The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2013
    Ohh lets buy a bar! Then one night when its late and theres like only 2 old women and there about to leave to go home we have a lock in!
  • edited August 2013
    Getting real tired of re-recording audio because I'm not happy with the quality of it. SO tired.

    Get a better mic? And one of those things you put in front of it to get rid of noise...forgot the's like a screen on a mic stand.
  • edited August 2013
    Get a better mic? And one of those things you put in front of it to get rid of noise...forgot the's like a screen on a mic stand.

    A pop-filter.
  • edited August 2013
    By the way , did you guys see " Monsters University. " ?
    It was awesome and it was a good prequel to " Monsters Inc."
  • edited August 2013
    Get a better mic? And one of those things you put in front of it to get rid of noise...forgot the's like a screen on a mic stand.
    No need. My current mic (or rather, camera, since that's what I use) is absolutely fine.

    I was just sitting at an awkward angle when recording the audio segments and my voice kind of echoed off the clipboard holding the script. I do this every time - you think I'd learn eventually, but no...

    I re-recorded it while sitting closer to the camera and looking directly at it, and it's a lot clearer now.

    TODAY'S problem is a complete lack of energy. But that's a different matter entirely...
  • edited August 2013
    No need. My current mic (or rather, camera, since that's what I use) is absolutely fine.

    I was just sitting at an awkward angle when recording the audio segments and my voice kind of echoed off the clipboard holding the script. I do this every time - you think I'd learn eventually, but no...

    I re-recorded it while sitting closer to the camera and looking directly at it, and it's a lot clearer now.

    TODAY'S problem is a complete lack of energy. But that's a different matter entirely...
    You should do it totally wide eyed or something. Like you're possessed. Or Cross-eyed. It would be interesting to see how many viewers you scare off!
  • edited August 2013
    If I look up and partially close my eyes, I can completely hide the iris. Freaks out kids to no end.

    Maybe for Halloween...

    (Hey coolsome - I picked up how to do it by watching The Undertaker do it when I was younger)
  • edited August 2013
    If I look up and start to close my eyes, I can completely hide the iris. I've been told that's uber freaky.

    Maybe for Halloween...

    Dress as The Undertaker when you do it!!


    Edit: Ah I guess everyone knows he is the king of the eye roll.
  • edited August 2013
    Well, Simpsons: Hit & Run has angered me enough for one day, so let's actually get some sodding work done.

    Fucking timed racing missions.
  • edited August 2013
    Well, Simpsons: Hit & Run has angered me enough for one day, so let's actually get some sodding work done.

    Fucking timed racing missions.

    I feel your pain.

  • edited August 2013
    My fiance and I went swimming in a freshwater lake today. Then she lost her engagement ring in it.

    Now we're all sad and miserable.
  • edited August 2013
    Why do scientists banish people from there community? Don't they know it ends badly?
  • edited August 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    Why do scientists banish people from there community? Don't they know it ends badly?

    You don't deserve the things you buy!

    EDIT: You do, I'm sorry.
  • edited August 2013
    My fiancee and I went swimming in a freshwater lake today. Then she lost her engagement ring in it.

    Now we're all sad and miserable.

    Loss of engagement ring in large body of water with no hope of recovery seems to be sadly common. So far, it hasn't been a cursed sign of things to come, though.
  • edited August 2013
    It's a sign of my fiance's continued depression from now until our wedding, no matter what I do to try to cheer her up. She's now convinced all the world's problems are her fault, and I can't fix it.
  • edited August 2013
    Comfort her by saying that at least the water didn't go up her nose and a brain-eating amoeba isn't currently devouring her brain.

    Unless that did happen. Then don't say anything. And... ah... maybe invest in a course of antibiotics and antifungals. Just to be safe.
  • edited August 2013
    I'm currently paranoid of that because water went up my nose and it was a freshwater lake.
  • edited August 2013

    Actually, you don't really need to worry that much. Those amoebas, while they can exist in freshwater of any kind, they're more prevalent in places like water parks and muddy ditches and stagnant ponds. A big old lake? Very, very low chance (if any at all) of them even being in the lake, let alone going up your nose.
  • edited August 2013
    The water was green, and the lake can be stagnant in summer.
  • edited August 2013
    Well, shit. Should we just hold the funeral now?

    (I'm sure you'll be fine. There's like, three cases of this a year. And way more than that of people getting water up their nose in lakes)
  • edited August 2013
    Wow, never thought I'd see the end of the old thread.
  • edited August 2013
    I remember this one time one of my best friends was talking to me on cam, while on drugs, and halfway through rapping decided to stop, get up, and piss off of his balcony in full view of the neighborhood. Good times.
  • edited August 2013
  • edited August 2013
    I love Mrs. Brown's Boys.

    Best bit is, most of these are actually in the finished episodes. Fantastic show.
  • edited August 2013
    (I'm sure you'll be fine. There's like, three cases of this a year. And way more than that of people getting water up their nose in lakes)

    And maybe the god/goddess/spirit of the lake took the ring as an offering to protect you from infectious microbial life forms residing in their waters.
  • edited September 2013

    Even when I'm not at work I'm absolutely shattered come 6, 7. Absolutely sick of it.
  • edited September 2013
    I love Mrs. Brown's Boys.

    Best bit is, most of these are actually in the finished episodes. Fantastic show.

    Why haven't I seen this show before?!
  • edited September 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    Why haven't I seen this show before?!
    Because you're like me, and don't keep an eye out for this sort of thing. It's easy to miss if you don't watch a lot of TV, but oh my Zod - once tasted, you're hooked.

