Never use social media sites / apps (I already don't use any).
While you're transporting the evil alien fungus to Canada, where it can be permanently destroyed... Plot twist!! You realise the alien fungus was actually implanted intentionally by your boss. You realise he has been trying to spread the infection the whole time.
On your way to his office to exact revenge for deceiving you, manipulating you and using Alien Fungus to indirectly kill your daughter, you bump into your best friend: Alexa. Litterally. You bump into her and she falls over (that's what happens when you run around corners) and her skull shatters on the floor. But blood and brains don't pour out, wires and sparks do.
You realise your best friend since pre-school has actually been a robot the whole time. With more wood thrown into the flame, you storm into your boss's office and run towards him... A little too fast, because you trip over.
Your elbow hits the ground hard and shatters, but instead of blood and tears pouring out, only wires and sparks do. You realise you're a robot too.
"You weren't meant to find out that way..." You're boss says. "I only created you two days ago, as soon as I tricked you into delivering the fungus to Canada using a clever technique of inserting artificial memories, such as the one of you growing up with the other robot Alexa, and trick you into thinking you're destroying the evil fungus by doing so, THEN I was going to tell you... But look what happened." He says, shaking his head disappointedly.
You pull yourself off the ground. Angry and confused, you raise your rifle and point it at your boss's head.
"Hallelujah, asswipe." You say, right before you--
Never use social media sites / apps (I already don't use any).
While you're transporting the evil alien fungus to Canada, where it can be… more permanently destroyed... Plot twist!! You realise the alien fungus was actually implanted intentionally by your boss. You realise he has been trying to spread the infection the whole time.
On your way to his office to exact revenge for deceiving you, manipulating you and using Alien Fungus to indirectly kill your daughter, you bump into your best friend: Alexa. Litterally. You bump into her and she falls over (that's what happens when you run around corners) and her skull shatters on the floor. But blood and brains don't pour out, wires and sparks do.
You realise your best friend since pre-school has actually been a robot the whole time. With more wood thrown into the flame, you storm into your boss's office and run towards him... A little too fast, because you trip over.
Your elbow hits the gro… [view original content]
...nooAAAOOOHH, I was typing up THE BEST response (citation needed) for that questionnnn!! One that (hopefully) would rival the quirkiness, spontaneousness and awesomeness of it!!
Yeah, I'm being dramatic, I don't mean it. But seriously though, @Acheive250's question was just plain awesome. It made me think that there should be a thread about taking turns continuing a story. Is there already one like that?
EDIT: I'm sorry for dissmissing your answer. Even though I was joking, that was very disrespectful of me. I still feel kinda bad about it...
Throw the Alien Fungus at the boss, point the gun on yourself, and leave your miserable, confusing existence.
Grrrreat story!
What was your most recent purchase?
...nooAAAOOOHH, I was typing up THE BEST response (citation needed) for that questionnnn!! One that (hopefully) would rival the quirkiness, … morespontaneousness and awesomeness of it!!
Yeah, I'm being dramatic, I don't mean it. But seriously though, @Acheive250's question was just plain awesome. It made me think that there should be a thread about taking turns continuing a story. Is there already one like that?
EDIT: I'm sorry for dissmissing your answer. Even though I was joking, that was very disrespectful of me. I still feel kinda bad about it...
You throw the fungus onto your boss. Only then does he actually look you in the eye. He starts screaming as the fungus devours him.
In the split-moments before you pull the trigger on yourself, you see him drop a phone. You realise he wasn't talking to you, he was on the phone to someone else. Suddenly you remember when you lost your arm in a car accident, and your boss replaced it with a robot arm.
But it's too late now, you've pulled the trigger.
The gun fires, and brain, blood and fragments of your skull burst out of your tiny head.
Throw the Alien Fungus at the boss, point the gun on yourself, and leave your miserable, confusing existence.
Grrrreat story!
What was your most recent purchase?
You throw the fungus onto your boss. Only then does he actually look you in the eye. He starts screaming as the fungus devours him.
In th… moree split-moments before you pull the trigger on yourself, you see him drop a phone. You realise he wasn't talking to you, he was on the phone to someone else. Suddenly you remember when you lost your arm in a car accident, and your boss replaced it with a robot arm.
But it's too late now, you've pulled the trigger.
