Answer the question above you



  • Sams father.

    Rick and Morty or Gravity Falls? Which one do you like more?

  • edited April 2016

    Gravity Falls! ^-^

    Worst character in gaming history?

  • Max Caulfield

    Your most anticipated game for this year?

  • Uncharted 4 A Thief's End

    Heavy Rain or Until Dawn?

  • Looks a bit repetitive, doesn't appeal to me gameplay and story wise either.

    Your most anticipated game of 2016?

  • Someone already asked that

    Looks a bit repetitive, doesn't appeal to me gameplay and story wise either. Your most anticipated game of 2016?

  • Riiiiight into my avatar ouch

    Max Caulfield Your most anticipated game for this year?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    What's the problem with that? I'm sure at 100% that there's a few questions that people already asked more than twice on this thread.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Someone already asked that

  • Just saying, twice too early though

    Eryka posted: »

    What's the problem with that? I'm sure at 100% that there's a few questions that people already asked more than twice on this thread.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Maybe he didn't read the questions asked before

    AronDracula posted: »

    Just saying, twice too early though

  • The Walking Dead Season Three.

    Lara Croft or TWAU Snow White?

  • Snow White. I never liked Lara Croft

    Are sociopaths capable of genuine happiness and love for others?

  • Sure, it's all about their perception on who deserves it.

    Minecraft or Roblox?

    enter image description here

  • Roblox. Durh.

    Who is your favorite user on here, who you've never spoken to?

  • Probably not.

    What activities/aspirations drive you in life?

  • 1st: Hmmmmmm. I guess Lotti-lu! I've spoken to a lot of people, but never her, although she seems to be just as great!

    2nd: Playing the piano. I guess playing music in general, but I can just play however I'm feeling when I'm at the piano bench. I just learned the beginning of Gustav Holst's Venus today!

    Aaaand, roller coaster, ferris wheel, or log ride?

  • edited April 2016

    I'm not really into playing instruments, but if I had to it would be the guitar and the piano, the two most useful instruments in music!

    Are you afraid of death?

  • edited April 2016

    No not really just afraid of other people dying

    What languages do you speak (other than your first language)?

  • Fluid english and broken russian.

    What is the one country in the world you would like to visit the most?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    France, because the majority of my favorite youtubers live there and I would like to meet them.

    Your least favorite food?

  • What's your native language, then, might I ask?

    Fluid english and broken russian. What is the one country in the world you would like to visit the most?

  • Lithuanian, it's a horribly hard language. I swear the punctuation rules are endless. I'm worse at it than english, english grammar is a lot easier in my opinion.

    What's your native language, then, might I ask?

  • Agree, because Ivor PWNS every-fucking-one.

    Kenny from TWD or Axel from MCSM? (Might I just add as a side note, that I love both, but I would've chose Kenny, my right man!)

  • and ur question is

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Agree, because Ivor PWNS every-fucking-one. Kenny from TWD or Axel from MCSM? (Might I just add as a side note, that I love both, but I would've chose Kenny, my right man!)

  • Kenny , because I literally have no idea who Axel is.

    Markiplier or TheRadBrad?

  • Would You Push the Button?

    Nathan Drake or Lara Croft?

  • Lara Croft. Nathan Drake has 2 first names, and you should never trust anyone with 2 first names (Ben Paul anyone?)

    Kenny's beard or his mustache?

  • edited April 2016

    Kenny's beard.

    Who's hotter... Pamela Anderson?.... Or Jennifer Aniston?

  • edited April 2016

    Lara Croft. Nathan Drake has 2 first names, and you should never trust anyone with 2 first names (Ben Paul anyone?)

    Really? Are you kidding me?

    EDIT: Cough Cough Croft from GoT Cough Cough

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Lara Croft. Nathan Drake has 2 first names, and you should never trust anyone with 2 first names (Ben Paul anyone?) Kenny's beard or his mustache?

  • Jennifer Aniston is hotter for sure.

    What's the link between Marxism and Atheism? (If @BigBlindMax could answer that, that would be great)

  • You've clearly never seen Pamela Anderson when she did Baywatch. WOW!
    enter link description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Jennifer Aniston is hotter for sure. What's the link between Marxism and Atheism? (If @BigBlindMax could answer that, that would be great)

  • Nah. Still, Pamela just looks way too "plastic" for me, I prefer Jennifer because she looks cuter, and cute = hot to me.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You've clearly never seen Pamela Anderson when she did Baywatch. WOW! enter link description here

  • edited April 2016

    I have to admit that Jennifer Aniston has a much more natural beauty to her. And I will also admit that I prefer natural beauty. So I would say that I agree with you.

    You know I have to admit, that it's rather sad when women who are done up with plastic surgery and whatnot, are held to be the pinicle standard of beauty.

    Beauty comes in all shapes, and colors, and is often in the eye of the beholder. What might be attractive to one man or woman, might not do anything for the next person. That's all about personal taste.

    And that's not to say that women who are all made up with plastic surgery or loads of makeup are less than human - far from it. They have feelings just like anyone else.

    But what it does show is that, in my opinion, that they are incredibly insecure.

    Looks, while they are important, they're also not everything. Personally, a woman can look like an absolute goddess, yet if she has a shitty personality, then I personally don't have any use for her.

    I'll sleep with her but that's it. If she has not got a attractive personality, then fuck her!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Nah. Still, Pamela just looks way too "plastic" for me, I prefer Jennifer because she looks cuter, and cute = hot to me.

  • Man! That's just really..

    enter image description here

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I have to admit that Jennifer Aniston has a much more natural beauty to her. And I will also admit that I prefer natural beauty. So I would

  • Thank you very much! I should give speeches.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Man! That's just really..

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    See below

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Jennifer Aniston is hotter for sure. What's the link between Marxism and Atheism? (If @BigBlindMax could answer that, that would be great)

  • @ZapThroat. There is a link between Athiesm and Marxism, though most Atheists aren't Marxists, and only some Marxists are atheists (see: liberation theology). Marx described religion as the an "opiate of the masses" and "the sigh of an oppressed creature." He generally believed that religion's purpose in a capitalist society is to pacify the working masses and dull the misery of their alienation with promises of glory in the afterlife. A lot of Anarchists have also adopted this view. For example the slogan of the Turkish Anarchist groups fighting daesh with the Kurds is "No god! No state! No caliphate!"

    As you probably know, religion was mostly banned in the various ""communist"" states of the 20th century, however I take a pretty cynical view on this. I think a big reason the bans were enforced was in order to maintain various cults of personality, surrounding their leaders. After all, time spent worshipping God is time that could be spent worshipping the state. It's unlikely that Marx would be pleased with that, but there's really no way of knowing for sure. In my eyes, it's another example of the repression and hypocrisy of Marxism-Leninism.

    What's your favorite kind of meat?

  • To complete, this turkish slogan is certainly derivated from the French anarchist's slogan "Ni Dieu ni maître" made a century ago, meaning "no God no Masters", sentence which has been taken by a lot of anarchists movements since then.

    So yes, there's indeed a big link between the anarchists and atheism.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    @ZapThroat. There is a link between Athiesm and Marxism, though most Atheists aren't Marxists, and only some Marxists are atheists (see: lib

  • Thanks! I always heard people linking the two views together and I thought to myself: "Isn't Marxism just a political view? What has Atheism got to do with that?". That really clears it up now, many thanks!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    @ZapThroat. There is a link between Athiesm and Marxism, though most Atheists aren't Marxists, and only some Marxists are atheists (see: lib

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