It's the rule of cool! Realism takes a step back if the idea is cool. You probably wouldn't have a deaf person be a captain in your army much less a soldier, but it's bad ass on paper so who cares!
Not sure how you fight with it, considering that it looks like it blocks a noticeable portion of your left side and peripheral vision. Amaya, you're already deaf, don't make yourself partially blind too.
Starbucks training has been going, uh, okay this week.
It's been a pretty overwhelming experience and tons of wild things I've been learning during the process, but I figure I'll feel better about it once I start getting into actually doing some of the tasks and getting a feel for the routine of it.
My overall thoughts so far are:
About half the training so far is sitting in the cold storage room, going over company documents detailing what each position of a barista does, introducing the company mission and values, reading about the importance and detail of coffee, stuff like that. Then, also going over those concepts with the manager to check what I understand from it. IMO lots of stuff that I feel could be better suited to at-home/online training than needing to be there in the back room.
The company mission is noble and good, but the culture about it kind of feels cult-ish lmao. There's a huge emphasis on making sure each customer interaction will be a memorable experience, what they call "Best Moments". They outline in extremely specific, corporate-jargonized lingo what the best steps are to create such moments when at the cafe, and to best connect with customers. It's a bit much, and artificial-feeling, for something that should be a normal human process.
Looking back on it I can clearly see when baristas would engage in this "Best moment" behaviour. But I always thought they were all just really nice people.
I know, I know, multi-billion-dollar company and all, I shouldn't be surprised.
Part of the training does feature going around the store, being shown what tasks for each role will entail. This reassures me a bit (and scares me) since only reading about it all beforehand all-at-once laid out before me, is probably making it seem more intense than it actually is to do in person.
There's just a lot they throw at you so it can feel pretty stressful with the amount of things you're expected to absorb.
I'm not a coffee guy at all and it does kind of scare me how much seems to revolve around that and its culture. There'll be weekly coffee tastings, we're always encouraged to get into as many Starbucks coffees as possible, idk they coffees they've pushed on me are really not my thing. I do not understand coffee culture.
Also I've just never done retail before so a lot of this is new to me I guess.
I'm just dealing with some long 8.5 hour days for stuff I still don't know too much about, but I hope and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and feel better about it all when I get to do the tasks for myself. I get to work the register a bit tomorrow so that's pretty cool and nerve-wracking. Hope it doesn't get too busy.
So I just watched it, and as much as I’m loathe to admit it, I didn’t think it was that bad. It’s the same gameplay as the original, with some minor improvements, dialogue choices and a timer (though not a lot in an 18 minute preview), and the art/animation looks really good (those Guardians especially look awesome). I’d even say the writing isn’t as in your face with the jokes as I thought. Granted the jokes that were there weren’t that funny, but it wasn’t over the top like BL3 and Wonderlands was trying to do. The only big issue I still had was the characters. Anu seems alright, but I’m not sold on Fran and Octavius is annoying. I would say this moved me from “somewhat hopeless” to “cautiously interested.”
I don’t know, maybe I’m just numb because of Skybound fucking up Clem. What Tales and Wolf are to you, Clem and TWD are to me, so anything that’s not as bad as that is a win in my book.
I think that is all fair. I too like the visual style of it and its nice seeing a cinematic Borderlands game with smoother animation than Tales. But as a whole it feels a bit lacking in creativity. Essentially considering it has the old Telltale formula with no design improvements but instead has some weird design changes. Hearing them explaining why they removed "Will remember that" stuff was frankly a dull reason and if anything feels more like they just don't want players taking note on empty choices, which was pretty common with past Telltale games. But Tales used these notifications for some great jokes, seems crazy to me they'd want to remove it from this series in particular. Also kind of getting the feeling hub areas are just not going to be in this game, or at least will be heavily toned down. I said in the other thread, but when they get stuck in the cave, the characters just suddenly figure it out even though this seemed like a prime time for a hub and puzzle section. (Obviously I cant really fault not seeing a hub section when we dont even know if theyll have them, but just the vibe I got. I hope they appear.)
I guess the good thing is Wolf 2 seems like it will knock it out of the park. I def see what you're saying too. Honestly I got so numb with TWD that the Clem comic stuff really means nothing to me, although I do think it is a lot easier to ignore stuff like this as its a different form of media. But at least it isn't trying to hide the fact it isnt by anyone who worked on any of the original games. Honestly I think the worst part of New Tales isnt the games content, but just the dishonesty about who is making it.
