Suggestions on how to improve the forums



  • @Alcoremorts Barebones, my ass! WE actually have polls and signatures. And rankings! And a shoutbox! Hell, we even have a "like" system! One that DOESN'T devolve into childish bullshit, BTW.

    Also, as far as I know, it was free. The word "free" is actually in the url. :p But the fact that this freely available forum has so much more going for it than the one Telltale paid for and put together still says a lot about the situation at hand.

    Yeah, especially when you consider that those Walking Dead fans thought the forum was so difficult and unfriendly to discussions that, instead

  • edited September 2013

    Shhh! Tell them it cost a lot of money! That has more of an impact.

    Though, I suppose the takeaway message is that we have a forum that was put together in a fairly short time completely outclassing the forum that took a year to build. That alone should say something.

  • But look at all these snazzy textures!

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    No more threaded/linear statements from me, no, no, no. I really want to. But, no.

    Can't keep entirely quiet about the reputation system though. I was probably the very first to protest its use in the beta, and I have to stand by every word I wrote back in November. I can't say my worst nightmares have become true yet, but I do think the first results have a very clear tendency. Say things loud and clear, but present an unpopular opinion, and get thumbs down. I really appreciated Kevin coming out here and defending his forum choices. What did he get for that, just for a handful of posts. I really appreciated how other Telltalers responded to concerns about Jake & Sean leaving over in the TWD forums. Many of them have probably also felt pushed down. During TWD, Telltalers were effectively hiding from the community, and that might get even worse. And that's just the company side. Single users get downvoted because others misunderstood what they were trying to say, felt the post was a repetition, do not want to believe its content or didn't even bother to read the whole post and understand it, which was probably the case with the immediate first thumbs down I got on this post.

    I really wish to get rid of the voting system or at least of the thumbs down half of it. If you must have a popularity meter, thumbs up only is the way to go, better than the post count anyway. But please, in here especially, if you don't like the voting system, stop giving thumbs down to people. It won't do harm if it isn't used, and there's no point in trying to demonstrate its utter mobbing capabilities. Others will do that for you without your asking.

  • edited September 2013


    I've been the administrator of an IP.Board forum before (the full blown version, not Invisionfree) for an MMO (Runescape) clan. I became a leader of an offshoot clan (Vendetta) after the leaders of my original clan (TuneScape) left and the woman who bought the IPB license for TS let me use it for Vendetta.

    I know full well how brain dead easy it is to manage, moderate, extend with addons, skin, etc. an IP.Board forum as I've done rather extensive poking around in it. Spending thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars on this custom made farce of a forum makes no sense when I can say for an absolute certainty that IP.Board would have been a better, easier and less expensive choice any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

  • I don't have many posts to my name, but I've been visiting the forums for a long time as a dirty lurker. Playing devil's advocate, I can understand why Telltale went down the custom software route. It's something that every company does at one time or another: have a need for a tool that's better than what they already have. There are usually three choices:

    1. Buy something and use it as is. You have to live with it, warts and all. No control.
    2. Buy something and extend / modify it. There's a certain investment required here, and the risk is that you end up with something that was close to what you were after, but doesn't quite get there.
    3. Create something bespoke. You have complete control, but there's a lot of effort involved in getting to the thing you envisaged in the first place (at which point you might realise it isn't what you wanted after all).

    There are many community discussion boards out there, some free and some commercial. Clearly none of them fit Telltale's requirements exactly, so option 1 was out. It's so tempting to plump for option 3, especially when your engineers tell you it'll be easy, or someone knocked up a prototype in a weekend. But from bitter experience, it's rarely the right option. You usually realise it was the wrong option once you've invested enough that throwing it away and choosing option 2 isn't viable[1].

    It's clear that this change has alienated a lot of the forum old guard, and for a small company that's a big deal as they're likely to be the company's biggest evangelists[2]. But for better or worse, it's clear that the new software is here to stay. What's also clear is that there is something of a willingness to make changes -- though how far that goes remains to be seen -- so my suggestion would be to try to keep this discussion constructive; where there's a deficiency, provide reasons why it's a deficiency, and constructive suggestions as to how it might be improved. Simply stating "I don't like the up/downvote system, therefore you should get rid of it entirely" will not be seen as a constructive argument.

