Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • The fact they are bringing up that elevator scene again is going to be awkward.

  • How so?

    The fact they are bringing up that elevator scene again is going to be awkward.

  • Does anyone who got the villain joker also feel bad for turning him into joker?

  • edited March 2018

    Villain joker isnt fooling around. Hijack his company and not only that he could easily reveal that Bruce is the Batman. All the more reason not to be his enemy

  • Well, if you were flirtatious with Harley in the elevator, Villian Joker probably will hold that against you...

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    How so?

  • Nope Vetominer

  • Annoying thing is both Joker and Harley will probably mock you for it lol.

    Well, if you were flirtatious with Harley in the elevator, Villian Joker probably will hold that against you...

  • YOU SHOULD BE,it's your own fault !

    Like he said "you could have prevented everything instead you made me into this !"

    Vetominer posted: »

    Does anyone who got the villain joker also feel bad for turning him into joker?

  • I KNOW RIGHT!!!!

    iFoRias posted: »

    YOU SHOULD BE,it's your own fault ! Like he said "you could have prevented everything instead you made me into this !"

  • Seems like with every different version of Joker, they always gotta have that scene where he crashes a board room meeting.

  • "Ha ha, ha ha ha... and I thought my jokes were bad."

    J-Master posted: »

    Seems like with every different version of Joker, they always gotta have that scene where he crashes a board room meeting.

  • You get my seal of approval... you handsome gentleman! :wink:

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Every comment is a little puzzle!

  • For those that made choices that lead to Tiffany joining the Agency. I think she won't be in the Agency for long. Once she takes a look at the real Amanda Waller. To the point where Tiffany outright tells Waller that she's nuts. Also, from a distance, Agency Tiffany looks a bit like Avesta.

    For those that think that villain John will tell people that Batman is Bruce Wayne. Now where's the fun in that? Besides, he did say he's not gonna tell anyone.

  • I don't think that necessarily has to be true. It CAN be partly your fault, but he still has to make his own decision on that. However, you can definitely be a BIG part of that decision and a leading factor.

    Additonally, you can be nice and supportive of him the whole game but not trust him when he says that he killed all of those people in the fun house in self-defense (I did trust him, but let's be honest--it doesn't all add up), and he'll still turn into the Villain Joker.

    iFoRias posted: »

    YOU SHOULD BE,it's your own fault ! Like he said "you could have prevented everything instead you made me into this !"

  • Is anyone else basically ostracising everyone else so it's just you and John (and maybe Avesta) in the Vigilante run like me? I find the concept interesting where Joker is your core ally. Also didn't realize how much of an ass you can be to Selina until my second run playing Episode 3... damnnnnnnnn, Bruce.

  • It is a little annoying it all hinges on that one choice, as I said previously I actually opted to trust him and would have probably got the Vigilante ending if I hadn't then told him he'd still have to face trial. But I assume how you've treated and advised him will modify what kind of aspects he focuses on in both runs either as a villain or anti-hero.

    I don't think that necessarily has to be true. It CAN be partly your fault, but he still has to make his own decision on that. However, you

  • Play the "canon" save file that you got on your first playthrough, then play the other one to see how things differ.

    I have two save fyles one with john vigilante and one of john villane and after seeing all the captures I do not know which of the two to play and when the trailer comes out I will have a harder time choosing, any recommendations?

  • Oh, I agree that it will modify his actions and behavior. I was just saying that I don't think that it can be said that it's definitely 100% our fault if John is a villain.

    It is a little annoying it all hinges on that one choice, as I said previously I actually opted to trust him and would have probably got the

  • If only telltale could make us more happy and let us play the last episode tonight

  • edited March 2018

    I found it a bit disappointing that after all the hype about "shaping your own Joker", his personality boiled down to whether or not you trusted him about a sketchy situation. No regard to whether you've been violent in front of him, or whether you told him to be genuine or manipulative, or whether you've been trusting of him.

    Similarly, I'm going to be disappointed if our alliances with other characters boil down to whether or not John is on our side or not. I told Tiffany the truth every step of the way, she should be on my side regardless of John being on my side or not. I saved Selina over Harvey, warned her about the GCPD, showed her the Batcave, and sacrificed myself to save her so it would make little to no sense for her to turn against me based on my relationship with John.

    I really hope the finale has a lot of different variables and possibilities based on these factors. Like I could have John, Tiffany, AND Selina all on my side depending on past choices. Once again if I'm stuck with just John I'm going to be disheartened.

  • You just gotta think of it as if they’re putting in extra work. That way it’s even better when it’s released rather than it being bad now.

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    If only telltale could make us more happy and let us play the last episode tonight

  • I always glad they are but me personally I moving to Texas so I going to have to wait a bit to play the finale. Thats why I want to play it now.

    Vetominer posted: »

    You just gotta think of it as if they’re putting in extra work. That way it’s even better when it’s released rather than it being bad now.

  • But the episode has been rated and there's screenshots and trailers ready so its already finished lol

    Vetominer posted: »

    You just gotta think of it as if they’re putting in extra work. That way it’s even better when it’s released rather than it being bad now.

  • my hopes is to be allied with vigilante john , selina and tiffany

  • They could be working on bug fixes or smaller details.