So I just watched it, and as much as I’m loathe to admit it, I didn’t think it was that bad. It’s the same gameplay as the original, with so… moreme minor improvements, dialogue choices and a timer (though not a lot in an 18 minute preview), and the art/animation looks really good (those Guardians especially look awesome). I’d even say the writing isn’t as in your face with the jokes as I thought. Granted the jokes that were there weren’t that funny, but it wasn’t over the top like BL3 and Wonderlands was trying to do. The only big issue I still had was the characters. Anu seems alright, but I’m not sold on Fran and Octavius is annoying. I would say this moved me from “somewhat hopeless” to “cautiously interested.”
I don’t know, maybe I’m just numb because of Skybound fucking up Clem. What Tales and Wolf are to you, Clem and TWD are to me, so anything that’s not as bad as that is a win in my book.
and if anything feels more like they just don't want players taking note on empty choices
That feels a bit off, considering the whole game would release all at once, which would make it easier to implement (?) Will Remember That for only the ones that get callbacks or have affects.
Honestly I think the worst part of New Tales isnt the games content, but just the dishonesty about who is making it.
Yeah, pretty much, it's just slimy how they went about that.
I think that is all fair. I too like the visual style of it and its nice seeing a cinematic Borderlands game with smoother animation than Ta… moreles. But as a whole it feels a bit lacking in creativity. Essentially considering it has the old Telltale formula with no design improvements but instead has some weird design changes. Hearing them explaining why they removed "Will remember that" stuff was frankly a dull reason and if anything feels more like they just don't want players taking note on empty choices, which was pretty common with past Telltale games. But Tales used these notifications for some great jokes, seems crazy to me they'd want to remove it from this series in particular. Also kind of getting the feeling hub areas are just not going to be in this game, or at least will be heavily toned down. I said in the other thread, but when they get stuck in the cave, the characters just suddenly figure it out even though this seemed like a pri… [view original content]
That feels a bit off, considering the whole game would release all at once, which would make it easier to implement (?) Will Remember That for only the ones that get callbacks or have affects.
Very good point. I was going to add how the main problem with the "Will remember" stuff often came down to that they felt haphazardly applied. But if you have full foresight of what will and won't matter, you think you would do so.
For why they aren't, I sort of get the feeling that the times characters will actually remember something will simply be so little it doesn't make sense to do so.
and if anything feels more like they just don't want players taking note on empty choices
That feels a bit off, considering the whol… moree game would release all at once, which would make it easier to implement (?) Will Remember That for only the ones that get callbacks or have affects.
Honestly I think the worst part of New Tales isnt the games content, but just the dishonesty about who is making it.
Yeah, pretty much, it's just slimy how they went about that.
Also kind of getting the feeling hub areas are just not going to be in this game, or at least will be heavily toned down.
Honestly, you're probably right on that. It more than likely will represent more of the newer style that tones down explorations, hub areas, and puzzle solving. And since practically no one from old Telltale is involved, it's likely to be assumed that Gearbox, with no experience in point and click driven games, will reduce or outright eliminate this stuff in favor of more cinematic cutscenes and QTE sections like was seen here. Jury is still out on this, all of it is just speculation at the moment, we will just have to wait and see.
I def see what you're saying too. Honestly I got so numb with TWD that the Clem comic stuff really means nothing to me, although I do think it is a lot easier to ignore stuff like this as its a different form of media.
I had, and still do, have a lot of attachment to the series and characters, even if the seasons were inconsistent with quality. It resonated with me in a way that Wolf resonated with you, and for that reason, the Clem comic bothers me in a way this game just doesn't. While Tales is still my favorite Telltale game, future Borderlands games like 3 and Wonderlands just kind of made me feel numb to even continuations of a game like Tales, especially since the makers of it are not the original team or company.
Honestly I think the worst part of New Tales isnt the games content, but just the dishonesty about who is making it.
Oh yeah, definitely, my comments were more so just geared towards the quality of the game based on what was shown. Obviously this doesn't erase the scummy and outright deceitful marketing of having former Telltale staff working on it.