    If you really really don't like the new software, then vote with your feet. Go elsewhere, and don't look back. It hurts when you have to leave a person or a place that you loved, but people and places change. Otherwise, treat it like a broken relationship: it requires work from both sides to repair the damage that has been done. Depends if you think it's worth it. :-)

    Ramble ends[3].

    [1] Obviously I can't say that's what has happened here; this might be exactly what Telltale's management were after.

    [2] Although in a lot of cases, this forum's old guard are the ones who are the most outspoken against the company. It has always amazed me that Telltale are thick-skinned enough to let the negative comments stay.

    [3] Footnotes would be a really cool feature.

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2013

    This Community is option 2. It is based on Vanilla Forums.

    [3] Footnotes would be a really cool feature.

    I don't like the footnotes at all, at least for what you used them for. You have to look up and down for something that could just have been written as the next sentence.

    xyphic posted: »

    I don't have many posts to my name, but I've been visiting the forums for a long time as a dirty lurker. Playing devil's advocate, I can under

  • edited September 2013

    This Community is option 2. It is based on Vanilla Forums.

    Option 4 then really: Pick the wrong software to base your solution on. I'd sort of assumed that the bugs we'd seen were indicative of a bespoke solution -- I guess then that they were indicative of bespoke plugins to the base forum software. As far as I understand the idea of Vanilla, it's meant to be a simple, fast, scalable community solution, none of which you could really describe this version of the site as being.

    Edit: At this moment in time there's a good example of why up/downvote may be a bad thing. @DjNDB has replied to a comment of mine negatively (re: footnotes). Their post has a downvote, which could be construed as coming from me (it didn't) and therefore may lead to animosity.

    DjNDB posted: »

    @xyphic This Community is option 2. It is based on Vanilla Forums. [3] Footnotes would be a really cool feature. I don't like t

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Their post has a downvote, which could be construed as coming from me (it didn't) and therefore may lead to animosity.

    Indeed! Gave him an upvote to make up for it. ;)

    xyphic posted: »

    This Community is option 2. It is based on Vanilla Forums. Option 4 then really: Pick the wrong software to base your solution on. I'd

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator

    Indeed! Gave him an upvote to make up for it. ;)

    Gave you an upvote for that ;)

  • I did have something more to add, but I no longer have a good reputation so it's not worth reading apparently.

  • edited September 2013

    I appear to have a shockingly good reputation, especially when you factor in that I started my journey in this forum as something of a troll.

    This is why downvotes are bad! They don't give the trolls a chance!

  • edited September 2013

    Indeed! Gave him an upvote to make up for it. ;)

    I would have also given an upvote were I not so hurt by the damning critique of my footnote suggestion[1].

    [1] Okay, I wasn't that hurt. Certainly not enough to negative rep him[2].

    [2] Though I considered it[3].

    [3] You're right; footnotes suck.

    Edit: Hey! Where did my line breaks go?

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Their post has a downvote, which could be construed as coming from me (it didn't) and therefore may lead to animosity. Indeed! Gave him an upvote to make up for it.

  • Yeah, well my last few posts in this thread cemented that. Plus, I think your avatar persuades them! Cheater!

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator

    Edit: Hey! Where did my line breaks go?

    Stolen by the dreaded Markdown. You have to end a line with at least two spaces to keep them.
    Intuitive, isn't it? :-(

    xyphic posted: »

    Indeed! Gave him an upvote to make up for it. I would have also given an upvote were I not so hurt by the damning critique of my foot

  • Gave you an upvote for that ;)

    OMG! We have created an upvote perpetual motion machine!

    DjNDB posted: »

    Indeed! Gave him an upvote to make up for it. Gave you an upvote for that

  • edited September 2013

    I imagine any and all posts in the Boobs: An Artistic Discussion thread would have skyrocketed the reps of everyone in the conversation.

    Especially Avistew's.

