The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2013

    If I shaved, and wasn't doing this as fast as possible so my family doesn't notice and think I'm possessed, I could totally pull off the Joker's smile.
  • edited August 2013
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    It already broke mine, but I just thought fuck it, I just wanna see the ending. I'm going to mod the shit out of this game anyway, so I could always get the weapons back.

    Also, going to restart as Nolan North.

    There is a patch on the way to fix it. According to the Saints Row twitter, it is already done and just needs approval for steam/consoles.
  • edited August 2013
    Could I ask a favour of you guys?

    Can someone link me to a clip from Firefly of someone saying 'Shiny'? I can't seem to find one on YouTube (especially since there's a game called 'Shiny the Firefly', the cunning bastards).

  • edited August 2013
    I feel a general feeling of shit my way lately. I'm not sure I belong around here anymore.
  • edited August 2013
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Also, going to restart as Nolan North.

    I use Downes. Just fits the look of the character I created and use from SR3.
    The personalities are much more distinguishable between the voices this time though.
  • edited August 2013
    I feel a general feeling of shit my way lately. I'm not sure I belong around here anymore.

    Once the new forums start up, I think a lot of us are going to start feeling that.
  • edited August 2013
    Mrs Holiday: And my Megan would have been 19 years old today*cries*

    Principal Lewis: Thank you Mrs Holiday. Your last name is very misleading, given your tragic circumstances.
  • edited August 2013
    Once the new forums start up, I think a lot of us are going to start feeling that.

    I think this place is like high school. With a few vocal exceptions, most people here have been waiting for me to just go away for a long time. I just stick around, like an annoying rash in one's kegel muscles. Hey did you get Maurice LaMarche to do his Orson Welles on the phone to Kurt?
  • edited August 2013
    I expect you to stick around..unless the rest of us end up leaving. In that case, you may leave and only then.
  • edited August 2013
    If you leave, you'll leave me with all the noobs.



    Seriously though, we don't want you to leave. Why would we? You can be funny as all hell when you want to be, and you always make a conversation more interesting. You'd be missed if you did leave.

    ... wants to help me with my 'Shiny!' request? Fine, no Firefly reference in my next video. Pfft.
  • edited August 2013
    I think this place is like high school. With a few vocal exceptions, most people here have been waiting for me to just go away for a long time. I just stick around, like an annoying rash in one's kegel muscles. Hey did you get Maurice LaMarche to do his Orson Welles on the phone to Kurt?

    Well, for the record, I'm one of those exceptions (although not really vocal until now). I don't have any grudges against anyone here, actually, I just enjoy having discussions with fun people who have similar interests, arguments are pointless :p I hope you consider sticking around, maybe those who really want to keep conversations open once these forums possible go to hell can band together and form a new message board somewhere, or maybe migrate to DoubleFine. I'll admit I've been a floater here for a while but I don't know if I'm ready to leave personally, unless the changes are really horrendous.
  • edited August 2013 wants to help me with my 'Shiny!' request? Fine, no Firefly reference in my next video. Pfft.

    Maybe its in there?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2013
    coolsome wrote: »

    Maybe its in there?

    Coolsome, coolsome. That's "Maybe its in they're?". Where are your manners? :o
  • edited August 2013
    Oh. I thought I was on some kind of global ignore list all yesterday until Alcoremortis showed up.
  • edited August 2013
    I like you fawful! :)
    (The only criticism I'd give you dude is that sometimes you need to stop and think a little more before you act, because at times you leap in like a ball of burning rage and its like whoah! O_0)

    I even tried out your game you've been working on and I really liked the style of it.
    (Though I couldn't even solve the first few puzzles because I really suck at adventure games! XD)

    Don't know if I'll stick around the new forums. Maybe if I get used to them and there are enough people on here, but honestly this forum's essentially my secondary hangout now.
    (It just feels more appropriate to dump all my shit in a more generalised community than here.)
  • edited August 2013
    I like you fawful! :)
    (The only criticism I'd give you dude is that sometimes you need to stop and think a little more before you act, because at times you leap in like a ball of burning rage and its like whoah! O_0)

    I even tried out your game you've been working on and I really liked the style of it.
    (Though I couldn't even solve the first few puzzles because I really suck at adventure games! XD)

    Don't know if I'll stick around the new forums. Maybe if I get used to them and there are enough people on here, but honestly this forum's essentially my secondary hangout now.
    (It just feels more appropriate to dump all my shit in a more generalised community than here.)

    ....he's making a game? And it's an adventure game? Man, I really need to keep up around here. Where can I try this thing out?

    If anything's going to keep me around it'll be 2 things; the community...and the quality of the games. As long as that doesn't drop to Jurassic Park standards any time soon, I'll stick around to voice my opinions on the latest adventure TTG cooks up.
  • edited August 2013
    Wait, people are planning on leaving when the new forum launches?! Why? We love you all, don't go!
  • edited August 2013
    ....he's making a game? And it's an adventure game? Man, I really need to keep up around here. Where can I try this thing out?

    If anything's going to keep me around it'll be 2 things; the community...and the quality of the games. As long as that doesn't drop to Jurassic Park standards any time soon, I'll stick around to voice my opinions on the latest adventure TTG cooks up.

    It's on AGS, on page two of Games in Production, under A Night At Camp Ravenwood. It's a tech demo, but it also kind of sucks. I wanted people to play the game, but they all came back and said, Dude, you need to change this because this interface sucks.
  • edited August 2013
    It's on AGS, on page two of Games in Production, under A Night At Camp Ravenwood. It's a tech demo, but it also kind of sucks. I wanted people to play the game, but they all came back and said, Dude, you need to change this because this interface sucks.

