Bummer. I may miss it then. It all depends on how early we leave our hotel. Out of curiousity, how do you know? I searched all over Steam and couldn't find an info on the sale. It'll be handy to know where to look next time something like this happens.
Bummer. I may miss it then. It all depends on how early we leave our hotel. Out of curiousity, how do you know? I searched all over Steam and couldn't find an info on the sale. It'll be handy to know where to look next time something like this happens.
It's on the front page... er, sometimes. The "Spotlight" area (which is currently showing Magic the Gathering for me) sometimes shows TF2 and mentions that the sale lasts through Monday. That was also mentioned in the pop-up Steam news that shows when you open up Steam, or quit out of a game. (I really wish Valve would allow that news to be accessed some other way, they don't always put the same info in the news feed as they do in that pop-up.)
EDIT: I have lost an item to crafting as well. Some posters on the Steam forums have gotten their items back, others (like me) have not. It seems that if your crafting failed completely, the items re-appear. If you had a bug where the wrong thing was crafted, it may take longer or not at all.
I have lost an item to crafting as well. Some posters on the Steam forums have gotten their items back, others (like me) have not. It seems that if your crafting failed completely, the items re-appear. If you had a bug where the wrong thing was crafted, it may take longer or not at all.
Mine was weird. I started to craft, then it said "Server Failed", so I started to remove an apperently unnessasary item. Right in the middle of moving it, it completed the craft on it's own(without me restarting the craft) and everything but my cursor froze. I needed to Ctrl+Alt+Del out of TF2, and when I got back, I had only 3 items out of the 6 original items I previously had, plus one "non-existant" item(I only had 3 items visible, but my backpack said 4).
On the other hand, the Medic got yet another saw. It's official, Valve hates the Medic. It's the class with the least variety in items and gameplay. This only means that even fewer people are going to be playing medic in the future. I love the class, but I hate being the only medic on huge teams.
I played this for an hour or two the other night (finally!) and loved it, but I suck tail... I think I died like 30 times in just the FIRST training mission... (but then my play style is much more suited to Spy/Sniper than Heavy, I like to pick off enimies one-by-one not charge out in the middle of the surge and let loose a barage of rockets...
when I get better I may join the TTG server for a game. I'd love to kick two certain employee's butts for killing off Max! (all in fun, of course lol)
So... the Polycount pack. Can you get the stuff through drops, or do they seriously expect me to shell out sixty bucks on it? (spoiler: not gonna happen, Valve)
Also, I wish they had rolled that pack out in pieces. I popped on tonight and was completely overwhelmed by all the new weapons. A number of which could easily be major game changers.
So... the Polycount pack. Can you get the stuff through drops, or do they seriously expect me to shell out sixty bucks on it?
You can get it all through random drops, and most of it through crafting as well (though crafting is bugged at the moment, and you risk losing items). Also, don't forget about trading. Maybe some of us with extra items will be willing to swap with others.
That's a relief. (and it makes the price point even more ridiculous)
Don't get me wrong, though. I'm all for having my paychecks sent directly to Valve every week, and they deserve it after all the free stuff they've given us. But charging the price of a brand new console game for what's basically an officially sanctioned mod... ehhh, no. I can be pretty impatient, but I'll just wait for my dripfeed of drops, thanks.
It reminds me of Unlock DLCs. "For ten bucks, you can unlock everything in the game! What a deal! So much easier than unwieldy cheat codes or gameplay!"
Consider it sn experiment. I call bullshit on the polycount packs adding additional perks when you have them all equipped. It in a round-about way makes hat gameplay affecting and needs to be sorted out pronto. Bar that and the ridiculous prices Valve are charging (£12 for a new hat? Have you lost it gaben?) the update's pretty good. The duelling's actually quite reasonably priced. And of course trading everywhere.
Crafted Spy's new gun last night by the way, crafting recipies are the same as other community weapons, just combine two items. In this case these ones all use a Reclaimed Metal and whatever weapon
Huh, now that I'm looking at my backpack, I'm reminded that I need to remember to unequip the K.G.B. Not that I play Heavy enough for it to mater anyway.
