That's the problem with TF2, finding a good sever. My last couple of plays I've been very lucky with a server I go on. The people are always friendly and when I play Medic I'm giving a sense a gratitude and structure. Might not be so lucky next time
Team Fortress 2 has been RUNED 4EVA!!11!!one!! for the third time now. Honestly, valve.
Also, the new weapons take 16 weapons to craft. Weapons used to take 16 weapons to craft. The community did not like it. Ergo, valve are doing the same thing expecting a different result. Ergo, valve are insane by the very definition of the word.
I for one welcome the rush of new players. Servers are actually full again and I can actually find one I like that's populated.
Although I can't wait for the "My team lost because of the free to play n00bs" sentiment to die down. Happens every time a free weekend shows up. I mean, the other team probably has new players too unless it was stacked, right? I swear last night RED lost. Guy on RED goes "Ugh, would have won without stupid free to play noobs". Next round, that same RED team wins. Guy on BLU goes "My team full of F2P n00bs" Next round RED loses and the same guy from RED before whines harder about his team. Drives me crazy.
Well I think the biggest problem at the moment is Ping, all of the damn players have +150 latency in most of the servers, it's horrible. Oh, and hackers, but haven't fought trough lag to find those yet.
Today I joined a server, and I was the only one there who has steam... dudewat
Today I went to a server and one guy said he can't wait for the Free weekend to end.
We had fun explaining that to him:D
Other than that I dont think Ive met any F2P people.
Today I went to a server and one guy said he can't wait for the Free weekend to end.
We had fun explaining that to him:D
Other than that I dont think Ive met any F2P people.
That poor sap, he must have been shocked!
I'm sure you've seen the new wave of servers with huge pings, haven't you?
Ehat did you learn about spy in meet the spy? That he bangs scouts mum and backstabs people. Engineer, he is smart and builds big guns. Soldier, he's a goddamn lunatic. Demoman, depressed alcho. Heavy, likes his gun. Scout, fun loving prick. The onlt one where you really learn anything about the character outside of your knowledge in game is the Sniper and his strained relationship with his parents, the videos serve more as a showcase of that class's abilitie rather than giving them a backstory.
as for no engie items, on the facepunch forum you can find a posting from one of the devs, they say engie recieves the fewest item submissions and they haven't gotten anything quiet up to scratch as yet
Actually with Scout you learned a lot about him.(I'll leave this here, but after watching it you were right. I thought that was where they explained where he was from)
With Engie and soldier you didn't learn too much, which is why I disliked them aswell.
Meet the Heavy was the first one, so obviously going to be the most gimped.
Demo you learned a bit but not much.
Also Meet the Spy I'm in the same boat. Good video, bad Meet The.
I know, I guess this one and the last one (Meet the Spy) kind of show that the Meet the Team videos really are Valve practicing before they make the Half-Life movie... oh if you didn't know they kind of said that they where doing that at some point but I can't remember where.
I thought Team Fortress didn't have hackers/cheaters? Was under the impression Valve games had anti-cheat functions.
There is anti-cheat, but with the game free to play there's an opinion that'll people'll just cheat then make a new account when they get banned. Valve say they've technical doodah's in place to counter this. I haven't seen any cheaters as yet anyways
I don't understand what people get out of cheating. Surely games aren't fun without a challenge? That's why I rarely play shooters online, it often feels impossible to get anywhere. The people who do well always seem to have usernames like 'HTZ~_174~SCUT!*'
I don't understand what people get out of cheating. Surely games aren't fun without a challenge?
I'd love to know why people cheat. As far as I can tell it's just a waste of time for everyoe involved. It can't be to get achievements becuase if they get banned all those achievements are lost to them.
I haven't tried playing yet, but when I do, I doubt I'll have a problem with the new guys. I just want to have fun and I usually do whether I'm on the winning side or losing side. As for the meet the medic video, that was quite awesome! I can't wait to see what direction they go with the Pyro vid, but I guess it'll be a long wait for it to happen.
I'd love to know why people cheat. As far as I can tell it's just a waste of time for everyoe involved. It can't be to get achievements becuase if they get banned all those achievements are lost to them.
It's for ruining the game for everyone else. It's as simple as that. They get "high" on that.
Really? I had heard they said they would never do a HL movie. There was talks (more then likely jokes) about a TF2 movie.
Well from where I read they where approached with some offers but they turned them down because they know how bad movie adaption always get the game wrong and end up horrible (plus the bad ideas for the Half-Life movie they got from people from Hollywood) so they wanted to make it themselves. I'm pretty sure I read about it here.
Ok I may or may not have played with a few free players.
So I was testing out my new Soda Popper and Libery Launcher around on 2fort(both good weapons. One shotted a sniper with Soda Popper)
Anyway, I saw a few bad players and they seemed to be vanilla
Namely 2 engineers swarming one set of devices instead of spreading the sentrys(ok they might have done that and one abandoned his machines)
And an enemy engineer who liked the idea of putting a dispencer in our sewers. No teleporter, no sentry. He was just sitting next to his level 3 dispencer, not even thinking of building anything. Then when I killed him and his pyro bodyguard(the pyro was pretty good) he cussed me out:D
Followed by a Spy who
A.Followed me
B.Uncloakes next to me which I could hear
C.Disguised after uncloaking.