I think that is all fair. I too like the visual style of it and its nice seeing a cinematic Borderlands game with smoother animation than Ta… moreles. But as a whole it feels a bit lacking in creativity. Essentially considering it has the old Telltale formula with no design improvements but instead has some weird design changes. Hearing them explaining why they removed "Will remember that" stuff was frankly a dull reason and if anything feels more like they just don't want players taking note on empty choices, which was pretty common with past Telltale games. But Tales used these notifications for some great jokes, seems crazy to me they'd want to remove it from this series in particular. Also kind of getting the feeling hub areas are just not going to be in this game, or at least will be heavily toned down. I said in the other thread, but when they get stuck in the cave, the characters just suddenly figure it out even though this seemed like a pri… [view original content]
I had, and still do, have a lot of attachment to the series and characters, even if the seasons were inconsistent with quality. It resonated with me in a way that Wolf resonated with you, and for that reason, the Clem comic bothers me in a way this game just doesn't. While Tales is still my favorite Telltale game, future Borderlands games like 3 and Wonderlands just kind of made me feel numb to even continuations of a game like Tales, especially since the makers of it are not the original team or company.
I 100% understand. If the comic was a game instead I would def have a harder time not caring about it, but really any kind of continuation regardless of media is always pretty disappointing when handled this way. With Tales 2, I mean damn it is kind of sad hearing the horror story developing that game was for it to be as good as it was only for the sequel not sequel to have 0 returning devs and seemingly missing that spark.
Also kind of getting the feeling hub areas are just not going to be in this game, or at least will be heavily toned down.
Honestly, … moreyou're probably right on that. It more than likely will represent more of the newer style that tones down explorations, hub areas, and puzzle solving. And since practically no one from old Telltale is involved, it's likely to be assumed that Gearbox, with no experience in point and click driven games, will reduce or outright eliminate this stuff in favor of more cinematic cutscenes and QTE sections like was seen here. Jury is still out on this, all of it is just speculation at the moment, we will just have to wait and see.
I def see what you're saying too. Honestly I got so numb with TWD that the Clem comic stuff really means nothing to me, although I do think it is a lot easier to ignore stuff like this as its a different form of media.
I had, and still do, have a lot of attachment to the s… [view original content]
Today, I finally beat Malenia in Elden Ring, with the help of summons. This is by far the only Souls boss that forced me to use summons and I didn't have enough patience to do everything by myself.
She cheated anyways, so I cheated back. I cheated a cheater. Go figure.
My journey in Elden Ring has officially come to an end. Here are my thoughts of it:
This game lived up to the hype. I have been saying multiple times in the past that FromSoftware is by far the only gaming studio these days who is still kicking ass with their consistent projects. Every game they have made in the past decade ended up either good or absolutely amazing. Hidetaka Myiazaki CARES about his fans, he cares about making good games and by "good games", I mean a finished product with no microtransactions and no big hand-holding.
The best way to describe Elden Ring (IMO) is the Endgame of the entire Souls genre. This game took almost all the elements from Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and the Dark Souls trilogy and combined them into one game. This is exactly what we, the Souls community, expected when the Announcement Trailer came out in 2019 and it delivered.
Elden Ring was an absolute blast. It let me play however I wanted, the characters are memorable, the combat is almost similar to Dark Souls with new additions, the traversal system was breathtaking and the bosses were challenging and sometimes annoying for the most part. At the start, I am not gonna lie, I thought I wasn't going to like this game as much because of the open world design. I remember being excited to learn that Elden Ring was going to be Dark Souls but in full open world instead of semi. However, because of how the open world genre was overdone these days and poorly so (No thanks to Ubisoft), I thought I was going to end up thinking this game was overrated and didn't deserve all the 10/10 reviews. Gladly, that didn't happen because the more I progressed through this game, then more I was enjoying myself. Out of all the beloved big open world games released in the recent era (Like Red Dead Redemption 2, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3 and Elden Ring), Elden Ring is by far my favorite open world game.
I may sound like a fanboy for saying what I just said but that isn't true. I didn't finish this game sooner because I lost my mood for it and it gave me a hard time in some parts. Of course, I do also have a few nitpicks and problems with it. First and foremost, just like Dark Souls 2, this game features too many reused bosses that only serve the purpose of padding the game and I am mostly talking about the bosses that you encounter in tunnels and dungeons. Some bosses didn't really feel as balanced as I expected. The main reason everyone considers Malenia to be the hardest boss in the entire Souls franchise is because of her regenerative attacks. She is more absurdly hard than challengingly hard. If it weren't for that aspect, I would have definitely put her in my Top 10 Souls Bosses but she is more in Top 10 Hard Souls Bosses.
My personal favorite boss of this game is Commander Niall. I think he was the most balanced boss of this game, at least in my experience. Everything about him was perfectly crafted. Although I would say, they probably shouldn't have added henchmen with him because they are time-consuming. Just let the boss fight me alone. I am actually surprised not a lot of people talk about him. All the times I died to him, I completely deserved it. He will definitely end up in my top 10 or maybe top 5.
