Telltale Halloween Contest 2009

We're kicking off our annual Halloween contest today! Feeling creative? Make something awesome, and send it in to We've got some pretty great prizes this year!
Check out the blog post for details.
Winners announced! Thanks to all participants, it was truly a joy going through these entries. Check out the Hallowinners Blog to see who won what. And why. And wow.
Check out the blog post for details.
Winners announced! Thanks to all participants, it was truly a joy going through these entries. Check out the Hallowinners Blog to see who won what. And why. And wow.
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Nice prizes! You really broke the piggy bank this time.
Too bad im such and untalented folk...
Or maybe i could make something with popsicles, glue and glitter and say its abstract art with deep symbolic meaning...
Please do!
Heh. It went live for a couple of minutes yesterday, but there was some last-minute confusion that delayed it for a bit.
I'm just hoping negative reinforcement will get me to actually have an entry in this year.
On a side note: I've really got to stop ordering the full seasons of all your games when they come out. I keep missing out on the chance to win them or make use of one of your cool promotions
wouldnt know what else to do
You could write a script or something like that.
Woo! Now I have an Idea.
Make anything that's probably legal and has to do with a Telltale series. So, sure
Great Contest, by the way. I'm soo curious to see how it turns out.
*sigh* At least put in a joint entry to give other a people some kind of a chance, okay?
But if more people agree that it would be unfair, then I have no problem making something non-competitive.
Besides, you have far more chances being better than THAT
On the other hand, I'd like to see what you'd put out if you were REALLY trying for the prize, since you do so much awesome stuff just for the fun of it.
Excellent point. You'd think it would be more obvious and not warrant a question at all!
*Cracks fingers* Okay, this should be good.
Good luck to everyone!
I say go for a joint effort, guys. I want to see what you'd come up with. Prizes go to people who deserve them, and it's just as unfair to ask someone not to give their best just because they have a good shot at winning.
(Besides, I like the runner up prizes more anyway.)
Cant wait to share what I did and to see other peoples stuff.... I love this little community we have going here.
...hmm, okay. We're not gonna make a clip/video/flashmovie/thingie.
You know what, I like the deal. Let’s do something that we haven’t done before! How’s that?
(Omg omg, what are we doing?)
Heh I'll join just for the sake of knowing what it actually could be!
(You guys must be kidding... seriously)
Lame, I take back what I said.
Everyone has already lost.
I don't think you guys are putting off anyone.
People with talent will rise to the challenge, but the rest of us here are just commenting cos we think you guys rock, and are a shoe-in to win.
Don't hold back, I, like a lot of other forum members, am looking forward to your entry. So do what you're best at.