Why are people so harsh on yvette

like the game, and the fans. we're given options to stun baton her, use dumpy on her, punch her twice, leave her in a cell to die, drop her into space. it just seems a bit much? like i get being hurt at the betrayal, but also when you talk to her in ep 4, she's talking to VASQUEZ, and (as she explains later) we really don't have the whole story. besides, vaughn did pretty much the same thing, and the closest we get to hurting him is a damn bro fist...



  • Now to be fair, I was fairly kind to Yvette despite what she did; I talked her down instead of zapping her, Fiona only punched her once, and I left her in the cell. As far as the why, that's simply because she betrayed us. You may look at her trying to explain it to us once Rhys gets out of the office as truth, but I don't and can't. I feel as though we got the absolute truth from that traitor while we were in disguise, and naturally in her most helpless moment, she tries to back-peddle out of the situation.

    The reason it's different with Vaughn is because he admitted everything to us right after it was revealed. I did always have an eyebrow raised though just in-case but Vaughn's words were sincere to me so I believed him, mostly. I wanted to believe it was the same thing with Yvette, but her attitude and what she was saying just to honest to believe otherwise.

  • edited October 2015

    Betrayal =

    enter image description here

    Also, you can tell her that you're Rhys when you're as Vasquez, and she gets angry. She doesn't care about Rhys.

    So, in return, I didn't care about her.

  • Did Yvette die or no ?

  • All up to the player. If you leave her in the cell or drop her out into space then yes she's dead. Otherwise if you get her out then I believe by other people's reports, you'll see her later with the other survivors.

    Did Yvette die or no ?

  • She could die if you leave her or if you let her slip into space when you are in the core.

    Did Yvette die or no ?

  • I don't get it either. I get that she's meant to represent everything Hyperion stands for, and everything Rhys would have become if not for the Vault key deal, but that makes her interesting to me as opposed to despicable.

  • She will be a Child of Helios

    All up to the player. If you leave her in the cell or drop her out into space then yes she's dead. Otherwise if you get her out then I believe by other people's reports, you'll see her later with the other survivors.

  • Poor Yvette, dieing in all these terrible ways cause people are angry over something they forgave Vaughn over. (Why is there an option to get her out of the cell and THEN throw her out the airlock?)

    Heck, you have Rhys lie to Yvette that he's Vasquez and you don't expect her to be cross when you finally tell her the truth? "Hey, I'm wearing this guy's face like face pizza so you'd let me on board, what's up with you?"

    She literally has nothing against you, she's happy to see Rhys when Vaughn brings him to the Ex-Hyperion group. I don't really think that spells traitor.

    (Then again, I did shoot Felix, so maybe I'm not the best person to make moral choices either.)

  • It's quite simple really. She's a cold-hearted BITCH.

  • Oh I picked the option "You betrayed me" and she berated me.

    All up to the player. If you leave her in the cell or drop her out into space then yes she's dead. Otherwise if you get her out then I believe by other people's reports, you'll see her later with the other survivors.

  • Unlike Yvette, Vaughn admitted it and refused Vasquez right in front of him. He was sincere about his regret and remain Rhys' best friend. Yvette didn't show any sign of grief, regret or remorse when she saw the fake corpse of Rhys nor did any poking from Rhys' part invoke any meaningful reaction out of her. So I was totally cold, ruthlessly hit her with the stun baton and left her to die.

  • Rhys was not a good guy when the game started. I suspect alot of people would like to have his head. Makes sense then that Yvette gets the same treatment.

  • I shot felix as well, but never let him die.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Poor Yvette, dieing in all these terrible ways cause people are angry over something they forgave Vaughn over. (Why is there an option to ge

  • Vaughn saw who I became, and he even accepted the fact that Handsome Jack was in my head without flinching. Even Fiona and Sasha almost turned on me for that. Vaughn was forgiven a hundred times over.

    Yvette however... Didn't really do much to redeem herself. Granted I never gave her the opportunity, that's just how the cookie crumbles. She chose the Hyperion life and that's how she'll die.

    Just like how I killed Felix cause he chose the conman lifestyle. I'm just not forgiving very fast.. They should know not to betray people in high stakes situations.

    But side note, wouldn't it have been cool if Yvette coulda been part of the vault hunting team?

  • Were you not listening at all when she was speaking to disguised Rhys? Pretty sure that spelled-out her intentions pretty well. And Vaughn never did anything, all he said was that he would, he never acted on anything where as Yvette actively tracked Rhys and nearly got him and Vaughn killed.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Poor Yvette, dieing in all these terrible ways cause people are angry over something they forgave Vaughn over. (Why is there an option to ge

  • can some one post how throwing her out of the air lock looked like?

  • I don't believe he was intending to betray Rhys but he didn't say anything about it until Vasquez revealed it and I doubt he would have.

    Unlike Yvette, Vaughn admitted it and refused Vasquez right in front of him. He was sincere about his regret and remain Rhys' best friend. Y

  • My roommate chose the option to let her fly into space just for the sake of completion. We all felt reeeeeaally bad. Even Jack thinks it's cold.
    I have mixed feelings about Yvette - she clearly didn't care about seeing Rhys in pieces but that could have been an act for her own sake. Idk I still had Dumpy stun her, and I was angry enough I was set on throwing her out the airlock the first chance I got, but I chickened out. I can't leave anyone to die. Can't live with that kind of choice. :'( FORGIVE EVERYONE!

