Well fellas, finally finished writting everything I wanted to say, just need B Roll (which should be easy) and then voice over. I really hop… moree this turns out great (and isnt too long either) I tried to include as many people as I could and mention as much as possible!
It's probably best to repost this in with everyone else's entries instead of the 'how are you doing?' thread, so here we go.
In 5 years time when I'll probably have kids, I'll Tell them the Tale of the greatest video game studio of all time, the best writers in the business, who wrote stories that touched hearts across the globe, all the twists and turns, and ships and critiques, and memes and rejoicing, (dammit I'm crying rn) the best community that isn't toxic, the best community-dev transparency, all the conferences and E3 and PAX Talks, and Interviews and Behind the Scenes, and playthroughs and documentaries, and AMA's and.....
Damn. This is more tragic than I thought. I'm so thankful that I will never be forgotten, and just know, that in 5 or 10 or 20 years time, I will NEVER forget you guys! Even if the forums close down, just know that I will always be in your hearts, and your names and ideas and discussions and jokes and all the wholesome details that you share about your lives will probably be remembered!
It is incredibly saddening that The Final Season will end on an aprupt, low note, and my condolences to all the developers. It is YOU who will change the industry for the better, Telltale's cinematography, your Voice-Casters, your Concept Artists, designers, writers, and more will do good for the world of video games. Instead of being stuck to a roof of mismanagement and toxic working, spread your wings and flock to whatever studio you see as being successful. I know you will do good.
There will never be a Telltale again! Screw u DontNod (jk) no-one does it better than Telltale! Their talent and especially writing is on another level! Whichever company manages to get hold of them should consider themselves lucky and fortunate. Screw u Pewdiepie (see his tweets) Their shitty QTE are amazing! Their franchises, characters, just I WANT ANOTHER TELLTALE! FINISH CLEM'S ENDING! It's sad because this is happening in my prime, when I finally found a passion and a love. I'm even proud that I replayed ANF 4 times in 2 weeks! Telltale cured and gave me depression, rip.
Btw I'm sticking it out until the end! @Blind Sniper perhaps you and your mods, if you're any good at changing websites, if you even have the rights to do that, PLEASE try and change the forums so that there are no more ''Game Sections'' just ''The Yak Space'' or ''General''. There's no point in talking about these games anymore but make it so that we can talk about those games in General. I assure you this will not die! Okay maybe in 2 since no more games to re-instate the hype but keep going! This is a wonderful community and I don't want to see us all go our separate ways like Telltale did. We can't let history repeat itself. Hmm.. maybe I should make this a separate post to gain more traction.. spread the word!
You look at that scar, and remember all the good times we had.
The moderators don't have the power to change the sections of the forums, sadly. The forums can be hidden from the category view (like CSI) but only the Telltale web team can do that... and I'm not sure which members of the web team are still on staff.
It's probably best to repost this in with everyone else's entries instead of the 'how are you doing?' thread, so here we go.
In 5 years t… moreime when I'll probably have kids, I'll Tell them the Tale of the greatest video game studio of all time, the best writers in the business, who wrote stories that touched hearts across the globe, all the twists and turns, and ships and critiques, and memes and rejoicing, (dammit I'm crying rn) the best community that isn't toxic, the best community-dev transparency, all the conferences and E3 and PAX Talks, and Interviews and Behind the Scenes, and playthroughs and documentaries, and AMA's and.....
Damn. This is more tragic than I thought. I'm so thankful that I will never be forgotten, and just know, that in 5 or 10 or 20 years time, I will NEVER forget you guys! Even if the forums close down, just know that I will always be in your hearts, and your names and ideas and discussions and jokes and all the… [view original content]
I knew you were closeted! LoL...I think I am going to miss the Bruce memes you would have done if Batman season 3 had happened..when you first did them Poogs...I was having a bad day...and they made me laugh and turned it into a pretty good one. So thanks for that.
