Funniest Moment ep. 2 (spoilers, goes without saying actually)



  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, I love Jurgen, definetly went up the list of favourites after this episode.
    Same here, though he was already pretty high on the list for me.
  • edited May 2010
    Nefertina: I already have a sweet honey

    Maximus: I feel happy for all of us

    Moleman: you aren't really her type

    Maximus: SWEET RELIEFE!!!!
  • edited May 2010
    Jurgen makes another Twilight reference.

  • edited May 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    "Why can't we all just get along, Sameth?"
    "Because most of us are assholes, little buddy."

    The clown-horn bleeping made it for me for that line. My humour is too juvenile.

    This one for me too.

    And everything else in this thread is true as well.

    edit: I was gonne guess Jurgen as a return character, I dunno why, maybe it was just wishful thinking... I shoulda said something...
  • edited May 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Jurgen makes another Twilight reference.


    Wait, what was the first one? The only Twilight reference I caught was
    what he says after you turn him into a vampire
  • edited May 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    "Why can't we all just get along, Sameth?"
    "Because most of us are assholes, little buddy."

    The clown-horn bleeping made it for me for that line. My humour is too juvenile.

    Ditto on this one plus:

    "There a lunatic car?"

    That look of pure excitement is just wonderful.
  • edited May 2010
    It's not really that funny in itself, but the steinbeck reference ("tell me about the rabbits, georges !") made me laugh pretty hard, even if it's just because i love that book.
  • edited May 2010
    This doesn't apply to episode 2, but I feel I've got to say it. I absolutely love it any time someone calls Max "Harvey".
  • edited May 2010
    This doesn't apply to episode 2, but I feel I've got to say it. I absolutely love it any time someone calls Max "Harvey".

  • edited May 2010
    Another vote for the adventure game joke, was a moment of pure brilliance.
  • edited May 2010
    See my sig v
  • edited May 2010
    Loved the Point-and-Click adventure game suggestion thing too, but my favourite two bits were:
    1) Max trying to impress the molewoman with a cucumber joke and she doesn't find it funny.
    2) "Watch your step." Amelia goes flying. "Well that was anticlimactic for a final boss battle."
  • edited May 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    Wait, what was the first one? The only Twilight reference I caught was
    what he says after you turn him into a vampire

    I meant more like, he did one or two in Night of the Raving Dead.
  • edited May 2010
    My personal favorite jokes are the ones where the 4th wall is broken completely:

    Sam: Well, do you think that this is important?
    Max: It IS selectable, isn't it?

    That had me busing up laughing. As well as the Adventure Games comments from earlier.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    Although not being the greatest "narrator" fan, kudos to:


    That's a line!
  • edited May 2010
    I had a really good chuckle when you "stall for time", and Maximus says:

    "Omkay Onimina- *cough cough* second hand smoke....*

    The Point & Click one was priceless. The lines were awesome, especially...
    Nefertiti: "Do you want me sick my ASP on you?"
    Maximus: "NO, NO GOD PLEASE, NO!"

    I also vote Jurgen in as a modern villian, as long as he's the vampire from 302, not 203. That whiny annoying
    emo thing got on my nerves in 203.
  • edited May 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    I had a really good chuckle when you "stall for time", and Maximus says:

    "Omkay Onimina- *cough cough* second hand smoke....*

    The Point & Click one was priceless. The lines were awesome, especially...
    Nefertiti: "Do you want me sick my ASP on you?"
    Maximus: "NO, NO GOD PLEASE, NO!"

    I also vote Jurgen in as a modern villian, as long as he's the vampire from 302, not 203. That whiny annoying
    emo thing got on my nerves in 203.

    He he I just now realized that if you reverse 302, the episode that gave jurgeon a backstory, you get 203, the first episod he appeared in.
    Also what twilight references did he make in 203. I noticed and laughed at 302.
  • edited May 2010
    Samus: "Stay vague."
    Guardian Moleman: "Eh?"

    Samus: "Hi there."
    (Girl Moleman goes flying across the room.)

    Jurgen: "Ahh, Don't Bite Me, Don't Bite Me."

    Samus: "Who is the least likely suspect?
    Maximus: "Uhhh...." "Harry Houdini?" "Helen Keller?" "William Howard Taft?" "Queen Victoria?"

    Samus: "Its a glass, made of glass."
    Samus: "Glass of air?...Guess not."

    Kringle: "Come out of there, or I'll shoot!"
    Samus: "If we come out, you'll shoot anyway."
    Kringle: "What's your point?"

    And Kringle's falling down Rant in Reel 1. Hilarious.
  • edited May 2010
    I have a......... different sense of humor, so I give anything that Max(imus) says a little chuckle, even if it's not Laugh out loud material. I dont exactly remember the words, but My favorite was when Sam is looking at Jurgen's items in his cabin.....

