My big announcement for today: I'M GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL!
I just got an email that informed me of my acceptance into the UCLA biochemistry PhD program!
So, yup. In about five years we'll have to go and change my screen name to "Dr. Alcoremortis".
Now, I need to go come up with a way to celebrate.
UCLA? You won't be too far! Let me know when you move down south so we can have a right proper party! I actually happen to have a spare monocle that's all yours should you like.
For the first time ever, I played a game in 3D (Halo 3D at my friend's house). As much as 3D sucks on a movie (Avatar), playing a game in 3D is amazing.
For the first time ever, I played a game in 3D (Halo 3D at my friend's house). As much as 3D sucks on a movie (Avatar), playing a game in 3D is amazing.
UCLA? You won't be too far! Let me know when you move down south so we can have a right proper party! I actually happen to have a spare monocle that's all yours should you like.
Well, I've got three more schools yet to hear back from, so I'm not sure that I'm going to go there yet. They happen to be the first I heard back from because they do this rolling admissions thing while the other schools wait for every recruitment weekend to finish before making any decisions. But I'm just really happy that I have somewhere to go.
Though on another note, my parents do live down south, so my grad school destination does not preclude celebratory gatherings. And three of the four schools I interviewed at are in Southern California.
At least you keep it short when it's not interesting. We read it. There have been a couple rather uninteresting rants around which I've read as "not interesting, blah, blah, blah, and ...stop reading". Hey, I'm being honest here.
umm... I don't understand what you're trying to say, but I fixed it anyway.
Oh, Ha. Ha.
*slow clap*
In all seriousness, I'm curious because sometimes I wonder if I should just abandon this management degree altogether and work on more creative pursuits.
(So much art, music, and video game stuff I want to do, but can't seem to ever be able to focus on it. I think what I need, ironically, is more isolation.
To find the time and environment, where I can really explore and develop the ideas that linger in the back of my head. The social pressures that have been placed upon myself now that I am an adult are hard to cope with. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic, but I remember some lunchtimes at school, I would just sit somewhere quiet in the library with a pencil and a pad of paper, and just do whatever came into my head.
Words, drawings, designs, ideas.
When I was working on that Game Maker game, I had a real drive to work on it, but now? I don't even attempt to start work on any idea I come up with. It just gets cast aside in a little pile in the back of the mind. The dust occasionally brushed off a few sheets of paper to read, reflect and improve upon when I'm bored at work, or when I have nothing else to do on the long bus journeys)
At least you keep it short when it's not interesting. We read it. There have been a couple rather uninteresting rants around which I've read as "not interesting, blah, blah, blah, and ...stop reading". Hey, I'm being honest here.
HAHA! Yeah... Thanks for the honesty. I do tend to drag on a little bit, but then thats what I'm like.
Its just in my nature, my personality. I can be a bit of a showman with refinement, but a boring ol' codger without it.
Mr. Monologue. Thats what they should call me. Shakespeare's bitch.
I'll take you on a long fantastical journey of wordplay and wit, but the toll fee is too steep for most reasonable men.
[FONT="]Welcome to TTG is Coolsome. Now for those of you who don't know me, I am Sam Coolsome, and most importantly, the most charismatic showman to ever enter your living rooms via laptop sceen! [/FONT][FONT="]
Basically I'm back.
Yay, coolsome's back! What's that? Everyone knows cos he came back pages ago? Ah...
As far as your education goes, I wouldn't alter any career paths because of what anyone here says. Dude, it's your life. If you don't feel comfortable with it, you wont be happy pursuing it. If you enjoy it and want to do it, screw what people here say.
As far as your education goes, I wouldn't alter any career paths because of what anyone here says. Dude, it's your life. If you don't feel comfortable with it, you wont be happy pursuing it. If you enjoy it and want to do it, screw what people here say.
Thats what I like about you dude. Straight to the point.
Besides, I'm pretty sure everyone by now knows I'm just monologue-ing and baiting responses.
I'm far too independantly minded to let someone's opinion overwrite mine.
(though some aspects may be intergrated...)
I just can't help but type sometimes. Leave me alone in a quiet and bare room with a laptop, and I get like this.
Its not a bad thing, some self-reflection is good. But the likkle drama queen in me can't help but practice her lines loudly, and coyly blush when someone enters the room.
Seriously, I just don't like them. They are fine as kittens, but they just grow into the annoying little creatures and then annoy the crap out of you. We only have one because... well mice are common where I live, and no one wants to deal with them.