    Nah dude. It DOESN'T suck, the interface is just a bit clunky thats all.
    (and come on even alot of classic games have had bad interfaces but still turn out good overall, at least you got an easy opportunity to fix that as a tech demo on the side (and the technological superiority to just jump in and change things. Imagine how hard for coders it must have been back then with all those limitations. Both hardware, software AND technical and design knowhow) and hey, at least it isn't lure of the temptress bad! XD (good ideas and impressive technology back then, but by today's standards, horribly buggy and clunky, with a story thats a total snoozefest, and sounds that make you want to tear your ears off and beat someone to death with them in pure blind rage))

    EDIT: (also the people who made Lure of the Temptress eventually made the Broken Sword series as well, so you know even if your first few projects aren't great, it doesn't mean you can't go on to make better stuff. Its always good to keep open minded and learn from your errors)
  • edited August 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    Wait, people are planning on leaving when the new forum launches?! Why? We love you all, don't go!

    If the new forum is a proper forum instead of the reddit like thing that was done for the beta then people wouldn't leave.
  • edited August 2013
    I have removed all the imperfect files from my being. I am now perfect!
  • edited August 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    I have removed all the imperfect files from my being. I am now perfect!

    or blank
  • edited August 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    I have removed all the imperfect files from my being. I am now perfect!

    But surely being perfect means that you have all the files, including all the imperfect ones?

    Also, I have people in my hall at university now! And they seem friendly, which is a load off my mind!

    I'm only missing one flatmate now...
  • edited August 2013
    If the new forum is a proper forum instead of the reddit like thing that was done for the beta then people wouldn't leave.

    Well, if it's anything like the beta, I won't be staying. It wouldn't let me in last time! It would never send me the activation e-mails!
  • edited August 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    It wouldn't let me in last time! It would never send me the activation e-mails!

    I had the same problem.
  • edited August 2013
    Iryon wrote: »
    I had the same problem.

    I think the beta couldn't cope with our awesomeness.

    At least that's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night...
  • edited August 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    Already watched it. It's not in there, shockingly. Some damn good stuff is though! (totally agree with #1, BTW)

    And if you couldn't get into the beta...

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    Well, if it's anything like the beta, I won't be staying. It wouldn't let me in last time! It would never send me the activation e-mails!

    Technically, you would not have to register, because your account would just be transferred.

    Also, technically, the forum would be the same. Threads and all. Just think of it as the same ol' house with a new haircut color.

    Lastly, no, we won't accept withdrawals. We come to your house with a sixpack and bring you to the new forum in a Ferrari.
  • edited August 2013
    I bit the bullet and watched PewDiePie's videos of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs. That's an Amnesia game all right. Looks more interesting than the first one, but that doesn't make it any easier for me to play.
  • edited August 2013
    Do you need treatment for tinnitus, or did you remember to bring ear-plugs?
  • edited August 2013
    I had to turn that shit down almost to nothing. Also, an exchange I just had with Spoony on Twitter deserves sharing.

    Spoony: Doing a top 20 JRPG list is the Internet mating call for assholes. Besides, Earthbound is overrated as all hell.

    Me: Why.

    Spoony: If I want to spin around in circles grinding for hours, I'll go to your sister's pole dancing classes.

    Me: HAH. You think you're joking. My sister was a pole dancer. Not even making that shit up. I'll see you at class.

    Spoony: ck2.gif
  • edited August 2013
    And that is why I fucking love the Spoony One.
  • edited August 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    Also, I have people in my hall at university now! And they seem friendly, which is a load off my mind!

    I'm only missing one flatmate now...

    I know the halls I'm in but not officially which flat & room. However due to the way that their online payment system works they've had to assign every one to a flat but it's not known if these assignments will the proper ones but it is assumed they will be. So going on that and using Facebook I know of one person who I could be sharing a flat with. I know of more potential neighbours than flatmates right now.

    Moving in three weeks. Getting a bit nervous about the whole thing now.
  • edited August 2013
    Solid Snake is at his hight of awesome in Metal Gear Solid 1.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited August 2013
    I want that too. :)

    I want the seven figure set for The Cave as well, but the lowest shipping option they give me at the Double Fine store is almost as much as the 7 figure set themselves (since for some reason only 2 day express shipping is available). :(
  • edited August 2013
    I think this place is like high school. With a few vocal exceptions, most people here have been waiting for me to just go away for a long time. I just stick around, like an annoying rash in one's kegel muscles. Hey did you get Maurice LaMarche to do his Orson Welles on the phone to Kurt?

    I really want to at least try. But considering how I've seen these panels going, I don't know what my chances are of a) catching him alone or b) getting him to leave a message in the middle of a panel or c) getting him to leave a message at all.

    But yes, I thought it would be damn hilarious for Kurt to get a phone call from Orson Welles asking him to go out and buy a cheeseburger.
  • edited August 2013
    Getting real tired of re-recording audio because I'm not happy with the quality of it. SO tired.
  • edited August 2013
    I know the halls I'm in but not officially which flat & room. However due to the way that their online payment system works they've had to assign every one to a flat but it's not known if these assignments will the proper ones but it is assumed they will be. So going on that and using Facebook I know of one person who I could be sharing a flat with. I know of more potential neighbours than flatmates right now.

    Moving in three weeks. Getting a bit nervous about the whole thing now.
    Yeah, i'm moving on the 21st. I'm terrified that one of the complete strangers I'll be living with for the next year will be homophobic or something. That's my only worry at the moment.
  • edited August 2013
    I freaking LOVE Deadpool The Video Game .
    It is awesome , Deadpool was hilarious and it's a shame that you can't unlock the cutscenes and you have to watch them in the game .
    And of course , I never used the trainer to cheat ... Ok maybe once ... twice ... HEY DON'T LOOK AT ME , YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIGHT A BUNCH OF SINISTER CLONES ?!
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