Team Fortress 2
It's awesome, right?
I was playing and, by chance, met up with Shauntron.
Anyone else play it?
Post your info page!
I got a lighter workload this year, so I guess I'll start posting here again.
I was playing and, by chance, met up with Shauntron.
Anyone else play it?
Post your info page!
I got a lighter workload this year, so I guess I'll start posting here again.
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The funny thing is, I haven't played Demoman in months. I just used him a ton when I started out.
However, first with actual (non)hat!
Yeah, I played it a lot. I've backed off on it in the past three months or so. I need to get back into it again.
I think "By chance" he meant "Shaun shot me in the face." That's how we usually "meet" people in TF2.
I'm... not very good.
I, too, am bad! Games!
I spend far too long on that game.
SHAUN [shakes fist] that's me, I think. I'm the 3rd highest britland person on the TTG server.
EDIT: have this too
Someone is 3 scrap metals away from a hat
I've got this hanging up in my office*
*by office I mean a nook next to the kitchen, which I share with Suro.
You mean the 'noob scout gun poster'? :P
I want the Sniper v Spy Poster and the Left 4 Dead ones...
Dude! Awesome corner!
Not kitchen! We said we won't use the K word to make this sound awesome!
Wait: This place doesn't have enough awesome with you guys there? I mean, you wanna to make explode that corner out of awesomeness or what?
I was trying (unsuccessfully) to be less of a failure as a Medic
Car Ramrod?
Also I like being the Doctor
I can talk like a Medic as well!
I play Medic too much!
*fist shake*
Fair enough, friendly trash talk is always a good thing. I'm not too picky, it's just a little off-putting for someone who has played exclusively with team speak for most of the past few years.
Aw, shucks. And additionaly, mwahahaha.
ALSO I like Alltalk. So like. No teamspeaky.
I reset my stats a lot.
Here's mine:
I should really start again, it's a ton of fun and I haven't unlocked any extras on any characters yet (No bias in my site selection, of course
I play L4D2 with a group of friends and the server we use has a mod on it that allows all talk when the round is at an end. I'll ask what one it is the next time I get the chance.
I play medic when no one else will, which is a lot of the time
Oh well xbox version for me.
I love being enginers, spys, and scouts.
The scouts are fun to just use his speed and confuse openets for the kill.
Engineers are always fun when you learn a new spot for your sentry and catch people off guard for the kill(I found tons at dustbowl)
And spys well, dont we all just want to imagine people faces when you backstab them and they didnt even notice you;)
Also my sister just got a new laptop and she said she will give me hers which (hopefuly) is powerful enough to play the game:D:D:D
And of course I'm going to be out of town all weekend so I can't play with the new folks. Darn.
Oh, and if you log in on a Mac, you get an in-game pair of earbuds.