I had some guy begging me on a server the other day for my Max hat, offered me all of his normal Hats, and then added the latest batch of weapons on top of that. Took a good while for him to understand "It's not for Trade" as he kept offering more and more things.
Ok. I am in desperate need of a gunslinger. I want to at least test out one of the new engi weapons, but I cant seem to get one to drop/trade for one.
If anyone has a gunslinger, invite me to a steam trade(since it can do TF2 items for TF2 items)
I have a le'tranger, a backscratcher, and some metal I could trade for it.
*NOTE*I am not giving you all of that for the gunslinger, just one
I sometime should trade my vintage lugermorph, it wouldnt affect me too much since I still have a second one from Poker Night and could care less about vintage status.
I decided to try the "Fabricate Class Weapons" blueprint a while ago. Here are the results:
Crafting Demoman Primary Weapon (Going for Sticky Jumper = 25% Chance of getting what I want) Result:
Splendid Screen
Crafting another Demoman Primary Weapon (Going for Sticky Jumper again = 25% Chance of getting what I want) Result:
Scottish Resistance
Crafting Solider Primary Weapon (Going for a Rocket Jumper or Original*, but don't have a Liberty Launcher or Cow Mangler = 33% chance of getting what I want/ 67% chance of getting something I don't have) Result:
Direct Hit
I'm probably not going to try that again.
*This was before there was a recipe for the Original
BTW, how much is the dealer's visor worth nowadays?
Attention All Those Who Seek To Buy My Sam and Max Items:
Quoted, because I am a lazy ass who doesn't want to type it all out, you know, because I'm a lazy ass. Seriously, too much work typing all these words out when I can just quote somebody else, saves me the trouble of actually typing out an entire message.
Also, it's turning Hat Fortress all over again... Why can't we just, you know, trade for things like weapons or something? I still have some duplicate weapons of vintage state.
Ironically, purchasing this would classify you as a premium member, I believe, giving you another 5 pages of Backpack in addition to the regular ones.
it will. If he is not a premium member yet it would be cheaper to buy anything cheaper from the store and get the full inventory by that. The idiotic thing is: you need to use the steam wallet and the minimum amount of money to put into that is 5$ anyways.
BUT you can still pay for anything else in the steam store with the wallet money and if it costs more you can use the money in the wallet and pay only the rest.
Well, I just traded my vintage lugermorph, and max head.
Traded it for Frozen Synapse(note its a 2 pack so I can trade that for another game) sanctum, runespell overture, and portal 2:the final hours.
I'm looking for a the Luggermorph not used on Poker Night at the Invetory, the Dealer Visior, Big Kill, Max's Served Head 9 Name Tags and 9 Description Tags!
Well, I just traded my vintage lugermorph, and max head.
Traded it for Frozen Synapse(note its a 2 pack so I can trade that for another game) sanctum, runespell overture, and portal 2:the final hours.
Might get Bastion with my extra Synapse.
Bad deal, dood. I traded my max head for DXHR Deluxe, NFS Hot Pursuit, HIBs 2, 3, Frozenbyte, and Frozen Synapse, the Genesis Classics pack, and Binding of Isaac to top it all off.
Can't believe I forgot my damn gloves for the photo shoot.
So it did! The costume's looking sweet pea might I add, the mask came out really really well, def my favourite touch!!
I'd personally tinker with painting over those red parts white and black respectively just to keep the whole thing uniform looking. Maybe have a whirl on the other gun to see how the finish comes out, but that's me, and i'm a total tit.
Bad deal, dood. I traded my max head for DXHR Deluxe, NFS Hot Pursuit, HIBs 2, 3, Frozenbyte, and Frozen Synapse, the Genesis Classics pack, and Binding of Isaac to top it all off.
So yeah.
Yeah I probably could have wiped out my steam wishlist and get minecraft with one swoop, but Im not that greedy(gready?) and was tired of people asking for my dang TF2 items.
I'll reinstall and give you my gunslinger.
is my profile
Dont there is steam trading. We can just trade through steam and not TF2 now I believe.
Cool thanks:D
Also Dashing might like this. For Big Kill I got Frozen Synapse.
Wow, you got ripped off.
Sure, it needs a buff, but it looks and sounds amazing.
Crafting Demoman Primary Weapon (Going for Sticky Jumper = 25% Chance of getting what I want) Result:
Crafting another Demoman Primary Weapon (Going for Sticky Jumper again = 25% Chance of getting what I want) Result:
Crafting Solider Primary Weapon (Going for a Rocket Jumper or Original*, but don't have a Liberty Launcher or Cow Mangler = 33% chance of getting what I want/ 67% chance of getting something I don't have) Result:
I'm probably not going to try that again.
*This was before there was a recipe for the Original
BTW, how much is the dealer's visor worth nowadays?
It's possibly because
delete the 2 pages of crates and you should be fine.
I'll take the Max hat off your hands for you! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033234810/
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah not gonna happen.
I'll actually take the whole set to make even more space in your inventory. Guess that will not happen either.
Also have you already bought more space in the MannCo Store?
Buy the backpack extender.
Quoted, because I am a lazy ass who doesn't want to type it all out, you know, because I'm a lazy ass. Seriously, too much work typing all these words out when I can just quote somebody else, saves me the trouble of actually typing out an entire message.
Also, it's turning Hat Fortress all over again... Why can't we just, you know, trade for things like weapons or something? I still have some duplicate weapons of vintage state.
How much?
Ironically, purchasing this would classify you as a premium member, I believe, giving you another 5 pages of Backpack in addition to the regular ones.
Play the game today to get a Party Hat and Noisemaker!
it will. If he is not a premium member yet it would be cheaper to buy anything cheaper from the store and get the full inventory by that. The idiotic thing is: you need to use the steam wallet and the minimum amount of money to put into that is 5$ anyways.
BUT you can still pay for anything else in the steam store with the wallet money and if it costs more you can use the money in the wallet and pay only the rest.
It wouldn't look like this if it was.
Team Fortress. Not Team Fortress 2.
Here's what I have to work with (because the con staff can't give me shit over a Nerf gun):
So here's my question. Should I put the black cylinder in the white gun, or should I leave them as they are?
Cheri spends all her money on virtual hats and subsequent accessories: The Movie
Traded it for Frozen Synapse(note its a 2 pack so I can trade that for another game) sanctum, runespell overture, and portal 2:the final hours.
Might get Bastion with my extra Synapse.
Bad deal, dood. I traded my max head for DXHR Deluxe, NFS Hot Pursuit, HIBs 2, 3, Frozenbyte, and Frozen Synapse, the Genesis Classics pack, and Binding of Isaac to top it all off.
So yeah.
Swap em about def. You'll get a whole colour scheme going on
Can't believe I forgot my damn gloves for the photo shoot.
So it did! The costume's looking sweet pea might I add, the mask came out really really well, def my favourite touch!!
I'd personally tinker with painting over those red parts white and black respectively just to keep the whole thing uniform looking. Maybe have a whirl on the other gun to see how the finish comes out, but that's me, and i'm a total tit.
Win. If this website had a rep system, Id give some to you.