The gun fires, and brain, blood and fragments of your skull burst out of your tiny head.
I believe this is what you're talking about
(1:11 It took me till now to figure out what the screaming was for. It's supposed to be the vocals)
Nevermind what I said, @Umbassabro .
I believe this is what you're talking about
(1:11 It took me till now to figure out what the screaming was for. It's supposed to be the vocals)
Nevermind what I said, @Umbassabro .
"Hallelujah, asswipe." You say, right before you--
-- notice in your peripheral vision, the movement of a small bird that has perched upon the open window in the office. You then dismiss the tiny distraction and are about to pull the trigger when the bird's beautiful song unexpectedly grabs your attention. Seriously, that's the most beautiful song you've ever heard. You marvel over the bird's incredible vocal range. You've never felt so happy over something so seemingly insignificant before. Your Boss wastes no time in seizing the opportunity to tackle you to the ground, taking the rifle from your hands.
"The small amount of RAM in your attention span turned out to be useful after all!" The Boss says with a taunting smirk. "It appears the tables have been turned."
Just then, the table in the office literally turns... to reveal the surprising entrance of: Alexa, your old childhood friend that you've only known for two days that you accidentally killed because of your clumsiness. But she's OK now.
"Well, this is not what I expected..." Alexa says, commenting on the situation she is presented with, "--So soon, at least." The Boss appears angry with her, "How did you find my secret basement!?" Alexa answers with a calm but serious disposition, "The ways and means are not for anyone's concernment, for the end result is what ultimately will be remembered. Specifically, the end of my enemy, whom has caused me pain and suffering. The riddance of thee will mark the completion of my revenge." She always had a unique sense of English.
Alexa pulls out a high-tech pistol, pointing it to the sky. The Boss's demeanor suddenly changes to a fearful one. He retracts the rifle and puts up both hands as he stammers "H-how did you find--?" "SILENCE!" Alexa's voice echoes in the small room, and the sudden outburst admittedly startled you. She then slowly loads the pistol and alternates between looking at you and your Boss.
Never use social media sites / apps (I already don't use any).
While you're transporting the evil alien fungus to Canada, where it can be… more permanently destroyed... Plot twist!! You realise the alien fungus was actually implanted intentionally by your boss. You realise he has been trying to spread the infection the whole time.
On your way to his office to exact revenge for deceiving you, manipulating you and using Alien Fungus to indirectly kill your daughter, you bump into your best friend: Alexa. Litterally. You bump into her and she falls over (that's what happens when you run around corners) and her skull shatters on the floor. But blood and brains don't pour out, wires and sparks do.
You realise your best friend since pre-school has actually been a robot the whole time. With more wood thrown into the flame, you storm into your boss's office and run towards him... A little too fast, because you trip over.
Your elbow hits the gro… [view original content]
You then give Alexa a peace sign with your hand, kind of as an ultimate test to see if your memories are true or artificial.
You have a distant memory of Alexa and something the two of you used to do as kids. When you gave her the peace sign as kids, she would break down crying, because as she witnessed her father being eaten alive by the fungus all those years ago, he gave her one last peace sign to try and lessen the emotional trauma that event would have on her wellbeing, but it didn't work. So whenever she sees the peace sign, it reminds her of her father. So you used to do it to tease her. You're nice.
Anyway, you make the peace sign, and she just looks at you slightly confused. She takes it as the "A-okay, fire away!" And so she winks back and smiles, and pulls the trigger.
The machine charges up. The boss starts weeping and curls up in a ball crying hysterically.
The machine Alexa is holding then makes a sound that sounds like a chicken being run over by a Ferrari with six and a half people and two dogs onboard, with six cans of beer and a can of Ginger Beer for the innocent one. The machine then--
"Hallelujah, asswipe." You say, right before you--
-- notice in your peripheral vision, the movement of a sma… morell bird that has perched upon the open window in the office. You then dismiss the tiny distraction and are about to pull the trigger when the bird's beautiful song unexpectedly grabs your attention. Seriously, that's the most beautiful song you've ever heard. You marvel over the bird's incredible vocal range. You've never felt so happy over something so seemingly insignificant before. Your Boss wastes no time in seizing the opportunity to tackle you to the ground, taking the rifle from your hands.
"The small amount of RAM in your attention span turned out to be useful after all!" The Boss says with a taunting smirk. "It appears the tables have been turned."
