Irishmile, you're goddamned adorable. You have made my manheart go "squee!!!" and this does not bode well for you. Your kid looks the spit of young you, bar the Asianess of course
You know that's not a current photo of him now, right?
(I'm just kidding, you obviously know that. I just really wanted to say that because it's funny to think of a child having a child)
(I'm just kidding, you obviously know that. I just really wanted to say that because it's funny to think of a child having a child
Funny you should say that.... I did look like a kid with a kid in 1999. Here is me holding one of my twin daughters... Followed by the twins how they look today.......
Warning look away if you do not like proud fathers showing off pics of his kids.
And might as well see my wife too... then you have seen all of us.
Irishmile, both you and your son have a smile that says you're on the verge of doing something naughty.
Oh, that's just a kid's thing :P
Irish> I thought you only had a son! Glad you finally showed your daughters too, wouldn't be fair showing off you son only :P
I can see some of your wife in all your kids, although I guess your daughters look a lot less like you that your son does. That's probably normal though
So, twins? Did you expect it? Do they run in either or your families? Must be weird not only having one child when you used to have none, but two at once!
@ Avistew... when I found out I was going to be a father of 2 I was only 17 they were born less than a month after my 18th birthday... I was a terrified young man then... I grew up really fast... and I am pleased to say they are now 11 and are exceptional young ladies and we get compliments all the time from people how polite and well behaved they are... pretty good for two kids raising kids.
@ fealiks yea it hurt they came out side by side and throwing their elbows around.... I think they hated me.... er wait ok not really... one was born naturally and the other was born c section due to complications and my wife almost dieing during childbirth... I suppose that's from only being 4'11" and 95lbs pregnant with big headed half Irish twins.
Oh man your daughter looks like a carbon copy of your wife.... well I suppose technically that would be pretty accurate...
As for your sons carpet burn... that is how it always goes you plan for pictures your kids find a way to get hurt with visible marks on their face... I think we have pics like that of our kids too.
one was born naturally and the other was born c section due to complications and my wife almost dieing during childbirth... I suppose that's from only being 4'11" and 95lbs pregnant with big headed half Irish twins.
Oh wow, I'm glad she was okay in the end. And apparently able to have at least another kid after that, too
Musically> Wow, your daughter does look a lot like your wife!
That's so weird, in my family neither of us looks much like our parents or each other, and in the pictures here, kids seem to look just like their parents! Maybe you can't see it when you're in the middle of it?
That's definitely a factor for me. I know I can't see anything of either of us in our own kids. Looking at these pictures now I guess I can see my wife in my daughter a little. At least they have the same expressions. Beyond that I can't see anything. Weird isn't it?
(I'm relieved by the absence of scary animals in your pictures That's probably the main reason I don't see myself going to Australia, I'd be too scared of them).
(I'm relieved by the absence of scary animals in your pictures That's probably the main reason I don't see myself going to Australia, I'd be too scared of them).
I heard that Australia is statistically the safest country to live in.
I heard that Australia is statistically the safest country to live in.
Note how I said "scary" not "dangerous". I'm only scared of their physical appearance (phobias, etc) which is why I'm glad they were in none of the pictures.
(I'm relieved by the absence of scary animals in your pictures That's probably the main reason I don't see myself going to Australia, I'd be too scared of them).
Thank you.
Actually, there is a Kangaroo in the pictures!
I heard about a Kangaroo getting chased by a dog, and the Kangaroo led him to this creek where he grabbed the dog in his neck and held him under water so he choked!
And Koala's seem to be able to get really bloodthirsty too if you wake them up!
Thank you.
Actually, there is a Kangaroo in the pictures!
I heard about a Kangaroo getting chased by a dog, and the Kangaroo led him to this creek where he grabbed the dog in his neck and held him under water so he choked!
And Koala's seem to be able to get really bloodthirsty too if you wake them up!
But they're both mammals, and mammals don't scare me. Only arachnids do.
It's possible for kangaroos to almost disembowel a person by kicking them.
Anyway, the spiders and things aren't really that big of a problem. I've never seen very many spiders where I live. The Sydney funnelweb is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world, though, and it only really lives in Sydney.
And in the tropics, you should be more worried about the crocodiles. Don't ever go swimming in a body of water in the tropics.