"We don't take kindly to people who don't take kindly to cats 'round here!"
Names to run away from really fast.
I think that might work Doc.
(I mean, you could turn the handle upside down and pretend its a wooden crowbar)
I believe there already is one somewhere.
Congratulations! We should have a hangout tonight with top hats, monocles, and fizzy drinks.
UCLA? You won't be too far! Let me know when you move down south so we can have a right proper party! I actually happen to have a spare monocle that's all yours should you like.
The 3Ds is waiting.
I am in favor of this. I don't know if any of you are, though.
By the way, have any of you ever had one of those days where you feel like you just can't do anything? Because I'm having one of those days.
Welcome to higher academia! I'm popping my champagne bottles, adjust my monocle and smoking a cigar from my theater seat.
1. Congratulations!
2. Just wait 'til you see what you got yourself into . . . .
Well, I've got three more schools yet to hear back from, so I'm not sure that I'm going to go there yet. They happen to be the first I heard back from because they do this rolling admissions thing while the other schools wait for every recruitment weekend to finish before making any decisions. But I'm just really happy that I have somewhere to go.
Though on another note, my parents do live down south, so my grad school destination does not preclude celebratory gatherings. And three of the four schools I interviewed at are in Southern California.
Indeed. This must occur. At least I have a fizzy drink, so I've got one of the three covered. And Comrade Mortis has a monocle...
I have a fedora, some waistcoats, and a pair of perscription steampunk goggles. Does this count for anything?
I think I can come up with some sort of fizzy drink, and I've got a top hat sandwiched between a bowler and a boater. No monocle, though.
Still got a waistcoat though!
But I like you and think you are cool. Plus you're a fantastic illustrator.
That counts for frickin' awesome!
And you're my only source of Portland restaurant news!
Besides, you gotta at least stick around until the Telltale Forums migrate on Monday, or you'll be forever in suspense!
I like you, I just keep missing you when you're online and you keep texting me to talk when I'm not home.
(Not sure who my dad said is at fault, but I know its because he cancelled his AOL. I think someone in AOL didn't like it very much...)
Should get sorted eventually though. Its just paperwork after all...
EDIT: Saving all my old emails and moving my email account over to a neutral provider.
Somebody needs to edit the first few seconds of this next clip as a response to The Lorax advertisements.
(Or at the very least. Well written and coherent.)
...zzzz....what... oh.
umm... I don't understand what you're trying to say, but I fixed it anyway.
Oh, Ha. Ha.
*slow clap*
In all seriousness, I'm curious because sometimes I wonder if I should just abandon this management degree altogether and work on more creative pursuits.
(So much art, music, and video game stuff I want to do, but can't seem to ever be able to focus on it. I think what I need, ironically, is more isolation.
To find the time and environment, where I can really explore and develop the ideas that linger in the back of my head. The social pressures that have been placed upon myself now that I am an adult are hard to cope with. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic, but I remember some lunchtimes at school, I would just sit somewhere quiet in the library with a pencil and a pad of paper, and just do whatever came into my head.
Words, drawings, designs, ideas.
When I was working on that Game Maker game, I had a real drive to work on it, but now? I don't even attempt to start work on any idea I come up with. It just gets cast aside in a little pile in the back of the mind. The dust occasionally brushed off a few sheets of paper to read, reflect and improve upon when I'm bored at work, or when I have nothing else to do on the long bus journeys)
Its just in my nature, my personality. I can be a bit of a showman with refinement, but a boring ol' codger without it.
Mr. Monologue. Thats what they should call me. Shakespeare's bitch.
I'll take you on a long fantastical journey of wordplay and wit, but the toll fee is too steep for most reasonable men.
Yay, coolsome's back! What's that? Everyone knows cos he came back pages ago? Ah...
I personally think he's quite funny....
Thats what I like about you dude. Straight to the point.
Besides, I'm pretty sure everyone by now knows I'm just monologue-ing and baiting responses.
I'm far too independantly minded to let someone's opinion overwrite mine.
(though some aspects may be intergrated...)
I just can't help but type sometimes. Leave me alone in a quiet and bare room with a laptop, and I get like this.
Its not a bad thing, some self-reflection is good. But the likkle drama queen in me can't help but practice her lines loudly, and coyly blush when someone enters the room.
Lister: "Rimmer, people who say 'ha, ha' have no sense of humour, they can't think of a witty retort."
Rimmer: (pause) "Oh, Ha. Ha.!"
"We don't take kindly to people who don't take kindly to cats 'round here!"