I knew you were closeted! LoL...I think I am going to miss the Bruce memes you would have done if Batman season 3 had happened..when you fi… morerst did them Poogs...I was having a bad day...and they made me laugh and turned it into a pretty good one. So thanks for that.
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
Thanks for the shootout, my friend. These are difficult times but it brings me bittersweet joy to see everyone come together as a community. I hope to see you at r/TeamKenny and maybe we will get the last 2 episodes after all. Boatgod bless you.
Poogers in case I'll never have the opportunity to say it to you again, you are my hero.
Although I'm not a long-time veteran on this for… moreum as most people here, this place has really been something else for me. It's a wonderful forum which i discovered somewhere before "A New Frontier" and after lurking for quite a long time I joined this place somewhere in mid-season. I mostly stuck to the meme thread but something I always enjoyed about Telltale's games is the choices you have to make, putting myself in the skin of the characters and thinking what would I do in their situation, thinking about my own moral code and obviously discussing our choices is a big part of it. Going through the threads was always a joy for me. During the break between ANF and TFS I wasn't active here (quite though times on personal level) and coming back here was so great, finding back the same old and new people with the hopes for a new great season was so awesom… [view original content]
Thanks for the shoutout. I know we haven't talked much but I appreciate the adoration and I'm always here to talk to and for support. That applies to everyone. We are indeed a big silly family and I hope the forums live on through the subreddits.
This is such an amazing idea! Poogs, you're an awesome person and you always made the best memes. It will be en honour for the whole honour … moreif you make one final video. This is gonna be so epic.
I'll just paste here what I said earlier in the megathread:
I remember how my first comment here got 20 likes and zero dislikes and I was soooo proud I joined the Kenny army. I created my first real fanfic here. It was interactive and I had the time of my life writing it. The fact that "A Brave New World" inspired a few amazing people warms my heart with endless joy. I found a whole gang of friends. I almost became a voice actor for a fan animated TWD project. I remember hype trains, ship wars, Kenny vs Jane shitstorm, TWAU conspiracues, all kinds of drama. The meme and fun threads gave me so many good laughs. Telltale Games generally brought me into gaming.
It's so heartwarming to see people here mentioning me! I kinda though of myself as a… [view original content]
I never expected much from s1 of The Walking Dead but it changed my life when I played it. I felt truly attached to the characters and I quickly became obsessed with the universe that Telltale had crafted. I lurked on these forums for several months before tentatively creating an account and joining in the discussions myself. I'm happy to say that I've made friends here over the years, many who I talk to about our personal lives when things are tough and many who have helped me on the r/TeamKenny subreddit out of sheer kindness and a shared love for Kenny.
My favorite times around here was waiting for new episodes and speculating endlessly... debating about killing or sparing the Whitehills, speculating about who the mysterious stranger in TFTB was, arguing about whether Kenny survived s1 or not... so many good talks during better, simpler times.
I would give shoutouts to everyone but it truly is too many people to list. I love everyone here, even if we didn't agree I have so much love for this community. It would be impossible to list everyone who I've interacted with and who has made an impact on me over the years. You all know who you are and you all have a place in my heart.
I'm still clinging to the hope that TFS will in be fact be finished out, but it isn't looking good. In case these forums get nuked unexpectedly in the coming days, I want everyone to know that they are always welcome at r/TheWalkingDeadGame and r/TeamKenny, both of which I am a moderator at. My inbox is always open to any of you and i truly hope this community can survive and find a renewed purpose there.
On a side note on have talked to several users about a collaborative effort to write the endings to the game in the event that we truly don't get the final 2 episodes. I've reached out to ex staff members in an attempt to get details but they can't reveal anything. At least not yet. But I wanted to throw this out there that it's an idea I've been running through my head. I think it could be therapeutic for everyone.
Regardless of what happens, it's been a hell of a ride and my heart feels very heavy after typing this out. I wanted to give specific shoutouts but you all know who you are and it would be impossible to list the hundreds of beloved users that I've grown to know over the years. I love you all and this community and I hope to stay in touch and continue to grow.
