Ellie and Joel made a fine team. I wanted another adventure where Joel's decision would have ramifications, such as Fireflies hunting the two of them down. And they would go on another journey with old and new friends.
I'm sorry you ended up feeling that way. If I can reassure you on something, it's that this was my initial reaction to the game. The emotion… moreal rollercoaster that this game ended up being left me emotionally drained. It felt like Neil Druckmann somehow wasn't satisfied with a game who didn't pull any punches on our heartstrings, so he has decided to top that with a sequel with little to no peace, no rest. The punches just kept coming.
So while I ended up appreciating the game for being the way it was, I can definitely understand why you ended up disliking it. Not everyone is okay with playing a game that makes one feel tremendously angry or sad like this. You can rest assured at least that even if Ellie has lost a lot, she ended up getting over her loss of Joel and her last conversation with him was making her reevaluate her life's worth.
There's hope. Both of the protagonists just had to suffer a lot before getting there.
I am writing a script for a video which will be the last time I will ever talk about TLOU in general. And it takes a long time because I have a lot of things to point out and I am only bringing up the important ones. I don't want to continue my rant series because I felt very exhausted while making those, the game is too long and I just don't have fun thinking about it. At least with The Walking Dead A New Frontier, I can have fun talking shit and laugh about it but that's not the case here with TLOU2.
I am writing a script for a video which will be the last time I will ever talk about TLOU in general. And it takes a long time because I hav… moree a lot of things to point out and I am only bringing up the important ones. I don't want to continue my rant series because I felt very exhausted while making those, the game is too long and I just don't have fun thinking about it. At least with The Walking Dead A New Frontier, I can have fun talking shit and laugh about it but that's not the case here with TLOU2.
You just don’t get it man, you’re not suppose to be happy with the game lol
Really the only thing that upsets me about the game now is people insinuating that I’m somehow wrong for not praising the game for feeling empty and unsatisfied with it’s subversion of expectations. You still have to make the subversions coherent to the overarching narrative and in line with characterization (and I’ll say the same thing I said with The Last Jedi, you can’t make someone act out of character and excuse it with “he’s old now”, that’s not how character growth works).
Subversions aside the story itself was just boring to me.
This right here is my main issue with discourse surrounding this game. If people like it, that's great. If people don't like it, that's fine too. But what I don't like is this gaslight-y BS where people try to act like you don't like it because you lack the mental capacity to understand it, or inversely on the other side, that you only like it because you're shallow and easily manipulated by 'bad writing,' or whatever the buzzword of the day is.
Going on the offensive and making the other person out to be the problem is about the worst possible way to get them to change their minds.
You just don’t get it man, you’re not suppose to be happy with the game lol
Really the only thing that upsets me about the game now is pe… moreople insinuating that I’m somehow wrong for not praising the game for feeling empty and unsatisfied with it’s subversion of expectations. You still have to make the subversions coherent to the overarching narrative and in line with characterization (and I’ll say the same thing I said with The Last Jedi, you can’t make someone act out of character and excuse it with “he’s old now”, that’s not how character growth works).
Subversions aside the story itself was just boring to me.
New castings!
Con O'Neill has been cast as Bill in the TV Series
Murray Bartlett has been cast as Frank
Jeffrey Pierce (voice of Tommy) has been cast as Perry, a new character featured in a Quarantine Zone.
I am totally fine if Girlfriend Reviews loves this game. I may hate it a lot and I don't agree with their videos but that doesn't mean I am on the hater side and trash everyone who think otherwise.
I still don't get why they are blaming on people who had nothing to do with the script.
Well that's fucking sad and ugly. Desperate to keep the victimized hate train moving, the subreddit turns to literal fabrication of evidence to make some drama, and even blindly accepts it, after the issue was shut down.
This is it! Took me 4 weeks in total to write a script, record my voice, export different videos and edit them all together. I am actually surprised that the length of this video is 2 hours. It just shows how many issues I had with this game. This will be the last time I will ever talk about The Last of Us Part 2. I brought almost everything up and I can finally move on to better stuff. I do not expect most of you to agree with me but I hope you understand my points brought up in this video.
Sorry, but I've gotta say: seeing the "Positives" chapter close only 6 minutes into this two hour video made me laugh out loud.
I agree with all your points there, definitely, it just felt kind of anticlimactic with how early it ended, lol. Ah well.
