Either it's a reskin or it will be craftable anyways. No need to buy a propably quite horrible game (especially at that price).
I like the promos but not the people that buy stuff only for TF2-items. More games should definitely have promos just so people can show what games they actually like. I do not really care for hats but I wear the bucket & cone from the pvz-promo because I love that game to death and never regretted pre-ordering it 2 years ago. Especially because the promo was done just now 2 years later. More games should do that instead of forcing to buy a game at full price to get TF2-items.
Brace yourselves, folks: The Uber Update comes Thursday. Apparently they're giving us a peek at some of the update's content each day. Check out those mobster weapons.
Also, a new TF2 update, the BttF finale, and the season premiere of Futurama? Thursday is going to be very busy for me.
Brace yourselves, folks: The Uber Update comes Thursday. Apparently they're giving us a peek at some of the update's content each day. Check out those mobster weapons.
Also, a new TF2 update, the BttF finale, and the season premiere of Futurama? Thursday is going to be very busy for me.
Horribly HORRIBLY overpowered stuff was given to the heavy and spy.
The Big Earner? Dead Ringer spies were already annoying and fairly invincible, but this is madness! (Please, no Sparta jokes )
And the Tomislav for Heavy? I'm just glad I main medic and don't have to go head to head with heavy as much as others do.
Though it's nice to see that Meet the Medic is finally coming and we don't just get hats, with no weps.
Argh. The new weaponry should not be judged until they're seen in game. (For example, the Tomislav may not allow you to keep it spun up, meaning that you always have to spin it up to fire with. This may not seem like much of a downside, but in combat that can be a huge difference in the ability of the Heavy to do what he normally does.)
The effects of the Enforcer may affect decloaking time as well, which would hit the Dead Ringer even harder than the other two watches.
Also in general the Dead Ringer is NOT overpowered. I really hate it when I hear people whining about how overpowered the Dead Ringer is, because it isn't. It forces you to get shot at in order to cloak and has an absurdly loud decloaking noise making it difficult to decloak in blind spots, especially against good players. Yes it can allow you to escape situations more easily, but what use is a Spy that runs away all the time?
Argh. The new weaponry should not be judged until they're seen in game. (For example, the Tomislav may not allow you to keep it spun up, meaning that you always have to spin it up to fire with. This may not seem like much of a downside, but in combat that can be a huge difference in the ability of the Heavy to do what he normally does.)
The effects of the Enforcer may affect decloaking time as well, which would hit the Dead Ringer even harder than the other two watches.
Also in general the Dead Ringer is NOT overpowered. I really hate it when I hear people whining about how overpowered the Dead Ringer is, because it isn't. It forces you to get shot at in order to cloak and has an absurdly loud decloaking noise making it difficult to decloak in blind spots, especially against good players. Yes it can allow you to escape situations more easily, but what use is a Spy that runs away all the time?
Didn't say overpowered, said annoying. Annoying as hell.
And the whole "only spun up when firing" thing wasn't in the description of the gun, so why would it be in the game?
And I wasn't even talking about the enforcer, that gun is horrible.
It forces you to get shot
You might be using the Dead Ringer not to it's full potential, it let's you get away if shit gets serious. Before getting into that situation with dead ringer, I usually have time to snap a few kills. It's of course very situational, so I can't be talking about every possible one. If you're in a situation where you're using dead ringer to get shot to get past enemy defense, you might wanna switch your watch.
Seriously though, we're, what, about a 100 active members on the Telltale Games forums? Why can't we band together to make a complete Telltaliance Pack or something? Complete with weapons for all classes, and of course new misc items. All in one theme or whatever.
For example, "Makeshift Weaponry". Weapons that are forged out of ordinary objects.
Or how about "Monochromatical!", where the main colors are black and white.
Oh, and perhaps "Ten Years In The Future", which features weapons based on the '60s.
So far here are my thoughts
Heavy/Spy stuff: I will have to see those in gameplay before my opinion is shown
Sniper:Looks good, no complaints there.
Demo:Yikes. The sword has an interesting concept by being unable to get ammo at all, but then he can heal faster, but looking back at the whole set, a demo would be OP by having
20% immune to fire and explosives
faster charge,
higher health
dont need ammo so the ammo becoming health is bad
better turn
more damage if you ram someone.
So far here are my thoughts
Heavy/Spy stuff: I will have to see those in gameplay before my opinion is shown
Sniper:Looks good, no complaints there.
Demo:Yikes. The sword has an interesting concept by being unable to get ammo at all, but then he can heal faster, but looking back at the whole set, a demo would be OP by having
20% immune to fire and explosives
faster charge,
higher health
dont need ammo so the ammo becoming health is bad
better turn
more damage if you ram someone.