Just then, the table in the office literally turns... to reveal the surprising entrance of: Alexa, your old childhood friend that you've only know… [view original content]
Since no one else is brave enough to answer, I'll go again...
Alexa fires the gun at your boss. A huuuge chicken noise is heard and a laser fires straight through your boss' head, but he doesn't die.
The gun splits your Boss into two separate fragments of reality... Meaning there are now two of him.
"Holy. Cow." Alexa says in awe, "Had I of known this devise would have multiplied that sad excuse of a creature, I would have just stabbed him fourteen times!"
You are still in shock at the sight of two of the same person talking to eachother. They appear to be having an argument...
"Why do you do that to your hair!?" Boss #1 says.
"I don't know what else to do to it! But look who's talkin'? Your hair is horse-shit level!!" Boss #2 argues.
"HORSE-SHIT!? Thats a bit harsh. I'd say its about pig-shit level. Its not as bad as horse-shit." Boss #1 replies, slightly offended.
"Harsh? That was a compliment! I love horse-shit!" Boss #2 says back.
"Really? Me toooooo!!" Boss #1 says and then they hug. Things only got more awkward from there when they start kissing. They then start-- Oh god! I guess that answers the "If you could have sex with yourself, would you?" question.
You and Alexa get out of the office as soon as possible, now wanting bleach to cleanse their eyes.
"There is a control panel in the basement which contains a button," Alexa starts, "which will detach Boss' office from the building, and then will activate the jets on his office, which will propell him...and his friend...into outer space!"
You are slightly astounded at her statement. But none the less want to shoot your boss(es) into outer space for aliens to find. You agree to help her find it.
(Two hours later)
The two of you finally make it to the basement. But to access the control panel, three switches must be pulled simultaneously, and each one is about two metres apart from eachother. You need three people.
Alex turns to you and hands you the gun. "Shoot me." She says. "Create another of me so we can pull all the switches. I promise, I won't do it with myself." You take her word for it, and then take the gun. You point it at her head and pull the trigger.
This time, though, it sounds like a dolphin, and instead of a laser shooting out, a microchip shoots at her and plants itself onto her forehead. "What the fu-- hell!?" The two of you say at the same time.
It seems the gun randomly alternates between different affects on its victim. What this microchip is, though, is yet to be discovered.
You decide to shoot the gun at the control panel to see if it can open it. The gun shoots a large grenade that attaches itself to the cover of the panel. You and Alexa get behind shelter as it explodes, knocking the case of the panel off, revealing what should be buttons and switches, but isn't. Its one giant hole that seems to match up with the shape of the nose of the gun with a little sign above it that reads "Shoot your desired affect below, and be happy with the results!"
You realise there's a dial on the gun that changes the different bullet types. There are only four options at the moment, but looks like it could change later on.
Which bullet type do you shoot into the panel? [SCRUBBA DUB DUB] [WESTERN GHOST TOWN] [WHAT IS LOVE?] or [HALLELUJAH, ASSWIPE!]
Well, this would technically be under the baking category, but whenever my mom makes apple turnovers out of pie crusts they never last long in our house. I couldn't tell you why. Plus, since the peeler she uses for the apples makes a nice stringy pile of apple skins, she saves them and gives them to me and my sister. We like to call it, Apple Spaghetti
On the top of a ferris wheel at a local fair. My GF at the time was the romantic type.
Favorite meal that your mother (or whoever you lived with) would cook?
That's cute
Well, this would technically be under the baking category, but whenever my mom makes apple turnovers out of pie crusts they … morenever last long in our house. I couldn't tell you why. Plus, since the peeler she uses for the apples makes a nice stringy pile of apple skins, she saves them and gives them to me and my sister. We like to call it, Apple Spaghetti
Something you're planning to do this summer?
You select 'Western Ghost Town' and hope for the best as you aim the gun up to the panel and hesitantly pull the trigger. The sound of the shot is akin to a reverse-avalanche imploding on itself in a vacuum. The ground beneath your feet shakes violently and causes you to lose your balance. It feels like the whole world is turning upside. You tumble around the room, unable to get a grip on anything. The light becomes so bright that you can barely keep your eyes open. What have you done? This was a mistake! You've destroyed the whole world, you idiot! Everything fades away as you lose grip of your consciousness.