    But the episode has been rated and there's screenshots and trailers ready so its already finished lol

  • edited March 2018

    Well, guess what? You have chosen a maniac who kills both federal agents and innocent people in his rampage (at the carnival and at the bridge), so your allies will leave you for sure, suffer the consequences. Once he reveals that he was the one to kill Riddler, Selina will leave you. Once Tiffany sees that you made one of the people who murdered her dad (it was not John, but she hates the pact as a whole for her dad, like in episode 2 where she blamed Harley and John for that if she was discovered) your sidekick(burn) she will leave you. Soooo yeah, if you are choosing John, you will get just John. Congratulations!

    I found it a bit disappointing that after all the hype about "shaping your own Joker", his personality boiled down to whether or not you tru

  • he didnt kill anyone on the bridge in vigilante he just wounds and knocks them down while the agents attacked him , i believe they shot but i do agree john was crazy as he admitted something took hold of him.

  • I still debate if John actually is the one who shot Riddler, the method didn't especially seem like his style. I think it was more likely the Agency or a still unknown player. I would have said Deadshot except he's the focus of that interquel comic DC is doing...

  • edited March 2018

    So you are saying he did not blow up the bombs that Harley brought with her? If I recall correctly he does detonate them in close proximity to agents. And there were innocent bystanders on that bridge, they could have been hurt too. It is clear that even if he becomes a vigilante he still murders people (in contrast to batman)
    And about the dead agents, it is clear John attacked them first while they had their back turned on him (hence the bullet wound in the back). People who are pro-John(not you particularly, those who have a blind faith in their buddy) seem to easily forget that he has been manipulating everyone (Harley and you for example) this entire time (the laptop is a clear example, but he was also extremely devoted to Harley and STILL betrayed her in vigilante ending (!), what would stop him from betraying you in a similar manner?) and has violent outbursts

    he didnt kill anyone on the bridge in vigilante he just wounds and knocks them down while the agents attacked him , i believe they shot but i do agree john was crazy as he admitted something took hold of him.

  • C'mon, man. You should know by this time it wasn't John manipulating and killing everyone, it was his evil eyebrow.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    So you are saying he did not blow up the bombs that Harley brought with her? If I recall correctly he does detonate them in close proximity

  • edited March 2018

    And you believe that you have seen John's true style? Again, he has been manipulating everyone this season, you never saw his real "face". Killing the Riddler could be exactly his style. Also he hated him more than anyone and has a picture with him in his Hahacienda where he drew an arrow that pierces his neck (Riddler was shot in the neck). Do you need any more evidence? He uses a chemical weapon to kill him, which is exactly what Joker does.
    Waller killing Riddler makes no sense, she wanted him alive since A. She wanted to use him to infiltrate the Pact(she says so herself after his death) and B. She probaly wanted to experiment on him like she intends to with Freeze now.
    Also Waller appears extremely angry at the sight of his corpse.

    I still debate if John actually is the one who shot Riddler, the method didn't especially seem like his style. I think it was more likely th

  • edited March 2018

    Exactly my point! I am trying to prove to people who chose him to be a Vigilante that they are still in danger and must change their choice to a Villain!
    Villain ending will be the only happy one since John is free from the influence of his eyebrow. In Vigilante route John will kill everyone you care about (Alfred, Gordon etc.) because of his eyebrow. Then, if you took the drive from Mori by force, he will appear and kill you in revenge. If not, you will be alive but devastated over everyone close to you dying. No happy ending for you, John-lovers.

    Tiefling posted: »

    C'mon, man. You should know by this time it wasn't John manipulating and killing everyone, it was his evil eyebrow.

  • edited March 2018

    I don't feel bad for having let John become the joker (villain) in my playthrough I couldn't just justify him for having killed those agents we don't even know if he was telling the truth about the self defense thing and it was clear that he wasn't completely honest about what happened. I just couldn't let him get away with that just to stay on his good side. Not to mention that you have to let him kill innocents on the bridge and let him stab Waller to make him get away and turn into a vigilante. Nah I feel like I have done the right choice letting my Batman staying true to his principles and not compromise them just to be friend with John.

  • You are right. Never compromise, not even in the face of armageddon. C'mon people, that is what Rorscharch said.
    I am not willing to compromise my principles for John to be a murderous vigilante, his victims will be my victims cause I allowed it to happen. In villain I am not responsible at least.

    Samuel2496 posted: »

    I don't feel bad for having let John become the joker (villain) in my playthrough I couldn't just justify him for having killed those agents

  • And you believe that you have seen John's true style?

    You KNOW who's style you've seen!

    But worry not. You're not the only one who sees the real villain of the series. Not anymore.
    You speak wisdom, but I must sacrifice myself for my boi John. I must protect him from his Enemy Within. Pray for me, will you?

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Exactly my point! I am trying to prove to people who chose him to be a Vigilante that they are still in danger and must change their choice

  • I will, brother. Always.

    Tiefling posted: »

    And you believe that you have seen John's true style? You KNOW who's style you've seen! But worry not. You're not the only one wh

  • Sister. Thanks, this means a lot. I'll let you know if I'll make it through.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    I will, brother. Always.

  • Oh wow, sister it is then!
    Don't mention it, please do let me know, I have faith in you

    Tiefling posted: »

    Sister. Thanks, this means a lot. I'll let you know if I'll make it through.

  • No point reasoning with these people I'll be quietly laughing when Vigilante Joker goes too far again. Then the forums will be full off people crying about John.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    So you are saying he did not blow up the bombs that Harley brought with her? If I recall correctly he does detonate them in close proximity

  • :(

    No point reasoning with these people I'll be quietly laughing when Vigilante Joker goes too far again. Then the forums will be full off people crying about John.

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