I don't really post pictures of myself online, but here's a picture of my newborn daughter, Susan. You might recognize her. She's in a commercial, once.
Actually, I think you're cute. However, I am legally blind... Don't shoot me either.
Thanks. Your being (legally) blind isn't guessable from your photos. I think you're cute too. Now I will get shot for flirting. (Having said that, Avistew is still alive...)
Well as we can see the facial hair is in the rise again!
I've had a beard like this since my 3rd year at uni, with occasional full shaves for fancy dress and face paint. I get IDed when I'm clean-shaven, would you believe. Like Guybrush, mine is usually in my other pants.
Why hello there incredibly handsome LeChuck's Revenge Guybrush. Also is it just me or does JedExodus look like Sam Rockwell but less happy?
He does look like Guybrush doesn't he, how's a guy supposed to compete with that on this forum!
And it's not easy being JedEx ya know, I gotta come up with those TF2 event names for the Steam group and stuff. The weight of the world is on my shoulders dammit!!
Thanks. Your being (legally) blind isn't guessable from your photos. I think you're cute too. Now I will get shot for flirting. (Having said that, Avistew is still alive...)
Yes, but they've locked me in a basement. Help! I want to escape! Come and free me! I'm in California!
Yes, but they've locked me in a basement. Help! I want to escape! Come and free me! I'm in California!
I never got how the Telltale team feel about you. Are they amused, creeped out or apathetic? Jake's probably scared you'll do a plushie of him, complete with his tattoo/birthmark/whatever that nobody else knows about! I reckon you should do one and send it in anyway, come to think of it! Jake's head should be easy after Sam.
Edit: Shit, that's more off-topic than I planned. Erm...*tries unsuccessfully to get back on track* I'd like to free you but I fear I may be spotted on the way...by your husband...
Hehe... not saucy, just a tad irresponsible. I'm a bit older than most here and lately have been feeling like I have a duty of care towards the younglings. One of these days I'll be a proper grown-up.
You got a lot more class than me, Tope... I'd post the pic from last night I sent you, but don't think it would be terribly appropriate.
Tell me about it, most photos of me involve this wild-haired thing that looks like he's hiding other people inside him waving a faeg about and usually in the middle of shouting something
Tell me about it, most photos of me involve this wild-haired thing that looks like he's hiding other people inside him waving a faeg about and usually in the middle of shouting something
You're Irish! You're supposed to look like that, it's natural.
Please don't shoot me...
Why hello there incredibly handsome LeChuck's Revenge Guybrush. Also is it just me or does JedExodus look like Sam Rockwell but less happy?
Actually, I think you're cute. However, I am legally blind... Don't shoot me either.
This is my Pedro Rodriguez cosplay :P
Thanks. Your being (legally) blind isn't guessable from your photos. I think you're cute too. Now I will get shot for flirting. (Having said that, Avistew is still alive...)
I've had a beard like this since my 3rd year at uni, with occasional full shaves for fancy dress and face paint. I get IDed when I'm clean-shaven, would you believe. Like Guybrush, mine is usually in my other pants.
This is me last month, defying the laws of gravity.
In the end, gravity won.
He does look like Guybrush doesn't he, how's a guy supposed to compete with that on this forum!
And it's not easy being JedEx ya know, I gotta come up with those TF2 event names for the Steam group and stuff. The weight of the world is on my shoulders dammit!!
Yes, but they've locked me in a basement. Help! I want to escape! Come and free me! I'm in California!
I never got how the Telltale team feel about you. Are they amused, creeped out or apathetic? Jake's probably scared you'll do a plushie of him, complete with his tattoo/birthmark/whatever that nobody else knows about! I reckon you should do one and send it in anyway, come to think of it!
Edit: Shit, that's more off-topic than I planned. Erm...*tries unsuccessfully to get back on track* I'd like to free you but I fear I may be spotted on the way...by your husband...
Grr, politicians...
Speaking of politicians... Say, Avi, did you take the Machiavelli test?
No, I was lazy about it. But I'd probably score very low, I'm terrible at lying and stuff like that.
Either you've all shrunk or you have found a terrifyingly large DeLorean.
Crap, it's a clown car filled with nerds. The wold is doomed. DOOMED.
Your comment is better than mine. :<
Well hello there, Mr Van Helgen!
also a pug.
me and cello about a year ago. we're pretty cool.
I validate this statement.
pic of me yesterday
it was a silly party
If it's a saucy one, I'd like to see it.
PM me
Hehe... not saucy, just a tad irresponsible. I'm a bit older than most here and lately have been feeling like I have a duty of care towards the younglings. One of these days I'll be a proper grown-up.
Sheesh. What's the fun in that?
Hear, hear!
I hope you drank your darjiling pinkies up. It's the mark of a true lady
Tell me about it, most photos of me involve this wild-haired thing that looks like he's hiding other people inside him waving a faeg about and usually in the middle of shouting something
You're Irish! You're supposed to look like that, it's natural.
THIS! Jed, are you secretly Dylan Moran? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.