I'm still facepalming at the fact that a lot of people think TLOU2 will be released this year when Druckmann confirmed at TGW 2016 that the game is 50%-60% done.
Ah, if those are wolves that forces us to kill them through the game, then I would be okay with it. I never had problems killing wolves in Tomb Raider 2013.
Dogs/wolves are going to be a very important aspect of the game. The outbreakday poster has a wolf dog on it http://oyster.ignimgs.com/word… morepress/stg.ign.com/2017/09/TLOU-FINAL9100.jpg
Neils shirt during psx 2017 had a wolf skull on it https://content.assets.pressassociation.io/2017/12/10141658/26fbbe18-6634-469c-af2d-e274189bc963.jpg
Speaking of wolves/dogs, I am actually sculpting a wolf/dog skull right now for the game. Cool timing.
I don't know, by the look of it I guess the dog will have an important role, and I hope he/she is with Ellie and Joel, but Neil PLEASE don't make the dog die...
Now I realized that this dog knows more about Part ll than me.
Holy SHIT!!! They're introducing a dog in the sequel? Or are they just going to put it for just being there surviving the apocalypse like th… moree dogs which Joel, Ellie, Henry and Sam are witnessing after escaping the sewers?
I swear to God, he better not make us witness the death of this animal cause that would be controversial and heartbreaking as fuck. I don't want any flashbacks from the worst movie I've ever watched which is I Am Legend.
I'm still facepalming at the fact that a lot of people think TLOU2 will be released this year when Druckmann confirmed at TGW 2016 that the game is 50%-60% done.
Is this picture is recent?
Her name is Haley Gross, she is also the writer of the TV series WestWorld, I didn't watched it but I think it's good, so I guess this is good news?
I don't see a wolf in the post-- OOOOHHH! That's amazing! I can't believe I missed that!
Hmm, that reminds me, I remember noticing that it looked like Ellie had a pet dog in the concept art in the extras menu in TLOU. Just throwing that out there...
So that sculpture you're making... have you decided yet if it's a wolf or a dog?
Dogs/wolves are going to be a very important aspect of the game. The outbreakday poster has a wolf dog on it http://oyster.ignimgs.com/word… morepress/stg.ign.com/2017/09/TLOU-FINAL9100.jpg
Neils shirt during psx 2017 had a wolf skull on it https://content.assets.pressassociation.io/2017/12/10141658/26fbbe18-6634-469c-af2d-e274189bc963.jpg
Speaking of wolves/dogs, I am actually sculpting a wolf/dog skull right now for the game. Cool timing.
That was a great movie before I guess it didn't aged well.I still like it,i have good memories of it.
The only problems to me are the CGI and the ending.
Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Druckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
Druckmann said he was happy with the story beats he had in place for the start and end of the game, but he was struggling to come up with story elements to fill out the middle. "[Halley] Gross hit the ground running," Druckmann said, "contributing great ideas for how the story should play out."
After fidgeting in his seat he relented and gave a very interesting tease. He said of writer Halley Gross, "After her first day, Halley goes home and says to her husband, 'I think I got someone pregnant.' And you'll see what that means [in The Last Of Us: Part II]."
Fans of the first game might not like the sequel, Druckmann said.
Not sure if this has already been posted, if so then kill me. If not then praise me.
I'm still facepalming at the fact that a lot of people think TLOU2 will be released this year when Druckmann confirmed at TGW 2016 that the game is 50%-60% done.
No, I never heard of these details. Thanks for posting it.
Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Druckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
Just please don't be another Luke Skywalker or Lee Everett situation. It will be predictable and I don't want this "Joel is dead, Ellie is dreaming him" theory come true.
Fans of the first game might not like the sequel, Druckmann said.
I'll probably like because I'm not THAT huge fan of the first game. I just hope they fixed the problems of the first game like the A.I., less humans more zombies, NO MORE WOODEN PALLET PUZZLES, make it more horror than action adventure etc.
Just found this interesting article and thought I'd share it:
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/in-the-last-of-us-2-no-one-is-safe-director… more-says/1100-6455547/
(Won't let me name link, sorry!)
Some interesting highlights:
* Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Druckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
* Druckmann said he was happy with the story beats he had in place for the start and end of the game, but he was struggling to come up with story elements to fill out the middle. "[Halley] Gross hit the ground running," Druckmann said, "contributing great ideas for how the story should play out."