Most people from here are going to want to see it all, but 32 minutes is a big commitment for YouTube viewers in general, so you could make it multi-part if there are good dividing points. A lot of YouTube content creators do this to make something small to draw people in, and if they're interested enough, they'll watch the continuation videos. Include links to all of the videos in all of their descriptions for easy access.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
I was planning on in the post and description to give time stamps so people who already know much about Telltales history can just skip to the forum stuff, Im also gonna upload the ending clip as a separate video as well.
Most people from here are going to want to see it all, but 32 minutes is a big commitment for YouTube viewers in general, so you could make … moreit multi-part if there are good dividing points. A lot of YouTube content creators do this to make something small to draw people in, and if they're interested enough, they'll watch the continuation videos. Include links to all of the videos in all of their descriptions for easy access.
On a side note on have talked to several users about a collaborative effort to write the endings to the game in the event that we truly don't get the final 2 episodes. I've reached out to ex staff members in an attempt to get details but they can't reveal anything. At least not yet. But I wanted to throw this out there that it's an idea I've been running through my head. I think it could be therapeutic for everyone.
Great idea! Once ex-staff are allowed (will they ever be allowed?) to show the supposed storyline for TFS, they should definitely write it in a fanfic style (not interactive though). A lot of people could share their opinions and thoughts and they'd imagine what it'd look like in-game, and the staff could reply with more details!
I never expected much from s1 of The Walking Dead but it changed my life when I played it. I felt truly attached to the characters and I qui… moreckly became obsessed with the universe that Telltale had crafted. I lurked on these forums for several months before tentatively creating an account and joining in the discussions myself. I'm happy to say that I've made friends here over the years, many who I talk to about our personal lives when things are tough and many who have helped me on the r/TeamKenny subreddit out of sheer kindness and a shared love for Kenny.
My favorite times around here was waiting for new episodes and speculating endlessly... debating about killing or sparing the Whitehills, speculating about who the mysterious stranger in TFTB was, arguing about whether Kenny survived s1 or not... so many good talks during better, simpler times.
I would give shoutouts to everyone but it truly is too many people to list. I love everyone… [view original content]
Looking forward to it. Have a feeling all sorts of emotions are gonna rise up as I watch the video, but still, it's gonna be something that I really wanna watch.
Let's just gather on https://sync-video.com/ and cry together, maybe Telltale ghost will hear our moaning and resurrect the company with better management
Okay, so here's my formal "entry" into this.
I joined the forums in November of 2014. I had lurked around here for a while, during Wolf a… morend Season 2. I was brought to tell by Jurassic Park and the Walking Dead. My first thread archived here was called "Determinant Relationships that Really Didn't Matter".
I fit in pretty well here. I had Oscar from Jurassic Park as my avatar. I joined some Forum Games then, including the almost 4 years old Forum of Thrones, along with several iterations of Forum Werewolf, which I believe Poogs was also apart of. Those were fun.
I enjoyed speculating Game of Thrones and waiting for Tales From the Borderlands. I made Pipas make the Rhysha thread and seeing how many comments are in it, better he made it than I made it. Oh it was fun, getting to know people better.
I became a mod a little over 3 years ago, before my 1st anniversary, on September 12, 2015. I made some cryptic teases, and there I was, a… [view original content]
Forgot about this awesome video @Poogers555 made.
you're gonna make me cry
this is so much worse in our current situation
Let's hope that You will manage to post it before the forums shut down
It's probably best to repost this in with everyone else's entries instead of the 'how are you doing?' thread, so here we go.
In 5 years time when I'll probably have kids, I'll Tell them the Tale of the greatest video game studio of all time, the best writers in the business, who wrote stories that touched hearts across the globe, all the twists and turns, and ships and critiques, and memes and rejoicing, (dammit I'm crying rn) the best community that isn't toxic, the best community-dev transparency, all the conferences and E3 and PAX Talks, and Interviews and Behind the Scenes, and playthroughs and documentaries, and AMA's and.....