You hear nothing but the sound of silence. You open your eyes expecting to see a horrible mess around you, but are surprised to see that the room looks intact, like nothing had happened.
"Well, that was a dramatic effect for NOTHING!" you grumble as you sit up, slightly peeved that you wet your pants over nothing. "That must've been a dud bullet or something; maybe I should try 'Scrubba Dub Dub' instead. What are you thinking, Alexa?" You hear no response. You pick yourself up and stand on your feet, dusting your clothes whilst taking a good look around your environment. You call out to Alexa but receive only silence in response.
Suddenly a draft of cold air touches against your skin. You shiver, realizing just how cold the room is. As you walk around, listening to the eery echoes of your footsteps, you notice that the panel that you shot the gun to is gone.
"That person looks lost, Daddy."
"It's rude to point, dear. We should mind our own business."
You hear the voices of a girl and a man; they sound close, yet there is no one to be seen within the vicinity. You call out in both curiosity and fear "Uuuhhh... Hello? Is anybody there? I... heard voices?". There is no reply. "Dammit! I'm hearing things again!! I must be going crazy!" As you turn around, the presence of a young girl startles you onto your tush. "Aagh!! W-who are you?!" you ask her.
"First you have to tell me who YOU are. What are you doing wandering around? Don't you know that it's dangerous?"
[You try to think of a response... but just what ARE you doing wondering around, exactly?]
Since no one else is brave enough to answer, I'll go again...
Alexa fires the gun at your boss. A huuuge chicken noise is heard and a las… moreer fires straight through your boss' head, but he doesn't die.
The gun splits your Boss into two separate fragments of reality... Meaning there are now two of him.
"Holy. Cow." Alexa says in awe, "Had I of known this devise would have multiplied that sad excuse of a creature, I would have just stabbed him fourteen times!"
You are still in shock at the sight of two of the same person talking to eachother. They appear to be having an argument...
"Why do you do that to your hair!?" Boss #1 says.
"I don't know what else to do to it! But look who's talkin'? Your hair is horse-shit level!!" Boss #2 argues.
"HORSE-SHIT!? Thats a bit harsh. I'd say its about pig-shit level. Its not as bad as horse-shit." Boss #1 replies, slightly offended.
"Harsh? That was a compliment! I love horse-shit!" Boss #2 sa… [view original content]
Well, there was this one time where my neighbors came to visit us and they brought their dog along, a big black Labrador named Jack. They were having their floors refinished at their house and couldn't be walked on, and they later asked me to bring Jack back to their house.... When I brought him back to the house Jack sat in front of the door wagging his tail impatiently to be let back inside. Me being a kid, I wanted the dog to do what he wanted to do, and I didn't listen to much of the adult conversation at the time, so I opened the door and he bolted inside and walked all over the house investigating the new smell. It was not till then that I realized I may have made a mistake. I called him back outside, let him roam the yard, and I walked back thinking that maybe they won't notice. A day later, the mom of the neighbors came back to our house and scolded me for letting Jack into their house. She said his footprints were all over the new finish of the floor. I wonder if they could still be seen on the floor to this day.
What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
Well, there was this one time where my neighbors came to visit us and they brought their dog along, a big black Labrador named Jack. They we… morere having their floors refinished at their house and couldn't be walked on, and they later asked me to bring Jack back to their house....
When I brought him back to the house Jack sat in front of the door wagging his tail impatiently to be let back inside. Me being a kid, I wanted the dog to do what he wanted to do, and I didn't listen to much of the adult conversation at the time, so I opened the door and he bolted inside and walked all over the house investigating the new smell. It was not till then that I realized I may have made a mistake. I called him back outside, let him roam the yard, and I walked back thinking that maybe they won't notice. A day later, the mom of the neighbors came back to our house and scolded me for letting Jack into their house. She said his footprints were all over the new … [view original content]
I uhh... pirated a game xD im no damn criminal m8
What do you do when you have free time at school?
Im asking because i have some free time to right now and im typing from a caffe.
Well, I didn't play it my friend did while I watched. We just got done with our playthroughs of the newest game and he decided to play it to see if it was any fun. It was hilariously bad. The awkward character animations, the voice acting, and subpar graphics for a ps4 port make it hard to play without either laughing out load at it's glitchy controls or taking it out of your console and properly disposing of it. I can't believe Stan Lee had a cameo in it. Stan, you deserve better than that. We also found a glitch in the game where you can get a 300x combo on one person by continually swing kicking into them. Game of the freaking year.