After beating the Elden Beast, I only had two choices of endings in my playthrough. Either summon Ranni or touch Radagon's corpse. I chose Ranni because I heard that this is the best ending of the game and I dressed my character with my default outfit with the helmet off because I thought it would be the best send-off.
With all that being said, Elden Ring is easily my favorite game of the year, just next to Stray. However, I still think Bloodborne is my favorite FromSoftware game due to focusing more on quality than quantity and the fast-paced combat but Elden Ring comes very close. It's my second favorite Souls game.
They re-animated the entire first season to match the quality of animation and visual style of the second season, which is why it took like six years for this to get released, so I guess it's kind of a reboot? They didn't change the story or dialogue as far as I'm aware.
I can't really think of another example where an entire season got essentially remastered in order to match a newer season.
Wow. I remember watching Season 1 long, long ago, but I think I fell off of it when CartoonHangover started pushing all their shows to VRV, their own mini streaming service.
(And I don't know if they offered access to it for Canada at that time?)
Reading about it now, it seems this entire Nettlix series is "Season 2", though the first 3 episodes are meant to be a quick "remake of Season 1", as they were actually produced later after Netflix acquired the show.
Should be a cool show to jump into again, especially now that it's in a bigger streaming service.
The CEO says its a special show and demographic they're aiming for, with the cutesy art-style, but the storytelling they're aiming for is actually for 18-30 yr olds.
They re-animated the entire first season to match the quality of animation and visual style of the second season, which is why it took like … moresix years for this to get released, so I guess it's kind of a reboot? They didn't change the story or dialogue as far as I'm aware.
I can't really think of another example where an entire season got essentially remastered in order to match a newer season.
I looked, but I could not find news it had been a 2-season order. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, because wow, we're already getting 10 more episodes next month! I'm sooo happyyyyy
Aw hell yes! I hope she can get more projects like this out there and they get the recognition they deserve. I'm still salty about losing City of Ghosts.
I also didn't know it came out a few months ago. I knew it was teased and in production, but this release totally flew over my head it seems.
Elizabeth Ito's latest animated mockumentary short, Mall Stories is out! I did not realise this released a couple months ago lol.
It's great! It continues the same relaxed and mellow tone of her other projects.
Not usually one to care about world affairs and leaders, especially from a country we fought a war to separate from. But today, the world lost one of its most influential and greatest icons with the death of Queen Elizabeth II. One of the most successful, longest serving, and impactful monarchs and leaders that has ever lived, may she rest in peace, and may she be rejoined with her husband in the next life.
My condolences to all our resident Brits and Dominion people on the death of Queen Elizabeth. We all known it's been coming for many years, but still, it felt like to me she would reign forever. Having a king of the United Kingdom? That was something I only read about in history books, not something I would experience in my life.
I'm not the biggest fan of monarchy in general, but she was a dutiful, dignified, iconic leader, and I hope she went gently into that good night.
Not even one hour later and Youtube bots are already using the Queen's death to make new insanely stupid trolls and jokes.
I honestly do not understand why Youtube's policy team doesn't do anything about it and refuse to communicate with everyone that is giving feedback. I swear to fucking God, this is the year where the Youtube team deserves to be brought to justice for their lack of responsibility.
I am sooo sick of CGI trailers for new premieres. They DON'T do anything to make me excited for it in general. Cool that we are gonna get a Captain America/Black Panther game (Probably the weirdest choice for a Marvel game) but the lack of gameplay presentation doesn't help.
It was certainly one of the strangest and honestly disappointing gaming presentations I've ever seen. And it barely lasted 25 minutes, ending on some Pokemon Go Marvel twist game lol.
Tons of freemium mobile game promos (ew), CGI trailers for said Mobile Games, random tiny reminders of games already announced/out (Monkey Island, Lego Skywalker Saga, Ubisoft's Avatar Game), Disney's racing crossover game they've been promoting for a few months now -- still not even a release window!, And a Black Panther & Captain America game that looks like it could be cool... but there's not even a title, or indication of what genre it is.
And wtf was up with that Avatar RPG Shooter game... but exclusively for mobile devices?! I let out a very audible "seriously?" there.
They showed Kingdom Hearts 4, Spider-Man 2 and Insomniac's Wolverine in the sizzle reel at the end, but they were not to be seen today.
I guess it's time to hold out hope for a PlayStation Showcase this September. Maybe they were too big for Disney to show more in a random stream.