There's... a lot of things I disagreed with, and a couple I agree with, but I really don't want to get into it and waste my time and yours trying to debate it all.
If this helps you move on, good.
(Also, nice catch with the Abby-Hammer knock out near the start.
For what it's worth, I also caught a fix for that Stalker scene you mentioned: if you slow it down, you can see Ellie managing to close the door just before she gets pushed away by the infected. The fingers move away, and the door closes, but it's quick.)
Anyway, that's all for me. Nice video, can't say I agree with it all tho. 🤝
Yes, I really did watch the whole thing. I had some free time in the past day.
This is it! Took me 4 weeks in total to write a script, record my voice, export different videos and edit them all together. I am actually s… moreurprised that the length of this video is 2 hours. It just shows how many issues I had with this game. This will be the last time I will ever talk about The Last of Us Part 2. I brought almost everything up and I can finally move on to better stuff. I do not expect most of you to agree with me but I hope you understand my points brought up in this video.
Sorry, but I've gotta say: seeing the "Positives" chapter close only 6 minutes into this two hour video made me laugh out loud. I agree with all your points there, definitely, it just felt kind of anticlimactic with how early it ended, lol. Ah well.
Yeah, I think I could have also included the first flashback with Joel and the Seraphite Island war but moments of this type have positives and negatives at the same time. I loved the flashback with Joel due to his relatioship with Ellie alone but it was wasted due to being placed at the wrong time. Kind of like the Kenny flashback in A New Frontier Thicker than Water. I also enjoyed the part where Abby and Lev ride a horse in the Island warzone but I couldn't stop thinking about the main purpose of the story. You can also take what I said at the end as a positive, that while I hate the game, I don't think it's the worst game ever made. I have played worse.
There's... a lot of things I disagreed with, and a couple I agree with, but I really don't want to get into it and waste my time and yours trying to debate it all.
Yeah, it's ok to disagree. I don't think my video is very good. I'm a terrible reviewer but I had to be honest with my point of view. Although I should have kept my calm in some certain parts. Oh well...
If this helps you move on, good.
Yeah, I was tired of making my rant series because I'm not afraid to admit that they are garbage and I didn't want to waste a lot of my time on this game. But I wanted to do something which focuses more on important stuff than minor things. I felt exhausted when I was paying attention to every single detail and point out the ones that are flawed. I wanted to make this video to just point out the REAL reasons why I didn't like TLOU2. Because there are those fans who always use the "You are a Joel fanboy" and "You didn't understand the story" excuses and I just wanted to prove that they are not any better than the ones who hate the game. Both sides are wrong for the most part. But yeah, I brought everything I could and I can finally move on.
Also, nice catch with the Abby-Hammer knock out near the start.
Yeah, I also wanted to prove that I am not making things up in order to justify my hatred. I am glad I noticed that detail during editing and I regret my exaggeration.
For what it's worth, I also caught a fix for that Stalker scene you mentioned: if you slow it down, you can see Ellie managing to close the door just before she gets pushed away by the infected. The fingers move away, and the door closes, but it's quick.
Shit, you are totally right. I feel like an idiot right now. Instead of what I mentioned, I should have pointed out the parts where Ellie uses Jesse's car window instead of her door side to get out of the sinking car and where Abby and Lev land on a convenient pool after falling from the crane. Like I said, my review style is horrible.
Anyway, that's all for me. Nice video, can't say I agree with it all tho. Yes, I really did watch the whole thing. I had some free time in the past day.
Thanks, I wish TLOU2 fans were more like you. I hope you still have fun with the game. As I said, I am not asking anyone to agree with me but to understand my issues with it.
Sorry, but I've gotta say: seeing the "Positives" chapter close only 6 minutes into this two hour video made me laugh out loud.
I agree w… moreith all your points there, definitely, it just felt kind of anticlimactic with how early it ended, lol. Ah well.
There's... a lot of things I disagreed with, and a couple I agree with, but I really don't want to get into it and waste my time and yours trying to debate it all.
If this helps you move on, good.
(Also, nice catch with the Abby-Hammer knock out near the start.
For what it's worth, I also caught a fix for that Stalker scene you mentioned: if you slow it down, you can see Ellie managing to close the door just before she gets pushed away by the infected. The fingers move away, and the door closes, but it's quick.)
