Click And Drag In Future Games...

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
I've finally figured out that the only reason I find the click and drag system uncomfortable is because it's assigned to the left mouse button - this means that there's a danger of accidentally clicking something when you mean to move somewhere, or vice versa. Plus if I want to move across a room and interact with something, I have to hold the button down, let go, then press it again.

Would it be at all possible for the click and drag system to be re-assigned to the right mouse button in future? :D That way we could interact with objects while walking, and it would mean that the double left-click run could return.


  • edited December 2009
    Right clicking makes you run, so you can already move with the right button.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Right clicking makes you run, so you can already move with the right button.

    But you can still accidentally move with the left button, which is his issue I think.

    Doesn't happen often to me, since moving requires a distinct dragging motion, but I can only speak for myself.
  • edited December 2009
    I think it works OK the way it is. At the moment, to look at something while you are moving, you have to be automatic walking by clicking on an interactable object and the character will automatically route to it. There are usually plenty of things to click on and move that way.

    While you are dragging, your mouse movement controls the direction, so obviously you can't be looking and clicking at other things while you are doing this, because if you moved the mouse to hover over a hotspot it would change the walking direction.
  • edited December 2009
    I HATE click and drag , but I love the WASD movement controlls so if they keep them I'll just pretend the drag feature doesnt exist.
  • edited December 2009
    I've never had an issue of accidentally move or click something when I didn't want to.

    But, I still can't figure out why the normal 'click here to walk' controls aren't implemented in the ToMI. I suppose the control pad movement is better for people playing with... pads, but why put it in a PC game? At least give us the option.
  • edited December 2009
    I've never had an issue of accidentally move or click something when I didn't want to.

    But, I still can't figure out why the normal 'click here to walk' controls aren't implemented in the ToMI. I suppose the control pad movement is better for people playing with... pads, but why put it in a PC game? At least give us the option.

    You must not have seen the threads explaining about needing the extra programming to put clickable movement hotspots on the floor (especially in 3D environments where there's the distance factor) and the new camera angles they are using meaning that the floor isn't always there to see.

    It's not just a case of adapting to control pad movement - I like the click and drag (as an alternative to keyboard movement) - because it provides direct control - who says PC players don't want direct control of the character movement?

    They deliberately excluded point and click walking because they wanted:
    • More camera angles
    • Direct control and immersive playing
    • Less programming time
    • Easy adpatation for consoles

    And probably more stuff I forgot. Clicking on the floor just doesn't make the cut these days. I don't see why people uphold point and click as the ultimate form of gameplay because it ain't all that fabulous. It's functional but do I want to play games the same way forever? No, I want them to evolve and show me more.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    You must not have seen the threads explaining about needing the extra programming to put clickable movement hotspots on the floor (especially in 3D environments where there's the distance factor) and the new camera angles they are using meaning that the floor isn't always there to see.

    It has nothing to do with extra/difficult programming. It is mathematically impossible to solve for an intersection point that doesn't exist (well, in some cases there is an imaginary solution but that's hardly useful here) -i.e. the ground plane is not being clicked on. New cinematography direction says we want to have interesting camera angles, so we needed a way to move the character around without the ground plane being in the shot. That left us with WASD and Click/Drag.
  • edited December 2009
    I hate WASD. I won't buy a game like Tales of Monkey Island again. I like the steering of games like Sam'n'Max or the easy user interface of Ankh (also a funny adventure, and i don't need to think a second about the steering). ToMI episodes 2-5 are unused at my side. It's best if i don't even need to touch a keyboard hile playing (makes it easier with a daugther to play Ankh on TV (with attached PC and just an easy trackball as "remote").
    If a next Sam n Max game ill be like ToMI I just won't buy it because of the user interface. I really hate it. It was the lousiest spend money. Hey, i bought Bone, Sam'n'Max Season 1+2, (season 1 twice ( translated) ). I liked to play them. But i get angry when thinking that i spend money for ToMI. Not for story , just because of the user interface.
    A lousy use interface as for me the point not to buy Monkey Island 4 ages ago. And it will be definitly be the "do not buy" reason for me for new Telltale Games. Heck, camera is just a bit of presentation. Much more user unfriendly mouse movement is necessary to use ToMI than e.g. Bone.
    It's a little bit sad to don't play new games ith the rabbity thing, but if you use the steering of Tales of Monkey Island I ill be glad NOT to buy another Sam'n'Max.