  • So instead of people begging for upvotes to the left like Reddit, we get to beg for thumbs up below! Woo.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Bleugh, whatever.

  • This Community is option 2. It is based on Vanilla Forums.

    Really? I can't even recognize Vanilla under what's going on here.

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Really? I can't even recognize Vanilla under what's going on here.

    Yup, it's all based on Vanilla.

    GuruGuru214 posted: »

    This Community is option 2. It is based on Vanilla Forums. Really? I can't even recognize Vanilla under what's going on here.

  • edited September 2013

    SO MUCH TALK ABOUT THE WOLF AMONG US! Tiny bit of talk for TWD S2(from TTG).... I know they are about to burst their bubbles and want to load off all the amazing features of S2, all of what contains in S2, without being too spoiler-y, but they can't YET. TTG is all in on TWAU(thewolfamongus) because it is the upcoming game and is closest game to be released, TWDS2 is next. But i don't know why, but i was never really hyped for TWAU, it was just a game i was most likely gonna get after TWDS2 and that's why i am even more anxious for S2 talk because they're only talking about TWAU. I am pretty sure. How sure? Don't f*ck with Tiny Carlos sure(Eddie quote FTW), that TTG isn't too technical with their release dates for a game. They give you the release dates like a few days before the actual release. Ha ha. Just a minor complaint, not really a complaint we still get the release. When the season pass for S2 comes out, i'll get it and when ever TWAU S1 is out in it's entirety, i'll purchase it. I am only posting this on here because we get more feedback on this page.

  • Wall of text.

    Use paragraph spacing next time, please.

  • edited September 2013

    TWAU is coming out first, hence all the focus being on that. Once TWAU is announced/released, I'm sure Telltale will start talking about TWD S2.

    And not to sound mean, but if you could break up your text into smaller chunks, it'd make your post much more readable. Thanks. :)

  • Sure. Thank you so much.

    TWAU is coming out first, hence all the focus being on that. Once TWAU is announced/released, I'm sure Telltale will start talking about TWD S

  • Sure thing. Thank you so much, i appreciate it.

    TWAU is coming out first, hence all the focus being on that. Once TWAU is announced/released, I'm sure Telltale will start talking about TWD S

  • edited September 2013

    No offence but 1.I couldn't care less about no TWD season 2 news, considering 400 Days only came out a month or two ago. TTG does have other games and projects they want to work on other than just TWD.

    Second, what does TWD Season 2 and TWAU news got to do with improving the forums? What everyone else has been talking about relates to the forums but your post just complains about there is too much news about TWAU (Well what do you expect? Its coming out in a few months) While TWD 400 Days only came out a short time ago.

    Again I mean no offence. But you have to understand that TTG is not just ''Those Walking Dead designers''. But that they do make other games other than TWD. If you want to keep up on TWD news, I'd suggest just keep an eye on the TWD sub-forum. If there is any news at all, I'm sure someone will post a thread about it :)

    SO MUCH TALK ABOUT THE WOLF AMONG US! Tiny bit of talk for TWD S2(from TTG).... I know they are about to burst their bubbles and want to load

  • edited September 2013

    Wow... this has really gotten out of hand.

    Alt text

  • I'm assuming @Kevin has retreated to his cave and will resume ignoring our opinions.

  • edited September 2013

    I don't know how much more "illuminating" we can be with Kevin. If he's read as far as he's posted, there should be PLENTY there for him to mull over if he's willing to do so. For the time being, let's get another staffer who worked on the new website in here so we have a new person to yell at. Perhaps this "Jesse" person Kevin referred to as the one to speak to about Markdown. Can someone who knows his/her username tag him/her?

  • edited September 2013

    Well, I could try directly insulting the upper management staff again...
    btw, is the TWD forum really completely dead? I never go in there. I never went in there before the switch.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Good choice with the edit, Chyron. Thanks, man, I'm getting conflicted here.

    No, the TWD forum is not 'completely dead'. In fact, with the break of fall, they're going NUTS with anticipation (release date thread gathered 23 posts yesterday). As it has always been with Telltale's Seasons, everything that could be said about Season 1 and 400 days has been said, multiple times, so the actual discussion is at once waning and repetitive. But my mod senses are tingling. We'll see some serious 'activity' in there if Telltale hasn't breathed a word about Season 2 by November.

