The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • A full trailer for The Last Airbender is finally out! Visually it looks good, the music sounds just as epic as the original, and the acting looks solid as well. Hopefully they pull it off.

  • I've been cautiously optimistic before, but this trailer has me sold, this was fucking sick.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A full trailer for The Last Airbender is finally out! Visually it looks good, the music sounds just as epic as the original, and the acting looks solid as well. Hopefully they pull it off.

  • edited January 2024

    After seeing this, the cast started to grow on me, especially Katara. It's not the cartoon cast but the actors and actresses do give the exact same personality that I know from the characters we know and love. Without feeling too cartoonish no less, since this is live-action. And I'm glad to see some humor being demonstrated in this trailer.

    It's weird that the only red flags about this show are the original creators leaving due to "creative differences". Now I want to see this out of full curiosity. Just give me a good story and maybe some additional plot points that weren't explored enough in the cartoon.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A full trailer for The Last Airbender is finally out! Visually it looks good, the music sounds just as epic as the original, and the acting looks solid as well. Hopefully they pull it off.

  • February 9th :(

  • One thing they should explore is Iroh's connection to the spirits. Why he's able to see Aang on Roku's dragon, stuff like that. It's alluded to in the show, but never really explained. That's one thing I'd love to see them dive into

    AronDracula posted: »

    After seeing this, the cast started to grow on me, especially Katara. It's not the cartoon cast but the actors and actresses do give the exa

  • I only saw the live performance of Herald of Darkness on the livestream, and the video they've posted on their YouTube channel I feel has much better mic quality!

    Also, I wonder if Matthew Poretta has theatre/musical training. Dude can sing really smoothly!

  • Im suprised people still bring up Feb 17th, which I remmember was a really disappointing day for wanting Tales Ep 2 to come out. So many people got on the forums just for that and got even more disappointed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    February 9th

  • edited January 2024

    What I would love to see is an interaction between Iroh and his brother, Ozai. Despite being brothers, we never see them interact even once in the show, unless you count the part where Iroh watches him burn Zuko in Agni Kai.

    In fact, since his face is no longer gonna be hidden, I want to see Ozai developed more as a villain. I wanna see him do more than just manipulating Azula, abusing Zuko and banishing Ursa.

    EDIT: Also, I think this show should for a darker tone. I want to see this being PG-13. Also, also, since Roku and Kiyoshi are fan-favorites, Avatar Kuruk should get more backstory to make him less misunderstandable.

    One thing they should explore is Iroh's connection to the spirits. Why he's able to see Aang on Roku's dragon, stuff like that. It's alluded to in the show, but never really explained. That's one thing I'd love to see them dive into

  • It's part of the culture, you know; an expression of mass psychosis. We can never forget the power of F17.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Im suprised people still bring up Feb 17th, which I remmember was a really disappointing day for wanting Tales Ep 2 to come out. So many people got on the forums just for that and got even more disappointed.

  • He doesn't know that this February 17th we finally gonna get that wolf 2 news FOR REAL this time

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Im suprised people still bring up Feb 17th, which I remmember was a really disappointing day for wanting Tales Ep 2 to come out. So many people got on the forums just for that and got even more disappointed.

  • I feel like regretting buying my PS5 because Sony keeps making or at least considering a lot of remasters and remakes for games nobody asked for. Bloodborne is extremely requested to get at least a next-gen update (4k60fps) and they act like it doesn't exist.


    Can't wait for it to launch right next to another big release which completely overshadows this.

  • The Horizon series specialty. Bet the third game comes out next to either GTA 6 or Elder Scrolls 6.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    March 21st WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Can't wait for it to launch right next to another big release which completely overshadows this.

  • I wish wolf 2 was real

  • OMG, I am actually convinced this is such great casting for Katara. I can't wait to see her whole performance.

  • Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League living up to what everyone was worried about is a surprise to NOBODY!!!!

  • I feel like the only one who isn't pissed about this. Because Sokka being sexist only lasted 4 episodes.

  • edited January 2024

    Disappointing. It wasn't a plot point that lasted long, but it was great that it was even brought up in the first place in the original series, especially considering it was the mid 2000's. Don't understand why they'd want to remove character development.

  • Happy first day of February , how are you guys been busy lately on X/Twitter with the horror community and the slasher app meeting new people who are into horror , I stopped using my old Twitter account because I’m tired of seeing politics and wanted to escape that stupidity.

    I’ve also been on dating apps mostly like to meet new people and have spiritual/ things in common and such…the funny story is a lot of older chicks are interested in me for reason people 8 years orlder then me and + and not so much women my age range .

    Well anyways , been busy making horror content on X and Dead by daylight on TikTok .

    But other then that it’s glad to see you guys again .

  • There's a new Megamind series coming, and a movie too! And they honestly both look terrible!

