E2 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Kindle/Android out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU



  • Maybe they can give us a discount on the season pass for Season 2 of TWAU. :) Here's to hoping that they will make one.

    OdanUrr posted: »

    How would they do that if you've already paid?

  • In the single episode sell.

    OdanUrr posted: »

    How would they do that if you've already paid?

  • What if you paid a season pass already

    GriloBR posted: »

    In the single episode sell.

  • That would be unfair to those who've already bought the season pass and would probably engender further negativity.

    GriloBR posted: »

    In the single episode sell.

  • Maybe if the wolf has a DLC or something like that they give us a discount.

    ata95 posted: »

    What if you paid a season pass already

  • I wasn't actually aware of that to be honest. I think it speaks volumes then that the man at the top of the company stopped by to personally announce a date and assure fans that all is well now. It certainly reassures me.

    OdanUrr posted: »

    Just in case you didn't know, "that telltale person" is TTG's cofounder, CTO and President.

  • So, I just wanna start off by saying that I adore Telltale, and I think they make fantastic games. I've been playing since season one of Sam and Max, and I'll probably keep playing (well. I'll play everything other than TWD and GoT.) That said, I found this delay really, really disappointing. Due to issues with my work/travel I am completely unable to play computer games, download things, or access Steam for months at a time. When TWAU came out, I was excited and interested in playing it, so I had family buy it for me, thinking that when I finally got home and could play again, I'd have two or three chapters to blow through before I had to leave. Well, I got home and was a little sad that there was only one chapter, but I didn't mind all that much because I figured the second would come out after Christmas. Now it's been announced for February. I leave again next week, and won't have access to games for at least 4 months. There are no words for how disappointed I am. I wouldn't have minded if Episode 2 was planned to come out in February. It would have sucked, but I would have known what to expect. My complaints are not because of the delay, but because of the disappointed hopes that Telltale has created by not keeping to schedule and not keeping us in the loop. Seriously Telltale. I love you guys, but love shouldn't hurt like this.

  • You keep saying your done with this community, great we are all waiting for you to leave.

    YAH FUCK TELLTALE FOR GIVING US EXACTLY WHAT WE WANTED *facepalm im done with this community

  • yeah you are right.I dont buyed the game yet because i want to play him on vita and i dont know if i trust telltale buyng the season pass or i buy the single episodes (if there will be this option)

    OdanUrr posted: »

    That would be unfair to those who've already bought the season pass and would probably engender further negativity.

  • It will be done when it's done and not before no matter how much you complain about it.

  • Right they said in the most recent blog post about The Wolf Among Us on this website was to expect an update "very soon after the holidays". So I guess I was partially wrong, and it makes assuming early January more reasonable.

    KCohere posted: »

    I remember them saying "after the holidays" too. When did they say early January?

  • Aren't you the guy with the 'Inside source'?

    Gabster posted: »

    That's the type of comment I don't get... After: * 2 months of total silence * 2 months of delay * Not the slightest apology or expl

  • edited January 2014

    damn nice, i almost forgot about TWAU but as i listened to the soundtrack of bigby's apartment today i remembered and i am very excited for ep. 2!
    i bought the season pass, so i hope the rest of the season will be released with less gaps in between the episodes, because, although i am eager to know how and what happens in ep. 2, because of the long gap, i also kinda lost interest a bit, honestly

  • Nope, it was @Imranbhai.

    Aren't you the guy with the 'Inside source'?

  • Hey, how about you delay episode 2 of Walking Dead Season 2 for almost four months,
    and deal with the backlash of that like you did with the backlash of TWAU, with complete silence?
    No? Oh well then. Whatever, you already have my Wolf money.
    With that, passive agressive comments on one of the weirdest messages boards I know is all I have left.

    How about releasing the soundtrack of TWAU episode 1 then, as an apology? That would be nice...

  • Telltale might want to reconsider how they do their project planning.

    As a side note, The Last of Us dlc 'Left Behind' is rumored to be released on the 14. of february.

  • They were going go bankrupted, if they kept ignoring the fans. After four months, they almost had no choice. You talk about it, like he was doing us a favor.

    I wasn't actually aware of that to be honest. I think it speaks volumes then that the man at the top of the company stopped by to personally announce a date and assure fans that all is well now. It certainly reassures me.

  • So 14th January is soon after the holidays? That's quite long if you ask me!

    Early January was written in the name of the previous thread.

    They said soon after the holidays not early January. Of course anyone who assumed that wasn't exactly being unreasonable.

  • Maybe both? Perhaps TTG was working through the holidays but Microsoft, Sony, etc., weren't thus delaying certification?

  • edited January 2014

    thanks warchief :)

    a new avatar of ol clappy just to stand out a bit more!

    i like how i get called a fanboi which i assume was intended as an insult, but the fact is, it's true and i am totally fine with it and i just take the piss right out of said insulting comment but I GET MORE DOWNVOTES.. holy shit..

    I like this Claptrap guy.

  • seriously...

