E2 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Kindle/Android out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU



  • Companies going bankrupt don't announce lucrative new deals to make borderlands and game of thrones games now do they?

    Telltale's silence was annoying and becoming increasingly frustrating but it's probably mostly because Telltale no doubt sees the wolf among us as one of their less important projects. Wrongly in my opinion! But it's probably more on their TO DO pile than some pressing thing they simply must finish ASAP.

    Outside of these boards, I don't think anyone really knows or cares that much about when Telltale releases the next episode of this, of all games.

    Do they need a set person or people who can regularly assure us that "Everything is going well on our end. Expect a new episode soon!"? Yeah, in my and I'm sure your opinion they do. But they don't either because they don't want to disclose how development is going or they don't feel like they have to.

    The fact that their top guy (when it easily could have been the intern with the same info) came here to assure us all that this game, THIS SPECIFIC GAME is still a priority for them does, in my opinion, speak positive volumes about how they will see this thing through.

    They were going go bankrupted, if they kept ignoring the fans. After four months, they almost had no choice. You talk about it, like he was doing us a favor.

  • Out of curiosity, you are aware it hasn't been five months right?

    The game came out in October.

    There was November, so there's one month. December brings it up to two. Here we are in January and that's three. The episode will be out in February (unless I'm proven horribly wrong) so that's three or maybe four months depending on how you look at it.

    That's a horrible wait admittedly but it's not that far off their normal period of two to three months between episodes.

    There was also the ios release and the walking dead season 2 in December so it's not like Telltale were laughing at us while lighting our money on fire all this time either.

    I highly, HIGHLY recommend checking out the Fables comic series at your local book/comic book store or Library while you wait it out. The comics have been going a decade and they really help to keep you immersed in the game world while we wait it out.

    Funny gif as well! I saw that movie again recently and it's aged really really well.

  • This on was on steam page

    The internet was ready to huff-and-puff and blow Telltale’s house down to find information on the next episode of their fable-inspired, Fables-derived adventure The Wolf Among Us. When a Reddit user created a popular thread to complain about the lack of information though, co-founder Kevin Bruner piped up with a rough release date. The second episode will hit during the first week of February. (more…)

  • Stop defending tell tale all the time, its sad

    Out of curiosity, you are aware it hasn't been five months right? The game came out in October. There was November, so there's one month

  • edited January 2014

    I wish RPS had been more careful in the wording of their article. It basically says that TTG only responded after Reddit users complained and it can be interpreted they would've ignored these forums altogether otherwise. That's not good PR, not good PR at all.

    This is the article by the way.


    This on was on steam page The internet was ready to huff-and-puff and blow Telltale’s house down to find information on the next episode of

  • It is suggestive, certainly.

  • This just a suggestion tell tale. If you don't want more bad press, I wouldn't delay agian.

    OdanUrr posted: »

    It is suggestive, certainly.

  • I wish we were up to episode 3 now but all this hemming and hawing seems petty when we're talking mere months here.

    I'm still waiting for frigging Valve to get up and resolve that damned half-life story they set up back in 2007.

    Telltale aren't perfect and they deserved to be called out on some of the crap, but there's really not much to call out when you think about it.

    Stop defending tell tale all the time, its sad

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2014

    Maybe the post on Reddit was the final straw that made Telltale finally decide to give us some news due to Reddit's larger audience and a higher risk of backlash from them.

  • To be fair, Telltale has made a few mistakes over the past few months. Waiting (potentially) another week in February would be the least of them.

    smithjohn57 posted: »

    because make one mistake and you are branded for life, awesome to see things never change

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2014

    I wish RPS had been more careful in the wording of their article. It basically says that TTG only responded after Reddit users complained and it can be interpreted they would've ignored these forums altogether otherwise. That's not good PR, not good PR at all.

    This is the article by the way.


    Well, that's "gaming journalism" for you. But, if you read that article carefully, it's obvious that Graham Smith has a plethora of other problems in his understanding of journalism as well.

    Wolf Among Us – or Wolfamongous, as it must be pronounced every time you type or say the words aloud

    Is that guy even an English native? ;)

    It's actually another disgrace for reddit, which just sets itself up as a prime forum for the formation of internet mobs. As if threads like that hadn't been around on reddit for more than two months. As if any of those threads had sped up the release of episode 2 in any perceivable way. As if any of those threads would help to better Telltale's communication in any way.

    OdanUrr posted: »

    I wish RPS had been more careful in the wording of their article. It basically says that TTG only responded after Reddit users complained and

  • edited January 2014

    Im not defending TTG at all, but they do release their games across multiple platforms simultaneously now. Perhaps they were having code issues or hangups with the vendors that led to delays. I cant be sure.

    I do agree with you in that TTG's customer service posture has been absolutely unacceptable regarding this product. Alot of people that adopted TWAU early really got screwed.

    I really feel cheated out of my money. I bought the game in November, expecting Ep2 to come out in November or December. It pisses me more off

  • Sounds like a date (;

  • The announcement from TTG games only vaguely hints at a timeframe. They said "should" not "will" The next episode could end up being released in march for all we know. Im not fussing over this game until they are all out, whenever that is. I think its the better way to go. I got some old games to catch up on, anyway.

    twdziki posted: »

    'First week of February'? Like 1-2 of February or 3-9?

