I honestly enjoyed the Tales from the borderlands era, especially Rhysha vs Rhyiona fandom. Hell I will even admit that I tried to troll the Rhysha fans with a August x Sasha thread for the lolz. But nonetheless nothing personal.
TWAU was the real reason I joined this forum, it was a gateway to say into the other games that played after. TWD, Batman, Tales from Borderlands. Shame that we will never see another season from either.
Also shoutout to @DragonButter for starting the Fable OC thread in TWAU forums and everyone who contributed to it. Not only it help me broaden my creativity but encourage me to create some of my own stories interactive not related to TWAU. (Heroes and Shadow of Dragoina). I also want to thank users for creating some engaging interactive stories as well that I was grateful to be apart of.
Came here for Puzzle Agent hints, stayed for TFTBL. I don't usually participate in fandom discussions, but Tales... I dunno. The community just had that pull to it, and helped make the waits easier.
I'll never forget all those heated debates over the Stranger's identity. I don't think I saw anyone call it, and that still cracks me right up.
I met @puzzlebox, @kenjisalk, and @JobJStauffer_TTG at a press screening of Minecraft: Story Mode, and got to hang out with them in the room above the event, talk to them about what I read on the forums that people wanted, and just talk about Minecraft, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, Sam & Max, Puzzle Agent, and just about anything else that popped in my head about my nerdy knowledge of Telltale. I think I even brought up Telltale Texas Hold'em Blades of Stenchtar at one point. They even let me take home the rest of the pizza (and the event was in Brooklyn, so the pizza was out of this world)! It was an awesome night that I'll never forget.
This is such an amazing idea! Poogs, you're an awesome person and you always made the best memes. It will be en honour for the whole honour if you make one final video. This is gonna be so epic.
I'll just paste here what I said earlier in the megathread:
I remember how my first comment here got 20 likes and zero dislikes and I was soooo proud I joined the Kenny army. I created my first real fanfic here. It was interactive and I had the time of my life writing it. The fact that "A Brave New World" inspired a few amazing people warms my heart with endless joy. I found a whole gang of friends. I almost became a voice actor for a fan animated TWD project. I remember hype trains, ship wars, Kenny vs Jane shitstorm, TWAU conspiracues, all kinds of drama. The meme and fun threads gave me so many good laughs. Telltale Games generally brought me into gaming.
I joined the forum during the release of Season 2 of The Walking Dead somewhere when Episode 2 came out DAMN sorry the memories;(
We were all speculating on the new upcoming Episodes of The walking Dead, Wolf Among Us and Tales of the Bordelands and it was great (well for the most part it became really toxic when Kenny VS Jane started my condelence to the hard working Moderators).
I made hundreds of threads and discussions with many of the members here who became my friends and they felt like a second family I never had! everyone was so nice and to know that I could share my thought's here, problems and interest with people actually listening is great! but I wasn't the greatest member here though I would like to apologise to @Blind Sniper and everyone else for my past before it's to late.
I'm sorry for leading the upvote war I was carried away (yes people there was a upvote war XD).
I'm sorry for making multiple accounts to get around my bans for trolling and spamming so I could still speak with my friends that I made here and always talk with you guys here.
I'm sorry to all the members here that I triggered or anything really that might not have been intended!
I remember making the craziest threads of making an X-men Wolf Among Us Walking Dead crossover thingy XD I remember that I made a discussion thread over TWAU were we discussed all the deleted content of the season or the multiple rewrites and we would post it all there.
There were so many things here I cannot put it all down in one go but still thank you guys for helping me go through hard times!
This is such an amazing idea! Poogs, you're an awesome person and you always made the best memes. It will be en honour for the whole honour … moreif you make one final video. This is gonna be so epic.
I'll just paste here what I said earlier in the megathread:
I remember how my first comment here got 20 likes and zero dislikes and I was soooo proud I joined the Kenny army. I created my first real fanfic here. It was interactive and I had the time of my life writing it. The fact that "A Brave New World" inspired a few amazing people warms my heart with endless joy. I found a whole gang of friends. I almost became a voice actor for a fan animated TWD project. I remember hype trains, ship wars, Kenny vs Jane shitstorm, TWAU conspiracues, all kinds of drama. The meme and fun threads gave me so many good laughs. Telltale Games generally brought me into gaming.
It's so heartwarming to see people here mentioning me! I kinda though of myself as a… [view original content]
it's always nice getting a mention that doesn't involve @Dex-Starr trolling me with a picture of max ❤️
i haven't been here long but i'll miss this place.
Okay, so here's my formal "entry" into this.