    Sam: Methinks someone has a Vampire-phobia.
    Max: Don't ever say "methinks", Sammeth.
  • edited May 2010
    I love when you choose 'misunderstanding' when Papier Waite asked you how you got the stolen toybox back. I spent the whole day laughing.
  • edited May 2010
    Maximus: It was a Deus Ex Machina
    Papierwaite: A god of the Machine?
    Maximus: oh THAT'S what that means?
  • edited May 2010
    Jurgen: You clearly know nothing about the teenage girls! She thinks I'm even more tragically sexy than before!
  • edited May 2010
    Oh, and when Sameth examines Maximus when he's a cow on the train. Actually, I find most lines Sameth says when interacting with Cow Max to be comic genius.
  • edited May 2010
    I have a......... different sense of humor, so I give anything that Max(imus) says a little chuckle, even if it's not Laugh out loud material.

    Haha, you're not alone with this! I can easily laugh at even the simpliest things, even if they're not meant to be among the funniest.

    Oftentimes I find jokes leaning on character expressions and timing funnier, than those with funny words or lines. :D

    So yeah, I could be easily amused. I've always loved how in some of the conversations the characters change their expression to something else and keep it that way until you choose to speak another line with them. :D (happened in Season 2 too, so it's not anything new. But still! )
  • edited May 2010
    Kringle: Are you the train police?
    Max: No, we're the untrained police.
  • edited May 2010
    *talking to Slushie
    Sam: Kringle wants to see you
    Slushie: OK, don't want to keep the boss waiting
    *Comes back
    Sam: What did Kringle want
    Slushie: what? Oh, I um... I never made it to his room
    *burps up blood

    and he's smiling the whole time. Creeped me out, and made me laugh so hard.

    Sam: It looks like you've got your asp, little buddy
    Max: And it's a BIG one!
  • edited May 2010
    The Credits make me laugh:

    Sam: David Nowlin
    Sameth: David Nowlin
    Max: William Kasten
    Maximus: William Kasten

    Me: Whoa! I would never figure out that! XD
  • edited May 2010
    After Being transformed back from a cow

    Sameth: Say something little buddy
    Maximus: Moo
  • edited May 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    The Credits make me laugh:

    Sam: David Nowlin
    Sameth: David Nowlin
    Max: William Kasten
    Maximus: William Kasten

    Me: Whoa! I would never figure out that! XD

    Don't forget...

    Jurgen: William Kasten
    Vampire Jurgen: William Kasten

    Oh yeah, and here is another...

    Samus: "As a responsible adult..."
    Samus: (Brief pause) "As a responsible adult, I..."

    Wow, frankly there are so many good lines in this game, its really hard to keep track of them all. (Then again, thats one of the things I love about Sam & Max, its one comedic hit after another.)
  • edited May 2010

    Samus: "As a responsible adult..."
    Samus: (Brief pause) "As a responsible adult, I..."

    Telltale and Nintendo team up for the epic cross-over game "Samus and Maximus: Bad Day on Zebes"
    "How many elves you got in there?"
    "At last count? A hundred and fifty three, point five."
    "Point five?"
    "Gary the third level paladin is only half-elf."

    Loved this part. Was the name Gary a Gary Gygax reference too?

    Also, I can't stop saying Fut Snek Skwigl Skwigl Burd. It's addicting.
  • edited May 2010
    Nagaoka wrote: »
    Telltale and Nintendo team up
    And get all the good stuff censored just to fulfill their family-friedly seal? No way! :eek:
  • edited May 2010
    the adventure game one of course, but there was also something about "use bust with cow?"
  • edited May 2010
    It's okay. I feel like I got more of a kick out of that joke than I should have, too. :p

    Heck, I outright abused the psychic ventriloquism on Sameth. Pretty much everything Maximus made him say was golden.
    Could someone list the jokes you can get out of using ventriloquism on Sameth and how to get them? People keep mentioning them but I can't find any other one than "For my next trick I'll need a volunteer from the audience.".
  • edited May 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    Could someone list the jokes you can get out of using ventriloquism on Sameth and how to get them? People keep mentioning them but I can't find any other one than "For my next trick I'll need a volunteer from the audience.".

    Just keep do it on Sameth. Eventually, you will get another.

    "Don't believe the moustache is real? Come on! Give it a tug!"
  • edited May 2010
    I think it also depends on the location which one you get. For instance, you'll get a different joke if you use it on Sameth in the train than in the tomb.
  • edited May 2010
    Far I know, the bean one appear in the Cart of the Molemen and Jürgen. Everyone else, everywhere.
  • edited May 2010
    "How many elves you got in there?"
    "At last count? A hundred and fifty three, point five."
    "Point five?"
    "Gary the third level paladin is only half-elf."

    That, and the limerick Sam delivers the first time he tries to read the inscription in the tomb.
  • edited May 2010
    Seeing Jurgen again is always a nice treat and the fact he was so deathly afraid of being turned into a vampire is hilarious

    Also Maximus getting turned into a cow and Sameth's reaction (brillaint and funny acting) and all the fun times with that ventriloquist doll :D
  • edited May 2010
    Finally, I'm not the only one with an animated avatar!
  • edited May 2010
    Kringle: ... I'll have you confined to the lunatic car!
    Maximus: (beams up) There's a lunatic car?
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