  • Fair enough about the comics. They're totally amazing though and they're how I'm personally keeping myself high on wolf among us without turning into mark wahlberg.

  • Good Telltale deserves it after all the bullshit they've caused people not only because of this delay but other things too cough walking dead season 2 not working through their main site when it did via steam cough

  • what are you talking about ? they thought it was understandable and they appricate it. they didn't jump into conclusions like you retards did.

  • you retards

    Apology necessary.

    vivec posted: »

    what are you talking about ? they thought it was understandable and they appricate it. they didn't jump into conclusions like you retards did.

  • apologized

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    you retards Apology necessary.

  • It wasn't the first time you were calling someone a retard. I am wondering you're leaning out of the window this far with your insults against the complainers - you were one of them after all, ranting against TT in the former release date thread. Now you call the same people names. That's hypocrisy.

    vivec posted: »


  • We've resolved the situation for now, thanks. ;)

    TheMissus posted: »

    It wasn't the first time you were calling someone a retard. I am wondering you're leaning out of the window this far with your insults against

  • i was angry at them for not giving us update . they did and i forgave them but now you guys are going way too far

    TheMissus posted: »

    It wasn't the first time you were calling someone a retard. I am wondering you're leaning out of the window this far with your insults against

  • I expected better from a mod. Much better.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    We've resolved the situation for now, thanks.

  • because i didnt agree with you i need to get banned ?

    I expected better from a mod. Much better.

  • Nobody needs to get banned for disagreeing - for publicly insulting others repeatedly, yes

    vivec posted: »

    because i didnt agree with you i need to get banned ?

  • in 2015 hehe!

    Idontcare posted: »

    Alright I'll take what I can get. First week of February it is.

  • For me, you can take your time to produce any episode of the series, since it does not compromise the quality of the game, and they are wonderful games like the first episode, but I make a request, please never to post a date for the release and then delayed four months, as the producer did. To say that the game will be released in late 2013, and then delayed until February next year, that's playing with our guy. Please, this is a slap in the face of society. rsrsr

  • That's a horrible wait admittedly but it's not that far off their normal period of two to three months between episodes.

    I can't be bothered to look up any references, but I seem to recall getting my Sam & Max / Guybrush fix about every 4-6 weeks. TWD S1 had a pretty significant Ep1-2 delay, but I'm pretty sure they were in that 4-6 week period for the other episodes. I'm not sure that 2-3 months is well-established as "normal" for TT.

    Am I mis-remembering?

    Out of curiosity, you are aware it hasn't been five months right? The game came out in October. There was November, so there's one month

  • why they say early january when its february liars!!! hehe

  • Graham Smith is actually pretty well-regarded among games journalists. I'd be curious to hear some more specific criticisms of the article, but to address your question:

    Is that guy even an English native? ;)

    No, he's Scottish. If you'd like to hear proof, feel free to check out http://www.crateandcrowbar.com/ and find a really good PC gaming podcast.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    I wish RPS had been more careful in the wording of their article. It basically says that TTG only responded after Reddit users complained and

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2014

    "Bickering in some random reddit thread" = "uprising"

    Okay, sure. What exactly was the difference to what was happening right here?

  • Not English then?

    Silent Dan posted: »

    Graham Smith is actually pretty well-regarded among games journalists. I'd be curious to hear some more specific criticisms of the article, b

  • It got Kevin to respond, didn't it?

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    "Bickering in some random reddit thread" = "uprising" Okay, sure. What exactly was the difference to what was happening right here?

  • My only regret is that I have but one like to give for that video. :)

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Not English then?

  • I believe you're confusing co-occurrence with consequence.

    It got Kevin to respond, didn't it?

  • Right, it says there right in the article. "Tell Tale fans nearly blew Tell Tale house down. Then it goes on to explain. It was so bad. That Kevin finally told us a date"

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    I believe you're confusing co-occurrence with consequence.

  • they are not pulling another jurassic park you think this delay was bad oh boy.

    Unknnnnn posted: »

    Good news is - them deciding to release the entire game up to episode 5 in February and explaining their delay by saying that they wanted to p

  • Telltale never gave a release date for the second episode. It was speculation. The only time-frame that's ever been given regarding the release schedule of the episodes is that they'll release the episodes periodically until summer. Not making excuses for them by any means, but that is what the store page said on Steam. Them announcing the first week of Feb now is the first time they've mentioned a release date (It's worth noting it's not 100%, based on Kevin's wording, but it is very likely. At least they're banking on it anyway.)

    DanielXD0 posted: »

    For me, you can take your time to produce any episode of the series, since it does not compromise the quality of the game, and they are wonder

  • edited January 2014

    All this time demanding info, all this time receiving none... Then, we finally get some info and it comes after a thread on reddit explodes. The new info specifically mentions the reddit thread and tries to spin things like the announcement was planned and we're so lucky because we'll hear it first. Sorry, but some of us aren't that stupid.

    How much you want to bet if there had been no reddit thread, the now closed release date thread would still be chugging along, TTG happily ignoring all the angst of their fans and not giving any info at all...?

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    I believe you're confusing co-occurrence with consequence.

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