The S.S Louine! (Romance Discussion)



  • This song reminds me of Luis

  • Welcome to the club :')

    Leegendary posted: »

    I wanna see Clem comforting Louis in episode 2 :’)

  • I finally decided to step aboard for a bite nine pages in and aside from Violet Jr., have been bored of the first impression.

  • Probably because that tarantula is ec-static, while a mullet has unfortunate connotations.

    I like how everyone gives Marlon shit for his mullet but ignores the fact that Louis has a giant dead tarantula on his head.

  • I'd also like to see Clem comforting Louis, as well as learning more on where he came from and some more serious stuff. I'd love a hug option, I think thats an awesome idea. And in general I'd love to see more hubs to give us the opportunity to walk around and have optional additional dialogue with characters.

    Sheol- posted: »

    I hope we get to see Clem comforting Louis as he deserves, he just lost his best friend for more than 10 years, I hope we get to see Louis i

  • I'm happy you gave it a try, it's hard when we clearly don't have as many forum users as Violentine, but the ship it's still going!

    DabigRG posted: »

    I finally decided to step aboard for a bite nine pages in and aside from Violet Jr., have been bored of the first impression.

  • I never thought anyone would be good enough for Clem until I met Louis.

  • Louis has a giant dead tarantula on his head.

    Louis? bruh wtf he b the freshest lookin mf in the game! that mf got the best hair out of all of em and it b lookin clean too,not like Marlons dusty ass mullet or Clems dusty ass hair!
    :D naw but forreal tho,why they made Clem look hella dirty this season but Louis's hair b hella clean like dat?

    I like how everyone gives Marlon shit for his mullet but ignores the fact that Louis has a giant dead tarantula on his head.

  • Episode 2 Spoiler ahead (some stuff got leaked)

    All of us in Episode 2:

  • Heh. "Gabe it a try."
    Honestly, the only reason I said anything after unintentionally(?) clicking was because I like Louis himself.

    Sheol- posted: »

    I'm happy you gave it a try, it's hard when we clearly don't have as many forum users as Violentine, but the ship it's still going!

  • For some reason this song makes me think of Louis

  • I think a lot of us ship Louine because we want to have more screentime with Louis by taking his route, the dude is worth it!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Heh. "Gabe it a try." Honestly, the only reason I said anything after unintentionally(?) clicking was because I like Louis himself.

  • Could you explain? I'm not that much into new leaks!

    Episode 2 Spoiler ahead (some stuff got leaked) (Spoiler)

  • If you haven't found out by now I can pm you on discord if you want

    Sheol- posted: »

    Could you explain? I'm not that much into new leaks!

  • edited August 2018

    What did you think about this moment? Did you chose to go with Louis? What do you think about his way of seeing the world?

  • At first, when he started talking about "thinking of survival as more of a day-to-day task", and not completely agreeing with working together/ having back-up plans, I was a bit disappointed because he seemed literally perfect up until that point. I was bummed, but I'm like ahhh that's okay I still love you Louis lol.

    But then when I went to spend more time with him, and he elaborated further with the whole "the only thing that's guaranteed is this moment" speech, I could see where he was coming from and actually felt like that was a really good way to look at thing's in the apocalypse. It's true that you never know what tomorrow will bring, and that's why you should make the most out of the present, and focus on the moments you have, instead of allowing the future to stress and distract you from the life you are currently living.

    Sheol- posted: »

    What did you think about this moment? Did you chose to go with Louis? What do you think about his way of seeing the world?

  • Honestly, I just like sharing fanart.

  • There is no one mindset that you can live by in the world of TWD. Louis needs to learn that there are times and places where he can and can't live in the moment. There is nothing wrong with it from time to time, but failing to plan ahead is what will end up getting him killed, or at least someone with him. His upbeat mood and personality is something that is rare in a post apocalyptic world however and something that should be valued.

    Sheol- posted: »

    What did you think about this moment? Did you chose to go with Louis? What do you think about his way of seeing the world?

  • Thats such a cute pic omggg

    Honestly, I just like sharing fanart.

  • after seeing that shit i just loaded the save and went fishing

    Sheol- posted: »

    What did you think about this moment? Did you chose to go with Louis? What do you think about his way of seeing the world?

  • I don’t see a problem with the walker piñata scene at all! I believe Clem should have some fun in her depressing life and Louis is giving her happiness :’)

    Sheol- posted: »

    What did you think about this moment? Did you chose to go with Louis? What do you think about his way of seeing the world?

  • He also has a different(or really, much more) personality next to Clementeen, so there's that too.

    Sheol- posted: »

    I think a lot of us ship Louine because we want to have more screentime with Louis by taking his route, the dude is worth it!

  • I personally think there’s gonna be a kiss scene soon with the option for Louis or violet so

  • To answer them in my own order:
    1. I watched an alternative playthrough with this choice second and think I would've done/designated the same, equitably/narratively speaking.
    2. I think his worldview has a fair point to it, especially given the track record of most survivors--and especially the games themselves.
    3. Honestly, I thought it was a little fucked up or/and dangerous.

    Sheol- posted: »

    What did you think about this moment? Did you chose to go with Louis? What do you think about his way of seeing the world?

  • This was talked about already but I also hope Louis won't start disliking AJ for what he did or even worse, resent Clem by association. 10 years is a long period of time to know someone, which is why I expect him to be a little sad/pissed off at the beginning/for half the episode, that would be normal. I want to comfort him as Clem; poor dude I also have a friend I know for 10 years, he must be in a world of hurt right now regardless of what Marlon did

  • I'm in love with that artists art! It's great! <3

    Honestly, I just like sharing fanart.

  • I hope we get to see them sort things out, my heart it's gonna break if the episode ends and AJ and Louis don't have a scene together to fix that problem. The boy deserves an apology, and I believe he's too kind to say no, especially to AJ.

    Timcanpy posted: »

    This was talked about already but I also hope Louis won't start disliking AJ for what he did or even worse, resent Clem by association. 10 y

  • AJ apologizing to Louis would be the cutest thing, but at the same time so heartbreaking because you can tell Louis is one of his favorites among all kids, so it'll probably be really sincere and emotional.

    Sheol- posted: »

    I hope we get to see them sort things out, my heart it's gonna break if the episode ends and AJ and Louis don't have a scene together to fix that problem. The boy deserves an apology, and I believe he's too kind to say no, especially to AJ.

  • I think that Louis’ character will be shown all sides now that his best friend is dead

  • Yep I agree. I'm actually really interested in seeing his more "serious" side.

    I think that Louis’ character will be shown all sides now that his best friend is dead

  • Agree, I wanna see a more vulnerable side to him too

    Suzy222 posted: »

    Yep I agree. I'm actually really interested in seeing his more "serious" side.

  • Fanart by:

  • Cute

    Sheol- posted: »

    Fanart by:

  • Can't tell it's that's mostly well drawn or unconventionally creepy/uncomfortable.

    Sheol- posted: »

    Fanart by:

  • It's cute

    DabigRG posted: »

    Can't tell it's that's mostly well drawn or unconventionally creepy/uncomfortable.

  • Aw omg thats so cute! I love that artist

    Sheol- posted: »

    Fanart by:

  • People are so talented! If I could draw I'd contribute more to the ship lol

  • If you guys find good clouis fanfics send them on here! I ran out lol

  • Louis would make a perfect deadpool

  • I feel Louis will double down on his Happ go lucky demeanor only for the cracks to start showing. And Louine Clementine can convince him it's ok to not be okay. He ends up crying and her holding him.

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