I joined the forums in November of 2014. I had lurked around here for a while, during Wolf a… morend Season 2. I was brought to tell by Jurassic Park and the Walking Dead. My first thread archived here was called "Determinant Relationships that Really Didn't Matter".
I fit in pretty well here. I had Oscar from Jurassic Park as my avatar. I joined some Forum Games then, including the almost 4 years old Forum of Thrones, along with several iterations of Forum Werewolf, which I believe Poogs was also apart of. Those were fun.
I enjoyed speculating Game of Thrones and waiting for Tales From the Borderlands. I made Pipas make the Rhysha thread and seeing how many comments are in it, better he made it than I made it. Oh it was fun, getting to know people better.
I became a mod a little over 3 years ago, before my 1st anniversary, on September 12, 2015. I made some cryptic teases, and there I was, a… [view original content]
it's always nice getting a mention that doesn't involve @Dex-Starr trolling me with a picture of max ❤️
i haven't been here long but i'll miss this place.
This is such an amazing idea! Poogs, you're an awesome person and you always made the best memes. It will be en honour for the whole honour … moreif you make one final video. This is gonna be so epic.
I'll just paste here what I said earlier in the megathread:
I remember how my first comment here got 20 likes and zero dislikes and I was soooo proud I joined the Kenny army. I created my first real fanfic here. It was interactive and I had the time of my life writing it. The fact that "A Brave New World" inspired a few amazing people warms my heart with endless joy. I found a whole gang of friends. I almost became a voice actor for a fan animated TWD project. I remember hype trains, ship wars, Kenny vs Jane shitstorm, TWAU conspiracues, all kinds of drama. The meme and fun threads gave me so many good laughs. Telltale Games generally brought me into gaming.
It's so heartwarming to see people here mentioning me! I kinda though of myself as a… [view original content]
Okay, so here's my formal "entry" into this.
I joined the forums in November of 2014. I had lurked around here for a while, during Wolf a… morend Season 2. I was brought to tell by Jurassic Park and the Walking Dead. My first thread archived here was called "Determinant Relationships that Really Didn't Matter".
I fit in pretty well here. I had Oscar from Jurassic Park as my avatar. I joined some Forum Games then, including the almost 4 years old Forum of Thrones, along with several iterations of Forum Werewolf, which I believe Poogs was also apart of. Those were fun.
I enjoyed speculating Game of Thrones and waiting for Tales From the Borderlands. I made Pipas make the Rhysha thread and seeing how many comments are in it, better he made it than I made it. Oh it was fun, getting to know people better.
I became a mod a little over 3 years ago, before my 1st anniversary, on September 12, 2015. I made some cryptic teases, and there I was, a… [view original content]
Poogers in case I'll never have the opportunity to say it to you again, you are my hero.
Although I'm not a long-time veteran on this forum as most people here, this place has really been something else for me. It's a wonderful forum which i discovered somewhere before "A New Frontier" and after lurking for quite a long time I joined this place somewhere in mid-season. I mostly stuck to the meme thread but something I always enjoyed about Telltale's games is the choices you have to make, putting myself in the skin of the characters and thinking what would I do in their situation, thinking about my own moral code and obviously discussing our choices is a big part of it. Going through the threads was always a joy for me. During the break between ANF and TFS I wasn't active here (quite though times on personal level) and coming back here was so great, finding back the same old and new people with the hopes for a new great season was so awesome.
Even though I didn't have many interactions with the moderation I'd like to thank @Blind Sniper@InGen_Nate_Kenny@OzzyUK and the rest of the moderation team for all their effort and time put in keeping this place such an awesome site and keeping us from spoilers, not so Christian images and keeping us safe in general.
Of course big thanks to all Telltale employees for the incredible games they gave us without all this wouldn't even happend, creating the story of Clementine. Following this little fictional character was an expierence I'll never forget, it's been something wonderful.
It's a shame all is coming to an end the way it is but I'd rather think about all the great memories this game and community gave me. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words especially in a language which isn't my native one but I hope all this makes some sense at least. I love y'all. May the Godlike Boat be with y'all, always.
P.S.:This has to appear in the video somewhere at some point as a tribute to our God
Why did this happen? I just moved to college in Netherlands. This just came out of nowhere and I'm so devastated. It would have been predictable if Telltale was owned by EA but they weren't. Worst part is that they did in the middle of Clementine's final journey and Telltale will probably do the same thing Valve did to Half Life.
Why did this happen? I just moved to college in Netherlands. This just came out of nowhere and I'm so devastated. It would have been predict… moreable if Telltale was owned by EA but they weren't. Worst part is that they did in the middle of Clementine's final journey and Telltale will probably do the same thing Valve did to Half Life.
