Somehow I already looking forward to the hell that the TWD forum is gonna be if something similar happens to TWD. :S
Seriously, please PLEASE learn from this situation Telltale.
LOL 4 months what a joke not sure how Telltale hasn't went under yet. Glad to see everyone except 2 or 3 people changed their tune as soon as something was said LOL to be expected.
Thank God... I was crazy about the release date. Also, there's only one day in the first week of feburary... So the episode 2 is coming day one of feburary
I wish lol
reshy maybe you should look at the first post again ?
translation pick one or any : a game breaking bug that stops progress, team member fell ill or had a family emergency, play testers full on hated a story development or choice that is central to story , a voice actor was unable to record ( see team member, heck maybe melissa who is clem).
I am not sure how old some of the gamers here are, but seriously people some of you act like children, even worse than that. Yes there was a long delay, but if you are forgetting work/job are not the only most important things in life. Game developers are humans as much as you are, they don't just go work, work, work etc. They are not your Drones and you certainly are not their Overmind. It is quite obvious that something happened, either on technical or personal level.
So stop with that altitude! I am sick of it! Not only from people here attacking TTG, but for all those people constantly complaining about some shit, and attacking gaming companies . It is true you have to and have the right to complain especially when they messed up something, but gamers today cry like little babies for every small thing. This is a friendly advice to some of you. You can't complain about everything in life! There is a borderline of good taste people! Grow up!
Lol, just noticed that Job J Stauffer has twitted the same two screenshots from the december update and a retweet of kevin's announcement.
Must be hard doing PR work for TT.
Look telltale already confirmed on these very fourms that they woudln't even consider starting Borderlands and Game of thrones until TWAU and TWD S2 are finished
So stop yer bitching :P
No apology? No acknowledgement about the lack of communication except some vague allusions to unusual circumstances?
Whatever... I barely even remember the name's of the characters at his point. You'd better be very concerned, because many of us won't buy from you ever again after this lack of communication (and no apology)... =/
We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us (not to mention the additional delays due to the holidays). I won't dive into the details, but it’s been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season.
No apology? No acknowledgement about the lack of communication except some vague allusions to unusual circumstances?
Whatever... I barely e… moreven remember the name's of the characters at his point. You'd better be very concerned, because many of us won't buy from you ever again after this lack of communication (and no apology)... =/
I guess partying it up at trade shows and doing shots of tequila to seal deals for new IPs is all that matters to TTG now.
Glad there is a date in sight. However, anyone else upset that after buying the first episode and the season pass, that it was free and 33% off on Xbox live? So I paid $20, got to play the first episode, and if I had just waited, I would have gotten the entire season for $10.
My guess is [Apple] could've been partially responsible for the delay. I can imagine them breaking a nervous sweat at the thought of bare boobs appearing in an app, it'll be interesting to see if there's a censored version for iOS.
That actually sounds quite plausible. (I'm just a community volunteer mod with no advance knowledge FYI).
However, they still (partially) appeared in the Episode 2 preview even on the App so who knows, though?
There, writing that statement wasn't so hard now was it? Am pretty sure it didn't take the President and Co-founder to leave a statement, but … morerespect to the guy at the top for dealing with the shitstorm. 'We are working hard with all of our partners (Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Apple)...' My guess is those guys could've been partially responsible for the delay. I can imagine them breaking a nervous sweat at the thought of bare boobs appearing in an app, it'll be interesting to see if there's a censored version for iOS.
Whatever the reason(s), at least I won't be swarming around the megathread like a thirsty mosquito desperate for an update, so thanks at least for that. Still, I'm disappointed it took 3 months for a comment regarding the issue.
I am not sure how old some of the gamers here are, but seriously people some of you act like children, even worse than that. Yes there was a l… moreong delay, but if you are forgetting work/job are not the only most important things in life. Game developers are humans as much as you are, they don't just go work, work, work etc. They are not your Drones and you certainly are not their Overmind. It is quite obvious that something happened, either on technical or personal level.