* After fidgeting in his seat he relented and gave a very interesting tease. He said of writer Halley Gross, "After her first day, Halley goes home and says to her husband, 'I think I got someone pregnant.' And you'll see what that means [in The Last Of Us: Part II]."
* Fans of the first game might … [view original content]
Cool, thanks for sharing that! I haven't seen anyone else post that here so GOOD JOB!!
A story about hate? So where does all hate stem from? Self-hatred.
I was also thinking, Neil's not gonna wanna reveal the most important parts of the game... He likes to keep those secret. So I'm thinking this whole pregnancy thing might not even be the most important part of the story.
Y'know what I found odd was that Neil was struggling with the middle of the story. I read that normally when writing stories, Neil starts with the middle.
Just found this interesting article and thought I'd share it:
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/in-the-last-of-us-2-no-one-is-safe-director… more-says/1100-6455547/
(Won't let me name link, sorry!)
Some interesting highlights:
* Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Druckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
* Druckmann said he was happy with the story beats he had in place for the start and end of the game, but he was struggling to come up with story elements to fill out the middle. "[Halley] Gross hit the ground running," Druckmann said, "contributing great ideas for how the story should play out."
* After fidgeting in his seat he relented and gave a very interesting tease. He said of writer Halley Gross, "After her first day, Halley goes home and says to her husband, 'I think I got someone pregnant.' And you'll see what that means [in The Last Of Us: Part II]."
* Fans of the first game might … [view original content]
No, I never heard of these details. Thanks for posting it.
Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Dru… moreckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
Just please don't be another Luke Skywalker or Lee Everett situation. It will be predictable and I don't want this "Joel is dead, Ellie is dreaming him" theory come true.
Fans of the first game might not like the sequel, Druckmann said.
I'll probably like because I'm not THAT huge fan of the first game. I just hope they fixed the problems of the first game like the A.I., less humans more zombies, NO MORE WOODEN PALLET PUZZLES, make it more horror than action adventure etc.
Fans of the first game might not like the sequel, Druckmann said.
Okay, that doesn't seem all that good. That comes off more as Neil basically telling us to lower our expectations. I'm not expecting the sequel to be better than the first game, but I do want it to be good. Hearing this, I'm not exactly sure how to react.
Just found this interesting article and thought I'd share it:
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/in-the-last-of-us-2-no-one-is-safe-director… more-says/1100-6455547/
(Won't let me name link, sorry!)
Some interesting highlights:
* Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Druckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
* Druckmann said he was happy with the story beats he had in place for the start and end of the game, but he was struggling to come up with story elements to fill out the middle. "[Halley] Gross hit the ground running," Druckmann said, "contributing great ideas for how the story should play out."
* After fidgeting in his seat he relented and gave a very interesting tease. He said of writer Halley Gross, "After her first day, Halley goes home and says to her husband, 'I think I got someone pregnant.' And you'll see what that means [in The Last Of Us: Part II]."
* Fans of the first game might … [view original content]
Minute 41:05 "There's gonna be fans of the first game that aren't going to like the second game. And we have to be okay with that. And there's going to be people that never played the first game and are going to love the second game. All we can do is be true to ourselves and keep making what we believe in."
Also, EA roasting "that has always worked for naughty dog and that will be forever be how we make games and we will forever continue to make single player, linear, narrative based games."
Minute 41:05
"There's gonna be fans of the first game that aren't going to like the second game. And we have to be okay with that. And th… moreere's going to be people that never played the first game and are going to love the second game. All we can do is be true to ourselves and keep making what we believe in."
Also, EA roasting
"that has always worked for naughty dog and that will be forever be how we make games and we will forever continue to make single player, linear, narrative based games."
I'm now worried on whether or not I'll like this sequel, but I have no idea what to expect so I shouldn't worry just yet.
If they pull off a good story in the end even if they make me mad in some parts, then... well, I'll like it. That one line of "I think I made someone pregnant" doesn't please me, but again I have no idea what they're talking about.
P.S.: It's probably just the lack of concrete story and relentless teases we've gotten that makes me doubtful. Once they show the game in action with a bit more to go off of I should be fine.
Just found this interesting article and thought I'd share it:
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/in-the-last-of-us-2-no-one-is-safe-director… more-says/1100-6455547/
(Won't let me name link, sorry!)