If you've seen the newest trailer, do you feel that The final season of TWD will continue to have to same quality of storytelling and character development as the first episode?
Amazing spider man 2
Well, I didn't play it my friend did while I watched. We just got done with our playthroughs of the newest game and … morehe decided to play it to see if it was any fun. It was hilariously bad. The awkward character animations, the voice acting, and subpar graphics for a ps4 port make it hard to play without either laughing out load at it's glitchy controls or taking it out of your console and properly disposing of it. I can't believe Stan Lee had a cameo in it. Stan, you deserve better than that. We also found a glitch in the game where you can get a 300x combo on one person by continually swing kicking into them. Game of the freaking year.
If you've seen the newest trailer, do you feel that The final season of TWD will continue to have to same quality of storytelling and character development as the first episode?
I haven't seen the trailer, but I really hope so. If Telltale maintains this level of quality, then Telltale will finally be back at the top of their game, maybe even stand amongst games such as Detroit: Become Human.
I haven't seen the trailer, but I really hope so. If Telltale maintains this level of quality, then Telltale will finally be back at the top… more of their game, maybe even stand amongst games such as Detroit: Become Human.
What's the single scariest game you've played?
I would’ve Ioved to see Scott Pilgrim become a Telltale game, it probably wouldnt have sold well so I guess it’s just headcanon for me, but I think the comic art style and comedy would’ve fit Telltale.
I would’ve Ioved to see Scott Pilgrim become a Telltale game, it probably wouldnt have sold well so I guess it’s just headcanon for me, but I think the comic art style and comedy would’ve fit Telltale.
I'll ask a question then: Are you looking forwards to see the The Joker Origin movie feat Joaquin Phoenix - Yes / NO ??? -- Also what is your fav live action Joker from the the movies??
Gosh, this has been too long.
Before watching the movie I thought it wouldn't be any good. But after watching it, it became one of my favorite supervillain movies. Joaquin is definitely in my top two favorite live-action Jokers. My first is Heath Ledger.
In this short amount of time, would you say that this year has been the most insane year you've seen in many years/your whole life? If not, a brief explanation of why?
I'll ask a question then: Are you looking forwards to see the The Joker Origin movie feat Joaquin Phoenix - Yes / NO ??? -- Also what is your fav live action Joker from the the movies??
Wow, long time, no read. It's obvious that it's been abandoned since Telltale closed its doors. To answer the question, yes. Everything about this year has been full of shit.
If there is one gaming studio that you would shut down instead of Telltale, who would it be?
Voltaire covering Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold
Would you rather...
Never use social media sites / apps (I already don't use any).
While you're transporting the evil alien fungus to Canada, where it can be permanently destroyed... Plot twist!! You realise the alien fungus was actually implanted intentionally by your boss. You realise he has been trying to spread the infection the whole time.
On your way to his office to exact revenge for deceiving you, manipulating you and using Alien Fungus to indirectly kill your daughter, you bump into your best friend: Alexa. Litterally. You bump into her and she falls over (that's what happens when you run around corners) and her skull shatters on the floor. But blood and brains don't pour out, wires and sparks do.
You realise your best friend since pre-school has actually been a robot the whole time. With more wood thrown into the flame, you storm into your boss's office and run towards him... A little too fast, because you trip over.
Your elbow hits the ground hard and shatters, but instead of blood and tears pouring out, only wires and sparks do. You realise you're a robot too.
"You weren't meant to find out that way..." You're boss says. "I only created you two days ago, as soon as I tricked you into delivering the fungus to Canada using a clever technique of inserting artificial memories, such as the one of you growing up with the other robot Alexa, and trick you into thinking you're destroying the evil fungus by doing so, THEN I was going to tell you... But look what happened." He says, shaking his head disappointedly.
You pull yourself off the ground. Angry and confused, you raise your rifle and point it at your boss's head.
"Hallelujah, asswipe." You say, right before you--
Throw the Alien Fungus at the boss, point the gun on yourself, and leave your miserable, confusing existence.
Grrrreat story!
What was your most recent purchase?
