Who's the lady?
So there's one cameo appearance I'm drawing a blank on:

I don't remember seeing the lady in pink in any game by Telltale. Any ideas? Could she be from an upcoming game?

I don't remember seeing the lady in pink in any game by Telltale. Any ideas? Could she be from an upcoming game?
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It's not from a previous TTG, I think. Still, her hair is so peculiar that I'd be surprised if she was just done for these three seconds on-screen. She doesn't actually match known BTTF characters (neither Lorraine nor Jennifer nor Clara, and that's about it for female BTTF characters
That was Sam.
Anyway, I assume she's a currently-unheard-of character in the BttF game.
She wouldn't fit anywhere in JP. The style of dress is to vintage...me thinks.
She's a little overdressed for a dirty, dinosaur-infested island, isn't she?
Also, Monty Muzzle!
Best idea yet. I'll go with this. It's Mrs. Needles and shall be known by that name from here on.
What about me?
Edit: too late
Isn't that just a bottle of Banang?
Now I wish it was Bart Simpson. That would have been super weird.
The whiteness of the edge of Banang made me think it was Bart staring straight out.
banang! banang! banang!
Conspiration go!
its noogie!!
or maybe is geek from sam and max cartoon series
It's Bosco, as per Season Three.
Lol. For some reason I'd been thinking it was Guybrush
It's a good thing Max didn't see this on his way down the elevator!
Well, there's no Trixie in BTTF or Jurassic Park, so it's either a new model for either of the two, or just something Telltale made just for kicks.
Don't hide a cow, man!
By the way, since you're a Telltale developer, could you tell us something interesting about this?
I think I love you.
Telltale's allowed to make original characters. Just look at...every Sam and Max character except Sam, Max, and Flint Paper.
I'm pretty sure Trixie is from BttF.