    FiachSidhe got "bent out of shape" because we don't know the problem, Telltale makes it the problem and you're refusing to see why a simple ap

  • 'manhugs warcheif'

    Just as I said I may have gone over the line, I see my error. Yeah I have self-awareness, maybe the only good thing I have, hardly can say tha

  • but we can't go around asking for those two to apologise can we?

    so why the fuck do people expect telltale to do it ? or sure it's their game as you say, but they would be taking the blame away from them, which means the big companies get off the hook and the small studio sets them selves up for a fan outrage oh wait...that's happened anyway..

    Yes, we are aware that big companies like MS and Sony was most likely the hold up, not because of Telltale themselves, but we can't go around

  • i should grow up??

    The irony is strong with this one....

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    Grow up. You're not doing Telltale any favors by defending them the way you do.

  • the downvotes are because they didn't say sorry.

    d_cover posted: »

    I would personally like to hear what went wrong. Circumstances isn't a good enough excuse in my opinion. People who bought the game because

  • How many times shall we spell it for your dislexic ass.



    So you being personally offened by telltale's lack of an apology is less of a personal relationship than me putting trust into a company So

  • maybe an extra few minutes that'll be it

    Scytheslay posted: »

    I hope this episode is a long one!

  • edited January 2014


    they made a new thread so people can find the info easily, also if you look at who made the new thread/closed the old one, it may not be staff it could be the non staff mods doing.

    the old thread was so long, so full of bs so full of pointless trolling or god knows what else, that had no release information, certain members will not bother to read through all those pages to get the info that is posted in the first post/in the title of the sticky threads listing.

    TheMissus posted: »

    February? This is ridiculious. And you really had to close the old thread and make a new one for this issue? Looks like you just avoided our complaints

  • edited January 2014

    Could also be that some people worked hard during the holidays, but they weren't at full strength.

    In any case, I think people are within their rights to expect an apology and such, but I would also like to say that regardless of what Telltale did, there would still likely be complaints. It's the same with every game released, no matter the company, and it's a problem with society at large unfortunately.

    Again though, I think people are right to expect more information etc. The only thing I can say is to look at Telltale's past history and trust them to deliver the rest of the episodes, while also taking them at their word that they don't anticipate it happening again with this season. Also, I think they've only ever abandoned one series before it was complete and that was Bone, their first ever game as a company. Everything else, they've been good at releasing episodes, with the possible exception of 'episode 2s', within 1 - 2 months. Granted, I'm saying this without looking at release dates and my memory could be off, but I think they've been good anyway.

    (Apologies to WalkingDeadFan201 for the majority of this post not being in reply.)

    OdanUrr posted: »

    Maybe both? Perhaps TTG was working through the holidays but Microsoft, Sony, etc., weren't thus delaying certification?

  • placeholder date.

    Pashok57 posted: »

    Great...February 5 http://www.ign.com/games/the-wolf-among-us-episode-2-smoke-and-mirrors/pc-20007264

  • I was a bit disappointed at first, but sometimes things happen beyond anyone's control. Just a quick tip TT - let your gamers know asap next time something happens. Nobody gets that irate when 'kept in the loop'. We all have plenty of other games to play (and have been playing) so it is not a big deal. Very much looking forward to Episode 2 and would rather be playing a fully polished version, than one with glitches due to rushing. Enjoy folks!

  • @The_Red_Panda

    Who cares how many people thumb you down. What you have spoken is truth. That's why they're upset. I applaud you, truly.

    Alt text

  • I did say it was reasonable for anyone to expect news earlier didn't I?

    And I was going by the information I say in the most recent blog post about The Wolf Among Us. I was unaware of any other official word from Telltale so if they did say early January someplace I will certainly admit I am wrong.

    Kronoss1 posted: »

    So 14th January is soon after the holidays? That's quite long if you ask me! Early January was written in the name of the previous thread.

  • I think Episode 2 of TWD's Season 2 will come out in March, because TTG won't possibly release two games in one month, so it will be 3 months between Episode 1 and 2.

    Wish partly granted

    Talahar posted: »

    Hey, how about you delay episode 2 of Walking Dead Season 2 for almost four months, and deal with the backlash of that like you did with the

  • I like it that you joke about things, not take everything seriously as most people around here do. Those are video games jeez.

    thanks warchief a new avatar of ol clappy just to stand out a bit more! i like how i get called a fanboi which i assume was intended a

  • yup i try and lighten the tone and help out and for that i get just as much rage/hate and flaming to rival telltales and the down votes omg the downvotes...;)

    I like it that you joke about things, not take everything seriously as most people around here do. Those are video games jeez.

  • Four months, 2 hours of gameplay maximum. Cool.

  • me too, and me and rp had a falling out before right ? ;)

    skullzz posted: »

    @The_Red_Panda Who cares how many people thumb you down. What you have spoken is truth. That's why they're upset. I applaud you, truly.

  • owe the fans they/we paid for the game when it's ready..

    some little factoids i'll add in:

    This 'delay' isn't a delay as such because how can something be delayed that was never set / confirmed for release beyond a 4-6 week estimate ? which also goes on to say in the terms and conditions (that people never seem to read) delays can occur or episodes will be released periodically (might be paraphrasing there !)

    smithjohn57 posted: »

    that sounds incredibly bitchy to me... telltale has made no promises of anything and owe the fans nothing, get over yourself, your impatience

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