Anyway, that's all for me. Nice video, can't say I agree with it all tho. 🤝
Yes, I really did watch the whole thing. I had some free time in the past day.
Because there are those fans who always use the "You are a Joel fanboy" and "You didn't understand the story" excuses and I just wanted to prove that they are not any better than the ones who hate the game.
Sorry, but I've gotta say: seeing the "Positives" chapter close only 6 minutes into this two hour video made me laugh out loud. I agree with… more all your points there, definitely, it just felt kind of anticlimactic with how early it ended, lol. Ah well.
Yeah, I think I could have also included the first flashback with Joel and the Seraphite Island war but moments of this type have positives and negatives at the same time. I loved the flashback with Joel due to his relatioship with Ellie alone but it was wasted due to being placed at the wrong time. Kind of like the Kenny flashback in A New Frontier Thicker than Water. I also enjoyed the part where Abby and Lev ride a horse in the Island warzone but I couldn't stop thinking about the main purpose of the story. You can also take what I said at the end as a positive, that while I hate the game, I don't think it's the worst game ever made. I have played worse.
There's... a lot of things… [view original content]
hey guys i spent the last couple weeks making a youtube video about my relationship with the last of us, why i adore both games so much and a defense of tlou2's narrative. it's not as in-depth of an analysis as i would have liked to go because for me to just explore the game's entire narrative would be way too long and also stray super far from the point of the video, but it's a super emotional project for me that i took on out of love, and it's very self indulgent. i really hope you guys consider checking it out even if you don't like TLOU2, and at the very least see why i feel the way i do.
also i did not make this video to start any arguments or say anybody is wrong for feeling the way they do about anything across both games. this is purely a project of love and essentially therapy for me, so please if you have any notes, positive or negative, keep them respectful. we're all just fellow gamers here playin one big ol game of life.
hey guys i spent the last couple weeks making a youtube video about my relationship with the last of us, why i adore both games so much and … morea defense of tlou2's narrative. it's not as in-depth of an analysis as i would have liked to go because for me to just explore the game's entire narrative would be way too long and also stray super far from the point of the video, but it's a super emotional project for me that i took on out of love, and it's very self indulgent. i really hope you guys consider checking it out even if you don't like TLOU2, and at the very least see why i feel the way i do.
also i did not make this video to start any arguments or say anybody is wrong for feeling the way they do about anything across both games. this is purely a project of love and essentially therapy for me, so please if you have any notes, positive or negative, keep them respectful. we're all just fellow gamers here playin one big ol game of life.
Heyyy, I saw that earlier today! Well, I didn't watch the video yet, but I saw it was uploaded!
I've been subscribed to your channel for a while now, but I guess I forgot it was yours! Hah.
hey guys i spent the last couple weeks making a youtube video about my relationship with the last of us, why i adore both games so much and … morea defense of tlou2's narrative. it's not as in-depth of an analysis as i would have liked to go because for me to just explore the game's entire narrative would be way too long and also stray super far from the point of the video, but it's a super emotional project for me that i took on out of love, and it's very self indulgent. i really hope you guys consider checking it out even if you don't like TLOU2, and at the very least see why i feel the way i do.
also i did not make this video to start any arguments or say anybody is wrong for feeling the way they do about anything across both games. this is purely a project of love and essentially therapy for me, so please if you have any notes, positive or negative, keep them respectful. we're all just fellow gamers here playin one big ol game of life.
Watched it and I enjoyed it. I may not agree with some of your points on the game but I am grateful of the way you presented them in this video. It made me hate the game less but I still can't bring myself to care about it and it's not even just the story itself.
hey guys i spent the last couple weeks making a youtube video about my relationship with the last of us, why i adore both games so much and … morea defense of tlou2's narrative. it's not as in-depth of an analysis as i would have liked to go because for me to just explore the game's entire narrative would be way too long and also stray super far from the point of the video, but it's a super emotional project for me that i took on out of love, and it's very self indulgent. i really hope you guys consider checking it out even if you don't like TLOU2, and at the very least see why i feel the way i do.
also i did not make this video to start any arguments or say anybody is wrong for feeling the way they do about anything across both games. this is purely a project of love and essentially therapy for me, so please if you have any notes, positive or negative, keep them respectful. we're all just fellow gamers here playin one big ol game of life.
i appreciate you giving it a shot and i'm super glad you enjoyed it! and it's totally fine if you still can't be bothered with the game, my intention was never to change anybody's mind but more to express my love for it!