I want to thank @MetallicaRules @Poogers555 @RichWalk23 @AChicken @Achieve250 @DabigRG @dan290786 @InKennyWeTrust @Melton23 @MarijaaNo7 @Dont_Look_Back @ClemyClooAndBabyboo and more for communicating and sharing opinions in this forum.
I also want to thank the mods @Blind Sniper @InGen_Nate_Kenny @dojo32161 @Deltino @Jennifer for keeping this community civil.
Thanks for the mention! It was nice talking to you as well, back then. Came back on here after the news just because I was curious and it is nice to see someone still remembers me. I hope things are going well for you now and will in the future.
I don't know what to say. It's like finding out about serious illness of someone that's close to you. Hits you hard and out of nowhere, especially that I recently decided to go back here. I was really happy I did, because I genuinely enjoyed the New Season and I was promised true enjoyment and fun.
I would like to tag everyone, however I know i would miss a lot of wonderful people, so let me just say you are lovely, creative, cheerful and supporting people all around the world and I'm so happy I got to spend time with you.
Although I haven't been active recently, this forum has always meant a lot to me since I've met so many cool and funny people from all over the world. Especially in the Rhyiona thread. You deserved those socks Poogs, btw.
I know I haven't responded to everyone who has mentioned me in their comments, and I'm sorry for that, please don't take that to mean that I'm ignoring you or I don't appreciate the words and thoughts. The fact is that I do, more so than you think. I've been on these forums for years, it's been a place I've used more times than I can count to forget about life for a while (Billy Joel reference), and a big part of that was the people. I just didn't realize that a lot of others felt the same way, especially in regards to me, and honestly, it means a lot. I never really considered myself that popular of a guy. I couldn't make memes like Poogs, or funny Youtube videos like Jewfreeus or leatherwolf, or draw like so many people here. The only thing I felt like I contributed were shitty Let's Plays and my own opinions, no matter how unpopular some of them are/were. So to see so many people say such nice things, it means a lot, and I'm not going to lie, I'm tearing up just typing this. Thank you so much, and no matter what happens going forward, I'll remember you all fondly and appreciate the memories we've had.
I forgot to add one thing. I have to say that it kinda pains me that Telltale Games will close soon, but I enjoyed spending my time with you guys, even those whom I didn't know. To quote Squall from Kingdom Hearts: "We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."
I just want to say, Poogs. You've always been my favourite user on these forums. I don't know how many times I've laughed over your memes. I especially enjoyed the Rhys socks thing, that was gold.
I hope you continue making YouTube videos as well. They crack me up too. My favourite was probably the video on Biggo the Wolf. I also can't wait to see what you do with this current project.
Thanks for all the entertainment over the years man!
It's crazy coming back here after possibly years of not even thinking about this forum to see that people not only remembered you but appreciated you for the times you gave them. This is going to be brief and I can't even say for certain I'll come back and look at anything said to me but I want to say thank you. This was a huge part of my childhood, I'm now in college and doing well for myself, but everyone here helped me get through some really rough parts of my life. I can't really say how much this place has shaped me because I can't really tell how much it did but I can tell that I am different due to every one of you. Even though the forum is dying, none of us are and I encourage each of you to live to the fullest because you all deserve it. Thank you and may you have a blessed and wonderful life.
You know, this forum downfall might have its good sides. I finally realized how much everyone here means to me and others. It’s so sweet to see people tagging each other, thanking for all the experience they had here. It’s like you can see those invisible threads going around the whole globe, connecting people from different place, united by their shared love for Telltale. This is so huge, holy shit. I used to visit this site almost every day, it literally feels like my second home. I don’t know if I’ll ever experience anything like this, but I’m so happy that I had a chance.
Looking forward for your video, Poogs.
I just thought it would be so funny to have one giant Skype chat for Telltale users, but my computer probably wouldn’t survive this lol.
Sorry for spamming with a shit ton of comments, I just feel a swirl of emotions inside of me
I'm afraid I'm not much of one for words at the moment, I'm still processing it I guess, but I would like to thank everyone for putting up with my shitty memes (except for that one time I got banned for like a month. I'll message you about it @Poogers555 ). I know I've dwelled almost exclusively in the TWD Meme and Fun Thread for most of these last 2 years or so due to time constraints and an ever dwindling attention span, but it's still nice to see people know me for it.
I'll probably still hang around here as well until the end since I've still got some friends in the TWDG community on iFunny with one of my accounts (TWDG_Clementines_Hat).