Some interesting highlights:
* Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Druckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
* Druckmann said he was happy with the story beats he had in place for the start and end of the game, but he was struggling to come up with story elements to fill out the middle. "[Halley] Gross hit the ground running," Druckmann said, "contributing great ideas for how the story should play out."
* After fidgeting in his seat he relented and gave a very interesting tease. He said of writer Halley Gross, "After her first day, Halley goes home and says to her husband, 'I think I got someone pregnant.' And you'll see what that means [in The Last Of Us: Part II]."
* Fans of the first game might … [view original content]
Minute 41:05
"There's gonna be fans of the first game that aren't going to like the second game. And we have to be okay with that. And th… moreere's going to be people that never played the first game and are going to love the second game. All we can do is be true to ourselves and keep making what we believe in."
Also, EA roasting
"that has always worked for naughty dog and that will be forever be how we make games and we will forever continue to make single player, linear, narrative based games."
Actually they are infected, similar to the zombie but not the same. You know what, fuck it, they're almost the same thing.
I think I'll really enjoy the game just like the first one, so far I liked everything they showed about Part ll. And of course I'll try not overhype so much, but I'm really excited to see the gameplay at E3 2018.
The only thing that I don't like is the theory that Joel is dead and Ellie is hallucinating him. I think it's pretty stupid.
Wasn't everyone really sceptical and doubtful when Naughty Dog announced TLOU? "Naughty Dog's making a zombie game?! FOR THE PS3!?! WHAT HAS GONE WRONG IN THE WORLD?!"
I'm now worried on whether or not I'll like this sequel, but I have no idea what to expect so I shouldn't worry just yet. … more
If they pull off a good story in the end even if they make me mad in some parts, then... well, I'll like it. That one line of "I think I made someone pregnant" doesn't please me, but again I have no idea what they're talking about.
P.S.: It's probably just the lack of concrete story and relentless teases we've gotten that makes me doubtful. Once they show the game in action with a bit more to go off of I should be fine.
Gameplay would be nice. To help confirm suspicions.
Yah, Joel is alive. Cuz he's a badass ? Though, most of his story arc is over, he got the replacement daughter he wanted. And now she's pretty much grown up, what's left for him besides looking after until the end? Retirement with Tommy? We all know what the real retirement is.
Actually they are infected, similar to the zombie but not the same. You know what, fuck it, they're almost the same thing.
I think I'll … morereally enjoy the game just like the first one, so far I liked everything they showed about Part ll. And of course I'll try not overhype so much, but I'm really excited to see the gameplay at E3 2018.
The only thing that I don't like is the theory that Joel is dead and Ellie is hallucinating him. I think it's pretty stupid.
I don't think his story arc is over. I'm pretty sure everyone here would love to know what happened during the 20 years gap.
They could make something like the first game, we played as Joel most of the game, then we played as Ellie in the DLC that is about her life before she was bitten and before she met Joel. Now, we will play as Ellie in part ll (maybe as Joel at one point), but she will be the main playable character, so, they could make a DLC where we play as Joel in a story about how he met Tess, his life as a hunter, his fight with Tommy. There is a lot to talk about.
Gameplay would be nice. To help confirm suspicions.
Yah, Joel is alive. Cuz he's a badass ? Though, most of his story arc is over, he got… more the replacement daughter he wanted. And now she's pretty much grown up, what's left for him besides looking after until the end? Retirement with Tommy? We all know what the real retirement is.
Just found this interesting article and thought I'd share it:
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/in-the-last-of-us-2-no-one-is-safe-director… more-says/1100-6455547/
(Won't let me name link, sorry!)
Some interesting highlights:
* Asked by the interviewer if Joel is dead or alive, writer/director Neil Druckmann teased, "Everybody dies at some point."
* Druckmann said he was happy with the story beats he had in place for the start and end of the game, but he was struggling to come up with story elements to fill out the middle. "[Halley] Gross hit the ground running," Druckmann said, "contributing great ideas for how the story should play out."
* After fidgeting in his seat he relented and gave a very interesting tease. He said of writer Halley Gross, "After her first day, Halley goes home and says to her husband, 'I think I got someone pregnant.' And you'll see what that means [in The Last Of Us: Part II]."
