It´s all about marketing and spreading the word anyway. If that would not be the case, Telltale or the Community would be allowed to hand pick the sentence. The way it is now, the one with the most votes wins. Heck, one could even use bots to get the ranking up.
"And before I could even turn around to introduce myself, he said 'Why, that's the second biggest monkey butt I've ever seen!' The nerve!" - Mrs. Anastasia Marley, Guybrush's mother in law.
Though there are some (I stress some) decent entries to the contest this cycle, I'm going to throw my vote to Davius. If enough of us decide to not campaign for our own submissions, and try to get something we wouldn't be unhappy to see included in an upcoming episode, then we all win.
All right. Equally in honor and disparagement of karimguy's George Bush entry that won week 2, here's my submission for week 3:
He insulfeated me in a major swordfight. After he had already insulfeated me in a cannon battle just prior. Finally he insulfeated me whilst we sipped tea in my favorite garden! Now, I tell you, there's only so much insulfeation one can stand!
Please vote for any which you like best (or all ) of mine!
The current winning entries are not that adaptable for the game, either because they are out of context (the Bush line has nothing to do with MI) or badly written when compared to the usual writing of MI's script.
We need a better entry as a winning line for the game!
He used some kind of particle gun to shrink me, put me into an envelope and sent me to the South Pole...I'll never forget his three heads!! What? Threepwood? Never heard of that name before.
Just because the link is gone doesn't mean they've decided to end it early. They probably just removed it because people were getting confused about why it was even there; there's no reason to have it up BEFORE that week begins.
Just because the link is gone doesn't mean they've decided to end it early. They probably just removed it because people were getting confused about why it was even there; there's no reason to have it up BEFORE that week begins.
Quality for sure doesnt win on that one.
"He stole my one eyed trout and kept it in his pants!"
Thanks guys, I appreciate it! I owe ya both a grog now!
Heck yes. I'm pretty disappointed that he got bumped off the leaderboard.
You owe me one too, great line
I liked Davius's line too and just voted it. Seems my vote made him go up as 4th from 5th =D
Ooo thanks!!
Sure but not in 3 and 4:D
And in the second episode he had but not too long!
i didnt see anybody with this idea yet...
Vote if you like this!
Sounds like something right up Guybrush's alley, don't it?
For those of you who don't know what the game is follow this link:
He insulfeated me in a major swordfight. After he had already insulfeated me in a cannon battle just prior. Finally he insulfeated me whilst we sipped tea in my favorite garden! Now, I tell you, there's only so much insulfeation one can stand!
His "I'm rubber you're glue" riposte has made words physically stick to me...
Should I be voting for this? = ) ) ) )
He sold me this fine leather jacket and said that it'll ride up with wear!
Ack! He tried cutting me head off in order to make me lose ten pounds of ugly fat!
He poured Spot remover on my dog, and now he's gone!
Please vote for any which you like best (or all
The current winning entries are not that adaptable for the game, either because they are out of context (the Bush line has nothing to do with MI) or badly written when compared to the usual writing of MI's script.
We need a better entry as a winning line for the game!
Remember: A vote for me is a vote for YOU!!
Simple, easy, reminiscent, and effective.
That dimwitted amoral sea-monkey tore off my underwear to make a voodoo doll of me!
He made me stuff 200 rats into a crate that only had room for 40! Aye, 'twas a terrifying sight to behold. And oh, the hideous sounds!
this one is awesome, even without the wii joke! voted
I know there's more than 1 choice, but vote me for anyway..
He stole my swimsuit nine minutes ago, and yet not surfaced !
Tune in next week to find out!
Dun dun duhhhhhn!
Figures... I was saving best for last
That's just what THEY want us to think.
Dun dun duhhhhhn!
Vote for potential Wally-ness! Also, for those who don't know what 'pinch' means in context, it means "steal something of small value."