I've also been working on a Walking Dead text adventure for a long time now, but stopped making progress this past year (I've not lost interest, I've just been plotting long term stuff rather than picking up writing where I left off) as a sort of love letter to TellTale. If anything this is gonna kick my sorry ass back into gear. I'm gonna finish that damn thing or die trying.
If anyone is leaving and still wants to reach me you can find me at the previously mentioned iFunny username (I have a chat with the other TWDG profiles going and we need more cool peoples to join!), on Line @ClementinesHat, on r/TemaKenny as Joe_Momma, or in Road to Survival in the Cleburne region as a member of Sun Tzu Movement (look for the season 3 Clem avatar, or season 4 Clem if my FTP ass ever gets her). Be seeing yall.
???? Ik we didn’t talk much but papa Melton (yes, that’s my discord name ?) will probably pay you a visit... once I can actually figure out how to use it and also when I manage to track every single forum member down.
I’m also not very familiar with discord, I barely used it before. I hope we can organize like a group chat for former Telltale users. You know, just to stay in touch.
???? Ik we didn’t talk much but papa Melton (yes, that’s my discord name ?) will probably pay you a visit... once I can actually figure out how to use it and also when I manage to track every single forum member down.
I’m also not very familiar with discord, I barely used it before. I hope we can organize like a group chat for former Telltale users. You know, just to stay in touch.
Also just want to say in general like Metallica said because Ive been tagged a lot, it really means a lot, its just hard to reply to everyone. So if you say some kind words to me and I dont reply, just know that I do 100% see it and it really means a lot. Yall stay gold.
I just want to say, Poogs. You've always been my favourite user on these forums. I don't know how many times I've laughed over your memes. I… more especially enjoyed the Rhys socks thing, that was gold.
I hope you continue making YouTube videos as well. They crack me up too. My favourite was probably the video on Biggo the Wolf. I also can't wait to see what you do with this current project.
Thanks for all the entertainment over the years man!
I’m also not very familiar with discord, I barely used it before. I hope we can organize like a group chat for former Telltale users. You know, just to stay in touch.
One random memory I want to share is from Forum Werewolf 2, where I show how badass I am (Poogs was the host):
Night @InGen_Nate_Kenny already knew it was over. Being the protector he was, he knew there was more than 1 Wolf left, and if he was attacked by the all the wolves he was done for it. @InGen_Nate_Kenny walked on to the bridge. He stayed there and waited for the moon to fully rise. Soon enough the wolves arrived. Three Wolves surrounded Nate-Kenny. 2 on the west 1 on the east. Nate-Kenny drew is sword, prepared to fight the monsters. The monsters lundged at him. Nate-Kenny fened them off as long as he could. @Saltlick123 grabbed him from behind holding him for his 2 brothers to end him. Nate-Kenny snuck his hidden silver blade out from his sleeve and stabbed Saltlick right in the heart right before @TheWolfOfTheDead and @GoldinPaladin could get him, making Nate-Kenny fall into the river. The current was strong and @InGen_Nate_Kenny was being carried downstream. GoldenPaladin and TheWolfOfTheDead followed him. Nate-Kenny had managed to beach himself on the river bed and ran west to the graveyard, The monsters still following him. @InGen_Nate_Kenny was hurt. Badly. He had a massive gash in his waste and was bleeding like a stuffed pig. Golden and WolfOfTheDead were soon upon him. Nate-Kenny drew his sword and prepaired for the end. @GoldenPaladin grassped for him and with quick motion of his sword, @InGen_Nate_Kenny cut off @GoldenPaladin 's hand. In pain, golden collapsed to the ground. @TheWolfOfTheDead charged at Nate-Kenny as fast as he could and pinned him agents @supersagig 's gravestone, the seer who had died on the first night, who could have stopped the whole town from being murdered and to only prove that InGen_Nate_Kenny was innocent. being strangled by @TheWolfOfTheDead 's mighty grip, Nate-Kenny tried his last. he stabbed TheWolfOfTheDead directly in the eye with his dagger. He shoved it deeper into his skull, but TheWolfOfTheDead wouldn't stop. Running out of air @InGen_Nate_Kenny tried to breath. His vision slowly was gaining to black. With one last push, he shoved his dagger all the way through @TheWolfOfTheDead 's head until it was sticking out on the other side. @TheWolfOfTheDead wasnt dead however. He ran off in the extreme pain that he was in.
The wolves thought that @InGen_Nate_Kenny was going to be an easy target, but he wasnt. As the protector he chose to protect himself. He returned back to his home, grabbed his valuables and left the town. Maybe he went to go visit @papai46 ...
The Werewolves have won ! The entire town is dead, or has fled.