Also, don't pick a blue ringed octopus up from a tide pool, or anywhere, because it will kill you.
And don't run into a wombat with a car. They'll be fine, but the car won't be.
Uh ... Joop? Are you giving the Sydney Opera House the finger? (That makes my traditional "v" fingers sign look a little vanilla in comparison ...) And Irishmile, your wife is one tough lady. I love kids, but if I almost died the first time I gave birth I'd be scared of getting pregnant again. I'd also like to say I support everyone's posting of their adorable children and/or adorable, deadly Australian animals. Anybody got a bunyip pic they wanna post?
You know that's not a current photo of him now, right?
(I'm just kidding, you obviously know that. I just really wanted to say that because it's funny to think of a child having a child)
(God, I'm a child)
Funny you should say that.... I did look like a kid with a kid in 1999. Here is me holding one of my twin daughters... Followed by the twins how they look today.......
Warning look away if you do not like proud fathers showing off pics of his kids.
And might as well see my wife too... then you have seen all of us.
Aaaaargh! My eyes... my eyes!
Oh, that's just a kid's thing :P
Irish> I thought you only had a son! Glad you finally showed your daughters too, wouldn't be fair showing off you son only :P
I can see some of your wife in all your kids, although I guess your daughters look a lot less like you that your son does. That's probably normal though
So, twins? Did you expect it? Do they run in either or your families? Must be weird not only having one child when you used to have none, but two at once!
@ fealiks yea it hurt they came out side by side and throwing their elbows around.... I think they hated me.... er wait ok not really... one was born naturally and the other was born c section due to complications and my wife almost dieing during childbirth... I suppose that's from only being 4'11" and 95lbs pregnant with big headed half Irish twins.
Wife and kids:
My son had taken a little fall down the stairs that day and got a bit of a carpet burn on his cheek and nose, which is why it's red.
As for your sons carpet burn... that is how it always goes you plan for pictures your kids find a way to get hurt with visible marks on their face... I think we have pics like that of our kids too.
Oh wow, I'm glad she was okay in the end. And apparently able to have at least another kid after that, too
Musically> Wow, your daughter does look a lot like your wife!
That's so weird, in my family neither of us looks much like our parents or each other, and in the pictures here, kids seem to look just like their parents! Maybe you can't see it when you're in the middle of it?
Here's some pictures I've recently uploaded of my trip to Australia!
(I'm relieved by the absence of scary animals in your pictures
I heard that Australia is statistically the safest country to live in.
(He is dreaming of the taste of your flesh)
Note how I said "scary" not "dangerous". I'm only scared of their physical appearance (phobias, etc) which is why I'm glad they were in none of the pictures.
Thank you.
Actually, there is a Kangaroo in the pictures!
I heard about a Kangaroo getting chased by a dog, and the Kangaroo led him to this creek where he grabbed the dog in his neck and held him under water so he choked!
And Koala's seem to be able to get really bloodthirsty too if you wake them up!
Cute yet vicious, very Max like. I want one!
But they're both mammals, and mammals don't scare me. Only arachnids do.
Anyway, the spiders and things aren't really that big of a problem. I've never seen very many spiders where I live. The Sydney funnelweb is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world, though, and it only really lives in Sydney.
And in the tropics, you should be more worried about the crocodiles. Don't ever go swimming in a body of water in the tropics.
Also, don't pick a blue ringed octopus up from a tide pool, or anywhere, because it will kill you.
And don't run into a wombat with a car. They'll be fine, but the car won't be.
Oh yeah, found it.
Damn your mustache is pretty.
The 80´s were wild man, i tell you, when i was not drooling myself, i was lying half naked over some table.
Looks to me like he's "throwing the horns".
Curse you, Opera House!!!
No, I loved it. Just a bit smaller then I expected.
I'm throwing the horns, like ShaggE said.
Conor (my son) was unplanned ... but yeah Zua (my wife) is a trooper.
Me on a good day, on the left.
That was my cousin and me, and here is a full color photo of just me.
edit: and not the good kind of hurt.
And your beard looks interesting.
My hair is Un naturaly soft, and my beard is an awesome power much like a Kracken when it is enraged all shall feel it's wrath.
You're... Liz Lee!
This is me (with a sexy, unkempt 3-day beard):
Tired but happy as we all survived. :O)