Damn. This is more tragic than I thought. I'm so thankful that I will never be forgotten, and just know, that in 5 or 10 or 20 years time, I will NEVER forget you guys! Even if the forums close down, just know that I will always be in your hearts, and your names and ideas and discussions and jokes and all the wholesome details that you share about your lives will probably be remembered!
It is incredibly saddening that The Final Season will end on an aprupt, low note, and my condolences to all the developers. It is YOU who will change the industry for the better, Telltale's cinematography, your Voice-Casters, your Concept Artists, designers, writers, and more will do good for the world of video games. Instead of being stuck to a roof of mismanagement and toxic working, spread your wings and flock to whatever studio you see as being successful. I know you will do good.
To think that there will **never ** be a Telltale game again... even though I could foresee it, you seemed like a powerhouse Indie studio, but we failed. Just when we thought the most promising line-up of games were to release in 2019... We had some good times, didn't we,
@MetallicaRules @dylanwoods777 @Thebatman377 @TheWalkingUrban @DabigRG @qualityrice @Veeeee @Saltyliquorice @Poogers555 @Tewudin @Jayroen @VengefulKenny @Dex-Starr @Plan_R @AronDracula @NexusFire @MrGraffio @eRock92 @Hillbilly_Dave @BullseyeRey @Wiso2kinfinity @patrickrc95 @4k60fpsHDR @Ov3rp0w3r @CarverDidNothingWrong @Kennyshouladiedins1 @lupinb0y @GSSalvador @MaxTheFax @TripleKillionare @Ladariel @stannard95 @Feedingfrenzy91 @Chibikid @SargeantMario101 @enzeruanimefan @Explodingkittens971 @Demonarke @alekgn @prink34320 @Findagon @Psychokinesis @Cocoa2736 @Green613 @PinkyPromise @Megami_Kizukanai @MegaXD @Fangirl101 @Louche @Leegendary @Divided_We_Fall @SolidStryder @InGen_Nate_Kenny @Deltino @OzzyUK @Blind Sniper . Louche come back ya said you come back after TFS ended and it's ending now! I haven't had the pleasure of talking to a lot of you, but I have been reading, and reading, and reading. Apologies to any I missed, love ya'll.
Btw I'm sticking it out until the end! @Blind Sniper perhaps you and your mods, if you're any good at changing websites, if you even have the rights to do that, PLEASE try and change the forums so that there are no more ''Game Sections'' just ''The Yak Space'' or ''General''. There's no point in talking about these games anymore but make it so that we can talk about those games in General. I assure you this will not die! Okay maybe in 2 since no more games to re-instate the hype but keep going! This is a wonderful community and I don't want to see us all go our separate ways like Telltale did. We can't let history repeat itself. Hmm.. maybe I should make this a separate post to gain more traction.. spread the word!
You look at that scar, and remember all the good times we had.
The moderators don't have the power to change the sections of the forums, sadly. The forums can be hidden from the category view (like CSI) but only the Telltale web team can do that... and I'm not sure which members of the web team are still on staff.
me after getting out of a closet after recording everything I wrote
I knew you were closeted! LoL...I think I am going to miss the Bruce memes you would have done if Batman season 3 had happened..when you first did them Poogs...I was having a bad day...and they made me laugh and turned it into a pretty good one. So thanks for that.
You are welcome
I'm not much for these things, but I wanted to say I will miss this place and the people in it. Hope you guys have a good life.
tfw video is half an hour
Question for you guys, the majority of the video is me going over Telltales life from 2012 to 2018. Do you guys want me to still include all of that, or should I try and cut it down a bit? Thanks.
Include it all
What's your tag?
My name is Toady#8350
Sorry wrong discussion didn't mean to comment
Include all of it
All of it
My tag is #1809.
i've never used discord or reddit or any of these other sites so after the forums go down i'll probably just fade into bolivian.