Thank you everyone who played, although it was a little sloppy and a bit rushed I hope everyone had fun !
Remember @InGen_Nate_Kenny will be hosting another Forum Werewolf January 16th !
This is such an amazing idea! Poogs, you're an awesome person and you always made the best memes. It will be en honour for the whole honour … moreif you make one final video. This is gonna be so epic.
I'll just paste here what I said earlier in the megathread:
I remember how my first comment here got 20 likes and zero dislikes and I was soooo proud I joined the Kenny army. I created my first real fanfic here. It was interactive and I had the time of my life writing it. The fact that "A Brave New World" inspired a few amazing people warms my heart with endless joy. I found a whole gang of friends. I almost became a voice actor for a fan animated TWD project. I remember hype trains, ship wars, Kenny vs Jane shitstorm, TWAU conspiracues, all kinds of drama. The meme and fun threads gave me so many good laughs. Telltale Games generally brought me into gaming.
It's so heartwarming to see people here mentioning me! I kinda though of myself as a… [view original content]
Well fellas, finally finished writting everything I wanted to say, just need B Roll (which should be easy) and then voice over. I really hope this turns out great (and isnt too long either) I tried to include as many people as I could and mention as much as possible!
Well fellas, finally finished writting everything I wanted to say, just need B Roll (which should be easy) and then voice over. I really hop… moree this turns out great (and isnt too long either) I tried to include as many people as I could and mention as much as possible!
I feel awful for not mentioning anyone so a quick thread of people I really enjoyed seeing on these boards @AChicken @MetallicaRule @Blind … moreSniper @InGen_Nate_Kenny @dojo32161 @Deltino @Jennifer @lupinb0y @Mercyva @HiroVoid @Pipas @AgentZ46 @Lilacsbloom @BetterToSleep @GSSalvador @Kennyshouladiedins1 @CrazedRabbit @GoldenPaladin @Poogers555 @Vainamoinen @CathalOHara and so so so much more. A lot of people I remember interacting a bit in the season 2/ wolf times that I wish I could remember by name but just can't.
I honestly enjoyed the Tales from the borderlands era, especially Rhysha vs Rhyiona fandom. Hell I will even admit that I tried to troll the Rhysha fans with a August x Sasha thread for the lolz. But nonetheless nothing personal.
TWAU was the real reason I joined this forum, it was a gateway to say into the other games that played after. TWD, Batman, Tales from Borderlands. Shame that we will never see another season from either.
Also shoutout to @DragonButter for starting the Fable OC thread in TWAU forums and everyone who contributed to it. Not only it help me broaden my creativity but encourage me to create some of my own stories interactive not related to TWAU. (Heroes and Shadow of Dragoina). I also want to thank users for creating some engaging interactive stories as well that I was grateful to be apart of.
Thanks everyone, it’s been fun.
Came here for Puzzle Agent hints, stayed for TFTBL. I don't usually participate in fandom discussions, but Tales... I dunno. The community just had that pull to it, and helped make the waits easier.
I'll never forget all those heated debates over the Stranger's identity. I don't think I saw anyone call it, and that still cracks me right up.
It was awesome to be here for the many stages of Telltale, and truly great to be a part of the awesome mod team since 2012. I had good memories of times with lots of great moderators (some of whom probably will never see this, since they left around the time of the forum changeover, but definitely deserve to be mentioned): @puzzlebox, @Jake, @GuruGuru214, @Icedhope, @Silverwolfpet, @divisionten. @Darth Marsden, @Blind Sniper, @Hero1, @Vainamoinen, @InGen_Nate_Kenny, @Deltino, @dojo32161, @OzzyUK, @HiroVoid, @DjNDB, @Macfly77
I've had a lot of good memories of people here too (again, some of these people left around the time of the forum change, but they deserve mention): @Rather Dashing, @fhqwhgads, @coolsome, @AChicken, @freelancepolicefan11, @nikasaur, @RichWalk23, @TeamKennyW00T, @Poogers555, @MetallicaRules, @DomeWing333, @GoldenPaladin, @kiwi_walking_dead, @Kroms, @Chyron8472, @Giant Tope, @Secret Fawful, @Avistew, and a ton more.
I met @puzzlebox, @kenjisalk, and @JobJStauffer_TTG at a press screening of Minecraft: Story Mode, and got to hang out with them in the room above the event, talk to them about what I read on the forums that people wanted, and just talk about Minecraft, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, Sam & Max, Puzzle Agent, and just about anything else that popped in my head about my nerdy knowledge of Telltale. I think I even brought up Telltale Texas Hold'em Blades of Stenchtar at one point. They even let me take home the rest of the pizza (and the event was in Brooklyn, so the pizza was out of this world)! It was an awesome night that I'll never forget.
