Wow, I was playing sniper the other day, testing out my polycount weapons(NO I did not buy them, I traded them with some metal someone needed) and someone asked me for my "bunny hat" I told him Im not trading my max hat and he acted like I was an idiot. Wow some people just dont get it.
Also Just got the holy mackral. Love it and am replacing it as my main bat.
It is currently out of date, the one time we did try to use it it was laggy as hell for everyone but me.
We need to find a Harvest Event server thats occupied and based on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic, so to give equal ping to both US and UK guys.
Wow a few things happened today.
1.the crate thing got so bad to the point that one guy started saying he would give a bunch of weapons just if one of us opened the crate for him. I was the one that opened the crate for him(I bought a few keys just to try the whole crate thing out, and no longer will buy them) and he gave me, The eternal award, the darwinien shield(or whatever) to open it and when I gave him what's inside(purple paint) he gave me a pyro medal for keeping my word.
2.A got an epic save of a pyro who killed me, but I dont know how to load it up. Anyone know how, I did save it I know that, just where is it.
3.Someone offered me so many hats for my entire sam and max gear, I refused gently saying I am a fan of sam and max and will not give them away. He then offered me again, and again to the point where I just quit.
Yeah it was a good day, and its not even noon where I live:D
And if anyone knows how to get the picture I saved, I will post it here.
3.Someone offered me so many hats for my entire sam and max gear, I refused gently saying I am a fan of sam and max and will not give them away. He then offered me again, and again to the point where I just quit.
I know what you mean. I get 2-4 trade requests for my Max-hat everytime I enter a server.
I always tell people who ask for the Sam and Max items "Good luck with that." You can't get them and anyone who has them aren't giving them up unless they pre-ordered twice in one week, which is not likely because who would preorder something twice that they get pretty much infinite downloads of
That Spy with the Sniper disguise.... holy crap, that's awesome.
That would be me, so thanks. We're going to Photoshop those last few pictures so it looks like I'm backstabbing the Scout and decloaking.
Also, I should mention that the maple syrup with the Sniper disguise is a stand-in for our BLU Sniper friend who lives in Canada. His name on Steam is Captain, so the Captain Morgan pose is also for him.
Oh god. Spy used to be my favourite class in TF2. I love it more then anyone else
But it is so many of us now and i am a trusty follower of TF2 i got it on relase date
Had the game of my life earlier today as Spy. It wasn't impressive to anybody with skill, but to me, 'twas glorious. Triple backstabbed a Heavy, Engie, and Demo before any of them could react (and they all knew I was there, to show how quickly I was moving). Toyed with an Engie for a good while by popping out, placing a sapper, then cloaking and hiding... over and over and over again, just to piss him off. Just generally running around 2Fort causing havoc.
Sadly, I switched to Scout for a round and never got my groove back when I went Spy again. Some Demo with an Eyelander seemed to be on top of me no matter what I tried.
I always tell people who ask for the Sam and Max items "Good luck with that." You can't get them and anyone who has them aren't giving them up unless they pre-ordered twice in one week, which is not likely because who would preorder something twice that they get pretty much infinite downloads of
I did, I got it from TT then on STEAM.I only collected one pair of the Sam and Max items, didn't know I could get two.
No code there for me, but if I could I'd give the hat to my fiance. She love's Max so much.
Actually, scratch my two pre-orders. Only one, through STEAM. I was going to pre-order through here but something went wrong with my card so I said screw it. I then got it with the Sam and Max complete.
Which then brought me upto owning Season 2 twice, Season 1 twice, and Season 3 Twice.
Erm... this may be a really stupid question (I'm relatively new to this game), but whilst I was playing online, I saw myself. At first I thought it was someone else wearing the Max hat and thought 'yay! A fellow fan!' but the name came up as jeeno. So I thought it was a strange bug and left it alone. Well, I kept seeing it so I decided to kill it, which worked. So my question is; was that a spy or something disguising itself as me?
Erm... this may be a really stupid question (I'm relatively new to this game), but whilst I was playing online, I saw myself. At first I thought it was someone else wearing the Max hat and thought 'yay! A fellow fan!' but the name came up as jeeno. So I thought it was a strange bug and left it alone. Well, I kept seeing it so I decided to kill it, which worked. So my question is; was that a spy or something disguising itself as me?
What's really great is when a Spy tries to disguise as a class that nobody on your team is playing as and gets randomly assigned your name. I think I was playing Soldier once and saw a Scout on my team named GuruGuru214 running around.
What's really great is when a Spy tries to disguise as a class that nobody on your team is playing as and gets randomly assigned your name. I think I was playing Soldier once and saw a Scout on my team named GuruGuru214 running around.
Spying as Scout is worthless. It's obvious when you're not a real Scout as you're not as fast and not double jumping everywhere.
^ Yeah, I don't see any practical application for a Scout disguise.
Personally, I only disguise as characters that aren't constantly shooting/at the frontline/Medic. Makes it a lot easier to play off your lack of shooting as natural. Engie is almost TOO easy in particular.
Basically, if they're a pryo and not flaming everyone when in base: spy.
If you're not double jumping as Scout: Spy.
If you're a Heavy and you're near the front lines and your gun isn't spinning: Spy.
If you're a Medic and not healing: Spy.
If you're an Engie and you're too far away from your buildings: Spy.
If you're a Demo and you're not laying stickies, or charging: Spy.
If you're a Soldier and not rocket jumping, Spy.
If you're a Sniper and not in a sniping zone: Spy.
If you're a Spy and in your base digused and not messing with the enemy: Enemy Spy.
^ Yeah, I don't see any practical application for a Scout disguise.
