I'm not sure if this counts as art, but with the addition of Max's headhat and the guns of Sam & Max to Team Fortress 2, they also became available in Garry's Mod, opening the door to all kinds of images. I was just messing with it, and this happened:
I'm sure more creative people will be able to make better/funnier images, but I just thought I'd put this here
Both have bad aim. I don't know who has worse aim, but both have bad aim.
No Max has awesome aim he's actually aiming at you right now... Don't worry Sam is next to him saying, " we can't kill people just because there idiots... If we did then are cases would be way easier, and Momma Bosco would be without a son."
No Max has awesome aim he's actually aiming at you right now... Don't worry Sam is next to him saying, " we can't kill people just because there idiots... If we did then are cases would be way easier, and Momma Bosco would be without a son."
Darn it Trica, now I want to see TTG make Sam&Max also furry and huggable. I am pretty sure one dev already said a definite no to that and he didn't want to hear more .
...does this hint at another anthropomorphised character? A snake, perhaps?
Dumb tekmolojy.
I'm sure more creative people will be able to make better/funnier images, but I just thought I'd put this here
But then you would have no ammunition left after 5 seconds of play!
Accuracy of 10% though (or less!)
Both have bad aim. I don't know who has worse aim, but both have bad aim.
Finally I had some more free time to draw/doodle something, and so:
Nice work!
Oh, jeez.
Awesome meme
Thanks ^^!
Thank you, both of you! Yeah, I have sort of obsession drawing visible fur. (love doing little details like that) I'm glad you like!
And GinnyN, that's great! ^^
Sort of ironic.
I cannot add a Background. I totally fail at that...
Ok, I'll admit it, I'm supposed to be studing Computer Science, but drawings help me to destress me =P