I kinda went overboard with my entry. Too long not punchy enough. Still I think it's funny at least.
"This man ruined our blood sacrifice to Nor Treblig. After months of preperation, clearing it with the local counsil, constructing the new Worshop Center, getting the sacrificee permission forms signed and processed, making sure we met all the health and safety requirements and carbon emission restrictions, when the momment finally comes for my consenting daughter to plunge head first into the piping hot magma, this Guybrush character shows up and he starts waving his sword around insulting people and demanding that we set my daughter free and hand over the Great Maguffin of Ganu. Honestly, this is not how civilised people behave."
Are the week winners definitely making it into the game, because if the week 2 winner is actually put into the game then i will never buy another telltale game ever again. First of all, George Bush jokes are tired and not funny anymore. Second of all, George Bush doesn't and shouldn't exist in the Monkey Island universe. I can't believe people actually voted that line #1. It boggles the mind. By the way, this has nothing to do with politics, I hate George Bush as much as the next guy, I just hate lame comedy.
Telltale have the right to choose any or no entry from all available entries if it doesn't please them in any way, and I guarantee that the George Bush line will not make the cut.
"And before I could even turn around to introduce myself, he said 'Why, that's the second biggest monkey butt I've ever seen!' The nerve!" - Mrs. Anastasia Marley, Guybrush's mother in law.
The quality of the leading entries disappoints. Has this become a competition of who can rally the most Facebook friends? Because there's been a lot of leaderboard entries that I definetly wouldn't want to see in the game. It's a shame that the few original entries I've seen haven't made it anywhere near the top. Also the rehashes of last week's entries are getting old... a week old, to be exact.
But yeah, I'll probably keep contributin' and votin' as long as I lack better things to do. I just hope Telltale reserves the right to veto what makes it into the game or not. :P
"And before I could even turn around to introduce myself, he said 'Why, that's the second biggest monkey butt I've ever seen!' The nerve!" - Mrs. Anastasia Marley, Guybrush's mother in law.
"And before I could even turn around to introduce myself, he said 'Why, that's the second biggest monkey butt I've ever seen!' The nerve!" - Mrs. Anastasia Marley, Guybrush's mother in law.
I thought I would try again this week. Votes are very much appreciated!
Though there are some (I stress some) decent entries to the contest this cycle, I'm going to throw my vote to Davius. If enough of us decide to not campaign for our own submissions, and try to get something we wouldn't be unhappy to see included in an upcoming episode, then we all win.
And because I like writing entries more than I care about winning, here is a non-entry:
"While in my pet shop, Threepwood invented the pockpelligulrot: a pelican stuffed with a seagull, stuffed with a parrot... all stuffed into his pocket."
For my foreign friends who fail to see the humor*, may I direct your attention to the uniquely weird turducken.
Though there are some (I stress some) decent entries to the contest this cycle, I'm going to throw my vote to Davius. If enough of us decide to not campaign for our own submissions, and try to get something we wouldn't be unhappy to see included in an upcoming episode, then we all win.
I thought I would try again this week. Votes are very much appreciated!
(If you dont know its a reference to The Big Lebowski - you can find the scene on youtube most likely but they probably would be NSFW)
"This man ruined our blood sacrifice to Nor Treblig. After months of preperation, clearing it with the local counsil, constructing the new Worshop Center, getting the sacrificee permission forms signed and processed, making sure we met all the health and safety requirements and carbon emission restrictions, when the momment finally comes for my consenting daughter to plunge head first into the piping hot magma, this Guybrush character shows up and he starts waving his sword around insulting people and demanding that we set my daughter free and hand over the Great Maguffin of Ganu. Honestly, this is not how civilised people behave."
I think we all know Guybrush loves playing with cannons.:)
You've got my vote again sir... as this is funny, not political, and requires no previous knowledge of the MI universe for new fans.
Vote > http://talesofmi.com/contest/entry/4073
I wanted to pay tribute to another great LucasArts adventure game. Please vote for it to do the same! (^_^)
Votes please!
"He wrote Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"
Who doesn't like a good rip on Lucas Films?
Vote for me! Whee!
Damn, seems I was late to vote for this one. I have been on a nice vacation, far away from internet etc. ^^
I wouldnt mind seeing him again and saying this line for sure tho
"Whybrush Threepweed??! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
That name is a curse on this island after he blew open our hatch, ate all out food, shot our pet polar bear "Jackie", captured and tortured our dear old uncle Ben, and awoke a crazy destructive SMOKE MONSTER!!!!"
Please vote!
Well, I think it is funny anyway!
Week 3 entry. Vote for me please!
vote for me during week 3
Telltale have the right to choose any or no entry from all available entries if it doesn't please them in any way, and I guarantee that the George Bush line will not make the cut.
omfg 3rd week already
http://talesofmi.com/contest/entry/3885 -he stole my stuff and put it in his pants not sure i want it back now
posted one every week at lest these are not as bad as my first one.
He made fun of my deformity by saying I had large BuccanEARS!
But yeah, I'll probably keep contributin' and votin' as long as I lack better things to do. I just hope Telltale reserves the right to veto what makes it into the game or not. :P
This is great! Voted!
Man, if this could be in the game, I'd be laughing my head off!
We want to see Guybrush's mother-in-law!
bwahaha this is funny idd, voted
Though there are some (I stress some) decent entries to the contest this cycle, I'm going to throw my vote to Davius. If enough of us decide to not campaign for our own submissions, and try to get something we wouldn't be unhappy to see included in an upcoming episode, then we all win.
Vote Davius!
And because I like writing entries more than I care about winning, here is a non-entry:
"While in my pet shop, Threepwood invented the pockpelligulrot: a pelican stuffed with a seagull, stuffed with a parrot... all stuffed into his pocket."
For my foreign friends who fail to see the humor*, may I direct your attention to the uniquely weird turducken.
*It may not, in fact, be funny.
I agree. Vote for Davius! That is one of the few funny submissions which accually also would work inside the game...
He shot the sheriff. But didn't shoot no deputy!
He stole our Chess Clock! Now we're always arguing!
Not that good, but hey!