...nooAAAOOOHH, I was typing up THE BEST response (citation needed) for that questionnnn!! One that (hopefully) would rival the quirkiness, spontaneousness and awesomeness of it!!
Yeah, I'm being dramatic, I don't mean it. But seriously though, @Acheive250's question was just plain awesome. It made me think that there should be a thread about taking turns continuing a story. Is there already one like that?
EDIT: I'm sorry for dissmissing your answer. Even though I was joking, that was very disrespectful of me. I still feel kinda bad about it...
There might be something like that in the forum games (interactive stories and the like). If not, could make one yourself!
And post that response! I am intrigued as to how you'd resolve it...
You throw the fungus onto your boss. Only then does he actually look you in the eye. He starts screaming as the fungus devours him.
In the split-moments before you pull the trigger on yourself, you see him drop a phone. You realise he wasn't talking to you, he was on the phone to someone else. Suddenly you remember when you lost your arm in a car accident, and your boss replaced it with a robot arm.
But it's too late now, you've pulled the trigger.
The gun fires, and brain, blood and fragments of your skull burst out of your tiny head.
Wtf are you going to play today
God of war, also known as disappointing son simulator 2018
What’s the biggest buyers remorse you’ve had concerning a game?
Yoikes, interesting ending...
Baby don’t hurt me
Don’t hurt me
No more...
I believe this is what you're talking about

(1:11 It took me till now to figure out what the screaming was for. It's supposed to be the vocals)
Nevermind what I said, @Umbassabro .
Note to self: don’t play this on max volume
Since there's no question above.....
Who else is excited for Post Malone's new album which drops in 2 days?
lmao my family thought I was watching porn
-- notice in your peripheral vision, the movement of a small bird that has perched upon the open window in the office. You then dismiss the tiny distraction and are about to pull the trigger when the bird's beautiful song unexpectedly grabs your attention. Seriously, that's the most beautiful song you've ever heard. You marvel over the bird's incredible vocal range. You've never felt so happy over something so seemingly insignificant before. Your Boss wastes no time in seizing the opportunity to tackle you to the ground, taking the rifle from your hands.
"The small amount of RAM in your attention span turned out to be useful after all!" The Boss says with a taunting smirk. "It appears the tables have been turned."
Just then, the table in the office literally turns... to reveal the surprising entrance of: Alexa, your old childhood friend that you've only known for two days that you accidentally killed because of your clumsiness. But she's OK now.
"Well, this is not what I expected..." Alexa says, commenting on the situation she is presented with, "--So soon, at least." The Boss appears angry with her, "How did you find my secret basement!?" Alexa answers with a calm but serious disposition, "The ways and means are not for anyone's concernment, for the end result is what ultimately will be remembered. Specifically, the end of my enemy, whom has caused me pain and suffering. The riddance of thee will mark the completion of my revenge." She always had a unique sense of English.
Alexa pulls out a high-tech pistol, pointing it to the sky. The Boss's demeanor suddenly changes to a fearful one. He retracts the rifle and puts up both hands as he stammers "H-how did you find--?" "SILENCE!" Alexa's voice echoes in the small room, and the sudden outburst admittedly startled you. She then slowly loads the pistol and alternates between looking at you and your Boss.
You then give Alexa a peace sign with your hand, kind of as an ultimate test to see if your memories are true or artificial.
You have a distant memory of Alexa and something the two of you used to do as kids. When you gave her the peace sign as kids, she would break down crying, because as she witnessed her father being eaten alive by the fungus all those years ago, he gave her one last peace sign to try and lessen the emotional trauma that event would have on her wellbeing, but it didn't work. So whenever she sees the peace sign, it reminds her of her father. So you used to do it to tease her. You're nice.
Anyway, you make the peace sign, and she just looks at you slightly confused. She takes it as the "A-okay, fire away!" And so she winks back and smiles, and pulls the trigger.
The machine charges up. The boss starts weeping and curls up in a ball crying hysterically.
The machine Alexa is holding then makes a sound that sounds like a chicken being run over by a Ferrari with six and a half people and two dogs onboard, with six cans of beer and a can of Ginger Beer for the innocent one. The machine then--
Since no one else is brave enough to answer, I'll go again...
Alexa fires the gun at your boss. A huuuge chicken noise is heard and a laser fires straight through your boss' head, but he doesn't die.