So yeah, I got some free kills with my Libery Launcher and a few kills with a Soda Popper. Shame I suck as a Scout:(
My thoughts...
Pre-free: Yay! It's going free! Easy kills!
First Time Playing After Free: I can't get it to run! Dx
Next time: WHY IS MY PING 715?!?!?!
Again: Yay! Easy kills new people!
Again: Too many newbies! Dx
Again: I... Hate... You... Valve...
Apparently, new players can't read the freaking server names. A micspam server I used to frequent this past week has been flooded with people who hate any form of micspam.
All bots
All bots
All bots
High Ping
Crap team that was probably all new people.
Ill give it another try later.
Also, the new weapons take 16 weapons to craft. Weapons used to take 16 weapons to craft. The community did not like it. Ergo, valve are doing the same thing expecting a different result. Ergo, valve are insane by the very definition of the word.
So. Any good servers?
I found an official TF3 trailer!
I'll drink to that. (Tea)
Never got myself to find a serious server with a serious community, I guess the time is now.
Although I can't wait for the "My team lost because of the free to play n00bs" sentiment to die down. Happens every time a free weekend shows up. I mean, the other team probably has new players too unless it was stacked, right? I swear last night RED lost. Guy on RED goes "Ugh, would have won without stupid free to play noobs". Next round, that same RED team wins. Guy on BLU goes "My team full of F2P n00bs" Next round RED loses and the same guy from RED before whines harder about his team. Drives me crazy.
Today I joined a server, and I was the only one there who has steam... dudewat
We had fun explaining that to him:D
Other than that I dont think Ive met any F2P people.
That poor sap, he must have been shocked!
I'm sure you've seen the new wave of servers with huge pings, haven't you?
Also, know any good servers
No and No.
I jump from server to server.
I see what you did there. Glad I abandoned this game months ago.
Actually with Scout you learned a lot about him.(I'll leave this here, but after watching it you were right. I thought that was where they explained where he was from)
With Engie and soldier you didn't learn too much, which is why I disliked them aswell.
Meet the Heavy was the first one, so obviously going to be the most gimped.
Demo you learned a bit but not much.
Also Meet the Spy I'm in the same boat. Good video, bad Meet The.
The Atomizer.
Pretty cool, but you take damage on a third jump.
I know, I guess this one and the last one (Meet the Spy) kind of show that the Meet the Team videos really are Valve practicing before they make the Half-Life movie... oh if you didn't know they kind of said that they where doing that at some point but I can't remember where.
I used to play the original TF, I was a pretty good Spy back then but it's been a long time.
Don't know where all this ping business is coming from
No. That is just people complaining, it happen on every update for no reason.
There is anti-cheat, but with the game free to play there's an opinion that'll people'll just cheat then make a new account when they get banned. Valve say they've technical doodah's in place to counter this. I haven't seen any cheaters as yet anyways
I'd love to know why people cheat. As far as I can tell it's just a waste of time for everyoe involved. It can't be to get achievements becuase if they get banned all those achievements are lost to them.
I haven't tried playing yet, but when I do, I doubt I'll have a problem with the new guys. I just want to have fun and I usually do whether I'm on the winning side or losing side. As for the meet the medic video, that was quite awesome! I can't wait to see what direction they go with the Pyro vid, but I guess it'll be a long wait for it to happen.
So now I have no clue if Im playing with people, or bots.
Even though you were late to the party, you were still the life of it.
Oh, someone already jumped out of the cake on that one? Well good news! More cake!!
The cake is a lie.
(Squee! That never fit so perfectly!)
It's for ruining the game for everyone else. It's as simple as that. They get "high" on that.
Well from where I read they where approached with some offers but they turned them down because they know how bad movie adaption always get the game wrong and end up horrible (plus the bad ideas for the Half-Life movie they got from people from Hollywood) so they wanted to make it themselves. I'm pretty sure I read about it here.
So I was testing out my new Soda Popper and Libery Launcher around on 2fort(both good weapons. One shotted a sniper with Soda Popper)
Anyway, I saw a few bad players and they seemed to be vanilla
Namely 2 engineers swarming one set of devices instead of spreading the sentrys(ok they might have done that and one abandoned his machines)
And an enemy engineer who liked the idea of putting a dispencer in our sewers. No teleporter, no sentry. He was just sitting next to his level 3 dispencer, not even thinking of building anything. Then when I killed him and his pyro bodyguard(the pyro was pretty good) he cussed me out:D
Followed by a Spy who
A.Followed me
B.Uncloakes next to me which I could hear
C.Disguised after uncloaking.
So yeah, I got some free kills with my Libery Launcher and a few kills with a Soda Popper. Shame I suck as a Scout:(
Pre-free: Yay! It's going free! Easy kills!
First Time Playing After Free: I can't get it to run! Dx
Next time: WHY IS MY PING 715?!?!?!
Again: Yay! Easy kills new people!
Again: Too many newbies! Dx
Again: I... Hate... You... Valve...
Heavy: Are you sure this will work?
Valve: Ha! I have no idea!
please tell me the IP of that server so I can put it on my blocked list.
Telltale has a TF2 server?!
What about the Telltalliance server?