I've found it's gotten better since they regulated the random drops (I tend to get a drop every hour of play give or take a few minutes), but it doesn't help when they're still random and you get stuff like 5 Spy watches in a row when you don't ever play Spy. :mad:
Anybody have a spare Pyro beanie or glove hat they'd be willing to part with? I'd kill a man for one of those.
I've found it's gotten better since they regulated the random drops (I tend to get a drop every hour of play give or take a few minutes), but it doesn't help when they're still random and you get stuff like 5 Spy watches in a row when you don't ever play Spy. :mad:
Anybody have a spare Pyro beanie or glove hat they'd be willing to part with? I'd kill a man for one of those.
My bro has the rubber glove if you wanna negotiate him for it he says he doesn't even like it, the goon. All I have is a Killers Kabuto, Gibus and Max head
Making hats craftable doesn't fix the problem. It may make it easier for someone who spends a lot of time playing/idling to manage to get a hat, but the hat still provides a bonus with no drawback.
Two scouts, one plays a few hours a week, the other plays dozens and spends even more time idling (or paid money)
Scout A
No special hat because hats are hard to find or craft.
Scout B
Milkmans Hat
Scout B has a straight up +25 HP advantage. Their loadouts are otherwise identical, with the same capabilities. Scout B just spent more time/money collecting items and gets to have a substantial amount of health added, because they've invested a lot more into the game. Not skill based, purely about time and or money.
My bro has the rubber glove if you wanna negotiate him for it he says he doesn't even like it, the goon. All I have is a Killers Kabuto, Gibus and Max head
Would he mind a couple of extra Spy watches? I literally have nothing good to trade and I like my Max head.
Would he mind a couple of extra Spy watches? I literally have nothing good to trade and I like my Max head.
Nahhh we're coming down with spy watches in this house i'm afraid. If you could craft the new sniper rifle (aka the piss-rifle) he'd probably be tempted as he loves him some sniper despite my cries of "WOULD YOU EVER QUIT PLAYING SNIPER YOU CAMPING HOOR!!"
There is one problem with the new update. Random people entering chat to want your items. Some guy named Angus wanted to trade his items for my two Sam and Max guns that I already got in a gift. The only thing I possibly would want to trade was one weapon for the Worms hat, which he told me he had. I then looked in his game list, to find out he didn't have Worms. I then asked who he was on the forums. He said he does not go to the forums, even though he is a TTG fan, apperently. I left him by saying that I don't trade with people I've never heard of before that randomly want to chat with me.
TL;DR: Beware a user named Angus. He will want your Sam and Max items, and lie about his items.
EDIT: I found out in his backpack that he did have the Worms items, but I've decided I will NEVER trade my Sam and Max items.
Nahhh we're coming down with spy watches in this house i'm afraid. If you could craft the new sniper rifle (aka the piss-rifle) he'd probably be tempted as he loves him some sniper despite my cries of "WOULD YOU EVER QUIT PLAYING SNIPER YOU CAMPING HOOR!!"
Yeah, that's the recipe. It'd sure be nice if crafting weren't broken. I combined those two, hit a glitch and ended up with my Huntsman vaporized and three scrap metal.
As for set bonuses, it'd be nice if all 5 had some drawback to having the complete set. Right now, there are drawbacks for Spy and Pyro, but none of the others. The Spy drawback also doesn't apply to the Dead Ringer for the first 8 seconds and makes the DR as quiet as the other cloaking devices.
Which is why, during the TellTale event the other day, I used the DR with the new knife. Which worked really well on koth_nucleus because of high Sniper population on that map.
Side note: The new knife introduces one new thing Spy and Sniper players both need to be aware of.
If you're equipped with Your Eternal Reward, backstabbing a Razorback Sniper will now disguise you.
While I'm at it, here's a Spy-related bug:
If you backstab someone while carrying the intel while using Your Eternal Reward, you will disguise as them but the Intel will look like it's stuck in your feet.
For all Telltalliance members: TF2 event starting now!
