks! Pretty cool to see.
I think Telltale is aware that Avesta has gathered quite a fan base. The reddit ama showed that as well. They obviously have plans of some sort with her.
Hopefully there is a chance at Avesta.
I dont quite understand the hype around her, to be fair we have not seen alot of her and we pretty much know nothing personal about her except shes a fan of Batman and she grow up in Gotham?
I think it's the fact that she tried risking her life for her colleagues. She begs Batman to answer Riddler's riddles despite that it'll mean her death and she continues to do it even after experiencing the pain that comes with the blast from Riddler's contraption. I can definitely see how she's an awesome character just based off that. I'd go as far to say that she's a better person than Selina. We've seen that Selina wants to change and be better but she just about helped kill people in season 1, if it hadn't been for Batman she'd technically be an accessory to murder.
Don't get me wrong, I still don't want an extra option in this season. But I can get why people would want it.
Selina's that morally gray character and Harley is the full-on bad character, both have their appeal but so far Bruce's options are of those with questionable morals whereas Avesta would be morally equivalent to a selfless Bruce.
I say neither. Tiffany would be on par with Bruce intellectually. A relationship with Bruce would certainly give her more impetus to create new tech to protect him. Harley is threatening to hurt Tiffany at the end of 3...maybe the choice in 4 and/or 5 future will come down to saving Catwoman, or Tiffany.
I thought that scene was one of the best of the season.
Great response, I almost forgot about the end scene with Riddler in Episode one.
Certainly made a strong impression on me as well. Courage does not run much deeper than that.
GamerLady pretty much summed it up. I think it is this instance in Ep 1 in Riddler's cage that is what impressed some players with Avesta. It also instilled a sense that it might be safe to emotionally attach to that character from a very untrustworthy Agency, as well as established that she just might not be another Vicki Vale. It wouldn't make sense for a character to willingly encourage their own sacrifice for others and have that in depth villain life on the back burner.
After being abandoned by CatWoman ( or just feeling betrayed if they didn't romance her ), and not necessarily wanting to get involved with Harley Quinn ( whether out of loyalty to John, they find her too much more extreme, whatever rubbed them the wrong way ), some are still looking for a connection to someone.
As someone mentioned above, if I’m going for someone moral it’d be Tiffany.
I feel like Bruce for me is more of an uncle figure for Tiffany.
That's how I see it at least. She is the daughter of one of our closest friend god damn. I would never even think about dating her.
She must be nearly a decade younger than Bruce is as well.
Lucius will remember that
oh, wait...
Well the age gap is not really that big to be fair so in that scenario its not a huge issue but I agree with @Zjaa6 their relationship is more like a family one...
Bruce is around 30. Tiffany is a college graduate which would put her at 22-24. A difference of 6-8 year’s is hardly anything to be grossed out about. Hell, neither is a decade difference as long as both are adults.
Bruce was like a son to Lucius. Might as well make it official. ?
Look at the Flash tv show. Barry married Iris and Iris was practically a sister to Barry growing up with Iris’s dad raising them both.
I’m not actually expecting a Bruce/Tiffany romance, but it’d hardly be weird.
None, I would like the ship her with Bruce but she is too young because the hottest DC girl in my opinion is Supergirl from Injustice 2.

She's in her mid-to-early twenties and he's 32. It's not that bad. If she were under 21, that'd be super weird and gross. And some women just can't resist them older guys. They gots it goin' on yah know?
But I agree with you in the fact that she seems more like Bruce's little sister or something. But at the same time I don't get why my Bruce should really care about her other than that she's Lucius' daughter. I hope they give those that turned her away a better reason to trust her with the secret. Like I get why Bruce has had to prove he's trustworthy, he did admit to being involved in Lucius' death, but I feel like she needs to show she's trustworthy too. Some of us aren't getting the dialogue that shows how and if they are close.
I think Bruce can fill the father type figure in her life, to have someone else watching over her.
The age difference between them is honestly nothing, as you said. Once all parties are over 21, age gaps aren't really disturbing in the slightest. I don't currently ship them, but it's because they lack chemistry together nothing against the arrangement. That's not to say they might not have chemistry together in the future -- but thus far the way they've given screen time to Tiffany, I have a difficult time even seeing them as friends.
I'd like for them to give her more screen time to establish that relationship better ( even if it's only a work relationship ). It probably has a lot to do with her only ever having met Bruce's pretend persona.
In 100% agreement with this. Their relationship definitely needs some focus, because it seems to me the trust Bruce has for her is only due to the fact that Lucius vouched for her. Which is great and all but Lucius would be biased on the subject as that's his daughter. So I really want the reason that Bruce trusts her.
Selina clearly hasn't been totally honest.
Avesta all the way. Selina is so manipulative this Season, and if you romance her, Bruce acts like a total pussy and a pushover. Like, it get really really bad, considering his line of work (secret agent/Batman) and the fact that Selina is not to be trusted.
I don't understand how people are saying that Selina can't be trusted. She has known our identity since s1e1 but has kept it a secret. She could have blackmailed Bruce, sold the info to the highest bidder, told the Pact, etc... but she hasn't.
Well Bruce also knows her identity. So its like if she outs him he outs her.