    And one thing: What does a cinematography director know about gameplay? His ork is about presentation, not about using sth.
  • edited December 2009
    That's just a little harsh if you ask me... I agree WASD can be a little annoying when playing a slow-going game like most of the adventure games, but the real presentation is the CLICK'N DRAG gameplay and WASD is just a secondary back-up gameplay element. Click'n drag ain't as good as point and walk maybe, but still it's not that bad to say that the whole game is ruined just because of the gameplay.
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    It has nothing to do with extra/difficult programming. It is mathematically impossible to solve for an intersection point that doesn't exist (well, in some cases there is an imaginary solution but that's hardly useful here) -i.e. the ground plane is not being clicked on. New cinematography direction says we want to have interesting camera angles, so we needed a way to move the character around without the ground plane being in the shot. That left us with WASD and Click/Drag.

    I still think this reasoning doesn't convince everyone (me, for example :) ) - but I don't think there's a lot of sense in arguing. Telltale has taken a firm decision with Wallace & Gromit, they're continuously refining the method, and the results are definitely far from terrible. I don't think there's any going back now.

    Also, TTG-Yare, thanks for taking all the time sharing your thoughts about the control method, instead of just saying - "hey, live with it" (or not saying anything at all) :)
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    I still think this reasoning doesn't convince everyone (me, for example :) )

    Are you unconvinced by the mathematical impossibility, or the cinematography decision that lead us there? I can help you understand the former but not the latter.
    Also, TTG-Yare, thanks for taking all the time sharing your thoughts about the control method, instead of just saying - "hey, live with it" (or not saying anything at all) :)

    Hey, glad to help! Also, thank you guys for keeping the number of "That guy who made the controls should be fired!" posts relatively low. :)
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    Hey, glad to help! Also, thank you guys for keeping the number of "That guy who made the controls should be fired!" posts relatively low. :)

    Well some of us know that even if you agreed with _US_ (that the controls were a bad idea) you were likely told "program it or else" by top brass. Also I'm willing to bet it acctually involved _MORE_ code than the original interface (since the original one could be called with a simple command akin to "onMouseClick:Walk(X,Y)" while the new one requires indipentant commands for each button as well as intervals and shifts in camera angels depending on which button is pressed, etc)
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    Well some of us know that even if you agreed with _US_ (that the controls were a bad idea) you were likely told "program it or else" by top brass. Also I'm willing to bet it acctually involved _MORE_ code than the original interface (since the original one could be called with a simple command akin to "onMouseClick:Walk(X,Y)" while the new one requires indipentant commands for each button as well as intervals and shifts in camera angels depending on which button is pressed, etc)

    Very astute. Though it was less "program it or else" and more "here's the requirements your system needs to meet".
  • edited December 2009
    It's functional but do I want to play games the same way forever? No, I want them to evolve and show me more.

    Yeah, I want them to evolve too, but this is no evolution.
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    New cinematography direction says we want to have interesting camera angles, so we needed a way to move the character around without the ground plane being in the shot. That left us with WASD and Click/Drag.

    Well, I thought it would be simple to give priority to the ground, but what do I know... It seems 3D doesn't make things any simpler. Well, I hope some day you guys find a better solution.
  • edited December 2009
    How about, make the floor clickable if you can see it (and Sam or whatever character you're playing moves to where you clicked), and if you can't see the floor, moving the mouse to the edge of the screen changes the pointer icon to left, right, up, down, or turn around, which causes the view to shift so that hopefully some floor is visible somewhere?

    Just throwing out more ideas. An imaginary axis on the mouse would be nice, too.
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    Very astute. Though it was less "program it or else" and more "here's the requirements your system needs to meet".

    I tend to forget how nice the people at TTG are. In retrospect I suspect none of them would ever use thw words "or else"
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    Are you unconvinced by the mathematical impossibility, or the cinematography decision that lead us there? I can help you understand the former but not the latter.

    Heh, neither as such, actually :D I'm very happy with the cinematography decision, even though it feels more relevant in Wallace & Gromit than in Tales. But I think there's a lot of subtlety in Tales that will shine through only on the 2nd playthrough, so I'm not making final statements until then.