    The show's got a bit of a history - the best version of it is the recent one (currently on its third series), but it started life as an more serious Irish radio sketch before being made into a series of books. The first of these, The Mammy, as adapted into a film, Agnes Browne (with Anjelica Houston!). It's... well, it's not worth tracking down.

    The series as we know it really took off when the guy behind it all, Brendon O'Carroll, wrote a bunch of live-action shows adapted from the books. This was when he first played the lead character of Mrs Brown (sans E at the end), and it marked when he started getting his real-life family to play the fictional Brown family.

    These stories were adapted into straight-to-DVD features, and O'Carroll started taking the show on the road, playing the role across the UK. He was approached in '99 to create a TV series based on the concept, but it was delayed for almost a year thanks to the Russell Brand/Jonathon Ross bru-ha-ha (thanks, guys!).

    The (unbroadcast) pilot was made in late '99, again featuring O'Carroll's real-life family in several roles, and it was picked up for a full series within three weeks of it being submitted to the BBC. The first series was so successful, a third was commissioned before the second had even aired!

    ...and that, kids, is your history lesson for the day.
  • edited September 2013
    I hate anyone who hasn't played and beaten Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and loved it. It's the best Mario game ever made. Even Paper Mario: TTYD can suck it's ass.

    Meanwhile, my fiance's eyes matted shut this morning, and now she can't open them or see in any capacity. Thanks to our trip to the lake, she is now blind.

    What the fuck will happen next.
  • edited September 2013
    Meanwhile, my fiance's eyes matted shut this morning, and now she can't open them or see in any capacity. Thanks to our trip to the lake, she is now blind.

    :( Outch. Tell her we all want her to get well soon.
  • edited September 2013
    It depends on what she has. If her eyes are sunburned, she'll heal in a day or two. If she has sand in them, or both things are true, it might take longer. But we don't know for sure if any of that is a cause. She dived underwater several times to look for her lost ring, so I don't know if the water affected her somehow.
  • edited September 2013
    I hate anyone who hasn't played and beaten Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and loved it. It's the best Mario game ever made. Even Paper Mario: TTYD can suck it's ass.

    Meanwhile, my fiance's eyes matted shut this morning, and now she can't open them or see in any capacity. Thanks to our trip to the lake, she is now blind.

    What the fuck will happen next.
    I loved that game too Fawful.
    (The final boss was crazy hard though... (took ages to beat! Xp))

    EDIT: Also I hope your fiance will be ok. Sounds like your having a real rough time right now. Wish you two the best.
  • edited September 2013
    Nothing like starting a final boss battle with 1 HP no matter what.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013
    Meanwhile, my fiance's eyes matted shut this morning, and now she can't open them or see in any capacity. Thanks to our trip to the lake, she is now blind.

    What the fuck will happen next.

    This borders on the grotesque. I can only wish you two from the bottom of my heart that this is just a temporary sick joke which eventually makes a story you can tell and possibly laugh about at your silver wedding anniversary. :(
  • edited September 2013
    Nothing like starting a final boss battle with 1 HP no matter what.

    Not only that but the patterns got crazy complex and fast.
    (So you had to really be perfect of have a shitload of healing items to scrape through it)
  • edited September 2013
    We've made light of it quite a bit all day, but only to take her mind off of the fear and loneliness she feels without her sight. She's really scared, although I think this will heal quickly. I've been with her all day, just to be sure she doesn't get lonely. She's asleep now, though.

    It's really tiring on us both, because it seems like every month something awful and crippling happens to her in one way or another. It's getting to where she can't keep up with the doctor bills, and she doesn't want to go to the hospital when something happens because she can't pay for it, and they just jerk her around and pretend she's just a silly girl who doesn't know what's wrong with herself.

    This morning it was: "Oh, do your eyes hurt. Aw you poor thing. Awwwwwww." Then proceeds to pull her eyes open and squirt drops in them even though she can't open them herself. She jerked around on the bed trying not to cry from the pain, but they just shook their heads and grinned like she was playing it up. I wanted to murder everyone in the hospital with surgical tools.

    Then later at home she was mad because when the nurse took her alone for a checkup, the nurse whispered to her "Do you feel safe at home?" like we were going to take advantage of her because she's blind or we were responsible or something. I can't fucking get over that.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013
    Then later at home she was mad because when the nurse took her alone for a checkup, the nurse whispered to her "Do you feel safe at home?" like we were going to take advantage of her because she's blind or we were responsible or something. I can't fucking get over that.

    Oh. Well, at least the nurse cared. That's something... I guess. :(
  • edited September 2013
    I was jokingly going to suggest you wear two eyepatches so you could fractionally share her pain, but on reflection that really doesn't seem appropriate. I'm fucking drunk, and I still know that's too much. Yeesh.

    I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I wish her a speedy and as painless as possible* recovery. It sucks to be ill in any form, and this really does seem unjustly bad on her, so send her our love.

    FYI: The thing with the nurse was more than likely nothing personal, just covering all the bases due to bureaucracy and the like. Look atThink about it this way** - would you rather she didn't ask people if they'd be OK and it turned out there was something wrong at home? It rarely hurts to make sure, even if it can come across a bit tactless.

    And if you want to murder hospital staff, let me know so I can come over and join in. Patronising sons of bitches...

    *Almost spelt that as 'pissable'. MAN I'm wasted right now.
    **Somewhat poor choice of words there, sorry.
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