    I only knew of the existence of the series in development, so for nearly the whole trailer I thought this was for the show -- what with it being lower budget 3D animation, but no. It's a direct-to-TV movie. But with a series on the side too.
    Oh, and none of the original cast is back either which sucks (but this whole thing looks sucky anyway) dang :(

  • Can you make a good Megamind sequel?

    AChicken posted: »

    There's a new Megamind series coming, and a movie too! And they honestly both look terrible! I only knew of the existence of the seri

  • edited February 2024

    Jesus that looks like ass, this feels like a made-for-tv movie that would've released 2-3 years after the original. The first movie is 14 years old and it looks way better than this.

    AChicken posted: »

    There's a new Megamind series coming, and a movie too! And they honestly both look terrible! I only knew of the existence of the seri

  • I presume the "movie" is just one of those TV show pilots they pretend is a movie.

    AChicken posted: »

    There's a new Megamind series coming, and a movie too! And they honestly both look terrible! I only knew of the existence of the seri

  • In a week the Wolf 2 trailer will be 2 years old. Good thing that Wolf 2 news drop happening VERY SOON I am very excited to see what is next!

  • Telltale erasing what they wrote just to rewrite Wolf 2 for a third time:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    In a week the Wolf 2 trailer will be 2 years old. Good thing that Wolf 2 news drop happening VERY SOON I am very excited to see what is next!

  • I just hope we do get some news in February. Telltale has still not said anything in over a month and I sort of feel like they just aren't going to say anything until they do finally announce something and I assume that would mean they know it won't go on for a really long time.

    We really gonna find out that the trailer wasnt actually real and was instead something made to be shown and nothing else was done aren't we?

    Telltale erasing what they wrote just to rewrite Wolf 2 for a third time:

  • We really gonna find out that the trailer wasnt actually real and was instead something made to be shown and nothing else was done aren't we?


    Poogers555 posted: »

    I just hope we do get some news in February. Telltale has still not said anything in over a month and I sort of feel like they just aren't g

  • I'm so glad this forum is still around. I used to spend a lot of time here as a big fan of Telltale games, and it makes me happy that the memories are preserved, at least for now. (Even though I cringe a little while reading some of the posts I made in my teenage years).

  • We all have cringe here. What I think I enjoy most about it still being around is that we don't get a lot of trolls or spammers or anything like that; just a small group of regular die-hards that share good vibes. It's lovely.

    stitch123 posted: »

    I'm so glad this forum is still around. I used to spend a lot of time here as a big fan of Telltale games, and it makes me happy that the me

  • edited February 2024

    Man, I've been loving Conulon's "reviews" of games that don't really exist.
    He's only just started making these things and they've been picking up in popularity, but I hope we get a lot more.

    He presents the events of the story with completely different context which just makes the rollercoaster of where it'll go even better IMO.

  • Are horror clubs even a thing , an no I’m not talking about online stuff where I can meet physical people .

    Just asking to meet other horror fans to add to my social group since the web keeps sending me to stores and comic book shops.

  • Dudes dudes dudes! Avatar live orchestra concert this year!

    Only a handful of international dates have been announced so far until June. (Schedule started in the UK in January) I really really hope there's plans to expand it.
    Please add Canada to the list aaaaahhhhhh I NEED.

  • Bigby sitting on a park bench. Faye comes up, silver bullet fully loaded. You had a good run, Bigby. Terrorizing Fabletown. Causing long term emotional damage to everyone who ever knew you. It's my turn now. Time for us mundies to save New York!

    blows Bigbys fucking head off

  • I guess you can add me. I mostly only talk about horror games

    Are horror clubs even a thing , an no I’m not talking about online stuff where I can meet physical people . Just asking to meet other horror fans to add to my social group since the web keeps sending me to stores and comic book shops.

  • Faye smirks and looks into the camera. "You could say there is Wolf Among Us too."

    fade to black

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Bigby sitting on a park bench. Faye comes up, silver bullet fully loaded. You had a good run, Bigby. Terrorizing Fabletown. Causing long ter

  • There is one thing I never understood about The Wolf Among Us

    Why doesn't Bigby, a Private Investigator, use any sort of transport? Why does he always rely on cabs and probably ubers to reach all different locations? Isn't the driving license a requirement for the law enforcement?

  • edited February 2024

    Official reason is that he doesn't like technology that much so he doesn't drive. This also is why he doesn't use guns. At one point in the comics he does try to learn to drive. For why he gets that exception I would guess its because he is the only sheriff and the business office doesn't make him, probably because he doesn't really need to seeing how he isn't human.

    AronDracula posted: »

    There is one thing I never understood about The Wolf Among Us Why doesn't Bigby, a Private Investigator, use any sort of transport? Why d

  • He still lives in a town full of mundies. So if he has to reach a location where let's just say a bad guy commits murder with time running out, he would just be fast by turning into the second Wolf stage?

    Him chasing Georgie and Vivian was a different story.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Official reason is that he doesn't like technology that much so he doesn't drive. This also is why he doesn't use guns. At one point in the

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