Nudity really needed?



  • god job trolling broski. I can do better.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Under the extreme risk that I might troll this thread, I vote for nipple polygons. Seriously, you can't just paint these on!

  • I think its shows how messed up peoples opinions about this thing . Every single person i've seen play this has gone OMG WHAT OH NO HAVE TO COVER THAT OMG OMG OMG... Like seriously they have no problem with a dead body but nudity in a strip club....

  • So you do NOT have problem with chopped heads ,corpses and with huge pools of blood. But you are bothered to see boobs? Like are you INSANE?

  • So if they are practicing for game of thrones are we going to see a penis (search for the weiner song from south park :D) in episode 3?

    Maybe they have to practice animating tits. Remember, they're gonna be making a Game of Thrones game soon. And you can't have a Game of Throne

  • Well, i'm taking a page from TWD forums to say this:

    Boobies confirmed for episode 3

    Alt text

  • edited February 2014

    Agreed. I've seen series handle mature content poorly, but it wasn't an issue for me here. It made sense for the scene, established how Georgie worked, wasn't unnecessarily explicit or drawn out, etc.

    It actually gives me hope for Telltale to handle this kind of context for Game of Thrones better than HBO would.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    While not hugely important, the scene was meaningful in establishing Georgie's character. They needed to show how much of a dick Georgie was t

  • this thread is so stupid and misogynistic

  • That there is a question. While boobs are almost a certainty, they are collaborating with HBO for the game, and HBO has shown penises very sparingly in the show. Compared to the amount of tits anyway. Not that I complain, being a straight guy, of course :D

    Imari posted: »

    So if they are practicing for game of thrones are we going to see a penis (search for the weiner song from south park ) in episode 3?

  • [removed]

    Kryik posted: »

    Guns? That's funny

  • edited February 2014

    As far as I know, used panties are only sold in certain stores. The vending machines have new ones. And even the "used" ones are actually just sprayed with certain odors to give the impression that they were actually used before.

    Don't quote me on this, though, that's just what I have read somewhere.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Finally someone else that realizes how weird and wrong it is.

  • That still sounds pretty wrong and disgusting to me. Anyone that likes to sniff the "odor" of piss & fecal matter needs to be locked up.

    As far as I know, used panties are only sold in certain stores. The vending machines have new ones. And even the "used" ones are actually just

  • Spoiler

    The question is: Why not?
    Why do we even have to ask that? Did you also ask "Was it really necessary to allow ripping an arm off or showing blood at the crime scenes"?
    Just don't talk about it, it's part of the game and so is everything else.

    Also what Planeforger wrote. In fact it was just about the same I wanted to write when I saw the thread title. It's about helplesness

  • Ok well since we saw strippers naked.. I DEMAND BEAST OR BIGBY NAKED OR SHIRTLESS TOO@@!!21212121

  • Because that is what a real strip club looks like. There is nudity and people pay for it.

    'Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.'
    -- Mark Twain

  • It is way more hostile here recently, I agree there

  • [removed]

    Kryik posted: »

    It is way more hostile here recently, I agree there

  • Your right to own guns is a perfect example of democracy. I for one don't believe you should be able to own a gun, however, I also understand that it is protected by the 2nd amendment ... part of our wonderful democracy. If a military state were to be enacted I doubt your dumb guns would be very helpful when your house is being lit up by a drone strike. If the government wanted to oppress us they would and could do it easily. Unfortunately, it might really piss off other countries who rely on the strength of the American economy. Not to mention all of the countries that are members of the UN would probably be like "Uh wtf are you doing?"

  • The people complaining about nudity must be 7 year olds or people who will keep their virginity until they die. Jesus Christ, people. Grow up.

  • [removed]

    Phatphatty posted: »

    Your right to own guns is a perfect example of democracy. I for one don't believe you should be able to own a gun, however, I also understand

  • I'm not butthurt or even mad about your comments. Perhaps concerned. Initially I wanted to enlighten you on another culture, that maybe you didn't know so well. Japan has a wonderful and beautiful culture that is really worth experiencing. It is true that there are aspects of their culture that might seem very strange to Westerners, but those oddities are also some of the many things that make it awesome. I am concerned that the American school system hasn't done its job in teaching you about other cultures, how the world works, government, economics, etc. I am also slightly ashamed that I have gotten as much pleasure as I have watching you make an ass out of yourself, but at the end of the day it is what it is.

  • edited February 2014


    Phatphatty posted: »

    I'm not butthurt or even mad about your comments. Perhaps concerned. Initially I wanted to enlighten you on another culture, that maybe you di

  • I think that that they are trying to stay true to the comic by having casual approach to nudity. I could be wrong, but if that is the case, i like it.

    spike1 posted: »

    In this case that isn't the point, its just that the nudity was gracious, which many other tv shows and games get flamed for. I honestly think

  • So, you have seen two severed heads,you witness a woman being beaten but only after you see naked stripper you think: "This is totally inappropriate, TTG, I'm not playing your game anymore". I really can't imagine a person who would think that.

    spike1 posted: »

    Lol, thanks . Seeing them fully dressed would have been rather amusing, agree with you there. Censoring also would have been pointless for

  • B-but... I saw female nipples. I'm scarred for life. I will never be the same again.
    B-b-boobs... :(

    Deventh posted: »

    The people complaining about nudity must be 7 year olds or people who will keep their virginity until they die. Jesus Christ, people. Grow up.