So stop with that altitude! I am sick of it! Not only from people here attacking TTG, but for all those people constantly complaining about some shit, and attacking gaming companies . It is true you have to and have the right to complain especially when they messed up something, but gamers today cry like little babies for every small thing. This is a friendly advice to some of you. You can't complain about everything in life! There is a borderline of good taste people! Grow up!
P.S. It's b.s. the other thread was closed. First you don't acknowledge people's questions and complaints, then you reframe the argument by closing the thread full of their angst so you can make a new one (where plenty of people will fall all over themselves thanking you b/c they are so desperate to play the game).
We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us (not… more to mention the additional delays due to the holidays). I won't dive into the details, but it’s been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season.
Yeah, good... thumb me down for entertaining the crazy notion that they might actually acknowledge people's anger and apologize, EVEN IF it wasn't wholly their fault.
Glad there is a date in sight. However, anyone else upset that after buying the first episode and the season pass, that it was free and 33% o… moreff on Xbox live? So I paid $20, got to play the first episode, and if I had just waited, I would have gotten the entire season for $10.
Guys even though it's nice to hear some update they still haven't said the date. They said 1st week of February, but then remember that they s… moreaid that a new update would be coming in EARLY January .. it's 14th today .. hardly early January.
I am exited as well, but at the same time I am very careful to actually take it as a final date. I guess we shall see in the FIRST (that's from 3rd to 9th NOT later) week of February. Why am I expecting another delay though.
PS: TellTale, seriously think about your PR management, seriously! If your guy isn't capable of making a single post about the release date or something similar for 3!! months (not counting the update which told us to wait for an update) then something is very wrong and he clearly doesn't deserve his money. Hell even I could do his job better.
we have bad news ep 2 is going to be delayed, we don't know how long for or why this happened we are doing everything we can to sort it out please bare with us we'll have more news as we know it.
forums reaction
RAGE COMPLAINTS, THREATS idemandrefunds, then the surely by now you guys should know what problems can happen if your using the same engine, etc etc..
next update:
ok we have more news guys n gals, seems we found yet another problem so again we are sorry and we will try and get it fixed asap sorry..
Nope, not enough. You can't break the silence, not even give an actual date, basically say nothing about what caused the delay and then walk a… moreway. If there was some catastrophe, you tell us when it happens and what you're doing about it. You say you're not going to dive into details? I need you to go into details. And, going forward, communicate what is happening.
I'm holding off on season pass purchases (having been buying those since BTTF) depending on how these things will be handled in the future.
I'm super dissapointed in telltale and will seriously never buy a season pass from them again. You save lots of money and time being pissed on these forums if you just buy it on a steam sale when it's finished.
You make really good (if buggy) games, but jesus christ...
You guys at Telltale are the living embodiment of ambivalence.
On the one hand I'm happy we finally get to play the 2nd episode, but on the other I'm likely to have a conniption that I have to wait until effing February.
Let's hope you've finally ironed out the bugs in your organisational skills and the next episode (of either TWAU of TWD) doesn't take 3 and 3/4s of a month to finish.
Yeah, good... thumb me down for entertaining the crazy notion that they might actually acknowledge people's anger and apologize, EVEN IF it wasn't wholly their fault.
The lack of a mea culpa paired with their indication that "things conspired against us" would suggest that this delay was due to troubles with entities outside of Telltale's own development team. I mean, yeah, I guess they could just be lying to save face, but I'm willing to believe them.
Yeah, good... thumb me down for entertaining the crazy notion that they might actually acknowledge people's anger and apologize, EVEN IF it wasn't wholly their fault.
every day is a school day
Hmm.I think its going to release in 4th Feb or 7th Feb. Latter is more likely though
Thank God... I was crazy about the release date. Also, there's only one day in the first week of feburary... So the episode 2 is coming day one of feburary
I wish lol
i want to know if walking dead ep2 is coming this month or not
reshy maybe you should look at the first post again ?
translation pick one or any : a game breaking bug that stops progress, team member fell ill or had a family emergency, play testers full on hated a story development or choice that is central to story , a voice actor was unable to record ( see team member, heck maybe melissa who is clem).
It's great that the silence has been broken, but I would be happier if two words were in there. "We're/I'm sorry." No ass-licking, just two words.