Mo downsides minus no sticky bombs/pipe bombs.
Truthfully, that does appear to be a major downside but yeah I think we should wait to see how the demo weapons are handled by players in the game. Also, I assume this will be OP in Medieval Mode.
Either it's a reskin or it will be craftable anyways. No need to buy a propably quite horrible game (especially at that price).
I like the promos but not the people that buy stuff only for TF2-items. More games should definitely have promos just so people can show what games they actually like. I do not really care for hats but I wear the bucket & cone from the pvz-promo because I love that game to death and never regretted pre-ordering it 2 years ago. Especially because the promo was done just now 2 years later. More games should do that instead of forcing to buy a game at full price to get TF2-items.
Why assume it's a horrible game? Red Faction Guerrilla was quite good.
Let's just say that I personally think these games are horrible.
It's a re-skinned Homewrecker, according to the TF2 Wiki.
Then it's double-useless.
But we do have birds!
Oh wait no it isn't.
Probably a bit late, but 50% of the profits of the DLC were to go to Japan.
But... But... But... It has a unicorn! That poops rainbows!
EDIT: Correction, it farts rainbows.
No really.
Let's be honest, that's a win-win
John Woo Pack Coming Soon?
No fair.
TF2 Wiki Logo has a guest too.
Also, a new TF2 update, the BttF finale, and the season premiere of Futurama? Thursday is going to be very busy for me.
Horribly HORRIBLY overpowered stuff was given to the heavy and spy.
The Big Earner? Dead Ringer spies were already annoying and fairly invincible, but this is madness! (Please, no Sparta jokes
And the Tomislav for Heavy? I'm just glad I main medic and don't have to go head to head with heavy as much as others do.
Though it's nice to see that Meet the Medic is finally coming and we don't just get hats, with no weps.
The effects of the Enforcer may affect decloaking time as well, which would hit the Dead Ringer even harder than the other two watches.
Also in general the Dead Ringer is NOT overpowered. I really hate it when I hear people whining about how overpowered the Dead Ringer is, because it isn't. It forces you to get shot at in order to cloak and has an absurdly loud decloaking noise making it difficult to decloak in blind spots, especially against good players. Yes it can allow you to escape situations more easily, but what use is a Spy that runs away all the time?
Didn't say overpowered, said annoying. Annoying as hell.
And the whole "only spun up when firing" thing wasn't in the description of the gun, so why would it be in the game?
And I wasn't even talking about the enforcer, that gun is horrible.
You might be using the Dead Ringer not to it's full potential, it let's you get away if shit gets serious. Before getting into that situation with dead ringer, I usually have time to snap a few kills. It's of course very situational, so I can't be talking about every possible one. If you're in a situation where you're using dead ringer to get shot to get past enemy defense, you might wanna switch your watch.
For example, "Makeshift Weaponry". Weapons that are forged out of ordinary objects.
Or how about "Monochromatical!", where the main colors are black and white.
Oh, and perhaps "Ten Years In The Future", which features weapons based on the '60s.
About that pack, I doubt that much would be done if EVERYONE participated, too many different opinions. Also, do you have a modeller?
Or are you just want to do it for teh lulz, in theory?
Heavy/Spy stuff: I will have to see those in gameplay before my opinion is shown
Sniper:Looks good, no complaints there.
Demo:Yikes. The sword has an interesting concept by being unable to get ammo at all, but then he can heal faster, but looking back at the whole set, a demo would be OP by having
20% immune to fire and explosives
faster charge,
higher health
dont need ammo so the ammo becoming health is bad
better turn
more damage if you ram someone.
Mo downsides minus no sticky bombs/pipe bombs.
Truthfully, that does appear to be a major downside but yeah I think we should wait to see how the demo weapons are handled by players in the game. Also, I assume this will be OP in Medieval Mode.
Also, after having four Sam and Max-themed items, I can't help but smile at a weapon called The Soda Popper.
First thing that entered my mind.
The Soda Popper was a fan submitted item during the Polycount update. It looked different then the one shown.
Sentry = Screwed.
As if Degroot Keep wasn't dead enough.
Dear lord, craft them all together for a hat!
I honestly wanted to craft a polycount pack hat, but I didn't and just have the metal there. I prefer weapons over hats though.
You fool! It's people like you who are what's wrong with the world. :P
Speaking of, check out my amazing collection of hats here: http://www.tf2items.com/id/slribs
I never tried Degroot Keep but I figured it'd suck due to DemoKnights. Who were already pretty powerful.
Oh boy, is this the part of the thread where we brag about hat collections? Yay!
Check out my backpack: (See Page 3) http://www.tf2items.com/id/TheBlindSniper