  • Yes, she betrayed us and our trust but I couldn't let her die and make the same mistake I did with Felix.

  • edited October 2015

    I'm just a really spiteful person.

    The occasion to stun her was just too good to pass, especially after I told her that I was Rhys.
    I was willing to listen to what she had to say when she was in her cell but she was just being salty so... K bye.

    Vaughn on the other hand, I truly believed him when he told me he never meant to sell me out. Like, I felt he was being sincere and remorseful. And he gave me no reason to doubt him after that.

  • But side note, wouldn't it have been cool if Yvette coulda been part of the vault hunting team?

    If she survives, she sort of is. Just hanging around Vaughn... Probably making sure he doesn't prematurely use the moonshot... Again.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Vaughn saw who I became, and he even accepted the fact that Handsome Jack was in my head without flinching. Even Fiona and Sasha almost turn

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited October 2015

    Because she's an opportunistic bitch. She used Rhys to climb with him and then Vasquez, She hadn't shown any remorse when she saw Rhys dead body. When she discovered that he's alive she attacked him.
    When you let her out of her cell she says some bullshit about wanting to protect you but it's a lie she did that just for promotion.

  • Although I like Yvette, it was pretty funny when she fell on her face slipping on blood when you don't punch her.

    But at the moment I knew telltale really liked seeing her hurt, although It's nice that they gave her the ability to live.

  • Fuck yvette glad she's dead

  • (?) Yvette's face will remember that...

  • I don't know. Rhys seems like the last person in the world that would leave someone to die because of spite, didn't feel right.

  • I got betrayed, I don't like being betrayed. When I saw she wanted to help Rhys if talking her out, I just regretted that. I replayed and fixed it.

  • edited October 2015

    I felt betrayed by Yvette, but during Episode 4 I was able to talk her out of calling security. I didn't want her to die because I knew what Hyperion was like, so during the finale I kept her alive with every option made available.

    That said, I do kinda want to know what her death in space turned out like, just for curiosity T.T I can't bring myself to replay and do that to heeeer!

  • She fairly ruthlessly betrayed Rhys and Vaughn. I left her to rot in her cell. Felt a little bad for a brief .5 seconds before she told me "you'll never make it. get used to that" and then I found that I didn't have so much of a problem with it anymore.

  • She betrayed us. Atleast Vaughn had a good reason too while Yvette just did it to get higher on the hyperion ladder

  • edited October 2015

    People just love to hate female characters for the same traits they love in male characters, it's that simple.

    (and just as you said, Vaughn does the exact same thing in episode two, and nobody hates him for selling out his supposed friend hmmm I wonder why)

  • Oh come on, pointing that stun baton at her while revealing to her that you're Rhys just felt so satisfactory... I don't know man. I kinda feel bad for her? Kinda. Since I like to spare as much and since I stun batoned her she didn't survive, don't feel that bad.

  • Don't use the sexism card.

    chordati posted: »

    People just love to hate female characters for the same traits they love in male characters, it's that simple. (and just as you said, Vau

  • Vaughn didn't sell out Rhys. He was planning on double-crossing Vasquez. Yvette, on the other hand, did sell them out, a fact made apparent by her partnership with Assquez.

    chordati posted: »

    People just love to hate female characters for the same traits they love in male characters, it's that simple. (and just as you said, Vau

  • It has NOTHING to do with the character's gender. Yvette actually betrayed Rhys and did not care if he was dead. Vaughn lied to Vasquez and never betrayed Rhys. Don't try to turn this into some sexist BS that doesn't exist in the way you're thinking it does.

    chordati posted: »

    People just love to hate female characters for the same traits they love in male characters, it's that simple. (and just as you said, Vau

  • You lose the option to save her if you stun baton her?

    Oh come on, pointing that stun baton at her while revealing to her that you're Rhys just felt so satisfactory... I don't know man. I kinda f

  • I'm pretty sure I couldn't do anything with her because she was really mad about the stun baton thing.

    MrShadow posted: »

    You lose the option to save her if you stun baton her?

  • I help yvette survive on My playtrough and i dont regret it

  • edited October 2015
    1. Maybe she was still lying about not caring because, oh I don't know, she thought she was still talking to Vasquez?
    2. How do you know that Vaughn lied to Vasquez. Because he told you? And if you're going off the word of the characters, why do you not believe Yvette when she told you the same thing?
    3. If you save Yvette she never tries to kill Rhys or do any of that shit, in fact she helps him, and when you see her down on Pandora she's just as much of your friend as she ever was.
    4. It has everything to do with the character's gender, sorry. Rhys can lie and throw people under the bus multiple times. He can sell out Vaughn in episode one just because he can, without any real prompting or anything. Not to mention that HANDSOME JACK is everyone's favourite character and he's the king of killing other people just to save his own skin.

    It has NOTHING to do with the character's gender. Yvette actually betrayed Rhys and did not care if he was dead. Vaughn lied to Vasquez and

  • You can still free her if you pick "Help me and i'll let you out"

    I'm pretty sure I couldn't do anything with her because she was really mad about the stun baton thing.

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