    About the intersection stuff, I do understand that it's impossible to calculate exactly. The question is, how accurately it can be estimated, and what kind of extra data is needed - I imagine it easily leads to an extra "click-map" for each shot. And even so, it may not feel accurate enough - I cannot tell without actually trying it. So, if the statement is "not feasible", I can easily believe that - but I'm very reluctant to accept the "impossible" :)
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    Hey, glad to help! Also, thank you guys for keeping the number of "That guy who made the controls should be fired!" posts relatively low. :)

    After all the counter-hype (is there such a word? :) ), I was pleasantly surprised by the W&G controls, as they felt very handy. Sure, I missed p&c, but by the time Tales came, I got used to the arrows control, and after a few attempts, I stuck with them instead of click-and-drag. So there goes the disaster :D
  • edited December 2009
    WASD > Click to move. Playing P&C adventures feels really primitive after playing W&G and TMI extensively. It's like going back to Diablo 2 after playing WoW.
  • edited December 2009
    I really, really like click and drag. But I use the arrow keys (being left handed) and click and drag interchangeably.

    Notice how the amount of people upset vocally went down as the game extended through the plotline? People got over the change. (Well, the majority.) But you can't please everyone or harass Yare enough.
  • edited December 2009
    I don't really think some here understand it. I myself don't understand it, but I imagine Telltale actually means this. I could be wrong, but I imagine they use the following:

    Instead of actually clicking the floor, you click on the screen. There's an overlay over the main screen that acts like the clicking hotspot, which then maps to the ground position, as if you were clicking on a 2D plane in a 2D adventure game. The reason is because you don't click on the scene, you click on the screen, as if you were tapping your finger on a glass window. It's hard to actually point to a point on the ground from that glass window, because it not only requires you know the field of vision, but also the point of vision. However, if you were, for example, to draw a grid on the window, and draw that same grid (with perspective in mind) on the floor, you can actually say "my finger is at B20", and then the position on the floor, B20, can actually easily be accessed.

    That's how I figure it. Not only does it require a bit more maths, it also requires a bit more processing power, seeing as you are actually required to make the intersection line as wide as possible, not to mention you'd have to adjust the angle of said line to the screen.

    But any Telltale Games employee can correct me here.
  • edited December 2009
    I think it is because they somehow interpolar the click in the screen with a point in the floor. I mean, you click on the screen plane and then calculate the vector intersection of the screen plane with the floor plane (considering the angle in the camera) and tell to the character to go here.

    Now, you can still do it without seeing the floor BUT there's no way to actually get where you want to go. Probably you click somewhere in the screen trying to go to some point but the character actually go somewhere else. Since they cannot change the camera angle (And another stuff I can think of like trying to fix it IN TIME could be really complicated), they decided to go after WASD and Click and Drag.

    Now, I have to admit while I like WASD, I finished trying to find the nearest Hot Spot to where I want to go because Guybrush moved faster. Wallace and Gromit actually moved quite faster than Guybrush, and cannot be my computer, because both games has the same requeriments. So, that my bet.
  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2009
    After the initial shock, I found out that the combo WASD+C&D worked surprisingly well (Not without flaws, but a lot better than I expected)
    The only fault (For WASD and C&D) that really annoys me is having camera changes changing the orientation while moving. If TTG can improve it to correct the orientation, to avoid reseting the orientation and "moving back" (Point in case: outside the courthouse in Flotsam)

    I hope for a way to customize the keys (Not just WASD, but also the other keys) and the sensitivity (Plus the "correct orientation setting" to avoid peeps complaints about the change)
  • edited December 2009
    I wasn't a big fan of seeing a giant arrow around Guybrush's waist every time I moved. And it bugged me that I needed to commit my mouse to walking whenever I moved. Usually, in games like these, I would use my mouse to explore the scene whenever my character was traveling. Couldn't do that here.

    Personally, I still prefer the interface they had for Sam and Max and Strong Bad. Click once, they walk there. Hold down click and you can keep them walking. It was perfect. Of course, it would be really nice if they managed to come up with an interface that catered to everybody's preferences.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm a bit sad.

    It's like, the cinematography in ToMI was better than the cinematography in Sam & Max Season 2, by some amount.

    The controls in ToMI were worse than the controls in S&M, by some amount.