Watched it and I enjoyed it. I may not agree with some of your points on the game but I am grateful of the way you presented them in this vi… moredeo. It made me hate the game less but I still can't bring myself to care about it and it's not even just the story itself.
yeah i definitely had my fair share of distaste for it. but growing and changing is an important part of life, mine especially. and it's more important to me that i own up to mistakes and make up for em, and if my debt to the last of us is making a little silly video about my love for it, then it's one i was definitely willing it pay!
I wouldn’t say that disliking the game was a mistake or that you were ever wrong for disliking it, opinions are different and change over time, but I will say that the way you handled it got a little bit grating at times (but also kind of funny) with you verbally rolling your eyes whenever someone mentioned it lmao.
yeah i definitely had my fair share of distaste for it. but growing and changing is an important part of life, mine especially. and it's mor… moree important to me that i own up to mistakes and make up for em, and if my debt to the last of us is making a little silly video about my love for it, then it's one i was definitely willing it pay!
In addition to the merch below, we will be revealing some all-new content on September 26 at 9:00am PT/ 6:00pm CET. Be sure to come back and check it out on TheLastofUs.com/TLOUDay.
I just want Factions 2 please ND
This better not be some Director's Cut thing. TLOU2 doesn't need more runtime, IMO.
The Last of Us: Covers and Rarities is out now on music streaming services. It's all the covers featured in Part II. Wayfaring Stranger, Future Days, Take on Me, etc.
“Yeah, that’s lovely and great Naughty Dog, but what are you doing with The Last of Us right now?”
In short, we’re working on it - we see the community comments as many of you clamor for multiplayer and want updates. For now, we’ll say that we love what the team is developing and want to give them time to build out their ambitious project, we’ll reveal more when it’s ready! To that end, we’ve been busy growing our team inside the kennel since The Last of Us Part II launched and are currently in full swing of hiring for MP-related positions (hint hint), so if you or somebody you know qualifies for anything you see on our jobs page, apply!
Not surprised they want to continue TLOU apart from the upcoming Part 2 Multiplayer mode, but I am surprised they'd want to continue Uncharted as a mainline title.
With how that ended, unless they're doing a short-form spinoff, I don't see why/how they could use the original cast. Nathan Drake and Elena have retired from illegal archeology raiding, have settled down somewhat, and that's where it should end.
ive gone on record saying i dont want a part 3 bc i think 1+2 are a perfect story, but an abby/lev centered part 3 would honestly be so fucking awesome and I'd sob at the announcement alone.
I thought Joel had a Twitter account for a second.
@ClemyClooAndBabyboo an Abby/Lev centered part 3 would honestly be so fucking awesome
That's honestly what it felt like the Australian section of 2 set up and/or should've been. Ellie already had her big VS fight with her and decided to settle down with Dina & JJ, so they could've left her to that or perhaps save Maria's call for closure for said sequel.
And jeez they really grabbed every spoilery, crazy cutscene they could in there.
Seeing a bunch of test gameplay bugs though is funny. Game devving is weird.
I've been here for a while now, I guess. I'm just not nearly as active here as I am on Reddit. Are you Delnation?
I figured the suspiciously similar names would give it away, but yep
I am also not very active on here, only awaking periodically from my deep slumber in order to shitpost
I suppose you're right. It's just...
Ellie and Joel made a fine team. I wanted another adventure where Joel's decision would have ramifications, such as Fireflies hunting the two of them down. And they would go on another journey with old and new friends.
(Sigh) Well one can dream.
I am writing a script for a video which will be the last time I will ever talk about TLOU in general. And it takes a long time because I have a lot of things to point out and I am only bringing up the important ones. I don't want to continue my rant series because I felt very exhausted while making those, the game is too long and I just don't have fun thinking about it. At least with The Walking Dead A New Frontier, I can have fun talking shit and laugh about it but that's not the case here with TLOU2.
Then just stop it, man. Ditch your video, move on and do something that you actually enjoy. Nothing is keeping you from doing it, except yourself.