* Fans of the first game might … [view original content]
I don't know, by the look of it I guess the dog will have an important role, and I hope he/she is with Ellie and Joel, but Neil PLEASE don't make the dog die...
Now I realized that this dog knows more about Part ll than me.
There is some truth to the whole "some people won't like the second game" thing, though
No matter what game or series it is, you will always have this group of die-hard purists that swear by the original, and will always see the other entries as inferior. Happens to just about every sequel. Even critically-acclaimed sequels to critically-acclaimed games get this group of people.
And a developer basically telling the audience to lower their expectations can be taken positively or negatively. Could go either way. Just like how a developer saying they're "going back to their roots" doesn't necessarily mean it'll turn out amazing.
The Last of Us Part II should be just as good as the first one. I don't think we should over hype the game but we should keep at the same level as the first one to avoid being disappointed.
I'll have to agree with you there, Deltino. This is why I wasn't really bothered by Neil's comment.
I think that some people tend to forget that a sequel is not the original. It is not the same. It is it's own medium, and so you have to treat originals and sequels as individuals that may or may not compliment each other.
There is some truth to the whole "some people won't like the second game" thing, though
No matter what game or series it is, you will alw… moreays have this group of die-hard purists that swear by the original, and will always see the other entries as inferior. Happens to just about every sequel. Even critically-acclaimed sequels to critically-acclaimed games get this group of people.
And a developer basically telling the audience to lower their expectations can be taken positively or negatively. Could go either way. Just like how a developer saying they're "going back to their roots" doesn't necessarily mean it'll turn out amazing.
Yep, I'm not overhyping it cause I'm not a die-hard die-hard TLOU fan and I can wait for the sequel anytime, I want it to be good and improve the some elements from the first game.
The Last of Us Part II should be just as good as the first one. I don't think we should over hype the game but we should keep at the same level as the first one to avoid being disappointed.
Just look at the Uncharted Series, I know it's a different game but it's made by the same company, I trust Naughty Dog, they will make a sequel just as good as the first game or even better. But I'll not overhype, let's just wait to see the gameplay at E3 and see why "Ellie plays different than Joel". Everything we have are theories, we don't know who Ellie is gonna kill and why is she so angry, who's the woman in the second trailer (people say it's Anna, but again, these are theories).
This is just a theory but I think Joel is the bad guy in The Last of Us Part II. My reasons behind it is that Ellie tells "Joel" that she will kill them all for this. The end of the first game concludes with Ellie telling Joel to swear to her that everything Joel told her about the fireflies was true. Now I believe that Ellie knew that she was going to die when the surgery was finished, but Joel stops it and takes her away from them. Why would Joel do that?Perhaps he likes the way the world is now and he just doesn't want it to go away. I mean remember Tommy tells Joel that he still has nightmares about the things Joel has done. What did Joel do? That remains unknown however if we go by torture scenes and gameplay of the first game we can tell it was something gory and disturbing. Back to Ellie in the Part II she probably found out that Joel lied to her and stopped Ellie from completing her mission to return the world to normal. Ellie and Joel did not have the same kind of relationship like Lee and Clementine I mean they disliked each other a lot in the beginning and who's to say they didn't end with some bottled down hate for each other. Now for people who think that Joel would not betray Ellie because she reminds him of Sarah that is not reason enough for Joel to care about her. Throughout most of the game Joel seems to be telling himself that Ellie is nothing like Sarah and Ellie never claims to be anything like her but Joel continues to bring up that she is not a daughter to him. This is just my theory about The Last of Us Part II let me know what you guys think!
Just look at the Uncharted Series, I know it's a different game but it's made by the same company, I trust Naughty Dog, they will make a seq… moreuel just as good as the first game or even better. But I'll not overhype, let's just wait to see the gameplay at E3 and see why "Ellie plays different than Joel". Everything we have are theories, we don't know who Ellie is gonna kill and why is she so angry, who's the woman in the second trailer (people say it's Anna, but again, these are theories).
Sweden playstation's facebook leaked that P2 is amongst some of the games releasing in 2018.
Dogs/wolves are going to be a very important aspect of the game. The outbreakday poster has a wolf dog on it http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2017/09/TLOU-FINAL9100.jpg
Neils shirt during psx 2017 had a wolf skull on it https://content.assets.pressassociation.io/2017/12/10141658/26fbbe18-6634-469c-af2d-e274189bc963.jpg
Speaking of wolves/dogs, I am actually sculpting a wolf/dog skull right now for the game. Cool timing.