It's about time you came out of the closet
LiStEn hEre BuckO itS beCauSe CloSeT mAkEs lEsS EchO
Thanks for the shootout, my friend. These are difficult times but it brings me bittersweet joy to see everyone come together as a community. I hope to see you at r/TeamKenny and maybe we will get the last 2 episodes after all. Boatgod bless you.
Thanks for the shoutout. I know we haven't talked much but I appreciate the adoration and I'm always here to talk to and for support. That applies to everyone. We are indeed a big silly family and I hope the forums live on through the subreddits.
I never expected much from s1 of The Walking Dead but it changed my life when I played it. I felt truly attached to the characters and I quickly became obsessed with the universe that Telltale had crafted. I lurked on these forums for several months before tentatively creating an account and joining in the discussions myself. I'm happy to say that I've made friends here over the years, many who I talk to about our personal lives when things are tough and many who have helped me on the r/TeamKenny subreddit out of sheer kindness and a shared love for Kenny.
My favorite times around here was waiting for new episodes and speculating endlessly... debating about killing or sparing the Whitehills, speculating about who the mysterious stranger in TFTB was, arguing about whether Kenny survived s1 or not... so many good talks during better, simpler times.
I would give shoutouts to everyone but it truly is too many people to list. I love everyone here, even if we didn't agree I have so much love for this community. It would be impossible to list everyone who I've interacted with and who has made an impact on me over the years. You all know who you are and you all have a place in my heart.
I'm still clinging to the hope that TFS will in be fact be finished out, but it isn't looking good. In case these forums get nuked unexpectedly in the coming days, I want everyone to know that they are always welcome at r/TheWalkingDeadGame and r/TeamKenny, both of which I am a moderator at. My inbox is always open to any of you and i truly hope this community can survive and find a renewed purpose there.
On a side note on have talked to several users about a collaborative effort to write the endings to the game in the event that we truly don't get the final 2 episodes. I've reached out to ex staff members in an attempt to get details but they can't reveal anything. At least not yet. But I wanted to throw this out there that it's an idea I've been running through my head. I think it could be therapeutic for everyone.
Regardless of what happens, it's been a hell of a ride and my heart feels very heavy after typing this out. I wanted to give specific shoutouts but you all know who you are and it would be impossible to list the hundreds of beloved users that I've grown to know over the years. I love you all and this community and I hope to stay in touch and continue to grow.
The warmest regards to everyone,
there are 2 eras i loved in tftb the rhysha/ryona wars and who the stranger dude was
Most people from here are going to want to see it all, but 32 minutes is a big commitment for YouTube viewers in general, so you could make it multi-part if there are good dividing points. A lot of YouTube content creators do this to make something small to draw people in, and if they're interested enough, they'll watch the continuation videos. Include links to all of the videos in all of their descriptions for easy access.
I was planning on in the post and description to give time stamps so people who already know much about Telltales history can just skip to the forum stuff, Im also gonna upload the ending clip as a separate video as well.
Great idea! Once ex-staff are allowed (will they ever be allowed?) to show the supposed storyline for TFS, they should definitely write it in a fanfic style (not interactive though). A lot of people could share their opinions and thoughts and they'd imagine what it'd look like in-game, and the staff could reply with more details!
Ahhh but this would probably never happen.
maybe it’s for the best?
Well the video is done fellas. Its just rendering now, I will upload the moment its done.
Edit: Oof.
Noice. Looking forward to it!
Looking forward to it. Have a feeling all sorts of emotions are gonna rise up as I watch the video, but still, it's gonna be something that I really wanna watch.
Thanks so much for this Poogs!
I can't wait to watch it. Exited for that Poogs voice reveal as well.
Let's just gather on https://sync-video.com/ and cry together, maybe Telltale ghost will hear our moaning and resurrect the company with better management
Inb4 it's a text-to-speech bot. Classic Poogs.
Real talk tho I'm super excited for this because I need a good cry.
That's some real shit fam, can't wait.
My voice is very monotone while reading out loud so is there really a difference?
First time logging in here in over a year... just checking in one last time since I heard the sad news about Telltale. Thanks for the love!