The Midnight Suns animated shorts they announced looked sick though. Really clean stuff, can't wait for that and it wasn't even a game lmaoooo
I am sooo sick of CGI trailers for new premieres. They DON'T do anything to make me excited for it in general. Cool that we are gonna get a … moreCaptain America/Black Panther game (Probably the weirdest choice for a Marvel game) but the lack of gameplay presentation doesn't help.
Gonna have to see this thing in motion to see the 2.5D. Interesting move though. Maybe we can make them go back to full 2D for once...
Ariana DeBose (Anita, West Side Story 2021) is going to play the lead so good for her woohoo
Looks like Disney will be joining in on the 2.5D trend with their upcoming animated musical film, Wish.
The movie will have a watercolour style of animation blended with CG.
Alan Tudyk will be starring as the goat because of course he is.
So, I was banned off YouTube for a week last Friday so signed an appeal what I think they banned me by mistake was spamming which was completely out of context I was replying to different videos on the same channel I even talked to them on Twitter and Friday at noon they revalued my case and that there were no community guidelines broken .
I really hope YouTube gets their act in gear because if they continue this up people would stop using the platform and or move to another platform or anew one like YouTube would emerge .
Looks like Disney will be joining in on the 2.5D trend with their upcoming animated musical film, Wish.
The movie will have a watercolour style of animation blended with CG.
Alan Tudyk will be starring as the goat because of course he is.
I found a store that sells a bunch of different American candies and snacks. They had Flamin' Hot flavoured Mountain Dew and of course I needed to get a can. It's honestly really nice. It's sweet and citrusy with a very light burn to it. I also got a can of Baja Blast which someone on here once told me to try so I'll get to that eventually.
I went the other direction and recently tried some Liquid Death.
Yeah, it's just water. I wanted to see what the fuss was about, though. They use a design that makes it look like something really nasty, for those who want to feel like they fit in at one of "those" picnics without actually drinking anything intoxicating. The white can is just plain flat water, the black can is carbonated water, and I also tried the mango and berry versions, which are carbonated water with a little agave nectar and flavoring that gives them a few calories (20 per can, much less than a soda). I didn't see Lime, maybe I should look for that one. Overall, I enjoyed them, but their cost in the U.S. (they import the real water from Austria) is more than I'm willing to pay on a regular basis. Also, I'm old enough that I no longer feel the need to impress anyone with what I'm drinking.
I found a store that sells a bunch of different American candies and snacks. They had Flamin' Hot flavoured Mountain Dew and of course I nee… moreded to get a can. It's honestly really nice. It's sweet and citrusy with a very light burn to it. I also got a can of Baja Blast which someone on here once told me to try so I'll get to that eventually.
It's the rule of cool! Realism takes a step back if the idea is cool. You probably wouldn't have a deaf person be a captain in your army much less a soldier, but it's bad ass on paper so who cares!
Starbucks training has been going, uh, okay this week.
It's been a pretty overwhelming experience and tons of wild things I've been learning during the process, but I figure I'll feel better about it once I start getting into actually doing some of the tasks and getting a feel for the routine of it.
My overall thoughts so far are:
The company mission is noble and good, but the culture about it kind of feels cult-ish lmao. There's a huge emphasis on making sure each customer interaction will be a memorable experience, what they call "Best Moments". They outline in extremely specific, corporate-jargonized lingo what the best steps are to create such moments when at the cafe, and to best connect with customers. It's a bit much, and artificial-feeling, for something that should be a normal human process.
Looking back on it I can clearly see when baristas would engage in this "Best moment" behaviour. But I always thought they were all just really nice people.
I know, I know, multi-billion-dollar company and all, I shouldn't be surprised.
Part of the training does feature going around the store, being shown what tasks for each role will entail. This reassures me a bit (and scares me) since only reading about it all beforehand all-at-once laid out before me, is probably making it seem more intense than it actually is to do in person.
I'm just dealing with some long 8.5 hour days for stuff I still don't know too much about, but I hope and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and feel better about it all when I get to do the tasks for myself. I get to work the register a bit tomorrow so that's pretty cool and nerve-wracking. Hope it doesn't get too busy.
YouTube clearly plays favorites and removes anyone , what’s a second best to YouTube ?
Just saw New Tales gameplay
So I just watched it, and as much as I’m loathe to admit it, I didn’t think it was that bad. It’s the same gameplay as the original, with some minor improvements, dialogue choices and a timer (though not a lot in an 18 minute preview), and the art/animation looks really good (those Guardians especially look awesome). I’d even say the writing isn’t as in your face with the jokes as I thought. Granted the jokes that were there weren’t that funny, but it wasn’t over the top like BL3 and Wonderlands was trying to do. The only big issue I still had was the characters. Anu seems alright, but I’m not sold on Fran and Octavius is annoying. I would say this moved me from “somewhat hopeless” to “cautiously interested.”