I'm still facepalming at the fact that a lot of people think TLOU2 will be released this year when Druckmann confirmed at TGW 2016 that the game is 50%-60% done.
Ah, if those are wolves that forces us to kill them through the game, then I would be okay with it. I never had problems killing wolves in Tomb Raider 2013.
I don't know, by the look of it I guess the dog will have an important role, and I hope he/she is with Ellie and Joel, but Neil PLEASE don't make the dog die...
Now I realized that this dog knows more about Part ll than me.
I just said an OFFICIAL PLAYSTATION account posted that it's releasing this year...
Still, I don't believe it's going to be released this year.
I say November/December 2018
That's Neil druckman and another lead writter
Is this picture is recent?
Her name is Haley Gross, she is also the writer of the TV series WestWorld, I didn't watched it but I think it's good, so I guess this is good news?
I don't see a wolf in the post-- OOOOHHH! That's amazing! I can't believe I missed that!
Hmm, that reminds me, I remember noticing that it looked like Ellie had a pet dog in the concept art in the extras menu in TLOU. Just throwing that out there...
So that sculpture you're making... have you decided yet if it's a wolf or a dog?
This dog better not be a companion or prominent character at some point, because if he is you know HE GONNA DIE!!!..>.1

Please, I don't want to have to I am Legend his ass :っC

Shittiest movie I've ever seen. There is nothing great about it.
That was a great movie before I guess it didn't aged well.I still like it,i have good memories of it.
The only problems to me are the CGI and the ending.
Never mind I know he posted it now. No need to answer.
Just found this interesting article and thought I'd share it:
(Won't let me name link, sorry!)
Some interesting highlights:
Not sure if this has already been posted, if so then kill me. If not then praise me.
...And Neil has totally never lied to us ever.
No, I never heard of these details. Thanks for posting it.
Just please don't be another Luke Skywalker or Lee Everett situation. It will be predictable and I don't want this "Joel is dead, Ellie is dreaming him" theory come true.
I'll probably like because I'm not THAT huge fan of the first game. I just hope they fixed the problems of the first game like the A.I., less humans more zombies, NO MORE WOODEN PALLET PUZZLES, make it more horror than action adventure etc.
Cool, thanks for sharing that! I haven't seen anyone else post that here so GOOD JOB!!
A story about hate? So where does all hate stem from? Self-hatred.
I was also thinking, Neil's not gonna wanna reveal the most important parts of the game... He likes to keep those secret. So I'm thinking this whole pregnancy thing might not even be the most important part of the story.
Y'know what I found odd was that Neil was struggling with the middle of the story. I read that normally when writing stories, Neil starts with the middle.
Don't worry, Ellie hates the fucking pallet too, so she's definitely going to get Joel to teach her how to swim.
...Unless Ellie has to help someone else that can't swim...
Okay, that doesn't seem all that good. That comes off more as Neil basically telling us to lower our expectations. I'm not expecting the sequel to be better than the first game, but I do want it to be good. Hearing this, I'm not exactly sure how to react.
Minute 41:05

"There's gonna be fans of the first game that aren't going to like the second game. And we have to be okay with that. And there's going to be people that never played the first game and are going to love the second game. All we can do is be true to ourselves and keep making what we believe in."
Also, EA roasting
"that has always worked for naughty dog and that will be forever be how we make games and we will forever continue to make single player, linear, narrative based games."
Fuck, I missed that detail because I was too lazy to watch the entire video but I didn't miss the EA roast though.
I'm now worried on whether or not I'll like this sequel, but I have no idea what to expect so I shouldn't worry just yet.
If they pull off a good story in the end even if they make me mad in some parts, then... well, I'll like it. That one line of "I think I made someone pregnant" doesn't please me, but again I have no idea what they're talking about.
P.S.: It's probably just the lack of concrete story and relentless teases we've gotten that makes me doubtful. Once they show the game in action with a bit more to go off of I should be fine.
As long as this game still has zombies in it, I'll probably still like it.
Actually they are infected, similar to the zombie but not the same. You know what, fuck it, they're almost the same thing.