I am not sure how old some of the gamers here are, but seriously people some of you act like children, even worse than that. Yes there was a long delay, but if you are forgetting work/job are not the only most important things in life. Game developers are humans as much as you are, they don't just go work, work, work etc. They are not your Drones and you certainly are not their Overmind. It is quite obvious that something happened, either on technical or personal level.
So stop with that altitude! I am sick of it! Not only from people here attacking TTG, but for all those people constantly complaining about some shit, and attacking gaming companies . It is true you have to and have the right to complain especially when they messed up something, but gamers today cry like little babies for every small thing. This is a friendly advice to some of you. You can't complain about everything in life! There is a borderline of good taste people! Grow up!
yeah because of the all ungrateful toerags constantly complaining..
you brought up the new games dude

Please answer me. Is walking dead ep2 is going to release this month or is it going to release in february like twau?
No apology? No acknowledgement about the lack of communication except some vague allusions to unusual circumstances?
Whatever... I barely even remember the name's of the characters at his point. You'd better be very concerned, because many of us won't buy from you ever again after this lack of communication (and no apology)... =/
I guess partying it up at trade shows and doing shots of tequila to seal deals for new IPs is all that matters to TTG now.
Glad there is a date in sight. However, anyone else upset that after buying the first episode and the season pass, that it was free and 33% off on Xbox live? So I paid $20, got to play the first episode, and if I had just waited, I would have gotten the entire season for $10.
that is the question now i guess. I like both games, but it would be kinda unusual if TWD got ep2 before TWAU.
That actually sounds quite plausible. (I'm just a community volunteer mod with no advance knowledge FYI).
However, they still (partially) appeared in the Episode 2 preview even on the App so who knows, though?
"the altitude"? There. I had to complain about something i guess.
P.S. It's b.s. the other thread was closed. First you don't acknowledge people's questions and complaints, then you reframe the argument by closing the thread full of their angst so you can make a new one (where plenty of people will fall all over themselves thanking you b/c they are so desperate to play the game).
"very concerned" DOES NOT EQUAL "We're sorry" !!!
ttg never divuldge that kind of info..
nope end of feb i reckon.
Yeah, good... thumb me down for entertaining the crazy notion that they might actually acknowledge people's anger and apologize, EVEN IF it wasn't wholly their fault.
I will not be buying nothing else from this company after such a poor management on this game!
Don't worry, they're very concerned....
They said soon after the holidays not early January. Of course anyone who assumed that wasn't exactly being unreasonable.
right so they say
we have bad news ep 2 is going to be delayed, we don't know how long for or why this happened we are doing everything we can to sort it out please bare with us we'll have more news as we know it.
forums reaction
RAGE COMPLAINTS, THREATS idemandrefunds, then the surely by now you guys should know what problems can happen if your using the same engine, etc etc..
next update:
ok we have more news guys n gals, seems we found yet another problem so again we are sorry and we will try and get it fixed asap sorry..
need i go on ??
after twau ep2 ?
I'm super dissapointed in telltale and will seriously never buy a season pass from them again. You save lots of money and time being pissed on these forums if you just buy it on a steam sale when it's finished.
You make really good (if buggy) games, but jesus christ...
well if you've looked at the comments so far you'll see that wouldn't be enough for some people.
You guys at Telltale are the living embodiment of ambivalence.
On the one hand I'm happy we finally get to play the 2nd episode, but on the other I'm likely to have a conniption that I have to wait until effing February.
Let's hope you've finally ironed out the bugs in your organisational skills and the next episode (of either TWAU of TWD) doesn't take 3 and 3/4s of a month to finish.
picking up on someones spelling error is bad form..
expect it around march
that way when it comes in mid/late feb you'll be happier
Hold thy tongue, else it get you banned, dang it.
The lack of a mea culpa paired with their indication that "things conspired against us" would suggest that this delay was due to troubles with entities outside of Telltale's own development team. I mean, yeah, I guess they could just be lying to save face, but I'm willing to believe them.
Thats like saying A murder witness should apologize to the family of the victim........