  • edited September 2013

    Yeah, I originally meant to say it again as a joke, but when I read it back to myself it wasn't that humorous.
    You know, I'm confused why he came out of the woodwork in the first place. Was it REALLY because I said they're all retarded...? It seems like they've had plenty of opportunity to talk to us before now. What makes my present belligerence so special?

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    ( On a sidenote: paragraph spacing actually works on this forum with a bit of effort, far better than in Double Fine's forum at least. Markdown essentially creates HTML code, and some HTML tags are still additionally usable, especially the line break tag:


    So just hit return twice after a paragraph, write the br tag, hit return again.The result is as follows:

    A wonderfully separated paragraph just like in the old days. Of course, the asterisk - space - asterisk - space - asterisk also gives you a vertical line:

    ...which can also structure a post halfway neatly)

    Chyron8472 posted: »

    Yeah, I originally meant to say it again as a joke, but when I read it back to myself it wasn't that humorous. . . You know, I'm confused w

  • Well, now because I pointed out that my antagonism is nothing new or special, he's going to read that and most certainly not make himself known anymore.

    Are you out there @Kevin? Yes, you are. I see you sitting there, reading this. But you won't say anything to us.
    We want you to, but you won't.

  • @Kevin is a troll.

    He just comes into threads, makes inflammatory statements, and then leaves.

    The voting system makes his lack of contribution incredibly clear:

    Accurate Reflection

    These dislikes may LOOK like a trolling effort of some sort, but AS WE KNOW from Kevin Bruner:

    1. The voting system will not be used in a punitive fashion against a specific user
    2. The voting system is valuable in gauging what the community thinks of you, and provides an accurate reflection of that sentiment
    3. The voting system "allow[s] the community to express themselves if a user is trolling, being intentionally abusive, derailing conversations, etc"
    4. The Telltale audience isn't an unruly, vindictive mob

    Kevin Bruner wouldn't say something stupid(after all, he's CTO of Telltale and Systems Programmer on Grim Fandango!), so we know these Dislikes are legitimate. If they changed or the voting system changed dramatically in some way, why, Kevin Bruner would have been wrong. Some might even say he said something extremely stupid, that he defended a vindictively exploitable system as something that would not be exploited, and that Kevin Bruner is an idiot who has no idea what he's doing, does not understand the systems he's putting into place or defending, and doesn't understand why the things he says are so incredibly stupid.

    I would never say such a thing of course.

    But some might.

    Personally, I have more faith in humanity than that. I think that the voting system is being used properly, and that Kevin Bruner is getting a clear, legitimate, understandable message about how the community thinks about him. Because otherwise, he'd be wrong, and that simply can't be the case.

  • werefoxwerefox Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2013

    Ok.. I probably shouldn't jump in here, but I hafta say: This is a GREAT discussion. Folks here have incredibly deep insight and knowledge about the history and trade-offs behind systems that power various digital communities.

    And having joined in late, what would have made things even better was if I could jump right in and reply to specific posts in a threaded manner ;)

    Let the downvoting begin!

    @Kevin is a troll. He just comes into threads, makes inflammatory statements, and then leaves. The voting system makes his lack of contr

  • And having joined in late, what would have made things even better was if I could jump right in and reply to specific posts in a threaded manner ;)

    Alright, I'll bite. That would be great except then anyone who might be interested in what you had to say would have to go trawling through the past 15 pages looking for your replies. I thought you guys were trying to move away from scavenger hunt puzzles...

    werefox posted: »

    Ok.. I probably shouldn't jump in here, but I hafta say: This is a GREAT discussion. Folks here have incredibly deep insight and knowledge abo

  • Even greater would be the ability to quote a post and have that quote give a direct link back to the original quoted post and then have that new post appear at the end of the thread. Then people late to the party could just go to the last unread post in the thread and follow the quoted post links through the discussion, while people who have been with the discussion for awhile could just follow along as normal.

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