I don't know if this is what you mean by TellTale alliance, but it'd be nice if the TellTale group could schedule events farther out, rather than just the day they happen. For example, right now, the only event on my Upcoming Events list is the OCReMix TF2 Halloween event that I'm running. Yet, I know there are several TellTale events every week; I miss some of them due to playing elsewhere at the time.
I don't know if this is what you mean by TellTale alliance, but it'd be nice if the TellTale team could schedule events farther out, rather than just the day they happen. For example, right now, the only event on my Upcoming Events list is the OCReMix TF2 Halloween event that I'm running. Yet, I know there are several TellTale events every week; I miss some of them due to playing elsewhere at the time.
So if you have a friend, and trade them something super rare to be nice, you can get automatically banned? That's pretty horrible, tbh.
According to quite a few complaints on STEAM forums that's what's happening. There was one guy who his friend gifted him a Tower of Hats and he got VAC'd for "scamming". He's currently waiting for customerservice to un VAC him.
Ok, how I craft the big pile of hats? (What's its name again?)
There's no recipie for it. You just randomy had a chance to get it when you crafted two sets of hats, but when crafting you also had a chance to get any other hat.
According to quite a few complaints on STEAM forums that's what's happening. There was one guy who his friend gifted him a Tower of Hats and he got VAC'd for "scamming". He's currently waiting for customerservice to un VAC him.
The Steam user forums are not a reliable place for information. There are troll posts all the time there, and a lot of out-right liars. I've also seen threads there claiming to have emails from Robin Walker saying that there is no automated ban system, and that all scam reports are handled by humans.
I think I've commit acts of satan worship. Just last week I got a Whiskered Gentleman. I go to collect my drops today and WHABAM, THERE IT IS. BATTER'S HELM.
Bummer. I may miss it then. It all depends on how early we leave our hotel. Out of curiousity, how do you know? I searched all over Steam and couldn't find an info on the sale. It'll be handy to know where to look next time something like this happens.
It's on the front page... er, sometimes. The "Spotlight" area (which is currently showing Magic the Gathering for me) sometimes shows TF2 and mentions that the sale lasts through Monday. That was also mentioned in the pop-up Steam news that shows when you open up Steam, or quit out of a game. (I really wish Valve would allow that news to be accessed some other way, they don't always put the same info in the news feed as they do in that pop-up.)
EDIT: I have lost an item to crafting as well. Some posters on the Steam forums have gotten their items back, others (like me) have not. It seems that if your crafting failed completely, the items re-appear. If you had a bug where the wrong thing was crafted, it may take longer or not at all.
Mine was weird. I started to craft, then it said "Server Failed", so I started to remove an apperently unnessasary item. Right in the middle of moving it, it completed the craft on it's own(without me restarting the craft) and everything but my cursor froze. I needed to Ctrl+Alt+Del out of TF2, and when I got back, I had only 3 items out of the 6 original items I previously had, plus one "non-existant" item(I only had 3 items visible, but my backpack said 4).
On the other hand, the Medic got yet another saw. It's official, Valve hates the Medic. It's the class with the least variety in items and gameplay. This only means that even fewer people are going to be playing medic in the future. I love the class, but I hate being the only medic on huge teams.
when I get better I may join the TTG server for a game. I'd love to kick two certain employee's butts for killing off Max! (all in fun, of course
Also, I wish they had rolled that pack out in pieces. I popped on tonight and was completely overwhelmed by all the new weapons. A number of which could easily be major game changers.
You can get it all through random drops, and most of it through crafting as well (though crafting is bugged at the moment, and you risk losing items). Also, don't forget about trading. Maybe some of us with extra items will be willing to swap with others.
Don't get me wrong, though. I'm all for having my paychecks sent directly to Valve every week, and they deserve it after all the free stuff they've given us. But charging the price of a brand new console game for what's basically an officially sanctioned mod... ehhh, no. I can be pretty impatient, but I'll just wait for my dripfeed of drops, thanks.