The gun splits your Boss into two separate fragments of reality... Meaning there are now two of him.
"Holy. Cow." Alexa says in awe, "Had I of known this devise would have multiplied that sad excuse of a creature, I would have just stabbed him fourteen times!"
You are still in shock at the sight of two of the same person talking to eachother. They appear to be having an argument...
"Why do you do that to your hair!?" Boss #1 says.
"I don't know what else to do to it! But look who's talkin'? Your hair is horse-shit level!!" Boss #2 argues.
"HORSE-SHIT!? Thats a bit harsh. I'd say its about pig-shit level. Its not as bad as horse-shit." Boss #1 replies, slightly offended.
"Harsh? That was a compliment! I love horse-shit!" Boss #2 says back.
"Really? Me toooooo!!" Boss #1 says and then they hug. Things only got more awkward from there when they start kissing. They then start-- Oh god! I guess that answers the "If you could have sex with yourself, would you?" question.
You and Alexa get out of the office as soon as possible, now wanting bleach to cleanse their eyes.
"There is a control panel in the basement which contains a button," Alexa starts, "which will detach Boss' office from the building, and then will activate the jets on his office, which will propell him...and his friend...into outer space!"
You are slightly astounded at her statement. But none the less want to shoot your boss(es) into outer space for aliens to find. You agree to help her find it.
(Two hours later)
The two of you finally make it to the basement. But to access the control panel, three switches must be pulled simultaneously, and each one is about two metres apart from eachother. You need three people.
Alex turns to you and hands you the gun. "Shoot me." She says. "Create another of me so we can pull all the switches. I promise, I won't do it with myself." You take her word for it, and then take the gun. You point it at her head and pull the trigger.
This time, though, it sounds like a dolphin, and instead of a laser shooting out, a microchip shoots at her and plants itself onto her forehead. "What the fu-- hell!?" The two of you say at the same time.
It seems the gun randomly alternates between different affects on its victim. What this microchip is, though, is yet to be discovered.
You decide to shoot the gun at the control panel to see if it can open it. The gun shoots a large grenade that attaches itself to the cover of the panel. You and Alexa get behind shelter as it explodes, knocking the case of the panel off, revealing what should be buttons and switches, but isn't. Its one giant hole that seems to match up with the shape of the nose of the gun with a little sign above it that reads "Shoot your desired affect below, and be happy with the results!"
You realise there's a dial on the gun that changes the different bullet types. There are only four options at the moment, but looks like it could change later on.
Which bullet type do you shoot into the panel?
Okay, since my last comment killed this thread, its only right I revive it. New question:
Tell the story of your first kiss
On the top of a ferris wheel at a local fair. My GF at the time was the romantic type.
Favorite meal that your mother (or whoever you lived with) would cook?
I actually started writing up a continuation to the story... but have been busy.
I want to start a new thread for it... but I kinda hate starting threads. I'll think about it...
That's cute
Well, this would technically be under the baking category, but whenever my mom makes apple turnovers out of pie crusts they never last long in our house. I couldn't tell you why. Plus, since the peeler she uses for the apples makes a nice stringy pile of apple skins, she saves them and gives them to me and my sister. We like to call it, Apple Spaghetti
Something you're planning to do this summer?
Stay home, and do my thing like always.
My question is: What is the most trouble you've ever been in?
You select 'Western Ghost Town' and hope for the best as you aim the gun up to the panel and hesitantly pull the trigger. The sound of the shot is akin to a reverse-avalanche imploding on itself in a vacuum. The ground beneath your feet shakes violently and causes you to lose your balance. It feels like the whole world is turning upside. You tumble around the room, unable to get a grip on anything. The light becomes so bright that you can barely keep your eyes open. What have you done? This was a mistake! You've destroyed the whole world, you idiot! Everything fades away as you lose grip of your consciousness.
You hear nothing but the sound of silence. You open your eyes expecting to see a horrible mess around you, but are surprised to see that the room looks intact, like nothing had happened.
"Well, that was a dramatic effect for NOTHING!" you grumble as you sit up, slightly peeved that you wet your pants over nothing. "That must've been a dud bullet or something; maybe I should try 'Scrubba Dub Dub' instead. What are you thinking, Alexa?" You hear no response. You pick yourself up and stand on your feet, dusting your clothes whilst taking a good look around your environment. You call out to Alexa but receive only silence in response.
