The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2013
    Does anyone live near Fawful? 'cause if so, can you go round and give him a good hard slap for me?

  • edited September 2013
    When I inevitably kill myself,

    If you do this, I swear to any elder god you care to name that I will never talk to you again.
  • edited September 2013
    If you do this, I swear to any elder god you care to name that I will never talk to you again.

    What if he gets reborn as your child? You are so cruel.
  • edited September 2013
    You know that if he kills himself, he's just gonna haunt the new forums and taunt us all about how much better it used to be. Fucking wanker.

    I get to use not one, but TWO clips from Monty Python and the Holy Grail in my review, due to one being so perfectly worded I couldn't NOT use it. This makes me happier than I have any right to be. :)
  • Well shit.

  • I just ate another donut and now my ears are ringing.

  • I think I'm going to throw up.

  • Did this show up? I tried to post a post about how sad I was and the forum ate it. Which made me sadder.

  • It didn't show up. Sadly.
    I just shouted at my monitor because getting here took ages from where I was at. Why is this abortion loading this slowly?

    Did this show up? I tried to post a post about how sad I was and the forum ate it. Which made me sadder.

  • Why won't the "new comment" flag go away? Am I doomed to always see all the new comments even after they aren't new anymore?!

    Also, I can't find the Marvel thread or any of the other threads I wanted to post in. All there is is stupid forum games crap that I haven't paid attention to since "Have a Conversation with Pictures"

  • I can see why no one liked the Beta...
    This isn't good...

  • edited September 2013

    Guess they didn't fix that from the beta then. You are in the forum games sub and want to get to the general chat where all the threads you care for are.

    Why won't the "new comment" flag go away? Am I doomed to always see all the new comments even after they aren't new anymore?! Also, I can't

  • Fuck this noise. I could deal with most of the other bullshit, but the fact that the "new comment" flag doesn't go away after you view the new comments is going to drive me crazy. I seriously cannot stand stuff like this.

  • Click each individual comment.

    Fuck this noise. I could deal with most of the other bullshit, but the fact that the "new comment" flag doesn't go away after you view the new comments is going to drive me crazy. I seriously cannot stand stuff like this.

  • edited September 2013

    edit This was aimed at Darth Marsden. I was sure I'd clicked quote...
    Wait, I was banned? Does this mean you found out about my secret spam addiction and all my alt accounts? :p
    (currently working my way through a backlog of posts, If this gets resolved on a later page, you may have a slice of cake.)

    So I probably shouldn't show off exactly how I banned Friar? Duly noted.

  • Huh what's on my mind? The new forums is not nearly is good as the old ones in my opinion, and I don't like the new site at all, that's what's on my mind.

  • edited September 2013

    Well, this forum is different, I'll give you that. I haven't tried a nested comment thread yet. But I had a lot of trouble finding this thread. It'd be awesome if we were able to have a watchlist of threads on the side, so we can find our favourites really easily.

    Goes off to find suggestions thread

    Wait, asterisks either side of something italicise something now? Odd.

  • It still didn't go away when I clicked it.

  • Apparently every thread has new comments...
    I am so lost...

  • No idea why I had this on my mind right now.

  • werefoxwerefox Telltale Alumni

    Spoiled rotten:)

    Hudomonkey posted: »

    Apparently every thread has new comments... I am so lost...

  • edited September 2013

    Ooh new forums! Does this one print money like I requested?

  • edited September 2013

    ...ugh. Nothing works right any more. URL tags, quotes, [B]bold text[/B]...

    Which way to Double Fine?

    (I may be being sarcastic here. Or not. Who knows?)

  • ...ugh. Nothing works right any more. URL tags, quotes, [B]bold text[/B]... Which way to Double Fine? (I may be being sarcastic here. Or not. Who knows?)

  • edited September 2013

    I liked it when spoilers could be put in tags. But nooooo, they just had to go with what, Markdown? I mean, I love Markdown. As authoring language, not as forum language.

    This seriously makes copy-pasting images from sites like imgur a real drag. They sure as hell don't have a "copy Markdown code" button.

    Blind Sniper: How is the toybox mode on Disney Infinite anyways? That actually has me a little interested.

    I haven't really played a lot with it, mostly because the power discs I've got don't have theme changing abilities on them.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Darth Marsden wrote:


    ...ugh. Nothing works right any more. URL tags, quotes, [B]bold text[/B]...


    Which way to Double Fine?


    (I may be being sarcastic here. Or not. Who knows?)

    You can still do all of those things, you just have to use markdown now.