This is such an amazing idea! Poogs, you're an awesome person and you always made the best memes. It will be en honour for the whole honour if you make one final video. This is gonna be so epic.
I'll just paste here what I said earlier in the megathread:
I remember how my first comment here got 20 likes and zero dislikes and I was soooo proud
I joined the Kenny army. I created my first real fanfic here. It was interactive and I had the time of my life writing it. The fact that "A Brave New World" inspired a few amazing people warms my heart with endless joy. I found a whole gang of friends. I almost became a voice actor for a fan animated TWD project. I remember hype trains, ship wars, Kenny vs Jane shitstorm, TWAU conspiracues, all kinds of drama. The meme and fun threads gave me so many good laughs. Telltale Games generally brought me into gaming.
It's so heartwarming to see people here mentioning me! I kinda though of myself as a ghost, especially lately, but your love just makes me want to live the fullest life. I feel bad that I've forgotten somebody, so here's my renewed list of cool people that I was happy to meet: @LiquidChicagoTed, @WalkerMage102, @sardines, @Crips, @Pipas, @Gustav_Kenny, @Azlyn, @Saltlick305, @Karnedg2013, @supersagig, @InGen_Nate_Kenny, @Zorkij, @imighthavebrokenit, @Acheive250, @JonGon, @Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy.
Another list of awesome people that I never talked much with, but still adored: @DabigRG, @Poogers555 (obviously), @Deltino, @MetallicaRules, @Melton23, @Cocoa2736, @AronDracula, @AChicken, @Lee Everett , @lupinb0y, @ClemmyClooAndBabyBoo, @VengefulKenny, @Blind Sniper, @ABigBadWolf.
I just feel like I'm a part of one big loving family ;_;
I joined the forum during the release of Season 2 of The Walking Dead somewhere when Episode 2 came out DAMN sorry the memories;(
We were all speculating on the new upcoming Episodes of The walking Dead, Wolf Among Us and Tales of the Bordelands and it was great (well for the most part it became really toxic when Kenny VS Jane started my condelence to the hard working Moderators).
I made hundreds of threads and discussions with many of the members here who became my friends and they felt like a second family I never had! everyone was so nice and to know that I could share my thought's here, problems and interest with people actually listening is great! but I wasn't the greatest member here though I would like to apologise to @Blind Sniper and everyone else for my past before it's to late.
I'm sorry for leading the upvote war I was carried away (yes people there was a upvote war XD).
I'm sorry for making multiple accounts to get around my bans for trolling and spamming so I could still speak with my friends that I made here and always talk with you guys here.
I'm sorry to all the members here that I triggered or anything really that might not have been intended!
I remember making the craziest threads of making an X-men Wolf Among Us Walking Dead crossover thingy XD I remember that I made a discussion thread over TWAU were we discussed all the deleted content of the season or the multiple rewrites and we would post it all there.
There were so many things here I cannot put it all down in one go but still thank you guys for helping me go through hard times!
Awww thanks for the mention ? feel like a huge asshole for forgetting to mention you in my comment so here’s a virtual hug on behalf of the boat army

it's always nice getting a mention that doesn't involve @Dex-Starr trolling me with a picture of max ❤️
i haven't been here long but i'll miss this place.
Yeah...I hate @Dex-Starr ???
Ack, I knew I forgot someone. You're awesome, and I always have a good time talking to you. Are you on Discord?
Thanks man. I'll miss your threads for live-commenting of the Walking Dead TV shows. The commentary was Golden at times.
ravioli ravioli @Poogers555 mention me in the videoroli
Poogers in case I'll never have the opportunity to say it to you again, you are my hero.
Although I'm not a long-time veteran on this forum as most people here, this place has really been something else for me. It's a wonderful forum which i discovered somewhere before "A New Frontier" and after lurking for quite a long time I joined this place somewhere in mid-season. I mostly stuck to the meme thread but something I always enjoyed about Telltale's games is the choices you have to make, putting myself in the skin of the characters and thinking what would I do in their situation, thinking about my own moral code and obviously discussing our choices is a big part of it. Going through the threads was always a joy for me. During the break between ANF and TFS I wasn't active here (quite though times on personal level) and coming back here was so great, finding back the same old and new people with the hopes for a new great season was so awesome.