I don’t know, maybe I’m just numb because of Skybound fucking up Clem. What Tales and Wolf are to you, Clem and TWD are to me, so anything that’s not as bad as that is a win in my book.
I think that is all fair. I too like the visual style of it and its nice seeing a cinematic Borderlands game with smoother animation than Tales. But as a whole it feels a bit lacking in creativity. Essentially considering it has the old Telltale formula with no design improvements but instead has some weird design changes. Hearing them explaining why they removed "Will remember that" stuff was frankly a dull reason and if anything feels more like they just don't want players taking note on empty choices, which was pretty common with past Telltale games. But Tales used these notifications for some great jokes, seems crazy to me they'd want to remove it from this series in particular. Also kind of getting the feeling hub areas are just not going to be in this game, or at least will be heavily toned down. I said in the other thread, but when they get stuck in the cave, the characters just suddenly figure it out even though this seemed like a prime time for a hub and puzzle section. (Obviously I cant really fault not seeing a hub section when we dont even know if theyll have them, but just the vibe I got. I hope they appear.)
I guess the good thing is Wolf 2 seems like it will knock it out of the park. I def see what you're saying too. Honestly I got so numb with TWD that the Clem comic stuff really means nothing to me, although I do think it is a lot easier to ignore stuff like this as its a different form of media. But at least it isn't trying to hide the fact it isnt by anyone who worked on any of the original games. Honestly I think the worst part of New Tales isnt the games content, but just the dishonesty about who is making it.
That feels a bit off, considering the whole game would release all at once, which would make it easier to implement (?) Will Remember That for only the ones that get callbacks or have affects.
Yeah, pretty much, it's just slimy how they went about that.
Very good point. I was going to add how the main problem with the "Will remember" stuff often came down to that they felt haphazardly applied. But if you have full foresight of what will and won't matter, you think you would do so.
For why they aren't, I sort of get the feeling that the times characters will actually remember something will simply be so little it doesn't make sense to do so.
Honestly, you're probably right on that. It more than likely will represent more of the newer style that tones down explorations, hub areas, and puzzle solving. And since practically no one from old Telltale is involved, it's likely to be assumed that Gearbox, with no experience in point and click driven games, will reduce or outright eliminate this stuff in favor of more cinematic cutscenes and QTE sections like was seen here. Jury is still out on this, all of it is just speculation at the moment, we will just have to wait and see.
I had, and still do, have a lot of attachment to the series and characters, even if the seasons were inconsistent with quality. It resonated with me in a way that Wolf resonated with you, and for that reason, the Clem comic bothers me in a way this game just doesn't. While Tales is still my favorite Telltale game, future Borderlands games like 3 and Wonderlands just kind of made me feel numb to even continuations of a game like Tales, especially since the makers of it are not the original team or company.
Oh yeah, definitely, my comments were more so just geared towards the quality of the game based on what was shown. Obviously this doesn't erase the scummy and outright deceitful marketing of having former Telltale staff working on it.
I 100% understand. If the comic was a game instead I would def have a harder time not caring about it, but really any kind of continuation regardless of media is always pretty disappointing when handled this way. With Tales 2, I mean damn it is kind of sad hearing the horror story developing that game was for it to be as good as it was only for the sequel not sequel to have 0 returning devs and seemingly missing that spark.
God, I hate Malenia in Elden Ring. I just can't solo the hell out of her.
I know we have a Expanse section for it, but just posting it here since it'll be more easily seen
According to Telltale recently on twitter, they don't quite know yet which of their projects are going to release first
Today, I finally beat Malenia in Elden Ring, with the help of summons. This is by far the only Souls boss that forced me to use summons and I didn't have enough patience to do everything by myself.
She cheated anyways, so I cheated back. I cheated a cheater. Go figure.
My journey in Elden Ring has officially come to an end. Here are my thoughts of it:
This game lived up to the hype. I have been saying multiple times in the past that FromSoftware is by far the only gaming studio these days who is still kicking ass with their consistent projects. Every game they have made in the past decade ended up either good or absolutely amazing. Hidetaka Myiazaki CARES about his fans, he cares about making good games and by "good games", I mean a finished product with no microtransactions and no big hand-holding.
The best way to describe Elden Ring (IMO) is the Endgame of the entire Souls genre. This game took almost all the elements from Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and the Dark Souls trilogy and combined them into one game. This is exactly what we, the Souls community, expected when the Announcement Trailer came out in 2019 and it delivered.
