This one's mine. Didn't make the wallpaper, though. And I'm anal about keeping my desktop and all my screens neat- I use text-to-speech and its just easier to find stuff when it's organized. Holmes directory is for games and school, Watson is for art, music, and photographs.
This one's mine. Didn't make the wallpaper, though. And I'm anal about keeping my desktop and all my screens neat- I use text-to-speech and its just easier to find stuff when it's organized. Holmes directory is for games and school, Watson is for art, music, and photographs.
Here's mine. I have to stress that the drawing was done by a far more talented friend of mine and features my Commander Shepard with Mordin Solus -both from Mass Effect 2- in a tribute that should be p. obvious:
Here's mine. I have to stress that the drawing was done by a far more talented friend of mine and features my Commander Shepard with Mordin Solus -both from Mass Effect 2- in a tribute that should be p. obvious:
I agree. Thanks for ending the thread, jerk.
From the Sam and Max blog.
My screen for the week, also, the cleanest it's ever been.
... Which is why I left it on when I first got this laptop until I got a better wallpaper.
Eh, I had that (w/ white bg and centered), but it looked just a tad too bare, so I cooked up the rest in PhotoShop and set as desktop.
Kino's Journey. Nice.
Attachment not found.
It's not Christmassy, but I like it!
Oh God Yes
I got a new wallpaper - a cropped version of this...
This is the wallpaper I'm using now.
My Recycle Bin is "Gitmo"... Sometimes I go in there with a bucket a water to make sure IE doesn't get any ideas.
A. Come up with some supre special awesome desktop and
B. Name recycle bin "Hell"
Diablo II
Might I make a bold guess and venture that you are a geek?
(resized for your convenience)
*Hums song of healing backwards*
Just kidding, this is my current desktop
PS: I dare you to see the photo's name