I'd like to thank @Poogers555 @Joe_Momma @bruzdaa @VengefulKenny @ZombiePizza @Dex-Starr @MrGraffio @DabigRG @MetallicaRules @AronDracula @fallandir @RavenSnowstorm @strwar3 @InKennyWeTrust @The_Godlike_Beard @Louche @Kennyshouladiedins1 @MRSHYGUY45 @Lee_Everett @MarijaaNo7 @BetterToSleep @ImUrban @Melton23 @Cocoa2736 @joshua007 @Jayroen @lupinb0y and many many others who I forgot to mention by name for being who you are, all the discussions who gave me personally something to think about, meaningless stupid comments and especially high or low quality memes which always put a smile on my face.
Even though I didn't have many interactions with the moderation I'd like to thank @Blind Sniper @InGen_Nate_Kenny @OzzyUK and the rest of the moderation team for all their effort and time put in keeping this place such an awesome site and keeping us from spoilers, not so Christian images and keeping us safe in general.
Of course big thanks to all Telltale employees for the incredible games they gave us without all this wouldn't even happend, creating the story of Clementine. Following this little fictional character was an expierence I'll never forget, it's been something wonderful.
It's a shame all is coming to an end the way it is but I'd rather think about all the great memories this game and community gave me. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words especially in a language which isn't my native one but I hope all this makes some sense at least. I love y'all. May the Godlike Boat be with y'all, always.
P.S.:This has to appear in the video somewhere at some point as a tribute to our God
Why did this happen? I just moved to college in Netherlands. This just came out of nowhere and I'm so devastated. It would have been predictable if Telltale was owned by EA but they weren't. Worst part is that they did in the middle of Clementine's final journey and Telltale will probably do the same thing Valve did to Half Life.
I want to thank @MetallicaRules @Poogers555 @RichWalk23 @AChicken @Achieve250 @DabigRG @dan290786 @InKennyWeTrust @Melton23 @MarijaaNo7 @Dont_Look_Back @ClemyClooAndBabyboo and more for communicating and sharing opinions in this forum.
I also want to thank the mods @Blind Sniper @InGen_Nate_Kenny @dojo32161 @Deltino @Jennifer for keeping this community civil.
I hope your stay in the Netherlands works out for you, mate. Keep at it.
It's been a while since we last spoke, but I still enjoyed the small talk we had together. Hope you're doing well too.
I don't know what to say. It's like finding out about serious illness of someone that's close to you. Hits you hard and out of nowhere, especially that I recently decided to go back here. I was really happy I did, because I genuinely enjoyed the New Season and I was promised true enjoyment and fun.
I would like to tag everyone, however I know i would miss a lot of wonderful people, so let me just say you are lovely, creative, cheerful and supporting people all around the world and I'm so happy I got to spend time with you.
Although I haven't been active recently, this forum has always meant a lot to me since I've met so many cool and funny people from all over the world. Especially in the Rhyiona thread. You deserved those socks Poogs, btw.
Thanks for mentions @InGen_Nate_Kenny , @Cocoa2736 , @Kenny_The_Almighty & @AronDracula
It's a shame that Telltale broke down just when they started improving. But nevertheless, thanks everyone for good memories and nice conversations!
I know I haven't responded to everyone who has mentioned me in their comments, and I'm sorry for that, please don't take that to mean that I'm ignoring you or I don't appreciate the words and thoughts. The fact is that I do, more so than you think. I've been on these forums for years, it's been a place I've used more times than I can count to forget about life for a while (Billy Joel reference), and a big part of that was the people. I just didn't realize that a lot of others felt the same way, especially in regards to me, and honestly, it means a lot. I never really considered myself that popular of a guy. I couldn't make memes like Poogs, or funny Youtube videos like Jewfreeus or leatherwolf, or draw like so many people here. The only thing I felt like I contributed were shitty Let's Plays and my own opinions, no matter how unpopular some of them are/were. So to see so many people say such nice things, it means a lot, and I'm not going to lie, I'm tearing up just typing this. Thank you so much, and no matter what happens going forward, I'll remember you all fondly and appreciate the memories we've had.
Thanks mate.
I forgot to add one thing. I have to say that it kinda pains me that Telltale Games will close soon, but I enjoyed spending my time with you guys, even those whom I didn't know. To quote Squall from Kingdom Hearts: "We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."
I just want to say, Poogs. You've always been my favourite user on these forums. I don't know how many times I've laughed over your memes. I especially enjoyed the Rhys socks thing, that was gold.
I hope you continue making YouTube videos as well. They crack me up too. My favourite was probably the video on Biggo the Wolf. I also can't wait to see what you do with this current project.
Thanks for all the entertainment over the years man!