Elden Ring was an absolute blast. It let me play however I wanted, the characters are memorable, the combat is almost similar to Dark Souls with new additions, the traversal system was breathtaking and the bosses were challenging and sometimes annoying for the most part. At the start, I am not gonna lie, I thought I wasn't going to like this game as much because of the open world design. I remember being excited to learn that Elden Ring was going to be Dark Souls but in full open world instead of semi. However, because of how the open world genre was overdone these days and poorly so (No thanks to Ubisoft), I thought I was going to end up thinking this game was overrated and didn't deserve all the 10/10 reviews. Gladly, that didn't happen because the more I progressed through this game, then more I was enjoying myself. Out of all the beloved big open world games released in the recent era (Like Red Dead Redemption 2, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3 and Elden Ring), Elden Ring is by far my favorite open world game.
I may sound like a fanboy for saying what I just said but that isn't true. I didn't finish this game sooner because I lost my mood for it and it gave me a hard time in some parts. Of course, I do also have a few nitpicks and problems with it. First and foremost, just like Dark Souls 2, this game features too many reused bosses that only serve the purpose of padding the game and I am mostly talking about the bosses that you encounter in tunnels and dungeons. Some bosses didn't really feel as balanced as I expected. The main reason everyone considers Malenia to be the hardest boss in the entire Souls franchise is because of her regenerative attacks. She is more absurdly hard than challengingly hard. If it weren't for that aspect, I would have definitely put her in my Top 10 Souls Bosses but she is more in Top 10 Hard Souls Bosses.
My personal favorite boss of this game is Commander Niall. I think he was the most balanced boss of this game, at least in my experience. Everything about him was perfectly crafted. Although I would say, they probably shouldn't have added henchmen with him because they are time-consuming. Just let the boss fight me alone. I am actually surprised not a lot of people talk about him. All the times I died to him, I completely deserved it. He will definitely end up in my top 10 or maybe top 5.
After beating the Elden Beast, I only had two choices of endings in my playthrough. Either summon Ranni or touch Radagon's corpse. I chose Ranni because I heard that this is the best ending of the game and I dressed my character with my default outfit with the helmet off because I thought it would be the best send-off.
With all that being said, Elden Ring is easily my favorite game of the year, just next to Stray. However, I still think Bloodborne is my favorite FromSoftware game due to focusing more on quality than quantity and the fast-paced combat but Elden Ring comes very close. It's my second favorite Souls game.
Here is my ranking of the franchise

Watching Wolf 2 trailer in Feb vs Watching Tales 2 trailer in Sept
Why is there a Bee and Puppycat series on Netflix (re-animated? reboot?), and why am I only hearing of it now, on the day of its release?
They re-animated the entire first season to match the quality of animation and visual style of the second season, which is why it took like six years for this to get released, so I guess it's kind of a reboot? They didn't change the story or dialogue as far as I'm aware.
I can't really think of another example where an entire season got essentially remastered in order to match a newer season.
Wow. I remember watching Season 1 long, long ago, but I think I fell off of it when CartoonHangover started pushing all their shows to VRV, their own mini streaming service.
(And I don't know if they offered access to it for Canada at that time?)
Reading about it now, it seems this entire Nettlix series is "Season 2", though the first 3 episodes are meant to be a quick "remake of Season 1", as they were actually produced later after Netflix acquired the show.
Should be a cool show to jump into again, especially now that it's in a bigger streaming service.
The CEO says its a special show and demographic they're aiming for, with the cutesy art-style, but the storytelling they're aiming for is actually for 18-30 yr olds.
Dead End Paranormal Park Season 2 in October this year HELL YEAHHHHH
‘Dead End: Paranormal Park’ Renewed for Season 2 at Netflix; Coming in October 2022
I looked, but I could not find news it had been a 2-season order. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, because wow, we're already getting 10 more episodes next month! I'm sooo happyyyyy
This is looking really good.

I've got to say, this looks really good. Sadly, this reminds me I still need to read the original novel, and perhaps the original 1930 film as well.
Elizabeth Ito's latest animated mockumentary short, Mall Stories is out! I did not realise this released a couple months ago lol.
It's great! It continues the same relaxed and mellow tone of her other projects.
Aw hell yes! I hope she can get more projects like this out there and they get the recognition they deserve. I'm still salty about losing City of Ghosts.
I also didn't know it came out a few months ago. I knew it was teased and in production, but this release totally flew over my head it seems.