Personally, I only disguise as characters that aren't constantly shooting/at the frontline/Medic. Makes it a lot easier to play off your lack of shooting as natural. Engie is almost TOO easy in particular.
People ger persnickkity at me when I don't heal them wen i'm disguised as medic, my personal favourite is a retreating demoman...mostly cos then it's just a case of tapping 4 twice quickly
Tangent: I love following an unpleasant teammate around as Pyro, constantly blasting my flamethrower and yelling "Spy check!". Great way to make them ragequit without ruining the game for everyone else.
Pyro and demo are probably the worst disguises for a spy, given that 90% of spies disguise as them. That means the enemy are more likely to check you than the others. The other one really not worth any effort is the spy. Someone sees a spy, they're likely to check him, even if he's a friendly spy.
The heavy and soldier disguises work well for on the front, heavy in particular as its an unlikely class to disguise as, though the slowness can obviously cost you. But being a heavy always attracts medics to ubercharge you, which unleashes a barrel of s/laughter. Engineer and sniper are usually the best for behind enemy lines, and the ability to change the weapon you appear to be holding comes more into play here.
Ultimately, the trick is not to rely too much on disguises, and on picking targets carefully. Disguises are there to cover you from monentary glances preferably from a distance, or against a sentry. I've always played spy on the principle of don't get seen at all, disguised or not, until you've made your attack.
The new spy knife is teaching me the importance if not being seen, disciplining me to be more careful of my route and learning ammo locations. It's def better than being seen to be spychecked at all
Tangent: I love following an unpleasant teammate around as Pyro, constantly blasting my flamethrower and yelling "Spy check!". Great way to make them ragequit without ruining the game for everyone else.
Also Just got the holy mackral. Love it and am replacing it as my main bat.
why not the TT server?
We need to find a Harvest Event server thats occupied and based on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic, so to give equal ping to both US and UK guys.
Without a doubt. I didn't use any other weapon after I found it just so I could get as many FISH KILLs as possible.
It was buggy for me too when I played a while ago.
That Spy with the Sniper disguise.... holy crap, that's awesome.
1.the crate thing got so bad to the point that one guy started saying he would give a bunch of weapons just if one of us opened the crate for him. I was the one that opened the crate for him(I bought a few keys just to try the whole crate thing out, and no longer will buy them) and he gave me, The eternal award, the darwinien shield(or whatever) to open it and when I gave him what's inside(purple paint) he gave me a pyro medal for keeping my word.
2.A got an epic save of a pyro who killed me, but I dont know how to load it up. Anyone know how, I did save it I know that, just where is it.
3.Someone offered me so many hats for my entire sam and max gear, I refused gently saying I am a fan of sam and max and will not give them away. He then offered me again, and again to the point where I just quit.
Yeah it was a good day, and its not even noon where I live:D
And if anyone knows how to get the picture I saved, I will post it here.
yeah. They remind me of the horse-****-replacement for the scout-bat that some crazy guy made.
I know what you mean. I get 2-4 trade requests for my Max-hat everytime I enter a server.
That would be me, so thanks. We're going to Photoshop those last few pictures so it looks like I'm backstabbing the Scout and decloaking.
Also, I should mention that the maple syrup with the Sniper disguise is a stand-in for our BLU Sniper friend who lives in Canada. His name on Steam is Captain, so the Captain Morgan pose is also for him.
But it is so many of us now
Sadly, I switched to Scout for a round and never got my groove back when I went Spy again. Some Demo with an Eyelander seemed to be on top of me no matter what I tried.
I did, I got it from TT then on STEAM.I only collected one pair of the Sam and Max items, didn't know I could get two.
Obligatory: Can I have the extra hat?
(To get the extra items, go to and enter the code into your Steam account.)
No code there for me, but if I could I'd give the hat to my fiance. She love's Max so much.
Actually, scratch my two pre-orders. Only one, through STEAM. I was going to pre-order through here but something went wrong with my card so I said screw it. I then got it with the Sam and Max complete.
Which then brought me upto owning Season 2 twice, Season 1 twice, and Season 3 Twice.
Spying as Scout is worthless. It's obvious when you're not a real Scout as you're not as fast and not double jumping everywhere.
Personally, I only disguise as characters that aren't constantly shooting/at the frontline/Medic. Makes it a lot easier to play off your lack of shooting as natural. Engie is almost TOO easy in particular.
If you're not double jumping as Scout: Spy.
If you're a Heavy and you're near the front lines and your gun isn't spinning: Spy.
If you're a Medic and not healing: Spy.
If you're an Engie and you're too far away from your buildings: Spy.
If you're a Demo and you're not laying stickies, or charging: Spy.
If you're a Soldier and not rocket jumping, Spy.
If you're a Sniper and not in a sniping zone: Spy.
If you're a Spy and in your base digused and not messing with the enemy: Enemy Spy.
My quick list of Spy checking.
I hope Valve brings back the Halloween stuff this year. KOTH Harvest is my favorite map and Harvest Event makes it even better!
People ger persnickkity at me when I don't heal them wen i'm disguised as medic, my personal favourite is a retreating demoman...mostly cos then it's just a case of tapping 4 twice quickly
The heavy and soldier disguises work well for on the front, heavy in particular as its an unlikely class to disguise as, though the slowness can obviously cost you. But being a heavy always attracts medics to ubercharge you, which unleashes a barrel of s/laughter. Engineer and sniper are usually the best for behind enemy lines, and the ability to change the weapon you appear to be holding comes more into play here.
Ultimately, the trick is not to rely too much on disguises, and on picking targets carefully. Disguises are there to cover you from monentary glances preferably from a distance, or against a sentry. I've always played spy on the principle of don't get seen at all, disguised or not, until you've made your attack.
I do that, but with air blast.