You just don’t get it man, you’re not suppose to be happy with the game lol
Really the only thing that upsets me about the game now is people insinuating that I’m somehow wrong for not praising the game for feeling empty and unsatisfied with it’s subversion of expectations. You still have to make the subversions coherent to the overarching narrative and in line with characterization (and I’ll say the same thing I said with The Last Jedi, you can’t make someone act out of character and excuse it with “he’s old now”, that’s not how character growth works).
Subversions aside the story itself was just boring to me.
This right here is my main issue with discourse surrounding this game. If people like it, that's great. If people don't like it, that's fine too. But what I don't like is this gaslight-y BS where people try to act like you don't like it because you lack the mental capacity to understand it, or inversely on the other side, that you only like it because you're shallow and easily manipulated by 'bad writing,' or whatever the buzzword of the day is.
Going on the offensive and making the other person out to be the problem is about the worst possible way to get them to change their minds.
New castings!
Con O'Neill has been cast as Bill in the TV Series
Murray Bartlett has been cast as Frank
Jeffrey Pierce (voice of Tommy) has been cast as Perry, a new character featured in a Quarantine Zone.
Jeffrey (Left), Con (Middle), Murray (Right)

What in the insane-
I am totally fine if Girlfriend Reviews loves this game. I may hate it a lot and I don't agree with their videos but that doesn't mean I am on the hater side and trash everyone who think otherwise.
I still don't get why they are blaming on people who had nothing to do with the script.
Top 10 bruh moments of all time: Number 1
That subreddit needs to be banned from Reddit, it’s a hive of scum of villainy. What a bunch of absolute fucking nut jobs.
Well that's fucking sad and ugly. Desperate to keep the victimized hate train moving, the subreddit turns to literal fabrication of evidence to make some drama, and even blindly accepts it, after the issue was shut down.
even the fuckin mods vilified them, dear lord.
This is it! Took me 4 weeks in total to write a script, record my voice, export different videos and edit them all together. I am actually surprised that the length of this video is 2 hours. It just shows how many issues I had with this game. This will be the last time I will ever talk about The Last of Us Part 2. I brought almost everything up and I can finally move on to better stuff. I do not expect most of you to agree with me but I hope you understand my points brought up in this video.

Sorry, but I've gotta say: seeing the "Positives" chapter close only 6 minutes into this two hour video made me laugh out loud.
I agree with all your points there, definitely, it just felt kind of anticlimactic with how early it ended, lol. Ah well.
There's... a lot of things I disagreed with, and a couple I agree with, but I really don't want to get into it and waste my time and yours trying to debate it all.
If this helps you move on, good.
(Also, nice catch with the Abby-Hammer knock out near the start.
For what it's worth, I also caught a fix for that Stalker scene you mentioned: if you slow it down, you can see Ellie managing to close the door just before she gets pushed away by the infected. The fingers move away, and the door closes, but it's quick.)
Anyway, that's all for me. Nice video, can't say I agree with it all tho. 🤝
Yes, I really did watch the whole thing. I had some free time in the past day.
Yeah, I think I could have also included the first flashback with Joel and the Seraphite Island war but moments of this type have positives and negatives at the same time. I loved the flashback with Joel due to his relatioship with Ellie alone but it was wasted due to being placed at the wrong time. Kind of like the Kenny flashback in A New Frontier Thicker than Water. I also enjoyed the part where Abby and Lev ride a horse in the Island warzone but I couldn't stop thinking about the main purpose of the story. You can also take what I said at the end as a positive, that while I hate the game, I don't think it's the worst game ever made. I have played worse.
Yeah, it's ok to disagree. I don't think my video is very good. I'm a terrible reviewer but I had to be honest with my point of view. Although I should have kept my calm in some certain parts. Oh well...
Yeah, I was tired of making my rant series because I'm not afraid to admit that they are garbage and I didn't want to waste a lot of my time on this game. But I wanted to do something which focuses more on important stuff than minor things. I felt exhausted when I was paying attention to every single detail and point out the ones that are flawed. I wanted to make this video to just point out the REAL reasons why I didn't like TLOU2. Because there are those fans who always use the "You are a Joel fanboy" and "You didn't understand the story" excuses and I just wanted to prove that they are not any better than the ones who hate the game. Both sides are wrong for the most part. But yeah, I brought everything I could and I can finally move on.
Yeah, I also wanted to prove that I am not making things up in order to justify my hatred. I am glad I noticed that detail during editing and I regret my exaggeration.