It's crazy coming back here after possibly years of not even thinking about this forum to see that people not only remembered you but appreciated you for the times you gave them. This is going to be brief and I can't even say for certain I'll come back and look at anything said to me but I want to say thank you. This was a huge part of my childhood, I'm now in college and doing well for myself, but everyone here helped me get through some really rough parts of my life. I can't really say how much this place has shaped me because I can't really tell how much it did but I can tell that I am different due to every one of you. Even though the forum is dying, none of us are and I encourage each of you to live to the fullest because you all deserve it. Thank you and may you have a blessed and wonderful life.
Damn right. My nickname is inkennywetrust. Feel free to send a request, although I may not answer at instant.
You know, this forum downfall might have its good sides. I finally realized how much everyone here means to me and others. It’s so sweet to see people tagging each other, thanking for all the experience they had here. It’s like you can see those invisible threads going around the whole globe, connecting people from different place, united by their shared love for Telltale. This is so huge, holy shit. I used to visit this site almost every day, it literally feels like my second home. I don’t know if I’ll ever experience anything like this, but I’m so happy that I had a chance.
Looking forward for your video, Poogs.
I just thought it would be so funny to have one giant Skype chat for Telltale users, but my computer probably wouldn’t survive this lol.
Sorry for spamming with a shit ton of comments, I just feel a swirl of emotions inside of me
virtual hug sent back in text because I can’t paste a gif in my ipad
The boat army shall never die.
I'm afraid I'm not much of one for words at the moment, I'm still processing it I guess, but I would like to thank everyone for putting up with my shitty memes (except for that one time I got banned for like a month. I'll message you about it @Poogers555 ). I know I've dwelled almost exclusively in the TWD Meme and Fun Thread for most of these last 2 years or so due to time constraints and an ever dwindling attention span, but it's still nice to see people know me for it.
I'll probably still hang around here as well until the end since I've still got some friends in the TWDG community on iFunny with one of my accounts (TWDG_Clementines_Hat).
I've also been working on a Walking Dead text adventure for a long time now, but stopped making progress this past year (I've not lost interest, I've just been plotting long term stuff rather than picking up writing where I left off) as a sort of love letter to TellTale. If anything this is gonna kick my sorry ass back into gear. I'm gonna finish that damn thing or die trying.
If anyone is leaving and still wants to reach me you can find me at the previously mentioned iFunny username (I have a chat with the other TWDG profiles going and we need more cool peoples to join!), on Line @ClementinesHat, on r/TemaKenny as Joe_Momma, or in Road to Survival in the Cleburne region as a member of Sun Tzu Movement (look for the season 3 Clem avatar, or season 4 Clem if my FTP ass ever gets her). Be seeing yall.
???? Ik we didn’t talk much but papa Melton (yes, that’s my discord name ?) will probably pay you a visit... once I can actually figure out how to use it and also when I manage to track every single forum member down.
I’m also not very familiar with discord, I barely used it before. I hope we can organize like a group chat for former Telltale users. You know, just to stay in touch.
Yeah, second this. Would be nice to stay in touch to keep discussing stuff (probably mostly other games lol).
Thanks man!
Also just want to say in general like Metallica said because Ive been tagged a lot, it really means a lot, its just hard to reply to everyone. So if you say some kind words to me and I dont reply, just know that I do 100% see it and it really means a lot. Yall stay gold.
For The Wolf Among Us and Fables fans of this community, @Jacol has set up a Discord server which I just joined.
I'm hoping to see a lot of the fellow mundies there!
https://discord.gg/MWPP5Mj Feel free to join us. Most of the forum mods and big names from the forums are already in this server.
normally I wouldn't plug so shamefully but Telltale is over sooooo
One random memory I want to share is from Forum Werewolf 2, where I show how badass I am (Poogs was the host):
Thanks for the mention it has brightened my day
Little teaser for everyone :kennysad:
I feel awful for not mentioning anyone so a quick thread of people I really enjoyed seeing on these boards @AChicken @MetallicaRule @Blind Sniper @InGen_Nate_Kenny @dojo32161 @Deltino @Jennifer @lupinb0y @Mercyva @HiroVoid @Pipas @AgentZ46 @Lilacsbloom @BetterToSleep @GSSalvador @Kennyshouladiedins1 @CrazedRabbit @GoldenPaladin @Poogers555 @Vainamoinen @CathalOHara and so so so much more. A lot of people I remember interacting a bit in the season 2/ wolf times that I wish I could remember by name but just can't.
Well fellas, finally finished writting everything I wanted to say, just need B Roll (which should be easy) and then voice over. I really hope this turns out great (and isnt too long either) I tried to include as many people as I could and mention as much as possible!
Effort appreciated poogs, be well.
omg. you! where have you been? i swear i had you as a friend in steam. please link up before this goes to shambles!