I think I'll really enjoy the game just like the first one, so far I liked everything they showed about Part ll. And of course I'll try not overhype so much, but I'm really excited to see the gameplay at E3 2018.
The only thing that I don't like is the theory that Joel is dead and Ellie is hallucinating him. I think it's pretty stupid.
Wasn't everyone really sceptical and doubtful when Naughty Dog announced TLOU? "Naughty Dog's making a zombie game?! FOR THE PS3!?! WHAT HAS GONE WRONG IN THE WORLD?!"
Gameplay would be nice. To help confirm suspicions.
Yah, Joel is alive. Cuz he's a badass ? Though, most of his story arc is over, he got the replacement daughter he wanted. And now she's pretty much grown up, what's left for him besides looking after until the end? Retirement with Tommy? We all know what the real retirement is.
I don't think his story arc is over. I'm pretty sure everyone here would love to know what happened during the 20 years gap.
They could make something like the first game, we played as Joel most of the game, then we played as Ellie in the DLC that is about her life before she was bitten and before she met Joel. Now, we will play as Ellie in part ll (maybe as Joel at one point), but she will be the main playable character, so, they could make a DLC where we play as Joel in a story about how he met Tess, his life as a hunter, his fight with Tommy. There is a lot to talk about.
Oh dear, that’s rather disconcerting.
Which dog, the Naughty Dog or the dog dog?
( T ʖ̯ T)
There is some truth to the whole "some people won't like the second game" thing, though
No matter what game or series it is, you will always have this group of die-hard purists that swear by the original, and will always see the other entries as inferior. Happens to just about every sequel. Even critically-acclaimed sequels to critically-acclaimed games get this group of people.
And a developer basically telling the audience to lower their expectations can be taken positively or negatively. Could go either way. Just like how a developer saying they're "going back to their roots" doesn't necessarily mean it'll turn out amazing.
I’m all geared up for the inevitable onslaught of thirty minute think pieces on “Why Last of Us Part 2 is Disappointing.”
Of course, I don’t have much interest as far as the story goes, seems like Neil just wrote himself into a corner.
The Last of Us Part II should be just as good as the first one. I don't think we should over hype the game but we should keep at the same level as the first one to avoid being disappointed.
I'll have to agree with you there, Deltino. This is why I wasn't really bothered by Neil's comment.
I think that some people tend to forget that a sequel is not the original. It is not the same. It is it's own medium, and so you have to treat originals and sequels as individuals that may or may not compliment each other.
Yep, I'm not overhyping it cause I'm not a die-hard die-hard TLOU fan and I can wait for the sequel anytime, I want it to be good and improve the some elements from the first game.
Just look at the Uncharted Series, I know it's a different game but it's made by the same company, I trust Naughty Dog, they will make a sequel just as good as the first game or even better. But I'll not overhype, let's just wait to see the gameplay at E3 and see why "Ellie plays different than Joel". Everything we have are theories, we don't know who Ellie is gonna kill and why is she so angry, who's the woman in the second trailer (people say it's Anna, but again, these are theories).
This is just a theory but I think Joel is the bad guy in The Last of Us Part II. My reasons behind it is that Ellie tells "Joel" that she will kill them all for this. The end of the first game concludes with Ellie telling Joel to swear to her that everything Joel told her about the fireflies was true. Now I believe that Ellie knew that she was going to die when the surgery was finished, but Joel stops it and takes her away from them. Why would Joel do that?Perhaps he likes the way the world is now and he just doesn't want it to go away. I mean remember Tommy tells Joel that he still has nightmares about the things Joel has done. What did Joel do? That remains unknown however if we go by torture scenes and gameplay of the first game we can tell it was something gory and disturbing. Back to Ellie in the Part II she probably found out that Joel lied to her and stopped Ellie from completing her mission to return the world to normal. Ellie and Joel did not have the same kind of relationship like Lee and Clementine I mean they disliked each other a lot in the beginning and who's to say they didn't end with some bottled down hate for each other. Now for people who think that Joel would not betray Ellie because she reminds him of Sarah that is not reason enough for Joel to care about her. Throughout most of the game Joel seems to be telling himself that Ellie is nothing like Sarah and Ellie never claims to be anything like her but Joel continues to bring up that she is not a daughter to him. This is just my theory about The Last of Us Part II let me know what you guys think!