    I don't think the cinematography was better enough to justify the decrease in control quality. I don't think this is the fault of the people implementing the controls, or even the people working on the cinematography, I just think it's a misguided mission overall.

    A lot of people at TTG seem to think of the one-sidedness of the S&M sets as being some glaring flaw, but I don't think it ever bothered anyone. It certainly never bothered me. I gradually got used to the ToMI controls, but I was always aware of them, which is pretty much the opposite of immersion.
  • edited December 2009
    PariahKing wrote: »
    I really, really like click and drag. But I use the arrow keys (being left handed) and click and drag interchangeably.

    Notice how the amount of people upset vocally went down as the game extended through the plotline? People got over the change. (Well, the majority.) But you can't please everyone or harass Yare enough.

    Or those people stopped playing the games... I felt really cheated when I bought W&G, so I haven't picked up ToMI. I have tried it, but the controls are not good. Everything just feels sluggish according to me. I want to concentrate on the puzzles, not the controls.

    I also don't understand the argument that it is mathematically impossible. You already have a bottom plane that the characters can walk on, why not add that you walk to where you clicked? That would solve 95% (if not more) of all the cases. The other places can easily be covered with hotspots.

    Can someone give examples of places where point and click are not feasible? Preferably with screenshots, since I haven't played through any of the wasd-games.
  • edited December 2009
    I agree with LuigiHann. It's not that I really mind them that much, but the controls have never seemed worth the trouble. When I saw the sewer scene in The Bogey Man, that was the first time I felt there might be something to it. Bad! Tales was much the same; the angle when walking to DeSinge in particular just felt gratuitous.
    You've had two seasons, Telltale. Where are all those really good-looking shots you needed direct control for?
  • edited December 2009
    I don't understand how so many people act like they're being asked to perform brain surgery when presented with these controls. They're much more fluid and responsive than simple point and click, and come with the added bonus of not having every room be a flat boring place where the camera is glued to a stick.

    I'd really hate to see what you guys would do in an FPS, an MMO, a platformer, or anything else that actually requires you to have any kind of skill with WASD.
  • edited December 2009
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Instead of actually clicking the floor, you click on the screen. There's an overlay over the main screen that acts like the clicking hotspot, which then maps to the ground position, as if you were clicking on a 2D plane in a 2D adventure game. The reason is because you don't click on the scene, you click on the screen, as if you were tapping your finger on a glass window. It's hard to actually point to a point on the ground from that glass window, because it not only requires you know the field of vision, but also the point of vision. However, if you were, for example, to draw a grid on the window, and draw that same grid (with perspective in mind) on the floor, you can actually say "my finger is at B20", and then the position on the floor, B20, can actually easily be accessed.

    The way I picture it in my head is that the stuff you said works in 2D but in 3D there is a third dimension. Shock. So you can't just give the game "B20" because it also expects how far into the 3rd dimension you want to travel to - "B20 and 20 metres off into the distance" for example.

    To use your example, I can be pointing out a glass window at something outside, but unless I tell you, you won't know whether I am pointing at something 10 inches away from the window or 1 mile away.
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Now, you can still do it without seeing the floor BUT there's no way to actually get where you want to go.

    Sorry, I don't understand why there's no way to get there.
    Pale Man wrote: »
    I'd really hate to see what you guys would do in an FPS, an MMO, a platformer, or anything else that actually requires you to have any kind of skill with WASD.

    I prefer to play my adventure games relaxed. It's not at all how I would play an action game. I have no problem with WASD in other games, but it's annoying in an adventure game, even more with changing camera angles.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    One day when I have time I'll draw up a scene and frustum diagram for you guys and show you how the whole process works from start to end. Not today, though!
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    One day when I have time I'll draw up a scene and frustum diagram for you guys [ ... ]

    That would be extremely cool of you, Yare!