Shit, you are totally right. I feel like an idiot right now. Instead of what I mentioned, I should have pointed out the parts where Ellie uses Jesse's car window instead of her door side to get out of the sinking car and where Abby and Lev land on a convenient pool after falling from the crane. Like I said, my review style is horrible.
Thanks, I wish TLOU2 fans were more like you. I hope you still have fun with the game. As I said, I am not asking anyone to agree with me but to understand my issues with it.
I mean...
Just kidding.
Anyway, where is the multiplayer game at?
hey guys i spent the last couple weeks making a youtube video about my relationship with the last of us, why i adore both games so much and a defense of tlou2's narrative. it's not as in-depth of an analysis as i would have liked to go because for me to just explore the game's entire narrative would be way too long and also stray super far from the point of the video, but it's a super emotional project for me that i took on out of love, and it's very self indulgent. i really hope you guys consider checking it out even if you don't like TLOU2, and at the very least see why i feel the way i do.
also i did not make this video to start any arguments or say anybody is wrong for feeling the way they do about anything across both games. this is purely a project of love and essentially therapy for me, so please if you have any notes, positive or negative, keep them respectful. we're all just fellow gamers here playin one big ol game of life.

Heyyy, I saw that earlier today! Well, I didn't watch the video yet, but I saw it was uploaded!
I've been subscribed to your channel for a while now, but I guess I forgot it was yours! Hah.
thank you! i honestly forgot you were subbed, but i appreciate it all the same! i hope you enjoy the vid if ya choose to watch it!
Man, I remember when you absolutely hated this game lmao. It’s been wild seeing your opinion on the game change over the years.
Watched it and I enjoyed it. I may not agree with some of your points on the game but I am grateful of the way you presented them in this video. It made me hate the game less but I still can't bring myself to care about it and it's not even just the story itself.
i appreciate you giving it a shot and i'm super glad you enjoyed it! and it's totally fine if you still can't be bothered with the game, my intention was never to change anybody's mind but more to express my love for it!
yeah i definitely had my fair share of distaste for it. but growing and changing is an important part of life, mine especially. and it's more important to me that i own up to mistakes and make up for em, and if my debt to the last of us is making a little silly video about my love for it, then it's one i was definitely willing it pay!
I wouldn’t say that disliking the game was a mistake or that you were ever wrong for disliking it, opinions are different and change over time, but I will say that the way you handled it got a little bit grating at times (but also kind of funny) with you verbally rolling your eyes whenever someone mentioned it lmao.
Seems like we might be getting DLC for TLOU2? Or some sort of game-related announcement that isn't merch?
The Last of Us Day is Almost Upon Us
This better not be some Director's Cut thing. TLOU2 doesn't need more runtime, IMO.
The Last of Us: Enhanced and Expanded
The Last of Us: Covers and Rarities is out now on music streaming services. It's all the covers featured in Part II. Wayfaring Stranger, Future Days, Take on Me, etc.
Still no update on Factions 2 I see. What are the odds?
There was a small update on the multiplayer:
Filming on the series has moved from Calgary, Alberta to Canmore, Alberta to film all the WINTER scenes in and around Jackson County.
source: someone on twitter

Not surprised they want to continue TLOU apart from the upcoming Part 2 Multiplayer mode, but I am surprised they'd want to continue Uncharted as a mainline title.
With how that ended, unless they're doing a short-form spinoff, I don't see why/how they could use the original cast. Nathan Drake and Elena have retired from illegal archeology raiding, have settled down somewhat, and that's where it should end.
ive gone on record saying i dont want a part 3 bc i think 1+2 are a perfect story, but an abby/lev centered part 3 would honestly be so fucking awesome and I'd sob at the announcement alone.
I thought Joel had a Twitter account for a second.
That's honestly what it felt like the Australian section of 2 set up and/or should've been. Ellie already had her big VS fight with her and decided to settle down with Dina & JJ, so they could've left her to that or perhaps save Maria's call for closure for said sequel.
Mm yes multiplayer test footage 47:00
And jeez they really grabbed every spoilery, crazy cutscene they could in there.
Seeing a bunch of test gameplay bugs though is funny. Game devving is weird.
Well holy crap Nick Offerman is playing Bill in the TV Series!!
the previous actor Con O'Neill had to back out due to some scheduling conflicts.