Not usually one to care about world affairs and leaders, especially from a country we fought a war to separate from. But today, the world lost one of its most influential and greatest icons with the death of Queen Elizabeth II. One of the most successful, longest serving, and impactful monarchs and leaders that has ever lived, may she rest in peace, and may she be rejoined with her husband in the next life.
My condolences to all our resident Brits and Dominion people on the death of Queen Elizabeth. We all known it's been coming for many years, but still, it felt like to me she would reign forever. Having a king of the United Kingdom? That was something I only read about in history books, not something I would experience in my life.
I'm not the biggest fan of monarchy in general, but she was a dutiful, dignified, iconic leader, and I hope she went gently into that good night.
I’m not really a fan of the royals so feel no emotion to the queens passing, i guess Charles has finally got what he's been waiting for.
Not even one hour later and Youtube bots are already using the Queen's death to make new insanely stupid trolls and jokes.
I honestly do not understand why Youtube's policy team doesn't do anything about it and refuse to communicate with everyone that is giving feedback. I swear to fucking God, this is the year where the Youtube team deserves to be brought to justice for their lack of responsibility.

I can't believe this joke will never be the same again
We'll have to explain to the kids why it's funny. That'll be fun.
A showcase of Marvel Games happening in 5 minutes!
Looks like Disney will be joining in on the 2.5D trend with their upcoming animated musical film, Wish.
The movie will have a watercolour style of animation blended with CG.
Alan Tudyk will be starring as the goat because of course he is.
I am sooo sick of CGI trailers for new premieres. They DON'T do anything to make me excited for it in general. Cool that we are gonna get a Captain America/Black Panther game (Probably the weirdest choice for a Marvel game) but the lack of gameplay presentation doesn't help.
It was certainly one of the strangest and honestly disappointing gaming presentations I've ever seen. And it barely lasted 25 minutes, ending on some Pokemon Go Marvel twist game lol.
Tons of freemium mobile game promos (ew), CGI trailers for said Mobile Games, random tiny reminders of games already announced/out (Monkey Island, Lego Skywalker Saga, Ubisoft's Avatar Game), Disney's racing crossover game they've been promoting for a few months now -- still not even a release window!, And a Black Panther & Captain America game that looks like it could be cool... but there's not even a title, or indication of what genre it is.
And wtf was up with that Avatar RPG Shooter game... but exclusively for mobile devices?! I let out a very audible "seriously?" there.
They showed Kingdom Hearts 4, Spider-Man 2 and Insomniac's Wolverine in the sizzle reel at the end, but they were not to be seen today.
I guess it's time to hold out hope for a PlayStation Showcase this September. Maybe they were too big for Disney to show more in a random stream.
The Midnight Suns animated shorts they announced looked sick though. Really clean stuff, can't wait for that and it wasn't even a game lmaoooo

Gonna have to see this thing in motion to see the 2.5D. Interesting move though. Maybe we can make them go back to full 2D for once...
Ariana DeBose (Anita, West Side Story 2021) is going to play the lead so good for her woohoo
So, I was banned off YouTube for a week last Friday so signed an appeal what I think they banned me by mistake was spamming which was completely out of context I was replying to different videos on the same channel I even talked to them on Twitter and Friday at noon they revalued my case and that there were no community guidelines broken .
I really hope YouTube gets their act in gear because if they continue this up people would stop using the platform and or move to another platform or anew one like YouTube would emerge .
That looks gorgeous. I've always been fan of Disney modern 2D animation, and this 2.5D looks like it takes the best of that.
I found a store that sells a bunch of different American candies and snacks. They had Flamin' Hot flavoured Mountain Dew and of course I needed to get a can. It's honestly really nice. It's sweet and citrusy with a very light burn to it. I also got a can of Baja Blast which someone on here once told me to try so I'll get to that eventually.
I went the other direction and recently tried some Liquid Death.
Yeah, it's just water.
I wanted to see what the fuss was about, though. They use a design that makes it look like something really nasty, for those who want to feel like they fit in at one of "those" picnics without actually drinking anything intoxicating. The white can is just plain flat water, the black can is carbonated water, and I also tried the mango and berry versions, which are carbonated water with a little agave nectar and flavoring that gives them a few calories (20 per can, much less than a soda). I didn't see Lime, maybe I should look for that one. Overall, I enjoyed them, but their cost in the U.S. (they import the real water from Austria) is more than I'm willing to pay on a regular basis. Also, I'm old enough that I no longer feel the need to impress anyone with what I'm drinking.