It reminds me of Unlock DLCs. "For ten bucks, you can unlock everything in the game! What a deal! So much easier than unwieldy cheat codes or gameplay!"
Crafted Spy's new gun last night by the way, crafting recipies are the same as other community weapons, just combine two items. In this case these ones all use a Reclaimed Metal and whatever weapon
EDIT: valve sorted it, well played
It's not a knock on the game, I just can't sink hundreds of hours into ANY game unless it's over the course of many years.
Anybody have a spare Pyro beanie or glove hat they'd be willing to part with? I'd kill a man for one of those.
My bro has the rubber glove if you wanna negotiate him for it he says he doesn't even like it, the goon. All I have is a Killers Kabuto, Gibus and Max head
Making hats craftable doesn't fix the problem. It may make it easier for someone who spends a lot of time playing/idling to manage to get a hat, but the hat still provides a bonus with no drawback.
Two scouts, one plays a few hours a week, the other plays dozens and spends even more time idling (or paid money)
Scout A
No special hat because hats are hard to find or craft.
Scout B
Milkmans Hat
Scout B has a straight up +25 HP advantage. Their loadouts are otherwise identical, with the same capabilities. Scout B just spent more time/money collecting items and gets to have a substantial amount of health added, because they've invested a lot more into the game. Not skill based, purely about time and or money.
That's what's wrong with set bonuses.
gave my guns away already. I am keaping Max's head though.
Would he mind a couple of extra Spy watches? I literally have nothing good to trade and I like my Max head.
Nahhh we're coming down with spy watches in this house i'm afraid. If you could craft the new sniper rifle (aka the piss-rifle) he'd probably be tempted as he loves him some sniper despite my cries of "WOULD YOU EVER QUIT PLAYING SNIPER YOU CAMPING HOOR!!"
TL;DR: Beware a user named Angus. He will want your Sam and Max items, and lie about his items.
EDIT: I found out in his backpack that he did have the Worms items, but I've decided I will NEVER trade my Sam and Max items.
Reclaimed Metal + Huntsman
Yeah, that's the recipe. It'd sure be nice if crafting weren't broken. I combined those two, hit a glitch and ended up with my Huntsman vaporized and three scrap metal.
As for set bonuses, it'd be nice if all 5 had some drawback to having the complete set. Right now, there are drawbacks for Spy and Pyro, but none of the others. The Spy drawback also doesn't apply to the Dead Ringer for the first 8 seconds and makes the DR as quiet as the other cloaking devices.
Which is why, during the TellTale event the other day, I used the DR with the new knife. Which worked really well on koth_nucleus because of high Sniper population on that map.
Side note: The new knife introduces one new thing Spy and Sniper players both need to be aware of.
If you're equipped with Your Eternal Reward, backstabbing a Razorback Sniper will now disguise you.
While I'm at it, here's a Spy-related bug:
If you backstab someone while carrying the intel while using Your Eternal Reward, you will disguise as them but the Intel will look like it's stuck in your feet.
I don't know if this is what you mean by TellTale alliance, but it'd be nice if the TellTale group could schedule events farther out, rather than just the day they happen. For example, right now, the only event on my Upcoming Events list is the OCReMix TF2 Halloween event that I'm running. Yet, I know there are several TellTale events every week; I miss some of them due to playing elsewhere at the time.
No, I meant this group: http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19594
So can I trade items for this steam wallet, because that would be awesome.
So if you have a friend, and trade them something super rare to be nice, you can get automatically banned? That's pretty horrible, tbh.
It would be horrible, if it were true. I really doubt it is, and even then it will be fixed soon. Valve isn't perfect, but they're not stupid.
Nah, that's not how it works, gifting's a legit part of trading
According to quite a few complaints on STEAM forums that's what's happening. There was one guy who his friend gifted him a Tower of Hats and he got VAC'd for "scamming". He's currently waiting for customerservice to un VAC him.
The Steam user forums are not a reliable place for information. There are troll posts all the time there, and a lot of out-right liars. I've also seen threads there claiming to have emails from Robin Walker saying that there is no automated ban system, and that all scam reports are handled by humans.