Suddenly a draft of cold air touches against your skin. You shiver, realizing just how cold the room is. As you walk around, listening to the eery echoes of your footsteps, you notice that the panel that you shot the gun to is gone.
"That person looks lost, Daddy."
"It's rude to point, dear. We should mind our own business."
You hear the voices of a girl and a man; they sound close, yet there is no one to be seen within the vicinity. You call out in both curiosity and fear "Uuuhhh... Hello? Is anybody there? I... heard voices?". There is no reply. "Dammit! I'm hearing things again!! I must be going crazy!" As you turn around, the presence of a young girl startles you onto your tush. "Aagh!! W-who are you?!" you ask her.
"First you have to tell me who YOU are. What are you doing wandering around? Don't you know that it's dangerous?"
[You try to think of a response... but just what ARE you doing wondering around, exactly?]
Well, there was this one time where my neighbors came to visit us and they brought their dog along, a big black Labrador named Jack. They were having their floors refinished at their house and couldn't be walked on, and they later asked me to bring Jack back to their house....
When I brought him back to the house Jack sat in front of the door wagging his tail impatiently to be let back inside. Me being a kid, I wanted the dog to do what he wanted to do, and I didn't listen to much of the adult conversation at the time, so I opened the door and he bolted inside and walked all over the house investigating the new smell. It was not till then that I realized I may have made a mistake. I called him back outside, let him roam the yard, and I walked back thinking that maybe they won't notice. A day later, the mom of the neighbors came back to our house and scolded me for letting Jack into their house. She said his footprints were all over the new finish of the floor. I wonder if they could still be seen on the floor to this day.What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
Are humans dead yet? jk
What is your worst experience with any animal?
I got chased by a dog and started screaming like a little girl some many years back
Whats the most illegal thing you’ve ever done?
I uhh... pirated a game xD im no damn criminal m8
What do you do when you have free time at school?
Im asking because i have some free time to right now and im typing from a caffe.
Play video games.
Worst game you played this year?
Amazing spider man 2
Well, I didn't play it my friend did while I watched. We just got done with our playthroughs of the newest game and he decided to play it to see if it was any fun. It was hilariously bad. The awkward character animations, the voice acting, and subpar graphics for a ps4 port make it hard to play without either laughing out load at it's glitchy controls or taking it out of your console and properly disposing of it. I can't believe Stan Lee had a cameo in it. Stan, you deserve better than that. We also found a glitch in the game where you can get a 300x combo on one person by continually swing kicking into them. Game of the freaking year.
If you've seen the newest trailer, do you feel that The final season of TWD will continue to have to same quality of storytelling and character development as the first episode?
Well, you already got what you wished.
Spider-Man PS4
I haven't seen the trailer, but I really hope so. If Telltale maintains this level of quality, then Telltale will finally be back at the top of their game, maybe even stand amongst games such as Detroit: Become Human.
What's the single scariest game you've played?
Alien Isolation
Xenomorphs or Predators? Who do you think is the best Sci-fi creature?
Definitely Xenoporph. While the Predator is pretty cool, the movies don't compare to the Alien movies.
Favourite Resident Evil game?
Never played Resident Evil, sorry :L
Best TV show on Netflix?
Voltron, without a doubt.
Which series would you have like to seen get the Telltale treatment?
I would’ve Ioved to see Scott Pilgrim become a Telltale game, it probably wouldnt have sold well so I guess it’s just headcanon for me, but I think the comic art style and comedy would’ve fit Telltale.
you forgot to ask a question xD
I'll ask a question then: Are you looking forwards to see the The Joker Origin movie feat Joaquin Phoenix - Yes / NO ??? -- Also what is your fav live action Joker from the the movies??
Gosh, this has been too long.
Before watching the movie I thought it wouldn't be any good. But after watching it, it became one of my favorite supervillain movies. Joaquin is definitely in my top two favorite live-action Jokers. My first is Heath Ledger.
In this short amount of time, would you say that this year has been the most insane year you've seen in many years/your whole life? If not, a brief explanation of why?
Wow, long time, no read. It's obvious that it's been abandoned since Telltale closed its doors. To answer the question, yes. Everything about this year has been full of shit.
If there is one gaming studio that you would shut down instead of Telltale, who would it be?