    I had to look up what a frustum is... thanks for embiggening my vocabulary. :D
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    This article covers the process of transforming the 3D world-space into 2D screen space (drawing stuff):

    This article covers the process of taking a point in screen space and transforming it into a ray in world space extending from the view camera (to determine what you clicked on in the game):

    For anybody interested, that is.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    This article covers the process of transforming the 3D world-space into 2D screen space (drawing stuff):

    The mathematics are way over my head, but even so that was very informative. In the perspective projection diagram, is the "eye" actually the camera?
  • edited December 2009
    I like it, it's telltale series, and they feel thats the control system they want to use, then that's what they're going to use, it took some time to get used to but I like it a lot.
  • edited December 2009
    @falance. It is not harsh it is the truth. I also could have said: Hey, i paid for this and even have not installed anything after episode 1 just because of the steering. Burnt money. And heck, i banished Monkey Island 4 for the same reason after the demo.

    And also: that is not rocket science. Have you ever thought how on earth can a doctor use a 3D interface on medical devices without a keyboard? VRT images are used in clinical systems with point and click. Works quite easily, because rotating rotates the world space. How can you point in a shooter with your mouse, how can you select troops in a strategy games which all have 3D cameras? Don't blame mathematical reasons for this steering. Just think about the following. You fire with a mouse a rocket in a line in a moving world with moving targets in a shooter. The point of view moves, the objects in the world move, the rocket moves. And now think if a shooter designer would say: It's mathematical impossible to say where the mouse has pointed to and where the rocket will fly to (Okay, many shooters only shoot in line of sight, but even the 10 year old dogs of war could have handled mouse aiming).

    Just say: We wanted some camera woblings which noone really noticed and wanted an easy solution (have you noticed that it is possible to point to an object in the game despite the mathematical impossibility to do the same for movement path?)

    @Yare As a starter I wouldn't use the wiki entries. Tom Miller explained the entry level a ot easier in his "Managed DirectX" book. And why do give an article for raytracing? DirectX doesn't do raytracing, see rasterization instead. (Raytracing would make the gameplay today a bit slow i think).

    You just can try a 3D programm, e.g. Blender and select something in a 3D view. And then explain again why this is impossible.
  • edited December 2009
    To use your example, I can be pointing out a glass window at something outside, but unless I tell you, you won't know whether I am pointing at something 10 inches away from the window or 1 mile away.

    But since we're talking about movement, and there are no hotspots, is it bad if the interface assumes it's inbetween, like half a mile as the easiest estimate? And if it's not good enough, can a more complex function help it? And if it can't be done through maths only, how much work is it to define (and test) a "click-map" for each scene, that contains the most probable 3D position for each 2D pixel (or set of pixels)? Etc, etc.
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    One day when I have time I'll draw up a scene and frustum diagram for you guys and show you how the whole process works from start to end. Not today, though!

    Care to start an E-course on 3D navigation? :D
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    The mathematics are way over my head, but even so that was very informative. In the perspective projection diagram, is the "eye" actually the camera?

    Yes. The frustum represents the camera/eye. The tip of the frustum is the camera's position, everything inside of the frustum is what will be drawn when projected into 2D.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    donut wrote:
    @Yare As a starter I wouldn't use the wiki entries. Tom Miller explained the entry level a ot easier in his "Managed DirectX" book. And why do give an article for raytracing? DirectX doesn't do raytracing, see rasterization instead. (Raytracing would make the gameplay today a bit slow i think).

    It's easier to link people to a wikipedia article than a book. I also didn't say that the raytracing was used for rendering. Raytracing is a general algorithm used any time you want to get a 3D world intersection from a 2D screen position. For example clicking on an object or highlighting it with the mouse.
    donut wrote:
    You just can try a 3D programm, e.g. Blender and select something in a 3D view. And then explain again why this is impossible.

    I never said that clicking on something in 3D when it's visible on screen is impossible. Now, open up blender. Rotate the camera so your 3D object is no longer on camera. Pray tell, where should you click if you wanted to select this object that is not visible on screen?

    Thanks for recommending that beginning game programming book, though. I'll look right into it.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    Yes. The frustum represents the camera/eye. The tip of the frustum is the camera's position, everything inside of the frustum is what will be drawn when projected into 2D.

    Thanks for taking the time to explain this, Yare - much appreciated.
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    I never said that clicking on something in 3D when it's visible on screen is impossible. Now, open up blender. Rotate the camera so your 3D object is no longer on camera. Pray tell, where should you click if you wanted to select this object that is not visible on screen?

    In the Hierarchy Editor! :D

    ok, so I cheated (and honestly, I have no clue if Blender uses higherarchy, I never did understand how it worked... but that's how I do it in Maya)
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