    ...ugh. Nothing works right any more. URL tags, quotes, [B]bold text[/B]... Which way to Double Fine? (I may be being sarcastic here. Or not. Who knows?)

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Jesus A.J. Chegwidden, not even gravatar was abolished.

    I like markdown... it's really not so bad once you get used to it.

    and let's see if this still works... Nope. HTML blinking is off. :(

  • Hey, the stockpile of WOYM threads has disappeared. I don't think locked threads carried over...

  • Also, how do we tell who the mods are now? Have you all become secret police? Am I a mod?

    Friar posted: »

    Hey, the stockpile of WOYM threads has disappeared. I don't think locked threads carried over...

  • edited September 2013

    I also don't mind markdown, but it's more of a "language" that's really usable for programmers and web designers and crap. It's not really that good as a forum markup language. Especially since not a lot of image hosting sites have copy text for markdown. Not to mention it really isn't all that copy-pastable.

    And don't get me started on the lack of being able to properly multi-quote.

    One huge advantage, though, I can just directly copy-paste my novel now.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Friar wrote:

    Also, how do we tell who the mods are now? Have you all become secret police? Am I a mod?

    I miss the Max head icon. :(

    Friar posted: »

    Also, how do we tell who the mods are now? Have you all become secret police? Am I a mod?

  • Knowing who a mod is could be a problem, I know all there names by now but I can already see someone new mixing them up.

  • edited September 2013

    Okay, little markdown test, to see what parts are actually implemented.

    The Key

    A few days later, Diana and I got everyone up to speed, and we were ready for our first case. Diana and I both decided to go through some old cases, to see if there was anyone who we could potentially help out, and with Victoria’s knowledge we could figure out the whereabouts and situations of the lost people. Some already started a new life, others went missing completely. There were also the few who were deceased. We wanted to first prioritize those who weren’t fortunate enough to get a good life here.

    “How about the Harkers?” Diana said.

    “The Harkers have stated they wouldn’t mind staying,” Victoria said, “and I don’t think it’s a good idea to pull their son away from his friends.”

    “Well, I’m done with this stack. So far we have a decent amount of people who potentially would want to go back.”

    “Good,” I said. “Now we need to order them by how much we know about each case. The least we know about them, the higher their priority at the moment.”

    “Shouldn’t we be doing the ones that really need our help?” Oscar asked.

    “We’re mostly focusing on the interrogation part,” Diana replied. “Once we’re confident with that, we should continue with cases where we don’t actually have to go ourselves. We all got lucky the last few times, and things are going to get a lot harder from now on. I think we all need to reevaluate how we do things.”

    “And even if we did know enough already,” I added, “there’s always room for improvement.”

    Actually finding them though proved to be a problem. Most people who were supposed to be tracked weren’t anymore, which is probably how they’ve lost track of Diana in the first place. Most files only were updated for several years, not nearly enough to know the current whereabouts of most. We had to re-categorize them, and move on to those we could find.

    Crap, I need to convert my documents to UTF-8.

  • Because I can't figure out quoting in Classic Style Discussions,
    @GaryCXJk: I've had your novel sitting on my Tablet for months now. I really must read it! Also, If that's you in your profile, I had you confused in my head with Fawful!

    GaryCXJk posted: »

    I also don't mind markdown, but it's more of a "language" that's really usable for programmers and web designers and crap. It's not really tha

  • Well, that's an old picture of me. Right now I'm sporting the latest and trendy hobo look.

    Either that or it's the serial rapist look, in which case I should really shave...

  • Every thread has new comments. I think that alone will kill this for me. I can't even underline things. WHY MUST MY UNDERLINING CAPABILITIES BE ABOLISHED?

    Yes, I understand that I never used it ever, but now that I can't suddenly I want to underline everything.

    And do weird formatting things.

    Like center my post.

    Or change the size of the letters.

  • edited September 2013

    Wait, you can't underline things?

    Let me test.

    Italic (I guess)
    ____Fuck if I know____
    _____Bold Italic?_____

    EDIT: Right, one underscore / asterix was italic.


    I don't suppose this will work?


    I also suppose this won't work either?

    Every thread has new comments. I think that alone will kill this for me. I can't even underline things. WHY MUST MY UNDERLINING CAPABILITIES B

  • edited September 2013

    I draw the line under not being able to underline things.

    Also, Shaving is for wimps.

    I really want to try waxing my face now...

    And I miss the Max logo too, Jennifer. It was like a blue peter badge! I always aspired to someday where one with pride.

  • Goodbye forums. This is the last thing I'll post here.

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