  • The people overly excited to see cartoon boobs are the only ones who make me think it's a bad idea. Otherwise, I don't see a reason to be offended. It's natural, especially in a strip club. In the scene it helps illustrate the juxtaposition of current Georgie and his origin story to great effect.

  • edited February 2014


    The Princess bride rules. Ooooooooooo wouldn't that make a great telltale episodic game. :)

    OMG! Nudity in a STRIP CLUB?

  • I heard it took 4 months because Apple's quality standard for AppStore products required more realistic bounciness. In the end, they commissioned Stephen Hawking to do the animation, what-with his immense physics knowledge. Hence the time delay - you try rigging a mesh with your cheek.

  • Spoiler

    Well, seeing as how the story is supposed to be a mature, gritty, "noir" themed interactive novel, I almost welcome the nudity.

    It gives a realistic sense and it really made me feel sad for the girl on the stage. Almost to the point where I was going to bash Georgie's face in.

    And if a story can tug at the emotional strings of the audience, then it's a damn good story.

  • Having finally gotten to play the game, I can say that I think it was totally appropriate to the scene, to the environement and to establishing the characters of Georgie and Naressa.

  • edited February 2014

    If they have nudity on a female character and considering the fact that she actually walks and talks like a normal human-being instead of being over-sexualized like most women in video games, then all the more welcome to it.

  • And this is why that "dictatorial" government, as corrupt and imperfect as it is, actually guarantees our freedoms.
    Because if we didn't have the government, this guy would be free to mete out "justice" to anyone he finds yucky.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    That still sounds pretty wrong and disgusting to me. Anyone that likes to sniff the "odor" of piss & fecal matter needs to be locked up.

  • Nudity is always needed.

    Seriously though, some of you people need to grow up. There is nothing wrong with the female anatomy. If it makes you uncomfortable then stop playing. Personally I am glad they are doing this since there is a Game of Thrones game coming. Which is a series that demands nudity.

  • edited February 2014

    If they did. My reaction to that is."Shut up and take my MONEY"

    E.Ripley posted: »

    Awesome!!!!!!!! The Princess bride rules. Ooooooooooo wouldn't that make a great telltale episodic game.

  • Yeah we'd all line up throwing money at telltale to make that game. Hahahahahahahaha

    MrBubbles posted: »

    If they did. My reaction to that is."Shut up and take my MONEY"

  • edited February 2014

    As a female gamer, I wasn't offended by the maybe 15-20 seconds of breasts, considering the setting that it took place in. As an art major I had to draw nude models for 9 hours a week for a class over a semester so the naked form can be a beautiful thing.

    Do I think it was unnecessary? Yes. But that's my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right or wrong nor anyone else.

    Kind of disappointed in TellTale, was not expecting them to do that.

  • edited February 2014

  • Not sure if "gracious" is quite the word you're looking for - I think there would be more than a few people that were gracious for the boobs.

    spike1 posted: »

    In this case that isn't the point, its just that the nudity was gracious, which many other tv shows and games get flamed for. I honestly think

  • Going off of what Ai said, I'll make this opinion:

    The nudity, in my opinion, was fine. It was situational, and it made sense. However, it seemed like part of the scene was really devoted to showing off her jiblets. Like, it seemed that she was the main focus of the scene ("she" meaning "boobs").

    For that reason, yeah, it's disappointing. Compare this scene to the one in the trailer. In the original ep. 2 trailer, we have a topless prostitute in the background as Bigby talks to Georgie. It's outside a strip club, and it's barely made a big deal. In the actual scene of ep. 2, we have a very drawn-out look at her jiggling jigglies swaying around.

    It seems like, indeed, Telltale put a lot of effort into making her boobage the highlight of the scene.

  • edited February 2014

    Guys, Why all this heated comments? This thread is just an opinion. and only two paragraphs.

    1. I'm not offended or scared of nudity. I mean, I've heard rumor that IOS policy was against adult games it took months to correct the problem, so if I'm wrong, you can just correct me without insulting me. gosh, what's up with you guys?

    2. I said I'd prefer to see actual romantic scene, not because I was scared of nipples, but i want to see XX scenes of main characters if I have to risk the danger of my sibling popping up behind my back suddenly. I'm old enough and live with my bro, if I have to hide my screen while playing, I want to see other things than pole dancing.

    3. I don't know why my post made you guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo angry? That's the part i don't understand. Are you guys scared if telltales won't show tits anymore because of my opinion?

    4. Oh, and, I agree with some posts saying this was needed to describe the mermaid's painful life, but I meant the nudity was kinda too raw in this 1 & half hour-long short game. Even GTA or saints row doesn't show tits like this. I just thought this raw nudity would be problem in this conservative american game market.

  • Why do you think it was unnecessary? Im honestly asking. Given the things he was saying to her and the kind of club it was, catering to all kinds of sexual proclivities, I cant imagine her being up there pole dancing without showing some skin. He was berating her for not being sexy enough. A bra would look quaint. I honestly dont think Telltale was doing this to be provocative and handled the scene as gracefully as possible. The comics are very free with mature themes and sexuality so this did not feel out of place to me.

    AiPriestess posted: »

    As a female gamer, I wasn't offended by the maybe 15-20 seconds of breasts, considering the setting that it took place in. As an art major I h

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